AB stract
Carles Tuca Vancells
Most Representative Works & Projects.
By Carles Tuca Vancells
Most Representative works & projects.
e-mail: carlestuca@gmail.com skype username: carlestukus phone number: +34 636 11 23 24 This is a summary of my most representative works as a student and as a young architect. A conceptual display of 10 projects with the purpose of exposing my reflections about the world where we are living from the anthropologic, special, formal and creative point of view that architecture may provide. The projects are located in a variety of different scenarios, examples of the relationship between human beings with ourselves and with our environment and its reciprocal and
constant transformation. They talk about the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the contemporary metropolis (as an alternative to the urban sprawl), about spaces of a high complexity where economic, cultural and “biospherical” dynamics, don’t seem, a priori, to achieve a meeting point, about the disappearance of the city limits and the unstoppable demystification of wild nature and landscape colonization.
8 de Març & Isidre Nonell squares
The Palm’s cross
Calzarello tower
8 de Març & Isidre Nonell squares
Lagoon urban park
Debarge house
Cultural centre Collective housing Gliding spot + Refuge
Xarxa delicada
paths. The plot and the square shelter three and two uses, respectively. There horizontal systems the proposal. The and first system In the south of are the two plot overall is placed the activity fringeinwith a playground small is the surface itself, divided usage strips. Thecentres secondthere one are terrace that today belongs to aby small cafe. In both arethe tworecuperated sojourn medieval and which the square shelter three and two uses,byrespectively. areas thatpaths. workThe as aplot sponge absorb the tensions produced façade In the south of north, the plot is placed theconnected activity fringe with a playground plains’ distortion. In the the strips are to the façade activity. Inand thesmall terrace that today to a small In both centres entrance. there are two sojourn plot, it totally surrenders to belongs the aqueduct and cafe. the new equipment In the other, areas as a sponge which absorb the tensions produced by façade it is related to athat Thaiwork restaurant. plains’ distortion. In the north, the strips are connected to the façade activity. In the plot, it totally surrenders to the aqueduct and the new equipment entrance. In the other, it is related to a Thai restaurant.
Historic Path
8 de Març & Isidre Nonell squares
There are two overall horizontal systems in the proposal. The first system is the h surface itself, divided by usage strips. The second one are the recuperated medieval Historic Pat Façade Activity Esponge Façade paths. The plot and the square shelter three and two uses, respectively. Activity Circulation In the south of the plot is placed the activity fringe with playground and small Espoange Façade Activity terrace that today belongs to a small cafe. In both centres theredare two sojourn roun Activity Esponge Façade areas that work as a sponge which absorb the tensionsPlayg produced by façade Circulation ationnge activity. In the plains’ distortion. In the north, the strips are connected to Circul the Espo façade plot, it totally surrenders to the aqueduct and the new equipment round In the other, Playgentrance. it is related to a Thai restaurant. There are two overall horizontal systems in the proposal. The first system There is the are two overall horizontal systems in the proposal. The first system is the Circulation surface itself, divided by usage strips. The second one are the recuperated surface medieval itself, divided by usage strips. The second one are the recuperated medieval paths. The plot and the square shelter three and two uses, respectively. paths. The plot and the square shelter three and two uses, respectively. In the south of the plot is placed the activity fringe with a playground and In the small south of the plot is placed the activity fringe with a playground and small Historic Path terrace that today belongs to a small cafe. In both centres there are twoterrace sojournthat today belongs to a small cafe. In both centres there are two sojourn areas that work as a sponge which absorb the tensions produced by façade areas that work as a sponge which absorb the tensions produced by façade plains’ distortion. In the north, the strips are connected to the façade activity. plains’ In distortion. the In the north, the strips are connected to the façade activity. In the zontal systems in the proposal. The first system is the Façade Activity systems in the proposal. systemand is the plot, it totally surrenders toThe the first aqueduct the new equipment entrance. plot, itIntotally the other, surrenders to the aqueduct and the new equipment entrance. In the other, sage strips. The second one are the recuperated medievalThere are two overall horizontal Esponge Façade Activity surface itself, divided by usageitstrips. The to second are the recuperated medieval is related a Thaione restaurant. it is related to a Thai restaurant. uare shelter three and two uses, respectively. Circulation nge Espo paths. The plot and the square shelter three and two uses, respectively. placed the activity fringe with a playground and small h Pat ic In the south of the plot is placed the activity fringe with a playground and small tor His h round s to a small cafe. In both centres there are two sojourn ic PatPlayg tor His terrace that today belongs to a small cafe. In both centres there are two sojourn ge which absorb the tensions produced by façade Circulation orth, the strips are connected to the façade activity. In theareas that work as a sponge which absorb the tensions produced by façade Façade Activity o the aqueduct and the new equipment entrance. In the plains’ other, distortion. In the north, the strips are connected to the façade activity. In the Façade Activity e ong Esp Activity plot, ithorizontal totally surrenders and first the new equipment In the other, There are two overall systemsto in the the aqueduct proposal. The system is the entrance.Façade urant. Esponge Circulation Façade Activity it is related to a Thai restaurant. Esponge surface itself, divided by usage strips. The second one are the recuperated medieval Circulation nge Espo There are two overall horizontal systems in the proposal. The first system is the There are two overall horizontal systems in the proposal. The first system is the paths. The plot and the square shelter three and two uses, respectively. Playground surface itself, divided by usage strips. The second one are the recuperated medieval surface itself, divided by dusage hstrips. The second one are the recuperated medieval In the south of the plot is placed the activity fringe with a playground and small Playgroun Pat ation toric Circul paths. The plot and the square shelter three and two uses, respectively. paths. The plot andCircul theHissquare terrace that today belongs to a small cafe. In both centres there are two sojourn ation shelter three and two uses, respectively. In the south of the plot is placed the activity fringe with a playground and small areas that work as a sponge which absorb the tensions produced by façade In the south of the plot is placed the activity fringe with a playground and small Historic Path terrace terrace that today belongs to a small cafe. In both centres there are two sojourn plains’ distortion. In the north, the strips are connected to the façade activity. In the that today belongs to a small cafe. In both centres there are two sojourn Façade Activity that work as a sponge which absorb the tensions produced by façade areas that work as a sponge which absorb the tensions plot, it totally surrenders to the aqueduct and the new equipment entrance. Inareas the other, Espongeproduced by façade Façade Activity plains’ distortion. In the north, the strips are connected to the façade activity. In the plains’ distortion. In the north, the strips are connected it is related to a Thai restaurant. ion the façade activity. In the Circulatto nge and every strip have their own pavement. medieval Espo plot, it totally surrenders to the aqueduct and the new equipment entrance. In the other, plot, it totally surrenders Every to thesystem aqueduct and the new equipment entrance. The In the other, Façade path is reproduced by a yellow sandy stone. Red asphalt is Activity extended it is related to a Thai restaurant. itPlayg is related round to a Thai restaurant.
at Projetcs and Works Dep. (Barcelona City Council) Team: Mariona Nubials / Carles Tuca / Eduard Valencoso Location: Barcelona (Central Old town), Barcelona, Spain Butget: ± 270 000 eur
(2010 - 2011) 41 23 07 N / 02 10 28 E
The central district is a high density the beginning of 2010 the neighbours’Façade Activi Espong area in which public space and their organization began negotiations with Playg C uses are very bad distributed. The the city council to bring back the space site consists of a plot of 750 m2 and to the neighbourhood’s everyday life. a square of 550 m2 linked together They didn’t want to be the tourists and by a very narrow street. Both the global brand shops rubbish bin any plot and the square appeared after more. The administration promised the demolition of two XVIII th century them they would have the space F residential buildings. This area became back in a year term. The presence of all over the most static areas, while soft pavements such Espo as rubber nge gravel Circulation granitic sand are used on the strip playground and on the square centre. Every system and every have their own pavement. Thethe medieval the aqueduct attracted attention a backside of the tourist, businessand and rounisdextended The ramp path in front of the aqueduct is covered with a wiped out stone called is reproduced by a yellow sandy stone. Red Playg asphalt ation “Montjuic”,allvery instatic historical the city. such overcommon the most areas,buildings while softofpavements rubber gravel Circulas of the City History Museum and the commercial activity of the city centre. and granitic sand are used on the playground and on the square centre. ramp in front of the aqueduct is covered with a wiped out stone called Urbanism Central Department. Particularly, both spaces turned intoThe “Montjuic”, very common in historical buildings of the city. a 200-300 Playground motorbikes parking lot. By (It continues on the next page) Historic Construction Plural Projection Accessibility
Floor Plan 1/200
Historic Construction Leisure Activity
Floor Plan 1/200
Playground Motorbike Parking
Sojourn & Panoramic
Sojourn & Panoramic Accessibility Playground
Plural Projection Historic Construction
Leisure Activity
Motorbike Parking
Press & Publications Leisure Activity
Project Hot_spots Motorbike Parking
Sojourn & Panoramic
Electric Motorbike Parking
Public Events Sojourn & Panoramic
Tourist Spot Electric Motorbike Parking
Historic Construction
Floor Plan 1/200 Leisure Activity Sojourn & Panoramic
Playground Motorbike Parking Electric Motorbike Parking
Sojourn & Panoramic Every system and every strip have their own pavement. The medieval path is reproduced by a yellow sandy stone. Red asphalt is extended all over the most static areas, while soft pavements such as rubber gravel Construction Playgroundand granitic sand are used onHistoric Playground Pluraland Projection the playground on the square centre. The ramp in front of the aqueduct is covered with a wiped out stone called “Montjuic”, very common in historical buildings of the city. Leisure Activity Press & Publications
Every system and every strip have their own pavement. The medieval pathElectric is reproduced by a yellow sandy stone. Red asphalt extended Public Events Sojourn & is Panoramic Motorbike Parking all over the most static areas, while soft pavements such as rubber gravel Plural Projection Accessibility and granitic sand are used on the playground and on the square centre. The ramp in front of the aqueduct is covered with a wiped out stone called “Montjuic”, very common in historical buildings of the city.
Historic Construction Floor Plan 1/200
Floor Plan 1/200
all over the most static areas, while soft pavements such as rubber gravel and granitic sand are used on the playground and on the square centre. ramp in front of the aqueduct isTourist covered with Motorbike a wiped outParking stone called Leisure Activity PublicThe Events Spot “Montjuic”, very common in historical buildings of the city.
Motorbike Parking
Leisure Activity
path is reproduced by aConstruction yellow sandy stone.Hot_spots Red asphalt is extended Historic Playground Public Events Press & Publications Tourist Spot Project
Electric Motorbike Parking
Every system and every strip have their own pavement. The medieval path is reproduced by a yellow sandy stone. Red asphalt is extended all over the most static areas, while soft pavements such as rubber gravel and granitic sand are used on the playground and on the square centre. Historic Floor Plan 1/200 Construction The ramp in front of the aqueduct is covered with a wiped out stone called “Montjuic”, very common in historical buildings of the city.
Floor Plan 1/200
Accessibility Project Hot_spots
Every system and every strip have their own pavement. The medieval
Plural Projection Press & Publications
Floor Plan 1/200 MotorbikeParking Parking Electric Motorbike
Activity Sojourn &Leisure Panoramic
Public Events
Construction Floor Plan 1/200 N Historic Press & Publications
Electric Motorbike Parking Accessibility
Motorbike Parking Project Hot_spots Electric Motorbike Parking Tourist Spot
Every system and every strip have their own p path is reproduced by a yellow sandy stone. R all over the most static areas, while soft pavem and granitic sand are used on the playground Project Hot_spotsThe ramp in front of the aqueduct is covered w “Montjuic”, very common in historical building
Press & Publications
Plural Projection
Tourist Spot Accessibility Playground Project Hot_spots
Historic Construction Plural Projection
Leisure Activity Public Events
Motorbike Parking Tourist Spot
Leisure Activity Press & Publications
Sojourn & Panoramic
Electric Motorbike Parking
Public Events Sojourn & Panoramic
XIX th c.Demolished buildings Roman aqueduct Ancient medieval streets Hung gardens
8 de Març square 04
Eve path all o and The “Mo
AB stract | by Carles Tuca Vancells | Pubilic Space | 1/10
8 de Març & Isidre Nonell squares
osal. The first system is the Historic Path e are the recuperated medieval uses, respectively. ith a playground and small Façade Activity ntres there are two sojourn Esponge e Activity ns produced by façade There are two overall horizontal systems Circulation in the proposal. The first system is the nge Espoto the façade activity. ed the divided by usage strips. The second one are the recuperated medieval surfaceInitself, wPlayg equipment theplot other, paths.In The and the square shelter three and two uses, respectively. round entrance. Façade Activity In the south of the plot is placed the activity fringe with a playground and small Circulation Esponge terrace that today belongs to a small cafe. In both centres there are two sojourn Playground areas that work as a sponge which absorb the tensions produced by façade plains’ distortion. In the north, the strips are connected to the façade activity. In the Circulation There are two overall systems in to thethe proposal. Theand firstthe system is the plot,horizontal it totally surrenders aqueduct new equipment entrance. In the other, surface itself, divided usagetostrips. second one are the recuperated medieval it is by related a ThaiThe restaurant. paths. The plot and the square shelter three and two uses, respectively. n the south of the plot is placed the activity fringe with a playground and small errace that today belongs to a small cafe. In both centres there are two sojourn areas that work as a sponge which absorb the tensions produced by façade plains’ distortion. In the north, the strips are connected to the façade activity.His Intor the ic Path plot, it totally surrenders to the aqueduct and the new equipment entrance. In the other, t is related to a Thai restaurant.
at Projetcs and Works Dep. (Barcelona City Council) Team: Mariona Nubials / Carles Tuca / Eduard Valencoso Location: Barcelona (Central Old town), Barcelona, Spain Esponge h Historic Pateur Butget: ± 270 000
Historic Path
Façade Activity
(2010 - 2011) 41 23 07 N / 02 10 28 E
Façade Activity
e ong one are the recuperated medieval They Façade Activity were interested in EspCirculat the ion Esponge paths. In the south of the plot is placed archaeological buried remains of the dPath roun Playg ic tor His ation and the rehabilitation the activity fringe with a playground building Circul site de Activity and small terrace that today belongs of aqueduct. The Faça challenge of the e ong Esp Façade Activity ion Esponge project was to give the Circulat public space to a small cafe. In both centres there Façade Activity Esponge Playground Façade Activity back to citizens, increase the number are two sojourn areas that work as Circulation Esponge Circulation d of playgrounds in the city centre a sponge which absorb the tensions Playgroun Circulation Historic Path and emphasize the presence of the produced by façade plains’ distortion. aqueduct while replacing the bikers’ In the north, the strips are connected vity de Acti in the proposal. The first system is the ontal systems in the proposal. TheThere first system the horizontal Faça are twoisoverall systems e Espong age strips. The second recuperated medieval Façadeone Activityare thesurface itself, divided by usage strips. The second one are the recuperated medieval parking lot. There are two overall to the façade activity. In the plot, it Circulation are shelter three and Espo twonge uses, respectively. paths. The plot and the square shelter three and two uses, respectively. laced the activity fringe with a playground and small totally surrenders to the aqueduct and horizontal systems in theHistorproposal. In the south of the plot is placed the activity fringe with a playground and small d Pat Playgrounthere are two sojourn ic Path Historic h toEvery a small cafe.and In both that today belongs to a small cafe. In both centres there are two sojourn system everycentres strip haveterrace pavement. The medieval ationtheir own Circul e which the tensions produced by façade The first system is the surface itself, the new equipment entrance. In the areas that work as a sponge which absorb the tensions produced by façade path isabsorb reproduced by a yellow sandy stone. Red asphalt is extended There are two overall horizontal systems in the proposal. The first system is the rth, are connected the façade activity.such In allthe overstrips the most static areas,to while soft pavements as rubber plains’ distortion. In the the north,gravel the strips are connected to the façade activity. In the Activity vity surface itself, divided by usage strips. The second one are the recuperated medieval the andsystem theused new equipment Inthe thesquare other, andaqueduct granitic sand are the plot, playground andsurrenders on centre. system and every strip have their own pavement. The medieval it is related to a Thai restaurant. dividedFaçadeby usage strips. The secondFaçade Actiother, it entrance. totally to the aqueduct and the new equipment entrance. InEvery the other, e proposal. The first ison the Espong Esponge paths. The plot and the square shelter three and two uses, respectively. Façade Activity Façade Activity
The ramp in front of the aqueductitisiscovered wiped out stone called rant. path is reproduced by a yellow sandy stone. Red asphalt is extended Circulation to aaThai restaurant. Circulation d one are the recuperated medieval relatedwith nge soft pavements such as rubber gravel In the south of the plot is placed the activity fringe all with a playground and small Espowhile Esponge “Montjuic”, very common in historical buildings of the city. over the most static areas, Historic Path two uses, respectively. terrace that today belongs to a small cafe. In both centres theresand are are twoused sojourn and granitic on theroun playground and on the square centre. d proposal. The first system is the Playg Playground ge with a playground and small h areas that work as a sponge which absorb the tensions produced byoffaçade Pat h ic The ramp in front the aqueduct is covered with a wiped out stone called Pat tor ic His tor His Circulation d one are the recuperated medieval th centres there are two sojourn Circulation plains’ distortion. In the north, the strips are connected to the very façade activity. In the buildings of the city. “Montjuic”, common in historical two uses, respectively. Every system and every strip have their own pavement. The medieval ensions produced by façade plot, it totally to the There are two overall horizontal systems in the surrenders proposal. The firstaqueduct system is and the the new equipment entrance. In the other, ge withto a playground and small path is reproduced by a yellow sandy stone. asphalt is extended FaçadeRed Activity h nected the façade activity. In the torbyic Pat it is related to a Thai restaurant. ic Path HisAccessibility de Activity Plural Projection Activity tor Faça surface itself, divided usage strips. The second one are the recuperated medieval de His Faça all over the most static areas, while soft pavements th new centres there areentrance. two sojourn Esponge such as rubber gravel he equipment In the other, Esponge the square Activity shelter three and two uses, respectively. Esponge Façade Activity and granitic sand are used on the playground and on the square centre. ensions produced by façadepaths. The plot andFaçade Circulation ion Circulat d out stone called Playgaroun nge the activity fringe In the south of the plotEspo is placed with a playground and small The ramp in front of the aqueduct is covered wiped Esponge nected to the façade activity. In the Path with Activity Historic Plural Projection Historicbuildings FaçadePlayground Press & Publications Accessibility Project to Hot_spots Façade Activity terrace todayConstruction belongs a small centres there are two sojourn “Montjuic”, very common in historical ofCircul the ation city. he new equipment entrance. In thethat other, d cafe. In both roun d Esponge produced by façade Playgwhich Façade Activity Esponge Façade Playg Activityroun areas that work as a sponge absorb the tensions Circulation ion Circulat ation Circulthe strips are connected to the façade activity. In the Esponge Esponge Circulation plains’ distortion. In the north, Every system and every strip have their own pavement. The medieval Motorbike Parking Leisure Activity Public Events Press & Publications Façade Activity Tourist Project Hot_spots plot, it totally surrenders to Spot the aqueduct and the new equipment entrance. In the other,
Project Main Plan _1 | 400
Façade Activity
Historic Path
e other, N
Playground it is related ation to a Thai restaurant. Circul Floor Plan 1/200
Circulation Historic Construction Every system and every strip have their own pavement. The medieval Public Events Sojourn & Panoramic Electric Motorbike Parking path is reproduced by a yellow sandy stone. Red asphalt is extended all over the most static areas, while soft pavements such as rubber gravel and granitic sand are used on the playground and on theLeisure square Activity centre. The ramp in front of the aqueduct is covered with a wiped out stone called “Montjuic”, very common in historical buildings of the city.
Sojourn & Panoramic Historic Construction Playground
Floor Plan 1/200 Every system and every strip have their own pavement. The medieval
path is reproduced by a yellow sandy stone. Red asphalt is extended Playground Plural Projection
Accessibility Leisure Activity
all over the most static areas, while soft pavements such as rubber gravel and granitic sand are used on the playground and on the square centre. ramp in front of the aqueduct is covered with a wiped out stone called MotorbikeThe Parking Press & Publications Project Hot_spots Sojourn & Panoramic “Montjuic”, very common in historical buildings of the city.
Electric Motorbike Parking
Public Events
Tourist Spot
path is reproduced by a yellow sandy stone. Red asphalt is extended Esponge Façade Activity all over the most static areas, while soft pavements such as rubber gravel Circulation ngeProjection and on the square centre. Espo Plural and granitic sand are used on the playground Accessibility The ramp in front of the aqueduct is covered with a wiped out stone called d Playgroun “Montjuic”, very common in historical buildings of the city.
Tourist Spot
Motorbike Parking
PressCircul & Publications
Façade Activity
Electric Motorbike Parking
Esponge Playground Circulation Public Events
Project Hot_spots
Façade Activity
Tourist Spot
Plural Projection Accessibility There are two overall horizontal systems in the proposal. The first system is the surface itself, divided by usage strips. The second one are the recuperated medieval paths. The plot and the square shelter three and two uses, respectively. Motorbike Parking Press & Publications Project Hot_spots In the south of the plot is placed the activity fringe with a playground and small terrace that today belongs to a small cafe. In both centres there are two sojourn sponge which absorb the tensions produced by façade Events Electric Motorbike Parking areas that work as aPublic Tourist Spot plains’ distortion. In the north, the strips are connected to the façade activity. In the plot, it totally surrenders to the aqueduct and the new equipment entrance. In the other, Every system and every strip have their own pavement. The medieval Every system and every strip have their own pavement. The medieval it is related to asandy Thai restaurant. path is reproduced by a yellow stone. Red asphalt is extended
Façade Activity
path is reproduced by a yellow sandy stone. Red asphalt is extended all over the most static areas, while soft pavements such as rubberallgravel over the most static areas, while soft pavements such as rubber gravel and granitic sand are used on the playground and on the square centre. and granitic sand are used on the playground and on the square centre. The ramp in front of the aqueduct is covered with a wiped out stone Thecalled ramp in front of the aqueduct is covered with a wiped out stone called “Montjuic”, very common in historical buildings of the city. “Montjuic”, very common in historical buildings of the city. Every system and every strip have their own pavement. The medieval Press & Publications Project Hot_spots path is reproduced by a yellow sandy stone. Red asphalt is extended Every system and every strip have their own pavement. The medieval Every system and every strip have their own pavement. The medieval all over the most static areas, while soft pavements such as rubber gravel path is reproduced by a yellow sandy stone. Red asphalt is extended path is reproduced by a yellow sandy stone. Red asphalt is extended and granitic sand are used on the playground and on the square centre. Public Events Tourist Spot all over the most static areas, while soft pavements such as rubber gravel all overHistoric the mostConstruction static areas, while pavements such as rubber gravelAccessibility The ramp in front of the aqueduct is covered with a wiped out stone called Historic Construction Playground Pluralsoft Projection Floor Plan 1/200 Playground Plural Projection Accessibility Every system and every strip have their own pavement. medieval and granitic sand are usedThe on the playground and on the square centre. and granitic used onhave the playground and on the square centre. Every systemsand and are every strip their own pavement. The medieval “Montjuic”, very common in historical buildings of the city. path is reproduced by a yellow sandy Redofasphalt is extended The rampstone. in front the aqueduct is covered with a wiped out stone called The in front ofby the aqueduct is covered withasphalt a wiped stone called pathramp is reproduced a yellow sandy stone. Red is out extended all over the most static areas, “Montjuic”, while soft pavements suchinashistorical rubber gravel very common buildings of the city. “Montjuic”, very common in historical buildings of the city. all over the most static areas, while soft pavements such as rubber gravel Motorbike Parking Leisure Activity Press & Publications Project Hot_spots Motorbike Parking Leisure Activity Press & Publications Hot_spots and granitic sand are used on the playground and on the square centre. Every system and every strip have their own pavement.Project The medieval and granitic sand are used on the playground and on the square centre. The ramp in front of the aqueduct is covered with a wiped out stone called path is reproduced by a yellow sandy stone. Red asphalt is extended The ramp in front of the aqueduct is covered with a wiped out stone called “Montjuic”, very common in historical buildings of the city. all over the most static areas, while soft pavements such as rubber gravel “Montjuic”, very common in historical buildings of the city. Historic Construction Plan 1/200 Playground Public Events SojournFloor & Panoramic Electric Motorbike Parking Plural Projection Accessibility Public Events Sojourn & Panoramic Electric Motorbike ParkingTourist Spot Tourist and granitic sand are used on the playground and on the squareSpot centre. The ramp in front of the aqueduct is covered with a wiped out stone called Plural ProjectionPlayground Historic Construction Accessibility ElectricAccessibility SojournPlural & Projection Historic “Montjuic”, very common in historical buildings of the city.
Plural Projection
Esponge Playground Circulatio
Proposal’s concept
e Parking
Motorbike Parking
Plural Projection Accessibility HistoricActivity Construction PlaygroundParking Press & Publications Motorbike Leisure
Plan 1/200 Public Events Press Floor & Publications Electric Motorbike Parking Project Hot_spots Motorbike Parking Parking Tourist Spot Leisure Activity Sojourn & Panoramic Electric Motorbike
ke Parking
Leisure Activity
Project Hotspot
Public Events Sojourn & Panoramic
Touristic Spot
Tourist Spot Motorbike Parking Electric
Leisure Activity
Motorbike Parking
Press & Publications
Project Hot_spots
Plural&Projection Press Publications
Accessibility Project Hot_spots Sojourn & Panoramic
Electric Motorbike Parking
Public Events
Tourist Spot
HistoricPublic Construction Press &Events Publications
PlaygroundProject Tourist Hot_spots Spot
Project Hot_spots
Public Events
LeisurePublic Activity Events Sojourn & Panoramic
Plural Projection
Motorbike Parking Tourist Spot
Press & Publications
Project Hot_spots
Electric Motorbike Parking
Public Events
Tourist Spot
Every syste path is rep all over the and graniti The ramp i “Montjuic”,
Previous state
Historic Construction
Floor Plan 1/200
Playground Motorbike replacement
Leisure Activity
Motorbike Parking
Sojourn & Panoramic
Electric Motorbike Parking
Every system and every strip have their own pavement. The medieval path is reproduced by a yellow sandy stone. Red asphalt is extended all over the most static areas, while soft pavements such as rubber gra and granitic sand are used on the playground and on the square centr The ramp in front of the aqueduct is covered with a wiped out stone c “Montjuic”, very common in historical buildings of the city.
Historic Construction
Leisure Activity
Motorbike Parking
AB stract | by Carles Tuca Vancells | Pubic Space | 2/10
Plural Projection Isidre Nonell square
Press & Publications
Accessibility Isidre Nonell square
Project Hot_spots 05
The Palm’s cross (2010-2011) 41 23 05 N / 02 10 05 E
at Projetcs and Works Dep. (Barcelona City Council) Team: Mariona Nubials / Carles Tuca / Eduard Valencoso Location: Barcelona (Central Old town), Barcelona, Spain Butget: ± 85 000 eur Building density and activity mixing turn this place into one of the smallest, most transited crossings. After the city council limited the cars entry, their number considerably decreased leaving a street furniture surplus, an invisible palm and an inadequate pavement. The purpose was to get rid of the obsolete traffic equipment at the time we provided a special entity to the space. We used the fact of the palm to turn it into the symbol of the crossing.
The granite stone pieces circular arrangement makes obvious the presence of the palm tree and gives the impression of unique, single and outstanding place. Street furniture elimination allows the street to breath. The aim to achieve is to perceive the space as a square more than a simple crossroad. This is just the first phase of the project. A public space doesn‘t belong to the collective conscience until it offers a long term activity that users who live there can take part on.
Woman walkig throught the white granite and black granite stones’ texture
flowerpot x2 Traffic Lights x4 Tourist signs x1 Mobile bollards x2 Static Bollards x6 traffic light controls x2
Previous State _1 | 500
Project Main Plan _1 | 250 06
Sloves’ Analysis AB stract | by Carles Tuca Vancells | Pubilic Space | 3/10
Calzarello tower
self employed as 3D assistant for 038 Arquitectura
(2012 - in Progress) 41 59 16 N / 04 26 18 E
Team: Eva Gayolà / Albert Santaló Location: Prunelli di Fium’Orbu, Haute-Corse, Corse, France Butget: ± 300 000 eur (estimated) Callzarello is a leisure and touristic spot on the east coast of Corsica. The building is isolated but not far away from the main touristic focuses and next to the mouth of the Fium’Orbu river in the middle of an endless sandy beach. This protected environment offers an exceptional and privileged location to carry out activities related with tourism. The preliminary design attempts to give the owners an idea of how to materialize their dreams. The tower must be an iconic attractor.
It gets rid of their annexed volumes and its structure is undressed leaving the tower as it is. The purpose is to let people feel the purity and majesty of the tower while it opens towards its surroundings. The rehabilitation of the decks and the roofs creates a close-to-open gradient of spaces giving the user different possibilities of experience with several degrees of communication with the environment. The gradient is completed with a light structure next to the tower.
Roof Plan _1 | 1000
Current state
Southeast Façade _1 | 250
Project main view AB stract | by Carles Tuca Vancells | Leisure Space | 4/10
Debarge house
at 038 Arquitectura
(2011- under construction) 41 51 20 N / 02 44 11 E
Team: Eva Gayolà / Albert Santaló / Carles Tuca Location: Sils, Girona, Spain Butget: ± 250 000 eur Roof final Solution
The project began with a ground floor plan provided by the client and the condition of a possible posterior construction of a mezzanine. Due to administrative restrictions we were able to build just a single storey house. A good control of the house’s height to dissemble the intentions of the client was a must. The challenge was to make the space under the roof as wide as possible while pretending the house to be as low as we could. A three different volume succession
follow the different functional divisions of the plan. Inside, spaces of different height are obtained and outside is expressed with different roof composition. Imperfect symmetry unifies the volumes keeping the same façade height in the entire perimeter. This fact added to a hipped-shaped roof gave the impression of a lower construction. Finally the client assumed the risk of a gabled roof in order to gain more for its mezzanine space.
First sketch ____Volumes and roofs concept
[Exclusivamente para uso acadØmico]
Cross Section _1 | 500
Southwest Façade _1 | 100 08
AB stract | by Carles Tuca Vancells | New House | 5/10 [Exclusivamente para uso acadØmico]
Cultural centre
at Escola Superior d’Arquitectura del Vallès ETSAV
(2008-2011) 41 58 56 N / 02 49 32 E
Team: Carles Tuca Location: Girona (Central Old town), Girona, Spain Subject: Final Degree Project
The project takes place in Girona’s downtown, an old neighbourhood located between a river and the foot of a mountain. The hard slope completely conditioned the urban landscape, its mobility and accessibility. The urban proposal consists of the creation of two big green spots and three accessible paths that begin at the other side of the river and end at the highest points of the old town. The paths play with the void and the full trying to preserve the medieval landscape.
_Buit Dins El Ple_Buit (BDP) Dins El (BDP)D’UN PAS ACCESSIBLE _Centre al Barri _ Vell de Girona 5- Ple CREACIÓ _Buit Socio-Cultural Dins El Ple (BDP) _ _ 09 Centre Socio-Cultural al Barri Vell de Girona
Centre Socio-Cultural al Barri Vell de Girona
_ _Conclusions i Proposta
Concepte d’edici
1- Current state
The concept is developed in a derelict theatre. The building shelters a multipurpose cultural equipment. The aim of the project is to extend the public communication into the “full” space achieving a continuous and fluid path that mechanically connects the streets at different levels. Moreover, it is supposed to create a distribution space that works as an active “void” element capable to bring the centre activities into it. An intervention sequence is followed to reach the goal.d’ed Concepte
Planta Quarta (+14,76 / +87,57)
_4 Planta Quarta (+14,76 / +87,57)
Espai Híbrid
Espai Híbrid
Convivècia 150,40 m2 Menjador 37,02 m2 Wi-Fi Zone 37,02 m2 Hort Taller 37,02 m2 Serveis Femenins 3,19 m2 Serveis Masculins 3,53 m2
Vestíbul PB 24,24 m2 Recepció 18,82 m2 Zona d’Espera 10,29 m2 Office 6,68 m2 Sala de Locució 28,41 m2 Sala de Control 12,14 m2 Ocines Girona Film Office 21,21 m2 Sala de Reunions Girona Film Office 18,85 m2 Serveis 3,45 m2
Ràdio i Girona Film Office
Centre Cívic Office 19,43 m2
Vestíbul PB 24,24 m2 Recepció 18,82 m2 Zona d’Espera 10,29 m2 Office 6,68 m2 Sala de Locució 28,41 m2 Sala de Control 12,14 m2 Ocines Girona Film Office 21,21 m2 Sala de Reunions Girona Film Office 18,85 m2 Serveis 3,45 m2
Instal•lacions Sala d’Instal•lacions 31,59 m2
Hotel d’Entitas
Magatzem 32,62 m2
Planta Tercera (+11,52 / +84,33)
Centre Cívic
2- New Public square
Ludoteca 104,43 m2 Casal d’avis 98,26 m2 Aula 1 28,76 m2 Aula 2 20,83 m2 Aula 3 23,44 m2 Taller 2 37,59 m2
Planta Segona (+7,92 / +80,73)
Centre Cívic
Espai Híbrid Circulació 47,472 m2 Jardí 323,83 m2 Boulder 22,00 m2 (Plaça 2 393,03 m2)
Magatzem 32,62 m2
Planta Tercera (+11,52 / +84,33) Centre Cívic
Circulació 41,92 m2 (Plaça 2 41,92 m2)
Despatxos 32,09 m2 Aula 23,81 m2
cota 95
Cinema Ocina 18,98 m2 Sala de projecció 1 21,95 m2 Sala de projecció 2 21,41 m2 Magatzem 40,84 m2 Àrea d’evacuació 2 16,33 m2 Instal•lacions 24,55 m2
cota 80 cota 70 cota 67.5
Ludoteca 104,43 m2 Casal d’avis 98,26 m2 Aula 1 28,76 m2 Aula 2 20,83 m2 Aula 3 23,44 m2 Taller 2 37,59 m2
Hotel d’Entitats
cota 107.5
Planta Segona (+7,92 / +80,73)
Centre Cívic
Espai Híbrid
Recepció 30,26 m2 Ocines 63,67 m2 Despatx Cap 20,23 m2 Arxiu 6,74 m2 Serveis 3,42 m2 Gimnàs 111,49 m2 Magatzem gimnàs 4,52 m2 Vestidors Femenins 24,84 m2 Vestidors Masculins 22,07 m2
cota 65
Circulació 155,00 m2 (Plaça 1 73,17 m2)
4- Recover the original structere logic
_L’estudi dels nodes, de les connexions i dels interessos m’ha fet arribar a una sèrie de conclusions.
Centre Cívic
Hotel d’Entitats
E 1: 5000
Ocines d’Informació 49,28 m2 Serveis Ocines d’Informació 5,03 m2 Sala d’Ordinadors 19,18 m2 Sala de Reunions 46,92 m2 Magatzem 8,76 m2 Serveis Sala de Reunions 4,13 m2 Vitrina d’Exposició 12,73 m2
Urban Proposal _1 | 20 000
5- New urban connection between levels
_ La circulació rodada al barri és bona, però hi ha un dècit enorme d’espais habilitats per a l’aparcament. Es destinen espais com places i carrers amples , i que per tant els anul•len. Les connexions a peu són els ponts, només dos d’ells són accessibles. Existeix una zona de carrers amb molta pendent i molt poc transitats, són una difícil connexió i no gens accessible. Aquells que es troben darrere el carrer ciutadans, encara estan més degradats. Els espai verds al barri brillen per la seva absència. De fet hi ha forces metres quadrats destinats a zona verda, però molt mal repartits i tots concentrats a la zona alta, fan més de zona verda dels barris del Carme i de Torre Gironella.
Cinema Vestíbul 17,93 m2 Venda de refrescs 11,73 m2 Venda d’entrades 25,16 m2 Compra de Refrescs 16,32 m2 Vestidor del Personal 3,11 m2 Serveis pel Personal 3,50 m2 Circulació 28,87 m2 Serveis pel Públic 31,41 m2 Sala 1 100,43 m2 Sala 2 150,65 m2 Àrea d’Evacuació 72,91 m2
Aula Polivalent 88,51 m Taller 1 46,47 m2
_ Creo tres franges transversals accessibles que corresponen a les tres bosses d’equipaments i elsFemenins connecto amb Serveis Públics 3,81 m2 la resta de la ciuPúblics 3,87amb m2 els dos elements tat i entre elles. Les connexions longitudinals són més senzilles, en ser paral•leles aServeis les línies deMasculins cotes. Jugo Serveis Intenrs Femenins3,64 m2 físics dels que es compon la xarxa, les franges accessibles combinen ple i buit, perServeis intentar reduir al màxim paisatgístic Interns Masculins 3,19l’impacta m2 (sobretot a la zona nord) i per fer participar tant a les activitats com a les connexions d’elements híbrids que enforteixin la xarxa.
Control de Façana i Ascensor 7,66 m2
_Carles Tuca Vancells / PFC QT1011 / TriBunal 01 / Miguel Usandizaga, Pepa Gómez, Montse Pons
Zones verdes fora del circuit quotidià.
Planta Primera (+ 3,42 / +76,23)
_La primera és la franja turística, que engloba l’àrea on hi ha els equipaments pertanyents a aquesta activitat. Es fan connexions mecàniques amb aturades a les grans terrasEspai Híbrid ses que crear al terreny, que òbviament, coincideixen amb la localització dels principals nodes turístics Resigno aquesta zona a la turisticació, en un intent de salvar la resta. Circulació 41,92 m2 (Plaça 2 41,92 m2)
_La següent franja és la franja acadèmica, corresponent al campus del Barri Vell de la UDG. Facilitar els mitjans per fer arribar un gran nombre d’estudiants procedents de la ciutat al barri, a peu en comptes de en vehicle rodat pot crear noves àrees de d’Entitats desenvolupament. Si es complementa amb activitats relacionades amb la universitària, però a l’hora Hotel que tinguin un gran compromís per el barri i treballin per ell. És la més llarga i la que té una2 unió més clara amb la ciutat: la plaça de la constitució. Aquesta franja es caracteriDespatxos 32,09 m tza per alimentar-se tant d’espai oberts com de més tancats, combinant-los per crear Aulaalternances 23,81 m2 entre zones d’activitat i de mobilitat més lenta i zones de mobilitat ràpida sense activitat. _La darrera franja és la cultural. Uneix equipaments com el Cinema TruffCinema aut, el Teatre Municipal o el centre d’art La Mercè. A causa de la falta real de possibilitats d’arribar a tots ells en una sola franja i en els dos sentits d’aquesta, proposo un “bypass” una desdoblament que permeti la propietat anteriorment esmentada. De nou combino Ple i Buit per Ocina 18,98 m2 unir tots aquests equipaments fer espai híbrids. També formen part e la xarxa places quem2es complementen amb els nodes d’activitats. La plaça Catalunya és el punt Saladiverses de projecció 1 21,95 projecció 2 21,41 mi2 els seus nodes, és la que té unes possibilitats de reconversió més elevades. d’inici de totes dues vies. Aquesta area, molt degradada per l’efecte “ darrere”Sala delde carrer Ciutadans 2
_Els habitants de llarga residència del barri es concentren a la part baixa, abandonant les cotes altes. Els visitants de cap de setmana afavoreixen el desenvolupament comercial de grans corporacions que no tenen compte el lloc. Els turistes creen el mateix afecte, però a més a més, generen un espai negatiu per a habitatges i en molts casos cert rebuig per part de la població local.
Àrea de Dinamització Infantil 28,59 m Aula d’Entrevistes 1 13,72 m2
2 Aula d’Entrevistes 2 13,87 mmillorar _Per fer una proposta intento aprotar el que ja tenim. A partir de les bosses d’equipaments les connexio2 Aula d’Entrevistes ns i diversicar les activitats que poden aparèixer com complement de les ja existents, sempre3 10, en 211 el mmarc de la proximitat.
Espais sense ús com l’antiga Escola Maristes
E 1: 5000
Recepció 44,25 m2 Sala d’espera 44,09 m2
Serveis Socialscoma 50,36xarxa m2 independent que _Dinamitzar el Barri Vell de Girona perquè torni a adquirir una identitat com a element O decines la ciutat i a l’hora 2 Despatx Cap Serveis 19,21 generi activitats quotidianes i de proximitat, és una tasca molt complexa i que no té una solució ràpidaSocials ni única. Hi m ha 2molts matisos.
_La presencia de nodes que estimulin el desenvolupament de la vida social al barri és molt minsa per no dir nul•la. Hi ha una gran concentració de nodes turístic al nord de la ciutat, satèl•lits del node per excel•lència: La Catedral. Hi ha dues bosses més, una d’acadèmica 7- RECUPERACIÓ DE LA PLAÇA I COM A JARDÍ VINCULAT (UDG) i una altre de cultural. Tota la la d’equipament que hi ha a l’eix Ciutadans / Vi, AL CENTRE CÍVIC I NOVA FAÇANA PEL CARRER PORTAL NOU crea una franja de darreres. Amb la incorporació d’un nou espai dins d’aquesta categoÀnàlisi 01 02 03 04 05 06 Concepte 07 08 09 Descripció 10 11 12 ria. 13La14 15del16 17 HiConstrucció 18 19de propietats 20 Instal·lacions 21o en 22ruïnes. 23 24 25 plaça Pallol. ha un gran nombre abandonades
Circulació 47,472 m2 Jardí 323,83 m2 Boulder 22,00 m2 (Plaça 2 393,03 m2)
Planta Baixa (+ 0,00 / +71,91) Espai Híbrid
_5 Alternart espai a diverses velocitats
Hotel d’Entitas _3
Espai Híbrid
cota 122.5
cotes _3 Fer els ponts accssibles
Sala d’Instal•lacions 31,59 m2
Planta Primera (+ 3,42 / +76,23)
_2 Connexions mecàniques entre diferents
_4 Creació de zones verdes
Office 19,43 m2
Recepció 44,25 m2 Sala d’espera 44,09 m2 Ocines Serveis Socials 50,36 m2 Despatx Cap Serveis Socials 19,21 m2 Àrea de Dinamització Infantil 28,59 m2 Aula d’Entrevistes 1 13,72 m2 Aula d’Entrevistes 2 13,87 m2 Aula d’Entrevistes 3 10, 11 m2 Aula Polivalent 88,51 m2 Taller 1 46,47 m2 Serveis Públics Femenins 3,81 m2 Serveis Públics Masculins 3,87 m2 Serveis Intenrs Femenins3,64 m2 Serveis Interns Masculins 3,19 m2
3Façades’ Rehabilitation 2- CREACIÓ D’UNA NOVA ZONA VERDA
_1 Dinamització els espai públics
Centre Cívic
Convivècia 150,40 m2 Menjador 37,02 m2 Wi-Fi Zone 37,02 m2 Hort Taller 37,02 m2 Serveis Femenins 3,19 m2 Serveis Masculins 3,53 m2
Ràdio i Girona Film Office
Magatzem 40,84 m Àrea d’evacuació 2 16,33 m2
Carrers plens de cotxesallí on caben.
Un exemple de darrere de gran equipament
2 _Per acabar uneixo les franges aprotant el poc pendent d’alguns carrers longitudinals, que m convisquin amb la realitat de més d’una franja a l’hora i permetin un intercanInstal•lacions 24,55 vi més gran. I destino dues gran parcel•les sense ús i en ruïnes a zona verda pel Barri. Corresponen al la dels antics Maristes i els darreres de la plaça del Vi. Aquestes àrees es troCentre Cívic ben, si fa o no fa, a un i dos tresos de la distància longitudinal del Barri i centrades en el sentit tranversal, coincidint amb l’actual zona amb més síndromes d’abandonament.
Ànàlisi 01 02 03 04 05 06 Concepte 07 08 09 Descripció 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Construcció 18 19 20 Instal·lacions 21 22 23 24 25 6- Private and public porpuses segregation
Recepció 30,26 m2 Ocines 63,67 m2 Despatx Cap 20,23 m2 Arxiu 6,74 m2 Serveis 3,42 m2 Gimnàs 111,49 m2 _Carles Tuca Vancells / PFC 4,52 QT1011 / TriBunal 01 / Miguel Usandizaga, Pepa Gómez, Montse Pons Magatzem gimnàs m2 Vestidors Femenins 24,84 m2 Vestidors Masculins 22,07 m2
Planta Baixa (+ 0,00 / +71,91) Espai Híbrid Circulació 155,00 m2 (Plaça 1 73,17 m2)
Hotel d’Entitats
Intervention sequence
Ocines d’Informació 49,28 m2 Serveis Ocines d’Informació 5,03 m2 Sala d’Ordinadors 19,18 m2 Sala de Reunions 46,92 m2 Magatzem 8,76 m2 Serveis Sala de Reunions 4,13 m2 Vitrina d’Exposició 12,73 m2
step ofVINCULAT the intervention sequence: Long Section 7- RECUPERACIÓ DE LA PLAÇA I COM ALast JARDÍ AL CENTRE CÍVIC I NOVA FAÇANA PEL CARRER PORTAL NOU [Exclusivamente para uso acadØmico]
7- Relate all the activities with the new connection
_1 | 200
Vestíbul 17,93 m2 Venda de refrescs 11,73 m2 Venda d’entrades 25,16 m2 Compra de Refrescs 16,32 m2 Vestidor del Personal 3,11 m2 Serveis pel Personal 3,50 m2 Circulació 28,87 m2 Serveis pel Públic 31,41 m2 Sala 1 100,43 m2 Sala 2 150,65 m2 Àrea d’Evacuació 72,91 m2
Ànàlisi 01 02 03 04 05 06 Concepte 07 08 09 D Instal•lacions
Control de Façana i Ascensor 7,66 m2
Ànàlisi 01 02 03 04 05 06 Concepte 07 08 09 Descripció 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Construcció 18 19 20 Instal·lacions 21 22 23 24 25
View of the new sqaure from the highest street AB stract| by Carles Tuca Vancells | Cultural & Social Space | 6/10
_Carles Tuca Vancells / PFC QT1011 / TriBunal 01 / Miguel Usandizag
View of the top floor 09
Lagoon urban park (2007) 45 27 46 N / 12 21 02 E
at Escola Superior d’Arquitectura del Vallès ETSAV Team: Laia Llonch / Núria Porras / Carles Tuca Location: Sacca St Mattia, Murano, Venezia, Italy Subject: Academic exercise + 2G International Competition The intensive exploitation of the lagoon and the continuous descent from the river flows has entailed the degradation of a unique habitat, increasing water salinity and the probabilities of floods. There are 3 main factors to take care of: the natural space, its inhabitants and tourists. The intervention must reduce salinity to augment vegetation, that stops the floods while keeping the lagoon as a commercial and industrial support. We divided the project
Depuration analogy between a kidney and the prpoposal
Urban traces
into two parts. A central void that constitutes the urban park: a natural water treatment plant of macrophytes, plantation of Pseudo-acacias –native tree– and the recovery of the Sacca as ancient terrain of fruit culture of the lagoon. And a full” proposal wick consists of a coastal membrane that manages the processes depending on their intensity: an ecopark that works as distributor and separator of waste, a harbour, a show room pavilion, a natural museum and new dwellings.
+ 0,00 m
+ 0,50 m
Murano glass Patchwork
Beds of Macrophytes
Cultivation Surface
Full vs Void
In certain months of the year Macrophytes can make the water go pink.
+ 1,00 m
Pseudoacacia Plantation
Open Space
+ 1,50 m
The bed of macrophytes slows down the water flow, helps the settling of suspended solids and keeps the water partially oxygenated. The stems provide support for bacteriological cultures, the main element for natural water purification. These plants also hold the sea tide and help towns to prevent floods.
Formal projectual axes
Proposal’s Layers
Sea tide oscillation
Master Plan _1 | 5000 10
AB stract | by Carles Tuca Vancells | Urban Park | 7/10
Gliding spot + Refuge (2007) 42 05 18 N / 01 45 14 E
Bird view
at Escola Superior d’Arquitectura del Vallès ETSAV Team: Carles Tuca Location: Capolat (Els Tossals), Barcelona, Spain Subject: Academic exercise
Highest Level
The project was developed in a ruined sanctuary. It is located at 1500 meters high next to a ravine followed by an extensive plane. The high presence of vultures and ufo-like clouds in sunny days reveal the existence of hot rising air currents. The orography and the weather conditions make the place ideal for hang gliding and paragliding. The plan is to rehabilitate the ruins not only in meanings of construction but also recover the sanctuary as a place of our times.
The concept consists in an integrator element which supports the reinforcement of the sanctuary walls and the base structure for the new uses. The base structure is an expanded steel platform that regularizes the ground letting the place to be visited, giving continuity to the GR paths and creating gliding springboards. The mountain refuge is totally integrated with the sanctuary, constructed on the foundations of the hermit’s old house.
Medium Level
Lowest Level
Previous state _1 | 1000 A Section _1 | 250
B Section _1 | 250
[Academic use only]
Refuge roof plan _1 | 250
Sanctuary + Refuge floor plan _1 | 250 [Academic use only]
AB stract | by Carles Tuca Vancells | Sport space | 8/10
Refuge 1st floor plan _1 | 250 11
Collective housing
at Escola Superior d’Arquitectura del Vallès ETSAV
(2005) 41 23 N / 02 10 E
Team: Carles Tuca Location: Subject: Academic exercise and closed structure where the wet spaces, the storage and a sleeping room are set up. This way, the cell is divided into three parts. The entrance is the most public and collective space. The second is this light element, temple of privacy. The third is a more private but collective space. The light structure distributes, multiplies and defines the spaces; the project achieves a compact dwelling without rejecting privacy and without refusing comfortable and wide rooms.
[Exclusivamente para uso acadØmico]
The building had to fit in a volume of 36 x 12 x 36 m. The dwellings were supposed to have a surface around 30 m2 and there should be as much dwellings as possible. In order to follow those statements was mandatory to organize the building in just one staircase and external corridors. The dwellings are 3,4 m wide, 9,5 m long and 3,8 m tall and north/south orientated, the best possible orientation in Spain. The private cells include a light
[Exclusivamente para uso acadØmico]
± 0 Level floor plan _1 | 125
[Exclusivamente para uso acadØmico]
+ 1 Level floor plan _1 | 125
Light and closed structure [Exclusivamente para uso acadØmico]
A Section _1 | 125
Floor Plan _1 | 600 12
C & D Section _1 | 125
[Exclusivamente para uso acadØmico]
B Section _1 | 125 [Exclusivamente para uso acadØmico]
[Exclusivamente para uso acadØmico]
North façade _1 | 600
AB stract | by Carles Tuca Vancells | Dwellings | 9/10
Xarxa delicada
at Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona CCCB
(2008-2009) 41 23 01 N / 02 09 59 E
Team: David Domínguez / Hugo Hernández / Carles Tuca Location: eme3 Festival, CCCB Museum, Barcelona, Spain Butget: ± 250 eur «Xarxa Delicada» -Delicate networkpassed the selection to be exhibited at the CCCB museum in the eme3 architecture festival. Collapse was 2009 festival’s subject. The installation plays with shape to express collapse. It consists of a closed and stable structure of lineal elements made with wooden sticks that represents reality. The simplest structure that obeys these conditions was an element formed by four segments that crossed one with the other, at least, three times.We represented two types of nets. The first
one is more extensive and flat. Shapes share their elements to generate the net. This kind of net attempts to represent how oriental societies and philosophies work. Oriental society and its dynamics have much more collective spirit than others. The second net is compact and cloud-shaped. It has a more hierarchal structure where elements work one after the other, but not together. They don’t share the content but the container. This kind of net is like occidental societies, they tend to create more egoist, selfish and solitary dynamics.
Simplest elemental structure
Eastern Network
Preliminary Design
Western Network
Xarxa Delicada installation at the CCCB Museum AB stract | by Carles Tuca Vancells | Artistic installation | 10/10
By Carles Tuca Vancells
Most Representative works & projects.
e-mail: carlestuca@gmail.com skype username: carlestukus phone number: +34 636 11 23 24