SCORA AM 2017 Survival Kit

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Survival Kit

66th General Assembly

August Meeting 2017 Arusha, Tanzania

IFMSA Imprint Standing Committee Director Carlos Acosta - Brazil International Team Carles Pericas Escale - Spain Anthony Kerbage - Lebanon Frederike Booke - Germany Afolabi Oluwatoyosi Tolulope - Nigeria Jenna Webber - Canada Anshruta Raodeo - India Elissa Abou Khalil - Lebanon Pepe Ferrer Arbaizar - Spain Publications Team Firas Yassine - Lebanon

The International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization representing associations of medical students worldwide. IFMSA was founded in 1951 and currently maintains 132 National Member Organizations from 124 countries across six continents, representing a network of 1.3 million medical students. IFMSA envisions a world in which medical students unite for global health and are equipped with the knowledge, skills and values to take on health leadership roles locally and globally, so to shape a sustainable and healthy future. IFMSA is recognized as a nongovernmental organization within the United Nations’ system and the World Health Organization; and works in collaboration with the World Medical Association.

Publisher International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA)

This is an IFMSA Publication


International Secretariat: c/o Academic Medical Center Meibergdreef 15, J0-208

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This publication contains the collective views of different contributors, the opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of IFMSA.

All reasonable precautions have been taken by the IFMSA to verify the information contained in this publication. However, the published material is being distributed without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. The responsibility for the interpretation and use of the material herein lies with the reader.

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Some of the photos and graphics used in this publication are the property of their respective authors. We have taken every consideration not to violate their rights.


Welcome Note from the SCORA Director Page 3

About IFMSA Page 4

About IFMSA General Assemblies Page 5

About SCORA Page 5

SCORA International Team Page 10

SCORA Sessions’ Team Page 14

August Meeting General Agenda Page 15

SCORA Sessions’ Agenda Page 16

SCORA Regional Sessions Page 20

SCORA-Related Policy Documents Page 21

What to Bring Page 22

Get Involved Page 23

Abbreviation Page 24

Welcome Note from the SCORA Director

Carlos Andrés Acosta Casas Director on Sexual & Reproductive Health incl. HIV/ADS 2016-17

Dear SCORAngels! We are coming to Africa! If you have never heard about African angels you are missing of a lot of good and empowered activities of the world. This is a one in a lifetime chance to get to know Africa, its people and why we work in SRHR so hard. Back in December when the ARM was held in Burkina Faso, I had the chance to meet African SCORAngels, a group of inspirations regarding topics we don’t talk about in SCORA at any time. This is the climax of the year! A meeting full of surprises, new hot topics, everything from making a good project to discovering advances in In Vitro Fertilization. If you believe that your imagination makes you fly… imagine what can happen if summed to that you can add the inspiration of angels all over the world? Imagine if we gather to develop a global project? Imagine if we dream of getting better? And if we include each other as brothers and sisters in the process? This is the SCORA Spirit, the one that we use to hug all of the amazing ideas, people and smiles all over the world. Thank you for reading this survival kit! Please let us know if you have any questions by writing to

Lots of Tropical Hugs,

Carlos SCORA Survival Kit for August Meeting 2017 - Tanzania


About IFMSA The year was 1951. Medical students from 8 countries (Austria, Denmark, England, Finland, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Switzerland) gathered in Copenhagen to start a non-political organization for medical students. The purpose was to “study and promote the interests of medical students’ cooperation on a purely professional basis, and promote activities in the field of student health and student relief.” So was born the International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations (IFMSA). Initially, 3 committees are formed: the Standing Committee on Medical Exchange (SCOME), the Standing Committee on Professional Exchange (SCOPE), and the Standing Committee on Students’ Health (SCOSH). A bureau of information was set up in Geneva to establish contact between all members and international organizations. A year later the first General Assembly (GA) took place in London, where 30 students took part, representing 10 countries. This year, in 2016, IFMSA celebrated its 65th anniversary. The 8 founding member countries have been joined by many more. IFMSA is now the world’s largest studentrun organization, representing medical students from 122 countries worldwide. Over the past 65 years, the structure and functions of IFMSA have been changed several times. The IFMSA principles have been further defined in the present constitution, and state: • The Federation pursues its aims without political, religious, social, racial, national, sexual or any other discrimination, • The Federation promotes humanitarian ideals among medical students and so seeks to contribute to the creation of responsible future physicians, • The Federation respects the autonomy of its members.


IFMSA Vision A world in which all medical students unite for global health and are equipped with the knowledge, skills and values to take on health leadership roles locally and globally.

IFMSA Mission IFMSA unites medical students worldwide to lead initiatives that impact positively the communities we serve. IFMSA represents the opinions and ideas of future health professionals in the field of global health and works in collaboration with external partners. IFMSA builds capacity through trainings, projects and exchange opportunities, while embracing cultural diversity so as to shape a sustainable and healthy future.

About IFMSA General Assemblies The IFMSA has two General Assemblies (GAs) every year; one in March and one in August. Each brings together medical students from all over the globe to work as a team, share ideas, and push forward initiatives. General Assemblies are the core meetings of our Federation, since we vote for the Officials to lead us in the upcoming year, sign exchange contacts, get trainings to improve our skills, learn about a specific topic during theme events, work in small working groups and present our own or hear about others people’ activities. Having two GAs on a yearly bases helps us with turnover and continuity and ensures that the Federation works smoothly. Some GAs are smaller or bigger in terms of number of participants, but on average you can find between 500-1000 medical students at a GA representing countries from all continents. A lot of things can happen during GAs, many of us find ourselves returning home with new perspectives on global health, loads of materials to start working with, life-long friendships, arranged collaboration with other NMOs, new skills and the memory of the best 7 days of your life.

About SCORA The Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS WAS formed in 1992, driven by a strong will to take an active part in interventions concerning HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and to support people living with HIV/AIDS through working to decrease stigma and discrimination. It constitutes one out of the Six Standing Committees of the International Federation of Medical Students’ Association which serve as the Body of all Medical Students worldwide. SCORA with a large number of members-SCORAngels as they are called, have grown wide in its work, centered around five focus areas strongly related to Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. In 2014, the name of SCORA changed to Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS as it is more adequate in terms of topics and problems that SCORA is targeting in its actions.

SCORA Survival Kit for August Meeting 2017 - Tanzania


About SCORA Objectives: • To raise awareness on topics related to HIV/ AIDS, and sexual and reproductive health. • To decrease the stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS. • To raise awareness and increase knowledge about facts, scientific research, global agreements and documents concerning sexual and reproductive health. • Promote positive sexuality and healthy sexual life. • Advocating for policies concerning sexual and reproductive health and represent medical student worldwide. • Collaborate and facilitate joint actions concerning medical education, public health and human rights. • Provide tools for capacity building for future healthcare professionals in terms of sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Focus Areas: Almost four years ago, SCORA was the first Standing Committee to clearly carry through a consultation within the members and identify the main priorities they would based their actions on. We called these priorities our focus areas. Since the day they were approved, they have metamorphosed and change throughout the years, but the core and essence of our actions has been the same. With the IFMSA reform and the implementation of the Programs, we were finally able to officially represent the Focus Areas (FA) as clear IFMSA streams of action. Below you can find the name and a brief explanation of each FA/Program, as well as the appointed coordinators that take care of the enrolment of activities and impact report: 6

SCORA Vision A world in which every individual is empowered to exercise their sexual and reproductive health rights equally, free from stigma and discrimination .

SCORA Mission To provide our members with the tools necessary to advocate for sexual and reproductive health rights within their respective communities in a culturally sensitive fashion. This is accomplished through building the skills and knowledge of our members, providing trainings on comprehensive sexuality education and other reproductive health issues, exchanging ideas and projects, as well as drafting policies and working with our external partners in order to create change at the local, regional, and international level.

About SCORA Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Ahmad Taha - We believe in a world where every young person is well educated, to be able to lead a healthy sexual and reproductive life. We definitely can’t ensure such thing, without ensuring that every young person has access to sufficient and trusted information. Our NMOs have different activities enrolled here, varying from mass programs of CSE implemented in schools, in collaboration with governments, to focused awareness campaigns on one of our many topics. Internationally, we provide peer education trainings to supply our federation with trained and capable trainers for our topics.

Maternal Health and Access to Safe Abortion: Emmeli Mikkelsen - Through this program, IFMSA aims to improve maternal healthcare services in the areas of e.g. family planning, obstetric violence, humanized birth, breastfeeding, access to antenatal, antepartum and postpartum care, as well as ending stigma and discrimination towards abortion. By collaborating with external partners as Ipas, we aim to train medical students as advocates for access to safe abortion.

Sexuality and gender identity: Laalithya Kondurua - Discrimination and stigma towards LGBTQI+ individuals and sex workers make these populations more likely to engage in high-risk behaviors and less likely to access healthcare systems. There are many misconceptions about sexuality and gender identity even among medical students and doctors.

to healthcare and reduce risky behaviors among vulnerable groups. The SGI program aims to raise awareness about discrimination faced by vulnerable groups, with a special focus on the LGBTQI+ community and sex workers; inform medical students and doctors about barriers to healthcare access in these groups; and upskill the medical fraternity in SGI issues, enabling them to provide healthcare in a respectful and nonconfrontational manner, and to be an advocate for these vulnerable groups.

Gender Based Violence: Elizabeth T. Peters - One in three women experiences physical or sexual abuse in her lifetime. Gender-based violence includes physical, sexual, and psychological abuse; threats; coercion; arbitrary deprivation of liberty; and economic deprivation, whether occurring in public or private life. Thus, IFMSA Members are committed to fighting against it via several means ranging from policies to international campaigns and much more.

HIV/AIDS and other STIs: Chantal Marchini - There are more than 1 million sexually transmitted infections (STIs) acquired every day worldwide. This means that each year, there are an estimated 357 million new infections. Besides being a major public health concern, human rights are inextricably linked with the spread and impact of these infections on individuals and communities around the world. The ultimate goal of activities under this program consists of improving healthcare attention to those living with a STI and reducing stigma and discrimination around this topic by education and raising awareness.

A positive and respectful approach to sexuality and sexual relationships is needed to increase access SCORA Survival Kit for Auguts Meeting 2017 - Tanzania


About SCORA External Partners • Long-Term Collaborations ORGANIZATION

DESCRIPTION Founded in 1973, Ipas is a global nongovernmental organization dedicated to ending preventable deaths and disabilities from unsafe abortion. Through local, national and global partnerships, Ipas works to ensure that women can obtain safe, respectful and comprehensive Ipas abortion care, including counseling and contraception to prevent future unintended pregnancies. IFMSA has had a long lasting collaboration with Ipas in the form of multiple workshops delivered to our members (using the toolkit attached) and numerous advocacy efforts. For more information: | Toolkit (Click Here) PMNCH is an alliance of more than 700 partner organizations that are actively working for the implementation of the Global Strategy for WomThe Partnership for Maternal, Newborn en’s, Children’s and Adolescent’s Health. Keeping an active collaboraand Child Health (PMNCH) tion with them as members of their newly founded Adolescents and Youth Constituency. For more information: IFMSA is one of the co-founders of The PACT, which is a coalition of youth led organizations that aim to work strategically to tackle the The PACT HIV epidemic. As of 2016 we are leading one of their priorities and keeping an acting role in all their actions. For more information: Youth Coalition is an international organization of young people (ages 18-29 years) committed to promoting adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive rights at the national, regional and international levels. They are students, researchers, lawyers, health care proYouth Coalition for Sexual and fessionals, educators, development workers, and most importantly, Reproductive Rights (YCSRR) we are all dedicated activists. IFMSA has had punctual collaboration with them throughout the years, highlighting a potential workshop on youth-friendly services, to be delivered July 2017. For more information: Since HIV is a field many of our NMOs work intensively on, involving Global Network of Young People Living People Living with HIV in our actions is without a doubt an efficient way with HIV (Y+) to galvanize our efforts. For more information: The fact that IFMSA is a body recognized by the UN provides us with the chance to collaborate with some of its agencies. In the SRHR field we’ve been working with the following ones: United Nations Agencies • UNAIDS • UNFPA • UNWOMEN


About SCORA External Partners • Collaborations Started in 2016 ORGANIZATION

World Association for Sexual Health (WAS)

Women Leaders in Global Health Initiative (WLGHI)

World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH)

International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Transgender and Queer Youth Organization

DESCRIPTION The World Association for Sexual Health (WAS) is an international umbrella organization representing sexological societies and sexologists worldwide. It was previously named World Association for Sexology, but changed its name in order to stress that sexology is a tool for achieving sexual health. We engaged with WAS late 2016 to discuss potential collaborations with medical students around their congress, held in Prague, May 2017. For more information: Being an initiative that envisions a world in which women are represented in equal numbers to men at the highest levels of decision-making bodies WLGHI could provide us with the background to expose and understand the gender inequities still existing in our Federation. For more information: The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) is a non-profit, interdisciplinary professional and educational organization devoted to transgender health. Their professional, supporting, and student members engage in clinical and academic research to develop evidence-based medicine and strive to promote a high quality of care for transsexual, transgender, and gender-nonconforming individuals internationally. In the IFMSA we just established connection with them recently, but expect great outcomes and new fields to explore. For more information: We recently started collaborating with IGLYO. Thanks to a fruitful call we had with them, they will most likely be able to provide support on the B.E.A.S.T. workshop to be delivered this April in Turkey. Other grounds of collaboration, such as program endorsements and help with their capacity building efforts are also on the table: For more information:

SCORA Survival Kit for Auguts Meeting 2017 - Tanzania


SCORA International Team

Carles Pericas

Frederike Booke

Liaison Officer for Sexual & Reproductive Health issues incl. HIV/ADS 2016-17

SCORA General Assistant


Dear SCORAngels,

Hello Angels,

My name is Carles Pericas, I’m a fifth year medical student from Barcelona and I have the enormous pleasure to welcome you all to this August Meeting as IFMSA’s Liaison Officer for Sexual and Reproductive Health issues including HIV and AIDS (I know, longest name ever).

My name is Frederike, but it appears that everybody calls me Frede. I am a 4th year medical student from northern Germany and very happy to serve you as SCORA General Assistant. As General Assistant I am in charge of keeping track of all the subregional trainings and SCORA exchanges that you organize and facilitate worldwide. Luckily, you start so many activities that you’re not making it easy for me at all - one of the reasons that I am so proud of our Standing Committee!

General Assemblies are always a great opportunity to meet people from all over the world, but above everything, they expand your horizons and broaden your mind in such a way that you’ll be a new person with new dreams and ambitions when you get back home. I invite you to talk with people, participate in the sessions and provide your opinion, because at the end of the day, different perspectives are what make IFMSA such a wonderful organization.

I hope you are as excited as I am to come to Tanzania and join our unique SCORA Sessions.

Hope to see you all soon!

It’s your time to explore, to discuss and to grow to get inspired and to inspire! You will be meeting many strangers that you will call friends in no time. Let yourself be driven by the fusion of passion, innovation and embracement that is present wherever SCORA meets.

Warm hugs,

I can’t wait to see you there!

Have fun, learn, gain new interests and use every single second on your hands. It is worth it.


Warm Hugs,

Frederike 10

SCORA International Team

Oluwatoyosi Afolabi

Jenna Webber

SCORA Regional Assistant for Africa

SCORA Regional Assistant for the Americas

Hello awesome angels from all Hello everyone! My name is Jenna and I have had the pleasure of over the world, working as the SCORA RA for the Americas. “Time really does fly fast...” I’m very happy to welcome us all to the August Meeting at Tanzania (Karibuni Tanzania!). I do wish us all very wonderful and awesome SCORAlicious moments. I am very happy with the progress we all have made within our different Regions in the different fields of our work. It is really great to know that we are miles above where we started from. Let’s not forget to keep fueling our passion drive with motivation as to get the destination that we want to reach. Our efforts are never in vain - tiny drops of water can make a mighty ocean and when there is a will, there will always be a way.

I sincerely hope that you enjoy your time at the August Meeting. This is a time to be celebrated, but also to work hard. Incredibly passionate people will surround you. Meet them, learn, and grow together. That collaboration is what this time is all about! We have made tremendous progress in SCORA, not only within the Americas, but globally as well. Our SCORAngels have developed strong networks of support and delivered incredible educational and capacity building events. I challenge and trust you to keep this momentum going and use it to enact meaningful change during and after this meeting.

Much love everyone. To the Angels in Africa, thanks for the support always.

For my fellow SCORAngels from the Americas: I am so honoured to work with and represent each and every one of you! You are the heartbeat of our region… keep it strong!

Much love,

I hope to be able to connect with you soon in Tanzania!


Wishing you safe travels and the absolute best,

Jenna SCORA Survival Kit for Auguts Meeting 2017 - Tanzania


SCORA International Team

Anshruta Raodeo

Elissa Abou Khalil

SCORA Regional Assistant for Asia-Pacific

SCORA Regional Assistant for the EMR

Dear SCORAngels,

Hello everyone!

My name is Anshruta Raodeo aka Shru, a third year (yes I made it into another year) medical student from Mumbai. I am currently the SCORA RA for Asia Pacific and my family of AP NORAs is an absolute blessing.

Thank you for all what you’ve done through this term, and thank you for your passion, motivation and incredible dedication to our beloved SC.

This is going to be my first August meeting (in such a spectacular country, gosh I’m lucky) and I would be outright lying if I said I wasn’t excited. SCORA sessions for me have been a source of inspiration, strength and perseverance. In my worst days, I’ve used these memories to push me forward. I genuinely hope that these sessions do the same for you. Can’t wait to meet you!

Much love,


The world has drawn too many boundaries from geographical, to political, social, financial, cultural and the list is endless, but you are proving, every single day, that freeing our minds from judgemental ideas, looking at diversity as a strength, and filling our hearts with love, can break all boundaries and take us places we have never dreamt of reaching. “If you don’t know where you want to go, then it doesn’t matter which path you take”, said Lewis Carrol, but I think that even though we may have not figured out yet where we are going from here, we’ve been put on one of the best paths ever, where every second is an unforgettable memory, every conversation a life-changing experience, and every information learnt, a way to change the world. Keep shining with your bright smiles, your pure hearts, your free minds and make the best out of every single moment in one of safest spaces where all your ideas and thoughts are embraced!

Elissa 12

SCORA International Team

Pepe Ferrer Arbaizar

Anthony Kerbage

SCORA Regional Assistant for Europe

SCORA Development Assistant

Hello SCORAngels,

Dearest SCORAngels!

I am Pepe, a 5th year medical student from Barcelona and a SCORAngel for the same years. After almost 5 years of working in our beloved Standing Committee, I now have the pleasure to be the SCORA Regional Assistant for Europe, a great region with different needs but common goals.

I’m Anthony (or simply Tony) and I’m the current SCORA Development Assistant. I’m from a country at the border of the Mediterranean sea called Lebanon (if you’re looking for it on the map, make sure to zoom in. A lot.)

After many months working together for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, the time has come to meet up for the second time! Take this opportunity to freely discuss the topics you’re most interested in, to exchange ideas and to meet people from all over the world with different cultures the same goal! Unfortunately, I won’t be able to make it to Tanzania, but I am sure the Sessions Team is preparing an amazing Agenda. Enjoy every minute of it!

Much love,


SCORA Survival Kit for Auguts Meeting 2017 - Tanzania

When I close my eyes and try to remember the best moments I’ve had in IFMSA, I immediately think of last year’s GA. This will be your first step into this incredible world called IFMSA, and well... you will love it. Every second you spend at the AM is a chance for you to meet students like you, working on the same causes as you, sharing the same wild ambitions as yours. You will learn so many things, and experience unforgettable moments, so make sure every one of them counts! I can’t wait to get there and meet you all.

Lots and lots of Love,



SCORA Sessions’ Team


Sohayla Bendaoud

Rusa Divine

(IFMSA - The Netherlands)

(MEDSAR - Rwanda)

Iheb Jemel

Anne Juhl

(AssociaMed - Tunisia)

(IMCC - Denmark)

Ahmed M. Saleh

Jian Feng Sun

(IFMSA - Egypt)

(IFMSA - Québéc)

Support Person

Support Person

August Meeting General Agenda

SCORA Survival Kit for Auguts Meeting 2017 - Tanzania


SCORA Sessions Agenda

We have set a special system according for this year’s call for input! We have divided our sessions into 4 main categories to attend all of your needs as explained in the agenda!


SCORA Sessions Agenda Description of Sessions Day 1 (August 2) Welcome + introduction to SCORA: The objective of this session is to give a general introduction and welcome to the GA while explaining the main items of the agenda and as well giving a short debrief of what is SCORA, its focus areas and fields of work Team Building Activities: Getting to know each other is essential not only for the outcome of the sessions but because for 5 days we become brothers and sisters and we really want to engage each other into forming a happy community. This space is dedicated to a few activities such like SCORA speed dating that are useful for making the environment friendlier and start creating links with the people that surround you! External Updates: Keeping members updated on the work IFMSA does with other organizations in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health is essential to fully understand where we are heading and what’s next in store. In SCORA we are lucky to have a lot of partners that are always excited to collaborate with medical students and improve the way future healthcare providers, act, perceive and advocate for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights around the world. During this session delivered by the SCORA Liaison Officer we will provide a detailed but comprehensive and dynamic insight on the different partnerships and cooperations we’ve had throughout the year while also showing what’s in store for the upcoming months. CSE Parallel Sessions: • CSE for Children with Special Needs: It is every child’s right to get comprehensive sexual education. For children with special needs another approach is required in order to fulfill this right. The mental, social and sexual development of these children often differ from other children. We want to teach our members on these differences and on how to take these in account and apply them in their CSE-project. • CSE and Media: (Social)media has a huge influence on the daily life of a teenager. This influence can impact the thoughts and body image of these children. During the session we will focus on the impact of media and on how to incorporate this in our CSE-projects.

Day 2 (August 3) SGI Terminology: When it comes to sexuality and gender a lot of different terms are used. The amount of terms keeps

SCORA Survival Kit for Auguts Meeting 2017 - Tanzania

growing and this can be confusing. However, it is important that the SCORAngels are known with these terms. We want to give the members an overview of the used terms and their correct definitions. Our members can then contribute in educating others on this topic with the correct terms in mind. Intersex: Breaking up the binary system - Forced Debate: When a baby is born, their biological sex must be determined and often parents can only choose between male or female. However, when it comes to intersex children this decision is hard to make as the genitals do not give a clear answer. Still, often the parents are pushed to make a decision without knowing the gender of the child. This can result in a mismatch of biological sex and gender. Then again, society expects you to have a boy or a girl and socially not determining the sex can lead to a lot undesirable situations. We want our members to think about and understand the stigmas and dilemmas regarding this topic by having a forced debate. We would like to apply the following debate rules to make this an amazing session for all of you: 1. Let’s be kind to each other! We come from different parts of the world with different opinions and therefore we want to make this a forced debate. We want to make you think of multiple points of view and understand the dilemmas and stigmas regarding this topic. 2. Inform yourself! Check out the toolkit and the resources within! The idea is for you to read closely and try to get interested in the subjects so you can take the idea back home and truly participate from the debate 3. Prepare interventions! It’s like a deck of cards that you can use to show other information or points of view 4. Network! Probably after the exercise you are filled with motivation and want to learn more! In this case try to catch the other SCORAngels that would like to build projects and activities. Remember, the sessions are your space to learn much more about and collaborate with other medical students from the world ;)

Day 3 (August 4) IVF: With onset in the SCORA Focus Area on Maternal Health we will explore the topic of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). Still more parents must turn to reproductive assistance in order to fulfill their dreams of having a baby. In this session, we will discuss the possibilities to help parents who experience reproductive difficulties, and pro’s, con’s and ethics regarding IVF. We can also discuss if all couples require IVF and what is the social construct over having an “unwombbed” baby! Menstruation: Menstruation is a natural part of the women


SCORA Sessions Agenda body, yet in every part of the world there still exists a great deal of myths and taboos on the monthly bleeding. In some regions, lack of access to menstrual hygiene products is even a problem. We want to empower the participants to see the myths and inadequacies existing worldwide regarding menstruation and to be able to debate and act on these. Parallels on Maternal Health: • New Contraceptives: Family planning is an essential right and necessity for women to be empowered and able to take control of their own lives. It is of big importance; therefore SCORAngels should be knowledgeable on the area of contraceptives. It is time that we together explore the hottest trends of the contraceptive marked, from apps on safe periods to the infamous male pill. • FGM: Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), also known as girl’s circumcision, is still widely spread around the globe, especially in the regions of Africa, Asia, Middle East and Asia. It is an act of Gender Based Violence, which we in IFMSA SCORA seek to fight. The session will concentrate on defining FGM, why it is done, why it is harmful and what you as a SCORAngel can do to fight for girl’s rights.

Day 4 (August 5) SCORA Activity Fair: It is time to show off YOUR great work! Sign up for the SCORA Activity Fair and show what you do in your SCORA activity to the rest of the SCORA world united here. Discover the work of your international SCORA colleagues, and get inspired! <3 [[Insert activity fair photo from shared link]] Discrimination in HIV: During this year’s World Health Assembly, IFMSA issued a Declaration of Commitment to support UNAIDS’ Zero Discrimination in Healthcare Agenda, making IFMSA the first youth-led organisation to openly support this initiative. In the Declaration, we vow to work towards ending stigma in healthcare and we want to do that in collaboration with Youth Led Organisation and Young Key Populations Representatives. This session will provide an insight in the process, present the Written Agreement that is being submitted to the General Assembly and hold an interactive working groups time facilitated by IFMSA and a young representative of a key populations network. This dynamic activity will hopefully have as an outcome different actions to enhance the rollout of our commitment.

Day 5 (August 6) Communication skills for SRHR: “Everyday we communicate with a lot of people, but we should learn how to communicate


effectively to make our lives better”. In this session we want to empower SCORAngels with effective communication skills, basic knowledge on how to communicate, how to effectively use the Internet and other means effectively and how to use the different tools of communication. We attend many sessions, learn a lot on how to take action and do anything thereafter due to lack of how to pass the message, This will help us to impart the knowledge we get to the rest of the world. SCORA Advocacy: Advocacy is a powerful and important catalyst for the change we want to see and as long we have joined the Scora community, we are all advocates at heart however sometimes the lack of this skill hinder us from taking action or at times we do but wonder why it’s not working. Maybe we are doing it the wrong way!? In this session we will learn how to be a good advocate, the channels, when it’s needed and the different strategies. Thus, raising a new generation of SCORAngels who are ready to address SRHR or to face any problems in the communities. I.P.V: Stealthing: It is the act of non consensually removing a condom during sex. This a new topic to some if not most of us. In this session we will shield more light on this topic, raise awareness on this, how it is considered an act of intimate violence and how one can deal with it once he/ she/ they is a victim. Masturbation: You may have heard some crazy things about masturbation being bad for you. In this session we will tackle all the tables around masturbation and why they exist. We will also talk on how masturbation can be good for your health both physically and mentally. Evaluation: At the end of the day we need to know what went wrong and what went well, after 5 intense and fun days of Scora sessions we will end our sessions with an evaluation. This will be a time for participants to give feedback on the sessions and also room to ask for any general question. This will be useful for future sessions. Closing+Taking picture: “A camera is a save button for the mind’s eye”, we shall close with a group picture to immortalize the moment forever. SCORA Xchange Regulations: We are constantly working on improving our SCORA Xchange to provide you with the best possible preparation and experience as participant as well as organiser. One of the tools to accomplish this is to adapt our Xchange regulations to our needs and feasibility. In this session we will vote on your submitted amendments to the current regulations! Please remember to bring a certification note from your NMO president in order to be allowed to vote on behalf your NMO, should you not be the NORA(-elect)!

SCORA Sessions Agenda

Joint Sessions Joint sessions are sessions on topics that touch more than one Standing Committee. We have selected the topics based on the current priorities each Standing Committee has, and tried to do our best to provide participants with interesting and thought-provoking sessions, which might go deeper on certain topics than in the usual Standing Committee sessions. We have also chosen to conceal which Standing Committee is proposing/facilitating each session, as we feel the Joint Sessions are truly an occasion for delegates to move away from their Standing Committee and just follow their curiosity. We hope that together we will be able to have exciting discussions, and dynamic, lively sessions! How to make your school non binary (Joint SCORA SCOME session) As time goes by, the world is becoming more and more (well, in most cases) inclusive towards non-binary and LGBTQ+ individuals. Especially among youth, there is far greatest understanding and far less prejudice; but does this translate to non-theoretical changes in societal structures? Universities’ main concern is to diffuse knowledge and prepare students for the demanding world of adulthood. In doing so, just as any other educational space, they ought to be free of separatism; rather be an active advocate against it, providing tools and also setting a paradigm for the rest of society. Students, for their part, ought to be change makers and proactive supporters of these efforts. So, how can we

fulfill our role effectively? How can we create non-binary safe universities and advocate for inclusion? These questions and many more, we will explore during our Joint Session. Join us in the fight towards a world free of discrimination and dichotomous attitudes :)

Human Trafficking (Joint SCORA SCORP session) According to the UNODC, every year, thousands of men, women and children fall into the hands of traffickers, in their own countries and abroad. Almost every country in the world is affected by trafficking, whether as a country of origin, transit or destination for victims. Trafficking in persons is a serious crime and a grave violation of human rights. This session will thus highlight the ground realities and further delve into the conditions of the victims. This session will further elaborate the role of medical students in advocating for better management of this crisis.

Access to Healthcare (Joint SCOPH SCORP SCORA sessions) Sustainable Development Goal 3 aims to ensure healthy lives and well-being for all, are working countries are moving towards universal health coverage. Yet, many people cannot access quality healthcare where they live although the infrastructure, finances and facilities exist. Why is that? During this session, we will look at the challenges for equal access to healthcare. What barriers do specific groups, such as refugees, LGBT+ people or people living with HIV/Aids face when accessing healthcare? And most importantly, what can be done to change this?

SCORA Officials Debate In this space you can ask questions towards SCORA Official post candidates! Runner ups to become SCORA Director and LRA will be clearing inquiries regarding their candidatures and ideas for the next term! SCORA Survival Kit for Auguts Meeting 2017 - Tanzania


SCORA Regional Sessions AFRICA Meet up in the African Way How far have we gone (updates, term report, team help, & regional projects) What to expect: SCORA Africa Boot Camp Energizers Priority Assessment Brainstorming: Regional Initiatives & Way Forward on CSE in Africa Whats next?

EMR 5 mns. 15 mns. 10 mns. 5 mns. 10 mns. 10 mns. 5 mns.

AMERICAS Welcome / Introduction Regional Assistant Update Need Assessment: SCORA Capacity Building in the Americas Key New Publications Upcoming Training Opportunities

10 mns. 10 mns. 20 mns.

Introduction and Energizer EMR Comprehensive Sexuality Education Manual Reform The Way Forward to Improve Capacity Building in the Region EMR CSE Collaboration

10 mns. 15 mns. 15 mns. 20 mns.

EUROPE DAY 1 NMO Speed-Dating SCORA European Map: Access to Safe Abortions DAY 2 MSM Blood Donation: The Debate Closure and Group Photo

15 mns. 45 mns. 35 mns. 5 mns.

10 mns. 10 mns.

ASIA - PACIFIC Introduction and bonding Why and How to CSE? Family Planning and the Need for it in Asia-Pacific Expectations in the coming term Conclusion and Group Photo


10 mns. 30 mns. 10 mns. 5 mns. 5 mns.

SCORA-Related Policy Documents Policy Statements are a vital component for our core advocacy in the federation. They are not only a guideline through our minds, debates and thoughts as medical students but they are also what we believe we can build in the future to change the world. Policies are built from a really long process of debate not only in the plenaries of the general assemblies but as well in our day to day lives. Adopting IFMSA policy documents is one of the most important features of our General Assemblies, as they reflect the stance of our Federation on different topics related to global health and are used as advocacy tools for IFMSA and NMOs. As you may be aware, IFMSA sends delegations to high level events such as the WHO World Health Assembly or the UN Commission on the Status of Women, during these events, IFMSA can make statements to voice and represent the stances of medical students on a specific issues. Unfortunately, these statements cannot be done without IFMSA policy documents, which are adopted during General Assemblies. In addition, NMOs use policy documents to carry out national and local level advocacy for certain priorities within their countries.

most interested and experienced in and help us improve the Policy. If you want to participate in more than one Policy Statement, feel free to move from one group to another. After the discussion, the coordinators of each group will implement the input received in the documents to propose it as amendments to the Assembly. We’re hoping to see you taking part in this discussion, as the more input we get, the more inclusive the Policy Statements will be!


Can you participate? Of course! Now that you know which topics are going to be proposed to the Assembly, we want you to participate in improving them! To do so, we will have a specific space dedicated to Position Papers and Policy Statements discussion. This session is meant to involve any SCORAngel interested in the mentioned Policy Statements, so we can get your input and improve the proposed ones. This space also serves as an example on how to build policies and implement amendments. This has an empowering effect on NMOs, who may feel more eager to propose policies in the near future.



And how will we do it? To achieve this, we will be separated in small working groups through the session. Each group will be assigned one or more coordinator/s and will be in charge of improving one specific Policy Statement and Position Paper. The idea is for you to join the discussion you’re SCORA Survival Kit for Auguts Meeting 2017 - Tanzania


What to Bring • Promo Material: During the SCORA Activities fair, every member is invited to put up a poster that describes the activities in a few words and has some nice photos. You can bring leaflets, brochures or other promotional materials (like a short video presentation) to share your initiatives with the rest of the participants. An activities fair is a space that allows a wide exchange of ideas, who knows, maybe after showing your interventions to someone, they will decide to use them back to their home countries. • Energizers: Working together for a lot of hours can bring down the energy a bit! Please, don’t forget to bring with you the best energizers possible to keep the SCORA Spirit up throughout the whole event. • Condoms: Bring condoms from your country, we will need them :) • Red Clothes: As you know SCORA's color is red, we advise you to pack at least a rec piece of clothing for group picture purposes. Also, keep in mind that for the sessions one needs to wear comfortable clothes and footwear. • An open mind: Gathering all this new information might be very confusing at first. Don’t be afraid to ask us any of your inquiries and stay open to challenge your intern perceptions.


• Happy energy and good feelings: On a scale 10 to 10, how much are you excited about MM? Give us your best shot of positive energy and we promise you the time of your life. • Computer/Tablet/Notebook or Something to write with! Get organized! We don’t want you to miss any important information, so take notes and share them with the angels from your NMO. • Camera! Because you want to remember how is heaven like! • T-shirts from your NMO! SCORA is the committee that will always embrace the diversity and multicultural environment so take this chance and during our sessions wear with pride the T-shirt from your NMO • Activities for the Activities Fair: Be highly involved this meeting and surprise other angels with your initiatives during the SCORA Activities Fair. This might be a great opportunity to inspire and get inspired. Hey, is totally alright to admit that EVERYBODY loves free stuff. In the end, sharing is caring, so take all the SCORA goodies with you and bring joy to our team.

Get Involved • IFMSA-SCORA mailing list Do you want to follow all the latest news of SCORA? Do you want to get informed of all the opportunities, deadlines and events that are happening within SCORA? Join the IFMSASCORA mailing list by sending an empty email to • IFMSA SCORA Facebook group Keep in touch with more than 10.000 SCORAngels from all over the world on the Facebook group by clicking this link. • SCORActive Map In order to keep us closer as a family we created a SCORActive map which contains all NORA official emails in NMOs where SCORA is active. The purpose of this initiative is for you to have a better communication and build a stronger bond by exchanging ideas. • Don’t miss our calls Every year our committee develops awareness campaigns with a great impact worldwide. We are strongly encouraging every SCORAngel to share enthusiasm and motivation and get involved. If you want to find out how is to work in a SWG, to write a statement, or just to be part of external meetings as an IFMSA delegate, don’t miss our calls on the IFMSA-SCORA FB group.

Contact info of the SCORA International Team: Any questions regarding SCORA or external representations in SCORA? Don't hesitate to contact the SCORA Director and the Liaison Officer for Sexual and Reproductive Health issues: • SCORA-D: Carlos Andrés Acosta Casas • LRA: Carles Pericas Escalé - Shall you have any questions regarding regional work, contact our SCORA Regional Assistants: • Regional Assistant for Africa: • Regional Assistant for Americas: • Regional Assistant for Asia Pacific: • Regional Assistant for EMR: • Regional Assistant for Europe:

• Dare to share We know your activity stands out and we want you to share it with us. Pictures, video, or short presentation related to your SCORA initiative posted on our FB group could have now a more powerful influence and inspire other angels to take action.

SCORA Survival Kit for Auguts Meeting 2017 - Tanzania


Abbreviations AIDS

Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

AB Abortion AM

IFMSA August Meeting

BC Birth Control BCP

Birth Control pills

BF Breast feeding BSE

Breast self examination


Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women

DR Delivery room Dx



General Assembly


Focus Area

FB Facebook FGM

Female Genital Mutilation


International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics


Gender Based Violence

GYN Gynecology HAART

Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy


Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin


Human Immunodeficiency Virus


Human Papilloma Virus

HR Human Rights IFMSA

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations


International Peer Education Training (preGA workshop)


Intimate Partner Violence


International Women’s Day


International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender/Transexual, Queer, Intersex


Latin American Cooperation on Maternal health and Access to safe abortion


Liaison Officer (IFMSA Official)


Local Officer on Sexual and Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS

OB Obstetrician 24

Abbreviations OVHB

Obstetric Violence & Humanized Birth


IFMSA March Meeting


Men who have sex with men


National Office on Sexual and Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS


North European Cooperation on Sexual Education

NGOs Non-governmental organizations NMO

National Member Organization


National Officer on Sexual and Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS


Papanicolaou test


Program Coordinator


People Living with HIV/AIDS


Post General Assembly Tours


Pre General Assembly Workshops

PS Policy Statement RA Regional Assistant SC

Standing Committee


Standing Committee on Sexual and Reproductive Health incl. HIV/AIDS


Director on Sexual and Reproductive Health including HIV/AIDS


Liaison Officer to SCORA


SCORA Regional Assistant


SCORA Development Assistant


Southern European Cooperation on Sexual Education


Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity


Sexually Transmitted Infection


Small Working Group

UN United Nations UTI

Urinary Tract Infection


World AIDS Day


World Professional Association on Transgender Health


Women leaders in Global Health Initiative

WS Workshop SCORA Survival Kit for Auguts Meeting 2017 - Tanzania


Congo (MSA-DRC)

Kenya (MSAKE)

Denmark (IMCC)

Korea (KMSA)

Algeria (Le Souk)

Dominican Republic (ODEM)

Kosovo (KOMS)

Tatarstan (TaMSA)

Antigua and Barbuda (AFMS)

Ecuador (AEMPPI)

Kuwait (KuMSA)

Rwanda (MEDSAR)

Argentina (IFMSA-Argentina)

Egypt (IFMSA-Egypt)

Latvia (LaMSA)

Saint Lucia (IFMSA-Saint Lucia)

Armenia (AMSP)

Lebanon (LeMSIC)

Serbia (IFMSA-Serbia)

Australia (AMSA)

El Salvador (IFMSA-El Salvador)

Lesotho (LEMSA)

Sierra Leone (SLEMSA)

Austria (AMSA)

Estonia (EstMSA)

Libya (LMSA)

Singapore (AMSA-Singapore)

Azerbaijan (AzerMDS)

Ethiopia (EMSA)

Lithuania (LiMSA)

Slovakia (SloMSA)

Bangladesh (BMSS)

Fiji (FJMSA)

Luxembourg (ALEM)

Slovenia (SloMSIC)

Belgium (BeMSA)

Finland (FiMSIC)

Malawi (UMMSA)

South Africa (SAMSA)

Benin (AEMB)

France (ANEMF)

Mali (APS)

Spain (IFMSA-Spain)

Bolivia (IFMSA-Bolivia)

Gambia (UniGaMSA)

Malta (MMSA)

Sudan (MedSIN)

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BoHeMSA)

Georgia (GMSA)

Mexico (IFMSA-Mexico)

Sweden (IFMSA-Sweden)

Moldova (ASRM)

Switzerland (swimsa)

Bosnia and Herzegovina Republic of Srpska (SaMSIC)

Germany (bvmd) Ghana (FGMSA)

Mongolia (MMLA)

Syrian Arab Republic (SMSA)

Greece (HelMSIC)

Montenegro (MoMSIC)

Taiwan (FMS)

Grenada (IFMSA-Grenada)

Morocco (IFMSA-Morocco)

Thailand (IFMSA-Thailand)

Guatemala (IFMSA-Guatemala)

Namibia (MESANA)

Guinea (AEM)

Nepal (NMSS)

The Former Yougoslav Republic of Macedonia (MMSA)

Guyana (GuMSA)

The Netherlands (IFMSA NL)

Haiti (AHEM)

Nicaragua (IFMSA-Nicaragua)

Honduras (IFMSA-Honduras)

Nigeria (NiMSA)

Hungary (HuMSIRC)

Norway (NMSA)

Iceland (IMSIC)

Oman (MedSCO)

Catalonia (AECS)

India (MSAI)

Pakistan (IFMSA-Pakistan)

Chile (IFMSA-Chile)

Indonesia (CIMSA-ISMKI)

Palestine (IFMSA-Palestine)

China (IFMSA-China)

Iraq (IFMSA-Iraq)

Panama (IFMSA-Panama)

China - Hong Kong (AMSAHK)

Paraguay (IFMSA-Paraguay)

Colombia (ASCEMCOL)

Iraq - Kurdistan (IFMSA-Kurdistan)

Peru (IFMSA-Peru)

United States of America (AMSA)

Costa Rica (ACEM)

Ireland (AMSI)

Peru (APEMH)

Uruguay (IFMSA-URU)

Croatia (CroMSIC)

Israel (FIMS)

Philippines (AMSA-Philippines)

Uzbekistan (Phenomenon)

Cyprus (CyMSA)

Italy (SISM)

Poland (IFMSA-Poland)

Venezuela (FEVESOCEM)

Czech Republic (IFMSA CZ)

Jamaica (JAMSA)

Portugal (ANEM)

Zambia (ZaMSA)

Democratic Republic of the

Japan (IFMSA-Japan)

Romania (FASMR)

Zimbabwe (ZimSA)

Jordan (IFMSA-Jo)

Russian Federation (HCCM)

Kazakhstan (KazMSA)

Russian Federation - Republic of

Brazil (DENEM) Brazil (IFMSA-Brazil) Bulgaria (AMSB) Burkina Faso (AEM) Burundi (ABEM) Cameroon (CAMSA) Canada (CFMS) Canada - Québec (IFMSA-Québec)

medical students worldwide

Tanzania (TaMSA) Togo (AEMP) Tunisia (Associa-Med) Turkey (TurkMSIC) Uganda (FUMSA) Ukraine (UMSA) United Arab Emirates (EMSS) United Kindgom of Great Britan and Northern Ireland (Medsin)

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