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WELCOME EVERYONE! Dear IFMSA family, On behalf of AECS-Catalonia, I'm really happy to invite you to this year's edition of the Southern European Cooperation on Sexual Education (SECSE) which is going to take place from the 4th to the 7th of September close to our beautiful capital, Barcelona. From the moment last year's SECSE in Malta came to an end we knew we wanted to keep this beautiful initiative alive, so we encouraged a group of people and applied to be the host for its second edition and we got it! I feel very honoured to be the head of an amazing and hard-working organizing committee that's putting such a big amount of effort on offering you the best week ever. And since SCORA has always been my passion, I can't help but feel very attached to this event and its main goal, the method exchange sessions. Throughout the whole conference you won't only meet new people and learn a lot from then, you will also get to discover the amazing and unique Catalan way of life by visiting Barcelona, getting to know the OC and swimming at the beaches near the venue. Having said this, I invite you to go through this booklet where you'll find information on how to participate, what our SECSE will be like and also a few curiosities about our land. Best wishes, Carles Pericas Head of OC and NORA of AECS-Catalonia


Carles Pericas

Patricia Alvarez

Oleksandr Yashchenko

Head of OC


Theme Event Coordinator

Ver贸nica Torras

Carles D铆az

Patricia Muro

Accommodation Coordinator

Transportation Coordinator

Registration Coordinator

Alba Bassets

Pepe Ferrer

Social Programme Coo.

Pre-SECSE Coordinator


Eva Fontanillas

Laura Balcells

Bea J. Blanco

Aleix Carmona

Alejandro de Jaureguizar

Lilas Mercuriali

Catuxa Mรกiz

Pau Robles

WHAT IS SECSE ABOUT? SECSE is the Southern European Cooperation on Sexual Education and was born from the will of the Southern European countries to meet every yearly, during 4-5 days, to share the teaching methods, the ideas and the networks that each country uses on their peer-education projects. This will be the second edition of this meeting, following last year's SECSE in Malta which was a big success. From 50 to 70 students will go to a remote location, right next to the beach, to encourage bounding and to set up the perfect mood for 4 days of hard work...but also fun! During these days, each SECSE delegation will hold a method exchange session. This sessions should not only be used to show the rest of the people in the room how they deliver their peer-education sessions, but also to share their biggest achievements and the difficulties they might face, being this the main purpose of SECSE! Besides the method exchange we also have the theme event, which this year is on "Transsexuality and Transgender identity". External speakers will come to teach us more about their experience on this subject. And as we think that great minds together can achieve great things, we will also have a full session dedicated to creating new methods among many other amazing surprises!

Last year's amazing SECSE participants

REGISTRATION The registration process will begin with the early registration on the 9th of May until the 25th of May. Late registrations will be open from the 26th of May to the 8th of June. The following Southern European NMOs are eligible to send delegates 

AECS (Catalonia)

IFMSA-Spain (Spain)

AMSB (Bulgaria)

MMSA (Malta)

ANEMF (France)

PorMSIC (Portugal)

CroMSIC (Croatia)

SISM (Italy)

HelMSIC (Greece)

SloMSIC (Slovenia)

IFMSA-Serbia (Serbia)

TurkMSIC (Turkey)

All these Countries are entitled to a total of 48 spots, which means that each one of this NMOs should send a delegation of 4 participants. If some delegations don't occupy all the spots, the remaining ones will be first given to other SECSE NMOs. People from NMOs not mentioned above can attend the SECSE as observers. There will be a late registration period for these cases, with at least 15 spots. Based on the expenses of the whole event, we set up the following fees: 

Early Fee: 130 € (participants from the SECSE countries should register on the Early Registration period)

Late Fee: 150 €

(observers from other NMOs should register on the Late

Registration period)

The registration process will take place in the following way: 1. All the NORAs from the SECSE countries need to choose a four people delegation to attend this event. 2. The 9th of May we will send the call and the registration link to all the SECSE countries, so early registration can begin and the delegates from each NMO can register. Early registration will take place until the 25th of May. The selected participants will receive confirmation via mail. 3. If you belong to a SECSE country and you want to send more than 4 people, please contact the e-mail address below. 4. We will send an open call for the late registration which will begin on the 26th of May and close on the 8th of June. 5. From that moment on, we'll contact all the participants via email and send them further information on how to issue the payment, transportation and the sessions. Should there be any questions, please contact our Registration Coordinator, Patricia Muro using the following e-mail address:

ACCOMMODATION The accommodation for this year's SECSE will be in J.M BAPTISTA ROCA , a beautiful neoclassical house located in Masnou, a town 18 km away from Barcelona. Though the house is detached from the urban centre there's still easy access to the beach which is located only 10 minutes away from the venue.

The house itself was built in the 1920s following the late explosion in modernistic architecture. Therefore it offers the possibility of enjoying nature as well as the comfort of a cosmopolitan structure. But the best part of it, without any doubt is that we'll have it exclusively for ourselves. Our choice was conditioned by the way we wanted to approach this SECSE. We wanted to provide private and undisturbed method exchange sessions but also create a bounding between peers in a place surrounded by nature. The price includes all the meals, accommodation for the three nights (in 5,6,8 and 10 people rooms) and access to the following services: 

Living room with TV and DVD


Vending Machines

Coffee (the OC will provide everyone with as much coffee as they need)

Free Wi-Fi

Room for people with special needs ;)

For more information, please don't hesitate and contact our Accommodation Coo., Verònica Torras at the following e-mail address:

AGENDA This year's SECSE agenda is filled with grand activities chained together to make the attendees' experience unforgettable. Though it may change in the future, the changes are bound to be minimal and the OC is happy to present you with this draft:

METHOD EXCHANGE SESSIONS The Method Exchange sessions are the foundations of Cooperations on Sexual Education such as the SECSE and the NECSE. All the participating NMOs in the SECSE should make sure they take part in the method exchange, they should keep in mind that: 1. They must prepare a session to share their methods as the participants are willing to find out new approaches to peer education and how to apply them appropriately in order to become better Peer Educators. 2. They should also be on the method exchange sessions facilitated by other NMOs , since they will be doing their best to help you improve or even create your own peer-education program. The sessions (that can either last half an hour or an hour) are the key of this event and something everyone has to attend because they ensure that the participants themselves get to have a go at sharing what they think is their best method.

THEME EVENT: TRANSSEXUALITY AND TRANSGENDER IDENTITY In an ever changing society as ours, as we move towards the integration of human rights and healthcare in every aspect of our life and its implementation in a global agenda, the strive for equality and recognition of one's sexuality has been a very discussed topic in the last decade, and it is still going on. Transgender Identity, also termed Gender Dysphoria is now reaching the point of being reasonably well understood, though many myths and general foolishness about the subject still abound. The ignorance around this topic made it a perfect Theme Event as there's a lot to talk and discuss on it. DAY 1: The first theme event session will consist on a brief introduction on Gender Identity which will lead to a Round Table discussion where four experts will enthusiastically participate. The main goal of this session is to have a decent debate and solve any questions you may have on the topic. DAY 2: Last but not least, we are proud to present you the main speaker for this year's SECSE , Dr. Ivan Mañero. He is a well-known plastic surgeon that having published various articles and co-written a book on transsexuality is gonna give a talk on the whole sex-changing surgical procedure deepening on its health coverage and the health problems transgender people can face.

Dr. Iván Mañero

HOW TO GET TO THE VENUE In order to offer all the attendees as much comfort as possible, there'll be a bus for free waiting for all the people that arrive before 1:00 pm. A member of the OC will pick everyone up at Arrivals. In case you arrive after 1:00 pm there are a few public transport options for you to get to the venue, the one below is what we thought was the best one.

By Train  Line R2: Aeroport  Barcelona-Clot-Aragó (change to Line R1)  Ocata The half-hourly Renfe rail service departs between 6:15 am and 11:15 pm from the Aeroport train station, in front of the Terminal 2. Price: 4,10 € (4 zones), if you are more than 5 people, you can buy a group ticket and split the fee so it will be cheaper (ask at the ticket office). 0. Please note that passengers arriving at Terminal 1 should take a free shuttle to get to Terminal 2, where the train station is located. 1. Take line R2 (green on this map) and get off at Barcelona Clot-Aragó station. 2. Once there, you have to move to the other platform where you can take line R1 heading either to Mataró or Maçanet-Massanes (blue on this map). 3. Get off at the Ocata station. 4. You will find Dr. Josep Agell Street on your right when you leave the Ocata Station. Walk straight up that street. 5. At the intersection with Joan Miró Street, Dr. Josep Agell Street becomes Cusí Furtunet Avenue. Keep going straight until you find the entrance to the hostel Joan Maria Batista Roca on your right.

Remember to change from line R2 to R1 in Barcelona-Clot Arag贸

In the map above you can see how to get to the venue from Ocata station

SOCIAL PROGRAMME And of course, just like in any other IFMSA event, we will have an incredible Social Program. Talking about Barcelona's breathtaking beaches, unique buildings and innovative flair is not enough, you need to experience what we consider the most beautiful Mediterranean city. That's why we offer you the chance to discover each and every one of its secrets and corners. During the first day you will be able to explore this amazing city in a whole new and surprising way. After the special sightseeing, and to welcome you all in our venue, we will be having a gala dinner to start up this year's SECSE. Next evening, we will introduce you to one of the biggest AECS projects: the beneficiary concert for the Fight against AIDS. It will take place in Barcelona and you’ll have the pleasure to listen to two live music groups, a gospel choir (they are freaking good!) and many other surprises. To keep the fun rolling in, we will take advantage of the exclusivity of the venue to prepare a marvelous social program which will make the attendees’ experience unforgettable … of course most of it should remain secret and you'll only get to know the details when the time comes. We don’t want to spoil the best bits, do we?

PRE-SECSE As if hosting a SECSE wasn't enough for us, we decided to also have a pre-SECSE. Given that the SECSE is about sharing peer education methods we decided that the two workshops that would suit better the pre-SECSE we had in mind would be: 

An International Peer Education Training (IPET)


An advanced International Peer Education Training (Advanced IPET)

The Pre-SECSE will take place from the 31st of August to de 4th of September in the same venue. During these days, you'll have the chance to be trained by amazing facilitators and enjoy the social programme, all of this for a very affordable price. You will all receive more information on this right after the SECSE registration period ends. Stay tuned!

ABOUT CATALONIA We are pleased to introduce you our beloved nation. Catalonia is an autonomous community located in the north-east of Spain, and exercises its self-government in the Spanish State. Our culture has developed its own and unique identity over the centuries. The innovative flair, creativity, co-existence, tolerance and the capacity to get influenced by different cultures are values that have shaped a culture that combines years of history with modern life.

Catalonia stands out for its own and unique traditions. The Castellers, declared by UNESCO to be amongst the Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity, la Patum, les sardanes, el Tió… These are just a few of the things that make us a proud and charming nation. Traditionally, art and thought trend deep into Catalonia as a result of the country's geographic location, open to the Mediterranean and European countries, and also due to the leading spirit and attraction created by Barcelona. The cultural offer in Catalonia is so overwhelming that you wouldn't even get to visit everything in a whole week: unique buildings in Barcelona (known as “the capital of Modernism”) such as the Sagrada Familia or the Palau de la Música Catalana, the striking archaeological ruins at Tarraco and Empúries, the monastery of Poblet in Tarragona, the churches of the Boí Valley in Lleida… all declared World Heritage sites by the UNESCO. Furthermore you can enjoy the exhibitions of world-class museums like the National Art Museum of Catalonia (MNAC) and the Dalí Theatre-Museum in Figueres. The breathtakingly beautiful beaches in regions such as the Costa Brava, its worldclass gastronomy, and the works of famous artists such as Gaudí and Dalí make this region one of Spain’s most popular destinations.

ABOUT BARCELONA After a brief introduction to our land now it's time to introduce the city we are setting the scene in, Barcelona! Barcelona is the biggest Catalan city and

has a

personality of its own, located

between mountains and sea, it's the perfect Mediterranean city to relax in, stroll around and enjoy. The city came to prominence during late 19th and early 20th century, but it wasn't until 1992, when the Olympic Games put it on the world map, that its popularity exploded and expanded. From then on it became a city full of social interaction, cultural vitality and night-life , open to the world and all the cultures. That increased interest in the Catalan capital attracted more and more tourists, widening its appeal and internationalizing it a step further. The millenary history, the modernist creativity and the charm of each neighbourhood make Barcelona an idyllic place to visit, party and live in. And of course, the city has A LOT of cultural staples to sightsee. With a combination of architectural heritage that will leave you breathless, Barcelona offers the work of some of the most well-know architects from the past century, such as Antoni GaudĂ­ and his modernist buildings. We are sure you are all going to enjoy Barcelona as much as we do in our daily life, which is why it's the perfect destination for all the right reasons.

ON BEHALF OF AECS-CATALONIA... Dear IFMSA Friends, Since its foundation in 1872 the Catalan Health Sciences Students’ Association (AECS) has worked continuously for the promotion of health and has helped several generations understand that health is a fundamental and universal value and that it's one of our main responsibilities. One of AECS-Catalonia’s most enriching peculiarities is that, as you may know, it is not only formed by medical students but also by other health sciences students (physiotherapy, human biology, nursery, biotechnology and others). The fact that we are a multidisciplinary health students’ association gives us a better approach to the needs of the Catalan society and allows us to deal with the different dimensions of health, going from basic science to patient care and human determinants of health. We have had an active participation in IFMSA as associate members since 1984. During this time we have organized several international events, the most remarkable of them are the General Assembly of Barcelona in 1995, an SRT in 2010 and the EuRegMe of Pineda in 2011. Therefore and with great pleasure we are very happy to host this year's Southern European Cooperation

on Sexual Education (SECSE) in Barcelona this coming

September. Our organizing committee is working very hard to ensure that everything runs smoothly and that participants enjoy every single moment of the SECSE, they have all my trust and support. I believe the SECSE will be an extraordinary opportunity to exchange ideas and deepen the knowledge on sexual and reproductive health. I would like to personally welcome and invite you all to Catalonia and Barcelona. It will be an unforgettable experience! Albert Agut AECS-Catalonia President

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