Online Handbook

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My Online Course Handbook

My Online Course Handbook 2010

STCW Ship Management Online Blended Learning Course 1 My Online Handbook 2010


My Online Course Handbook

Contents .....................................................................................................................................2 Welcome ....................................................................................................................................3 Contact .......................................................................................................................................3 Your computer Operating System: ............................................................................................4 Software you should have on your computer ............................................................................4 How the Online Training Course Works ..................................................................................5 Online Course Grading Scheme: PASS/FAIL.............................................................................5 One day attendance Grading Scheme at Approved Facility ....................................................5 Getting started online ................................................................................................................6 Course Duration .........................................................................................................................7 Online Exercises.........................................................................................................................7 WHITEBOARD EXERCISES .....................................................................................................8 Online Quizzes ...........................................................................................................................8 Online Quiz Screenshot .............................................................................................................9 What to expect from your Instructor ........................................................................................9 FORUM Discussions ................................................................................................................10 Sample Forum discussion between learner and instructor ......................................................10 What is expected from You ..................................................................................................... 11 Assessments and written Final Examination ...........................................................................12 Sample Home Study Matrix ..................................................................................................... 14 Glossary of Terms..................................................................................................................... 15 You can Always Contact Mid Atlantic Maritime Academy .................................................... 16 Refund Policy is posted on Mid Atlantic Maritime’s website:

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My Online Course Handbook

Welcome Contact This is your online course handbook. This online training is considered “blended” learning because you are required to engage the online course Lessons, Whiteboard Exercises, and Quizzes. You are also required to attend (1) day at Mid Atlantic Maritime, in Norfolk VA or any USCG Approved Facility, to undergo Assessments and written Final Examination. Check with your local USCG Regional Exam Center (REC) to find a USCG Approved School near you. Contact Mid Atlantic now to schedule your (1) day: Mid Atlantic Maritime Academy 5705 Thurston Avenue

You will see your instructor’s virtual office hours and contact details inside your ecourse

Virginia Beach VA 23455 Phone: (757) 464-6008 Toll Free: (866) 775-8382 Fax: (757) 464-2287

Your LMS will contain a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) area

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My Online Course Handbook

Your computer Operating System: Win7 Vista Win2003 Win XP Win2000 MAC

Software you should have on your computer Download free from the internet: Adobe Reader Adobe Flash Word Reader Windows Media Player (or any robust media player) Java (recent version) You are required to have a high-speed internet connection. Definition: High speed Internet is generally meant to convey broadband Internet connectivity and download speeds which are many times faster than a dial-up connection. High-speed Internet connectivity is provided by Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), cable, satellite and wireless service providers. High speed Internet connectivity allows downloads of graphics-heavy files, movies, music videos and entertainment episodes at very high speeds.

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How the Online Training Course Works It is recommended you engage this course for 50 hours. The course is graded as PASS/FAIL. An online CERTIFICATE will be issued upon successful completion of the WBT course. A second Official CERTIFICATE will be issued by Mid Atlantic Maritime Academy upon successful completion of the (1) day attendance at Mid Atlantic Maritime or a USCG Approved Facility. That Certificate is the only Certificate recognized by the USCG and the National Maritime Center (NMC). Check your local Maritime School to see if it is a USCG Approved Facility; you can use that facility to take the Assessments and written Final Examination. Otherwise, come to Mid Atlantic Maritime Academy.

Online Course Grading Scheme: PASS/FAIL Complete all Lessons PASS

Complete all Quizzes PASS

Complete all Online Exercises PASS

Administrative Review Fail 3 or more quizzes

Administrative Review Do not complete all exercises

One day attendance Grading Scheme at Approved Facility National Assessments (Simulator) Pass/Fail (6) Assessments (unlimited attempts)

Multiple-choice final examination 50 questions 70% to pass 1 retake allowed

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Should a learner fail Assessments (unlimited attempts allowed) or the written Final Examination (2 attempts allowed), the learner is required to review the online course (no charge) and return to the Approved Facility within (90) days. The learner is responsible for any incurred expenses. Should there be a 3rd failure of the written Final Examination, the learner has failed the course.

Getting started online You are at home (or anywhere) and have a quiet place to study. You have committed to taking this online course and set up your own schedule of daily/weekly study hours (see the sample study matrix). You are officially registered for the course. You have received your personal Login/Password information via email or by phone (Mid Atlantic Maritime). You have scheduled your one day attendance date at Mid Atlantic Maritime, in Norfolk VA and/or another Approved Facility. You have a relatively modern computer with speakers/headset. A larger screen is desirable (14 inch or greater). Your operating system should be Windows 2000 or later, or MAC. You have loaded the standard software required to take the online course. You have a high-speed internet connection. At your pace (asynchronous learning), you engage the lessons in the prescribed order. You will see a Table of Contents. Most likely, the Learning Management System (LMS) requires you to take the lessons in the order in which they are shown in the Table of Contents. Be sure to view EVERY SLIDE in a lesson; the LMS requires every slide to be viewed, including “Exit Now� slides.

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Course Duration

This course is open for (9) months from your date of registration. If the course is not completed within the (9) month period (including the one day at Approved Facility), an Administrative Review will take place to determine if an extension of time is allowed. This means you and your instructor will have a meeting by phone or internet chat (VOIP) to discuss why you have not completed the course.

Online Exercises The course contains engaging EXERCISES. You are required participate. No set date is required to complete an EXERCISE, however if they are not completed, a FAIL will be issued and you will not be eligible for the Online Certificate. If you do not complete the EXERCISES in this course, you are not eligible to attend the final (1) day at the Approved Facility. In effect, you will FAIL the course. EXERCISES require you to watch a VODCAST and then engage the instructor/learners on the LMS WHITEBOARD. No less than (3) paragraphs of your input are required, per EXERCISE. Exercises & Whiteboard Discussions

Date required

All exercises required to be completed

During course; no specific date

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VODCASTS and the Whiteboard: your LMS contains a “WHITEBOARD”. This is the area you visit to post comments regarding VODCAST EXERCISES assigned by your instructor. You are required to respond to your instructor’s questions based on the audio/visual VODCAST posted. You can engage your instructor and fellow learners. You can even post your own internet links that support the subject. EXERCISES are found in the Course Content area of the LMS (similar to a Lesson). You are asked to contribute fully in a professional manner, and stay on subject. Use the LMS FORUM to start your own DISCUSSIONS.

Online Quizzes Online Lessons contain quizzes. The quizzes are designed as a teaching aide as much as a measurement of your learning. All resources that pertain to a quiz are available within the specific lesson. You are required to take all the quizzes. Scores are recorded and seen by your instructor. You have (2) chances to pass a quiz. Even if you fail a quiz, you may continue with the course however, should you fail (3) quizzes an Administrative Review will be conducted. This means you and your instructor will have a meeting by phone or internet chat (VOIP) to discuss the quizzes. Quiz

Score type



Attempts permitted to pass a quiz 3

Administrative Review Fail 3 or more quizzes

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Online Quiz Screenshot

What to expect from your Instructor Your online instructor is following your progress. The instructor will be available to you every weekday for 2-4 hours. The instructor will post Virtual Office Hours for you to see. You can always send “Private Messages” to your instructor via the WHITEBOARD or standard email. Skype or call your instructor.

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The instructor has access to the Learning Management System (LMS) on which you are working. He can see which lessons you have completed, which quizzes you have taken and when and, whether you are engaging in the WHITEBOAED EXERCISES. You can expect your instructor to occasionally send you comments about your participation in the EXERCISES. Your instructor will always answer your questions and comments.

FORUM Discussions You are encouraged to participate in the FORUM discussions your instructor or other students begin. Begin your own TOPICS and see if anyone contributes. Participation in FORUM discussions is not required. Participation in WHITEBOARD discussions ARE required (see page 8). Get involved! You will see comments by other learners. You can respond to their comments, and they will respond to yours.

Sample Forum discussion between learner and instructor

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What is expected from You

Your instructor expects you to take each section and lesson of a course seriously. You are expected to read and engage all of the incorporated ATTACHMENTS, such as ARTICLES, DOCUMENTS, VIDEOS and more. You will need to read the resources in order to pass the quizzes. You are encouraged to participate in Forum Discussion topics that your instructor has created (FORUM Discussions are not required but EXERCISES are required). Watch for your instructor’s replies to your comments, questions and views. Simply login to the Forum and answer your instructor’s question with your honest opinions. Create your own discussion threads and see if other learners respond. Example: you might be aware of an interesting website that pertains to a certain lesson. Post a link to that website! You are expected to complete the course within the 9-month window. You are expected to complete all Exercises/Whiteboard Discussions. You are expected to spend (1) day at the Approved Facility to undergo Assessments and Final Examination. On that day, you will meet a USCG Approved Instructor and fellow learners. Your online instructor will always be available at the times posted. Do not forget to use GMT. Many learners are in different time zones, so using GMT will solve this issue.

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Assessments and written Final Examination

You are required to attend (1) day at an Approved Facility. You will meet an instructor and other online learners. Contact your local USCG Regional Exam Center (REC) to find the nearest Approved Facility. On that (1) day, you will complete a 50- question multiple choice examination, with a passing score of 70 percent. Questions are drawn from the material covered during the online course and the USCG exam database (sample questions available in your course). The examination and assessments are administered by a USCG Approved Instructor. Visit BEFORE you take the written Final Examination. See the “Ship’s Business” questions. These are similar to the questions you will encounter in the written Final Examination. Should a learner fail Assessments (unlimited attempts allowed) or the written Final Examination (2 attempts allowed), the learner is required to review the online course (no charge) and return to the Approved Facility within (90) days. The learner is responsible for any incurred expenses. Should there be a 3rd failure of the written Final Examination, the learner has failed the course.

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My Online Course Handbook Full Mission Bridge simulation Assessments and Examination questions are drawn from the material covered during the online course and; as per Management Level Assessments drawn from the USCG National Assessment Guidelines for Table A-II/2 of the STCW Code. In a simulator, you will work as a team with other learners. ASSESSMENTS M -7-1A Actions after grounding M-7-2A Re-floating a grounded ship M-7-3A Prepare for collision M-7-3B Actions after collision M-7-4A Emergency steering M-7-5A Emergency towing

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My Online Course Handbook

Sample Home Study Matrix L=Lesson

Study your way!

EX=Exercise Forum= Engage the Forum/Whiteboard SEC 1.0 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 SEC 2.0 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 SEC 3.0 0800 0900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600






STOP L8-11

EX 1







EX 3





EX 4










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Glossary of Terms

Asynchronous learning is a student-centered teaching method that uses online learning resources to facilitate information sharing outside the constraints of time and place among a network of people. Blended Learning refers to a mixing of different learning environments. The phrase has many specific meanings based upon the context in which it is used. Blended learning gives learners and teachers a potential environment to learn and teach more effectively. A learning management system (commonly abbreviated as LMS) is a software application for the administration, documentation, tracking, and reporting of training programs, classroom and online events, e-learning programs, and training content. E-Learning (also called Web Based Training) is defined as all forms of electronic supported learning and teaching, which are procedural in character and aim to effect the construction of knowledge with reference to individual experience, practice and knowledge of the learner. Information and communication systems, whether networked or not, serve as specific media to implement the learning process. Virtual Office Hours are the hours your instructor is available to interact with you. Forms of interaction include email, live chat, VOIP and responding to queries and discussion threads in the LMS Forum. Your instructor will make clear what hours (GMT) he is available for interaction. In emergencies, you can always call the approved facility and speak to a school representative. A LMS Forum is available to you. You can start your own Discussions. Engage other learners! A LMS WHITEBOARD is like the FORUM but it is course-specific. Your instructor will post EXERCISES. Go to the WHITBOARD and respond to your instructor’s questions. Certificate of Training is issued at the completion of your online course (you can print the certificate). A second Certificate is issued to you by the Approved Facility, once you have completed National Assessments and a Final examination. The Certificates will be recognized by your Flag State towards required certification.

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You can Always Contact Mid Atlantic Maritime Academy You can always call Mid Atlantic Maritime and ask questions. You instructor’s contact information will be found inside your course, in every lesson. The ecourse player contains your instructor’s BIO, Office Hours (GMT) and contact information. If for any reason you decide to drop the course, contact Mid Atlantic Maritime immediately.

Refund Policy is posted on Mid Atlantic Maritime’s website:

Enjoy your Online Training!

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