1-2. Ideas 3-4. Passion 5-6. Luxury 7-8. Personalization 9. Architecture 10. Interior Design 11. Industrial Design 12. Works 13. Furniture 14. 3D Graphics 15. Audio/Video & Smart Home 16. Turnkey Solutions 17. Contracts 18. Builders 19. Architects
Wo r k s
W o r k s Services
44. Architecture 1: La Spezia – Public Space 45. Architecture 2: Lucca – Wine Bar 46. Architecture 3: Miranda de Ebro - Museum 47. Architecture 4: Yaoundè – Building 48. Contract 1: Hong Kong – Pizzeria 49. Contract 2: Roma – Caserma Montebello 50. Contract 3: Roma – B&B via Ardeatina 51. Contract 4: Roma – Origini Ice Cream Store 52. Contract 5: Italia – Falegnamerie del Nord – Hotellerie 53. Contract 6: Milano – Ristorante Triple 54. Contract 7: New York – Art Gallery & Lounge Bar 55. Contract 8: Evian – Relais 56. Contract 9: Montecarlo – Hairdresser 57. Contract 10: Roma – Piazza del Pantheon 58. Showroom – Rome
20. Luxury Architecture 1: Cap Ferrat – Private Villa 21-22. Luxury Interiors 2: Parigi – Palais de Tokyo 23-24. Luxury Interiors 3: Parigi – Avenue MarceauLuxury 25-26. Luxury Interiors 4: Roma – Piazza Argentina 27-28. Luxury Interiors 5: Roma – Piazza Barberini 29. Luxury interiors 6: Switzerland – La Domaine Imperiale 30. Luxury Interiors 7: Tunisia – Villa Privata 31. Luxury Interiors 8: New York – Appartamento 32. Luxury Interiors 9: Beverly Hills – Private Villa 33. Luxury Interiors 10: Roma – Villa Privata 34. Luxury Architecture 11: Montecarlo – Place du Casino 35. Interiors 1: Roma – Largo Preneste 36. Interiors 2: Roma – Via Prenestina 37. Interiors 3: Roma – Balduina 38. Interiors 4: Roma – Via Tuscolana 39. Interiors 5: Roma – Civitavecchia 40. Interiors 6: Roma – Via Cortina d’Ampezzo 41. Interiors 7: Roma –San Lorenzo 42. Interiors 8: Parigi – Rue Francois Ier 43. Interiors 9: Montecarlo – Le Granada
the source of our ideas. How do we manage the creative process? Research, empathy and deep knowledge of products, materials and furniture: These are the keywords around which all of our daily activities consist, from which all of our new projects are generated and which receive all of our attention, care and effort. Brilliant ideas and hard work represent the key elements that lead our business: only through the continuous research of new solutions and technologies, are we able to offer unique projects, tailored to our customers’ needs.
Good ideas are the ones that guide us toward success.
dove nascono le idee? Quale è il metodo creativo che seguiamo? Ricerca, empatia e profonda conoscenza dei prodotti, dei materiali e degli arredi: Questi gli elementi fondamentali delle nostre attività quotidiane,che si evolvono sempre in nuovi progetti, curati in ogni dettaglio, utilizzando il massimo delle attenzioni e della cura dei dettagli. Idee brillanti e molte ore di lavoro sono gli elementi chiave che conducono il nostro business: soltanto attraverso la continua ricerca di nuove soluzioni e tecnologie, possiamo offrire progetti unici, realizzati completamente sui desideri dei clienti.
Le buone idee sono quelle che conducono verso il successo.
creativity is passion. During the process that inspires our creations, we passionately devote each moment to creating a truly unique product with a vast emotional content. Ambience is not only the study of volumes and colors, but rather a mix of emotions, feelings, memories and concepts. Our belief: in any project we create, the client should be able to perceive not only the quality and the standard of manufacture, but more importantly, the creative spirit aimed at making something unexpected, uncommon and unique. Beauty resides in simplicity, covered by layers of warm and meaningful sensations.
We judge our work through the eyes of the beholder.
creatività e passione. Durante il processo creativo, dedichiamo ogni istante nella creazione di qualcosa di unico, dal forte contenuto emozionale.
Un ambiente non è solo studio di volumi e colori, ma soprattutto una commistione di emozioni, sentimenti, ricordi e concetti. Crediamo che, in ogni progetto creato, il cliente debba essere in grado non solo di percepire la qualità della realizzazione, ma ancor più importante, di interpretare lo spirito creativo, finalizzato alla realizzazione di qualcosa di inaspettato, non comune ed unico. La bellezza è nella semplicità, coperta da strati di avvolgenti ed intense sensazioni.
Giudichiamo il nostro lavoro attraverso gli occhi di chi lo osserva.
luxury lifestyle. We believe luxury is much more than an expensive pair of shoes, or an exotic sports car. We define luxury as the chance for our clients to have one-ofa-kind projects tailored to suit their needs and desires. Creating these projects with the highest quality materials and at the same time offering the widest possible choices in regards to all aspects. We proffer the best carpenters, ironworkers and marble cutters working in Italy today, and we provide a high definition 3Dimensional render service, highlighting each detail of the final project. We can also offer virtually any piece of furniture, technology or finish available globally, from assorted marbles, onyxes, semiprecious stones to kitchen appliances, high end audio/ video systems and the prestigious of timbers, in order to customize state-of-the-art furniture and environments. We provide turnkey solutions, meaning can select, personalize or buy, any single object or piece of furniture to suit the needs of any home.
Luxury means delivering your daily problems to us, and focusing solely on your dreams.
luxury lifestyle. Lusso è molto di più di un costoso paio di scarpe o di una auto sportiva. Intendiamo il lusso come la possibilità che hanno i nostri clienti di avere un progetto unico, realizzato in ogni minimo dettaglio sui loro desideri e necessità, offrendo i migliori materiali e la più ampia scelta disponibile sul mercato. Offriamo i migliori falegnami, fabbri, incisori di marmi, e impiantisti disponibili sul mercato italiano; ma ancor prima di iniziare, offriamo al cliente la possibilità di poter visualizzare il suo progetto, attraverso il fotorealismo della grafica 3D. Proponiamo ai nostri clienti una gamma pressochè completa di arredi, tecnologie o finiture disponibile oggi sul mercato mondiale: marmi, onici, semipreziosi, elettrodomestici, sistemi home theatre, le più rare essenze di legno. Tutto per realizzare arredi e ambienti che rappresentino la massima espressione del lusso e dell’eleganza. Offriamo realizzazioni chiavi in mano, dove selezioniamo e realizziamo ogni singolo elemento che compone la casa.
Lusso è delegare i problemi e le decisioni quotidiane, per avere il tempo di perseguire solo il proprio sogno.
one&only works one&only works
Our philosophy is one of our finest strengths: never replicate or copy from the past. We strongly believe that our previous projects are a means solely to enhance our skills and creativity, and not a source for new projects.
La nostra filosofia è uno dei nostri punti di forza: mai ripetere e copiare dal passato. Riteniamo che ogni lavoro realizzato è il mezzo per migliorare le nostre capacità e la nostra creatività, ma non è la sorgente dei nuovi progetti.
Every time we create a brief for a new client, we define an idea of living, and develop a totally new concept based around individual needs.
Ogni volta che approcciamo un nuovo cliente,definiamo la sua idea di vita e di casa, sviluppando sempre concetti nuovi e creativi.
We are able to customize any single object, from beds to chandeliers, kitchens and smart home systems to sofas, tableware, and any other item, in order to create unique and personalized projects.
Siamo in grado di personalizzare ogni singolo oggetto: letti, complementi, cucine, impianti domotici,divani, complementi e qualunque oggetto che sia funzionale al nuovo progetto.
Any idea, need or necessity that our customer has, simply becomes part of an integrated project, aimed to create a unique and personal concept of living.
Ogni idea, volontà o necessita del cliente è semplicemente parte di un progetto integrato,finalizzato a creare un concetto unico e personale di casa.
One idea, thousands of colors. Una idea, migliaia di colori.
We offer complete architecture services, from the creation of the masterplans to the final construction drawings. Our expertise allows us to design and project anything from apartments, villas, commercial structures, right up to entire buildings. Our services also include high definition renders of 3Dimensional projects for yacht hulls, infrastructure, or any other 3D structure. With partners in New York, Moscow, Saint Tropez, Paris, London, Seville, Barcelona, Monte-Carlo and Berlin, we are able to provide on-site supervision and assistance for the local building companies worldwide. At the end of the job, the client receives the book of the worksite, including 3D renders, master plans in A3 format, work plans in A1/A0 format, electric, hydraulic, smart home plans and sections.
Lo Studio Signum offre servizi completi di architettura, dal masterplan ai particolari costruttivi. Le nostre competenze ci permettono di progettare appartamenti, ville, strutture commerciali, fino ad edifici interi. Realizziamo inoltre immagini 3D fotorealistiche e modelli 3D, anche di grandi strutture come scafi di yacht e palazzi. Offriamo servizi di supervisione e assistenza ai costruttori, in tutto il mondo, con studi partner a New York, Mosca, Saint Tropez, Parigi, Londra, Siviglia, Barcellona, Montecarlo e Berlino. Alla fine di ogni opera viene consegnato al cliente un libro di cantiere, che riporta le immagini 3D, il masterplan, i disegni tecnici, gli impianti elettrici, idrici e domotici, nonchè le sezioni.
architecture architecture
interior design
interior design interior design
Perhaps one of our most refined skills is our capacity to provide our clients with a full range of interior design services, from project stage to the final implementation of the interior.
La nostra migliore capacità è di fornire ai nostri clienti una intera gamma di servizi, dall’idea concettuale fino alla realizzazione chiavi in mano, sia per i privati che per il contract.
We are able to supply almost any brand of any object available globally, or customize any detail, from tableware to bedsheets, from furniture to lighting, fabric, sofas, and any other product.
siamo in gradi di fornire ogni arredo, complemento o accessorio disponibile seul mercato o di customizzare ogni elemento, dall‘arredo tavola alla illuminazione, ai tessuti, ai divani, ecc.
Our projects are brought to life by means of 3D high definition renders, in order to provide a detailed window into the exact feeling, ambiance, colors and shapes of the finished product.
Presentiamo i nostri progetti con 3D ad alta definizione, al fine di comunicare al cliente sensazioni, atmosfere, forme e colori che intendiamo realizzare.
We keep our clients informed with various scheduled briefings, updating the project on a weekly basis, or, according to the owners’ needs and requests.
Seguiamo i nostri clienti con vari incontri programmati e inviamo aggiornamenti settimanali dei progetti, in accordo con le esigenze del committente.
Moreover, any choice shown on a sketch or on a 3D, is complemented with material samples and color charts. Each customized object or piece of furniture is created in Italy by our craftsmen, carpenters, upholsters, stonecarvers, and a wide succession of artists for decorations and special finishes.
Ogni scelta progettuale viene inoltre corredata di campioni di materiali e tabelle colore. Ogni oggetto customizzati viene esclusivamente realizzato in Italia dai nostri artigiani, quali falegnami, tappezzieri, decoratori. Ma offriamo anche prodotti quali moquette americane, washlet giapponesi, elettrodomestici tedeschi, pelli norvegesi, legni brasiliani, parati inglesi, semipreziosi del Madagascar, vernici francesi, cristalli austriaci, mettendo insieme il meglio che il mercato mondiale può offrire.
We also offer American rugs, Japanese washlets, German kitchen appliances, Norwegian leather, Brazilian timbers, English wallpaper, Madagascar semiprecious stones, French paints, Austrian crystals, grouping together simply the best that the global market has to offer. Lavoriamo quotidianamente con i più importanti produttori di arredi e complementi, quali: We work daily with some of the most important furniture producers in the world, such as: Toncelli, Toncelli, Zampieri, Casamance, Zimmer&Rohde, Zampieri, Casamance, Zimmer&Rohde, Dedar, Dedar, Sahco, Gaggenau, Neff, Siemens, Miele, Sahco, Gaggenau, Neff, Siemens, Miele, Porro, Porro, Archilab, Eichholtz, Ilfari, Vistosi, Luceplan, Archilab, Eichholtz, Ilfari, Vistosi, Luceplan, VI VI Spring, Cornelio Cappellini, Antidiva, Zanaboni, Spring, Cornelio Cappellini, Antidiva, Zanaboni, Besana, Smania, Arper, Bisazza, La Murrina, Fendi Besana, Smania, Arper, Bisazza, La Murrina, Fendi Casa, Ipe Cavalli, Aquarama, Provasi, and Casa, Ipe Cavalli, Aquarama, Provasi, and many other. many other. (COMPLETE LIST AT THE END OF THE BOOK) (COMPLETE LIST AT THE END OF THE BOOK)
industrial design
industrial design industrial design Our industrial design services not only go hand-inhand with our interior design services through the creation of unique and innovative furniture pieces, but they also allow us to design and create from scratch almost any object necessary; from a boat hull, to a custom designed doorhandle.
I servizi di design industriale che forniamo ai nostri clienti, non solo si integrano perfettamente con l’interior design che permette di sviluppare arredi unici ed innovativi, ma permettono di offrire al cliente la possibilità di progettare e modellare ogni oggetto, dallo scafo di uno yacht fino alla maniglia.
After a detailed research and concept generation stage our industrial design projects are brought to life by means of 3D modelling software in order to provide the client with an extremely detailed window into both the look and the functionality of the product.
Dopo una analisi approfondita e lo sviluppo del concept, i progetti vengono modellati con un software di grafica 3D, che mostra poi al cliente il look finale dell’oggetto e le sue effettive funzionalità tecniche.
Poniamo la massima attenzione su ogni singolo The upmost importance is placed on detail, dettaglio, sulla unicità del prodotto, sulla usability, uniqueness, innovation; in terms of both funzionalità dello stesso e sulla innovazione materials and functionality and ethical design. che lo stesso contiene; materiali, funzionalità e design etico, sono il mix perfetto per prodotti All of our products are produced in Italy meaning all’avanguardia. quality for the client, and peace of mind for our environment, reducing the carbon footprint of Gli arredi e gli oggetti sono prodotti in Italia: ciò the object in terms of both durability and in turn significa per il cliente qualità, rispetto dell’ambiente longevity and the tolls involved in transporting e riduzione delle emissioni di gas serra, grazie ad goods and materials back and forth overseas. una durevolezza e longevità del prodotto superiore alla concorrenza. Il concetto di Km.0 applicato al design industriale.
Credits: Industrial Design: Serena Holloway
works Signums’ team of practiced professionals is capable of accomplishing almost any type of project from private to professional, for example: Concrete structures for civil use; Prefabricated structures in lamellar wood; private villas; residential edifices; commercial edifices. We are also practiced in the planning and installation of air-conditioning units, central heating, electric and hydraulic systems. We also offer our clients a team of hand-selected professionals for the completion of plasterboard projects, Barrisol ceilings, painting and decorating and all available types of masonry including laying of tiles, various marbles etc. Attraverso un team di professionisti, la signum può realizzare per privati e aziende, opere di qualsiasi genere, quali: strutture in calcestruzzo ad uso civile; strutture prefabbricate in legno lamellare; ville private; edifici ad uso residenziale; edifici ad uso commerciale. Possiamo inoltre realizzare ogni tipo di impianto, sia di condizionamento/ riscaldamento che elettrico, idrico, di sicurezza e domotico.
Offriamo inoltre ai nostri clienti squadre di professionisti selezionate per realizzare opere in cartongesso, soffitti tesi, opere di pittura, di decorazione, e ogni opera muraria connessa, inclusa la posa di pavimenti e rivestimenti di qualsiasi genere, dai marmi tagliati a disegno, alle pareti in stoffa.
furniture and materials arredi e forniture
Signum deals directly with more than 400 furniture Lo Studio Signum lavora direttamente con oltre 400 and materials producers, these companies have been aziende che operano nel settore dell’arredamento, con divided into the following fields: contratti di fornitura diretti, divise nei seguenti settori: bookcases, wardrobes, beds, tables, both classical and modern; outdoor furniture; chairs, sofas, armchairs, daybeds; classical and contemporary bathroom furniture; taps and sanitary appliances; bathroom accessories; classic and modern kitchens; kitchen appliances; classic and modern decorative lighting; technical lighting; outdoor lighting; audio/video, smart home systems; marble, granite, stone, onyx, semiprecious stone; ceramic tiles, kerlite, leather tiles; multi-layered and solid wood flooring; PVC, carpet, linoleum, epoxy resins; tableware, linen; classic and modern fabrics; rugs; wallpaper, paint; interior decoration accessories; multi-layered wood windows, doors; stairs in wood, steel or concrete; minipools, saunas, hammam; air conditioning, solar panels, heaters fireplaces; hydraulic filter systems; office furniture; custom made italian furniture; furniture for restaurants, hotels and yachts; industrial kitchens; refrigerated bar structures and industrial fridges.
arredamento zona notte e giorno, classico e di design; arredamento per esterni; sedute e imbottiti; arredo bagno classico e moderno; rubinetterie e sanitari; complementi e accessori bagno; cucine classiche e moderne; elettrodomestici; illuminazione decorativa classica e moderna; illuminazione tecnica; illuminazione per esterni; audio/video professionale e per locali; marmi, graniti, pietre, onici, semipreziosi; rivestimenti in gres porcellanato, kerlite e pelle; parquet in legno multistrato e massello; pvc, moquette, linoleum e pavimenti in resina; complementi zona giorno, tavola, zona notte; tessuti di arredamento classici e moderni; tappeti; carte da parati e vernici; complementi per la decorazione; infissi in legno lamellare, porte; scale in legno, acciaio e cemento; minipiscine, saune, bagni turchi; condizionatori, pannelli solari, termoarredi; caminetti normali e a bioalcool; impianti idrici di filtraggio; arredo ufficio; arredi personalizzati su disegno; arredamento per il contract; cucine industriali; banconi refrigerati e frigoriferi industriali.
3D graphics
grafica 3D Amongst our various services we offer our clients the possibility to visualise their house/ apartment in every detail via the completion of high definition models. These means permit the client the possibility to define every single detail of the given space: chromatic palette, the volume of furniture and decoration, the distribution of the spaces and a realistic projection of exactly how much light will be provided by the proposed lighting. We are able to provide images of internal spaces, external spaces, gardens, buildings or entire urban areas at various definitions, from a basic model to a photorealistic render. We can also provide 3D models of single objects including animations where necessary and we can simulate the actual materials intended for use in the production of the object. Tra i servizi offerti, proponiamo ai nostri clienti la possibilità di vedere il loro appartament o villa visibile in ogni dettaglio, attraverso la realizzazione di modelli 3D ad alta definizione. Questo strumento permette di offrire la possibilità di definire ogni singolo dettaglio della abitazione: le palette cromatiche, i volumi degli arredi, gli spazi distributivi, nonchè la reale resa luminosa dei corpi illuminanti. Possiamo realizzare immagini di interni, aree esterne, giardini, palazzi o intere aree urbane, a varie definizioni, dal modello base in bianco ad una definizioe fotorealistica. Possiamo inoltre realizzare modelli 3D di singoli oggetti, incluse animazioni degli stessi, nonchè possiamo realizzare simulazioni di prove fisiche con i materiali che verranno poi impiegati nella produzione degli oggetti stessi.
audio-video & smart home audio-video & smart home systems systems At Signum we project, assemble and install almost every type of audio video equipment from simple domestic stereos to home theatres and smart home systems such as Crestron and AMX systems which are also adapt for luxury yachts and hotels.
Progettiamo, forniamo ed istalliamo impianti audio video di ogni genere, a partire dal semplice impianto stereo domestico a sistemi di diffusione audio/video multicanale, sistemi audio di alta fedeltà, sistemi domotici Crestron e AMX, fino alla realizzazioni di sale per l’Home Cinema professionale o sistemi We use the most up-to-date Kaleidescape system for integrati di gestione domotica per grandi strutture. the storage and diffusion of multichannel, multimedia libraries, with applications in the luxury yachting and Utilizziamo il più moderno sistema Kaleidescape per hotel worlds. lo stoccaggio e la diffusione multicanale di biblioteche multimediali, con applicazioni nel mondo dello We also supply anti-theft and alarm systems yachting di lusso e dell’hotellerie. from domestic systems for houses/ apartments to integrated systems including infrared CCTV cameras Forniamo inoltre sistemi di sorveglianza e sicurezza and underground and external movement sensors. integrati, dal sistema volumetrico per l’appartamento fino a sistemi di sicurezza dotati di telecamere a The smart home systems that we install can also be infrarosso a circuito chiuso, cavi di prossimità interrati operated via both iphone and smartphone. e sensori di movimento esterni. I sistemi domotici da noi istallati possono essere interfacciati anche con iphone e smartphones di ultima generazione.
audio-video & smart home
turnkey solutions turnkey solutions Signum Architecture & Design proposes its services as the principal contractor for architectural projects, interior design and the supply of works and furniture for apartments, villas and offices. The merging of these various phases offers the end user a number of advantages: our company takes the client through the entire process from the masterplan to the delivery of the completed project, keeps the client updated with continuous information regarding the work site status, manages the realization costs, but also offers the widest choice of furniture, materials and finishes available. The client also has noticeable benefits in terms of time and money, as a general contractor, Signum Architecture & Design offers integrated economical solutions that offer savings of up to 25%, with respect to market prices. Most importantly however, the client benefits from a project that has been studied in every detail, tailored to his or her needs, made into his or her idea of home and then developed together with architects, interior designers and decorators. The final result is a space that reflects the personality of the owner, brought to life by the expertise of architecture professionals and workers each specializing in their various fields. Masons, decorators, ironworkers, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, upholsters, installers: in three years of continuous activity, we have selected a workforce that guarantees reliability, optimal skill and courtesy to our clients.
Lo studio Signum si propone ai suoi clienti come unico referente per la progettazione, ristrutturazione e arredamento di appartamenti, ville, uffici. Unificare i tre processi permette all’utente finale una serie importante di vantaggi: avere uno studio di progettazione che segue dall’idea di massima fino alla consegna degli spazi finiti ed arredati, avere sempre lo sviluppo del cantiere aggiornato, tenere sotto controllo i costi di realizzazione ed avere la più ampia scelta di arredi, materiali e finiture oggi disponibile sul mercato. Inoltre il cliente beneficia di un evidente risparmio di tempo e di denaro, poiché come general contractor, la Signum propone soluzioni economiche integrate che permettono un risparmio di almeno il 25% rispetto ai prezzi generalmente applicati dalle imprese o dai singoli negozi. Ma ancor più importante, il cliente beneficia di un progetto studiato in ogni dettaglio, realizzato su misura delle esigenze abitative e dell’idea creativa che si sviluppa assieme ai progettisti. Il risultato finale è un appartamento o una villa che riflettono in ogni dettaglio la personalità di chi lo vive, consigliato ad ogni passo dai migliori interior designer e supportato dalle qualità tecniche dei professionisti che realizzano le varie opere. Muratori, decoratori, fabbri, impiantisti idrici, elettricisti, falegnami, tappezzieri, installatori: in tre anni di attività continua nei cantieri, abbiamo selezionato professionisti che garantiscono affidabilità, professionalità e cortesia verso i nostri clienti.
turnkey solutions
contracts contracts Signum Architecture & Design, projects, realizes, and fully furnish shops, hotels, restaurants, bars, pizzerias, ice cream stores, supermarkets and any other commercial space, office or medical structure. With our internal team and our commercial partners, we can provide the masterplan, 3D graphics, and the complete turnkey solution including an economic proposal in a very short time frame. We also supply the client with detailed information of the turnaround time and the furniture supply time. All furniture can also be personalized and custom made by the best Italian and European artisans.
Lo Studio Signum progetta, realizza e arreda negozi, alberghi, ristoranti, bar, pizzerie, gelaterie e ogni altro genere di locale commerciale, ufficio o struttura medica. Con la nostra organizzazione interna e quella delle aziende partner, possiamo realizzare in tempi brevi il masterplan, la grafica 3D ed il preventivo chiavi in mano per la realizzazione e le forniture. Forniamo inoltre ai clienti delle informazioni precise sul cronoprogramma delle opere e della consegna delle stigliature. Queste ultime possono essere personalizzate e realizzate dai migliori artigiani italiani ed europei.
builders builders Daily experience with building Dalla nostra esperienza companies led us to setting up a quotidiana di lavoro con le number of services for them. aziende costruttrici, abbiamo messo a punto una serie di We are able to provide them servizi che forniamo ai costruttori, with, in order to give their homes al fine di rendere il loro prodotto a more competitive edge on the piĂš appetibile e piĂš competitive market, the following services: sul mercato. Forniamo servizi di: Architecture; Interior design and space optimization; 3D graphics & communication; Realization of fully furnished showroom apartments; Direct sales to the final owner; Direct supply of stones, tiles, wood floor, sanitary appliances and kitchens.
Architettura; Interior design e ottimizzazione degli spazi distributivi interni; Render 3D e materiale di comunicazione; Realizzazione in cantiere di appartamenti completamente arredati da adibire a showroom; Vendita in cantiere di materiali e arredi al cliente finale; Vendita alla ditta costruttrice We also support to the builders’ di pietre, rivestimenti, parquet, sales forces directly on the sanitari, rubinetti, arredo bagno e worksite, providing an interior cucine. designer able to consult with potential buyers. Forniamo inoltre servizi di supporto alle vendite con i nostri interior designer presenti nel cantiere che possono consigliare il cliente finale.
architects architects Signum Architecture & Design offers to its partners a number of services aimed to provide the final client a better service and quality of the interior design process:
Lo Studio Signum propone agli studi di architettura partner, una serie di servizi atti a migliorare la qualità dell’offerta indirizzata al cliente finale:
Design and realization of custom made furniture; 3D graphics; Detailed economic proposals for works and furniture supply; Direct sales of furniture and materials from a database of more than 400 Italian and foreign companies; Interior design consultancy to the final user; Supply of professionals that will realize interior works; Logistic management in the worksite and installation of furniture and materials; New products research.
progettazione e realizzazione di arredi; progettazione 3D; preventivazione di opere e forniture; vendita diretta di arredi da un database di oltre 400 aziende; consulenza di interior design al cliente finale; fornitura di professionisti per la realizzazione delle opere; controllo della logistica di cantiere e della istallazione di arredi e materiali; ricerca di materiali.
Signum is in the center of the decision making process and the realization of the interiors, and gives the architect technical, logistic and quality support, that allows to satisfy clients’ needs in an easier way, without the intervention of other commercial structures. It also guarantees the complete skills to realize a high quality project.
Lo Studio Signum si pone al centro del processo decisionale e realizzativo delle opere, garantendo all’architetto un supporto tecnico, logistico e qualitativo, che permette di soddisfare le esigenze dei clienti in maniera semplice e diretta, senza la intermediazione di altre realtà commerciali, garantendo al contempo le competenze necessarie alla realizzazione di un progetto di alta qualità.
Villa Privata - Cap Ferrat 2009
Client: private Surface: 2000 sq. m. Budget: 900.000 â‚Ź Description: The mansion, site in the most exclusive location of French Riviera, needed a refitting of the outdoor spaces, including the realization of a new swimming pool and all the outdoor stairs and terraces. We have developed two different concepts, one extremely modern, with gazebos hosting forty people seated and a LED lighted mini soccer field. The second option proposes the style of 1930s Ranch Hearst in San Simeon (CA.), with Italian marble columns and travertine balustrades. The pool is completely realized with Italian glass mosaic.
Credits: interior design: Signum + Maurizio Capobianco works: Remag s.r.l (partner company)
Palais de Tokyo - Paris 2004
Client: private Size: 450 sq. m.+ 120 terraces Budget: 1.200.000 ₏ Description: The owner requested a neutral space where he could host his collection of artwork: Halley, Basquiat,Warhol, Rauschenberg, to name just few of the artists that compose the collection. Each electronic device and appliance had to be hidden, in order to clean up the look of the spaces. Back lit surfaces, a crystal bridge, skylights and hidden 65�inches plasma TV, are just few of the numerous amenities in the apartment.
Client: private Surface: 240 sq. m. Budget: 1.120.000 â‚Ź Description: the client needed a very minimal, yet cozy and warming space, keeping always in mind functionality and style. 90% of the apartment is cutommade by Italian craftsmen and carpenters. Home video and smart home system by AMX guarantees a totally wireless home. Motorized mirrors and plasma TVs, hidden home theatre, Laura Meroni sculpted doors, TOTO japanese washlets, Belgian wallpaper, French oversized wild oak woodfloor, American and German electronic devices, Italian lighting: all those elements create a state-of-the-art apartment, for a very demanding client. Credits: interior design: Signum + Maurizio Capobianco works: Remag s.r.l (partner company)
Avenue Marceau - Paris 2006
Piazza Argentina - Rome 2006
Client: private Size: 361 sq. m. Budget: 1.220.000 € Description: Final version of the project, realized in cooperation with the Russian Architecture Studio of Sergey Estrin Moscow. The client requested to create in the apartment an Ancient Rome feeling, using precious materials such as travertine, aged iron, patinas, old bricks. But also needed to create a relaxing space, with all comforts, all the electronic devices (hidden in the furniture), luxury bathrooms and a very creative kitchen, where he could spend time with friends. From its main window, is visible the Borromini’s Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza bell-tower. Vitruvian drawings are designed on frosted glass doors, and an aging effect patina decorates the walls. The entire living room is covered in Trani limestone.
Credits: interior design: Signum + Estrin Studio + Maurizio Capobianco works: Remag s.r.l (partner company)
Piazza Barberini - Rome 2009
Client: private Surface: 285 sq. mts. Budget: 950.000 ₏ Description: Facing the Tritone Fountain, the penthouse reflects the owner’s needs: an elegant spacious home with wide common spaces and all the comforts of a 5-star hotel. Bathrooms are realized with precious marbles and onyxes, fine timber finishes, delivered completely furnished. The living room hosts a concrete staircase, that connects the two floors. All the furniture are custom made, realized by Italian artisans. The project is a turnkey solutions where we took care of any detail, including the supply of home accessories, tableware and any other object. Credits: interior design: Signum + Maurizio Capobianco furniture supply: Signum works: Remag s.r.l (partner company)
La Domaine Imperiale - Switzerland 2009
Client: golf club Size: 730 sq. m. Budget: 3.400.000 ₏ Description: Project realized for La Domaine Imperiale: it consists in the interior design of the club house, including the restaurants. The work included the development of the concept, new distribution of the internal spaces and budget analisys for the realization. The project has involved the study of lighting, spaces, finishes and accessories, in order to provide a turnkey solution to the Club owners’.
Private Villa - Tunisia 2009
Client: private Surface: 450 sq. m. Budget: 430.000 â‚Ź Description: the project was related to a newconstruction villa site on the borders of a new golf club in Tunisia. It was a turnkey solution where we supplied the project and furniture, in partnership with an Italian company, involved as general contractor. The client demanded an Italian style for this home, destined for the golf club guests. Credits: interior design: Signum + Laura Rossi furniture supply: Mobili Paolo (Perugia-Italy)
Apartment - New York 2008
Client: private Surface: 260 sq. m. Budget: 600.000 â‚Ź Description: the apartment, site on Central Park South, facing the green area of Manhattan, has been completely redesigned, creating 3 bedrooms and a huge living area with views of the landscape of the city. The masterplan and the definitive project were developed in partnership with a local architect. Credits: interior design: Signum + Riccardo Carver (Architect)
Private Villa - Beverly Hills 2009
Client: private Surface: 450 sq. m. Budget: 900.000 â‚Ź Description: the mansion, facing the valley of Los Angeles has been entirely redesigned, creating a new master suite on two levels with 2 master bathrooms, 2 changing rooms, fireplaces and a huge crystal staircase that connects the two areas. The owner, a famous rockstar, also required a complete refitting of the original project, and the creation of a fully functional recording studio.
Grottaferrata - Rome 2010 Client: private Surface: 310 sq. m. Budget: 450.000 â‚Ź Description: the villa, site a few kilometers from downtown Rome, will be completely refurbished in Sept. 2010. The owner requested a complete refitting, keeping the existing structure of the home, but adding a classic revisited style, with 5-star hotel flavor. Silks, rosewood doors, handmade sofas covered of precious velvets, stingray leather, and custom built wood furniture, make this home a luxury nest for a very demanding couple.
Place du Casino - Montecarlo 2010
Client: Principality of Monaco Surface: 12.000 sq. m. Budget: T.B.D. Description: One of the few buildings in the Place du Casino will be subject to drastic transformation, from cinema/theatre and shops to the most luxury condominium in Europe. Together with the Carver Architect firm, we created a masterplan for a public competition for the project. The idea was to transform the outside structure simply highlighting the 1930s structure, creating dramatic effects with light and superstructures.
Credits: interior design: Signum project management: Riccardo Carver, Maurizio Capobianco
Largo Preneste - Roma 2004
Client: private Surface: 60 sq. m. Budget: 70.000 â‚Ź Description: this apartment, realized in 2004, was one of our most interesting projects, due to the possibility to create a space with a number of amenities: a unique space hosting a custom built industrial kitchen with steel mosaic, a high table with stools, a Gallotti&Radice steel and crystal table, and a 1970s sofa, plus a state-of-the-art audio-video system with McIntosh amps and Kef loudspeakers. The bathroom, made of slate and red lacquer, is furnished with Flaminia sanitaries and a concrete basin and shower plate.
Via Prenestina - Rome 2009 Client: private Surface: 150 sq. m. Budget: 95.000 â‚Ź Description: the client, a famous Italian writer, needed to join two penthouses together thus creating wide spaces, for example the kitchen and a number of amenities like a custom built leather library, to host her personal collection of miniature dragons. The dining table, the chairs, the white library and the sofas were created by Italian artisans.
Balduina - Rome 2008
Client: private Surface: 170 sq. m. Budget: 180.000 â‚Ź Description: the project consisted of refitting the apartment, creating dramatic views and giving the home a warm and elegant atmosphere, this consisted of fitting the home out with leather, precious woods, marble and classic furniture pieces. This combination gave the home a feeling of luxury which was balanced by a modern and fully equipped kitchen.
Via Tusculana - Rome 2009
Client: private Surface: 120 sq. m. Budget: 40.000 â‚Ź Description: as a partial intervention in the project, we created the kitchen, the bathrooms and the bedroom furniture. The idea was to create a cozy and modern apartment for a young couple of professionals.
Civitavecchia - Roma 2008
Client: private Surface: 120 sq. m. Budget: 210.000 â‚Ź Description: a 3-story apartment near the seaside, a young couple were looking for a minimal but luxury apartment, with a particular kitchen design/ living room, and hidden Corian columns storing all of the domestic appliances.
Via Cortina d’Ampezzo - Rome 2009
Client: private Surface: 50 sq. m. Budget: 20.000 â‚Ź Description: A small studio completely refitted: a low budget project with a good result: a classic interior with warm colors, wood and velvets.
San Lorenzo - Rome 2010
Client: private Surface: 80 sq. m. Budget: 55.000 â‚Ź Description: The client requested the creation of a new kitchen, opening the space into the dining area: the project also included the realization of marble floors in Emperador Dark, repainting half of the vertical surfaces and the installation of wood flooring throughout the apartment. The kitchen was custom made and equipped with Neff appliances.
Rue Francois Ier - Paris 2004
Client: private Size: 245 sq. mts. Budget: 458.000 â‚Ź Description: This apartment is the retreat of a famous American rockstar. He needed a quite, cozy and familiar place where to stay with his family, composed of his wife and 2 newborn children. They needed a special nest, simple but luxurios and unique: we realized the crib and the rest of the furniture in the room. The cascade in the master bathroom, the guitars and platinum discs hung in the living room, and the sculpted wooden chair at the entrance, added unexpected beauty but were not shown in the preliminary project.
Credits: interior design: Signum + Maurizio Capobianco works: Remag s.r.l (partner company)
Le Granada - Monte Carlo 2009
Client: private Surface: 120+120 sq. m. Budget: 360.000 â‚Ź Description: one of the most prestigious penthouses in Monte-Carlo, overlooking the Rock of Monaco, the port and the best spots of the Formula One Grand Prix. This space was completely renovated, including an expansion of the terrace, and the addition of a number of amenities, such as an internal cascade, a 4-seat Jacuzzi on the terrace and a steel and glass structure atop the apartment, as a second living area. The owner selected the best appliances and furniture, to obtain a sleek and modern effect.
Credits: interior design: Signum + Maurizio Capobianco works: Remag s.r.l (partner company)
Public Space - La Spezia 2010
Client: local government Surface: 9.000 sq. m. Description: the project aimed to redefine a public space in one of the most important squares of the city: a central structure that would create a separation from the street and at the same time allow space to install public seating and green areas.
Credits: Architecture: Officina del Disegno + Pietro Fortuna 3D Graphics & Model: Signum
Wine Bar - Lucca 2007
Client: private Surface: 600 sq. m. Budget: T.B.D. Description: the project was aimed at realizing a multipurpose commercial space hosting a bar, a seafood bar, a restaurant and a wine tasting area. The project was based on an existing concrete structure that needed a total refurbishment.
Credits: Architecture: Officina del Disegno 3D Graphics & Model: Signum
Museum - Miranda de Ebro 2007
Client: local government Surface: 1300 sq. m. Budget: T.B.D. Description: The project was aimed at transforming an abandoned building into the new space that would host the city museum. The aim was to preserve the old existing structure (protected by the Ministry of Arts and Culture), and to create the necessary infrastructures to create a path that takes the visitor through the city history, the artifacts and artworks.
Credits: Architecture: Firouz Galdo + Filippo Felli 3D Graphics & Model: Signum
Building Yaounde - Cameroon 2009
Client: local government Surface: 40.000 sq. m. Budget: T.B.D. Description: We created a masterplan of a multipurpose building, hosting commercial, residential and office spaces. The rooftop hosts a leisure area with swimming pools, tennis courtyards, a mini soccer field, restaurants and playgrounds. Most of the surface is covered with solar panels.
Pizzeria - Hong Kong 2009
Client: private Surface: 105 sq. m. Budget: T.B.D. Description: an ongoing project, aimed to create a chain of take away pizza stores in Hong Kong and China, based on the Italian concept, proposing a pre-sliced pizza. The project also includes the graphic design of the shops and the development of all the communication tools.
Caserma Montebello - Rome 2009
Client: private Surface: 600 sq. m. Budget: 95.000 â‚Ź Description: the project was based on the creation of an external space inside a military base, it included an open air restaurant, a swimming pool and a number of lounge areas; at night the space needed to be used as a club for friends and relatives of the soldiers.
B&B Via Ardeatina - Rome 2009
Client: private Surface: 310 sq. m. Budget: 380.000 â‚Ź Description: the project was based on the restoration of an old structure hosting stalls, to be used in the creation of apartments, including the supply of all the furniture and accessories. The project will also include the realization of other 60 apartments to be sold by 2011.
Origini Ice Cream - Rome 2010
Client: private Surface: 60/100 sq. m. Budget: T.B.D. Description: the project is based on the development of a chain of luxury ice cream stores. Signum will take care of the brand image, the industrial design of cabinets and furniture, the interior design and all the accessories. In 2011 the chain will open more than 100 stores throughout Europe and Middle East.
Hotellerie Projects - Rome 2009
Client: private Surface: T.B.D. Budget: T.B.D. Description: We created, for an Italian entrepreneur, a project for the quick refitting of hotels, to be realized in a short time, adding elements to the existing structures. Shown in the images are three different styles, applied to the same hall. The target clients were 2, 3 and 4 star hotels that needed renovation and had low budgets to invest.
Triple Restaurant - Milan 2009
Client: private Surface: 300 sq. m. Budget: 330.000 â‚Ź Description: a restaurant site near via Tortona, in Milan: black and red interiors for a fashionable place; we designed all the furniture, the industrial kitchen and realized all the technical drawings for the project. Opening mid 2011. Signum architecture also designed the logo and the graphics for the restaurant.
Art Gallery and Bar - New York 2008
Client: private Surface: 160 sq. m. Budget: 120.000 â‚Ź Description: an art gallery and lounge bar in Manhattan midtown: a unique space that hosts Italian contemporary artists and a lounge bar that will attract guests night and day, a perfect mix of fun & culture. An advanced lighting system allows the gallery to completely change the color of the club: each surface has been realized in white, to make the structure as neutral as possible.
Hotel Project - Evian 2009
Client: private Surface: 200 sq. m. Budget: 160.000â‚Ź Description: the renders show the realization of the Presidential Suite for a 5-star relais in Evian, France, a new luxury hotel that will be realized starting in 2011. The spaces have been designed as cozy apartments, with Italian leathers, oak wood floors and custom built steel and crocodile leather doors.
Hairdresser - Montecarlo 2008
Client: private Surface: 120 sq. m. Budget: T.B.D. Description: we created the project and the 3D images for a hairdresser in Montecarlo: Italian marble, Porche design chairs and lavatories, ebony wood panels and mosaics, plus a small SPA for private relaxation.
Piazza del Pantheon - Rome 2009
Client: private Surface: 75 sq. m. Budget: T.B.D. Description: In one of the most commercial areas of the city, a unique store, destined to sell luxury brands of shoes: bronze cast windows, rosewood, ebony, colored velvets, fine Italian leather and artwork, created a unique atmosphere for a very demanding client.
Showroom - Rome 2006
Signum Architecture and Design Gianluca Giuseppucci Carlo Magoni
signum architecture & design
Piazza delle 5 Scole, 40 00186 Roma tel. +39 06 45 55 29 83 www.thesignum.com info@thesignum.com