Portfolio Carlos Henrique AArquitetura

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Carlos HENRIQUE ARAUJO AGUIAR ACHEO OF ACHITECTUE AND UANISM carlos_aaguiar@hotmail.com 20th August 1986 (55) 21 7983.1991 Estrada de Jacarepagu  5.800 ua agoa rade.uadra   01 io de Jaeiro  razil Zipcode 22.755-30 www.facebook.com/CarlosHeriqueAArquitetura http://www.linkedin.com/in/carloshenriqueaa


achelor of Architecture ad Urbaism Uiversidade Estcio de S - razil 2006  2011 Volutary Teachig Assistet Uiversidade Estcio de S - razil Urba Project II usiess Maagemet for Architecture ad Iterior Desig Offices Fudao etlio Vargas  razil 06/2012  0/2013


Fudao Oswaldo Cruz - FIOCUZ Urba Itervetio eseach of degraded Eviromets Iter 11/2007  10/2009 T Arquitetura Survey, wirig etwork developmet ad architectural project of sigle-family uities Iter 10/2009  2010 Aastacio Costrues Survey, wirig etwork developmet ad architectural project of sigle-family uities. Costructio plaig ad follow-Up Parter 2011  Preset Carlos Herique AArquitetura architectural project, Iterior Desig Ad Costructio. Ower 2013  Preset


aguages Portuguese (ative) Eglish (fluet) Spaish (basic) Computer AutoCAD SketchUp / Vay Photoshop Microsoft Word Excel PowerPoit MSProject


01 Public egioal ibrary raduate thesis 2011

02 ay estaurat Commercial Project 2010

03 Major Pla

io das Pedras

Slam Urba estoratio Project 2010

0 Cultural Ceter estoratio Architectoic restoratio 2010


05 Codomiium Mirate do Portiho Project, costructio, property developmet

06 Aroucas House costructio

07 lue Houses Costructio, facilities, compatibility projects

08 Flat Iterior Desig Project reovatio

01 Public egioal ibrary raduate thesis 2011 The project was coceived cosiderig fuctioality ad best itegratios betwee readers ad cotets. The form is geometric ad was ispired i two importat architects works  the razilia Isay Weifeld ad the America ouis Kah. Availability is aother importat poit - the area of the lad has the perfect size ad format for the library ad its future expasios, cosiderig outdoor spacer for gardes ad parkig lot.

ibrary secod floor

1st floor

2d floor

3rd floor

th floor




Service Circulatio


Ifo/ Exchage


Techical Services

eeral Collectio

roup Tables


Kids ibrary




Social Circulatio

eadig oom


Sigle Tables

Video oom

East ibrary Facade

For the locatio of the library, it was cosidered some factors such as accessibility for both, pedestrias ad cars  the complex is suited i Airto Sea Aveue ad ear a bus termial Alvorada, which gives a perfect coectio for eighborhood.

ibrary Sectio

02 AY ESTAUANT Commercial Project 2010 The idea was to create a relatio betwee the beach ad the fuctio of the buildig, a seafood restaurat. The poit was to costruct this lik through widig roof ispired i a ocea aimal, the ray, which covers a fluid floor pla. A orgaic shape breaks the rigidity of the eighbor`s edifices. The siuosity of Oscar Niemeyer`s buildigs was a ispiratio for the freedom shape project.

Form Costructio

estaurat Facade


Public Etrace Service Etrace

estaurat floor Pla

03 Major Pla

io das Pedras

Slam Urba estoratio Project 2010 Slums are the images of the govermet abegatio of resposibility i razil  they do ot provide proper ivestmets i educatio, health care ad security, ecessary for well beig. The urba occupatios are disordered ad uplaed. Mai oads

Secodary oads

Sectios Upaved


This work iteds to idetify the biggest problems ad opportuities of io das Pedras, oe of the largest slums of io de Jaeiro, ad suggests solutios ad actios.

The major idea is to create liks ad coectios amog areas through lie to improve motio ad trasport.


esides, this work plas urba expasio ad proposes creatio of commual spaces for activities, ecouters ad recreatios.


Aother importat poit is providig urba equipmet for the eighbor.







P io das Pedras Favela


Park New Express Way New Secodary Ways



Uiversity Cultural Space


New Houses Future uildigs

0 Cultural Ceter estoratio Architectoic restoratio 2010 Desiged i 1937 by Affoso eidy to receive peiless immigrats, the Albergue da oa Votade faces a retrofit pla, readaptig it to house a cultural complex. The project cosists basically i the restoratio ad adaptatio of the old buildig to accommodate paitigs; the additio of a ew edifice to shelter a library ad a restaurat; ad ciema ad theater o the udergroud.

New Costructio

Origial uildig

Uderroud Pla

roud Floor Pla

The idea was to create walkways coectig cotets i the old buildig, the ew oe ad the garde. This last oe is a good space for expose outdoor art work. A big balcoy o the first floor, coected with the library, is proper for itierary exposures. The ew buildig provides for the visitor a pleasurable view for the garde ad its sculptures.

First Floor Pla

Origial uildig


05 Codomiium Mirate do Portiho Project, costructio, property developmet Mirate do Portiho is a real estate developmet which cosists i a exclusive house codomiium with eight residetial uities, 130 square meters each uit. The area chose for the eterprise was withi oe of the least Cabo Frio city expasio area, ear the biggest city mall ad betwee two middle class eighborhoods. Sectio


The idea of the project is to breaks the rigidity of the orthogoal street through 5 degree implatatio, which provides a bustle geometric shape for the complex. Moreover, the mass costructed cocetrates o the boudary, providig large space i the middle of the site for commual activities. The swim pool, saua ad barbecue are orieted for the commual space.

Situatioal Pla

The stadard groud pla allowed to curtails spedig ad accelerates the complex costructio, which has take 1  years. Sice the project was supported by may ivestors, a rigid cotrol of expeses adopted to improve maagemet.

roud floor Pla

First floor Pla

Costructio Evolutio

Percetage of expeses

labour material



Expeses per fases


Paitig Frames

18 %



43 %

10 %

15 %

Facilities 14 %



06 Aroucas House costructio Aroucass House is a high stadard uifamiliar residece, build i a oble eighbor of io de Jaeiro.

roud Floor Pla

It has take 6 moths to complete the costructio of the 800m2 house, located o a ated Comuity at arra da Tijuca. .

First Floor Pla

The cocept of the buildig cosists i explore the relatio betwee iterior ad exterior through big gaps ad large trasparet glass. Withi the double high mai room which maximize spaces ad allow light iside, oe ca have the full view of the garde ad the swim pool.


The floor-pla is based i a grade system which aims to proper solve the balace amog fuctioality, beauty ad costructio aspects.

07 lue Houses Costructio, facilities, compatibility projects The eterprise cosists i costruct six uifamiliar residetial uities, 300 square meters each uit, i a middle class house codomiium at a valuable eighbor, arra da Tijuca. The purpose was to create a flexible floor-pla which allows flexible facade. The stadard project permitted reduces expeses ad speed up the costructio of the program, which has take 2 years log.

Stadard Electric Istallatio Project

Stadard Sewage Facilities Project

08 Flat Iterior Desig Project reovatio The projects propose is to uify two origially distict flats, resizig the areas ad redesigig the social ad private eviromet. Orieted for the beach, the exteral area of the first floor became a space gourmet which provides a perfect place for ights frieds ecouter. The space gourmet is a extesio of the diig room, a importat area for the cliet.

roud Floor Pla

I order to provide more privacy for the couple, the childres bedrooms as well as the leisure area were positioed upstairs, o the secod floor. ame room, bathtub ad gym provides comfort for the family.

First Floor Pla

Home Theater View


Carlos henrique araujo aguiar ACHEO OF ACHITECTUE AND UANISM carlos_aaguiar@hotmail.com 20th August 1986 (55) 21 7983.1991 Estrada de Jacarepagu  5.800 ua agoa rade.uadra   01 io de Jaeiro  razil Zipcode 22.755-30 www.facebook.com/CarlosHeriqueAArquitetura http://www.linkedin.com/in/carloshenriqueaa

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