LARCH703_Landscape Architecture Studio: EXTREME TERRITORIES

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Carlos Bartesaghi Koc, PhD

EXTREME TERRITORIES Designing climate-sensitive landscapes to mitigate the effects of extreme weather events



Janelle Arbon, Paul Harding [City of Onkaparinga] Daniel Hidvegi [T.C.L / Juror] Fabrice Marre [Aerometrex]

STUDENT CONTRIBUTORS Leonor Bassano Niveta Chawla Stephanie Clutterbuck Azhrudin Coulthard Samantha Godakumbura Krisandra Gomes Luke Kluske Bohui Lei Shiyao Li Zhenyang Li Yu Lin Jiaming Ma Claire Monford-Waite Stephanie Pope Ziyan Qi Reb Rowe Ke Wang Ben Wesley Dengxiao Xia Kaihang Zhou

Based on research and projects completed in the University of Adelaide, School of Architecture and Built Environment (SABE), Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences (ECMS); LARCH7031 Landscape Architecture Studio [M], Semester 1, 2020.

COURSE CHAIR Carlos Bartesaghi Koc [lecturer in Landscape Architecture]


Janelle Arbon [City of Onkaparinga], Carlos Bartesaghi Koc [University of Adelaide], Kar K. Gan [Taylor Cullity Lethlean - T.C.L. Landscape Architects], Matthew Hawker [TRACT consultants], Rasoul Rafat [University of South Australia]


Dr Philip Belesky [RMIT], Victor Calixto [University of South Australia], Juliana Croffi [University of Adelaide]


HEAD OF SCHOOL Prof Alan Peters

This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved on all or part of the material, specifically translation rights, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproductions on microfilm or other media, and storage in databases. For use if any kind, permission of the copyright owner must be obtained. The University of Adelaide North Terrace SA, 5005 Cover image edited from: html?id=416153b7b4434d539587156842b457c2






Extreme Environmental Challenges Vegetation loss Flooding Flooding + Erosion Soil/Coastal Erosion Bushfire Culture + Biodiveristy loss

> Phase II. Landscape Formations 5 EXTREME TERRITORIES

> Phase I. Territorial Processes

Maslin Beach lookout, City of Onkaparinga. Credit: Rasoul Rafat



The world today is facing an appalling climate

competence in landscape architecture and

Students developed a range of proposals

and ecological emergency as a consequence

related fields, where practitioners will play

at (1) the territory and (2) local landscape

of global warming and climate change. In the

an important role in future. The goal of this

scales that envisioned new approaches to

context of a changing environment, a stronger

studio is to improve local climatic conditions

innovative settlement. Students implemented

focus has been be set on rural communities

and to mitigate the effect of extreme events

a combination of analogue, cartographic and

worldwide. In Australia, an historic record

(i.e. flooding, heatwaves, bushfires, droughts,

advanced digital tools such as GIS-mapping,

of multi-year drought, devastating bushfires,

sea level rise) through the purposeful eco-

point cloud modelling, digital elevation models

longer heatwaves and uncontrollable floods has

morphological design at multiple spatial scales.

(DEM) and advance 3D visualisations. Various

been experienced in the South and Southeast

A special emphasis is put on topological,

software programs have been introduced and

coast of the country in 2019-2020.

regenerative, performative and responsive

tested to manipulate, process and visualise

approaches for the exploration of a range of

this data such as ArcGIS, QGIS, Cloud Compare,

Given our dependence on rural areas for

strategies that respond to anticipated extreme

Rhino, Grasshopper, Caesar Lisflood, etc.

food and water, extensive droughts and flash

climatic conditions in South Australia.

floods threaten the live and subsistence of

Through the work of teaching staff, students and

cities in future. In particular, for those living in

In this studio, students have addressed extreme

collaborators, the design projects presented in

Mediterranean climate zones, such as in South

environmental challenges and explored the

this publication provide new insights into how

Australia, the effects of an increasingly warm

application of new and innovative technologies

the understanding and manipulation of extreme

and dry planet have become more evident and

for the formulation of site-specific scenarios for

environmental conditions can be essential

significant. Hence, we need to develop better

‘City of Onkaparinga’. The prime concern in the

components of the design and planning of future

strategies to plan and design territories where

studio is the analysis and manipulation of the

landscapes in Australia and worldwide.

more heat and less water is a common thing.

local topography, water features and vegetated elements to mitigate extreme heat, reduce

We present LARCH7031 Landscape Architecture

flooding, mitigate bushfires and increase the

Dr Carlos Bartesaghi Koc

Studio as an introduction to ‘extreme territory

capacity of water storage for future irrigation

Lecturer in Landscape Architecture

design’ which will develop as new area of

and cultivation.

SABE/ECMS, The University of Adelaide








Spatial scales of approximation. Credit: Niveta Chawla

Spatio-temporal analysis of bushfires in Australia. Credit: B. Lei / Z. Li

Demographic characteristics of the study area. Credit: L. Bassano / L. Kluske

Geomorphological characteristics of City of Onkaparinga and the specific study site. Credit: S. Godakumbura / K. Gomes

Semester I-2020 Landscape Architecture Studio [LARCH7031] focuses on the City of Onkaparinga which is situated on the southern fringe of Adelaide, South Australia. It is named after the Onkaparinga River, whose name comes from Ngangkiparinga, a Kaurna aboriginal word meaning women’s river. This is the largest metropolitan council in the state and one of its fastest growing areas. With an area of 518 sq. km, more than 170,000 residents reside in the city. The land is undulating with primary production and residential land uses being predominant following colonial settlement. Aldinga/ Ngaltingga, the largest township, was established in 1857 as farming expanded in the area. Onkaparinga is also home to a very widespread and thriving ecosystem with much of the landscape a feature of a variety of native and indigenous plants that are frequent habitats

for animals and insects and this ecosystem is a primary focus of conservation for the Onkaparinga City Council in regards to infrastructure and current climate conditions. In today’s time, global warming is a serious and pressing problem. Climate change has impacted the entire world and being so close to the coast, the city of Onkaparinga has also felt the impacts of it. The amount of rainfall has dramatically reduced in some areas, while the frequency and intensity of floods and storms has increased in specific locations. Heatwaves and bushfires are a major concern. Sea-levels have risen, coasts are more prone to erosion and cliff instability. Overall, these climate change impacts pose a great threat to life, infrastructure, natural environment and the economy. Based on the proximity of residential settlements to the coast, the importance of primary production for the area, and the delicate natural processes present in the environment, soil erosion has been identified as a key environmental challenge for the area. The City Council of Onkaparinga also thinks highly of the flooding controlling and storm water managing approaches to reduce the damages and minimize the risks to the property infrastructure and public health and safety. High bushfire risk areas are common in Onkaparinga. Bushfires usually occur in Summer (December and January) due to persistent hot temperatures, strong winds and dry conditions. A large number of eucalyptus trees are the most common plant species in the area which are significantly flammable under such extreme climatic conditions.



The Extreme territories studio provides opportunities for exploration of advanced themes in contemporary landscape architecture including interrelationships with planning, ecology and urban design. The topics and the site are ambitious in scale and extent, consistent with effective consideration of the scale of the existing dynamic complex systems and the influence of planning policy. Innovative techniques for assessing, simulating and modelling landscapes have been emphasised in this studio.



Cross-sectional photographic study of Onkaparinga Credit: Rasoul Rafat and Carlos Bartesaghi Koc






Abstract representation of Internal and external relationships between the parts, the whole system and the surrounding environment.

System fluxes can be organised as: IE EI II EE

: Internal to External relationships : External to Internal relationships : Internal to Internal relationships : External to external relationships


The studio work has been conducted following the ‘systems thinking approach’, a holistic methodology that has been implemented by the studio leader in numerous courses over several years. Under this approach, urban and natural landscapes are the result of complex, dynamic and evolving phenomena that vary in space and time (Cadenasso et al., 2013). Hence, ‘landscapes’ can be represented, examined and visualised as living organisms in constant process of self-organisation, adaptation and mutation (Cadenasso et al., 2013; McCown & Zawarus, 2016; Poletto & Pasquero, 2012). In late 1990s, Malaysian architect Ken Yeang explored this notion of change and interdependency in design, where

These INputs and OUTputs of energy and matter are in constant (and sometimes imperceptible) movement, creating endless dynamic cycles that shape a range of connections, relationships, or actions that can be internal [intra] and external [inter] between the parts, the whole system and the surrounding environment. These flows and synergies occur and repeat at different scales; hence, a series of parts or elements are part of system at a particular level (i.e. building), which itself is part of a larger system at another level (i.e. precinct, city scale). The interaction between these ‘Internal’ and ‘External’ dynamics are the subject of attention and analysis in this course.

“The environment is analogous to a living system (or organism), that survives by importing energy and matter from its surroundings and then exporting it back into the same environment after use… The designer tends to see architectural objects and landscapes in terms of aesthetics, siting, spatial utilisation, form, structure and building elements, whereas an ecologist conceives the environment as an entity consisting of not only physical substance and form, but the operational activity that takes place within.” (Yeang, 1995: 62-71).

Despite the existing body of knowledge and applications of ‘Systemic’ thinking in design, standard practices in the design and planning professions heavily rely on the creation of site inventories, abstract diagrams, and static models.

A Systematic Approach: Mind map outlining potential areas of investigation in terms of soil erosion, and its interconnected nature to other environmental challenges. Credit. C. Morford-Waite / R. Rowe

These approaches, however, disaggregate landscapes into separate layers, removing from the analysis fundamental aspects such as complexity, synergistic relationships, succession and novel ecosystem evolution, dynamic climate change variables, and dynamic heterogeneity and interrelationships (McCown & Zawarus, 2016). Like biological organisms, cities and their various urban systems are perpetually ‘metabolising’ fluxes (inputs and outputs) of information, energy and matter that ultimately drive different biophysical processes (including warming and cooling). These dynamic metabolic importation and exportation of energy, however, occurs across multiple scales, from the molecular to the cosmic. As urban designers, landscape architects and engineers, we are most familiar with spatial scales ranging from the regional to the urban to the architectural. The scales of attention for this studio are particularly the meso (region) and local (precinct, neighbourhood) scales.


13 Nonetheless, this ecological-based approach is not a novelty in design and planning practice. Indeed, Ian McHarg (1964), and later Michael Hough (1994) in urban landscape planning applications, pioneered the integration of ‘systems thinking’ into landscape architecture and planning by abandoning the ideology of ‘form’ and advancing towards the concept of ‘process’.

Phase I. Territorial processes METHODOLOGY


REMOTE SENSING (Point Cloud Modelling)

SIMULATION (Grasshopper)


Triquette of methods implemented in the studio to analyse, represent and model dynamic complex systems.

Point cloud model of Onkaparinga Hills. Source:

The studio work guided by the ‘systems thinking approach’ focused on the analysis, representation and modelling of dynamic complex systems by implementing three science-based methods, namely remote sensing (point cloud modelling), Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and cartography, and algorithm-aided design (simulations). The studio work was organised in two stages. On the first phase, students concentrated on the ecological and geomorphological processes, the spatial composition and the organisation of contemporary social and physical

structures of a large territory. Students were required to select one or several ‘extreme environmental challenge(s)’ (i.e. flooding, heatwave, sea level rise, bushfires, droughts, etc.) that their proposal should ultimately address. For example, proposals may provide solutions on how to better adapt to an extremely dry and bushfire-prone landscape by 2050. Students organised in teams, relied on field and computer-based analysis to understand land and territorial formations to construct a landscape vision in space

and time that effectively responds to anticipated extreme weather events. The proposal should put attention to the distribution and relationship of agricultural zones, urban settlements, water courses, and natural areas. This can be achieved by investigating the local topography, geology, vegetation (green infrastructure), agriculture, settlement patterns, water (blue infrastructure), wildlife, culture and heritage (i.e. aboriginal areas), grey infrastructure (i.e. transportation, pipelines, energy), and social interactions as dynamic, heterogeneous and complex interconnected systems.

Point cloud segmentation of Blanche Point coastline Source:

design tools (maps, drawings, sketches, sections, plans, and point cloud models) in combination with cartographic techniques such as GIS-mapping, point cloud modelling, digital elevation model (DEM) analysis and dynamic 3D visualisations to develop accurate and tangible landscape solutions at a large scale. The landscape vision for the entire territory emerged and evolves from geo-referenced datasets and their subsequent analysis. Various software programs were introduced and tested by students to manipulate, process and visualise this data such as ArcGIS, QGIS, Cloud Compare, Rhino, Grasshopper, Caesar Lisflood, etc.


15 Student’s proposals considered different scenarios emerging as a result of the constantly changing interrelationships depending on vegetation growth, sedimentation, erosion, water runoff, varying climatic and weather conditions, patterns of urbanization, etc. A range of datasets were retrieved and analysed in order to understand, test and propose solutions for City of Onkaparinga. GIS is particularly well-suited tool for this type of work. A GIS mapping workshop provided the necessary analytic framework and understanding to analyse a large landscape or territory. In this stage, students implemented analogue

Phase II. Landscape formations 16 METHODOLOGY

The goal of the second phase was to formulate a set of varying design responses (or solutions) for a designated area/site that each student individually chose within the catchment or territory previously proposed in Phase 1. Students implemented innovative landscape architectural approaches to design topographically and environmentally responsive interventions. The landscape programme was defined by each student and varied depending on the landscape vision and conditions defined in Phase 1 as well as the location, character and biophysical properties of each site. Flooding and water flow analysis using Grasshopper Credit: S. Li

Prototyping process using Rhino3D + Grasshopper. Credit: L. Kluske

Generative planting using computational algorithms Credit: L. Kluske

As per Phase 1, students were asked to develop different scenarios to respond to the pre-defined extreme environmental challenge(s) in terms of three key concerns: 1. The ecological: wildlife, vegetation, hydrology, climate. 2. The topological: topography, geology, water dynamics, erosion, sedimentation, flooding. 3. The structural: urban settlements, heritage, roads, services.


Once the ‘site’ and ‘extreme environmental challenge(s)’ were defined, students assessed designated areas within the site to recognise their local bio-physical conditions. This analysis revealed a variety of landscape elements in shape, space and time that led to better design decisions for each project. As conditions were not fixed across the entire site, some may have had a higher degree of resistance than others. The iteration between ‘assessment’ and ‘modification’ is a dynamic generating process that allowed students to propose specific ‘landscape prototypes’ obtained through the manipulation of

terrain, vegetation, water, and built-up assemblages.


Considering the above, for instance, students devised methods of precise terrain modelling in a way that extracted ground materials (e.g. for controlling floods or reduce sedimentation) were not brought in or transported out of the selected site. In addition, the design and management of proposed landscapes should cause minimal disruptions on exiting ecosystems and biotopes.

Students used portions of the datasets employed in Phase 1 that were exported to other software packagaes such as Rhino + Grasshopper, and Revit to generate landscape entities (i.e. topographic surfaces, green canopies, etc.) that can be edited during the design process, so features were added or removed according to each project’s requirements. From this point, students were able to develop and visualise a definitive design for their selected site supported by choices in terms of materiality, soil structure, plant species, fluid dynamics, integration of surroundings, etc. To guide students in developing their own landscape design possibilities, various analogue and digital methods were introduced and explored, and this include algorithm-aided modelling and simulation, advanced 3D visualisations, sensing technologies, 3D printing and procedural prototyping.

Prototyping process of voxels along coastal areas using Grasshopper (bottom) and corresponding algorithm (top). Credit: Y. Lin



Group project

Individual project




X X X Extreme Environmental Challenges Vegetation loss

Soil/Coastal Erosion



Flooding + Erosion

Culture + Biodiveristy loss

Location of group and individual projects within City of Onkaparinga. Map credit: S. Clutterbuck / A. Coulthard






MASTERFLOODING < Leo Bassano / Luke Kluske > The dynamic territorial analysis (DTA) presented here is intended to inform the a territorial structure plan based on the mapping, evaluation and findings of the focus study area which is situated in the southwestern corner of the much larger Onkaparinga region.

Strategic framework

Geomorphological aspects

The dynamic analysis specifically delivered the critical assessment of various geomorphological processes and systems, with dynamic synergies being discovered and outlined to contribute to the eventual proposal and territorial vision. This provided a better understanding of the background and current situation of the site. The information related to population set a starting point to identify possible problems that could happened in the future because of the steady population growth and it was also used to set parameters to solve environmental problems and test them in the worst case scenario. The analysis began with a wide scope, focusing on a range of both eco-morphological aspects as well as infrastructure characteristics, socio-economic interactions and vulnerabilities, both within the study focus area and the wider Onkaparinga area. Following this, in response to the requirement to select one extreme environmental challenge, based on the dynamic analysis it was decided the flooding would become the focus of our developing study. This resulted in the production of a vulnerability map that specifically addresses the geomorphological processes and systems that are relevant to the focus topic, which included topography, geology, water (blue infrastructure), rainfall and various socioeconomic variables. Within the six suburbs that are in the study site, there is a dramatically difference between population density and dwelling density. The population is concentrated in Port Willunga, Aldinga and Sellicks Beach. The dwelling density is low to medium density.

Land cover change

Flooding + Rainfall


Geomorphological dynamics

Population & infrastructure data




Mapping vulnerabilities After analyzing all the factors that could contribute to the flooding as a result of heavy rain, three case study scenarios were made. All of these three studies include the riskiest values of the water repellence, drainage depth, erosion water, erosion mass movement, and land types within site. The first map shows the rainfall and flooding, along with the different types of land. It helps to understand why some areas are more flooding prone. The second map shows the drainage and water repellent; in those areas, the water will remain on the surface longer, and water will run to other close regions looking for ways to disembogue into the sea.

Defining investigation sites Finally, the third map shows all the areas that are prone to a landslip. In the final vulnerability map, there were identify six possible scenarios that have at least two of the variables coexisting. Also, urban settlement and closeness to water are the factors included in these scenarios.

Now that the key environmental issues have been chosen and the strategic goals have been put in place, it is necessary to select and interrogate key sites that are situated within the focus study area to begin to understand current links and synergies between existing geomorphological systems and processes. The sites themselves have been selected due to findings during the dynamic analysis phase, and are the most relevant due to their likelihood of being effected due to flooding and extended periods of rainfall. As a result of this, the topography has been emphasized and interrogated through seconds extracted from point cloud data, which has allowed the deeper understanding of site flows.

This has been visualized in relation to key areas of human interaction, to begin to understand exactly what occurs within the focus sites at various times and scales, thus allowing the suggestion of intervention characteristics that could improve the existing conditions.

Key sites of investigation: internal dynamics 23 EXTREME TERRITORIES

Vulnerability map




MASTERFLOODING < Leo Bassano / Luke Kluske >

Based on the various investigations and findings throughout the dynamic analysis phase and final vulnerability map, flooding has been selected as the key environmental challenge that will be addressed, allowing the development of the Territorial Structure Plan in response to the selected issue. This is due to flooding’s ability to effect and be affected by a series of other geomorphological processes and systems in both space and time, despite being an environmental challenge that only occurs rarely. These systems impacted include topography, water (blue infrastructure), rainfall, erosion and population growth, and these will be interrogated to discover specific synergies to then determine appropriate outcomes. In relation to our strategy specifically, will be attempted to utilise water storage as method of capturing water from floods and extended periods of rain to cope with temporal variation in water supply and demand within the Onkaparinga region whilst also providing opportunities for population growth as a result. In addition, such interventions will also contribute to various other environmental factors, including the prevention of cliff erosion by limiting the amount of water the reaches the sea and the improvement of natural ecology through the introduction of new wetlands and natural habitats. Following this text, specific strategic goals will be outlined which will frame all investigations to follow. In addition, three key sites that are likely to be significantly affected by flooding have been selected for interrogation with a focus on the relationship between water and human interaction, to begin to consider how interventions could both increase water storage whilst also providing possible residential outcomes for predicted population rises.

Initial site explorations

final vulnerability map, flooding has been selected as the key environmental challenge that will be addressed, allowing the development of the Territorial Structure Plan in response to the selected issue. This is due to flooding’s ability to effect and be affected by a series of other geomorphological processes and systems in both space and time, despite being an environmental challenge that only occurs rarely. These systems impacted include typography, water (blue infrastructure), rainfall, erosion and population growth, and these will be interrogated to discover specific synergies to then determine appropriate outcomes.




The typography of the study region has a significant impact on the extend of surface water that occurs due to water drainage systems being overwhelmed, which can cause localised flooding in urban areas. Water travels from the hill areas within the site to the lower plains, which are the optimal location for possible interventions.


In relation to our strategy specifically, will be attempt to utilise water storage as method of STRATEGIC GOALS RELEVANT PROCESSES + SYSTEMS capturing water from floods and extended periods of rain to cope with temporal variation in water supply and demand within the Onkaparinga region whilst also providing opportunities 02 WATER (BLUE INFRASTRUCTURE) FLOODING for population growth as a result. In addition, suchphase interventions will also contribute to various Based on the various investigations and findings throughout the dynamic analysis and Blue infrastructure is the most crucial consideration within the territorial structure plan. The other environmental including the prevention cliff erosion by limiting the amount of final vulnerability map, flooding has been selected as factors, the key environmental challenge of that study are contains a range of water resources including wetlands, creeks and catchments 01 TYPOGRAPHY UTILISE FLOOD water the reaches sea andStructure the improvement of natural ecology through the introduction of will be addressed, allowing the development of thethe Territorial Plan in response WATER AND REDUCE SITE which be used asimpact precedents consider what water storage interventions could be The typography of the study region hascan a significant on thetoextend of surface water NEGATIVE APPROPRIATELY wetlandsability and natural habitats. this text, specific strategic goals will be outlined o the selected issue. 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This willplan. allowThe the creation of interventions at gin tocontribute consider how interventions Blue infrastructure is the most crucial within the territorial structure SYSTEMS GROWTH n by limiting the amount of specific locations to store water creeks that falls during peak rain periods. study are contains a range of water resources including wetlands, and catchments 01 TYPOGRAPHY UTILISE FLOOD ossible residential outcomes for KEY SITE INVESTIGATIONS through the introduction of WATER AND REDUCE SITE which be used asimpact precedents consider what water storage interventions could be The typography of the study region hascan a significant on thetoextend of surface water NEGATIVE APPROPRIATELY 670m tegic goals will be outlined CHARACTERISTICS emulated improve the impacted environmental systems. 347m that systemsto being overwhelmed, which can cause localised IMPACTS OF RESPOND TO occurs due to water drainage tes that are likely to be TO INCREASE ASSOCIATED 866m PREDICTED FUTURE flooding in urban areas. Water travels from the hill areas within the site to the lower plains, on with a focus on the WATER STORAGE 219m ENVIRONMENTAL POPULATION 01 WASHPOOL which are the optimal location for possible interventions. 1348m Rainfall is the single SITE mostINVESTIGATION influential on the focus environmental issue of flooding. Further sider how interventions SYSTEMS GROWTH 1534m 04 POPULATION GROWTH sidential outcomes for interrogation is requiredwithin to determine the likelihood of flooding occurring within key areas Water Catchment 1548m Population growth specifically has been addressed as a key issueWashpool the study, with 1528m thetoextent ofpopulation the impact it will have. MULTIFUNCTIONAL SITE 03 CREATE LINK BETWEEN MANIPULATE EXITING possible interventions needing toand respond predicted increases within the Exiting Human Interaction areasThis will allow the creation of interventions at 03 MIXED USE ACTIVITIES 02 SITE MANAGEMENT 04 06 RAINFALL ThePROCESSES topography05 of + the study region has a significant impactAND on theWater extend Washpool Catchment 1420m RELEVANT SYSTEMS TO INCREASE TOURISM USE POSSIBILITIES WATERisFLOW TYPOGRAPHIC AS A COLLABORATIVE study areafocus as well as1360m addressing the of other key environmental issues.water Interventions specific locations thatmust falls Rainfall the single most influential on the environmental issue flooding. Further to store Links between Interaction areas during peak rain periods. of surface water that occurs due to water drainage systems being HUMAN ACTIVITY OPPORTUNITIES CHARACTERISTICS COMMUNITY ACTIVITY provide urban occurring expansionwithin as well asareas water storage. 02 WATER (BLUE INFRASTRUCTURE) interrogation is required to determine the possibilities likelihood offor flooding key FLOODING Possible Intervention areas Aldinga Bay PATTERNS overwhelmed, which can cause localised flooding inconsideration urban areas. Water 1094m the creation of interventions at and the extent of theSands impact it territorial will have. This will allow Blue infrastructure is the most crucial the structure plan. The Silverwithin Surf Club Residential Housing specific locations to store water that falls and during peak rain periods. Links between interventions and existing characteristics arewithin containsthe a range resources including wetlands, creeks catchments 01 TYPOGRAPHY Creek travels from the hillstudy areas site of to water the lower plains, which are the and Holiday Rentals Washpool IONSUTILISE FLOOD WATER AND REDUCE SITE beinterventions. used asimpact precedents consider what water storage interventions could be Landform section cuts The typography of the study region hascan a significant on thetoextend of surface water NEGATIVE APPROPRIATELY 670m optimal location forwhich possible Aldinga Bay BunCHARACTERISTICS emulated to improve the impacted environmental systems. 347m due to water drainage systems being overwhelmed, which can cause localised IMPACTS OF RESPONDthat TO occurs Silver Sands galows TO INCREASE ASSOCIATED 866m PREDICTED FUTURE flooding Beach in urban areas. Water travels from the hill areas within the site to the lower plains, WATER STORAGE 219m ENVIRONMENTAL POPULATION SITE INVESTIGATION 01 WASHPOOL which are the optimal location for possible interventions. 1348m SYSTEMS GROWTH 1534m 04 POPULATION GROWTH The washpool is a seasonal wetland that fills up during periods of high rainfall and floods and Population growth specifically has been addressed key issue within the study, with Washpool Water Catchment 1548m dries out during warmer months. It is one ofas thealast existing coastal freshwater and estuarine Population growth has been addressed as a key issue within the study, with Blue infrastructure is the most crucial consideration within thespecifically territorial 1528m lagoon systems to along the Adelaide It is traditionally owned by thethe MANIPULATE EXITING MULTIFUNCTIONAL SITE 06 LINK BETWEEN possible interventions needing to respond to predicted populationExiting increases theareas 03CREATE RAINFALL MIXED USE04 ACTIVITIES MANIPULATE EXITING MULTIFUNCTIONAL CREATE LINK BETWEEN possible interventions needing respond to metropolitan predictedcoastline. population increases within Humanwithin Interaction 3 MIXED USE ACTIVITIES 05 Washpool a Water Catchment 1420m structure plan. The studyFLOW are contains range ofSITE water resources Kaurna People and provides significant environmental open space for the local community, TO INCREASE TOURISM TYPOGRAPHIC USE POSSIBILITIES WATER AND study area as wellenvironmental as addressing the other key environmental issues. Interventions must Rainfall is the single most influential on the focus issue of flooding. Further 1360m TO INCREASE TOURISM TYPOGRAPHIC USE FLOW AND E OPPORTUNITIES study area as well addressing theimportant other key environmental issues. Interventions must Links between Interaction areas aswhilst also providing habitat for waterbirds. Up to 80 species of native vegetation wetlands,HUMAN creeks andPOSSIBILITIES which can be used WATER as CHARACTERISTICS ACTIVITY provide possibilities for urban expansion well as 02 WATER including (BLUE INFRASTRUCTURE) interrogation iscatchments required to determine the likelihood of flooding occurringas within keywater areasstorage. can found atexpansion the site, including 20 plant as rare, vulnerable or endangered at OPPORTUNITIES CHARACTERISTICS HUMAN ACTIVITY TY FLOODING provide possibilities forbeurban as well asspecies waterlisted storage. Possible Intervention areas Aldinga Bay PATTERNS 1094m and the extent of the impact itinterventions will have. This will allow of interventions at precedents consider what water storage could bethe creation Blue infrastructure is thetomost crucial consideration Silverwithin Sands the territorial structure plan. The a regional level, predominantly of which are located in the temperate coastal saltmarsh. It is in Surf Club Residential Housing specific locations toenvironmental store water that falls during peakPATTERNS rain periods. Links between interventions and existing characteristics study are emulated contains a range of water resources including wetlands, creeks and catchments Creek and Holiday Rentals to improve the impacted systems. Washpool a close proximity to a range of human interaction areas including holiday rental properties, the which can be used as precedents to consider what water storage interventions could be Landform section cuts TIVE APPROPRIATELY Silver Sands beach and Aldinga Bay surf club. It provides an interesting site for possible water 670m Aldinga Bay Bunemulated to improve the impacted environmental systems. 347m TO F RESPOND storage interventions, however its rich Kaurna history, endangered vegetation characteristics Silver Sands galows 866m D PREDICTED FUTURE Beach and cultural value could make such interventions challenging.


L STRUCTUREStrategic PLAN principles



Strategic Goals




















01 Topography





02 Blue Infrastructure









03 Rainfall






Aldinga Bay Surf Club







Residential Housing and Holiday Rentals

specific locationsCreek to store water that falls during peak rain periods.





The washpool is a seasonal wetland that fills up during periods of high rainfall and floods and dries out during warmer months. It is one of the last existing coastal freshwater and estuarine lagoon systems along the Adelaide metropolitan coastline. It is traditionally owned by the Kaurna People and provides significant environmental open space for the local community, whilst also providing important habitat for waterbirds. Up to 80 species of native vegetation can be found at the site, including 20 plant species listed as rare, vulnerable or endangered at a regional level, predominantly of which are located in the temperate coastal saltmarsh. It is in Links between interventions and existing characteristics a close proximity to a range of human interaction areas including holiday rental properties, the 1420m Landform section cuts Silver Sands beach and Aldinga Bay surf club. It provides an interesting site for possible water 1360m storage interventions, however its rich Kaurna history, endangered vegetation characteristics and cultural value could make such interventions challenging.

SITE INVESTIGATION 01 WASHPOOL Population growth specifically has been addressed as a key issue within 1094m 819m


04 POPULATION GROWTH the study, with possible interventions needing to respond to predicted


1432mThe washpool is a seasonal wetland that fills up during periods of high rainfall and floods and SITE INVESTIGATION 02 MASLIN dries out during warmer months. It is one of the last existing coastal freshwater and estuarine Population growth specifically has been addressed as a key population increases within the study area asExiting well as addressing the 1616m other 1528m 1754m lagoon systems along the Adelaide metropolitan coastline. It is traditionally owned by the possible interventions needing to respond to predicted population increases within the Human Interaction areas 06 CREATE LINK BETWEEN Washpool Water Catchment 1420m Washpool Water Catchment Kaurna People and provides significant environmental open space for the local community, key environmental issues. Interventions must provide possibilities for 670m WATER FLOW AND study area as well as1360m addressing the other key environmental issues. Interventions must Links between Interaction areas 2007m whilst also providing important habitat for waterbirds. Up to 80 species of native vegetation HUMAN ACTIVITY provide possibilities for urban as expansion well asstorage. water storage. Exiting Human Interaction areas urban expansion well asaswater 1845m canTourist be found at the site, including 20 plant species listed as rare, vulnerable or endangered at Possible Intervention areas Port Willunga Park PATTERNS 1612m 1094m Links between InteractionIt areas Silver Sands a regional level, predominantly of which are located in the temperate coastal saltmarsh. is in 1105m Links between interventions and existing characteristics Maslin Creek Public Toilet 219m Creek Washpool 198m a close proximity to a range of human interaction areas including holiday rental properties, Possible Intervention areas the Landform section cuts Silver Sands 670m Maslin Nude Beach beach and Aldinga Bay surf club. It provides an interesting site for possible water Aldinga Bay BunLinks between interventions and existing characteristics Car Park storage interventions,Blanche however 436m galows Pointits rich Kaurna history, endangered vegetation characteristics Beach Clothing 819m andMaslin cultural value could make such Washpool interventions challenging. Water Catchment Landform section cuts 1534m


idential Housing Holiday Rentals

Aldinga Bay Bungalows

04 Population growth

Silver Sands 866m Beach








04 POPULATION GROWTH Rainfall is the single most influential on the focus environmental issue Washpool Water Catchment growth been addressed a key issue within the study, with of flooding. FurtherPopulation interrogation isspecifically required has to determine the as likelihood CREATE LINK BETWEEN possible interventions needing to respond to predicted populationExiting increases theareas 03 RAINFALL Humanwithin Interaction 1348m 06 Washpooloccurring Water Catchment of flooding within key areas and the extent of the impact it will WATER study wellenvironmental as addressing issue the other key environmental issues. Interventions must RainfallFLOW is theAND single most influential onarea the as focus of flooding. Further Links between Interaction areas 1534m HUMAN ACTIVITY provide possibilities for urban expansion as well as water storage. have. This will allow the creation of interventions at specific locations to interrogation is required to determine the likelihood of flooding occurring within key areas Possible Intervention areas PATTERNS 1548m of interventions at and the extent theSands impact will have. Thispeak will allow creation storeofSilver water thatitfalls during rainthe periods. 1534m

Washpool Catchment issue within Water the study, with








The ‘Wash’ recreation precinct < Luke Kluske >

Prototype 1_Wetland system

Prototype 2_Topographic mounding

Prototype 3_Reservoir

Prototype 4_Parametric water storage





Design synthesis


Detailed section





Scope of research: systems mapping


GEOMORPHIC PERMUTATIONS < Stephanie Clutterbuck / Azhrudin Coulthard > Given the topographical landscape primarily around Adelaide and within South Australia, Onkaparinga spans across a broad a unique but complex geomorphic system due in part to being situated within the Willunga Basin with a “flatter” topography but is however surrounded by two distinct fault lines that divide and separate the region from the Adelaide CBD and surrounds. Although the current soil and geology of the site is consistent with South Australia’s overall topography and terrain, the area is located within a zone that relies heavily on a working and relatively untouched groundwork system of balanced soils which if disturbed due to detrimental environmental or man-made disasters, can greatly devastate the current ecosystem between flora, fauna and environment.

In conjunction to the consequences that could occur and the problems that may arise, the coexistence of people and the towns that are located within the region are also at a greater risk of suffering financial and physical survival if these disasters were to occur. This analysis aims to explore how severe and devastating environmental conditions with a specific analytic focus on bushfires and earthquakes can have on the soil and geology of the Onkaparinga regions and its delicate and diverse ecosystem in regards to soil management, fauna and flora and the overall consequences this can have on the population and industries of the region.

Soil classifications within the region


Risk analysis of the impact of seismic disturbance on soil and geomorphology




Onkaparinga includes a significant portion of the Adelaide Hills to the western border of the region. Although the Willunga Basin is considered to have relatively levelled topography in comparison, the basin and the region are surrounded and intersected by 3 significant fault lines to South Australia being; the Willunga Fault Line, the Ochre- Cove Clarendon Fault Line and the Eden-Burnside Fault Line. Taking into consideration that the common soil typology across the site mainly consists of sand, clay and loam, Onkaparinga sits upon a geological foundation with several aquifers and a water table that sits close to the surface providing consistent water to the vegetation within the Basin and to the hills. Seismic disturbance occurs frequently around the borders of Onkaparinga, notably to the coastline’s bathymetry and closer towards the Adelaide CBD. Present technology and records indicate that seismic movement occurs in and around the boundaries to a relatively micro level on the Richter Magnitude Scale, however the proximity and reliance on the multiple aquifers that the region sits up can be exposed to a range of geological failure such as soil liquefaction, unstable soil, unstable terrain and drastically altered waterways. If one or several of these permutations were to occur this could have detrimental consequences to several conservation sites and overall ecosystems such as the Aldinga Scrubland, Washpool, Sellick’s beach and the overall townships located on the site which can cause irreversible damage or significant loss of biodiversity.

Risk analysis of the impact of seismic disturbance on soil and geomorphology

Vegetation & impact on bushfire temperatures


Risk analysis of the impact of bushfired on soil and geological conditions

Temperature and fire typology comparison for changes in soil

Several different fires can have alternating impacts on soil with a variation in factors such as the vegetation in the area, soil typology, climate, pre-weather conditions and the type of fire itself. In the case of Onkaparinga, there are several soil typologies where the chemical and physical alterations would be dependent on the soil and not the plant matter, and the type of fire and in the region- either by the hills, in the plains or in close proximity to the coast The diversity in landscape and the properties of the soil would contribute to whether certain zones could regenerate and regrow and is also dependent on the ecosystem and water source. In the case of the Aldinga Scrubland, a bushfire could have enough intensity to chemically alter and sterilize the soil which could have dire consequences to the native vegetation on the site.

Temperatures in soil profile for various types of fire




GEOMORPHIC PERMUTATIONS < Stephanie Clutterbuck / Azhrudin Coulthard > Onkaparinga is a diverse and unique landscape that experiences a broad range of environments from its picturesque coastline outline to the inlay of the hills that surround the perimeters. With this captivating landscape comes a complex range of environmental threats and as identified in this project as the threat and severity of bushfires and the devastation and impact of earthquakes and seismic movement. A variation of factors involved and with a thorough analysis of one natural environmental disaster that has a high chance of occurring as opposed to one that can be considered an “possible but unlikely� event, it has become evident that there is the potential for an innovative but carefully considered approach that can be explored to address common issues and threats to concurrently occur between the two events. Although both events need to be addressed to their own specific threats and problems, there are common factors between the two that there zones within the region that should be addressed to ensure that there is an attempt to implement a creative method and design towards protecting a vulnerable but thriving ecosystem through soil and geological frameworks. With this in mind, intervention that occurs should explore natural and man made methods that hybridize the potential technological advancements or architecture and landscape architecture to ensure that there is an outcome that and ending product that exemplifies the potential of landscape architecture in a way can create new opportunities for the area whilst providing protection and safety to people, the urbanscape and the environment.

TERRITORIAL STRUCTURE PLAN (Combining Scenario 1 + 2)

Redevelopment and new developments across the area should approach the design with a thriving ecosystem safe place to live and work as the primary focus and to enhance and increase opportunity with innovative and unique methodologies. Existing conditions show that there is a strong need to protect areas that are greatly exposed and at risk of being damaged or completely destroyed if a bushfire were to occur- at any spread, in any area and to part of the region and this needs to be addressed in all aspects of the design. Vulnerability and risk of life should be removed or drastically decreased and with careful and intricate implementation that can hybridize architecture and the landscape, innovative and creative ideas implemented can create new opportunities for the area whilst providing protection and safety to people.

SCENARIO 02: Seismic disturbance strategy masterplan Intervention and design strategies relating to earthquakes and seismic movement should adopt an attitude and approach which understands that there is not a method to completely prohibit the potential damage caused by earthquakes but more how to anticipate and innovatively apply ideas that can work with geological manipulation but also protect the vulnerable factors and systems that exist. The current landscape and urban infrastructure is at serious risk of long term or permanent damage to the groundwork and soil throughout different zones within the region. With a soil typology consisting mainly of soft soils, sands and loam mixed with varying grades of clay, there is a strong focus on coastal erosion and the devastation that can occur from the hills and the knock-on effect to the landscape and ecosystem. Understanding the biodiversity and environmental systems are a primary strategy and objective that needs to be maintained throughout any intervention that occurs on the site regardless of whether it is on a micro or macro scale.


SCENARIO 1: Bushfire strategy masterplan A common threat to the region, as with many areas throughout South Australia, bushfires can have detrimental consequences on the environment, to infrastructure and the survival of people living and working in the area.



Geomorphic formations < Stephanie Clutterbuck >










Bushfire prevention linear urban park < Azhrudin Coulthard >

The site: Bushfire analysis

Bushfire management landscape prototypes





Site plan






SURFACING < Samantha Godakumbura Krisandra Gomes > Major factors that contribute to surface water flows in Onkaparinga are the sparsity of vegetation, drastic changes in soil types across a small area, and site topography. Increased presence of surface water can cause many issues such as damage to consolidated urban areas which were not designed for increased stormwater levels. Two issues that arise from poor stormwater management are soil erosion and flooding: SOIL EROSION. This can lead to: 1. Eroded streambanks 2. Widened stream channels 3. Loss of fertile topsoil FLOODING. This can cause: 1. Loss of visual appeal 2. Decreased functionality 3. Public safety risks 4. Economic impacts 5. Disruption of aquatic life


Vulnerability map

Vulnerability + land-uses

Erosion vulnerability axonometric view







Vulnerability map

Flooding vulnerability axonometric view


Vulnerability + land-uses





SURFACING < Samantha Godakumbura / Krisandra Gomes >










‘So it flows’ nature S reserve

Prototype 1: Vegetating peaks

T R a t e g i e s

< Samantha Godakumbura Multiple > strategies are incorporated across the site to reduce flooding






and flood-induced erosion. Different strategies are used on slopes and in water channels:


Trees on peaks

Slow rainfall run-off from peaks before it flows into channels



Multiple strategies are incorporated across the site to reduce flooding

and flood-induced Different strategies are used on slopes and Multiple strategies are incorporated across theerosion. site to reduce flooding Floodgate barriers water channels: and flood-induced erosion.inDifferent strategies are used on slopes and in water channels:

Controlling water flow into lower streams to prevent flooding in lower land. slopes

Vegetated Envirogrid implemented on steepest slopes which are most vulnerable to erosion, to stabilise soils.



The northenmost stream in the site is of particular focus.

The northenmost stream in the site is Hydrogel topsoil of particular focus. mix infill

Increases water infiltration.

Logs on slopes



Trees on peaks

Floodgate barriers

Floodgate barriers

Controlling water flow into lower Slow rainfall run-off from peaks streams to prevent flooding in Controlling water flow into lower before it flowsstreams into channels lower land. Slow rainfall run-off from peaks to prevent flooding in before it flows into channels lower land. Stream bank


Stream banks downstream are protected from erosion.




Trees on peaks

Vegetated Envirogrid

northenmost site context plan (not to scale) mcontext in the site isplan (not to scale) rticular focus.

site was chosen to its dramatic graphy and subent effects on r flow.

S T R a t e g i e s

d e s i g n

V E The site G STRATEGIES to reduce flooding S STRATEGIES to reduce flooding + erosion E d + erosion T T e A R s T a i I t N g G e

STRATEGIES to reduce flooding + erosion

Dynamic logs will change angles according to quantity and direction of water flow (picked up by sensors), and create changing walking trails. The site was chosen The site was chosen due to its dramatic due to its dramatic and sub- SYSTEM: topography andEXAMPLE sub- OFtopography VEGETATED ENVIROGRID sequent effects on sequent effects on water flow. water flow.

Vegetated Envirogrid

g i e s

Stream bank protection

Vegetated Envirogrid Stream bank protection

p r o c e s s


Stream banks downstream are Vegetated Envirogrid Stream banks downstream are protected from erosion. Vegetated Envirogrid implemented protected on steepest slopes from erosion. implemented on steepest slopes which are most vulnerable to which are most vulnerable to erosion, to stabilise soils. erosion, to stabilise soils.

Hydrogel topsoil mix infill

Increases water infiltration.

Hydrogel topsoil mix infill

Increases water infiltration.

Logs on slopes


Logs on slopes

Dynamic logs will change Dynamic logs will change angles angles according to quantity and according to quantity and direction of water flow (picked up direction of water flow (picked up by sensors), and create changing by sensors), and create changing walking trails. walking trails.


Envirogrid SYSTEM



Geocells are filled with soils from site. The cells hold soils

The Envirogrid cells can be vegetated to further increase

Geocells are filled with soilsvisualThe Envirogrid cells with can be Geocells are filled soils Mature vegetation hides from site. The cells hold soils vegetated further from site. to The cells increase hold soils

in place on slopes.


in place on slopes.

presence of Envirogrid.


stabilsation. in place on slopes.


Mature vegetation hides visual The Envirogrid cells can be vegetated to further increase presence of Envirogrid.


p r o c e s s

Increased canopy density on slopes Existing canopy cover (approximate)



d e s i g n p r o c e s s

water flow analysis: vegetated peaks


Whilst a large part of the site contains existing trees, the tree canopies are relatively sparse. Slope peaks will be vegetated to increase canopy Increased canopy density on slopes density, with new trees planted amidst existing trees. Existing canopy cover (approximate)


Increased canopy density on slopes Existing canopy cover (approximate)

INCREASE VEGETATION DENSITY ON PEAKS INCREASE VEGETATION DENSITY ON PEAKS Whilst a large part of the site contains existing trees, the tree canopies are relatively sparse. Whilst a large part of the site contains existing trees, Slope peaks will be vegetated to increase canopy the tree canopies are relatively sparse. with new trees planted amidst existing trees. Slope peaks will be vegetated todensity, increase canopy density, with new trees planted amidst existing trees. Diagram: Rainfall dispersal through tree canopy

Diagram: Rainfall dispersal through tree canopy Diagram: Rainfall dispersal through tree canopy




water fl

waterpeaks flow analysis: vegetated peaks water flow analysis: vegetated Increasing density of vegetation on peaks will encourage rainfall infiltration into soil and subsequently reduceencourage slope rainfall run-off from into peaks Hydrogel Increasing of vegetation peaks will rainfall infiltration soil and subsequently Increasing density of vegetation on peaksdensity will encourage rainfallon infiltration into soil and subsequently reduce slope rainfall run-off fromreduce peaks slope rainfall runinto streams. to clay typ into streams. into streams. Vegetating the peaks will also prevent Vegetating erosion that duealso to raindrop force (rill onprevent peaks, as rainfall will be dispersed through infill w Vegetating the peaks will also erosion that occurs due raindrop force (rill on peaks, as rainfall willThis be dispers theoccurs peaks will prevent erosion thaterosion) occurs due to raindrop force (rill erosion) onto peaks, as rainfall willerosion) be dispersed through VEGETATION GROWTH canopies before hitting the soil, as shown in the before diagram above. Additionally, it will reduce erosion the slopes. Erosion will beonfurther These fertw canopies before thesheet soil, as shownon in the diagram above. it will reduce sheet erosion on the slopes. Erosion canopies hitting the soil, as shown in thehitting diagram above. Additionally, it will reduce sheetAdditionally, erosion the slopes. Erosion will be further Mature vegetation hides visual prevented through soil stabilisation via root systems. prevented through soil stabilisation via root systems. prevented through soil stabilisation via root systems. slow slope presence of Envirogrid. the hydrog

with infill Hydrogel topsoil infill Areas with Hydrogel Areastopsoil with Hydrogel infill Areas topsoil








Areas withofslope of approximately 30o + were identified as the Areas with slope Areas angles withof slope approximately angles approximately 30o +angles were identified 30o + were as the identified as the accelerated water run-off speeds to erosion. These areas were accelerated water accelerated run-off speeds water run-off leads to speeds erosion. leads These to erosion. areasleads were These areas were chosen implement atopsoil hydrogel topsoil infill. However, as this chosen to implement chosen atohydrogel implement mixato topsoil hydrogel infill. mix However, infill. as mix this However, as this a large area, itinfill be costly to implement encompasses encompasses a large area, it aencompasses will large be area, costlyitto will implement be costly towill implement across theinfill across theinfill across the whole Therefore, areas on the point(closest of the slopes (closest whole area. Therefore, whole area. areas Therefore, on the area. lowest areas on point theoflowest the slopes point (closest oflowest the slopes to water channels) were chosen, aswill thefrom hydrogel willfrom absorb runoff from to water channels) to water were channels) chosen, as were the chosen, hydrogel as will theabsorb hydrogel runoff absorb runoff slopes as well aswhen absorb water fromdue streams whendue they slopes as wellslopes as absorb as well water as from absorb streams water from streams they expand when theytoexpand toexpand due to flooding. flooding. flooding. 10o slope

10o slope

10o slope

approx. 15o slopeapprox. 15o slope approx. 15o slope 30o slope

30o slope

Prototype 3: Envirogrid

30o slope

o o o between 10o-30o slopes lowest points of slopes Identifying slopes Identifying between slopes 10o-30Identifying between 10 -30 Selecting lowest Selecting points of lowest slopes Selecting points of slopes

Prototype 4: Automated logs










Vegetated Envirogrid Vegetated Envirogrid Vegetated Envirogrid

vegetated vegetated envir0gridvegetated envir0gridenvir0grid

Vegetated Envirogrid Vegetated Envirogrid Vegetated systems Envirogrid will systems will systems will be25placed on slopes be placed on slopes be placed between on slopes between 25- between 2545o, asare these slopes are at high these at high slopes at high 45o, as these slopes 45o, asare risk due to accelerated risk of erosionrisk dueoftoerosion accelerated dueoftoerosion accelerated rainfall run-off rainfall The rainfall The speeds. The Envirogrids be placed around Envirogrids willEnvirogrids be placed will around be placed will around existing existing trees on existing site. trees on site. trees on site.

o Slopes Slopes between Slopes 250 - 45between 250 - 45obetween 250 - 45o


Prototype 2: Hydrogel infill

Logs (indicative locati Logs (indicative locations) Logs (indicative locations)

Downstream water vo Downstream water Downstream volume sensor water volume sensor


logs will Dynamic logs Dynamic will be placed logs Dynamic will on be placed on be placed slopes slopes to control slopes rainfall to control run-off rainfall intoto control run-offrainfall into ru streams. amount streams. The amount streams.ofThe slope amount run- ofThe slope run- of slo allowed to travelwill into stre off allowed to off travel allowed into streams to off travel will into streams bebydetermined by stream c be determinedbe bydetermined stream capacity, stream capacity, assensors picked up by sensors in w as picked up by assensors picked up in water by in water channels. The logs will be p channels. The channels. logs will be The placed logs will be placed between existing trees whe between existing between trees where existing trees where possible, inform the possible, and will possible, informand thewill layout informand thewill layout oftrails. bushwalking trails. The d of bushwalkingoftrails. bushwalking The dynamic The dynamic nature the logs nature of the logs nature willofresult the logs in willofresult in will result constantly changing constantly changing constantly walking changing trails. walking trails. walkin Logs will be sourced Logs will be sourced Logs will from be recycled sourced from recycledfrom r tree trunksneed where trees nee tree trunks where treetrees trunks need where to be trees to be to walking make way for walk felled to makefelled way for to walking makefelled way trails, for trails, from of the site and from outside and of from the outside siteand area.of the outside site area.


water flow analysis: VEGETATED ENVIROGRID water flow analysis: water flow VEGETATED analysis: ENVIROGRID VEGETATED ENVIROGRID

water analysis: water flow analysis: water flow DYNAMIC analysis: LOGSflow DYNAMIC LOGS DYNAMIC LOGS

Hydrogel absorbs up totherefore 400x its weight in water and therefore soil’scapacity waterholding capacity (which is currently low due bs its weight up to 400x in water its weight and in water increases and therefore soil’sincreases waterholding soil’sincreases capacity waterholding (which is currently (which moderately is currently low moderately due lowmoderately due to clay typewill soils). In addition, Hydrogel will release water is dry, during thus improving soil moisture periods of drought. ls). Hydrogel In addition, slowly Hydrogel release will slowly water once release soilslowly water is dry,once thussoil improving is dry,once thus soilsoil improving moisture soil moisture periodsduring of drought. periodsduring of drought. infill will be‘mounds’ in the form of ‘mounds’ in order to increase surface areaopportunities and therefore provide opportunities for water infiltration. eThis ‘mounds’ in the form in of order to increase in order surface to increase area and surface therefore area provide and therefore more provide more for opportunities water more infiltration. for water infiltration. Theseincreased fertile ‘mounds’ will provide increasedfor opportunities for growth, which continue to provide infiltrationand opportunities and mounds’ ovide will provide opportunities increased for opportunities vegetation growth, vegetation which growth, willvegetation continue whichtowill provide continue infiltration towill provide opportunities infiltration and opportunities slow slope afterhas thebeen Hydrogel has been depleted (5-7 flow analysis shows that water run-off from slopes is dispersed over -off ydrogel after has therun-off been Hydrogel depleted (5-7 years). depleted The (5-7 flow years). analysis Theshows flowyears). analysis that The water shows run-off thatfrom water slopes run-off is from dispersed slopes over is dispersed over the hydrogel thusbefore slowing downbefore slope run-off before entering streams, ng fill,down thus slowing slopeinfill, run-off down slope run-off entering streams, entering streams,

Vegetation planted in the Envirogrid system ensure that run-off is slowed via infiltration Vegetation planted Vegetation in the planted Envirogrid in the system Envirogrid will ensure system thatwill slope ensure run-off thatwill isslope slowed run-off via infiltration isslope slowed via infiltration prior to reaching streams. In additon, the Envirogrid systems stabilise slopes byinholding soils in prior to reaching prior streams. to reaching In additon, streams. theInEnvirogrid additon, the systems Envirogrid stabilise systems slopes stabilise by holding slopes soils byinholding soils will further stabilisePlant soilssystems. throughwill rootbe systems. Plant place. Vegetation place. willVegetation furtherplace. stabilise willVegetation further soils through stabilise root soilssystems. through root species Plant species chosenwill bespecies chosenwill be chosen which can withstand extreme weather events of and bothdrought. flooding and drought. which can withstand which can extreme withstand weather extreme events weather of both events flooding of and bothdrought. flooding

Logs willangles control run-off by changing angles toallow alternatively allow andflow. inhibit water flow. Senso Logs will control Logs run-off will control by changing run-off by changing to alternatively angles toallow alternatively and inhibit water andflow. inhibit Sensors water Sensors placed indetermine channelsofwill determine volume of water through in relation to the chann placed in channels placed will indetermine channels will the volume the water volume flowing of the through water flowing in relation through toflowing the in relation channel’s to the channel’s Information willto be sent can backchange towhich mechanisms which can change thetologs’ angles to c capacity. Information capacity. will Information be capacity. sent back will to bemechanisms sent back which mechanisms the can logs’ change angles the tologs’ control angles control theamount approximate amount slope run-off allowed into the stream. the approximate theamount approximate of slope run-off ofallowed slope run-off intoof the allowed stream. into the stream.



Prototype 5: Automated barries


Upstream water volume Upstream sensorwater volume sensor Downstream water volume Downstream sensorwater volume sensor

FLOODGATE BARRIERS FLOODGATE BARRIERS Barriers with flood-gate Barrierslike with openings flood-gate like openings are implementedare to inhibit implemented and allow to inhibit and allow water flow from upper waterto flow lower from streams, upper to lower streams, based on channelbased capacity. on channel capacity. Sensors will be placed Sensors in channels will be placed to in channels to determine the volume determine of water the which volume of water which is flowing throughisin flowing relation through to the in relation to the channel’s capacity. channel’s The barriers’ capacity. gates The barriers’ gates will be automatedwill to be open automated based onto open based on information relayed information by the sensors. relayed by the sensors.


riers to offer views overlooking the valley, streams, and a connection to walking and hiking trails on forested peaks.



Prototype 6: Streambank protection



Streambank protection Streambank zone protection zone

RIPRAP EROSION RIPRAP PROTECTION EROSION PROTECTION Riprap (loose rocks) Riprap will (loose be rocks) will be implemented along lower streambanks implemented along lower streambanks to dissipate watertoforce on banks dissipate water force on banks during periods ofduring heavy,periods fast flowing of heavy, fast flowing water. Lower streambanks were chosen water. Lower streambanks were chosen as they are less steep and have as they are lessless steep and have less chance of rock displacement. The chance of rock displacement. The riprap will additionally slope riprapslow will additionally slow slope rainfall run-off. rainfall run-off.

Terrain manipulation constraints Terrain manipulation constraints

5 / WALKWAY ON peaks MATURITY 1 /FLOODGATE FORESted BARRIERS peaks AT connects FULL VEGETATION The walking trail over the peaks floodgate offer views overlooking the valley, streams, and a connection to walking and hiking trails on forested peaks. Thecontinues densely forested will barriers provide to opportunities for birdwatching, as well as continued walking and hiking trails



SO IT FLOWS NATURE RESERVE Samantha Godakumbura A1706973

Weeping Myall, Acacia pendula

‘So It Flows’ is a nature reserve which is designed around the concepts Existing vegetation of decreasing flooding and floodinduced erosion on the Onkaparinga Hills, and subsequent flooding of the Fertile hydrogel mix topsoil Brush layering revegetation technique used Riparian planting encourages Okaparinga Washpool.toVisitors can encourages vegetation growth encourage vegetation growth for further infiltration for slope run-off and to further slow slope enjoy bushwalking andsoil hiking trails,water infiltration and drag stabilsation, stabilises soil via rootrun-off systems forested walks with birdwatching Existing vegetation opportunities, and views of the valley Large rocks create drag and from skywalks which continue the slow water channel flow walking trails across floodgates.


peaks CREATED AT FULL VEGETATION 41 / / FORESted WALKING ROUTE BY DYNAMICMATURITY LOGS The densely forested peaks will provide opportunities for birdwatching, as well as continued walking and hiking



Tree species (bird attracting)


The walking trail continues over the floodgate barriers to offer views overlooking the valley, streams, and a connection to walking and hiking trails on forested peaks. Golden Wattle, Acacia pycnantha


Tree species (bird attracting)



Drunk Parrot Tree, Schotia brachypetala

Sydney Blue Gum, Eucalyptus saligna

Swamp Gum, Eucalyptus ovata ssp. ovata

The densely forested peaks will provide opportunities for birdwatching, as well as continued walking and hiking trails Golden Wattle, Weeping Myall,

Grey Box, Eucalyptus microcarpa Tree species

Golden Wattle, Acacia pycnantha

Vegetation grown in Envirogrid to encourages run-off infiltration and further stabilse soil via root systems

Blackwood, Acacia melanoxylon

(bird attracting)

Weeping Myall, Acacia pendula

Long-Leaf Box, Eucalyptus goniocalyx

Forest Oak, Allocasuarina torulosa

Drunk Parrot Tree, Schotia brachypetala

Sydney Blue Gum, Eucalyptus saligna

Swamp Gum, Eucalyptus ovata ssp. ovata

Plant species (selected for efficient Brush layering revegetation technique used stormwater Nitrogen removal properties) to encourage vegetation growth for further soil stabilsation, water infiltration and drag

Acacia pycnantha

Acacia pendula

Grey Box, Eucalyptus microcarpa

Blackwood, Acacia melanoxylon

Riparian planting encourages infiltration for slope run-off and stabilises soil via root systems




Drunk Parrot Tree, Schotia brachypetala

Sydney Blue Gum, Eucalyptus saligna

Long-Leaf Box, Eucalyptus goniocalyx

Forest Oak, Allocasuarina torulosa

Swamp Gum, Eucalyptus ovata ssp. ovata

Grey Box, Eucalyptus microcarpa

Vegetation grown in Envirogrid to encourages run-off infiltration and further stabilse soil via root systems

Blackwood Acacia me

Pla sto

ure reserve which the concepts ing and floodLarge rocks create drag and slow water channel flow the Onkaparinga Fing Finger Rush, Tussock Grass, Sticky Goodenia, Plant species (selected for efficient Existing vegetation on ent flooding of the Existing vegetation on Junc Vegetation Fertile hydrogel mix topsoil Juncus Poa poiformis Goodenia varia grown in Envirogrid to Brush layering revegetation technique used Riparian planting encourages less steep slopes stormwater Nitrogen removal properties) subs less steep slopes subsecundus encourages run-off infiltration and ool. Visitors can encourages vegetation growth to encourage vegetation growth for further infiltration for slope run-off and further stabilse soil via root systems A multi-strategy approach is used to to further slow slope run-off soil stabilsation, water infiltration and drag stabilises soil via root systems and hiking trails, 6 / STREAMBANK P Envirogrid on Envirogrid on reduce rainfall run-off from slopes birdwatching steepest slopes steepest slopes Topsoil with hydrogel and slow water flow in channels. In views of the valley holds soil and holds soil androcks create drag and mix absorbs slope Riprap to Large Riprap to addition to static methods of flood prevents sheet ch continue the prevents sheet run-off and stream prevent bank slow water channel flow prevent bank erosion during Finger Rush, Tussock Grass, Sticky Goodenia, and erosion reduction, parametric erosion during water as stream fiils erosion EXAMPLE FLOW ROUTES: EXAMPLEDYNAMIC FLOW ROUTES: FLOODGATE DYNAMIC BARRIERS FLOODGATE BARRIERS water flow analysis: water flow streambank analysis: protection streambank protection erosion s floodgates. Existing vegetation on seepage 150mm gravel layer under riprap Toe trench to trap bank Toe trench to trap bank seepage 150mm gravel layer under riprap Kno Juncus Poa poiformis Goodenia varia extreme rainfalL Knobbly Club Rush, Notched Sedge, extreme rainfalL techniques such as sensor operated less steep slopes Ficin subsecundus Ficinia nodosa Carex bichenoviana n events of heavy Inrainfall, events selected of heavy water rainfall,channels selectedwill water be allowed channelstowill reach be allowed maximum to capacity reach maximum before the capacity gates will before the gates will Slope run-off willSlope be dispersed run-off will across be dispersed rock rip-rap across where rock it will rip-rap havewhere the opportunity it will haveto the infiltrate opportunity through to infiltrate through floodgate barriers and timberSTREAM logs BANK PROTECTION 2 / HYDROGEL MIX TOPSOIL INFILL NEAR STREAMBANK 6 / SECTION: STREAM BANK PROTECTION 3 / vegetated envirogrid on 25-45 DEGREE SLOPES proach isopen usedtoto 6 /toSECTION: 3 / and vegetated envirogrid on 25-45 SLOPES gradually gradually allow theopen watertotoallow travelthe further waterdown to travel site,further in order down limit site,and in order slow water to limitflow. and slow water flow. riprap and into soil riprap before entering into soil the before stream entering (effectDEGREE the is exaggerated stream (effect inisthe exaggerated water flow analysis in the water above). flow analysis above). 1:100 Envirogrid on are implemented to1:100 adjust their 1:100 1:100 1:100 off from slopes steepest slopes Topsoil with hydrogel performance according to the w in channels. In holds soil and mix absorbs of slope Riprap to severity the rainfall event. 4/ ALTERNATIVE WALKING ROUTE CREATED BY DYNAMIC LOGS ethods of flood prevents sheet run-off and stream prevent bank erosion during Walking trails will exist between logs, and will be constantly changing due to changing log angles to create on, parametric water as stream fiils erosion Toe trench to trap bank seepage 150mm gravel layer under riprap Knobbly Club Rush, Notched Sedge, extreme rainfalL sensor operated Ficinia nodosa Carex bichenoviana and timber logs 2 / HYDROGEL MIX TOPSOIL INFILL NEAR STREAMBANK 6 / SECTION: STREAM BANK PROTECTION 3 / vegetated envirogrid on 25-45 DEGREE SLOPES



Walking trails



Botanic Gardens of South Australia 2020, Plant Selector, Botanic Gardens of South Australia 2020, viewed 10 June 2020, <>.



Government of South Australia 2020, Nature Maps, viewed 17 April 2020, < https://data.>. Wbur 2019, Could Super-Absorbent Gel Save Millions Of Gallons Of Water In The Desert?, Wbur, viewed 6 June 2020, <>. Geotechpedia 2017, Envirogrid (geocell) Cellular Confinement System, Geotechpedia, viewed 10 June 2020, <>. Nilex 2020, Envirogrid Cellular Confinement System (Geocell), Nilex, viewed 6 June 2020, <>. Geosynthetica 2020, 3D Surficial Slope Stability, Geosynthetica, viewed 10 June 2020, <>.


ails on forested peaks.

to walking and hiking trails on forested peaks.

The densely forested peaks will provide opportunities for birdwatching, as well as continued walking and hiking trails

Tree species (bird attracting) Streambank protection zone

RIPRAP EROSION PROTECTION Riprap (loose rocks) will be implemented along lower streambanks to dissipate water force on banks during periods of heavy, fast flowing water. Lower streambanks were chosen as they are less steep and have less chance of rock displacement. The riprap will additionally slow slope rainfall run-off.

Terrain manipulation constraints


I Golden Wattle, Weeping Myall, N Acacia pycnantha Acacia pendula T Golden Wattle, Acacia pycnantha E G R A T E D Riparian planting encourages

Drunk Parrot Tree, Schotia brachypetala Weeping Myall, Acacia pendula

Tree sp


Sydney Blue Gum, Eucalyptus saligna Drunk Parrot Tree, Schotia brachypetala

Swamp Gum, Eucalyptus ovata ssp. ovata Sydney Blue Gum, Eucalyptus saligna

Grey Box, Eucalyptus microcarpa Swamp Gum, Eucalyptus ovata ssp. ovata

Blackwood, Acacia melanoxylon Grey Box, Eucalyptus microcarpa

Long-Leaf Box, Eucalyptus goniocalyx

Blackwood, Acacia melanoxylon


Forest Oak, Allocasuarina torulosa

‘So It Flows’ is a nature reserve which is designed around the concepts of decreasing flooding and floodPlant species (selected for efficient Vegetation grown in Envirogrid to induced erosion on the Onkaparinga stormwater Nitrogen removal properties) encourages run-off infiltration and Plant species (selected Hills, and subsequent flooding of thefor efficient further stabilseVegetation soil via root systems grown in Envirogrid to stormwater Nitrogen Okaparinga Washpool. Visitors canremoval properties) encourages run-off infiltration and further stabilse soil via root systems enjoy bushwalking and hiking trails, forested walks with birdwatching opportunities, and views of the valley SO IT FLOWS Finger Rush, Tussock Grass, Sticky Goodenia, Existing vegetation on Juncus Poa poiformis the NATURE Goodenia varia from skywalks which continue RESERVE less steep slopes Finger Rush, Tussock Grass, Sticky Goodenia, walkingsubsecundus trails across floodgates. Existing vegetation on ‘So It Flows’ isGoodenia a nature reserve which Juncus Poa poiformis varia Walking trails

Golden W Acacia py

Existing vegetation




Fertile hydrogel mix topsoil encourages vegetation growth to further slow slope run-off

The walking trail continues over the floodgate barriers to offer views overlooking the valley, streams, and a connection to walking and hiking trails on forested peaks.

Brush layering revegetation technique used to encourage vegetation growth for further soil stabilsation, water infiltration and drag

is designed around the concepts less steep slopes subsecundus of decreasing flooding and floodEnvirogrid on induced erosion on the Onkaparinga A multi-strategy approach is used toHills, and subsequent flooding of the steepest slopes Okaparinga Washpool. Visitors can Envirogrid on bushwalking and hiking trails, reduce rainfall run-off from slopes enjoy holds soil and forested walks with birdwatching steepest slopes opportunities, views of the valley prevents sheet and slow water flow in channels. In from skywalksand which continue the holds soil and erosion during addition to static methods of flood walking trails across floodgates. prevents sheet Knobbly Club Rush, Notched Sedge, A multi-strategy approach is used to extreme rainfalL erosion during and erosion reduction,Carex parametric Ficinia nodosa bichenoviana reduce rainfall run-off from slopes and slow water flow in channels. In Knobbly Club Rush, Notched Sedge, extreme rainfalL addition to static methods of flood techniques suchFicinia as sensor operated 3 / vegetated envirogrid on 25-45 DEGREE SLOPES nodosa Carex bichenoviana and erosion reduction, parametric techniques such as sensor operated floodgate barriers and timber logs floodgate 1:100 barriers and timber logs 3 / vegetated envirogrid on 25-45 DEGREE SLOPES are implemented to adjust their performance according to the are implemented to adjust their 1:100 severity of the rainfall event.


Ripa infiltr stabi

The densely forested peaks will provide opportunities for birdwatching, as well as continued walking and hiking trails

Tree species (bird attracting)

Golden Wattle, Acacia pycnantha

Weeping Myall, Acacia pendula

Drunk Parrot Tree, Schotia brachypetala

Sydney Blue Gum, Eucalyptus saligna

Swamp Gum, Eucalyptus ovata ssp. ovata

Grey Box, Eucalyptus microcarpa

Blackwood, Acacia melanoxylon

Long-Leaf Box, Eucalyptus goniocalyx

Forest Oak, Allocasuarina torulosa

Large rocks create drag and slow water channel flow

Samantha Godakumbura A1706973

performance according to the severity of the rainfall event. different experiences for returning hikers

Forest Oak, Allocasuarina torulosa

Long-Leaf Box, Eucalyptus goniocalyx




1 / FORE

The de

Samantha Godakumbura A1706973

S T R A T E G nk Riprap to Toe trench 150mm gravel layerbank under riprap prevent I to trap bank seepage erosion 150mm gravel layer under riprap Toe trench to trap bank seepage E AM BANK PROTECTION 6 / SECTION: STREAM BANK PROTECTION S

it will have the opportunity to infiltrate through xaggerated in the water flow analysis above).


5 / WALKWAY ON FLOODGATE BARRIERS connects peaks 4 / WALKING ROUTE CREATED BY DYNAMIC LOGS The walking trail continues over the floodgate barriers to offer views overlooking the valley, streams, and a connection to walking and hiking trails on forested peaks.


g revegetation technique used vegetation growth for further infiltration for slope run-off and 4 / DYNAMIC LOGS n, water infiltration and drag stabilises soil via root systems Brush layering revegetation technique used Riparian planting encourages to encourage vegetation growth for further infiltration for slope run-off and soil stabilsation, water infiltration and drag stabilises soil via root systems Large rocks create drag and slow water channel flow Large rocks create drag and slow water channel flow



The densely forested peaks will provide opportunities for birdwatching, as well as continued walking and hiking trails 5 / FLOODGATE BARRIERS / FORESted peaks AT FULL VEGETATION MATURITY Tree species (bird1attracting)


Existing vegetation

Fertile hydrogel mix topsoil encourages vegetation growth to further slow slope run-off

Topsoil with hydrogel mix absorbs slope run-off and stream waterTopsoil as with stream fiils hydrogel mix absorbs slope run-off and stream water as stream fiils


Brush layering revegetation technique used to encourage vegetation growth for further soil stabilsation, water infiltration and drag

Riparian planting encourages infiltration for slope run-off and stabilises soil via root systems

Vegetation grown in Envirogrid to encourages run-off infiltration and further stabilse soil via root systems

Large rocks create drag and slow water channel flow

Riprap to prevent bank erosion 150mm gravel layer under riprap 6 / SECTION: STREAM BANK PROTECTION 1:100

Toe trench to trap bank seepage

Envirogrid on steepest slopes holds soil and prevents sheet erosion during extreme rainfalL

Plant species (selected for efficient stormwater Nitrogen removal properties)

Riprap to Existing vegetation on less steep slopes prevent bank erosion 150mm gravel layer under riprap Finger Rush, Juncus subsecundus

Tussock Grass, Poa poiformis

Knobbly Club Rush, Ficinia nodosa

Notched Sedge, Carex bichenoviana

Sticky Goodenia, Goodenia varia

Toe trench to


3 / vegetated envirogrid on 25-45 DEGREE SLOPES 1:100


4/ ALTERNATIVE WALKING ROUTE CREATED BY DYNAMIC LOGS 4/ ALTERNATIVE WALKING ROUTE logs, CREATED DYNAMIC LOGS Walking trails will exist between andBYwill be constantly changing due to changing log angles to create different experiences for returning hikers Walking trails will exist between logs, and will be constantly changing due to changing log angles to create different experiences for returning hikers

Walking trails will exist between log




COASTAL RESILIENCE < Yu Lin / Kaihang Zhou >


Geology & topography of Onkapringa




Impacts on the urban environment


Impact of seawater quality decline on the coast












Conservation & adaptive coastal development < Yu Lin >

Prototype 1: Protection of cliff areas

Prototype 2: Protection of beach areas



Prototype 3: Estuary landscape and riparian wetland

Prototype 4: Estuary landscape & flood control



Prototype 1 Protection of cliff areas

Prototype 2 Protection of beach areas

Prototype 4 Estuary landscape & flood control


Prototype 3 Estuary landscape and riparian wetland

Research scope & process GROUP 5




< Stephanie Pope / Ben Wesley > Remnant native vegetation existing on the site today has primarily been planted after European settlement. This could be due to mass land clearing for agricultural land after settlement as irrigated agricultural land significantly dominates much of the flat plains of the basin. It is likely that much of this native vegetation has been planted in more recent years in response to conservation efforts. Conservation efforts need to understand these relationships between plants, and plant typologies and the existing climate and topographies of the Onkaparinga region as a whole. Questions should be asked as to how existing programs, such as the agricultural industry that dominates so much of the site region, could incorporate native plant species and communities within their lands in order to increase biodiversity within the Onkaparinga region. Invasive and problematic species genes from plants that are not native to the areas pose a significant threat to existing native growth of the area. As the human population increases, urban and agricultural areas will further dominate the landscape. Measures and strategies need to be implemented in order to maintain and increase native vegetation within the area despite these new challenges arising. There is a significantly lower percentage of threatened species within protected areas than other species. This data suggests that conservation strategies need to further consider the relationship between native and nonnative species within the

region. The importance of maintaining the small amount of remnant vegetation left within the Onkaparinga region, as well as increase native vegetation communities and give priority of threatened species is essential.

Existing ecological communities






Human intervention Prior to European settlement, the Onkaparinga region was abundant with eucalyptus forests and woodlands. The region consisted primarily of grassy woodlands, which covered one third of the entire area. Other grassy ecosystems within the region included native grasses on the low-lying plains and emergent trees and shrubs that joined grassy woodlands and woodlands. Nutrient deficient soils on the central spine of the area were more likely to have shrub-dominated understory’s, dominated by several diverse species of low, hardy shrubs. Heathy woodlands were also common within the region where rainfall was lower than areas such as the hills and central ranges of the southern Fleurieu Peninsula. Aridstyle chenopod shrublands occurred on near-coastal plains and areas where infertile soils occurred. European settlement caused a significant decrease in these native typologies across the region - with the Adelaide plains region and Willunga Basin losing more than 90% of the native vegetation. However, increased human population and development within the area further decreased the native ecology and biodiversity of the region through increasing heat islands due to artificial ground and building surfaces, increased pollution within soil areas from commercial and agricultural business’.

Conservation measures Conservation measures within the Onkaparinga region include parks aiming at increasing and maintaining biodiversity within the area. These measures must to consider Native Title within their processes, and recognize the traditional customs and significance of Kaurna sites within the region. After initial vegetation clearing, measures have been taken to revegetate the river. Revegetation periods between 1988-1999 and 1999-2003 were completed, and stormwater reduction wetlands following the Onkaparinga River within the river reserve will (in combination with the planting) decrease the changes of widespread flooding to urban and agricultural areas.

Natural system modification

Native plannt communities and conservation strategy breakdown The human effect The increase of human activity in and around the Onkaparinga site results in the “managing� of natural landscapes, often with the improvement of human welfare as the prime focus of management. This includes fire management areas, inappropriate fire regimes, and inappropriate management, use, and regulation of general site areas and waterways. Flooding has been an issue in the past. The increase of agricultural land as well as the development of urban centers around the site have increased the necessity to manage and regulate the flow and presence of natural waterways, such as the Onkaparinga River. Floods are a natural process resulting from high rainfall periods. In 2004, heavy rainfall within the Adelaide Hills caused a widespread flood due to saturated catchments, and vegetation clearing along the Onkaparinga river catchments. Well vegetated catchments can act as a management strategy towards flooding that does not need to negatively impact the ecology of the site. Programs and regulations that encourage landholders with watercourses on their properties to retain remnant vegetation along watercourses. If adopted within the Onkaparinga region, this would help to prevent flood frequency and erosion whilst increasing water quality and biodiversity within the area.

Man-induced large-scale urban warming The heathy and grassy woodlands that once dominated the Onkaparinga region prior to European settlement would have significantly decreased extreme heat islands across the landscape. However, today some of these more rural and natural, open areas can reach higher heats during extended heat waves than the town centers and asphalt roads.







< Stephanie Pope / Ben Wesley > Research undertaken on the Onkaparinga region stresses the importance to understand the qualities of the land in both its historical and present context. Due to human presence and activities, over nearly two centuries the Onkaparinga region has drastically evolved from a land thriving with native vegetation to an area dominated by urban and agricultural landscapes. Movement towards improving the ecological status of the Onkaparinga region is pivotal, as under 10% of remnant vegetation remains within the area. However, as political and economic pressures grow for further commercial, residential and agricultural development, strategies must adapt to these programs and find new, innovative ways to increase species biodiversity. Much of the landscape has been over-managed for human benefit, however as outlined in the analysis, many attempts to manage and control the landscape often result in the entirely opposite outcome. Sometimes, less is more. And when considering strategies regarding the ecological improvement of the Onkaparinga region, such a statement may be more crucial than ever. This preliminary outline of the BIO.BOND project involved creating links and passages between existing vegetation communities, with particular focus on connecting remnant communities and promoting the increased use of threatened plant species. Incorporating existing landscape conditions that have developed due to modern human activity - such as the agricultural runoff canals leading to the Washpool Lagoon - and abiding by the mapping data indicating climactic and natural site conditions, diverse native plant communities and typologies will find a new sense of resilience in the modern developed world.







Fracture < Stephanie Pope >

STAGE I Early research and experimentation

STAGE II Prototype formulation + experimentation






STAGE III Prototype implementation




Protomation < Ben Wesley > Project goals

Goals for automation


Prototypes matrix + Performance analysis


LANDSCAPE FORMATIONS Objectives Combination of prototypes

Performance analysis: Scoring system






WATERSCAPES < Shiyao Li / Ke Wang >

Soil erosion: land cover, wind and water dynamics

Flooding dynamic changes


Dynamic processes of rising water levels on forests






< Shiyao Li / Ke Wang >



VISION The aim of this plan is to strengthen the stormwater and flood management of the site from various angles and aspects, reduce the probability and hazards associated to the flood occurrence, establish an interconnected blue infrastructure network which helps to reasonably guide the flow of water and transform the surrounding environment. Also, it is crucial to redesign the surrounding environment including the protection of existing native vegetation species, and planting appropriate crops to help improve the local and regional climate. Through the management of rainwater, stormwater and flooding, it will be decreased the harm to consolidated and new urban settlements and protect safety of residents.

Water runoff

Green infrastructure




From fear of water to friendship with water < Shiyao Li >

TOPOLOGY 1 Prototype iterations

Best performance results

Planting growth


Changes in water levels



TOPOLOGY 2 Prototype iterations

Planting growth


Changes in water levels




Design process

< Ke Wang >

Flooding conditions

Floodplain in Washpool Flooding is a natural event. A flood occurs when a pipe, channel, or creek cannot carry the volume of water entering from a catchment. This results in floodwaters traveling across land, threatening the safety of people and potentially damaging property in the floodplain. The Washpool (Silver Sands) catchment includes portions of the suburbs of Aldinga, Aldinga Beach, Whites Valley, Willunga South, Sellicks Beach and Sellicks Hill. The catchment is broadly bounded by the top of the Willunga Ranges to the east, Aldinga Beach Road to the north and Sellicks Beach Road to the south. The Washpool (Silver Sands) floodplain shows major watercourses of the Washpool (Silver Sands) catchment. This project will estimate the extent and behaviour of potential floods arising in the Washpool (Silver Sands) catchment. In the future, it will improve the floodplain and management potential flooding.

Avulsion factors

STRATEGIES Avulsion development

I. Prototypes explorations + iterations


Intervention strategies



II. Prototypes moderation



IV. Performance Evaluation


III. Landform creation


Drought conditions

Low water level

High water level

Wetland creation




South Australia water catchment areas

Tidal, flooding and inland hydrology

Rainfall decile 2012

South Australia culture & infrastructure

Culture & infrastructure

Average rainfall decile 2000-2015 (May-July)



Rainfall decile 2013

Average rainfall decile 2000-2015 (July-October)

Rainfall decile 2014

Streetscape network & heritage values

South Australia education & occupation

Education & occupation

Residential population density

Agricultural exposure

Urban land-uses

Cultivated & native areas


Dynamic changes of South Australia greenspaces and natural reserve areas

Transport and circulation

Natural reserve and depth of soil

Available water capacity of soil within 30-60 cm depth

Road network and hydrology intervened







Let it flow, Let it grow < Qi Ziyan >


Prototype 1

Prototype 3 96


Proposed scheme for the site


ANALYSIS ANALYSIS Mapping Vulnerability Vulnerability mapping


DENUDED SOILS 20.7 C (dark blue) 23.0 C (dark red) 20.7 C (dark blue) 23.0 C (dark red)

Vulnerability Mapping

Initial analysis of the cause and effect of soil erosion identified a series of sites across the subject territory that are likely to be Initial analysis theothers cause and effect of soil erosion impacted moreof than as identified in Image 10.identified A broad a series of sites across the subject territory that are set of criteria were identified as a way to narrow thelikely focustoofbethe impacted others as identified Image A broad soil erosionmore issuethan to identify where areas in might be10. more prone to set of criteria werethe identified way to might narrowbe thestronger. focus of the erosion and where driversas ofaerosion soil erosion issue to identify where areas might be more prone to erosion andused where the drivers erosion might be stronger. The criteria identified the of relationship between soil erosion and: - Soil condition The criteria used identified the relationship between soil erosion and: - Wind and water processes Soil condition - -Land use Wind and water processes - -Climatic factors Land and use political factors - -Social - Climatic factors - Social and political factors

< Claire Monford-Waite / Reb Rowe > 4: Annual temperatures for Australia (1910 - 2017) Theimage Kaurna people are acknowledged as the original source: Climate Lab Book 2018 custodians this area. The land is undulating imageof 4: Annual temperatures for Australia (1910 - 2017) with source: Climate Lab Book 2018 primary production and residential land uses being 1.35 C change in global temperature between 1650 - 2017 predominant following colonial settlement. Aldinga/ 1.35 C change in global temperature between 1650 - 2017 Ngaltingga, the largest township, was established in 1857 as farming expanded in the area.

Based on the proximity of residential settlements to the coast, the importance of primary production for the area, and the delicate natural processes present in the environment, soil erosion has been identified image 5: Annual global temperatures from 1650 - 2017. as source: a keyimage environmental challengefrom for1650 the- 2017. area. The Climate Book 2018temperatures 5: Lab Annual global Labis Book surface source: of theClimate earth in 2018 a constant state of flux.

work & Tools

Environmental processes work away at soil and rock, often in concert; eroding and depositing soil according to the habits of wind and water. While the movement of soil across the earth is largely natural, the rate and severity of erosion can be accelerated by human intervention in the environment; resulting in imbalances in the complex and interlaced natural processes. Soil erosion is most commonly influenced by the effects of wind and water across the earth’s surface. These influences are enhanced by climatic factors, topography, vegetation, land use and socioeconomic factors. The intensity of the influences are also enhanced by severe weather events including drought, flooding and bushfires which are increasing in regularity as a result of climate change.

ANALYSIS 20.7 C (dark blue) 23.0 C (dark red)

pproach as evidenced in Image 2 to st that could impact or be impacted by

a that we sourced, we used GIS ph analysis and text resources to form soil erosion within the territory of

image 4: Annual temperatures for Australia (1910 - 2017) source: Climate Lab Book 2018 1.35 C change in global temperature between 1650 - 2017

image 5: Annual global temperatures from 1650 - 2017. source: Climate Lab Book 2018

image 3: Seasonal changes in environmental factors influencing soil erosion. source: R. Rowe based on data from Australian Bureau of Meteorology.

Winter mage 9: Winter erial image supplied ource: Aerial image supplied r 2019 y lecturer 2019

image 7: Summer source: Aerial image supplied by lecturer 2019

image 2: A Systematic Approach: mind map outlining potential areas of investigation in terms of soil erosion, and its interconnected nature to other environmental challenges. source: C. Morford-Waite & R. Rowe 2020

image 8: Autumn source: Aerial image supplied by lecturer 2019


Maslins B

Maslins Bea

These criteria assisted in identifying areas of potential vulnerability in the territory and areas where a number of these criteria were These criteria assisted in identifying areas of potential vulnerability evident were deemed as sites of higher risk. These areas, often near in the territory and areas where a number of these criteria were sloping land and water-ways were also located where different evident were deemed as sites of higher risk. These areas, often near land-uses interact. This therefore places challenging demands sloping land and water-ways were also located where different on those adjoining natural areas which pose a potential threat to land-uses interact. This therefore places challenging demands land-uses are culturally or economically human on those that adjoining natural areas which pose important a potential to threat to society. Thethat demand placed or oneconomically environmental systemsto ashuman a result of land-uses are culturally important colonial settlement, particularly the covering of land with impervious society. The demand placed on environmental systems as a result of materials, is also identified as playing a key role in soil erosion. colonial settlement, particularly the covering of land with impervious Due to the is interrelated nature of thesea systems, thesoil management materials, also identified as playing key role in erosion. and environment of human settlements notmanagement only impacts Duepolitical to the interrelated nature of these systems, the natural systems but, in turn,ofthe sustainability of the itself and political environment human settlements not settlement only impacts (Dawson 2017). but, in turn, the sustainability of the settlement itself natural systems (Dawson 2017).

Port Willun Port Willunga

ANALYSIS Site Visit March 2020

Vulnerability Mapping

A site visit conducted on 16 March 2020 identified seve Aldinga Beach in the territory that were linked back to the soil erosion Aldinga Beach immense influence of water as a weathering actor was

Initial analysis of the cause and effect of soil erosion identified a series of sites across the subject territory that are likely to be impacted more than others as identified in Image 10. A broad set of criteria were identified as a way to narrow the focus of the soil erosion issue to identify where areas might be more prone to erosion and where the drivers of erosion might be stronger.

as was the dry end-of-summer environment which in m lacked diverse vegetation cover or had vast areas of ba Land and resource management practices of the differ uses and at their interfaces was noted as an important the ability for a site to retain soil. Image 11 identifies fo potential vulnerability which correlate to images 12-15 photographs taken from the site visit of each of the fou areas of vulnerability.

1 Maslins Beach

The criteria used identified the relationship between soil erosion and: - Soil condition - Wind and water processes - Land use - Climatic factors - Social and political factors

2 2

These criteria assisted in identifying areas of potential vulnerability in the territory and areas where a number of these criteria were evident were deemed as sites of higher risk. These areas, often near sloping land and water-ways were also located where different land-uses interact. This therefore places challenging demands on those adjoining natural areas which pose a potential threat to land-uses that are culturally or economically important to human society. The demand placed on environmental systems as a result of colonial settlement, particularly the covering of land with impervious materials, is also identified as playing a key role in soil erosion. Due to the interrelated nature of these systems, the management and political environment of human settlements not only impacts natural systems but, in turn, the sustainability of the settlement itself (Dawson 2017).

Aldinga Scrub Aldinga Scrub

Port Willunga

Aldinga Beach

image 6: Spring

6: Spring Aerial imageinterventions supplied It is acceptedsource: thatimage human most often source: Aerial image supplied by lecturer 2019 by lecturer alter the erodibility of the2019 earth’s surface rather than substantially enhance the erosion-driving factors. Soil erosion and deposition alter the chemical and Seasonal & Climatic Influences physical characteristics ofInfluences an area; resulting in loss Seasonal & Climatic of functional viability and an environment where When paired increasing averageaverage temperatures, Whenwith paired with increasing temperatures, endemic species are no longer ablereduced to reduced grow. Due yearly rainfall more and severe storms;storms; soil erosion is yearly and rainfall andfrequent more frequent and severe soil erosion is identified asintertwined likelyastolikely be accelerated as aof result climate changechange to the nature environmental processes identified to be accelerated as a of result of climate (The Guardian 2020). Dry soil intensifies soil erosion as the drying (The Guardian 2020). Dry soil intensifies soil erosion as the drying and the human reliance on soil for habitation and process process kills off kills vegetationlosing the soilthe structure framework of off vegetationlosing soil structure framework of thefood; rootthe system, and reduces the water-holding capacity of impacts the of soil root system, and can reduces the water-holding capacity the soilon soil erosion have farreaching with thewith baked-hard soil retaining much less rainfall, resulting in it in it the baked-hard soil retaining much less rainfall, resulting human health, economy, and social-structure and the becoming runoff and adding to flashtofloods (The Guardian 2020).2020). becoming runoff and adding flash floods (The Guardian environment within which we live.



The Washp The Washpoo


image 12: Coastal erosion at Maslins Beach source: photo taken by C. Morford-Waite 2020

Aldinga Scrub


Sellicks Beach Sellicks Beach

The Washpool

image 9: Winter source: Aerial image supplied by lecturer 2019


image 6: Spring source: Aerial image supplied by lecturer 2019

Seasonal & Climatic Influences When paired with increasing average temperatures, reduced yearly rainfall and more frequent and severe storms; soil erosion is identified as likely to be accelerated as a result of climate change (The Guardian 2020). Dry soil intensifies soil erosion as the drying process kills off vegetation- losing the soil structure framework of the root system, and reduces the water-holding capacity of the soil with the baked-hard soil retaining much less rainfall, resulting in it becoming runoff and adding to flash floods (The Guardian 2020).

Sellicks Beach

Cactus Canyon image image10: 10:Vulnerability Vulnerabilitymapping mapping source: source:R.R.Rowe Rowebased basedupon upon data data from from Australian Government Government2020, 2020,and andsupplied supplied by by lecturer lecturer 2020.

image 10: Vulnerability mapping source: R. Rowe based upon data from Australian Government 2020, and supplied by lecturer 2020.

Cactus Canyon Cactus Canyon


Sellicks Hill

image 14: Washpool area looking across at nearby hou source: photo taken by C. Morford-Waite 2020


Mt. Terrible Gully

image 11: Aerial map outline potential areas of vulnera source: C. Morford-Waite based on data from GoogleM



A site visit conducted on 16 March 2020 identified several factors in the territory that were linked back to the soil erosion issue. The immense influence of water as a weathering actor was identified, as was the dry end-of-summer environment which in many areas lacked diverse vegetation cover or had vast areas of bare ground. Land and resource management practices of the different land uses and at their interfaces was noted as an important factor in the ability for a site to retain soil. Image 11 identifies four sites of potential vulnerability which correlate to images 12-15, which are photographs taken from the site visit of each of the four identified areas of vulnerability.

ANALYSIS Topography

ANALYSIS A site visit conducted on 16 March 2020 identified several factors in the territory that were linkedSite backVisit to theMarch soil erosion 2020issue. The immense influence of water as aTopography weathering actor was identified, as was the dry end-of-summer environment which in many areas A site visit conducted on 16 March ground. 2020 identified several factors lacked or had areas of bare several factorsdiverse vegetation coverDuring the vast site visit, the territory was observed to have elevated hilly in the territory that were linked back to the soil erosion issue. The sionLand issue. The areas to the south from different the Mount Lofty with the majority of and resource management practices of the landRanges immense influence of water as a weathering actor was identified, was identified, the area being reasonably flat with several permanent water bodies was theas dry end-of-summer environment in many areas usesareas and at their interfaces wasas noted important factor in which n many including the an Washpool area and an ephemeral basin in the Aldinga lacked diverse vegetation cover or had vast areas of bare ground. f bare ground. Scrub. Much11 of the coast is met by cliffs, many of which are currently the ability for a site to retain soil. Image identifies four sites of Land and resource management practices of the different land fferent land experiencing erosion or have a high potential for it. potential vulnerability which correlate totheir images 12-15, which uses and at interfaces was noted as are an important factor in ant factor in 1 thevisit abilityofforeach a site of to retain soil. Image 11 identifies four sites of photographs taken from the site the four identified s four sites of potential vulnerability which correlate to images 12-15, which are -15,areas which are of vulnerability. photographs taken from the site visit of each of the four identified image 12: Coastal erosion at Maslins Beach areas of vulnerability. source: photo taken by C. Morford-Waite 2020

In addition to water being a main driver of soil erosion, when soil erodes, the health of creek systems is impacted. Water systems turbidwas andobserved sedimentation downstream can suffocate During the site visit,become the territory to have elevated hilly existing turnRanges reducing thethe root system of framework of areas to Topography the south from theplants, MountinLofty with majority the deposition (Middleton 2013). Habitats, the area being reasonably flat witharea several permanent water bodiesfor native flora including the Washpool areamouth and in the Aldinga and fauna, are an altered and the impacts felt on human The ofephemeral the quicklybasin During the site visit, the territory was observed to have elevated hilly Onkaparinga River Scrub. Much of the environments coast is met by cliffs, many ofdevastating. which are currently can be equally areas to the south from the Mount Lofty Ranges with the majority of inland water experiencing erosion or allow haveflat a high potential for it. the area being reasonably with several permanent water bodies courses to an including the Washpool area and ephemeral basin in thewater, Aldingaparticularly water bodies, In reviewing thereach data available for the ocean Scrub. Much of the coast is met by cliffs, many of which are currently the most recent identified was for 2012, as shown in Image 16. experiencing erosion or have a highdata potential for it. It should be noted that the Waterproofing the South project altered 2 water bodies and courses in the territory which impacts on our analysis. One main example of this is the Aldinga Scrub, which now image 13: Aldinga Scrub and surrounds, including housing developments close by. as a water basin in high rainfall events. The impact of this source: photo functions taken The by C.mouth Morford-Waite of the2020 intervention was explained by the City of Onkaparinga’s Landscape Onkaparinga River Architect an example allowas inland water of human intervention in a natural system. Withcourses the increase in impervious surfaces and the associated increase to reach the ocean runoff, the diversion of stormwater increases. Water in stormwater entering into the Aldinga Scrub area has increased and now experiences prolonged the water-logging of the site; altering what was an ephemeral waterhole (City of Onkaparinga 2020).



Mt. Terrible Gully

The mouth of the Onkaparinga River allow inland water courses to reach the ocean A significant number of water courses converge into the Washpool area

The mouth of the Onkaparinga River allow inland water courses to reach the ocean

While there are no identified water courses from the 2012 data, we Numerous believe thiswater would courses converge be an area of down the slopes significance today from the Mt Lofty Ranges

While there are no identified water courses from the 13 42 2 2012 data, we Sandy soils around believe this would image 12: Coastal erosion at Maslins Beach image 13: surrounds, including housing developments close by.potential area. Aldinga which lack Washpool areaand looking across at nearbyhousing housingdevelopments developments.close by. 15: Aldinga Looking Scrub up to and Mount Terrible Gully, devoid of vegetation, high erosion image 14: 13: Aldinga Scrub surrounds, including source: photo taken by C. Morford-Waite 2020 source: photo taken The C.mouth Morford-Waite 2020 image 16: Linkages between the be an area of of the source: photo taken by C. Morford-Waite 2020 Windbydirection and intensity is dynamic, however, south-west and structure and waterexisting water bodies, courses and Onkaparinga River significance today northerly winds have been identified most predominantly in the data potential water erosion holding lines. capacity are allow inland water source: Morford-Waite & Rowe observed through the course of this investigation (Windfinder 2020). courses to reach 2020 based on data from atDEWNR, risk of weathering 2 image 11: Aerial map outline potential areas of vulnerability from initial site visit in March 2020. The drying influence of wind on the surface soil and wind’s ability to and Windfinder. A significant the ocean A significant transport topsoil from one location to another means wind plays an number of water important role in the severity of soil erosion (Middleton 2013). Sandy courses converge image 13: Aldinga Scrub and surrounds, including housing developments close by. and friable with little vegetation cover and no soil supportive into thesoils Washpool source: photo takenframework by area C. Morford-Waite 2020 up by wind and deposited elsewhere are easily picked

source: C. Morford-Waite based on data from GoogleMaps, and provided by the lecturer.

image 12: Coastal erosion at Maslins Beach source: photo taken by C. Morford-Waite 2020

number of water courses converge into the Washpool area

(Middleton 2013).

3 42

housing developments.

allow inland 2012 data, wewater courses to reach believe this would the ocean be an area of significance today


image 14: Aldinga Washpool areaand looking across including at nearbyhousing housingdevelopments developments.close by. image 15: Looking up to Mount Terrible Gully, devoid of vegetation, high erosion potential area. image surrounds, image 13: 15: Looking Scrub up to Mount Terrible Gully, devoid of vegetation, high erosion potential area. source: photo taken by C. Morford-Waite 2020 source: photo taken by C. Morford-Waite 2020 source: source: photo photo taken taken by by C. C. Morford-Waite Morford-Waite 2020 2020 image 16: Linkages between the

Medium - High

image 11: Aerial map outline potential areas of vulnerability from initial site visit in March 2020. erability from initial site visit in March 2020. Mt. Terrible Gully source: C. Morford-Waite based on data from GoogleMaps, and provided by the lecturer. gleMaps, and provided by the lecturer.

Soils in the Washpool area areA affected significant by sedimentation, number of water Numerous water courses converge deposition and converge courses down the slopes water theinputs Washpool from the Mtincrease Lofty into Ranges area

While there are no identified water courses from the 2012 data, we Numerous believe thiswater would Water Erosion Potential courses converge be an area of down the slopes significance today from the Mt Lofty High Risk Potential Ranges

existing water bodies, courses and potential water erosion lines. source: Morford-Waite & Rowe 2020 based on data from DEWNR, A significant and Windfinder.

Low - Medium

number of water Low Risk Potential courses converge into the Washpool area

image 16: Linkages between the existing water bodies, courses and potential water erosion lines. source: Morford-Waite & Rowe 2020 based on data from DEWNR, and Windfinder.

Water bodies (2012)



Water courses (2012)

Numerous water Soil structure on hills is shallowcourses and lessconverge stable, down the slopes being more impacted from the Mt Lofty by weathering Ranges


image 14: Washpool area looking across at nearby housing developments. source: photo taken by C. Morford-Waite 2020


housing developments.

image 15: Looking up to Mount Terrible Gully, devoid of vegetation, high erosion potential area.

image 11: Aerial map outline potential areas ofby vulnerability from initial site visit in March 2020. source: photo taken C. Morford-Waite 2020 source: C. Morford-Waite based on data from GoogleMaps, and provided by the lecturer.

erability from initial site visit in March 2020. gleMaps, and provided by the lecturer.

Wind direction (2020) contours_territory_clip_10m Numerous water image 15: Looking up to Mount Terrible Gully, devoid of vegetation, high erosion potential area. courses converge source: photo taken by down C. Morford-Waite the slopes 2020 Study area from the Mt Lofty Ranges image 16: Linkages between the existing water bodies, courses and potential water erosion lines. source: Morford-Waite & Rowe 2020 based on data from DEWNR, and Windfinder.






become tu across the land is a driver of soil erosion (Middleton 2013), however, soil structure of the si when paired with increased water speed due to land contour; water existing Aplr vegetation to thrive; erosion is focused particular importance In addition to waterinto being a mainareas. driverOf of particular soil erosion, when soil the depos are sitesthe where water catchments meet the coastWater and where there and create a supportiv X erodes, health of creek systems is impacted. systems a settlement or and itemsedimentation of cultural or historical significance is in close and fauna A become turbid downstream can suffocate Annual cropping, proximity to an in area which is likely experience heightenedof As vegetation dies alo existing plants, turn reducing theto root system framework environme co S coastal erosion and erosion. the deposition area (Middleton 2013). Habitats, for native flora of the soil is no longe



In reviewing the data available for water, particularly water bodies, the most recent data identified was for 2012, as shown in Image 16. It should be noted that the Waterproofing the South project altered water bodies and courses in the territory which impacts on our analysis. One main example of this is the Aldinga Scrub, which now functions as a water basin in high rainfall events. The impact of this intervention was explained by the City of Onkaparinga’s Landscape Architect as an example of human intervention in a natural system. With the increase in impervious surfaces and the associated increase in stormwater runoff, the diversion of stormwater increases. Water entering into the Aldinga Scrub area has increased and now experiences prolonged the water-logging of the site; altering what was an ephemeral waterhole (City of Onkaparinga 2020).

A creeklines influence thequickly and the impacts felt on human being worn awayGby cr and fauna, are altered w so Wind direction andbe intensity dynamic, however, south-west and st In reviewin soil erosion potential environments can equally isdevastating. northerly winds have been identified most predominantly in theand datatype of vegetatio the mosthr observed through theavailable course offor this investigation (Windfinder 2020). plants and techniques In reviewing the data water, particularly water bodies, The drying influence of wind on the surface soil and wind’s ability to It should ab



the most recent data identified was for 2012, as shown in Imageprotect 16. soil from erod transport topsoil from to another meansproject wind plays an It should be noted thatone the location Waterproofing the South altered water bod important roleand in the severity of soil erosion (Middleton 2013). water bodies courses in the territory which impacts on our Sandy analysis. O and friable soils with little vegetation cover and no soil supportive analysis. One main example of this is the Aldinga Scrub, which now Soil erosion and depo frameworkasare easilybasin picked byrainfall wind and deposited elsewhere functions functions a water in up high events. The impact of this characteristics of an a (Middleton intervention2013). was explained by the City of Onkaparinga’s Landscape


land and the habit of water. Water collecting in the ranges diverts Water & Wind into the catchment network. The natural process of water moving across the land is a driver of soil erosion (Middleton 2013), however, when paired with increased water speed due to land contour; water erosion is focused into particular importance In addition to water being a mainareas. driverOf of particular soil erosion, when soil are sitesthe where water catchments meet the coastWater and where there erodes, health of creek systems is impacted. systems a settlement or and itemsedimentation of cultural or historical significance is in close become turbid downstream can suffocate proximity to an area which is likely to experience heightened existing plants, in turn reducing the root system framework of erosion. the deposition area (Middleton 2013). Habitats, for native flora and fauna, are altered quickly and the impacts felt on human Wind directioncan andbe intensity dynamic, however, south-west and environments equally isdevastating. northerly winds have been identified most predominantly in the data observed through theavailable course offor this investigation (Windfinder 2020). In reviewing the data water, particularly water bodies, The most drying influence wind onwas the for surface wind’s ability16. to the recent data of identified 2012,soil as and shown in Image transport topsoil from to another meansproject wind plays an It should be noted thatone the location Waterproofing the South altered important roleand in the severity of soil erosion (Middleton 2013). water bodies courses in the territory which impacts on our Sandy and friable soils with little vegetation cover and no soil supportive analysis. One main example of this is the Aldinga Scrub, which now frameworkasare easilybasin picked byrainfall wind and deposited elsewhere functions a water in up high events. The impact of this (Middleton 2013). intervention was explained by the City of Onkaparinga’s Landscape Architect as an example of human intervention in a natural system. With the increase in impervious surfaces and the associated increase in stormwater runoff, the diversion of stormwater increases. Water entering into the Aldinga Scrub area has increased and now experiences prolonged the water-logging of the site; altering what Water Erosion Potential was an ephemeral waterhole (City of Onkaparinga 2020).


affected by turbidity in a experience

soil and dust a ImageHigh 16 shows clear relationship between the topography ofexcess the RiskaPotential was an ep land and the habit of water. Water collecting in the ranges diverts environment; affecting into the catchment network. The natural process of water moving vicious cycle, contribu acrossMedium the land is-aHigh driver of soil erosion (Middleton 2013), however, Image 16 when paired with increased water speed due to land contour; water (Middleton 2013). A land and t erosion is focused into particular areas. Of particular importanceA Low - Medium are sites where water catchments meet the coast and where there into theXca a settlement or item of cultural or historical significance is in close As topsoil is where mo Annual cropping, the LowtoRisk Potential proximity an area which is likely to experience heightened depletion ofacross topsoil im S coastal erosion and erosion. when pairS Sandy soils around



Study_Area_Territory transport topsoil from one location to another means wind plays an resulting Wind (2020) contours_territory_clip_10m important roledirection in the severity of soil erosion (Middleton 2013). Sandy G 2013). and friable soils with little vegetation cover and no soil supportive framework arearea easily picked up by wind and deposited elsewhere Study (Middleton 2013). G



Medium - High







Wind direction (2020) contours_territory_clip_10m



Low - Medium

Water bodies (2012) Water courses (2012)



S native shrublan




perennial crop A

Me ima I

annual cropsanda



Row Low plantation (har DEW



plantation (sof B




horticultural tre Hig H

by sedimentation, deposition and increase water inputs


Water Esh

b native grasslan




native forests a

Studycover area image 17: Vegetation and land types overlay source: Morford-Waite & Soils in based the Washpool Rowe 2020 on data from DEWNR. area are affected

H B High Risk Potential

A Vegetation Cover C




Water Erosion Potential


Low Risk Potential Sandy soils around Soil structure on hills is Aldinga and which lack shallow less stable, (2012) Water bodies structure and waterbeing more impacted holding capacity are by weathering Water courses (2012) at risk of weathering



and friable framework (Middleto


Low - Medium


ima Wind direc and northerly souw Row S observed DEW a The drying b transportd importantE



ImageHigh 16 shows clear relationship between the topography of the RiskaPotential land and the habit of water. Water collecting in the ranges diverts into the catchment network. The natural process of water moving acrossMedium the land is-aHigh driver of soil erosion (Middleton 2013), however, when paired with increased water speed due to land contour; water erosion is focused into particular areas. Of particular importance Low - Medium are sites where water catchments meet the coast and where there a settlement or item of cultural or historical significance is in close LowtoRisk Potential proximity an area which is likely to experience heightened erosion.

proximity in erosion. soil degra


Soils in the Washpool area are affected by sedimentation, Water Erosion Potential deposition and increase water inputs High Risk Potential




Not only does vegeta A creeklines influence the G issh Aldinga which lack erosion Water bodies (2012) Wind direction and intensity is dynamic, however, south-west and st soil erosion potential but healthy are soilsites struct b structure and waterw northerly winds have been identified most predominantly in the F data h As such, a loss of eithe b holding capacity arethe course observed through of this investigation (Windfinder 2020). a settleme Water courses (2012) a The influence of wind on the surface soil and wind’s ability to at risk ofdrying weathering conditions become pr


Water bodies (2012) Wind direction and intensity is dynamic, however, south-west and northerly winds have been identified most predominantly in the data observed through the course of this investigation (Windfinder 2020). Water courses (2012) The drying influence of wind on the surface soil and wind’s ability to transport topsoil from one location to another means wind plays an Study_Area_Territory Wind (2020) important roledirection in the severity of soil erosion (Middleton 2013). Sandy contours_territory_clip_10m and friable soils with little vegetation cover and no soil supportive framework are easily picked up by wind and deposited elsewhere Study area (Middleton 2013).


cropping or settlemen Architect as an example of human intervention in a natural system. Architect a With the increase in impervious surfaces and the associated increase are no longer able toS in stormwater runoff, the diversion of stormwater increases. Water With the ain alter the biodiversity a entering into the Aldinga Scrub area has increased and now in stormwb experiences prolonged the water-logging of the site; altering what occurring but also imp Water Erosion Potential entering din was an ephemeral waterhole (City of Onkaparinga 2020).

ANALYSIS Image 16 shows a clear relationship between the topography of the



Eephemeral and Wa



built-up C



unknown/not r contours_territory_ Stud Soil structure on hills is shallow and less stable, being more impacted by weathering

Study area




Wind direction (2020) contours_territory_clip_10m Study area


and one which has a d ANALYSIS Image 16 shows a clear relationship between the topography of the In addition

eroded (Middleton 20 landJ and the habit of water. Water collecting in the ranges diverts erodes, th


In addition to water being a main driver of soil erosion, when soil erodes, the health of creek systems is impacted. Water systems become turbid and sedimentation downstream can suffocate existing plants, in turn reducing the root system framework of the deposition area (Middleton 2013). Habitats, for native flora and fauna, are altered quickly and the impacts felt on human environments can be equally devastating.

Medium - High

ANALYSIS 99 ANAL Vegetation &

inhabit an area is influ into the catchment network. The natural process of water moving Water & Wind

Water & Wind

Low Risk Potential

image 16: Linkages between the image 17:water Vegetation cover existing bodies, courses and and land types overlay potential water erosion lines. source: source:Morford-Waite Morford-Waite&& Rowe Rowe based on data 20202020 based on data fromfrom DEWNR, DEWNR. and Windfinder.


A co cr so

In reviewing the data available for water, particularly water bodies, the most recent data identified was for 2012, as shown in Image 16. It should be noted that the Waterproofing the South project altered water bodies and courses in the territory which impacts on our analysis. One main example of this is the Aldinga Scrub, which now functions as a water basin in high rainfall events. The impact of this intervention was explained by the City of Onkaparinga’s Landscape Architect as an example of human intervention in a natural system. With the increase in impervious surfaces and the associated increase in stormwater runoff, the diversion of stormwater increases. Water entering into the Aldinga Scrub area has increased and now experiences prolonged the water-logging of the site; altering what The relationship was an ephemeral waterhole (City of Onkaparinga 2020).



The mouth of the River Annual Onkaparinga cropping, inland coastal allow erosion and water While there are no courses to reach creeklines influence the The mouthwater of the identified the ocean soil potential Onkaparinga River courses from theerosion

Image 16 shows a clear relationship between the topography of the land and the habit of water. Water collecting in the ranges diverts While there are no into the network. The natural process of water moving The catchment mouthwater of the identified across the land is River a driver of soil erosion (Middleton 2013), however, Onkaparinga courses from the whenallow paired with increased water speed due to land contour; water inland 2012 data, wewater courses to reach erosion is focused into particular areas. Of particular importance believe this would the ocean be an area of are sites where water catchments meet the coast and where there significance today a settlement or item of cultural or historical significance is in close proximity to an area which is likely to experience heightened erosion.

During the site visit, the territory was observed to have elevated hilly areas to the south from the Mount Lofty Ranges with the majority of the area being reasonably flat with several permanent water bodies including the Washpool area and an ephemeral basin in the Aldinga Scrub. Much of the coast is met by cliffs, many of which are currently experiencing erosion or have a high potential for it.

In addition to water being a main driver of soil erosion, when soil erodes, the health of creek systems is impacted. Water systems become turbid and sedimentation downstream can suffocate existing plants, in turn reducing the root system framework of the deposition area (Middleton 2013). Habitats, for native flora and fauna, are altered quickly and the impacts felt on human environments can be equally devastating.

The mouth of the Onkaparinga River allow inland water courses to reach the ocean

Water & & Wind Water Wind

Site Visit March 2020

several factors sion issue. The was identified, n many areas f bare ground. fferent land ant factor in s four sites of -15, which are four identified

The mouth of the Onkaparinga River allow inland water courses to reach the ocean

During the site visit, the territory was observed to have elevated hilly areas to the south from the Mount Lofty Ranges with the majority of the area being reasonably flat with several permanent water bodies including the Washpool area and an ephemeral basin in the Aldinga Scrub. Much of the coast is met by cliffs, many of which are currently experiencing erosion or have a high potential for it.


four identified

Water & Wind



Site Visit March 2020

image 17: Vegetation cover and land types overlay source: Morford-Waite & Rowe 2020 based on data from DEWNR.


Wi cont





Vegetation & Soils

Vegetation & Soils Water & Wind




ANALYSIS ANALYSIS Land Use - Current & Historical

VegetationC & Soils C



Land-use: Current & Historical Land Use - Current & Historical C

Vegetation & Soils

X C between soil and vegetation oil The relationship is considered symbiotic n is considered symbiotic Human of an X C X Csettlement substantially alters the natural processes ANALYSIS ANALYSIS A X The relationship between soil and vegetation is considered symbiotic X Human settlement substantially alters the natural processes of an X soil will be easily ther soil will be easily C and one which has a direct influence in whether As shown in Image18, the main land uses for the territory are C and one which has adriver directofinfluence in whether soil will be easily C The&area. area. As shown in Image18, the main land uses for the territory are In addition toVegetation water a&main soil erosion, when soil relationship between parklands soil and vegetation is considered symbiotic Annual cropping, Xeroded for vegetation to colonise and production, Soils Use - Current Historical getation to colonise and being C primary and residential. X J C (MiddletonJ2013). The abilityLand J eroded (Middleton 2013). The ability for vegetation to colonise and primary production,Annual parklands and residential. erodes, of creek systems is impacted. Water systems one which be easily in cropping in Annual cropping in inhabit an area is influenced by cropping its climate, its history of and use and the has a direct influence in whether soil will ts history of the usehealth and the A erosion and C Annual cropping Annual in ancoastal area is influenced by itscan climate, its history of use and the Annual cropping, become turbidinhabit and sedimentation downstream suffocate eroded 2013). The ability for vegetation to impervious colonise andsurface soil reduces to the ability for(Middleton educes the ability for proximity shallow proximity to shallow proximity to shallow Vegetation and habitat loss in combination with X soil creeklines influence thesoil reduces C structureJof the site. Drying of the The between soil and vegetation considered symbiotic the ability for soil structure of the site. Drying ofisframework the Human settlement substantially alters an the area naturalisprocesses of an by its climate, its history of use and proximity to shallow XG Vegetation and habitat loss in combination with impervious surface Annual inrelationship turn reducing the root system of inhabit influenced the G G coastal erosion and em’s existing ability toplants, colonise vegetation to thrive; reducing the root system’s ability to colonise and one which has a direct influence in whether soil will be easily cover reduces the natural ability for water to infiltrate and to be C area. As shown in Image18, the main land uses for the territory are rocky soils and soils soil and rockyability soils for and vegetation to thrive; reducing the for root system’s ability to colonise cover reduces the natural water to infiltrate and to be soil erosion potential rocky soils and rocky the (Middleton depositioneroded area (Middleton 2013). Habitats, native flora structure of the site. Drying of the soil reduces the ability for proximi J a supportive root system primary (Middleton 2013). The ability for vegetation to colonise and and residential. creeklines influence influenceAnnual the the soil 2013). and create withinproduction, the soil parklands (Middleton 2013). held in the soil (NR AMLR 2013). Socio-economic and policy and create ais influenced supportive system within soil (Middleton 2013). creeklines the cropping in creeklines influence the and policy factors rocky so an area by itsroot climate, itsfelt history ofhuman usethe and the held factors in the soil the (NRcreeklines AMLR 2013). influence Socio-economic and fauna,framework areinhabit altered quickly and the impacts on vegetation thrive; reducing the root system’s ability to colonise A creeklines influence the G J As vegetation e reinforcing dies along with their roots, theand reinforcing A A anatowith play important in an area’s creation and management soil erosion erosion potential potential soil structure of the dies site. Drying of the soiltheir reduces the ability proximity to shallow Vegetation habitat inframework combination imperviousrole surface J loss and As vegetation along with roots, thefor reinforcing framework J G play anofimportant role inerosion an area’s potential creation and management of environments can be equally devastating. create supportive root system within the soil (Middleton 2013). soil soil erosion potential soil vegetation to thrive; reducing the root system’s ability to colonise es the soil susceptible to cover reduces the natural ability for water to infiltrate and to be dies, of the soil is no longer there. This then makes the soil susceptible to soil erosion potential rocky soils and creeklin stormwater run-off. Due to the geographic proximity of stormwater the subject run-off. Due to the geographic proximity of the subject of the soil is no longer there. This makes 2013). the soil susceptible to As vegetation dies along with their roots, the reinforcing framework and create a supportive root system within thethen soil (Middleton held in the soil (NR AMLR 2013). Socio-economic policy factors A creeklines influence the JJ eton e 16.2013). The species (Middleton 2013). The speciesand territory andand a public transit system which is not as frequent as A being worn away by water and wind play Maslins Beach soil ero As vegetation dies alongfor with their roots, the reinforcing framework being away by water and wind (Middleton 2013). The species an important role in anof area’s of This then makes the soil susceptible territory In reviewing the dataworn available water, particularly water bodies, thecreation soil is nomanagement longer there. to and a public transit system which is not as frequent as soil erosion potential ant; annual cropping tered and important; annual of the type soil is no there. This thenappears makes the soil susceptibleannual to A type of vegetation also appears stormwater metro areas (DEW run-off. Due tocropping theA geographic proximity of the2020), subject reliance on the private car is high (DEW and oflonger vegetation also important; cropping metro areas (DEW 2020), reliance on the private car is high (DEW A the most recent data identified was for 2012, as shown in Image 16. being worn away by water and wind (Middleton 2013). The species being away by water and wind (Middleton 2013). The species territory a publicbare transitdo system which is not as in frequent as urface bare do little toworn plants and techniques which leave the soil and surface little to which 2020) turn increases the demand for paved streets, plants and techniques which leave the soil surface bare do little to 2020) which in turn increases the demand for paved streets, and type of vegetation also appears important; annualproject croppingaltered A areas (DEW 2020), reliance on theof private car high also (DEW appears important; annual cropping It should be noted that the Waterproofing the South and type vegetation Cisstreets, C A protect soil fromCeroding (Middletonmetro now 2013). and carparks in an area; all of which usually blocking theand carparks in an area; all of which usually blocking the and soil techniques which leave the soil surface bare do little to 2020) which in turn increases the driveways demand paved protect from eroding (Middleton 2013). driveways water bodies plants and courses in the territory which impacts on our plants and for techniques which leave the soil surface bare do little to C protect soil from eroding (Middleton 2013). driveways and carparks in an area;water all of which usually blocking the and contributing to runoff. this infiltration process water infiltration process and contributing to runoff. C analysis. One main example of this is the Aldinga Scrub, which now protect soiltofrom eroding (Middleton 2013). water infiltration process and contributing runoff. cal and physical Soil cape Soil erosion and deposition alter the chemical and physical D erosion and deposition alter the chemical and physical erosion and deposition alter the chemical and physical D D functions as aSoil water basin in high rainfall events. The impact of this D f functional viability for characteristics of an of area; loss of functional for tem. characteristics of an area; resulting inSince losstheofarea’s functional viability for Since the area’s colonisation, residential colonisation, residential and commercial characteristics anresulting area;ofinresulting in lossviability of functional viability for intervention was explained by the Onkaparinga’s Landscape Soil erosion and deposition alter the chemical and and commercial physical Since the area’s colonisation, residential and commercial cropping or settlement and City an environment where endemic species development increased and alongdevelopment with it, the impervious surfaces. and In where endemic species D crease cropping or settlement and an environment where endemic species increased with it, the impervious surfaces. In increased and along with it, the impervious surfaces. In cropping and an environment where Architect as an example ofsettlement human intervention in natural system.endemic species characteristics of an area; resultingalong in loss of functional viabilitydevelopment for are no longeror able to grow (Middleton 2013). Thisacan drastically addition to the farming of the land also came hard-footed livestock 3). This can drastically addition tointroduction the farming ofenvironment the land alsowhere cameendemic hard-footed livestock ater 2013). Thisand can drastically alter and surfaces vitality of the sitethe where the 2013). erosion isThis are the no longer able to grow (Middleton can drastically which overgrazed compacted soils and of nonaddition to the farming of the land also came hard-footed livestock A are no longer able to grow (Middleton With the increase in biodiversity impervious and associated increase cropping or the settlement and an species also impact deposition sites where waterways are where the erosionoccurring is thebutbiodiversity native flora and fauna which out-competed with endemic species; which overgrazed and compacted soils and the introduction nonalter the biodiversity and vitality of the site where the erosion is A alter and vitality of the site where the erosion is whichofovergrazed and compacted soils and the introduction of nonin stormwateraffected runoff,bythe diversion of stormwater increases. Water are no able to grow (Middleton 2013). This can drastically Alonger turbidity and sedimentation, plants are suffocated by A the natural processes of the environment. where waterways are flora and fauna whichofout-competed endemic what entering occurring but also impact depositionfurther sitesimpacting where on waterways are occurring also impact sites where waterways are native flora and fauna which out-competed with endemic species; soil andbut dust and aarea change todeposition the structure and of thenow local into excess the Aldinga Scrub has increased alternative the biodiversity and vitality the site where with the erosion is species; nts are suffocatedenvironment; by Aaffected by turbidity and sedimentation, affecting the usual of water on the site and, in are a further impacting onfor the naturalsites processes the environment. plants are suffocated by From the late 1850’s, the area around Aldinga was affected by turbidity andplay sedimentation, plants suffocated by further impacting on the natural processes of the environment. experiences prolonged the water-logging of the site; altering what occurring but alsodeveloped impact deposition where of waterways are A cycle, contribute to erosion processes in the deposition site contemporary living and farming practices (ABBTA 2020). A number Medium-high ucture of the localvicious excess soil and dust and a change to the structure of theaffected local excess soil and (City dust of and a change to2020). the structure of the local was an ephemeral waterhole Onkaparinga and sedimentation, plants are suffocated by (Middleton 2013). of original buildings remain in the area by sinceturbidity initial settlement D density residential Port Willunga terthe on the site and,environment; in a From 1850’s, the around Aldingaofwas for late 1850’s, the area around of environment; affecting the usual play(DPTI of water on the site in affecting the usual play of water on the site and, in a 2018). Heritage items in and, close proximity erosion sitesaare in areato Aldinga was developed for excess soilathe andtolate dust and change the structure the developed local From the developments A As topsoil is wherecontribute most organic material and nutrients are held, A living ANALYSIS vicious cycle, contribute OPPORTUNITIES es in Image the deposition site jeopardy of being under-mined by eroding Due to their contemporary farming Medium-high erts to erosion processes in the deposition site creeklines. vicious cycle, to erosion processes inof the deposition site A and farming practices (ABBTA 2020). A number Medium-high A Medium-high 16 shows a clear relationship between the topography the environment; affecting theand usual play ofpractices water on(ABBTA the site2020). and,contemporary inAanumber livingMedium-high close to the coast depletion of topsoil impedes vegetation growth (Middleton 2013). social and cultural significance, the protection of heritage areas is of original buildings remain inprocesses the area since initial settlement D ng land and the habit (Middleton 2013). (Middleton 2013). of original buildings remain in the area since Territorial initial settlement D density residential on flat sandy soils ofdoes water. Water collecting in thesoilranges diverts vicious cycle, contribute to erosion in the deposition site Not only vegetation cover result in healthy structure, A important. Medium density residential density residential density residential Land Use - Current & Historical Structure Plan C D but healthy soil structure allows vegetation to colonise and thrive. (DPTI 2018). Heritage items in close proximity to erosion sites are in wever, (DPTI 2018). Heritage items in close proximity to erosion sites are in into the catchment network. The natural process of water moving (Middleton 2013). developments A density developments developments developments D As such, a loss of either factor can result in an imbalance where Since the 1970’s, conservation zoning laws protected places such as nd nutrients areland held, A jeopardy of being under-mined by eroding creeklines. Due to their Asistopsoil is of where mosthostile organic material andoften nutrients are held, water As topsoil is where most organic material and nutrients are held, A jeopardy of being under-mined by eroding creeklines. Due to their across the a driver soil erosion (Middleton conditions become progressively for a healthy2013), system,however, A the Washpool and Aldinga Scrub (AWL 2020). Despite its vegetation X close close to the coast C etation (Middleton is considered symbiotic our analysis we have identifieddevelop the following Human settlement substantially altersof thetopsoil natural processes of anvegetation X to the coastclose owth 2013). to the coast close to the coast From social and cultural the protection of heritage areas is cultural significance, depletion topsoil impedes growth (Middleton 2013). ce depletion impedes 2013).is resulting in soilofdegradation and, in some cases, erosion (Middleton social and of heritage areas is when paired with increased water speed duevegetation to land contour; water Asis topsoil organic material and nutrients are held, cover, growth the Aldinga(Middleton Scrub area identified as where being at most risk ofsignificance, soil n whether soil will be easily Aldinga Beachthe protectionmost vulnerable area. Using the criteria detailed p C area. As shown in Image18, the main land uses for the territory are A 2013). althy soil structure, on flat sandy soils erosion by both wind water factors. The area hasvegetation growth (Middleton 2013). important. toa Not vegetation cover result in healthy soil structure, on flat J sandy Fsoilson ere Not only does vegetation cover result in healthy soiland structure, flat sandy soils on flat sandy soils the subject site is an area with friableclose or vegetation to colonise and only important. sandy soil, erosion is focused into does particular areas. Of particular importance depletion of Aldinga topsoilScrub impedes primary production, parklands and residential. sandy soil and a sparse vegetation habit. Due to the drying nature of Annualand cropping mate, its history ofand use and the healthy soil structure allows vegetation to colonise coast, a creekline and different land-use types. Th to colonise thrive. but ose but healthy soil structure allows vegetation to colonise and thrive. are sites where water catchments meet the coast and where there Not only does vegetation cover result in healthy soil structure, on flat s the climate, rainfall does not penetrate to restore soil moisture levels J soil reduces the ability for proximity to shallow shown signs of seasonal variation in how the land Vegetation and habitat loss in combination with impervious surface Competing interestsG an imbalance where Since the 1970’s, conservation zoning to laws protected as Asitem such,ofacultural loss of either factorsignificance can result inisan where readilyin meaning leaf litter does not compost quickly and vegetation As ability such,forawater losstoof either an imbalance where Sincesuch the 1970’s, conservation zoning laws protected places as Maslin Beach, is a settlement or or historical in imbalance close but healthy soil structure allows vegetation colonise and places thrive. system’s ability to colonise to climatic factors. Thesuch site, being cover reduces the natural infiltrate andfactor to be can result rocky soils and of different land-uses does not thrive (The Guardian 2020). AsWashpool result of these factors, a healthy system, often Sandy soils aroundhostile ithin the soil (Middleton 2013). item, for its geological signific held in the soil (NR AMLR 2013). Socio-economic policy factors the and Aldinga Scrub (AWL Despite itsthe vegetation conditions become progressively for a healthy system, often the G Washpool and Aldinga Scrub (AWL 2020).Heritage Despite itsidentified vegetation conditions becomeand progressively hostile for a healthy system, often proximity to an area which is likely to experience heightened As such, aa loss of either factor can result in an2020). imbalance where creeklines influence A sites which Maslins Beach potential bushfires, deposition and flooding are considered potential J ots, the reinforcing framework 2018). In addition, the site is an important tourism play an important role in an area’s creation and management of ases, erosion (Middleton Sandy soils aroundthreaten Scrub as being cover, the Aldinga Scrub is identified as being at risk of soil resulting in soil degradation (Middleton soil erosion potential Aldinga which and, lackin some cases, erosion cover, the Aldinga Scrub areaAldinga is identified at risk of soilarea. erosion. conditions become progressively hostile for a healthy system, often resulting in soilproximity degradation and, in some cases, erosion (Middleton threats to adjoining land uses. This socio-economic relationship alsoarea need protection to makes the soil susceptible to for the local and regional stormwater run-off. Due to the geographic of the subject increases the vulnerability ofresulting a site. Middleton 2013). The species erosion by both wind and water factors. The Aldinga Scrub area by hasboth wind and water factors. The Aldinga Scrub area has 2013). territory and a public transit system frequent as Aldinga which lackavoid soil erosion F in soil degradation and, in some cases, erosion (Middleton erosion G E which is not as F and 2013). structure and watermportant; annual cropping A metro areas (DEW 2020), reliance on the private car is high (DEW F sandy soil and a sparse vegetation habit. Due to the drying nature of a sparse vegetation habit. Due to the drying nature of Windbare direction is dynamic, however, south-west and 2013). sandy soil and esoildata structure and watersurface do little toand intensity 2020) which in turn increases the demand F holding capacity are C for paved streets, C F the climate, rainfall does not penetrate to restore soil moisture levelsrainfall does not penetrate to restore soil moisture levels 2013). northerly winds have been identified most predominantly in the data the climate, driveways and carparks in anJ area; all of which usually blocking the J interests 2020). Competing interests holding capacity are Competing interests Geomorphic Land Types Vegetation at Cover (2009) J Competing Competing risk of weathering water infiltration process and contributing to runoff. readily meaning leaf litter does not compost quickly andreadily vegetation observed through the course of this investigation (Windfinder 2020). meaning leaf litter does notinterests compost quickly and vegetation lity to hemical and physical D J Compet of land-uses native forests and woodlands atdifferent risk of weathering of different land-uses A to calcareous soils of different ofGuardian different land-uses doesland-uses not thrive (The Guardian 2020). As a result of thesedoes factors, drying influence of wind on the surface soil and wind’s ability not thrive (The 2020). As a result of these factors, oss an of The functional viability for Since the area’s colonisation, residential ys Gthreaten sites which G Cand commercial E G nment transport where endemic species from threaten development increased and along with it, the impervious surfaces. In nativeone shrublands and to heathlands potential bushfires, deposition and flooding are considered potential B an gradational soils G with highly calcareous lowersites subsoilwhich topsoil location another means wind plays potential bushfires, deposition and flooding threaten sites which threaten sites whichare considered potential of differ Sandy B C land also came hard-footed livestock Land Use 2016 2013). This can drastically addition to the farming of the G threats to adjoining land uses. This socio-economic relationship important role severity of and soilminimally erosionmodified (Middleton 2013). CSandy need protection to subsoil threats toalso adjoiningneed land uses. This socio-economic relationship also threaten etive site where the erosion is in the native grasslands pastures which overgrazed and compacted soils and protection the introduction of nonhard red-brown texture contrast soils with neautral to alkaline A need protection to need to protection to ites where are The Washpool native flora and fauna which out-competed with endemic species; increases the vulnerability of a site. andwaterways friable soils with little vegetation cover and no soil supportive increases the vulnerability of a site. Commercial (3) need pr ere avoid soil erosion G E E avoid soil erosion G E horticultural trees and shrubs D n, plants are suffocated by Con the natural processes avoid erosion avoid soil erosion further impacting environment. H of the soil G E K framework are easily picked up by wind and deposited elsewhere cracking clay soils he structure of the local avoid so G E perennial crops E deep loamy texture contrast soils with brown or dark subsoil of water on the site and, in a (Middleton 2013). Education (2) From the late 1850’s, the area around Aldinga was developed for F F C C A I (ABBTA 2020). A number C contemporary living and farming practices ocesses in the deposition site Medium-high F annual crops and highly modified pastures F sand over clay soils C of original buildings remain in the area since initial settlement D Soils in Land the Washpool density residential Port Willunga F Geomorphic Types Geomorphic Vegetation Cover (2009) C Industrial (1) Hitems (DPTI 2018). Heritage in to erosion sites are in Aclose proximity Geomorphic Land Types Vegetation Cover (2009) SoilsLand in theTypes Washpool plantation (hardwood) Gdevelopments deep sands rial and nutrients are held, A jeopardy of being under-mined by eroding creeklines. Due to their Geomorphic Land Types Vegetation Cover (2009) area are affected native forests and woodlands close to the coast A calcareous A calcareous soils soils on growth (Middleton 2013). area are affected social and cultural significance, native the protection of heritage is forests andareas woodlands H shallow to moderately plantation (softwood/mixed) Other (2) A calcareous soils deep acidic soils on rock H C C by sedimentation, in healthy soil structure, on flat sandy soils important.E native forests and woodlands A calcareous soils E A A I by sedimentation, B C ation to colonise and thrive. I shallow soils on rock bare native shrublands and heathlands

B gradational soils with highly calcareous lower subsoil B gradational soils with highly calcareous E lower subsoil deposition and ult in anWater imbalanceErosion where eous lower subsoil B Potential deposition and J deep uniform to gradational soils le for a healthy system, often ephemeral and permanent water features B texture contrast soils with neautral to alkalineCsubsoil B C increase water inputs grasslands and minimally modified pastures dified me cases,pastures erosion (Middleton Cnative hardincrease red-brown hard red-brown texture contrast soils with neautral toCalkaline subsoil water inputs oils with neautral to alkaline K wet soils built-up F Study_Area_Territory E H High Risk Potential treessoils and shrubs D cracking clay soils image 18: Land use and land Dhorticultural X not applicable cracking clay unknown/not reportable contours_territory_clip_10m J E Competing interests

types show potential for areas of

avoid soil erosion

and Australian Bureau of Statistics




development and also, potential different crops texture contrast soils withofbrown E deep Eperennial loamy textureG contrast soils with brown or dark subsoil area deep loamy orland-uses dark subsoil Kdark Medium - Study High erosion areas with brownthreaten or subsoil sites which K source: Morford-Waite & Rowe need protection to F crops and highly modified pastures astures I Fannual sand over clay soils 2020 based on C data from DEWNR, sand over clay soils

Low - Medium plantation (hardwood) G

deep sands

Geomorphic Land Types


fied pastures

ter features


sand over clay soils

unknown/not reportable Xcontours_territory_clip_10m Study_Area_Territory not applicable F

G deep sands Wind direction (2020) contours_territory_clip_10m H

shallow to moderately deep acidic soils on rock Study area

Study area I



shallow soils on image 17:rock Vegetation


deep uniform gradational soils and landto types overlay wetsource: soils

Morford-Waite & Rowe 2020 based on data from not applicable DEWNR.







threats to adjoining land uses. This socio-economic relationship also increases the vulnerability of a site. annual crops and highly modified

I H A (hardwood) H plantation A



Aldinga Scrub

F crops sandand overhighly annual modified pastures HIndustrial (1) clay soils


G deep sands plantation (hardwood)

FIndustrial (1)clay soils sand over G

Mt. Terr

deep sands

Other (2) Other (2) H H H shallow plantation (softwood/mixed) to moderately deep acidic soils on rockH shallow to moderately deep acidic soils on rock A Aplantation I (softwood/mixed) A A BI I shallow A A soils on rock Ibare I Parkland bareParkland (46) shallow (46) soils on rock J deep uniform to gradational soils H The Washpool H Commercial (3) C permanent water features being more impacted E J deep C ephemeral and to gradational soils J deep uniform to gradational soils HC ephemeral anduniform permanent water features H H I Primary C K I I Primary Production (18) C K wet by I Production (18) soilsweathering Education (2) K I I H C K Study_Area_Territory I wet soils built-up I H Study_Area_Territory wet soils Ibuilt-up A A image 18: Land use and land H X not18:applicable Study_Area_Territory image Land use and landH Study_Area_Territory contours_territory_clip_10m Industrial (1) H contours_territory_clip_10m A (251) image Land use and 18: Land use and land X not land A unknown/not reportable Residential (251) XResidential types show potential for18: areas of unknown/not reportable applicable notimage applicable contours_territory_clip_10m types show potential for areas of A contours_territory_clip_10m A A types show potential for areas of types show potential for areas of development and also, potential Other (2) development and also, potential H I A A I development and also, potential development and also, potential erosion A A areas I B erosion areas Study area Study area Study area I Study area Sellicks Beach I Parkland (46) image 17: Vegetation cover erosion erosion areas source: Morford-Waite & Roweareas

H plantation (softwood/mixed) H shallow to moderately deep acidic soils on rock Low RiskA Potential calcareous soilson soils Soilsoils structure on hills rock is nds I B gradational with highly I bare shallow soils oncalcareous rock lower subsoil

shallow and less stable, y modified pastures C hard red-brown contrast soils with neautral to alkaline subsoil Water bodies (2012) texture and permanent watersoils features Jephemeral atures being more impacted deep uniform to gradational D cracking clay soils by weathering built-up K E deep loamy texture contrast soils with brown or dark subsoil soils Water courseswet (2012)

deep sands


native heathlands Sellicks Beach BUse Parkland (46) gradational with highly calcareous lower subsoil B and C2016 andsoils Since zoning lawsshrublands protected such as C Cplaces Land Use 2016 Land E the 1970’s, conservation native shrublands heathlands B gradational soils with highly calcareous lower subsoil H the Washpool and Aldinga Scrub (AWL 2020). Despite its vegetation Sellicks Hill C grasslands cover, the Aldinga identified as being at risk of soil minimally modified pastures Aldinga Beach and I Scrub Iarea isnative C grasslands subsoil hard red-brown texturemodified contrastpastures soils with neautral to alkaline subsoil Primary Production (18) native erosion by both wind and water factors. The Aldinga Scrub area has and minimally C hard red-brown texture contrast soils with neautral to alkaline subsoil Commercial (3) Study_Area_Territory Commercial (3) E of sandy habit. Due to the drying nature A soil and a sparse vegetation C C contours_territory_clip_10m H shrubs H horticultural trees and shrubs Residential the climate, rainfall does not penetrate to restore soil moisture levels D cracking (251) horticultural trees clay and soils Cactus Canyon A D cracking clay soils readily meaning leaf litter does not compost K quickly and vegetation CGuardian I not thrive (The does 2020). As a result H of these factors, (2) Education (2) texture contrast soils with brown or Education perennial E deep subsoil Study potential bushfires, deposition and flooding arecrops consideredIpotential I perennial cropsloamy E dark C area deep loamy texture contrast soils with brown or dark subsoil

shallow to moderately deep acidic soils on rock

Soil structure on hills is

soils on rock B Bshallow shallow and less stable,








Land Use 2016

image 18: Land u types show poten development and erosion areas source: Morford2020 based on da and Australian Bu

source: Morford-Waite & Rowe and land types overlay C source: Morford-Waite & RoweSellicks Hill source: Morford-Waite & Rowe 2020 H based on data from DEWNR, 2020 based on data from DEWNR, source: Morford-Waite & I Primary Production (18) 2020 based on data from DEWNR, 2020 based on data from DEWNR, andI Australian Bureau of Statistics and Australian Bureau of Statistics H Study_Area_Territory Rowe 2020 based on data from A and Australian Bureau of S tatistics and Australian Bureau of Statistics image 18: Land use and land contours_territory_clip_10m Residential (251) DEWNR. types show potential for areas of Cactus Canyon A images 19 & 20: Key areas of vulnerability development and also, potential I mapped following analysis on water, wind, erosion areas source: Morford-Waite & Rowe 2020 based on data from DEWNR, and Australian Bureau of Statistics

Study area

Mt. Terrible Gully

vegetation, land types and uses. source: Morford-Waite 2020 based on aerial imagery supplied by lecturer.













high esidential ments he coast ndy soils







ng interests J nt land-uses sites which tection to erosion










and land al for areas of lso, potential

aite & Rowe from DEWNR, au of Statistics

Human settlement substantially alters the natural processes of an X C X the main land uses area. As shown in Image18, for the territory are primary production, parklands andC residential. J of an Human settlement substantially alters the natural processes area. As shown in Image18, the main land uses for the territory are Vegetation and habitat loss in combination with impervious surface primary production, parklands and residential. G ability for water to infiltrate and to be cover reduces the natural held in the soil (NR AMLR 2013). Socio-economic and policy factors Vegetation and habitat loss in combination with impervious surface play an important role in an area’s creation and management of Ainfiltrate and to be cover reduces the natural ability for water to stormwater run-off. Due to the J geographic proximity of the subject held in the soil (NR AMLR 2013). Socio-economic and policy factors territory and a public transit system which is not as frequent as play an important role in an area’s creation and management of metro areas (DEW 2020), reliance on the private car is high (DEW stormwater run-off. Due to the geographic of the subject A forproximity 2020) which in turn increases the demand paved streets, territory and a public transit system which is not as frequent as driveways and carparks in an area; all of which usually blocking the metro areas (DEW 2020), reliance on the private car is C high (DEW water infiltration process and contributing to runoff. 2020) which in turn increases the demand for paved streets, driveways and carparks in an area; all of which usually blocking the Since the area’s colonisation, residential and commercial D water infiltration process and contributing to runoff. development increased and along with it, the impervious surfaces. In addition to the farming of the land also came hard-footed livestock Since the area’s colonisation, residential and commercial which overgrazed and compacted soils and the introduction of nondevelopment increased and along with it, the impervious surfaces. In native flora and fauna which out-competed A with endemic species; addition to the farming of the land also came hard-footed livestock further impacting on the natural processes of the environment. which overgrazed and compacted soils and the introduction of nonnative flora and fauna which out-competed with endemic species; From the late 1850’s, the area around Aldinga was developed for further impacting on the natural processes of the environment. contemporary living and farming practices (ABBTA 2020). A number A of original buildings remain in the area since initial settlement From the late 1850’s, the area around Aldinga was developed for (DPTI 2018). Heritage items in close proximity to erosion sites D are in contemporary living and farming practices (ABBTA 2020). A number jeopardy of being under-mined by eroding creeklines. Due to their of original buildings remain in the area since initial settlement social and cultural significance, the protection of heritage areas is A (DPTI 2018). Heritage items in close proximity to erosion sites are in important. jeopardy of being under-mined by eroding creeklines. Due to their social and cultural significance, the protection of heritage areas is Since the 1970’s, conservation zoning laws protected places such as important. the Washpool and Aldinga Scrub (AWL 2020). Despite its vegetation cover, the Aldinga Scrub area is identified as being at risk of soil Since the 1970’s, conservation zoning laws protected places such as erosion by both wind and water factors. The Aldinga Scrub area has the Washpool and Aldinga Scrub (AWL 2020). Despite its vegetation sandy soil and a sparse vegetation habit. Due to the drying nature of cover, the Aldinga Scrub area is identified as being at risk of soil Fthe climate, rainfall does not penetrate to restore soil moisture levels erosion by both wind and water factors. The Aldinga Scrub area has readily meaning leaf litter does not compost quickly and vegetation sandy soil and a sparse vegetation habit. Due drying nature of J toofthethese does not thrive (The Guardian 2020). As a result factors, the climate, rainfall does not penetrate to restore soil moisture levels potential bushfires, deposition and flooding are considered potential readily meaning leaf litter does not compost quickly and vegetation threats to adjoining land uses. This socio-economic relationship also does not thrive (The Guardian 2020). As a result of these factors, increases the vulnerability of a site. potential bushfires, deposition and flooding are considered potential threats to adjoining land uses. This socio-economic relationship also E increases the vulnerability of a site.




Land Use - Current & Historical



Territorial Structure Plan OPPORTUNITIES Territorial Structure Plan

From our analysis we have identified the following site as the most vulnerable area. Using the criteria detailed previously, the subject site is an area with friable sandy soil, adjacent the From our analysis we have identified the following site as the coast, a creekline and different land-use types. The site has most vulnerable area. Using the criteria detailed previously, shown signs of seasonal variation in how the land responds the subject site is an area with friable sandy soil, adjacent the to climatic factors. The site, being Maslin Beach, is a State coast, a creekline and different land-use types. The site has Heritage item, identified for its geological significance (DPTI shown signs of seasonal variation in how the land responds 2018). In addition, the site is an important tourism location Maslins Beach to climatic factors. The site, being Maslin Beach, is a State for the local and regional area. Heritage item, identified for its geological significance (DPTI 2018). In addition, the site is an important tourism location for the local and regional area.

Human settlement substantially alters the natural processes of an area. As shown in Image18, the main land uses for the territory are primary production, parklands and residential. Vegetation and habitat loss in combination with impervious surface cover reduces the natural ability for water to infiltrate and to be Maslins Beach held in the soil (NR AMLR 2013). Socio-economic and policy factors play an important role in an area’s creation and management of stormwater run-off. Due to the geographic proximityMaslins of the subject Beach territory and a public transit system which is not as frequent as metro areas (DEW 2020), reliance on the private car is high (DEW 2020) which in turn increases the demand for paved streets, driveways and carparks in an area; all of which usually blocking the water infiltration process and contributing to runoff.




Since the area’s colonisation, residential and commercial development increased and along with it, the impervious surfaces. In addition to the farming of the land also came hard-footed livestock which overgrazed and compacted soils and the introduction of nonnative flora and fauna which out-competed with endemic species; further impacting on the natural processes of the environment. From the late 1850’s, the area around Aldinga was developed for Willunga contemporary living and farming practices (ABBTAPort 2020). A number of original buildings remain in the area since initial settlement (DPTI 2018). Heritage items in close proximity to erosion sites are in Port Willunga jeopardy of being under-mined by eroding creeklines. Due to their social and cultural significance, the protection of heritage areas is important.


Port Willunga


Since the 1970’s, conservation zoning laws protected places such as Aldinga Beach the Washpool and Aldinga Scrub (AWL 2020). Despite its vegetation cover, the Aldinga Scrub area is identified as being at risk of soil erosion by both wind and water factors. The Aldinga Aldinga Beach Scrub area has F sandy soil and a sparse vegetation habit. Due to the drying nature of the climate, rainfall does not penetrate to restore soil moisture levels readily meaning leaf litter does not compost quickly and vegetation Aldinga Scrub does not thrive (The Guardian 2020). As a result of these factors, potential bushfires, deposition and flooding are considered potential threats to adjoining land uses. This socio-economic relationship Aldinga Scrub also increases the vulnerability of a site. G

Aldinga Beach

Aldinga Scrub



C Land Use 2016



B Commercial (3) Land Use 2016




A & Historical Land Use - Current


opping in C to shallow s and A s influence the on potential


Land Use - Current & Historical ANALYSIS



E Education (2)(3) Commercial




Other (2) (1) Industrial



Parkland Other (2)(46)


Primary (18) ParklandProduction (46) Study_Area_Territory

Residential (251) Primary Production (18) contours_territory_clip_10m



Land Use 2016


Industrial Education(1)(2) C









Commercial (3)



The Washpool

The Washpool

Education (2)


Industrial (1) Other (2)

Sellicks Beach

Parkland (46)

Sellicks Beach


Primary Production (18) Study_Area_Territory

contours_territory_clip_10m Residential Study area A (251)

contours_territory_clip_10m Residential (251)

Study area

Study area


The Washpool

Sellicks Hill


Sellicks Beach

Sellicks Hill

Cactus Canyon Cactus Canyon Mt. Terrible Gully Mt. Terrible Gully

images 19 & 20: Key areas of vulnerability H mapped following analysis on water, wind, vegetation, land types and uses. Cactus Canyon A images 19 & 20: Key areas of vulnerability source: Morford-Waite 2020 based on aerial mapped following analysis on water, wind, imagery supplied by lecturer. vegetation, land types and uses. source: Morford-Waite 2020 based on aerial imagery supplied by lecturer.

Sellicks Hill

Mt. Terrible Gully



Re-soil-ient future TUREKayanyapilla* KANYANYAPILLA protecting

m on sediments

hered rock

n deep-

and and



arrpanthi, the Kaurna community.


< Reb Rowe >



this influenced the goals and strategies for the proeject.


NATIVE REVEGETATION returning the site to native plants and animals as a conservation resere. prioritises natural processes, reduces maintenance, creates valuable vegetation cover and habitat. this intervention does not accommodate human habitation or scaleable food production.



PROGRAM this program uses the most beneficial elements of each potential intervention type in order to achieve maximim soil improvement and site resilience.




a rectreation and education path will wind visitors through the project area. the pathways will support learning and understanding of the site through the use of informative signs and interactive sculptural art.

monitoring change in the land moisture levels is key to tailoring the land for future management. survey points and data stations will collect data on soil depth and waterholding in the soil.

structures on the site include the existing farm-houses, which will remain, and additional structures for recreation and education.

these stations will be located in key points both high and low in the system to see topographical variance.

structures will be utilised to harvest water off their roofs and will encourage people to spend time in the space- understanding & appreciating it.

the intention of this is to learn from the project so it can be replicated across other similar landscapes to help build soil health and the resilience of the land.

carparking for the site is relocated to the street line so the exsiting carpark can be removed for revegetation. access to the site for maintenance vehicles will remain.




native revegetation will occur along the creekline, at the top of the coastal cliffs and at land margins. plant types chosen will perform different roles- some will secure soil & draw up ground water with deep root systems, some will extract excess nutrients from farm runoff, and some will be used as windbreaks and shelter belts. companion planting will assist in plant health.

the use of swales for water collection, keyline troughs for plantings, gabion structures for dew collection and rock-mulch for surface runoff will be distrubuted across the site.

regenerative agricultural practices will occupy the existing farming land on the site but alter the practices and land management to embrace ecological systems of the site. because regenerative farming focusses on soil health and water retention in the land, it is key to avoiding erosion while producing food.

topics in the educative signs involve the flora and fauna of the area, Kaurna stories of the land and how the landscape intervention is supporting the site for the future & how concepts can be used at peoples’ homes to future-proof their lives. recreation facilities will include small shelters where people can gather and spend time in the environment; creating memories and meaning for people of the area.

seagrass infrastructure and seeding will be carried out to calm the erosive effects of the water on the beach sand and eventually result in sand dunes which will protect the cliffs.

existing native vegetation will largely remain intact yet will be weeded and have new plants introduced incrementally, protecting soil. existing structures to remain [except carpark] to utilise embodied energy.


swales are useful for bringing water to one point, however, being on-contour, they do little to encourage water to stay in high land. keyline plantings are off-contour so trees and the troughs they’re planted in can carry water up to dry ridges. gabion walls can be used to collect dew and stabilise creeks and cliffs but can also result in erosion if incorrectly placed. for this project gabions and rock mulch of recycled construction materials will be used to help plants establish.


constant vegetation cover is a key factor as are the use of swales and keyline plantingsdesigned such a way that a yeild can still be harvested.



fertilisers come from the land itself- usually worm and compost systems- so nutrient runoff is limited.

































project areas





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

dam rock snag swale keyline swale wetland culvert dew gabions ponds surface gabions terrace sandbags rock mulch cliff barrier dunes bottle trees randomise windbreak habitat corridor wetland seagrass gabions deep roots obtain a yield pollination cover crop orchard composting sub-soil cells companion planting collect water structures dwellings signed walk swale grow frame water tank solar cells

option 1

option 2 & 3

^ N


8 A







option 1

there is a strong link between ground works and regenerative agriculture, with the two practices working together to collect, use and distribute water across the site. plants in keyline rows [a keyline is the point where steep contours start to level out] draw out water to drier areas away from swales.



PERMA-DENTIAL residential co-housing groups that use permaculture principles. this helps to build soil health, community and affordable living; increasing the site’s resilience for continued future settlement3. this intervention does not accommodate flexibility of use. and creates more surface run-off.

this intervention attempts to reduce impactful ground works and runoff in order to preserve the important geology of the site; utilising vegetation cover to enhance soil structure. the use of recycled “clean” demolition material is also encouraged.

in order to best prepare this site for climate change and other challenges of the globalised modern world [ie pandemics], local food production and a degree of self-sufficiency in the community is important.


remediating soil erosion using earthworks such as cut and fill, gabions, culverts and sea grass infrastructure to create dunes. this intervention is considered effective in localised areas but requires land disruption and impacts some natural processes.

this intervention prioritises resource manegement and recreational access at the same time as providing human habitation, food production and native habitat.

LIMITATIONS the maslin creek area of the subject site harbours alkaline soils and a history of european farming practices on eroded soils. in order to appropriately build soil, a project approach has been utilised which reduces ground disturbances other than the digging of swales and a dam. this is designed to reduce further impacts on the soil.




by treating the source and improving soil health, not only is erosion reduced but food security for the future-proofing of life on the land is enabled and a resilience to adapt to climatic changes is facilitated.





improving soil health encourages plant growth, which in turn improves the soil. root systems enhance the structure of soil, leaf litter increases organic content & nutrients in the soil, which enhances plant growth. this process works to secure topsoil to avoid water & wind erosion effects.

climate resilience PROTOTYPING

a system of farming principles and practices that seek to enhance and remediate the farm ecosystem as a whole; improving soil health, collaborating with naturl processes and managing water and fertiliser use2. this intervention does not accommodate dense settlement.

potential intervention types

TREATING THE SOURCE through the process of investigation and analysis, it was clear that treating the cause of erosion at the source i.e. building topsoil health - was more holistically beneficial than treating erosion at the site.





avoiding erosion






option 1 sections - circular site area - dam is low in the site - direction and angle of gabion dew walls funnels wind further into the site - water access relies on rain - balance of native reveg to farming land reduces food production


option 2 contours



- rectangular site area for more food production - less effective dam as not located on waterway - redirection of creek reduces water accessible in centre unless deep due to slope. deep cut is an erosion risk - concreting the sides of the diverted creek will speed up water at outlets = erosion risk

option 2 flows due to the slope of the site, redirecting the creek for irrigation [in red] reduced topsoil access to water which is instead collected and diverted out to the creek. the depth of the diversion also creates a gully at risk of erosion unless rendered. it is considered an on-contour swale would be more effective for slowing water on sloping land adjacent the creek.

approved by the Kaurna Nation nor Kaurna Warra Karrpanthi, the leading group dedicated to Kaurna language revitalisation and maintenance. The name is used in this project with the intent of sharing, nourishing & strengthening the Kaurna community.

od security


educated communities

permeable carpark


clean demolition waste cliff barrier

wetland treats road runoff assisting soil health & infiltration


31 1

30 13


33 33

7 16




walking paths, signs & shelters to educate



3 33




rock mulch slows surface h2o, collects soil & grows plants




growing frames shade swales reducing water evaporation


euc. populnea




drooping sheoak


black wattle


geijera willow


project stages: irrigation frequency

dry-zone re-veg dry-zone cropping mid-zone re-veg

dry-zone orchard


feijoa oldman saltbush


nitre bush



jerusalem artichoke

midyim berry


warrigal greens


wet-zone re-veg








dry-zone cropping

dry-zone orchard


grow frame

coast re-veg & windbreak


drought years dry-zone re-veg

wet-zone re-veg

dry-zone orchard

wet-zone crops

keyline swales

mid-zone cropping

3+ years

weekly 2 weekly monthly











seagrass gabions



year 2

year 1 mid-zone orchard

option 3 sections


2 weekly


dry-zone orchard


ruby saltbush



2 weekly


as plants establish less irrigation is required.



dry-zone re-veg


wet-zone cropping



2 weekly monthly

coastal re-veg

ongoing management


sweet potato

kangaroo grass


7-12 months

1-6 months average rain-fall years

mid-zone cropping

mulga wattle

swales & keyline orchards work together to disperse soil moisture across more of the site to be held higher in the site for longer. this improves plant access to moist soil & reduces reliance on irrigation; building stronger, more resilient plants and deeper more nutirent dense topsoil.

yearly stages

site divided by soil moisture zones


option 3 flows




swales store water for crops & disperse water across site



project stages: construction and planting

orchards grown with male tree species down-wind to aid pollination


seagrass & kelp grown in gabions: edible, store co2, hold seabed & build dunes

community sufficiency

small dam located high in site & on waterway stores water but readily overflows to keep creek fed








native reveg species for windbreak, food and materials


ecological collaboration


option 3 masterplanned

gabions oriented to protect against wind


dry-zone orchard

dry-zone re-veg


naturally wetter zones receive less irrigation than plants in naturally drier areas. dry-tolerant plants and location reduce irrigation reliance.

References: 1- Kaurna Warra Pintyandi, 2013, ‘Kanyanyapilla’, online, accessed 16 may 2020, <> 2- the climate reality project, 2019, ‘regenerative agriculture’, online, accessed 10 may 2020, <> 3- holmgren, d., 2018, ‘retrosuburbia’, melliadora publishing, australia 4- in-daily, 2018, ‘optimistic SA environment report card issued’, online, accessed 20 may 2020, <> 5- cittgroups australia, 2006, ‘windbreaks for citrus’, online, accessed 20 may 2020, <> 6- ABC, 2011, ‘gardening australia’, online, accesed 20 may 2020, <> 7- fairfield, 2020, ‘ground stabilisation’, online, accessed 20 may 2020, <> 8- regeneration international, 2016, ‘important techniques in regnerative agriculture’, online, accessed 20 may 2020, <> 9- jonhston CSW, 2020, ‘soil conservation’, online, accessed 20 may 2020, <>

colour inspiration from inks made from the flowers and fruit sourced from plants on site: ruby saltbush, purple saltbush, samphire, nitre bush


* Kanyanyapilla is the Kaurna name for the rising ground around Maslin Creek. The use of this place name has not been



GREEN NETWORK < Jiaming Ma / Dengxiao Xia > Green index 2016

Green index 2019


Hydrology & Soils

Bushfire & Habitat

Land degradation

We distinguish several vegetation types based on the vegetation data in the study area. A large number of forests with native vegetation are clustered in cities, artificially managed forests and parks, and farm fields for production. They have a fragile status quo, and they all face different problems. Due to natural factors, the vegetation in Onkaparinga region gradually disappeared due to hydrology, land degradation, bushfire and other causes, which resulted in the decrease to food production in Onkaparinga region but promoted the process of urbanization. For local people, the lifestyle they want is not only advanced modernization, but also a city lifestyle that preserves and continues the combination of historical natural landscape.

Spatio-temporal analysis of the problem


Vegetation dynamics: Current situation



Population and heat vulnerability

Future Hydrology

Disaster management & plant selection

Research methodology


< Jiaming Ma / Dengxiao Xia >


Systemic thinking

We hope to propose a territorial structure plan of vegetation network based on the current vegetation conditions under the background of urbanization. The objectives of our research and project are to solve the vegetation loss problem, stabilize the local ecology, and give Onkaparinga a sustainable development future.






The permeable green infrastructure network < Jiaming Ma >

Prototype program

Further prototyping







Planting scheme


Course poster


Initial face-to-face studios were live-streamed via Zoom and smart whiteboards to engage with remote students abroad


Site visit to City of Onkaparinga headquarters. Paul Harding and Janelle Arbon kindly facilitated the induction session.

WEEK 3 Live-streaming during the field trip to communicate and engage with remote students abroad

Teaching team (to the right) and students (to the left) who attended the field trip to City of Onkaparinga



A GIS workshop was delivered via Zoom to train students on spatial data science, remote sensing & cartography

In 2020, our LARCH7031 Landscape Architecture Studio was impacted by the effects of the global pandemic caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2, commonly referred as to COVID-19. As a consequence, most of the initial face-to-face activities progressively shifted towards a fully remote teaching mode, which helped us to minimise disruptions, continue with our originally planned studio tasks, and accommodate the needs and limitations of our students (affected by intermittent lock-downs and travel restrictions) both in Australia and abroad. Despite this, we successfully used Zoom to communicate with the students, maintain up-to-date critique schedules, and hold mid-term and final review presentations. The school and landscape program leadership, and course coordinator are deeply grateful with all the team of tutors and external collaborators for their constant support and countless hours of remote teaching and class/studio preparation. We also acknowledge the positivism and tenacious commitment of students which is reflected in the high quality of their work and projects displayed in this booklet.


113 LARCH7031

Extreme Territories

GRASSHOPPER WORKSHOP: Parametric Topographies Chair Experts

: Dr Carlos Bartesaghi Koc (UoA) : Dr Philip Belesky (RMIT) Juliana Croffi (UoA) Victor Calixto (UniSA)

4 May 2020 @12m Zoom URL: (password required) Interested to participate, contact School of Architecture and Built Environment University of Adelaide

More info:

Front cover: LARCH7031 – Landscape Architecture Studio: Extreme Territories – Sem I_2020 1 -279.43,-39.59,3000

A Grasshopper workshop was delivered via Zoom to train students on advanced algorithm-aided design skills for landscape analysis & manipulation. Dr Philip Beleski from RMIT university joined our UoA computational design expert team on this full-day of work.

From week 5 onwards studio critiques were scheduled and delivered via Zoom. Work-in-progress was scribbled using a Wacom tablet

WEEK 7 Mid-term reviews were held and facilitated via Zoom

WEEK 8 Final reviews were held and facilitated via Zoom


To Be Continued Best student work was curated and exhibited in the online ‘All-In Exhibition’ using the Zoom webinar format. More info: Here.





CARLOS BARTESAGHI KOC, PhD Dr Carlos Bartesaghi Koc is a Lecturer in Landscape Architecture at University of Adelaide. Before, he completed his PhD in Planning and Urban Development (UNSW) in 2018, where he analysed the thermal performance of green infrastructure on urban microclimate using remote sensing, spatial econometrics and predictive modelling methods. His research received the inaugural Dean's Award for Outstanding PhD theses in 2019. He transitioned into academia at UNSW in 2015 as sessional lecturer before starting my postdoctoral research fellowship in 2018. Afterwards, Carlos became lecturer in Architecture (Environment) at Deakin University in 2019. Over the last 13 years he has combined teaching and research positions, consultancy activities and practice-based design in Australia, Peru and Chile. As an architect, urban designer and climatologist, Carlos is interested in analysing the spatial and temporal dynamics and interactions that occur in the built environment by applying a 'systems thinking' approach. In particular, he focuses on performance-based analysis of cities, neighbourhoods, urban precincts, streets and buildings from ecological and holistic point of views. His second research focus is on climate-sensitive and generative+responsive design supported by computational and sensing technologies such as AI, machine learning, IoT and smart sensors. Staff profile : Researchgate : Website : Sketchfab : YouTube channel :

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