international traveller
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the cities, the villages, the islands, the beaches
march/april 2016
Luxe lodgings
from japan to Cambodia to NZ to Abu Dhabi
h ang loose
772200 274000 9
ISSN 2200-274X
issue 022
0 4
issue 22
Mar / Apr 2016 AUST $9.95 inc gst
ireland’s surf revolution
the texan c api tal o f co o l
Africa in living colour Bordeaux goes from frumpy to funky
the luxury
of simplicity
Taking design inspiration from a traditional Cambodian village,
a new hotel raises the bar for boutique stays in Siem Reap.
Words m e g a n a r k i n s ta l l
The entrance to Phum Baitang’s Spa Temple, which is inspired by the nearby Temples of Angkor.
CLOCKWISE FROM THIS IMAGE: Relax by the hotel’s infinity pool with a fresh juice served from a tuk-tuk · The guest villas are understated and elegant in natural tones · Lanterns light the way around the tropical property. OPPOSITE: With the use of wood and stone, the hotel feels rustic, just like a traditional Cambodian village.
ost travellers head to Siem Reap to see
Its name, Phum Baitang, means Green Village in the Khmer
one thing: Cambodia’s most important
language, which is apt for a place set among eight hectares of
archaeological site, the magnificent temples
terraced rice paddies, swaying lemongrass plantations and lush
of Angkor. But once you’ve explored the awe-
gardens. Comprised of straw-thatched structures made with local
inspiring jungle-swallowed ruins of Ta Prohm,
stone and wood, including an ancient 100-year-old farmhouse
cycled out to lesser-known temples such as
that has been converted into a cigar and cocktail lounge furnished
Banteay Samré, and watched the sun set behind Angkor Wat,
with rattan wing chairs and oriental carpets, the property is evocative
chances are you’ll be tired of the crowds and backpackers to boot.
of Cambodia’s golden days.
That’s where luxury hotel group Zannier comes in with its second
There are 45 guest villas in all, which are designed as traditional
Cambodian property, the recently opened Phum Baitang. Designed by
stand-alone pavilions on stilts to protect from floods and allow for
Paris-based architects AW² , the people behind the über plush Six
optimum ventilation in the oft times sweltering heat. Each is
Senses Con Dao, Phum Baitang is, dare we say it, one of the city’s most
blessed with ample space: the 80 square-metre Terrace Villas boast
exciting luxury hotels since the legendary Raffles Grand Hotel d’Angkor.
large decks and tropical gardens whereas the 130 square-metre
Despite being just 10 minutes down the road from the town centre,
Pool Villas come complete with a private plunge pool and lounge
this simply luxurious (and luxuriously simple) resort is a complete
pavilion. Inside each of the villas, the aesthetic is pared back, with
escape from the city’s hustle and bustle. A member of Design Hotels,
a natural colour palette and handmade furniture throughout,
the property is far from cookie-cutter, built on the principles of a
including carved-wood headboards and lime-finished freestanding
traditional Khmer village, promising to take guests on a ‘visceral
wooden baths in the bathrooms, all of which is blended seamlessly
experience that embodies all the senses’.
with antiques picked from local markets.
this page: The Bay Phsar restaurant is reminiscent of a local market, where guests can choose fresh spices and herbs for use in their meals. opposite CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT: Antique items were collected from local markets to style the property · Enjoy a tipple at the pool bar while looking out at the surrounding rice paddies · The villas’ generous bathrooms come complete with freestanding wooden baths.
Guests who don’t have a private pool can relax by the 50-metre
craftsmanship of the temples of Angkor. Its treatment menu
rounds every afternoon.
specialises in traditional Cambodian techniques, such as The
The hotel’s signature restaurant, Bay Phsar, is a unique proposition,
Angkor Temples Ritual, which aims to soothe tired muscles. Using
said to be ‘an interactive display of culinary showmanship’. Set up
natural products, the treatment is derived from a ritual used by rice
like a traditional street market, guests choose a starter and dessert
farmers, who used hand-crushed spice as a remedy to relieve their
from the menu, while the main course is made-to-order using fresh
aches and pains after a long day’s work tending the rice paddies.
ingredients and spices picked by the guests themselves. Dishes are
(Or in the case of guests, from temple-hopping all day long.)
often accompanied by rice grown in the surrounding paddy fields,
Carved in stone, the tranquil spa’s design reflects the
outdoor infinity pool, where a cute traditional tuk-tuk does drink
Inspired by da Vinci’s adage, ‘simplicity is the ultimate sophistication’,
which double as a picturesque backdrop to the restaurant. There is
owner Arnaud Zannier aims to ensure that his hotels offer a way of
also another elegant restaurant, Hang Bay, which serves a fusion of
living that is ‘free of pretention’. Phum Baitang is certainly the perfect
cuisines including local fare such as Fish Amok, French-inspired
balance of sophistication and humility; an oasis of colonial charm
foie gras terrine, and even an Australian Angus wagyu beef.
and tropical calm mere minutes from a buzzing and exciting city.
Design Jean-Louis Iratzoki 守护土地的设计师 迈阿密的砝码
Lifestyle 卢加诺 : 舞台式家居 巴黎 : 跳蚤市场抒情曲 布达佩斯 : A+Z Loft
波士顿 : 历史与现代的风口浪尖 哥本哈根 : 韦斯 特伯的第二种生活
Special 设计上海 2016
N˚ 011 - March 2016 - rmb ¥35 , hkd $60
You Love Design. I Know It!
还原古朴的高棉风味 在酒店 较多受殖民文化影响的暹粒,Phum Baitang 酒店的设 计风格算是特立独行。 在酒店的设 计上,着力于 体 现 柬埔寨悠久的高棉族 文化 :回归本 真,回归大自然 ; 此外,还 身 体力行 着 Zannier 家族 秉 持的“复杂的终极表 现 就是简单”的家训, 用简单的表 现手法,展现高棉文化深远的魅力。 撰文
特约编辑 优笛
上图 / 酒店里的度假 屋的设
但它独到的自然魅力绝不会被埋没。在柬埔寨,农业依然是第一产业,全国拥有 60%
计是 对高棉村落建筑的怀
以上的植被覆盖,所以在这片绿色的土地上,说人们生活在大自然中一点也不过分。对 于那些常年缺乏“绿”、 “氧”的都市人来说,绿树掩映、纯粹古朴的柬埔寨简直是天堂 般的存在。 Phum Baitang 酒店就藏身在这片绿色天堂中,它位于距离暹粒不远的郊外,人迹罕至, 绿意葱葱,造就了具有柬埔寨特色的世外桃源。AW2 建筑工作室依照当地高棉村落风 格设计的 45 间特色别墅,配以郁郁葱葱的树林和稻田,完成了这座绿色度假村的设计。
旧式重现,每栋房子都是高 脚楼,有尖尖顶,通透的隔 断引入了自然风景。
这家酒店是 Zannier 酒店的第二家,也是酒店主人 Arnaud Zannier 想要建立的新时代
1/ 尖顶的设计是为了在雨季
奢侈酒店的升级版。全能型天才达 · 芬奇曾说 : “复杂的终极表现就是简单。”Zannier
家族奉之为家训,成功以纺织和服装业起家。Arnaud 作为家族的年轻一辈,更是计划
2/ 传统式样的高脚楼抬高 了地基,也是雨季防潮防水
的需求。 3/ 起居空间的玻
现在让我们走进这座看似朴素,却代表着新兴奢侈酒店的“高棉村落”。Arnaud 从不认
为金碧辉煌才是“奢侈”的表现,相反,现代的“奢侈”应该是回归自然、化繁为简,给 住客绝对舒适的体验。所以走入酒店范围,你也不会有突兀的感觉,因为它已经很好地 融入周围的环境中。每栋建筑都是遵循着柬埔寨特有的高脚楼而建,运用了当地丰富的 木材资源,但又似比普通的高脚楼亲近很多,因为它降低了“楼脚”的高度—在保证 防潮防虫的基础上,尽可能地降低整体的高度,让“高脚楼”不再高高在上,少了些雄 伟多了分亲近。在“村落”中步行,或是选择搭乘当地特色的嘟嘟车在酒店内穿梭,道 路两边是东南亚特有的热带树林和柬埔寨特色的稻田,自耕自食,别有一番农家风味。
酒店的 45 间别墅,其中有 25 间露台别墅和 20 间泳池别墅,虽是风格统一,却是
1/ 以 米黄、灰色 和褐色为主
各自独立。最值得一提的是,Arnaud 亲自参与到了室内设计中,为了更好地还原传
内感受。 2/ 除了利用隔断 引入大自然 风景,内部的绿
3/ 设 计上尽量 避 免“发明”
新的东西,而是尽量使 用传
店内也随处可见佛像的摆设,这也可以解释为什么置身客房内,给人的体验是无欲 无求,却又亲近自然。虽然内饰是追求古朴风格,但是基础配置还是现代化和人性 化的。配有宽敞露台的别墅,可以享受在起居室聚会的乐趣,午后,泡上一壶好茶, 全家惬意地闲聊一下午 ;配有泳池的别墅,拥有更大的户外活动空间,独立泳池所 在的院落,完全是私享空间。 酒店中又一处体现“复杂的终极表现就是简单”的地方就是它的公共区域。整个酒 店配有两个餐厅,其中一个是还原了柬埔寨市集的模样,让在此用餐的住客不需要
去暹粒也能体验最地道的市集文化和风味美食。Zannier 家族还斥巨资,将一栋上
1/ Phum Baitang 意思是高
原高棉生活方式。 2/ 宽敞 的浴室里的立式浴缸,正
面对着花园。 3/ 自然的材
格的太少,更何况是做得如此淋漓尽致的。难道你就不想体验一把高棉族人的生活 吗?换上舒适的轻薄短衫和颜色艳丽的纱笼,到稻田边,看看花,看看草,呼吸带 着植物芳香的空气,避世到 Phum Baitang ! 暹粒
Phum Baitang 酒店
Phum Svaydongkum
Architektur Modern Art Media Mobil
April 2016
Das Designmagazin zum Wohlfuhlen!
B5,50e|DK 4DKK|l6,30e|NL5,50€]E6130€|P(cont)6,30€|GR7,20€ a r-O SF 7,20 € | CH IGSfr | BG12 BGN | F 6,30 € I LUX 530 €| PL 30,50 PLM )S62SEK OU
7 Paare & ihr Boutique-Hotel • Die modernste Suite der Welt
4 195113 504609
+ zwei & eineHauser Wohnung
50 JAHRE B&B ITALIA Eine wunderbare Gratulation
ur Wohn MEDIA Profi-Hausgerate
AUTHENTISCH Der Charme des Bauernhauses aus dem
14. Jahrhundert bleibt durch den Einsatz von urs riinglichen Materialien erhalten
Wiesergut, Hinterglemm, Osterreich ÂŚ- X
Martina und Sepp Kroll ist ein Wohlflihlort fur naturverbundene
Es gibt eigentlich immer einen Gmnd, das Designhotel WieserÂŹ ut von Martina und Sepp Kroll zu besuchen. Im Winter ist man
direkt im Sldgebiet, im Sommer locken herrliche Wanderungen.
Designliebhaber Warum fuhlen sich Design-Fans in Ihrem Hotel wohl? Weil wir ein
Wiesergut, Hinterglemm, Osterreich
zweites Comin Home sind - und
Gastlichkeit - und durch die
Einen perfekten Gastgeber
nicht das typische Hotel.
individuelle Betreuung unserer
erkennt man ... an seiner Sponta-
neitat, seiner Aufrichtigkeit und
tung das letzte Wort? Eigentlich
Was ist Ihr personlicher
vor ahem an der Herzlichkeit und Flexibilitat in seine Team.
wi beide emeinsam.
Lieblingsplatz im Hotel? Die Piazza gleich neben unserem Brotbac ofen, weil wir an diesem Ort schon so viele
zu besuchen. Im Winter ist man
Mit welchen Architekten Oder Innenarchitekten arbeiten Sie zusammen? Mit Monika Gogl und
interessante Menschen ennen-
direlct im Sldgebiet, im Sommer
ihrem Team.
lernen durften.
Wer von Ihnen hat bei der Einrich-
Es gibt eigentlich immer einen Grund, das Desi nhotel WieserÂŹ
gut von Martina und Sepp Kroll
locken herrliche Wanderungen. arum fiihlen sich Design-Fans in Ihrem Hotel wohl? Weil wir ein
Wie schaffen Sie es, ass sich die Caste bei Ihnen zu Hause fiihlen?
Mobelstiic im Hotel? Das ist
as ist as wichtigste
Das schaffen ir durch ehrliche
der selbst designte offene Kamin.
H.O.M.E. 103
I woHNENhotelpaare
Ausgesuchte Stiicke aus def-eipa en . Kunst- und Mo glsarnmlxiilg - wie der â&#x20AC;&#x17E;Bertoia-E)telnond C air" von Knoll -
inachea i ferienvillen von Patrizia und Olivier Massart zum Design-Highlight
Domaine des Andeols, Provence, Frankreich
Was ist Ihr persdnlicher Lieblings-
auf dieses Abenteuer eingelassen haben, wurde fur jedes Haus eine andere Welt entwickelt. Was ist das wichtigste Mdbel-
Etwa eine Stunde von Avignon entfemt fiihren die Kunstsammler
Lassen sich die Gestaltungskonzepte Ihres Hotels auch auf den privaten Wohnbereich ubertragen? Was davon kann der Cast nach Hause mitnehmen? Jedes Haus ist wie eine Reise, auf der man sich entspannen kann.
Patrizia und Oli ier Massart i r Hotel. In zehn individuell einge-
richteten Villen heiKen sie ihre Caste willkommen. Warum fiihlen sich Design-Fans in Ihrem Hotel wohl? Dank der
Hilfe zahlreicher Desig er, die sic
104 H.O.M.E.
st ick im Hotel? Die Kombination aus Bett, Ideiderschrank und Schreibtisch von Garouste und
Wie schaffen Sie es, dass sich die Gaste bei Ihnen zu Hause fiihlen?
platz im Hotel? Die Bibliothek, ein Heiligtum der Kunst und Kultur.
Durch kleine Details entsteht im
Einen perfekten Gastgeber
Haus eine besondere Atmosphare:
erkennt an ... daran,dass ein
die Auswahl der Bucher in der Bibhothek, dekorative Objekte,
betrachtet. â&#x20AC;&#x17E;Ich flihle mich wie
Gemalde, Blumen und Diifte, die Auswahl der Musik usw.
Cast sein Haus als das eigene zu Hause" ist fur mich das grofite Kompliment
MIX specchio-mirror ATLANTE credenza-sideboard TURN tavolo-table TWIST sedia-chair
Vas ist Ihr personlicher Lieblings-
ilatz im Hotel? Die Bibliothek, ei Jeiligtuxn der Kunst und Kultur. assen sich die Gestaltungs-
onzepte Ihres Hotels auch auf en privaten Wohnbereich uberagen? Was davon kann der Gast ach Hause mitnehmen? Jedes laus ist wie eine Reise, auf der man Lch entspannen kann.
inen perfekten Gastgeber rkennt man ... daran, dass ein
iast sein Haus als das eigene
etrachteL â&#x20AC;&#x17E;Ich fiihle mich wie
u Hause ist fur mich das grofite ompliment,
Hotel de Rougemont, Rougemont, Schweiz
CHRISTINE <D ALEXANDER PERPER In der Nahe von Gstaad befindet sich das Luxus-Ski-Hotel von Christine und Alexander Perper. Mit einem groKen Spa-Bereich samt In enpool und grofien, modernen Zimmern bietet es seinen Gasten in wunderscho-
ner Landschaft die Moglichkeit, sorgenfrei zu entspannen.
106 H.O.M.E.
Warum fiihlen sich Design-Fans in Ihrem Hotel wohl? Weil das Design in alien Raumen vollig iibereingestimmt ist. Es ist ein Design, das
die Geschichte der Region und die Umgebung in sich aufnimmt und modern interpretiert.
Was ist das wichtigste Mobelstuck im Hotel? Es ist nicht eigentlich ein Mobelstiick, sondern das grofie, von vier Seiten einsehbare Cheminee in unserer Lounge. Es wurde von lokalen Handwerkern aus Felsblocken geschaffen, die aus dem durch Rougemont fliefienden Fluss,
der Saane, gewonnen wurden.
Ihre fiber Jahrzehnte geschliffene Form gibt die Dynamik des
Hotel Galery69, Stawiguda, Rolen
Wassers und der Natur wieder.
Was kann der Gast an Ideen aus Ihrem Hotel mitnehmen? Wir haben nicht nur eine Hotelboutique, wo Dekorationselemente gekauft werden konnen - der ganze Stil ist so ausgerichtet, dass man viele Ideen fmdet. Es beginnt mit Ideinen Dingen wie schfin arrangierten Tannenzapfen und reicht bis zu silbernen Hirschen.
Am Ufer des Wulpinskie-See;
h ben M lgosia und Wojtek Zokowsky ein Designhotel n
Spa-Bereich eroffnet, mit dei Fans von stimmigem Design
gutem Essen glfic lich mach
Was ist das wichtigste Mobel stuck im Hotel? Darauf habei
woHNENhotelpaare g
KREATIV Mobelstiic e a s eigener
Manufaktur und Objekte befreundeter Kunstler machen d s Hotel
Galerybp zur stilsicheren Inspirationsquelle
der Saane, gewonnen wurden.
Ihre liber Jahrzehnte geschliffene Form gibt die Dynamilc des Wassers und der Natur wieder. Was kann der Gast an Ideen aus Ihrem Hotel mitnehmen? Wir haben nicht nur eine Hotelboutique.wo Dekorationseleme te gekauft warden konnen - der ganze Stil ist so ausgerichtet, dass man viele Ideen findet.
Es beginnt mit kleinen Dingen wie schBn arrangierten Tannenzapfen und reicht bis zu silbernen Hirschen.
Hotel Galery69, Stawiguda, Polen
wir zwei Antworten. Wojtek sagt:
dazu Bilder und Kunstobjekte
â&#x20AC;&#x17E;Berthold (ein Stuhl), Malgosia:
von uns oder von befreundeten Kiinstlern. Der Gast kann sowohl die Inspiration als auch fertige Objekte mit nach Hause nehmen.
â&#x20AC;&#x17E;Ha (auch ein Stuhl). Also viel-
leicht sind beide Stiihle fur uns wichtig. In unserem Restaurant stehen viele davon. Sie entstanden im Jahr 2000 und waren die
Einen perfekten Gastgeber
Inspiration fur die Einrichtung
erkennt man ... Soweit es einen
Am Ufer des Wulpinskie-Sees
des Hotels und fur die ganze
haben Malgosia und Wojtek Zokowsky ein Designhotel mit
Spa-Bereich eroffnet, mit dem sie Fans von stimmigem Design und gutem Essen gliicklich machen.
Was kann der Gast an Ideen aus Ihrem Hotel mitnehmen? Das ganze Hotel ist unser Showroom, eine Kunstgalerie im taglichen Gebrauch: Mobelstiicke aus unserer eigenen Manufaktur,
solchen gibt, erkennt man ihn daran, dass er sich auf seine Gaste freut, auf die Gesprache, auf neue Anre ungen und neue Anforderungen, die spater auch zu HotelKriterien werden. Er freut sich, wenn seine Angebote jeden Tag
Was ist das wichtigste Mdbel-
stiick im Hotel? Darauf haben
wahrgenommen werden.
H.O.M.E. 107
Roam- SERVICE Zimmer mit Ausblick gesucht? Bei diesen DESIGN HOTELS zweitrangig. Wir empfehlen eine Nacht - als Inspiration fur die eigene Wohnung
Hinter grandiosen Schiebetiiren versteckt sich das Badezimmer im Charme der 30er-Jahre mit Gio Pontis Hdngeleuchte ,,0024 undfeinstem Statuario-Marmor
Abe7' hola! Das Casa Fay tt in Gktadalajara, Mexilw, von Dimore Studio ist ein stilistisches Gesamtkunstwerk. Inspiriert von
landestypischen Designs, demArchitekten C arl s Wie in eimm mexikanischen Palmengarten speist man auf eigens entwmfenen Sesselchen, die mit Stoffen des Maison PieiTe Frey bezogen sind
Rennie Mackintosh und derArt-deco-Geschichte des Hause , ist da Hotel schon kurz nach
seiner Erqff ung der Darling des kreativen Jetsets. www. casafayette. com
Ace New Orleans
Das an der beriihmten Keizersgracht gelegene Luxus-
Alles andere ls damenhaft, sondem mit einer eklektischen
Ob in jedem der 234 Zimmer des neuesten Ace-Hotels
hotel wurde kiirzlich einera Makeover unterzogen, das
Mis lmng aus Art nouveau und Vmtage-Venini tritt iner
eme Gitarre steht, bleibt abzuwarten. Die Eroffnung
mit der Flamboyance des Amsterdamer Barocks spielt.
der schim ten P l zzi in Rom auf und macht d mit dem
steht noch bevor. Erst ab Marz 2016 diirfen wir in dem
In 25 zusammengelegten Kanalhausern aus dem 17.
Hassler Konkurrenz. Die ehemaligen G mdch r der Fami-
ehemali en Art-deco-La erhaus mitten im Warehouse
und 18. Jahrhundert trifft herrschaftliche Opulenz auf
lie Malaspina haben kosmopolitiscbe Grandezza. Selten-
District einchecken. Die besten Galerien der Sta t
verspieltes niederlandisches Design.
heitswert hat der Pool im lauschigen Gdrtchen, mitten im
sind hier schon eoffnet.
Zentnim der St dt. www. alazzod
de. ac hotel. com/neworl
DRINK DES MONATS Cocktail-Experte
Fina Skor!
und Buchautor Stephan Hinz
lit unseren Lesern
... heiBt auf Schwedisch so viel
regelmaBig einen Lieblingsdrink vor.
wie: â&#x20AC;&#x17E;Sie haben aber schone Schuhe an! Die Lede sneaker des nordischen Labels Axel Arigato haben sich diesen Ausruf verdient.
ZUTATE 50 ml Gin 25 ml Zitronensaft
10 ml Zuckersirup 2 Barloffel HimbeerRhabarber-Konfitiire
3 Zweige Thymian ZUBEREITUNG
Den Thymian mit dem Muddler andr icken und mit Eisw irfeln und den anderen Zutaten in einen Shaker geben.
Kraftig sch itteln und doppelt in einen Tumbler auf Eisw irfeln abseihen. it etwas Thymian garnieren.
Cool in Kambodscha Roger Zannier ist Frankreichs fuhrender Fabrikant fur Kindermode; das Herz seines Sohnes Arnaud schlagt jedoch fiir die Hotellerie. Vor funf Jahren e offnete er sein Luxus-Chalet in Megeve (franzosische Alpen), kurzlich folgte ein exklusives Resort bei Siem Reap in Kambodscha (Foto).
Stern des Siidetis Die Hausbrennerei Penninger aus Hauzen-
berg in Niederbayern riihmt sich ihrer 100-jahrigen Erfahrung mit Krau-
Workout mit Stil
terdestillaten. Zu Recht,
Auch wenn Sie selbst wahrend Ihres Fitnesstrainings
ein kostlich-milder Gin in
der Beweis: â&#x20AC;&#x17E;Granit ,
keine so gute Figur machen - das Hantelset der
Bioqualitat, hergestellt
franzosischen anufaktur Berluti aus Stahl und vene-
aus 28 typischen Krautern
zianischem Leder motiviert mit vollendeter Form.
und Wurzeln und iiber
Granitsteinen filtriert.
Date : MARS/AVRIL 16 Page de I'article : p.76-77
Journaliste : Nathalie Noil
Pays : France
Periodicite : Mensuel
OJD : 76234
rgus de la press Page
Sex-appeal a la cle Par Nathalie Norl / Photos Benoit Linero
Un nouvel hotel ouvre ses portes et, out a coup, c es la memoire
du quartier qui ressurgit. Le Pigalle sort le grand jeu et devoile entre ses murs une panoplie sexy, audacieuse, extatique et decalee. Une zone erogene hautement frequen able.
neons qui clignotent, un porte-jarretelles qui claque, Pi alle la Blanche tient encore
La devise de I endroit, •• \\7e are open », jouerait-eil fr nchement sur les ? Des son fantas e de uartier rouge seventies, a I instar d Amsterdam oumots Shanghai. Las ! Gentrification oblige, les strip-teaseuses se sont rhabillees, se rincer Paul est montre du doi t. Hotels de passe versus boutique-hotel , bars d hotesses versus bars cock¬ tails, sex-sho s versu concept-stores, rades glau ues versus •• gastrotheques », pendant
que la Nouvelle-Athenes prenait pour pseudo SoPi (South Pigalle), le Wall Street J iiri il ualifi it le coin de « q rtier le {this xcit t de Paris ». Pourtant, mauvais garyons et lilies de joie o t peu a pen eserte les trottoirs du Pigalle-couche-toi-la, laissant la phy io-
nomie de ce village parisien llirter avec le life tyle d une epoque moins interlope, fetarde avec moder tion et vice versa. Hipster connectes, baristas barbus ou blogueuses en mal de followers y sont les nouve ux dealers d un luxe lis e et ans lu. ure. A rebours d'une amnesic rogrammee, Le igalle, hotel nouveau, tient, lui, a reveiller cet ADN de quartier chau lapin et a se reinventer en aison de rendez-vous bien atilee, le tem
d un verre, d’une nuit ou d’un cafe. Un revival orchestre par une dream
team de py malion f milier s chant faire ousser le plaisir a coups de provoc’t intage et de « collahs » piquantes et delurees. La jeune agence Festen - Charlotte de Tonnac et Hugo Sauzay - a pris en main les prcliminaires, bousculant les conventions, rechapant le terrazzo, decloisonnant quarante chambres de 12 a 35 nr - une suite desirable au dernier eta e en uise de climax. Les annees 80 partouzent avec I’enfilade
Tous droits reserves a I’editeur
Au Pigalle. on aime aussi sattabler t bien manger de saison Simone Tondo (e -Roseval) s invite cha ue lundi soir pour un menu unique en direct des cuisines de I hotel. Et Alix L cloclie pour le brunch u dimanche. Le re te du temps, Camille Fourmot st aux fourneaux, en mode « assembleuse » de produits du terroir parisien.
tl* DESIGN® 3035517400507
Date: MARS/AVRIL16 Page de I'article : p.76-77
Journaliste : Nathalie Nort
Pays : France
Periodicite : Mensuel
OJD : 76234
Page 2/2
scan inave, les fauteuils crap u avcc l moq ette leop rd, les vasques en marlire
cheap avec le bar a discretion. Charlotte de la Grandiere (R e Herold) se cache derriere les ridea x, les coussins et les plaids, et Alexandre Guillemain, marchand expert en XX' siecle, sous les tallies basses et les courbes pulpeuses. I.e I.abo
depose des senteurs
parfumees. I ottr tin pe , on croirait occ per la chanibre d ttn couple d amis partis a I aventure. Aux nturs, leurs photos et dessins enc dres, tine ex-tape et I affiche de leur film prefere de sinent une iniagerie intime, moins porno que graphique - oureusement inise en scene par le Studio be-poles (oui, ceux-la memes qui editent les jolis petits carnets Poiintils tie rille). Dans la bouche glossy du sou - ol, susurre tin juke-box, tin vrai, fared de pepites sonores. Car le cteur du re cteur est sans conteste le projet mu¬
sical : une b nde-son i'tbcr sexy qui se dehanche du round floor, vec DJ set en soiree et corner <• pole dance » assume, jusqu a certaine chambres fierement dotees d une
platine vinyle et d un choix de alettes atmospberiques denichees par le dis uaire Vic¬ tor Kiswell. Sa pure playlist jouit d une acoustique de reve grace au Studio de l Reine et au label Aedle qui a ussi seme ses casques d ecoute dans le l bby ouvert sur la rue. Ide lcment, e est la que tout le monde converge, a midi coniine a minuir, puisque l lus-
sam le kiosquier, Majid le fleuriste et Pierre et Valerie les libraires, en voisins conquis, deposent ici leurs bonnes pioches hebdomadaires. Le cafe a deja ses fetichistes, sachant que Nicolas Clerc (du Telescope, rue Villedo) en livre la mouture parfaite it route heure. Sur la platine de fin du jour, Gainsbour envoie Coiw e mi boomera g, un flash de Chambord colore de rose le fond du shaker, les stilettos resonnent sur le m rbre de la s lle de bains, une note de santal embaume Pair... Chanibre I I, entre Paffiche d'E -
elle et le lit defait, Pigalle bande encore. ©
Chambre a partir de 136 € la nuit. Le Pigalle. 9, rue Frochol, 75009 Paris. Tel.: Ol 48 78 37
Tous droits reserves a I'editeur
<1* DESIGN® 3035517400507
March 2016
March 2016 Focus: Food for Thought — Bars, Eateries & More • ALPOD by James Law Cybertecture • Chi Wing Lo • Design Shanghai • BoConcept
SCULPTED BY WIND & WATER MAD Architects’ design for the new Harbin Opera House sees a transfusion of local identity, art and culture into a building deeply inspired by the city’s untamed wilderness
+ HKIA president Vincent Ng: On engaging the community and challenges facing Hong Kong’s architects HK$48 US$18 €15
Harbin Opera House –p.14 Dai Show Theatre –p.18 Sunray HQ Singapore –p.21
Rafael Viñoly & Deborah Berke –p.32
A brew for two: Designer Q&A –p.44
Pravo Hotel by FAK3 –p.38
Yenn Wong’s Fish School –p.60
Ritz-Carlton Macau –p.40
Black Sheep HK –p.66
Destination | ‘Generation Next’ Hoteliers
Have you met…?
I believe in a holistic approach to design, where strategies for branding, interiors, and architecture are developed simultaneously, to interact and merge
A new generation of visionary designers and hoteliers is taking hospitality to a new level, with a bold voice, boundless energy and a grand plan to capture the heart, mind, and imagination of today’s discerning guest TEXT: Phoebe Liu PHOTOGRAPHY: Courtesy of DesignHotels |
From reading to immersion to sweet treats, inspiration can be found in pretty much anything. In
Kasemtham Sornsong and Tirawan Songsawat
Australia, designer Fady Hachem turns risk-taking into an art form; in New York City, general manager
Kasemtham Sornsong
Daniel Entenberg offers a lesson in community
Owner, The Library, Chaweng Beach,
integration; and in Koh Samui, hotelier Kasemtham
Koh Samui, Thailand
Set in one of the most coveted areas of Manhattan, artist Julian Schnabel transformed the sophisticated charm of the storied Gramercy Park Hotel into a full-fledged work of art
Sornsong weaves a rich narrative in transforming his parents’ beachside resort.
The Library’s story begins with Kasemtham Sornsong’s parents, who created a quaint beachside restaurant with 12 simple huts on Koh Samui. After university, Sornsong returned home and transformed the property into a lush,
minimalist resort. When he first conceived The Library, he envisaged a retreat that recaptured the joys of storytelling, “When guests leave here, I
Daniel Entenberg
want them to feel that they have just left a magical
General manager, Gramercy Park Hotel,
place full of stories,” he says.
New York City, United States
Aged just 26 when The Library launched, Sornsong used the book as the core motif of the
The consummate hotelier, Daniel Entenberg, has hospitality running
hotel’s visual and spiritual identity. Together with
through his veins. Brooklyn born and bred, Entenberg studied hotel,
designer Tirawan Songsawat, Sornsong created an
restaurant and institutional management at Pennsylvania State University
elegant, resort surrounded by expansive grounds.
before working his way up the leadership ladder in some of America’s best
Eager to narrate his own heritage and passion for
hotels, including a very memorable stint as a ‘Romance Concierge’.
the natural beauty of Koh Samui, Sornsong has ensured that The Library’s 26 suites (with 20 more to come this year) are interspersed with untamed
Together with designer Tirawan Songsawat, Kasemtham Sornsong used the book as the core motif of The Library’s visual and spiritual identity
New York’s 185-room Gramercy Park Hotel in 2013. Conceiving a thoroughly modern management approach, he has stepped away from the traditional
greenery — creating perfect harmony between
general manager role and instead immersed himself into every aspect of hotel
hotel and landscape.
life. ‘‘When you commit to lead a property, it truly needs to be a part of your Thanks to Sornsong’s youthful energy and
When he first conceived The Library, owner Kasemtham Sornsong envisaged a retreat that recaptured the joys of storytelling 116
Entenberg had the ultimate homecoming when he took up the mantle at
DNA. I can honestly say, I eat, sleep and breathe Gramercy Park Hotel,’’ he says.
pioneering design, The Library remains at the
Taking this approach to the utmost extreme, Entenberg even ensures
forefront of hospitality in the area. Far more than
that he smells like the hotel by using Gramercy Park Hotel’s signature Le
simply the hotel du jour, Sornsong’s unique concept
Labo amenities. Understanding that the idea of luxury-hospitality
has embodied The Library with a living, breathing
transcends the superficial trappings of the classic five-star hotel,
quality that will grow and evolve, and ultimately
Entenberg works to create a meaningful relationship between the hotel
stand the test of time — much like a good book.
and the local community to give guests an authentic, local experience. perspective
Destination | ‘Generation Next’ Hoteliers
THE WILLY WONKA OF HOSPITALITY Fady Hachem Designer, Adelphi Hotel, Melbourne, Australia Now a prolific designer heading up one of Australia’s most progressive design studios, Fady Hachem’s first commission was a baptism of fire — the design of local bar Drew, and then, at the tender age of 19, the newly-graduated Hachem won the commission for the US$2m overhaul of awardwinning bar Bond. However, it was the renovation of the 34-room Adelphi Hotel that catapulted the young designer to international acclaim. Together with owners Dion Chandler and Ozzie Kheir, Hachem rebelled against the staid minimalism defining Australian hotel design, and transformed the iconic hotel into a deeply imaginative world. Behind the success of the hotel’s visual identity is his innovative and organic approach: “I believe in a holistic approach to design, where strategies for branding, interiors, and architecture are developed simultaneously, to interact and merge,” he explains. Hachem’s whimsical vision and all-encompassing design ethos is reflected in the dessert-inspired aesthetics of the Adelphi Hotel — central to the design is the bold use of contrasting colours, fabrics, textures and witty details such as the ‘Licorice Allsorts’ chairs — encouraging a full-sensory experience where guests stop and engage with their surroundings. Hachem’s risk-taking enthusiasm for hospitality design can be best summarised by Adelphi Hotel’s motto, ‘Life is uncertain, so eat dessert first’.
Designer Fady Hachem’s whimsical vision is reflected in the dessert-inspired aesthetics of the Adelphi Hotel in Melbourne, Australia — central to the design is the bold use of contrasting colours, fabrics, textures and witty details 118
GREEN LEISURE From collecting Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certificates to managing water resources wisely, and serving own-garden produce, hotels are balancing luxury with eco-responsibility.
ENDEMICO Baja California, Mexico With a name that is Spanish for endemic, or native to a specific region or environment, this hotel was designed to highlight the isolation of the desert and thus single out the areaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s indigenous qualities. Situated just one and a half hours from San Diego, Baja California is home to some of Mexicoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest wineries and offers a blend of Mexican culture and artisanal activity. The hotel has 20 chic and eco-friendly cabins arrayed on a hill overlooking the valley, interspersed by natural boulders, and raised off the ground to minimise impact on the landscape. Built with Corten steel and wood, the cabins are designed to weather over time and eventually blend seamlessly into valleys. The cabins were created by Gracia Studio, a firm with a passion for creating economical architecture, with a particular interest in using modular and flexible buildings. Each cabin is furnished minimally with simple yet sleek furnishings, featuring a king-size bed, wireless Internet, and private terrace with a clay kiva. Concealed among the rocky slope is a pool, restaurant and bar, which all have views out over the seemingly infinite valley.
ROCKSRESORT Laax, Switzerland The 122-room Rocksresort and its immediate environment run on sustainable energy consisting of hydroelectricity, solar power and more. The resort, which takes its name and design identity from the surrounding landscape, is situated adjacent to the base station in Laax. The property is an environmentally sensitive and a bold architectural concept.
ROCKHOUSE RESORT Negril, Jamaica The rainy season in Negril sees Rockhouse Resort collecting rainwater in five catchment tanks placed across the property. The collected water irrigates the gardens in the property’s eight-acre grounds. These gardens are fertilised with compost made from the resort’s kitchen and bar wastes mixed with shredded garden refuse. The property’s Environmental Management System (EMS) promotes sustainability and overall reduction of carbon footprint. The resort itself adapts environmentally friendly building material and design expressed in local wood, thatch and open-air restaurants. A preventive maintenance schedule ensures optimum performance of equipment, while a weekly haul of plastic, glass and cardboard waste is dispatched to the local recycling centre. Guest rooms are fitted with low-flow showerheads and taps, and lowflush toilets, and equipped with recycle bins for plastic and glass bottles. They are also encouraged to reuse linen whenever possible.
HOTEL KITZHOF M O U N TA I N D E S I G N KitzbĂźhel, Austria Guests at the 172-room mountain retreat, Hotel Kitzhof Mountain Design Resort, savour the essence of Austrian alpine living while the establishment pursues soft environmental impact and community integration from spa to table. The building itself boasts a solar-heated pool while the spa program uses products from the organic line Just Pure. On its breakfast table is served milk from just six cows from a small, exclusive farm that processes its milk the oldfashioned way.
H O T E L T O PA Z Z Vienna, Austria
H U M B L E H O U S E TA I P E I Taipei, Taiwan Located on the top floors of a LEED Diamond-rated Green Building, in the heart of Xinyi, Humble House Taipei is focused on giving back to society. Thoughtful design and actionable measures guide the management of the 235-room glass and aluminum skyscraper. Its water and energy conservation has implemented systems to cut down usage and bring guests on board with recycling and linen reuse programs. Its Sky Garden is a rare urban oasis planted with species that were chosen to encourage biodiversity and help reduce air impurities.
Located in Vienna’s historic 1st district is Hotel Topazz, a prime example of eco-friendly hospitality. Surrounded by the city’s most acclaimed attractions, the hotel pays tribute to Vienna’s artistic heritage. The remarkable façade is inspired by a cylindrical silver vase embellished with oval amber stones by artist Koloman Moser. The interiors also pay homage to iconic Austrian artists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The combination of design and low-energy initiatives is unique for a hotel in the centre of the Imperial City. Heating and cooling is secured by a groundwater well and a mechanical ventilation system with heat recovery, and LED technology provides a nearnatural light spectrum throughout the hotel. The green approach is manifested in daily hotel operations: the Topazz Salon serves organic products from Austrian producers, including their own range of eco-friendly award-winning wine.
Marrakech, Morocco From the time it was brought back to life, AnaYela has followed sustainable design. The five-room riad, a 300-year-old city palace in the heart of Marrakech, was restored by hand—absolutely no electric tools were employed—by over 100 Moroccan artisans. Hotelier Andrea Kolb set out to create experiences “that truly touch the people” with the project, a mission that found expression in the support and preservation of traditional craftsmanship. In a bid to improve access to education through fair working wages, Kolb connected young international designers with local craftspeople, giving the latter global exposure and a successful sustainable model that saw 50 per cent of profits being reinvested into the community.
CROSBY STRE ET HOTE L New York City, New York, USA Kit Kemp’s signature style is reflected throughout the 11-floor, 86-bedroom and suite Crosby Street Hotel. The hotel is the first in New York to freceive a Gold Certification under LEED. During construction, hazardous site material was disposed of and all demolished material was recycled. Besides energy-efficient lighting, green power, and water use reduction, it has an array of integrated green features, from an urban vegetable patch on the rooftop supplying the hotel with seasonal produce, to a woodland meadow with 50 varieties of native plants. Inside, the furniture, fabrics and finishes are largely American-made, sourced regionally from home-bred designers like Philadelphian artisans Galbraith & Paul.
R . S . V . P.
That Night in PARIS
L IVE S O F T H E PA R TY The façade of Les Bains; frequent guests included Mick Jagger, as well as Catherine Deneuve and Karl Lagerfeld ( below right ).
B y D a n a Th o m a s
Carla Bruni and Naomi Campbell, above . Peter Beard, right . Left: The hotel’s new bar.
Linda Evangelista, at Les Bains Douches. Below: Jack Nicholson and Grace Jones.
GUEST RECEPTIONS Clockwise from left: The lobby; David Bowie and Iman; Loulou de la Falaise and Baron Guy de Rothschild, at a dinner party; a guest room at the hotel.
the old clock and David Rocheline frescoes over the entrance and turned what had been the coatroom into a small orientalthemed lobby with inviting leather sofas and the original chinoiserie stained glass windows that were discovered under an inch of grime and nicotine.
or the new restaurant, La Salle-àManger, Auer recreated Starck’s original black-and-white checkered tile dance floor accented with red leather chairs and banquettes. Star chef Philippe Labbé oversees the menu, which relies heavily on local ingredients, including honey from beehives on the hotel’s roof. Framing one of the two patios is an early 1980s mural by American graffiti artist Futura, which was also rescued during renovations. The hotel’s new 39 rooms, which run from 290 to 660 euros a night, are done up OCTOBER 2015
in tones of white and gray, accented with polished dark wood and curved auburn velvet sofas based on a design from Andy Warhol’s Factory. There are plenty of kitschy touches, like pop-colored rotary telephones (refitted with push buttons) and vintage-looking Marshall speakers that connect to smartphones. The suites have outdoor showers and indoor hammams—a nod to the building’s history. And all the artwork on display is for sale. Across the street there’s a boutique that carries specially designed Les Bains items, such as sneakers by Pierre Hardy; you can even order a sofa to go. The main draw, however, as in the old days, is the nightclub, which even boasts the old club’s most famously fierce doorwoman, MarieLine, who has been pulled out of retirement and parked out front two nights a week to decide who can come in. “Tonight it’s not possible,” she still might stay. Which means: Put on your sexiest Alaïa and try again another night, darling. «
ack in the early 1980s, when I was a model in Paris, there were a few great discotheques we liked to hit: Le Palace, L’Apocalypse, Régine’s, Castel’s. They were chic and shiny, filled with colognedrenched playboys and bejeweled jetsetters grooving to Michael Jackson, Rick James, and Kool & the Gang. But on the other side of town, in the rundown neighborhood of Les Halles, there was this multistory former public bathhouse from the 19th century that a then-unknown French interior designer named Philippe Starck had turned into a dance club called Les Bains Douches. We’d arrive around 11, dolled up in our sexiest Alaïa, and cruise past the fierce gatekeeper for dinner upstairs, where we’d find ourselves next to regulars such as Roman Polanski, Yves Saint Laurent, or Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall. Then, at around 1 a.m., we’d head down to the former baths in the basement, where there was a DJ playing brilliant alternative music, a bar, a small stage, and, in the back corner, a shallow mosaic tile pool filled with cool water. I can’t tell you how many nights we went home soaking wet. As the other clubs grew tired or closed, Les Bains Douches raged on, moving from alt-hip to legendary. Polanski recreated the bar for his 1988 film Frantic, and Joy Division recorded a live album in the club. Depeche Mode played there in 1981, and Prince put on two impromptu shows, in ’88 and ’92. In the early ’90s a young DJ named David Guetta starting spinning discs at parties. And the French fashion industry hosted its annual awards, the Venus de la Mode—by far fashion week’s rowdiest party—there. Eventually time caught up with Les Bains Douches, too, and it closed in 2010. But now it’s back. Jean-Pierre Marois, the son of the building’s longtime owners, has turned it into a stylish hotel and restaurant, with a smaller incarnation of the club in the basement, complete with a new pool (albeit in a different corner). Marois’s model for the new Les Bains (“Douches” was dropped) was the Chateau Marmont in Los Angeles. He wanted the same clubby atmosphere and retromodern look, but with a French twist, so he hired celebrated interior designer Tristan Auer, who is renovating the Hôtel de Crillon, to oversee the refit. Auer kept