Tutorial Power consumption and temperature data analysis In order to save energy, it is essential to have your power, heating and water consumption always under control. myGEKKO cuts down on your consumptions thanks to daily and monthly reports including respective costs, too. Through constant monitoring of the trend curve, you will easily find out the system's weak points causing an excessive energy consumption and promptly batten down the hatches. But there's more! myGEKKO makes it possible to carry out all kinds of analysis. For example, you will be able to compare the room temperature with the heating costs and the heating costs with the outdoor temperatures, or the irrigation system's water consumption with the number of rainfalls. This way you will get always informed about everything and you will be able to take an active part in making the necessary changes in order to improve your home's energy efficiency.
Settings: Here we will show you how to activate the trend recording on your myGEKKO and export the recorded data on your PC.
1. Data backup on myGEKKO Lists and trends must be saved on an external storage medium, such as a USB drive. Plug in a USB drive and login as configurator. Notice: The USB drive must be formatted with the file system “FAT” in order to be detected correctly! Open the menu Settings
and then “Data/Log”. Set ”MSTICK1” 1 as storage medium for the lists file and the trends file.
Create subfolders for the different categories, as in the example illustrated here "list" and "trend". If you don’t create any subfolder, myGEKKO saves the data in the main directory of the USB flash drive. In order to save the different temperature curves, activate the field “Temperature record” 2 . They will be stored in the folder of the trends file. Notice: Instead of saving the data on a USB flash drive, you can store them on a NFS service. The service can be located on a server, a PC or a network drive.
2. Data export for the evaluation on a PC It is possible to save the different recordings in chronological order on a PC and use them for customized evaluations. For this purpose, connect the USB drive with your computer and copy the folder of the lists file (named “list” in our example) and the folder of the trends file (named "trend" in our example) on your computer. Caution! You should NOT cancel the data from the USB flash drive. Reconnect the USB drive to the myGEKKO in order to allow the device to proceed with the recordings.
3. Use of the copied recording files As you can see in the copied folders, myGEKKO saves the trend data in the highly compressed ekn-format. In order to convert these .ekn files into the standard csv-format, you need the myGEKKO TrendyTranslator. Registered users can download this application from the website www-my-gekko.com.
After the file conversion, you can create all the comparisons and analyses you want. For example with Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc. The file naming is easy and structured in order to fulfil the requirements of every myGEKKO configuration. myGEKKO distinguishes between lists file and trends file. The values for each year are saved in a separate file. In the trends file you will find all the values which can be also displayed as curves on the screen. These files have the extension .ekn. It is possible to record e.g. the external temperature or an actual energy counter value every minute; afterwards, these values can be displayed as trend curves in a graph. The measurement unit of the recorded values always corresponds to the unit shown on the display. Below an example which shows the naming of the ekn-files for the single-room control:
As you can see, the ekn-files are numbered consecutively (2013 ER#.ekn), therefore the displayed name can be modified as you like. The lists file comprehends all the values which can be displayed on the screen as lists or tables. For example the min and max daily external temperature or the daily consumption of an energy counter. These values are saved as csv-files. The measurement unit of the recording corresponds to the unit shown on the display. Below an example for the first energy counter, here named “Current�:
Annex File list, myGEKKO trends file File name
Measurement unit
System or value description
#### All.Aussen.ekn
Weather station.External temperature
#### All.Wind.ekn
Weather station.Wind
#### All.Regen.ekn
Weather station.Rain
#### All.Lux.ekn
Weather station.Brightness
#### All.LuxO.ekn
Weather station.Brighness East
#### All.LuxW.ekn
Weather station.Brightness West
#### Moon.Azimut.ekn
Moon position.Direction
#### Moon.Elevation.ekn
Moon position.Height
#### Sun.Azimut.ekn
Sun position.Direction
#### Sun.Elevation.ekn
Sun position.Height
#### Energy.[0..n].ekn
according to the settings
Actual power of the energy counters
#### ER[0..n].ekn
Single-room control.Actual temperature
#### ER[0..n]_V.ekn
Single-room control.Valve position
#### ER[0..n]_S.ekn
Single-room control.Setpoint temperature
#### MK[0..n].ekn
Mixed circuit.Actual temperature
#### MK[0..n]_V.ekn
Mixed circuit.Valve position
#### MK[0..n]_S.ekn
Mixed circuit.Setpoint temperature
#### WW[0..n]_T.ekn
Buffer&boiler temp. up
#### WW[0..n]_B.ekn
Buffer&boiler temp. down
#### WW[0..n]_R.ekn
Buffer&boiler temp. request
#### WW[0..n]_S.ekn
Buffer&boiler temp. solar collector
#### HK1_T
First/main boiler Boiler temperature
#### HK1_V
First/main boiler Flow temperature
#### HK1_R
First/main boiler Return temperature
#### HK1_S
First/main boiler temp. request
#### HK0_T
Second boiler Boiler temperature
#### HK0_V
Second boiler Flow temperature
#### HK0_R
Second boiler Return temperature
#### HK0_S
Second boiler temp. request
(#### corresponds to year > 2013)
File list, myGEKKO lists file File name (## corresponds to year > 2013)
System or value description
Weather station - Register
Recording of all door movements
Daily report of the energy counters
Monthly report of the energy counters
Recording of all received and sent SMS
Read-off values of all M-BUS counters
As of: September 2013 All software-related descriptions refer to software V2022. We suggest to update the system for older versions. There can be small differences in the description due to software modifications.