Carlos Nunez Architect Portfolio

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.00 CONTENT .01 Profile

.05 La Purísima Market

.09 National Cinematheque Furniture

.02 Galerías Serdán. Mall

.06 La Purísima Kindergarten

.10 Línea MX. Furniture

.03 Av. Hidalgo / Iztapalapa. Urbanism

.07 Infonavit. Periférico - Hueso. Housing

.04 Las Vizcaínas Museum

.08 Evolution Jeans. Boutique



.01 PROFILE WORK EXPERIENCE | 2015 - present 2015 2014 - 2015 2013 - 2014 2012 - 2013 2012 2011 - 2012 2010

Línea MX - CEO / Founder / Architect ReHab Diseño - Designer Bandada! Studio - Chief Architect Liverpool Department Store - Chief Architect Max Kaiser Architectural Solutions - Project Manager Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo. Architecture Facuilty - Professor Pachuca’s Historical Downtown Headquarters - Chief Architect, mobility and accesibility designer XVI Panamerican Games - Sports Architecture Consultant EDUCATION |

2013 - 2015 Master in Future City Managers - Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña - Barcelona, Spain 2005 - 2010 Bachelor of Architecture - ITESO - Guadalajara, Mexico OTHER COURSES & WORKSHOPS | 2012 2010 2009 2008

Screenplay - Centro de Arte y Filosofía - Pachuca, Mexico Public Space & Urbanism - ITESO - Guadalajara, Mexico Photography Workshop by Paul Turounet - University of San Diego Architecture & Urbanism - ITESO - Moscow, Russia OTHER ACTIVITIES | Lecturer - Diez años de Arquitectura UAEH Lecturer - ENADII Arquitectura y diseño CEO / Founder - Non profit association for urban bike mobility “Actitud Bi-Sí”


.02 GalerĂ­as SerdĂĄn. Mall year

2013 - 2014


Puebla, Puebla, Mexico




Liverpool Department Store

Commercial track interior design, since the commercial and corporate requirements by Liverpool, the result responds to the architecture design made by TEN Arquitectos. The job responsabilities include supervision, architectural design and choosing the diverse furniture for all the interior areas.

*Images provided by Liverpool Department Store CNVARCHITECT

.03 Av. Hidalgo / Iztapalapa Urbanism year

2013 - 2014


Iztapalapa, Mexico City, Mexico




Bandada! Studio

Immediate action project which is part of the main strategies derivate from the urban regeneration plan inside Izatapala’s city zone, connecting the San Miguel Neighbourhood with the main area regeneration project developed by TEN Arquitectos. The public space design is based in the social participation model, where the project management is improved with the community to generate the different strategies around infrastructure, urban design improvements, and a lighting project designed by artec3 that allow to use the streets safely at full day and night times. The main project criteria is to transform the street section into a single level space in which sidewalk and street are joined to create a wider space for pedestrians, a lower speed lane and as a consequence the expansion of commercial activities and public space enjoyment. The project was selected by Mexican magazine “Obras” to receive the “Project of the year award” in 2014 CNVARCHITECT

.04 Las Vizcaínas Museum year



Mexico City, Mexico


in construction


Bandada! Studio

The Mexico City’s Model Museum is located in the former Vizcaínas Theatre in which the design responds to the need to place a giant model of the city that will provide unprecedented data about the urban and historic development of the city. The project concept was conceived around the existing theatre façade because of its context value, adding in the top a single volume built in similar materials but with a different texture that will give the building a contemporary look without keeping apart the historic value and the context. The museum interior, the purity of a white and wide space combined with pure materials as wood, concrete and stone give as a result diverse and versatile spaces, as the hall, that through time will have the chance to have flexible uses.


.05 La Purísima Market year



Iztapalapa, Mexico City, Mexico




Bandada! Studio

The design process responds to a second stage of the urban regeneration plan in Iztapalapa zone in which besides the façade design improvement, it will be adapted to the actual needs of the market. The construction process, as a essential part of the main design plan was made considering that the market should stay working while the construction was running, dividing the total design in three different stages. The first stage consists to generate a clean façade free of “extra” elements, which illuminate naturally the interior allowing also a straight access to any market corridor giving the original architectural program a better use.


.06 La PurĂ­sima Kindergarten year

location teamwork status

2014 Iztapalapa, Mexico City, Mexico Bandada! Studio built

The main design purpose in this brand new school is to generate a drastic change in the conditions and use inside a kindergarten in Mexico, multiplying by far the areas for education and recreation with a combination of mixed spaces, besides the design add skylights and patios that give to each single space natural illumination and fresh natural air from outside. As part of the Iztapalapa’s urban regeneration plan, this building which is made in a different location than the old school (was inside the market) suggest an innovative and suggestive image to the children that will cause a general change in the context, this building also accomplish all the international sustainable design requirements.


.07 Infonavit PerifĂŠrico Hueso year



MĂŠxico, D.F.




Bandada! Studio

In correspondence to the actual housing needs in Mexico, where the public space is a fundamental axis for social cohesion and development, the generation of collective ideas and a responsible education for the children, originated a project in an existing social housing complex availing the current inaccessible public space to grow into sport areas, ludic spaces and wider sidewalks that allow to walk all around the buildings.


.08 Evolution Jeans year



Ecatepec, Mexico, Mexico




Bandada! Studio

Evolution Jeans project arises by the client needs to create a totally new boutique concept for the existing brand in which was needed to change the old visual concept to attract new and different types of costumers, the new space needs to be contemporary, simple and cheap. The project was made using high resistance materials that wouldn’t require a continuous maintenance and seeming finishes that give the simplicity to the space allowing highlighting the products.


.09 National Cinemateque Furniture year



Mexico City, Mexico




ReHab Dise単o

The National Cinematheque restyle project developed by Rojkind Arquitectos and Mauricio Rocha, required a second stage project to develop the outdoor furniture and landscape design that will supplement the original design, all the designed pieces were made to inform, signpost or highlight some new aspects that are unknown inside the complex. The project was thought to look as a single design with the existing architecture, considering architectural features that were translated to a furniture design. Billboards, totems, calendar and signposting are part of this new image.


.10 Línea MX. Furniture year


location Mexico City, Mexico Starting with the research and study of the design shapes that are trending all around the world, and with the idea to reassess the local manufacture at the time to exalt the Mexico’s local materials arises Línea MX with a first furniture and object collection that suggests through basic shape lines combined with functional elements a new trendy Mexican design.


CARLOS NÚÑEZ VÁZQUEZ ARCHITECT contact t. +525512280990


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