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Self Improvement, motivation and inspiration does not always come easy. But I hope that you find in this e book a way to improve yourself gain a little motivation ans inspiration.
“What ever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Napoleon Hill
Best wishes in all you do! James “J.D.” Marshall
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Legalities: This book may be freely distributed and shared as long as no links are changed or disabled. We are in no way dispensing medical, psychiatric or psychological advice. Please consult a professional in the area of expertise that you desire or consult your family physician. Published by: James “J.D.� Marshall
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24 Qualities That Geniuses Have in Common The worlds greatest geniuses have all had 24 personality characteristics in common and you can develop the same traits yourself, says an expert. "Most people have the mistaken idea that geniuses are born, not made", declared clinical psychologist Dr. Alfred Barrious, founder and director of the Self-Programmed Control Center of Los Angeles and author of the book, Towards Greater Freedom and Happiness. "But if you look at the lives of the worlds greatest geniuses like Edison, Socrates, DaVinci, Shakespeare, Einstein, you will discover they all had 24 personality characteristics in common. "These are traits that anyone can develop. It makes no difference how old you are, how much education you have, or what you have accomplished to date. Adopting these personality characteristics enables you to operate on a genius level." Here are the Characteristics Dr. Barrios lists, which enable geniuses to come up with and develop new and fruitful ideas: 1. DRIVE. Geniuses have a strong desire to work hard and long. They're willing to give all they've got to a project. Develop your drive by focusing on your future success, and keep going. 2. COURAGE. It takes courage to do things others consider impossible. Stop worrying about what people will think if you're different. 3. DEVOTION TO GOALS. Geniuses know what they want and go after it. Get control of your life and schedule. Have something specific to accomplish each day. 4. KNOWLEDGE. Geniuses continually accumulate information. Never go to sleep at night without having learned at least one new thing each day. Read. And question people who know. 5. HONESTY. Geniuses are frank, forthright and honest. Take the responsibility for thins that go wrong. Be willing to admit, 'I goofed' and learned from my mistakes. 6. OPTIMISM. Geniuses never doubt they will succeed. Deliberately focus your mind on something good coming up. 7. ABILITY TO JUDGE. Try to understand the facts of a situation before you judge. Evaluate things on an opened minded, unprejudiced basis and be willing to change your mind. 8. ENTHUSIASM. Geniuses are so excited about what they are doing, it encourages others to cooperate with them. Really believe that things will out well. Don’t hold back. 9. WILLINGNESS TO TAKE CHANCES. Overcome your fear of failure. You won't be afraid to take chances once you realize you can learn from your mistakes. 10.DYNAMIC ENERGY. Don’t sit on your butt waiting for something good to happen. Be determined to make it happen. 11.ENTERPRISE. Geniuses are opportunity seekers. Be willing to take on jobs others won't touch. Never be afraid to try the unknown.
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This e book brought to by Confident Lifestyle 12.PERSUASION. Geniuses know how to motivate people to help them get ahead. You'll find it easy to be persuasive if you believe in what you're doing. 13.OUTGOINGNESS. I've found geniuses able to make friends easily and be easy on their friends. Be a ‘booster’ not somebody who puts others down. That attitude will win you many valuable friends. 14.ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE. Geniuses are generally able to get their ideas across to others. Take every opportunity to explain your ideas to others. 15.PATIENCE. Be patient with others most of the time, but always be impatient with your self. Expect far more of yourself than others. 16.PERCEPTION. Geniuses have their mental radar working full time. Think more of others' needs and wants than you do your own. 17.PERFECTIONISM. Geniuses cannot tolerate mediocrity, particularly in themselves. Never be easily satisfied with your self. Always strive to do better. 18.SENSE OF HUMOR. Be willing to laugh at your own expense. Don't take offense when the joke is on you. 19.VERSATILITY. The more things you learn to accomplish, the more confidence you will develop. Don’t shy away from new endeavors. 20.ADAPTABILITY. Being flexible enables you to adapt to changing circumstances readily. Resist doing things the same old way. Be willing to consider new options. 21.CURIOSITY. An inquisitive, curious mind will help you seek out new information. Don't be afraid to admit you don’t know it all. Always ask questions about things you don’t understand. 22.INDIVIDUALISM. Do things the way you think they should be done, without fearing somebody's disapproval. 23.IDEALISM. Keep your feet on the ground -- but have your head in the clouds. Strive to achieve great things, not just for yourself but for the better of mankind. 24.IMAGINATION. Geniuses know how to think in new combinations, see things from a different perspective, than anyone else. Unclutter your mental environment to develop this type of imagination. Give yourself time each day to daydream, to fantasize, to drift into a dreamy inner life the way you did as a child. 1980 National Enquirer/Trans world Features
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The Ultimate Secrets of Truly Effective Affirmation Song Chengxiang Affirmation has been used by successful people for centuries. It has helped many ordinary people achieve extraordinary results in their lives. It has turned many failures into successes. It has made many miracles happen in the history of human evolution. However, the majority of people who use affirmation find that it doesn’t work. Why is this the case? What are the elements that people have missed when they use affirmation techniques? I constantly ask myself these questions, and seek for the answers. The result is, no one book gives the complete answer. Some tips given in one book work for a specific situation, but not for others. Other books give other tips that work for other situations, but not for this. I have tested and filtered out the ineffective ones, and left only what I call the ultimate effective technique secrets. The purpose of affirmation: Before I give you the effective techniques, I must make you understand the true purpose of affirmation. Simply stated, the purpose of affirmation is to pass a command from the conscious mind to the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind has the ability, in anything it accepts as true, to do whatever it takes to turn it into reality. The purpose of an affirmation is to pass a message to the subconscious mind, and to make it believe the message is true. So this brings us to the first element of an effective affirmation. 1.The affirmation must be believable to the subconscious mind Most of the affirmations people use, fail at this first stage. They tend to give an unrealistic message to the subconscious mind, hoping for a positive response. If you are financially broke, and you say to yourself “I earn $100,000 per year”, is this believable to your mind? If your body is totally out of shape, and you say to yourself “I am very attractive”, is this believable to your mind? I doubt it.
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What if you are currently broke, and you want to make $100,000 per year? What if you are out of shape, and you want to make yourself attractive? I find the best and easiest way is to use the word “I choose” in your affirmation. Instead of saying “I earn $100,000 per year.” Say “I choose to earn $100,000 per year” Instead of saying “I am very attractive” Say “I choose to feel that people find me attractive” Do you feel the difference? 2.The subconscious mind seeks for proof There is a misconception that the affirmation must be repeated thousands of times before it can be installed in the subconscious mind. This is not necessarily true. You can use the repetition method to embed your affirmation, but there is an easier way. It is, at the time you find the proof, state your affirmation. Many people stay in poverty because they associate pain with money. Whenever they spend their money, they think of their bills, loans etc. This will automatically lead to ultimate pain. It is the feeling you attach to money that makes you rich or poor. How can we turn this to our advantage? Instead of feeling pain when spending money, what if we associate pleasure with it? Next time when you go out shopping, at the moment you take out your money or credit card, say this affirmation to yourself “I always have more than enough to spend.” See how you feel. This works because the subconscious mind sees the proof. As long as you have some money left in your pocket, this affirmation is always true, so the subconscious mind will believe it.
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This e book brought to by Confident Lifestyle How about if we combine the first and second methods together and make an affirmation like this: “I choose to feel that I always have more than enough to spend.” Say this at the time you spend your money. See how you feel. You don’t have to repeat it thousands of times, a few times of real life proof will make your subconscious mind believe it. 3.The affirmation must trigger feelings A fact about the subconscious mind is that it does not speak in words, you can only communicate with it through feelings, and emotions. There are two methods that you can use to trigger your feelings. The first method is to use words that involve feelings. Words like “fun, enjoyable, comfortable, delightful” will work effectively. The second method is to use imagination. Visualize that the situation stated in your affirmation has already come true. See yourself in that situation and feel the feelings. 4.The affirmation must obey the 3 P's factor. The 3 P's are Positive, Present Tense, and Personal. Affirmations must be stated positively. Instead of saying “I am not fat”, say “I choose to stay slim”. The reason for this is that before the mind knows the meaning of, “I am not fat”, it must think of what fat means first. So saying that statement will inevitably lead to the feeling of being fat. Affirmations must be in the present tense. Many books mention this. However, I only agree to some extent. If you say “I have a luxury car”, your mind will not believe you. The reason I include this here is that once it is combined with the first technique, it will work perfectly. Now say “I choose to have a luxury car”. Your mind will do its best to bring it into reality.
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This e book brought to by Confident Lifestyle Affirmations must be personal. Your subconscious mind only works for you, not for others. If you say “Ann loves me”, it will not be effective, because you have no control over Ann. Now say “I choose to feel that Ann really loves me”. This time you are in control, because you can control your own feelings. 5.Personal development affirmations should be stated in the comparative “I am confident” may not be as effective as “I am becoming more and more confident”. An even better affirmation might be “I choose to feel more and more confident”. The reason for using the comparative, is because there is no end to how much more confident you can become. Otherwise, your mind may think you are already confident enough, and it will not need to do any more work. These 5 techniques are the most effective ones that I have found from my research on affirmations. If you can use all the 5 techniques, I guarantee your results will be amazing. Even if you only use one or two of the techniques stated here, you will find your affirmations will become far more effective.
"The greatest discovery of my generation is that man can alter his life simply by altering his attitude of mind." William James
Sculptor3 Affirmation Goal Setting Motivational Software
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The Easiest Way to Achieve Happiness Song Chengxiang People always think that what they want is money, relationships, and material possessions, but what they truly want is happiness. Wealth, health and relationships are just the rewards of being happy. Happiness is a state of vibration that is in harmony with the universe. As you already know, the same frequency vibrations tend to attract each other, so the vibration of happiness is going to attract more wealth, better relationships and better health, since these things are going to add more happiness to your life, and they are in the same vibration. If you go after money, you may not get it, but if you go after happiness, money will flow to you. The same applies to relationships and health. I believe the ultimate goal in life is to achieve a state of well being, or we can simply say happiness. Is there an easier way to achieve happiness? The answer is Yes! and I am now going to show you how. I have learned one phrase from Dr Wayne Dyer, that I will never forget. The phrase is "How may I serve?". Dr Dyer said that before his seminars, he always meditates, and repeats the phrase as a mantra "How may I serve... How may I serve?". He never brings any notes with him, and when he speaks, the words just keep flowing to him. He knows exactly what to say, and what to teach. Dr Wayne Dyer is one of my favorite role models. He has achieved great success in almost every area of his life. I believe the one single most important element in Dr Wayne Dyer's success is this mantra "How may I serve?" Ask yourself now "How may I serve?". This is the key to ultimate happiness and fulfillment in life. I would like to share some of my own experience.
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The most enjoyable thing in my life at this stage is writing articles that can make a difference to the quality of people's lives. Whenever I finish writing an article, I feel positive energy throughout my body. I sometime get puzzled myself! Where does this information come from? How do I write so many articles, having thousands of people read my articles every week? I have finally realized the secret is within this phrase "How may I serve?". Every time I write an article for my newsletter, I sit in front of my computer, and ask myself "How may I serve? How may I serve?". Strangely, the ideas come, and I put my fingers on the keyboard, and words just start flowing. I didn't understand how this process works, until one day I realized that the information does not come from me, it comes from God (or the Higher Intelligence), I am only a channel for the information to flow. I am a channel that God has created to serve the world. Because that is what I am here for, when I am serving, I feel positive energy, and I feel happy. I have learned that my life purpose is to serve, and I think this is applicable to everyone. This is what God wants me to learn, this is also what God wants you to learn. You will only feel truly fulfilled once you realize this truth. "Your life purpose is to serve". I am sure you have heard that "If you seek happiness for yourself, it will always elude you, if you seek happiness for others, you will find it for yourself." I know this is why every time I finish an article, I feel so happy, because I know that my article is going to benefit thousands of people, and it is going to change the world to some small extent. Maybe 90% of people will not take any action after they read my articles, this is the nature of human beings, but I know as long as they read them, their awareness will be expanded, and they will see a difference in the long run. For that less than 10% of people who do take action, I know my words are going to change their lives for the better. What a great thing I am doing! I am proud of it. I feel very happy about it.
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This e book brought to by Confident Lifestyle So starting from today, find ways to help other people. Find some way to serve. You will get addicted to it, because it is so enjoyable helping others. Your help is going to change people's lives. I often receive emails from my subscribers asking me for help. Can you imagine how happy I am after I’ve answered their questions? I know that this person's life is going to change for the better just because of my words. How wonderful that is! Here is a secret I want you to know... The person who benefits the most is not the one you give service to, but yourself. You may find it sounds strange, but this is true, and it is governed by the universal law of cause and effect. Anything you cause others to experience will come back to you, and multiplied. If you cause others to experience love, you will find more love in your life; if you cause others to have wealth, you will have more in your own life; if you cause others to succeed, you are guaranteed to succeed. This is the law of the universe, and it never fails. So, whatever you want to experience in your life, cause others to experience it first. This is the most powerful way to attain your own desires, and the easiest way to achieve happiness.
Dr. Wayne Dyer's 10 Secrets Listen to Wayne's dynamic lessons delivered with audio from HIM!
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An Easy Way To Attain Your Desires Song Chengxiang There is a hard way to get what you want, and there is an easy way. Which one do you choose? The answer is obvious, everybody wants the easy way, but most people are not even aware of the existence of the easy way. Most of us have been told, since the moment we were born, that in order to succeed in life, we have to work hard and struggle. It has been said "no pain, no gain". For most people, life is just a long series of struggles. If that is what you are feeling, I have good news for you! There is an easy way, which will lead to your ultimate destiny in the most stress free manner. Listen carefully, because this is going to determine whether your life is fulfilling, happy and stress free, leading to a high quality of life. Here is the ultimate secret of the universe: "Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at will change." Pay special attention to these words. Really think about what they mean. Yes, I hear what you are saying. You have heard it a million times. Everybody knows it. If this is what you are thinking, I must warn you not to take these words lightly. I can tell you 90% of people read these words, and don't understand what they truly mean. You can tell by simply watching their lives. If you are not living a happy, fulfilled life RIGHT NOW, I can tell you, "You are not truly understanding these words�. Then let's get down to a deep understanding of this golden rule of success.
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This e book brought to by Confident Lifestyle As I have discussed in my earlier articles, we are living in a material world, which is made up of molecules, which are made up of atoms, which in turn are made up of subatomic particles. We have also discussed that these subatomic particles act at our commands, they come into existence only when we observe them. Let's see what scientists say about these amazing building blocks of this world. The subatomic particle is a kind of wave packet, which can be in the state of wave and particle simultaneously. We describe a particle by its location, and we describe a wave by its momentum. However, the subatomic particle can exist as a particle and a wave at the same time. This sounds very counterintuitive, but it is true. Either the subatomic particle becomes a particle or it becomes a wave, it depends on how you measure it. If you decide to measure it by its location, it instantly becomes a particle, if you decide to measure it by its momentum, it instantly becomes a wave. It all depends on how we measure (or how we observe) it. Deepak Chopra in his new book, "Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desires", describes a thought experiment by Erwin Schrรถdinger. Imagine you have a closed box that contains a wave-particle, a cat, a lever, and a bowl of cat food with a loose lid. If the wave-particle becomes a particle, the particle will trip the lid, and the cat will eat. If the wave-particle becomes a wave, the lid will remain on the food. When we open the box (making an observation), we will either see an empty bowl and a happy cat, or a full bowl and a hungry cat. It all depends on how we observe. Before we open the box, the bowl is both empty and full, and the cat is both fed and hungry. Both possibilities exist at the same time. Deepak says "It is the observation alone that turns possibility into reality." The whole point is that the basic building block of the material world acts at our command. At the very moment of our observation, it comes into existence. We are the creator of our world. Nothing exists without our observation.
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This e book brought to by Confident Lifestyle How does that relate to manifesting your desires? Well, it has everything to do with manifesting your desires. Why does our life seem like a struggle? Why don’t we get the money we want? Why don't we get the relationship that we have always desired? Why is our life is filled with a long list of never ending problems? All these are because of our habitual way of observing the world. We have been conditioned that what we are seeing is reality, and we continue to live this way and continue to observe the same things happen in our lives. Let me tell you, your reality is not reality. Only you choose and observe it to be your reality. As soon as you realize your own observation is the cause of everything, then you can literally decide to create another reality. You can decide to observe another reality into your world, only when you choose to. How do you do it? First, don't let your outer world delude you, this is not necessarily the reality. Secondly, observe exactly what you want in your mind, observe it with certainty and clarity, and then let it go, knowing that you have already created your desires at the quantum level. You simply let the universe arrange for it to come to you. When the opportunities come, don't forget to take action and express your gratitude. Everything begins with your change of the way you look at your world. Remember "Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at will change." Deepak Chopra Ultimate Collection
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The Power of feeling good Song Chengxiang Today I am going to share a powerful lesson that you can use to immediately achieve any success you want in your life. And I promise you that if you do what I suggest you do, your success is guaranteed. You will have everything you want in your life and enjoy the total fulfillment that you deserve. Remember this… there is no limit to what you can have, be and do. Every thing you can imagine, you can achieve. And you are going to find out how to do it now... Feeling excited? Let’s play a “what if” game. What if you could ask 100 of the most successful people in the world whether there was a single magic secret to success? What if they told you there was? What if they all gave you the same answer? Are you willing to do what they suggest you do? Well I don't know what they will tell you, but I do know, from years of studying the most successful people, that there is one single most important factor that contributes to more of their success than any other factors combined, and anyone can use it to achieve his success no matter who he is, or what his current conditions are. You must be eager to know what this secret is. Let me tell you now. Listen Up! The single most important factor for successful people is simply feeling good. If success is really that simple, then why are so many people struggling? That is a good question. We have been taught that in order to achieve something, we have to suffer first. It has been said, no pain no gain. But I tell you this ...That is ABSOLUTELY false.
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Look at the life of a highly successful person. Is he suffering, is he struggling? If he is, then I can assure you that he is not successful in the area that he is struggling against. He may look successful in a certain area, but very unsuccessful in others. Have you ever seen a multimillionaire who is suffering from bad health? Why does that happen? He has all the money he needs to hire the best doctors in the world, why is he still suffering from ill health? Here is what‘s really happening… He is highly successful financially, because he feels really good about himself in the financial area; he is unsuccessful physically, because he feels bad about his health. The point I want to make is this. If you notice someone who is extremely successful in one area, then you will be certain to notice he feels great about himself in that area. He has been conditioned to feel good in that area, just like most people have been conditioned to struggle in some areas of life. If you are still not convinced, perhaps you can think of it this way. How do you define success? It is certainly not just about setting a goal and achieving it. That is important, but it’s only part of the story. Success in my definition and in most successful people's definition is about enjoying a state of well-being in every moment of our existence. It all comes down to a state of feeling good. You may not agree with me, you may consider success as having a million dollars in your bank account; you may consider success as being famous as a public figure. Then let me ask you a question: “why do you want a million dollars?”, or “why do you want to be a famous person?” If you think hard about this question, you will find that all you want is simply to feel good.
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This e book brought to by Confident Lifestyle Here is the big mistake that most people make. They think they are going to be happy once they get that million dollars, they think they will be happy once they become a superstar. But when they reach that goal, they feel a moment of excitement, and finally they realize that that is all there is. And then they set a higher goal, and wish they will be happy once they reach that goal. They will never be happy as long as they don’t change their approach. Then what is the right approach? Since your ultimate goal is to feel good, then why not choose to feel good right now? How do you do that? It is simply by choosing to feel good at this moment. It is as simple as that. People have spent great amounts of money searching for techniques and strategies to make them successful, but they forget that the most powerful tool is the most fundamental; it is simply feeling good. You may say "it is easier said than done, how can I feel good if I am broke?" If that is how you think, here is my answer to you... There are only two kinds of feeling we experience every day. One is feeling good, and one is feeling bad. Good feelings send a powerful signal to the universe, and through the law of attraction, you will attract people, circumstances and events to match your state of feeling good. Bad feelings also send a powerful signal to the universe to bring back people, circumstances and events to match your state of feeling bad. Have you seen that? Feelings are the causes, conditions are the effects. You cannot get away from being broke if you are feeling bad. You only reinforce the cause. So begin to feel good one way or another, no matter what conditions you are in.
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This e book brought to by Confident Lifestyle At the moment you choose to feel good, amazing things will happen. If you don't believe me, try it. You have nothing to lose.
Instant Positive Attitude. How To Quickly Adjust Your Attitude
Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same. Francesca Reigler
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The Power of Appreciation Song Chengxiang There is a powerful force within each one of us that you can use to overcome any obstacles, no matter how bad the situation is. Once you know how powerful this force is and how it works, you will never have to worry about anything in your life, no fears, no worries, and no anxieties. Life becomes an easy and fulfilling process. You start to enjoy your life; you start to enjoy every moment of your existence. Are you getting excited about knowing what this power is? The powerful force that I am making reference to is “The power of appreciation.” Yes, it is the power of appreciation. If you want to win, and win big in life, you have to know the power of appreciation, and you have to know how it works, and live by it. This is the secret weapon that you can use to win the battle of life, no matter how bad your current circumstances are. Don’t let its simplicity fool you. Just this one simple idea will completely change your life. O k, let me make a clear statement, let it enter your subconscious mind. “No matter what circumstance you encounter, no matter what situation you are in, you always have the choice of finding something to appreciate in it, and you can immediately change your point of attraction at that moment!” Remember, the quality of your life is determined by the quality of this moment. And you have a choice in every moment. You can choose to feel depressed and unhappy, or you can choose to find something to appreciate, and change your point of attraction immediately. OK, now you ask “How can I find something to appreciate?” Let’s do a simple exercise…
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This e book brought to by Confident Lifestyle Stop whatever you are doing now, find something right here that you can appreciate. Go ahead, find something. Have you got it? If you haven’t, let me remind you of something. No matter who you are, and where you are, I can assure you that you at least have one thing to appreciate, just because you are reading this. Have you got it? Yes! You got it… It is the Internet! How wonderful it is that we can have access to the Internet and find literally any information we want in minutes. Now, stop for a moment, and really feel it. What does that make you feel? Think about how fortunate you are, compared to those people living in third world countries where they don’t even have a computer. Hold on to the good feeling for a few seconds, really feel it. If you can keep it for 17 seconds, your life will dramatically change. I guarantee you. This is just an example to demonstrate how you can find something to appreciate anytime and anywhere. It is actually very simple, it only takes a few seconds here and a few seconds there, and your life will never be the same. You will find yourself full of energy and happiness. Appreciate the food that you eat, appreciate the air that you breathe, appreciate the sunshine, appreciate the relationship that you are in, appreciate the room that you are sitting in. Appreciate everything. Well, you may say “The food that I eat is not as good as what the rich eat”,“the air that I breathe is not as good as the air in another city”, “the relationship that I am in is not as fulfilling as it should be”, “the room that I live in is not as big as I want”. Maybe all these are true, but it is true only because you have chosen to perceive it this way. And the important thing is you can perceive it in a different way right at this moment. O k, think about the food you are eating. DO you know there are millions of children in Africa who do not have enough to eat?
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This e book brought to by Confident Lifestyle Think about the relationship that you are in. Don’t you remember that last time your partner gave you a hug when you were facing a major challenge? Don’t you remember all the wonderful things that your partner has done for you over the years? Instead of focusing on what he/she did wrong, why not focus on what he/she did right? More importantly, appreciate him/her; appreciate what your partner has done for you. So you get my point, there are always positive and negative aspects to any circumstances or any people, you can either focus on the negativities and blame what is wrong, or you can choose to appreciate the positive aspect and what is right. This will make a big difference to the quality of your life. I have to repeat, don’t let the simplicity of this idea fool you, practice appreciating here and there, and you will find miracles in your life.
An Effective One Week Plan To Eliminate Negativity And Accelerate Your Life.
There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread. Mother Teresa
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The Fastest Way to Manifest Your Desires Song Chengxiang Is there a way to change your life condition, and manifest your desires at the fastest possible speed? YES! Definitely! There is a secret that can make you manifest your desires in the fastest possible way you can imagine. I am going to share this secret with you now. Once you master it, and apply it to your own life, you will never experience struggle again. Your life will become magic. You can easily create the success you want; you can fulfill any desires in your life. Are you ready to know what this secret is? Here it is... "The fastest way to manifest any desire is to think, speak and act as if it has already come true." You may have heard of this in many different ways, but you have never found a way to implement it into your own life. This is because you have never considered how powerful it is, and so you doubt it, and don't see the necessity for any action. Let me now help you to clear away your doubt, so that you can use it with 100% confidence, and produce 100% results. Before I do, I am going to say a few words on the concept of truth. "Truth is powerful". Truth is a universal law, it's unchangeable, it has its own organizing power within itself. As long as you know the truth, your level of awareness will automatically increase, and will never fall back again. Once you know the truth, you will totally shift your own perception, and you will see the world very differently. Your life will never be the same again. Our entire life is seeking for the truth. Some people are luckier, they easily discover the truth, and so they can enjoy a stress free life based on the truth.
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Other people spend their entire lives struggling, but never find the truth. Actually, truth is simple, you only need someone to tell you, and you will immediately recognize it and wonder why you never thought about it before. I am now going to share a few simple truths behind this principle. 1. YOU already have what you want. You may have heard that “Before you ask, it is already given to you”. Have you ever thought of what this really means? You may think that this is another religious belief, but from a scientific point of view, it is absolutely true. What it really means is that everything you desire, or anything you can possibly imagine, already exists in the cosmic field of all possibilities as a form of energy. The entire universe is a huge ocean of energy. This means you and I and everything else on this planet, including money, house, cars, or even the ideal soul mate you are looking for, are energy. What you may not know is that this energy acts on the command of the higher intelligence, which governs the entire universal system. What you may also not know is that you are part of this intelligence; you have every quality of the higher intelligence. Therefore you have the ability to command the energy field. You can create literally anything you can imagine out of this cosmic energy field. Remember “You are the creator of your own life.” Since what you want is already given to you, it makes absolute sense to think, speak, and act as if all your desires have already come true.
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2. Feeling is the language of higher intelligence. Since you are part of higher intelligence, why don’t you see any evidence that you are creating the life you desire? Why does life seem a never-ending series of struggles? Why is your life still full of worries and anxiety? If you have any of these feelings, this is exactly the answer. What you feel, you create and manifest. The universe will never disappoint you. Whatever you ask for, it will give to you. The problem is, the universe does not speak English, or Chinese, or any other languages used by human beings. However, there is a universal language built into our body system even before we were born. This language is universal; so the universe can communicate with any one of us. This language is our feeling and emotions. We have been communicating with higher intelligence every single second since the minute we were born. The universe provides us with everything we ask for according to our command. It is the ignorance and misuse of this powerful language that gives us so much struggle and unhappiness. Think about it, if feeling is the language you speak to the universe in, when you struggle, and feel unhappy, what will the universe respond with? It has no choice but to fulfill your command by giving you more struggle and unhappiness. It always satisfies you. Now you understand, no matter how miserable your current condition is, you must stop feeling miserable and unhappy, because if you don’t, you are telling the universe that you want more misery and unhappiness. Instead, “Think, speak and act as if all your desires have already come true”. This will trigger the feeling that is consistent with your desires, hence pass your command into the universe, and bring it into reality with effortless ease. The universe will never disappoint you, only you do. Be careful what you feel, because you will attract more of it.
3. The universe will take care of the details Now I am asking you to “think, speak and act as if your desires have already come true”. You may ask me how you are going to do it. Free e books on Self Improvement and More
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You don’t have to worry, you will know exactly how at the exact right time and the right place. The universe will take care of all the details. Your job is to tell the universe what you want through the universal language of feelings and emotions. Your emotion is a kind of energy with a certain frequency. It will go into the cosmic energy field, find the exact energy that matches the frequency of your emotions, and bring it forth to you in the form of a book, a mentor, an opportunity, or a group of supporting people. It will find exactly what you need, but that is the job of the universe; it is already guaranteed by the universal law of attraction at the moment you send out your emotion. The only thing you need to do is to focus on you heart’s desires, feel what you should feel, see what you should see, hear what you should hear, even smell what you should smell if your desires have already come true. Let the universe orchestrate all the details. I hope by now you have already cleared your doubt. It is absolutely necessary for you to "think, speak, and act as if all your desires have already come true". This is the fastest way to bring it into reality. Song Chengxiang is the author of popular on line e books "Rapid Manifestation" and "The Lost secrets of Manifestation". His words have helped thousands of people greatly change the quality of their lives and manifest their true desires easily and effortlessly. He has recently developed a powerful mind programming system- Quantum Mind Power, with a top brainwave entrainment Engineer Morry Zelcovitch. Check out this amazing new system and get a FREE 5 part Quantum Mind Power e course at
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Create A Vision You Can Be Excited About - Setting the Structure to be Unlimited by Beth Tabak "A pile of rocks ceases to be a rock when somebody contemplates it with the idea of a cathedral in mind." Antoine de Saint-Exupery The expansion of an idea into a vision that inspires action adds up to achievement. Everything created began with an idea that was developed into a vision that inspired action. In 1962 John F. Kennedy had a vision voiced like this, "We choose to go to the moon in this decade‌". About a year later Martin Luther King (MLK) expressed his vision which included, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." It seems every Olympic Gold Medal winner's journey at some point clarified the vision that they could win an Olympic gold, and the greatest works of architecture came from contemplation. Learn the benefits of an unlimited vision that you can be excited about and how to begin creating that vision by reading on. 5 ways a vision helps produce what you want: 1- Unlimited Results- Bill Gates had a belief that the computer would be a valuable tool on every office desktop and in every home. This became the early vision for Microsoft. I wonder how much slower Microsoft would have developed if his original vision was limited. A vision expands the possibilities. 2- Focus & Guidance- A clear picture of the end result helps you maintain focus on what is most important. Thoughts direct actions so it makes sense that holding a vision of what will make the greatest positive impact will help guide your actions in the direction that will make the greatest positive difference. 3- Manifestation- The creation of something valuable begins with an idea nurtured towards realization. Visions are not always manifested in our time frame. MLK's vision has not been fully manifested, yet monumental strides continue to be made towards it. Imagine how many would have suffered if his vision was small. A vision sets the intention for the manifestation of what you want. 4- Motivation- An inspiring vision based on who you are motivates daily into action. The vision can be based on: ~ a talent such as a singer who has a vision to win American Idol, ~ a cause such as Peace Pilgrim who walked for 28 years and over 25,000 miles to bring about peace, ~ a passion such as a gardener who wants to develop a landscape business, ~ a strength such as a sales person who can sell a Mets jersey to a Yankees fan to be Salesman of the Year for his/her company. 5- High quality decisions- Being clear about what is most important long term can help you make better decisions when new choices and opportunities present themselves. Free e books on Self Improvement and More
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Getting Started Creating Your Own Vision ~ If there were no excuses, what dream job would you pursue? ~ List 5 things that you do not want to regret at age 85? ~ Create a wish list of 101 things you want to do before you die? ~ What is the best use of your strengths, talents, skills, and passions packaged together? ~ Create a Vision Board- Cut pictures out of magazines that speak to you personally, add words, quotes, numbers, etc. to your vision board and put it where you will see it daily. Notice how what you want begins to show up. Close your eyes and experience your vision with all of your senses as if it has been achieved. This is important. Make it as vivid as possible. Add color to the picture, make it bigger or closer, and experience it emotionally. As Joseph Murphy stated so simply, "we go where are vision is." Decide your aim…starting now! Copyright 2007, Beth A. Tabak, All rights reserved. Beth Tabak of is 100% committed to small business coaching & personal life coaching. Beth coaches big thinkers to be unlimited, stand out in the crowd, and experience the vastness of their capabilities. She is also a speaker and writer. Stop by to say "hello" and see what all is available to you. Article Source: Banish Mind Spam: Four Steps For Deprogramming Self-Limiting And Self-Sabotaging Beliefs
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Count Your Chickens Before They've Hatched. The Self Improvement Gym At some stage in your life, you've probably been told not to count your chickens before they have hatched. You were probably told to not get your hopes up and to not expect too much - just in case you might be disappointed. For most of us this, or some variation of it, was told to us over and over again by well meaning, but ill informed people. From an early age the idea of staying in an emotional "safe zone" was instilled in most of us until it eventually became belief systems that now control our behaviors. We live in a culture were the predominant psychology is based in fear. The fear of loss drives and motivates most people's decisions and behaviors. From this mindset the culture invented mechanisms to protect itself and saying like "don't count your chickens before they've hatched" is but only and illustration of how the culture prepares and "grooms" us from an early age to settle for the lowest denominator. "Go for the lowest and easiest to make sure that you at least get something." "Don't expect too much, just in case you don't get anything at all." From this mindset we loose all our power; the power that is born in the belief that we are indeed worthy of all the success and all the abundance that we can possibly dream of. Expectation is indeed one of the most powerful resources that you possess. An intense anticipation can transform possibility into reality. One of the biggest reasons why most people never get to live their dreams is because they lack the motivation to follow their dreams. The real purpose of a goal is to act like a directional mechanism that guides your life in a specific direction. A strong and exciting goal has the power to motivate and inspire you. When you fuel this goal with expectation you set in motion an unstoppable force that will give you that internal drive that will enable you to create virtually anything you desire. When you count your chickens before they've hatched you create a sense of excitement and enthusiasm that has immense power to motivate you. Success and achievement are rarely the result of your ability but rather the product of your motivation; of your ability to consistently take action on your dreams and goals. Expectation is not the same as hope. Most people hope that one day they will get what they really want or that one day they will get lucky and all their dreams will come true. Hoping is nothing but a weak prayer. Hoping always includes success and failure while expectation is solely fixed on one single outcome. When you count your chickens before they've hatched you nurture your expectation; you make it stronger and most importantly, you make it real. It is a fixity of purpose where no one or nothing can throw you off course. When you create that intense feeling of expectation you not only imagine having what you want but you start to create the feeling of already having it.
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This e book brought to by Confident Lifestyle Whatever you expect with certainty will become your own self fulfilling prophecy. We all long for certainty on some level. For most people certainty comes from seeing and experiencing things before they "believe" it. This is why they keep re-creating and experiencing the same old things over and over again. When you use your mind, your emotions and your imagination to create the certainty within you, then anything is possible. Expectation goes beyond hoping. You want to be like the little kid on Christmas who knows that he's getting a new bike, but he has to wait until Christmas morning before he can actually feel and touch it. Have you ever ordered something really exciting and then had to wait for it in the post? You knew you were going to get it and you anxiously await the moment of delivery. You anticipate the moment where the image in your mind's eye becomes real and where you can touch it, even though the imaginary experience felt just as real. This is what expectation really is. It is getting excited in advance. It is feeling the feelings in advance. It is the most powerful motivator there is. Expectation, fueled by emotion, acts like a vacuum within you. It is like a thirst that forms a burning desire that you will do anything to fulfill. This is when your "should haves" become "musts" and when it is a must you will get it. With expectation you can start to transform your perception of life, especially your life. Because you no longer hope for what you want, you expect it to come along any second. There are no more doubts and no more hoping. There is only a knowing and a feeling of certainty. When you know something you can stop doubting and questioning. Now, every situation becomes an opportunity to receive your goal. Every person becomes a player in the process and every problem becomes a stepping stone towards the realization of your dreams. You have that certainty that the outcome is resolved and that you are merely in the process; waiting for "Christmas morning" to come. You have to let go of the mentality that is based on the fear of loss; the mentality that is grounded in the belief that you are not worthy of having it all. Let go of the beliefs that you might be disappointed when you give it your all and it doesn't work out. All they do is to lock you up in a world where you never even "try" just because you might not make it. If anything you want to overestimate your abilities. Over estimate your capability. When you feel like you are running up a hill that is too steep, don't turn back and run down hill. Instead, up the prize for getting to the top. Make the reward more compelling and you will find within yourself a strength that was previously unavailable. This is how you access your real resources, those resources that lie asleep within you waiting to be called upon. Nothing of significant value has ever been created without enthusiasm. Do whatever it takes to "count" your chickens; whatever it takes to create the feeling of already having it. If you have goals you need to start living them and the way you do that is to build your expectation. Do whatever it takes to create the feeling of already having it. Make it real. The legendary musician, Jackson Browne once said that whenever he gets nominated for an award he always expects to win, even when he is the underdog. He always prepares a victory speech. What is your victory speech? How can you prepare for what you desire most from life? What can you do to make it real? Most people plan to fail by never expecting to succeed. Remember that your results will rarely exceed your expectations.
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Deon Du Plessis is the creator of A Course of Action, a free e-course designed to empower you to break through your limitations, take action and transform your ideas into reality. Visit The Self Improvement Gym for more self improvement and personal development insights and resources. Article Source:
Stop Procrastination and become a person of action
How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. Anne Frank
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Dream works by Cheryl Hammer Sometimes we feel we’re ‘stuck’ in life, and maybe even feel a little confused about what we really want to do in life. It isn’t impossible to figure it out, and one way of accomplishing this is by interpreting your dreams. We dream about one to four hours every night, and if we take the time to do the work, these dreams can be deciphered, allowing us to connect the dreams to our inner needs. When dreaming, the subconscious part is telling our conscious part what it is that we need to work on. Even though dreams tell us what we need to do, dreams use imagery, not logical thoughts, to convey messages to us. It is suggested that we write ourselves notes on cards, telling ourselves that we are going to remember a dream tonight, and keep looking at that note, throughout the day. It may also be a good idea to hang it by the clock, or somewhere that we are bound to see it several times a day. We should also have a notebook, or a recorder, by our bedside. When we wake up, and the dream is fresh in our mind, we write it down quickly. Try to remember the details, as these are usually crucial. First, write down the first image that we see. This could be a person, object, situation, color, sound, or speech. Then determine how we feel about it. Does anything come to mind when we see the image? Usually the image will inspire several associations. We then need to decide which of these associations we feel strongest about, or has the most energy. Focus on one that really “clicks,” or has the most energy. We must try to connect the dream to our inner selves what part of us feels like that. If we then write down the parts of our lives that correlate with the dream, this will help to interpret the meaning behind the dream. The next step is to try to “honor” the dream by talking about it, re-analyzing and basically just trying to figure out what our subconscious part is telling us.. Usually it is best to try to interpret the dream in parts, and then putting the parts together, to get the whole picture. This is called dream integration, and is a crucial to figuring out what our dreams truly mean. This usually cannot be done very quickly.
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Keep in mind that dream images are associations, and those associations are parts of our inner selves. These parts need to be put together, and understood, before they can be used to help further our personal growth and understanding of ourselves. Author: Cheryl Hammer My Website: Article Source: How to interrupt your dreams
Nothing happens unless first we dream. Carl Sandburg
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Motivation - The Defining Moment Of Self-Improvement by Jordi Shoman For any aspect of self-improvement, there has to be a reason for you to start and keep going. That is your motivation - the reason for doing what you do. In order to attempt any sort of improvement in your life, you need to be motivated in some way to get started. Strategies for self-improvement start with defining what it is you want to achieve and then charting a course through which you can effect the improvements or changes. These do not have to be drastic changes - they could be something as simple as making time for yourself to write in a journal each day or something to improve your health, such as quitting smoking. Motivation comes from within. It is something that you want to do for you. This is what keeps you going, getting up each day and going off to work. Children are often the motivating force behind parents saving money, when they would ordinarily blow it on something frivolous. You know that you will need money for your children's higher education or to give them the extras that they want, such as toys and brand name clothing. This is the reason that you work each day, maintain a home and spend time enjoying each other. If you don't have something to look forward to or see some sense of gratification in what you do, then there is no motivation to get doing it. Just meeting with colleagues helps you get a sense of who you are and your place in the world. Socialization, confidence and improvement are three main aspects of life. When you enjoy life, you can be motivated to achieve great things. Achievement does not have to be something that everyone recognizes. It can be something as simple as learning to make a quilt or to use a saw to create beautiful woodwork. The end result is the feeling of accomplishment that you have in yourself. Article Source: 101 Short Motivational Stories To Beat The Blues And Turn You On Positively!!
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Meditation 101 J.D. Marshall Meditation refers to a state where your body and mind are consciously relaxed and focused. Practitioners of this art report increased awareness, focus, and concentration, as well as a more positive outlook in life. Meditation is most commonly associated with monks, mystics and other spiritual disciplines. However, you don’t have to be a monk or mystic to enjoy its benefits. And you don’t even have to be in a special place to practice it. You could even try it in your own living room! Although there are many different approaches to meditation, the fundamental principles remain the same. The most important among these principles is that of removing obstructive, negative, and wandering thoughts and fantasies, and calming the mind with a deep sense of focus. This clears the mind of debris and prepares it for a higher quality of activity. The negative thoughts you have – those of noisy neighbors, bossy officemates, that parking ticket you got, and unwanted spam – are said to contribute to the ‘polluting’ of the mind, and shutting them out is allows for the ‘cleansing’ of the mind so that it may focus on deeper, more meaningful thoughts. Some practitioners even shut out all sensory input – no sights, no sounds, and nothing to touch – and try to detach themselves from the commotion around them. You may now focus on a deep, profound thought if this is your goal. It may seem deafening at first, since we are all too accustomed to constantly hearing and seeing things, but as you continue this exercise you will find yourself becoming more aware of everything around you. If you find the meditating positions you see on television threatening – those with impossibly arched backs, and painful-looking contortions – you need not worry. The principle here is to be in a comfortable position conducive to concentration. This may be while sitting cross-legged, standing, lying down, and even walking. If the position allows you to relax and focus, then that would be a good starting point. While sitting or standing, the back should be straight, but not tense or tight. In other positions, the only no-no is slouching and falling asleep.
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This e book brought to by Confident Lifestyle Loose, comfortable clothes help a lot in the process since tight fitting clothes have a tendency to choke you up and make you feel tense. The place you perform meditation should have a soothing atmosphere. It may be in your living room, or bedroom, or any place that you feel comfortable in. You might want an exercise mat if you plan to take on the more challenging positions (if you feel more focused doing so, and if the contortionist in you is screaming for release). You may want to have the place arranged so that it is soothing to your senses. Silence helps most people relax and meditate, so you may want a quiet, isolated area far from the ringing of the phone or the humming of the washing machine. Pleasing scents also help in that regard, so stocking up on aromatic candles isn’t such a bad idea either. The monks you see on television making those monotonous sounds are actually performing their mantra. This, in simple terms, is a short creed, a simple sound which, for these practitioners, holds a mystic value. You do not need to perform such; however, it would pay to note that focusing on repeated actions such as breathing, and humming help the practitioner enter a higher state of consciousness. The principle here is focus. You could also try focusing on a certain object or thought, or even, while keeping your eyes open, focus on a single sight. One sample routine would be to – while in a meditative state – silently name every part of you body and focusing your consciousness on that part. While doing this you should be aware of any tension on any part of your body. Mentally visualize releasing this tension. It works wonders. In all, meditation is a relatively risk-free practice and its benefits are well worth the effort (or non-effort – remember we’re relaxing). Studies have shown that meditation does bring about beneficial physiologic effects to the body. And there has been a growing consensus in the medical community to further study the effects of such. So in the near future, who knows, that mystical, esoteric thing we call meditation might become a science itself!
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10 Tips For Spiritual Growth by Remez Sasson Spiritual growth is the process of inner awakening, and becoming conscious our inner being. It means the rising of the consciousness beyond the ordinary existence, and awakening to some Universal truths. It means going beyond the mind and the ego and realizing who you really are. Spiritual growth is a process of shedding our wrong and unreal conceptions, thoughts, beliefs and ideas, and becoming more and more conscious and aware of our inner being. This process uncovers the inner spirit that is always present, but hidden beyond the ego-personality. Spiritual growth is of great importance for everyone, not only for people who seek spiritual enlightenment and choose to live in far away or secluded places. Spiritual growth is the basis for a better and more harmonious life for everyone, a life free of tension, fear and anxiety. By discovering who we really are we take a different approach to life. We learn not to let outer circumstances influence our inner being and state of mind. We manifest composure and detachment, and we develop inner power and strength, all of which are very useful and important tools. Spiritual growth is not a means for escaping from responsibilities, behaving strangely and becoming an impractical person. It is a method of growing and becoming a stronger, happier and more responsible person. You can walk on the path of spiritual growth, and at the same time live the same kind of life as everyone else. You do not have to live a secluded life in some far away place. You can raise a family, work or run a business, and yet at the same time engage in practices that lead to inner growth. A balanced life requires that we take care not only of the necessities of the body, feelings and mind, but also of the spirit, and this is the role of spiritual growth. 10 tips for spiritual growth: 1. Read spiritual and uplifting books. Think about what you read, and find out how you can use the information in your life. 2. Meditate for at least 15 minutes every day. If you do not know how to meditate, it is easy to find books, websites or teachers who can teach you meditation. 3. Learn to make your mind quiet through concentration exercises and meditation. 4. Acknowledge the fact that you are a spirit with a physical body, not a physical body with a spirit. If you can really accept this idea, it will change your attitude towards many things in your life. 5. Look often into yourself and into your mind, and try to find out what is it that makes you feel conscious and alive. 6. Think positive. If you find yourself thinking negatively, immediately switch to thinking positively. Be in control of what enters your mind. Open the door for the positive and close it for the negative.
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This e book brought to by Confident Lifestyle 7. Develop the happiness habit, by always looking at the bright side of life and endeavoring to be happy. Happiness comes from within. Do not let your outer circumstances decide your happiness for you. 8. Exercise often your will power and decision making ability. This strengthens you and gives you control over your mind. 9. Thank the Universe for everything that you get. 10. Develop tolerance, patience, tact and consideration for others. Spiritual growth is the birthright of everyone. It is the key to a life of happiness and peace of mind, and the manifesting the enormous power of the inner spirit. This spirit is equally present within the most material person, and within the most spiritual person. The level of the manifestation of spirituality is dependent on how much the inner spirit is close to the surface, and on how much it is covered and hidden, by thoughts, beliefs and negative habits. Š Copyright Remez Sasson Remez Sasson teaches and writes on positive thinking, creative visualization, motivation, selfimprovement, peace of mind, spiritual growth and meditation. He is the author of several books, among which are "Peace of mind in Daily Life", "Will Power and Self Discipline", "Visualize and Achieve" and "Affirmations - Words of Power". Visit his website and find articles and books filled with inspiration, motivation and practical advice and guidance. Website: Books: Peace of Mind in Daily Life
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Quotes for you to enjoy What this country needs is more people to inspire others with confidence, and fewer people to discourage any initiative in the right direction more to get into the thick of things, fewer to sit on the sidelines, merely finding fault more to point out what's right with the world, and fewer to keep harping on what's wrong with it and more who are interested in lighting candles, and fewer who blow them out. Father James Keller Never allow anyone to rain on your parade and thus cast a pall of gloom and defeat on the entire day. Remember that no talent, no self-denial, no brains, no character, are required to set up in the fault-finding business. Nothing external can have any power over you unless you permit it. Your time is too precious to be sacrificed in wasted days combating the menial forces of hate, jealously, and envy. Guard your fragile life carefully. Only God can shape a flower, but any foolish child can pull it to pieces. Og Mandino The trouble with so many of us is that we underestimate the power of simplicity. We have a tendency it seems to over complicate our lives and forget what's important and what's not. We tend to mistake movement for achievement. We tend to focus on activities instead of results. And as the pace of life continues to race along in the outside world, we forget that we have the power to control our lives regardless of what's going on outside. Robert Stuberg The toughest thing about success is that you've got to keep on being a success. Irving Berlin If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain. Maya Angelou Things alter for the worse spontaneously, if they be not altered for the better designedly. Francis Bacon
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This e book brought to by Confident Lifestyle Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced. James A. Baldwin
Action and reaction, ebb and flow, trial and error, change - this is the rhythm of living. Out of our overconfidence, fear; out of our fear, clearer vision, fresh hope. And out of hope, progress. Bruce Barton Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change. Confucius We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance. Harrison Ford We live in a moment of history where change is so speeded up that we begin to see the present only when it is already disappearing. R. D. Laing Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal. Arthur Schopenhauer
You must be the change you wish to see in the world. Mohandas Gandhi
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Grandpa's Lesson by James “J.D.� Marshall I had just joined a new group in which I had to write "my story" and "my vision" for my profile page. This is a group dedicated to becoming successful and the story had to fit that. This is the first time I have every written these facts down, although I have shared it verbally with others. Between the smiles and the tears, this is the what I wrote. When I was just a young man, my grandfather taught me a lesson that I have never forgotten. My grandfather hired me to mow his lawn one day. The pay, a bright shiny dime. Now to a young man that was a lot of money and would buy a bagful of candy. The lawn was large. The day was hot and humid. Not a cloud in the sky to offer any relief from the sun. After an hour or two, I had only half the lawn mowed, which was great considering that I was using an old push mower. You may remember the type, it worked by manual labor, no gas or electric engine. The blades spun around the faster you pushed it. Well I was beat by then and ready to call it a day. I was wanting to get to the store and spend my dime. "Grandpa, I'm done! I yelled entering the house, "Can we go to the store now?" "Wash your face first sonny boy" he replied. "So you did all you are going to do then? he asked. "Yes grandpa, I'm done." So off to the store we went. Was I ever excited, picking out everything I liked. "O k grandpa, I'm ready to pay, can I have my dime? Reaching into his pocket, grandpa pulled a dull looking nickel out and handed it to me. Frowning now I look up at my grandpa and say "Grandpa you said you would pay me a dime, but you only gave me a nickel." Patting the top of my head and giving me a little smile he said "let this be a lesson for you." To this day I have never forgotten what he said next and I quote him verbatim. Free e books on Self Improvement and More
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"Son when you promise to do a job and you do only half the job, you will only get half the pay." He then said "Son if a man pays you an dollar an hour, work for him as if he was paying you two dollars, if he pays you for forty hours, you give him fifty." "Son do you now understand why you are only getting a nickel?" With a tear in my eye, I looked up at him "Yes grandpa I do." Walking back to the candy aisle, I put all the candy back and told grandpa that I was ready to go back and finish the job. The silent ride back to the house, gave me time to think long and hard. Without a word I pulled the old lawn mower out and went back to work. Once the mowing was done and not wanting to face grandpa yet, I grabbed the rake and went back out to finish what I started. What seemed to be hours later, the job was done. Silently entering the house, I went in and took a bath and changed my clothes. "Grandpa, I'm done now. Grandpa, where are you? I called out. "In the kitchen sonny boy, come on in here" he replied. Walking into the kitchen, I saw grandpa sitting at the table which was sat two big glasses of lemonade, a plate of sandwiches and a brown paper bag. "Sit down and eat sonny boy, you worked hard today and you need to eat." After eating in silence, I looked up at grandpa with tears in my eyes again "Grandpa, I'm sorry about today." "Sonny boy, no need to be sorry" he said as he stood up and turned his back to me. Reaching into his back pocket he pulled his handkerchief out and dabbed at his eyes. "You made me very proud of you today" grandpa croaked out. "Sonny boy, you are going to be a great man, because you listen and learn." Finally turning back to face me, I saw grandpas eyes were red and glistening.
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This e book brought to by Confident Lifestyle Pushing the brown paper bag that was sitting on the table towards me he says "Here is your bonus" and pulling a quarter from his pocket "Here is your pay." Oh yes, I still have that quarter. My Vision: To be as great a man as my grandfather. Thank you Grandpa, Your Grandson,
What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance. They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, lessons in life. And, most importantly, cookies. Rudolph Giuliani
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I hope that you found this little book of my favorite articles and quotes useful and that you found some benefit from it. Please feel free to share this with everyone. Visit my blog http:/ For more Self Improvement Articles Visit My Free e Book Download site Full of Free Self Improvement e books Legalities: This book may be freely distributed and shared as long as no links are changed or disabled. We are in no way dispensing medical, psychiatric or psychological advice. Please consult a professional in the area of expertise that you desire or consult your family physician. Published by: James “J.D.� Marshall
Free e books on Self Improvement and More
This e book brought to by Confident Lifestyle
Of course I had to share with you my favorite picture of Albert Einstein. I feel that it goes to prove that you can have fun in life no matter what your status, genius or background is. Have fun and enjoy life! J.D.
Free e books on Self Improvement and More