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Internship application

CV Carlos Enrique Vera Muñoz Cenrique.vera@gmail.com Santiago, +56 9 74544302 06.04.1992 Chilean nationality

Educational background 2016

FAUP, architecture, urbanism and landscape faculty | Central University, Chile Architecture Graduate, currently sixth year of Architecture


FAUP, architecture, urbanism and landscape faculty | Central University, Chile Licensed in Architecture


Architecture faculty | University Santo Tomas, Colombia Student exchange


FAUP, faculty of architecture, urbanism and landscape | Central University, Chile Pre-degree in Architecture


Scientific-humanist high school | San Adrián, Santiago, Chile

Competitions 2015

Participation in the public competition Town hall Papudo, Valparaíso-Chile


Participation in the internal competition “Usual spaces for the Faculty of architecture, urbanism and landscape” Central University of Chile First place


Participation in the competition “Workshop XIX chilean architecture biennale” Valparaiso-Chile First place in the category “Urban analysis” First place in the category “Urban landscape”


Participation in the first competition of underground architecture CTES “Preliminary design of an underground square like extention of public space” Representantative school of architecture Central University of Chile


Participation in the internal competition “School of architecture Central University of Chile module’s for the XVIII chilean architecture biennale” Honorable mention

Scholarships and awards 2013

Student mobility, Santander Bank


Academic excellence, Central University

Activities / Assistantship 2016 2013-2016

Academic practices 2012

Social practice Consultant “Gestion Social”


Construction practice Builder “Paihuen”


Professional Office practice Architecture studio “SWARQ”


Workshop in eight semester Assistantship, FAUP Popular school Paulo Freire Tutor

Skills AutoCAD Sketch Up Vray

Artlantis Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator

Languages SPANISH

Native language


Level intermediate

Microsoft Office Plotter printing






Diving School


Craft Brewery


Urban WorkShop


Multiple – faith space _10 Architecture and symbolism


Architecture and symbolism


Common Spaces


WorkShop Bienal


PROFESSIONAL _24 Landscape design project PERSONAL



Batuco House




Every project developed during my academic stage reveals the role of architecture oncontemporary cities, focusing on demographic growth and t he lack of public recreation spaces.Now, during my sixth year of studies and approaching the culmination of my academic pursuits, Iunderstand our discipline’s vital role in facing these challenges and the part an architect must takein Chilean society and elsewhere, where both cultural frailty and demographic crisis are alsofound. On these contexts, public space is vital as a medium of social expression and multiculturalmanifestations. Knowing this, I personally know I must delve deeper on t he following topics duringmy next professional stages: Contemporary Cities Nowadays, humanity is living a crucial moment. During 2015, urban city dwellers outnumberedthei r rural counterparts for the first time, generating an important challenge on public spaces,housing and the eternal friction between public and private that must be faced by our discipline. Interdisciplinary challenges Teamwork is fundamental in generating creativity and innovation. A multitude of focal points, ofdifferent experiences, enriches projects. The democratization of architecture With this, I’m referring to an architecture for and by everyone, a discipline that is both inclusiveand integrative, applied to a multitude of education and social levels. This is, perhaps, the answerwe must take to pursue further development as a society. My personal interest lies on the constant search to perfect our cities and make then more f riendly,kinder and healthier, solving the friction between public and private entities via impactful cityprojects that integrate the user with the urban system in a constant flux.



Assignment The request for this exercise start between the experimentation with the formal aspect of the project and the relation between the singular and traditional activities of the place with the new activities and relations that comes with the proposal choosen by the student.

Diving School Year Workshop Place Mentor Score

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2012 Level 2 Quitay, Valparaiso, Chile Javier Bize 6.5 of 7.0


Architectural Propose The proposal is a Diving School, where the architecture gets in friction with the wave motion. The most important act is defined as “Swim�, thats why the Project generates different spacial experiences focusing on every user of the Project. Spaces for the tourist and spaces for the expert divers concentrating all in one proposal.

Section A


Section b

Craft Brewery. Year Workshop Place Mentor Score

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2012 Level 3 Neighborhood Italy, Santiago, Chile Javier Bize 5.8 of 7.0

Architectural Propose The Project try to give a solution to the limited public spaces of the location giving a new public space with the intention of build a “transfer� on the block. The Project is limited by a low and residential scale and also has the intention of bring a new productive use.

First Floor

Second Floor The formal aspect of the Project is defined by 3 singular elements. The elements are 3 cilindrical beer barrels located in a strategic way to give order to the Project, one of them is worked as a sculpture and is located at the center of the main plaza.


Exposition and Cosmopolitan Handicrafts Centre

Urban WorkShop Year Workshop Place Mentor Score

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2013 Level 6 Recoleta, Santiago, Chile Marcelo Reyes 5.8 of 7.0


This urban pro ject seeks to rescue the cu ltural richn ess of Santiago ’s cosmopol itan ne ighb orhood,reco gnizin g the val ue of patrimon ial buil dings a nd reus ing it, making them a boon for theneighbor hood and the place they occupy. New use cases are also suggested, for example as aboulevard and as open zones for concerts and open air events.

Section A

Section B

Section C

Planta Urbana

Longitudinal section project


We propose the following plans: Handicraft Fairs, exposition centres and recreational spaces.

Plane of shadows

Urban plan


Multiple– faith Space

Underground architecture Year Workshop Place Mentor Score

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A Multi-Faith space is a phenomenon that arises throughout democratic processes and socialclaims that empower subcultures, ethnic and religious minorities that share urban realities.Thus, places with great ability to convene and remarkable autonomy are taken into account, in anurban context that involves an important number of habitants of multiple ethnicities and religions.

2014 Level 7 Metropolitan Park, Santiago, Chile Luciano Basauri 6.5 of 7.0

Urban plan


Longitudinal section

A good example is Parque Metropolitano (Metropolitan Park), as it allows for reflection,meditation and cult. Our project involves incorporating faith into the public and transversal natureof the park, taking into account its natural landscape.

Floor 1

Floor -1

Cross section



Floor 2


Floor 3

Environmental and symbolic recovery


The assignment calls for the valorization of a specific terrain that manifests great symbolism andrelevance through an architectural urban project. We propose Muisca, an indigenous architecturalwetland near the center of Tunja, Boyacá, Colombia.

Architecture and symbolism Year Workshop Place Mentor Score

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2014 Level 8 Recoleta, Tunja, Colombia Mauricio Niño 6.5 of 7.0

Section A – A´’

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3

Urban plan


03 The wetland, “Poso de Donato”, is supplied by the Duitama river, that composes and, at the sametime, divides, the place’s urban landscape. During the winter, though, it devastates it.As a solution to this, floods are taken into account, making the river floodable.

Floodable archaeological park

This way the water required to the lagoon is obtained, where a settler for the treatment of the same is located.


In the river bed inflatable rubber locks are installed, which will automatically deflates in case of large floods of the river.

06 Underground Architecture Year Workshop Place Mentor Score

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2015 Level 9-10 Independencia, Santiago, Chile Oscar Godoy 6.0 of 7.0

Plaza Chacabuco Sports Centre This proposal plans to improve this Centre by taking advantage of social and morphologicalconditions like its direct relationship with Hipódromo Chile (Chile’s Hippodrome) and thedeterioration of its public space. This can be resolved with an urba n level i ntervention: a park thatextends from the interior of the buildi ng an d ends o n Plaza Chacabuco (Chacab uco Square) as asocial and commercial pole. This plac es the project on an intermed iate that fuses with the newurban landscape.



Urban plan

Floor 1

Floor -1

Floor -2

Longitudinal section

Longitudinal section

Natural Ventilation and illumination via skylights that allow natural light to pass throughon the project’s intermediary zone, while the gym area is lit by vertica l skylights. Wepropose, as a heat island (caused byphysical activit y) reduction measure, to ventilatethem with a “chimney effect”, taking advantage of the skylights. Cross section


Environmental sustainability Natural Ventilation and illumination via skylights that allow natural light to pass throughon the project’s intermediary zone, while the gym area is lit by vertical skylights. Wepropose, as a heat island (caused by physical activity) reduction measure, to ventilatethem with a “chimney effect”, taking advantage of the skylights.

Details 1

Vegetal and habitable fifth façade, incorporating the vegetative cover on the project togive continuity to the park from the interior of the building. Also, condition this area tomake it habitable, making it a refuge for the flora and fauna in the middle of the city.

Details 2


Details 3

1 Traslucent cover 2 Habitable cover 3 Green Roof 4 Steel Pavilion Water pool 5 Concrete core 6 Steel Pavilion Sport 7 Access level 8 Semi-Olympic pool 9 Public walkway 10 Multi sports field 11 Climb wall 12 Underground transport conection Exploded



Common Spaces


Competition “Usual spaces for the Faculty of architecture, urbanism and landscape” Central University of Chile Year Team

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2015 Iraci Leffa, Felipe Gomez, Carlos Vera FAUP, Central University

Assignment The principal assignment is to reinforce an old pavillion with a new use. The proposal has to preserve and activate the existent object with the misión to conserve the main cole ctive activities and at the same time give a value to the meaning of the pergola for the community. Proposal: Coffe and Exibition gallery. The proposal is conceived by a new Wood platform that extends to the exterior spaces of the pérgola giving a new perimeter activation. In an interior action, the project gives a new ceiling made of wood and fol ding doors trying to build a new physical permeability.

Planta Urbana

Corte Transversal

Planta 1er Nivel

Corte Longitudinal



WorkShop Bienal Year Team

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Proposal The project idea comes from the study of the identified conflicts, eventualities associated to fires, earthquakes, mud slides, diseases related to middens, and also in terms of everyday emergencies like paving issues, fireman dry systems and social spreading spaces. Imitating a lighthouse on the shore, we propose a community device with the objective of becoming a landscape landmark that provides a safer, public and common experience of the place

2015 Angel Canepa, Pedro Solar, Jesus Chiquipoma, Carlos Vera Architecture Bienal, Valparaiso, Chile

Request We seek to develop a project in the Valparaiso region that it is important and real in the social and territorial context, is identified a problematic and evidencing in the project.




T 04

Landscape design project


Year : Professional : Internship Project :

2015 SWARQ, hospital architecture


Curico, Chile


Curico Hospital

Landscapen plan specific

La labor en especifico, fue desarrollar un proyecto de paisajismo que beneficiase tanto a la comunidad como a los usuarios del hospital, es por esto que se definieron dos recorridos, uno directo a los accesos del edificio y otro mas orgรกnico para el paseo diario de los pacientes. Por otro lado las especies vegetales, se definieron en consulta con un experto y ubicadas dependiendo las zonas de circulaciรณn y permanencia, generando en ciertas zonas mayor follaje y en otras mayor color y ornamento.

Landscapen plan




Batuco House


T 04

Architectural project, Disigned and built Year Place Area

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2016 Batuco, Santiago, Chile 130m2


Universidad Central

Architecture School

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