2021-22 President's Report

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These students radiate intense learning engagement and focus—the hallmarks of a Carlow student—even through a pandemic and from behind protective masks. The transformative power of a liberal arts education at Carlow is lighting the way and empowering students to dream big—while at the same instilling social responsibility and a desire to work for the good of all humankind.

Brave Legacy. Bold Vision. 1 President’s Message 2 2021 Enrollment 5 Apprenticeship HUB 6 Grant Funding 11 Widening Horizons thru Travel Abroad 10 Grant Funding 12 New Graduate Health Sciences Programs 13 HRSA Tuition Assistance 14 McAuley Ministries Grants 16 Transformative Roundtable in Ireland 18 Madwomen in the Attic 20 Re-Envisioning Workforce Development 21 Office for University Advancement and Alumni Engagement 22 Celebrating Generosity 24 Trustees, Advisory
& Cabinet 44 2021-22 Financial Highlights 45

Inspired by Sisters of Mercy founder Catherine McAuley’s BRAVE LEGACY and steeped in Mercy values, Carlow University is advancing a BOLD VISION of transformative educational experiences for a diverse group of learners. ✺ Carlow’s right-size and nimble, hands-on faculty and administration enable us to pivot quickly in our drive to create innovative programs and initiatives that meet unique and ever-changing student needs. ✺ Graduates leave Carlow empowered to excel in their chosen fields as compassionate, ethical, career-ready leaders who realize their own potential while also enhancing their communities through their commitment to a just and merciful world.


Carlow University, rooted in its Catholic identity and embodying the heritage and values of the Sisters of Mercy, offers transformational educational opportunities for a diverse community of learners and empowers them to excel in their chosen work as compassionate, responsible leaders in the creation of a just and merciful world.


Carlow University will be a preeminent, innovative Catholic University renowned for providing transformational learning experiences in which students realize their full potential and become careerready ethical leaders committed to a just and merciful world.


Mercy | Hospitality | Service | Discovery | Sacredness of Creation

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Our 2021-22 school year has been exciting, enlightening and rewarding. I am honored to continue advancing the mission of Carlow University—a community dedicated to the rich history of the Sisters of Mercy and devoted to student success, both while they’re here and after they’ve graduated.

The outpouring of support and positivity has been humbling during this past inaugural year serving as the 11th president of Carlow University, an institution with a BRAVE LEGACY and enduring values that align with my own. I’ve learned a lot through the meetings I’ve had with our various constituents—from board members, students, faculty and staff to civic, business and community leaders, donors, and strategic partners. These learnings served as the foundation for reimagining Carlow’s BOLD VISION that will power us toward the future.

With a commitment to shared governance, our faculty, staff, administration and board are moving Carlow forward together. Carlow’s heritage of Mercy values and academic excellence is at the forefront as we collectively evolve our efforts to affect positively the lives of our students, transforming them to meet the needs of an ever-changing world. The Carlow University community actively looks to unite students with educational opportunities they otherwise may not have had and to see them across the finish line as they earn their degrees and achieve their dreams.


Steeped in Mercy values and solidarity of purpose, our University is unique in our student recruitment goals. Carlow proudly seeks to be the most inclusive in meeting 21st century student needs and building a just and merciful world that values each person.

Committed to building innovative pathways that prepare our students for successful careers through a faculty dedicated to teaching excellence and experiential learning opportunities, Carlow helps each student become the person they want to be—always with an eye for building the workforce of the future that will serve the communities where they live.

We see significant growth potential for our Early Childhood Center given the demand for quality child care and the need for Early Childhood Education teachers across the region. I hope you enjoy the story on page 6 about our unique Apprenticeship HUB program— a transformational educational model which benefits families, our students and, ultimately, our society.

“ Carlow proudly seeks to be the most inclusive in meeting 21st century student needs and building a just and merciful world that values each person.”

Carlow is forging partnerships that allow us to expand our programming options more quickly. Among the new undergraduate students coming for fall 2023, I look forward to welcoming those enrolled in our new Public Health, Esports Business Management and Computer Science programs.

I also am pleased to say that Carlow will be working hard to engage with young people who have aged out of the foster care system, offering them opportunities currently unavailable in the region. More than 1,100 youth in Pennsylvania age out or leave the foster care system at age 18 each year. One fourth of them will be arrested after leaving care and nearly half will not complete high school. Nearly half will not have found a job within four years of leaving the system. We want to change those statistics.


We are proud of the flexible learning options we provide which make it possible for working adults to gain or refresh skills that will improve their employability or promotability. We’ve made our degrees more accessible by designing stackable certificate programs that allow students to build their degrees over time. Additionally, as you’ll read on page 21, we are partnering with employers, such as Highmark Wholecare, to tailor upskilling programs that meet the needs of their workforce.

Our investment in four graduate health sciences programs is aligned with the significant demand for speech language pathologists, physician assistants and occupational and physical therapists. I am grateful for the legislative support Carlow received which helped us secure a $1 million state grant. As a result of our generous donors and a Redevelopment


were first in their family to complete college.


were Pell Granteligible.

* Of Carlow’s 2022 graduating class


were from communities of color.

Assistance Capital Program (RACP) grant, we were able to renovate the sixth floor of our Antonian Hall to create a new, stateof-the-art Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy Teaching & Learning Center, which opened this fall.


For lifelong learners, we offer opportunities such as our Master of Fine Arts degree that allows professionals who took a different path—such as teachers, lawyers, surgeons, and more—to later pursue their passions. Our MFA program is renowned for its unique collaboration with Trinity University in Dublin, Ireland, to mentor our student writers and poets, fostering a different vantage point on what they can achieve. To learn more about how we leverage our Irish heritage to reinforce the relevance of our Mercy values, read our story on page 18.

We’ve set lofty goals for outcomes, rethought our policies and committed to letting the best kept secret of Carlow University out of the bag. Carlow is making a difference—we’re changing people’s lives in ways that help our world to become an even better place

And you’re changing lives too! Your reach goes farther than you could ever imagine. A gift to Carlow helps open the door of hope to a student’s future success—which leaves a lasting legacy of change in the lives of future generations.

Thank you for your support!



Increase awareness and understanding of the Carlow brand across the region so that people know us and understand who we are by the niches we have created.


Create an academic experience that prepares students to meet the needs of the 21st Century. 3

Create a student experience that helps students develop holistically. 4

Provide an outstanding work experience for our faculty and staff. 5

Build on our position as an institution recognized for ethical leadership that promotes and executes a social justice agenda. 6

Enhance processes and systems to work seamlessly and help us to execute, be more decisive and lead the institution in a cohesive manner. 7

Create new revenue streams that will bring in new resources and reprioritize existing resources to thrive financially while excelling in our niches and growing our brand awareness.

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2021 ENROLLMENT Total Headcount: 2,055* UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS: 1,247 Traditional: 782 (754 full-time, 28 part-time) Adult: 465 (199 full-time, 266 part-time)
women 15% men
from PA
from Allegheny County
from out of state GRADUATE STUDENTS: 738 Master’s: 654 (521 full-time, 133 part-time) Doctoral: 84 (53 full-time, 31 part-time)
women 11% men
Includes Carlow nursing students on St. Vincent’s campus: 70 RETENTION RATES For first-time, full-time, degree-seeking undergraduates of all ages who started in Fall 2020 and returned for Fall 2021: 75.9% CAREER PLACEMENT AND ENROLLMENT IN GRADUATE SCHOOL For students who graduated between August 1, 2019, and July 31, 2020 Outcome rate for job seekers:
98% Master’s: 97%
rate for graduates seeking
education: 80%
students receiving Institutional Aid for the
5 Visit Carlow.edu/facts
61% Traditional: 93%


Apprenticeships, which are commonplace for careers in the building trades, now are now being applied to early childhood education through a new, pioneering program at Carlow University. The early childhood education workforce has been a traditionally underserved population. The Apprenticeship HUB is making higher education more accessible to child care workers by opening barriers to school enrollment and degree attainment for working adults in the field.

Launched in 2018 and bolstered by a $1 million private grant in 2019 and a $1 million grant and $1 million endowment from The Heinz Endowments in 2020, the Western Pennsylvania Early Childhood Education Apprenticeship HUB was approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor as the state’s first four-year early childhood apprenticeship program.

“This program provides opportunities to diversify the child care and teaching workforce and improve educational quality, while recognizing the value and contribution of each working professional,” said Susan Polojac, director of the Early Childhood Apprenticeship HUB. “It will serve as the model for programs across the state and is expected to help improve child care workforce retention, increase child care quality and boost teacher diversity—all of which are key to future success for Pennsylvania’s children.”

The Apprenticeship HUB provides support to help current child care workers attain their degrees, which will increase the quality of child care across the state. Students in the program complete 24 credits of their degrees on the job with the support of mentors and coaches. Additional courses can be completed in the evenings and online to accommodate working adults, and a one-month paid practicum in an elementary setting provides invaluable field experience needed in pursuit of Pre-K to 4 teacher certification.

In addition, students receive free access to a professional lending library of course materials, textbooks and digital media tools, as well as the ability to borrow early childhood materials and resources. They also receive free tutoring and career and academic support services for coursework and preparation for required certification tests to help ensure student success.

Teaching young children is the most important work one can engage in. Teachers are agents of change who are needed to instill values of humanity, compassion, empathy and love of learning in each child they are privileged to teach.”

We are grateful to the bold vision and inspirational leadership of Dr. Rae Ann Hirsh, the visionary and creator of the Apprenticeship Hub program, who passed away in September 2022. Her legacy will live on through this unique student pathway she helped create to meet our region’s great need for quality early childhood education.”

Years after graduating from community college with an Early Childhood Associate Certificate, Bri Fitzgerald thought she might be done with school forever. She loved her job as a pre-K teacher and the idea of traditional school never appealed to her. That all changed when she applied for funding and enrolled in Carlow University’s Early Education Apprenticeship Program in fall 2021.

“I feel supported 100%,” says Bri. “Everyone at Carlow has impacted me in their own way. They share their own stories, and they inspire me because I want to help people at a higher level, too. Now, I encourage my colleagues to continue their educations.”

But Bri’s favorite part about the Apprenticeship HUB is the way the program is set up. From tailoring every semester’s course load to fit into Bri’s schedule of work, parenthood and dancing for the Steel City Angels, to the options of different class models, Bri’s courses have looked completely different from her last college experience.

“Everything has been so much easier—the teachers know we are in school but also understand that we have lives outside of school, and that is so important.”

For someone who at one point wasn’t quite sure how to fit school into her schedule, Bri is already on track to begin a master’s program as soon as she finishes her bachelor’s degree. “I went from ‘I’m done with school’ to ‘I can’t get enough of school,’” she says.


For Deanna Lucas, expanding her education past her Childhood Development Associate (CDA) credential felt like a lofty goal. Between her fulltime teaching job and two kids, she didn’t believe she would ever find the time to pursue a degree. Plus, it had been more than 12 years since she’d been a student and she wondered if she’d be able to handle it all.

After putting the idea off for a few years (and thanks to some persistent encouragement), Deanna enrolled in Carlow University’s Early Education Apprenticeship Program in August 2021 and has never looked back. “I was nervous because I didn’t believe in myself,” Deanna says. “But now I get more excited with every class I take. This is the best I’ve ever felt.”



With an expected graduation in 2025, Deanna has the ability to take her time through her classes and directly apply the lessons to the one- to three-year-olds she works with in Washington County as lead teacher of an early Head Start classroom.

But her favorite part of the program has been the people. “My mentors at Carlow have been a great support—always quick to reply to emails and questions, always asking about my life and encouraging me,” says Deanna. “When I’m having a hard time, they remind me to take a step back and tell me I’m doing great.”

For someone who has been around kids her whole life, Deanna’s outlook toward teaching children has always been to learn something new every day. And, thanks to Carlow University, Deanna is fulfilling her personal education goals while simultaneously applying her curriculum to her current students. “Knowing I will leave this program with a bachelor’s degree is the greatest accomplishment of my life.”


Jamel Hazlip had been working in infant and toddler care for years before she earned her CDA two years ago through CCAC. And she might have stopped her education there had it not been for Carlow reaching out to the director of her program. “Carlow had a short list of potential students for their Apprenticeship HUB program, and I was delighted to be on it,” she says. “No other universities have a rivaling program, and no other college reached out to recruit me,” she says.

Jamel currently works for a child development center in downtown Pittsburgh. Despite many years of experience prior to her enrollment in Carlow’s apprenticeship program, she is still learning and applying new concepts from her classes to her teachings, particularly learning through play.

Child care centers can have high rates of turnover among instructors, and the center where Jamel works is no different. A pre-K teacher’s absence in summer 2022 opened the door for Jamel to work with school-age children. At first, she did not have confidence working with this age group after all her years with babies and toddlers but, with the knowledge and confidence she has been building with Carlow, she was able to fill the role so well that the students have come to expect her as their regular teacher.



Jamel now is pursuing the four-year bachelor’s degree program in Early Childhood Education and says the support she has received from the advisors and mentors has been instrumental to her success. That support has given Jamel the confidence to consider something she never thought she might—a master’s degree. As the first person in her family to go to college, Jamel was accepted into Carlow’s TRiO program, which gives her the opportunity to take specialized classes in resume building, schedule keeping and—most important for Jamel—technology training courses.

“I did not have 100% confidence in returning to school, but through this apprenticeship program, I’ve come to realize that I’m a lot stronger and more capable than I thought,” she says.


Like many high school graduates, Jessica Olesnevich thought she’d missed her chance to go to college when she found herself pregnant and then raising a young son shortly after graduation. While working in a child care center, one of the directors told her about the apprenticeship program at Carlow University. It sounded like the perfect fit for her.

“I appreciate the fact that most of the instructors have been in the same position of working full time while also pursuing a degree,” she said. “I always thought once I had kids, I wouldn’t have time, but there’s so much time that goes unnoticed. And I’m glad that I’m putting that time now into schooling.”

Jessica is on a four-year track to receive her bachelor’s degree in education and her Pre-K to 4 certification. She had looked at other colleges, but none had the support structure that Carlow offered. And she knew she was going to need that support because she currently works full-time as a preschool teacher and assistant director of a child care center.

Jessica likes the wide variety of classes that are offered through the program and the ability to choose the courses that most interest her and apply most to her field of education.

Even after eight years of working with children, Jessica still finds herself surprised by the knowledge she gains through her classes—particularly from other students sharing their experiences in child education. She hopes to use her degree to continue working with children and be the support for kids who might need some special attention.

Her experience with Carlow has been so great that she encouraged one of her employees to pursue the same program. “I told her, if I can do it with two kids, a husband, and all my other responsibilities, you can do it too.”

Jessica Visit Carlow.edu/Apprenticeship-HUB

Widening Horizons thru Travel Abroad

Each year, Carlow students have the opportunity to participate in immersive cultural experiences that not only are transformative for them, but also make an immediate positive difference in the lives of others. Through the Center for Global Engagement, 68 students participated in eight faculty/staff-led study-abroad programs in such locales as Jamaica, Ireland, Galapagos and Uganda

“ The Sisters of Mercy’s longstanding commitment to social justice and uplifting vulnerable persons continues to inspire and transform generations through Carlow University’s student experiential learning opportunities both here and abroad.”


Particularly notable are the studentservice learning projects that have touched hearts and changed lives in that country, according to Susan O’Rourke, EdD, director of the Global Center, who has been traveling to and working in Uganda for the past 10 years. “Each year we have a different focus, but always with an eye toward increasing access to education, health care and basic needs for vulnerable populations living in rural villages in Uganda,” Dr. O’Rourke noted.

The Center covers the travel expenses for two faculty members and the in-country transportation for student teams through a grant from the Carlow Social Justice Institute. This past July, Carlow students and faculty who spent nearly three weeks in Uganda completed an amazing number of service projects that touched the lives of many people.

Students also had the opportunity to enjoy excursions, such as whitewater rafting, hiking to the highest falls in east Africa and going on a Safari.

Students who took part included Shannon White, a PsyD major, and five nursing students: Brittany Stone-Jenkins, Charlotte Wilson, Megan Canose, Jodi McVay and Kaitlin Cash. Faculty members Aimee Zellers, PhD; Deborah Mitchum, DNP; and Kevin Spencer, PhD accompanied the students on the tour of Uganda.


Led a maternal health conference attended by 35 nurses and several government and community leaders.

Opened a clinic in a remote village, saw hundreds of patients, opened a pharmacy, worked to secure Level II designation and gave out free medications and vaccinations.

Distributed more than 150 pairs of eyeglasses at a vision clinic.

✺ Hosted a clinic at the SMILE school which taught community members how to make desks for the classrooms. The school was built eight years ago by and continues to receive support from Carlow faculty, students and the Pittsburgh community.

✺ Conducted health assessments for children attending St. Francis School for the Blind and for Noah’s Ark, a school for children with disabilities that grew out of a parent group Carlow established in 2014.

Drilled two water wells and brought soccer and volley balls to three different schools.




Thanks to a $1.76 million grant that Carlow pursued and was awarded by the U.S. Department of Education, the University is creating a student experience that will help them develop holistically.

Led by grant awardee Jason Krall, assistant provost, and managed by Carol Yoannone, grant administrator, the program funded by the Institutional Resilience and Expanded Postsecondary Opportunity (IREPO) grant will be providing a personalized array of services and educational opportunities to a wide spectrum of current and future student audiences. To meet the two-year grant’s objectives, Carlow has used the grant funding to hire several coordinators, who oversee individual components of the program, including an on-staff mental health professional to address student needs.

Taylor Stewart, a current graduate student in the Master of Arts in Psychology (MAP) program, is benefiting from the grant both as a student and a professional. Taylor, who is on-track to finish her master’s in April 2023 and hopes to start on her PsyD degree in fall 2023, is thrilled to be serving as the connecting/mentoring coordinator.

Graduate assistant positions are just one way grants can benefit students now and pay dividends for the future. Taylor is filling a critical need, which is helping the University meet student-centered objectives. In turn, Taylor is gaining meaningful professional experience toward her dream of having her own private counseling practice, where she intends to focus on helping families and elite athletes in her own community. “I want to stay in Pittsburgh to practice,” said Taylor, a lifelong city resident. “There’s currently only one female minority psychologist in Pittsburgh and I’m going to change that.”

The mentorship program Taylor manages already is showing success. “When we reached out for alumni mentors to volunteer, we were hoping to get 500. Instead, we got 664,” Taylor said. “And we received 11 student applications through the CarlowConnect app in just the first three weeks and have already made five alumni-student matches.”


★ Tuition assistance for high school students taking college classes.

★ Textbooks for students in dual enrollment classes and early childhood apprenticeship program.

★ Production of a virtual new student orientation program.

★ New courses and skills-based workshops for dual enrollment students.

★ Development of high-quality hybrid and online courses.

★ Increased remote internships.

★ Enhanced mentorship programs.

★ New laptops for faculty and staff.

★ Improved closed-captioning services for students with disabilities.

★ Additional coronavirus screening.

“ There’s currently only one female minority psychologist in Pittsburgh and I’m going to change that.”


The Speech-Language Pathology graduate program was launched in 2021 as the first of four graduate health sciences programs. The MS in Physician Assistant and MS and OTD in Occupational Therapy programs launched in fall 2022 and the DPT in Physical Therapy is enrolling students now for fall 2023.


Aligned with Carlow’s Mercy tradition of reaching out to help those in need, Carlow University has begun serving residents of the West Oakland community with evaluation and treatment services for speech and language disorders. The Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) Clinic now serves clients with a full range of screening, diagnostic and therapeutic speech-language services at no cost. At the SLP Clinic, diagnostic assessment includes evaluating communication skills with typical referrals including (but not limited to) children with language delays or difficulty articulating sounds and adults who have had strokes or other neurologic conditions. After determining a client’s needs, graduate student clinicians and their faculty supervisors will design a plan uniquely for them. The SLP clinic currently is housed in the Hopkins Communication Lab within the University Commons building.


Carlow’s new, cohort-based Physician Assistant (PA) program recently received provisional accreditation from the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant (ARC-PA). This third-party accrediting agency protects the interests of the public and PA profession by defining the standards for PA education and evaluating PA educational programs within the U.S. to ensure their compliance with those standards. This innovative program accelerates student learning with a 25-month program designed to build upon prior health care experience and clinical skills. It provides a holistic and supportive academic environment that focuses on personalized attention in the classroom and labs. Grounded in Carlow’s Mercy values, the program is taught in a three-phase curriculum with a multidisciplinary environment alongside other health care professionals. Upon graduation, students are prepared to take the Physician Assistant National Certification Examination (PANCE) and pursue a versatile and in-demand career as a physician assistant.

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Carlow is using federal grant funding to not only increase the number of faculty to help fill the current nursing educator shortage but also to strengthen its own ranks.

The federal Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) grant program was established in 2018 for nursing students who intend to teach in nursing degree programs at colleges and universities. It offers 85% loan repayment for nurse-educators who take a full-time nursing teaching job at the collegiate level within one year of graduation and stay in the position for four years. If the recipient does not secure a teaching job, the grant converts to current loan rates.

“The program has been extremely successful,” said nursing professor Renee Ingel, PhD, MSN, BSN, who directs the Carlow DNP and MSN Leadership Program. “It enables nurses who want to become faculty to teach nursing to nursing students. Besides being rewarding for the nurses, it’s really helping with recruitment to these programs.”

Carlow has long been a champion for underrepresented groups and used its HRSA grant application to recruit students from these groups in the nursing field—those from rural, underserved and/or marginalized populations. So far, three African American students, two students with Hispanic or BIPOC ethnicity and three students from rural West Virginia have been assisted by the funding; it is expected to help Carlow recruit students from underrepresented groups going forward.

BRAVE LEGACY. BOLD VISION. 14 CARLOW UNIVERSITY| 2021-22 PRESIDENT’S REPORT CARLOW’S HRSA GRANT PROGRAM BY THE NUMBERS 61 Total Number of Loans Made (Max. $13,000/Year) 9 Borrowers Who Have Become Educators 22 Loans Repaid in Full 18 Loans to Currently Enrolled Students 9 Borrowers in Repayment Visit Carlow.edu/best-nurse

Angela Simmons, MSN, BSN, is in the homestretch of her work toward her hybrid Doctorate in Nursing Practice (DNP) degree from Carlow University. In December 2022, she will have earned her third degree in three years, having received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) in 2019 from Slippery Rock University and her Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) from Carlow in 2021. That’s in addition to practicing as a registered nurse and parenting two college-age children during a pandemic.

But her doctorate was in question in 2021 when, midstream into her online MSN program, she had to leave her assistant director of nursing position due to an underlying health condition. She worried that she might not be able to afford to finish the rest of her degree.

However, game-changing funding from HRSA to grow the nursing workforce, improve access to nursing education and advance health equity has kept Angela and others like her in school and filling educator positions in nursing schools.

“I had two end goals,” said Angela. “One was to teach nursing at the college level, and the other was to make an impact on the current nursing shortage. In the nursing education track, I really saw the importance of the faculty role in the learning process. Dr. Ingel not only mentored me and inspired me to take that step toward my DNP, but she also told me about the HRSA grant that’s making it possible.” Nearly 35 educators have used these funds to graduate from our programs, and one of the newest to join Carlow is Angela. She started a position as a community and public health educator at Carlow in August 2022.

The ability to earn a Carlow advanced teaching degree online, and with federal funding to pay tuition, is helping to add new, well-prepared nurses to the workforce—and in record time. Because these ambitious students have things to do. “I just had to get in, get it accomplished and move on with my dream!” said Angela.

Rita Trofino, DNP, MNEd, RN, associate dean of nursing at St. Francis University, was able to use the HRSA grant for the last semester of her DNP degree work at Carlow. She also supervised several students who went on to get their DNPs too. “I wish the grant had been available at the beginning of my program,“ said Rita. “It would have made my life a little easier.“

I had two end goals: One was to teach nursing at the college level, and the other was to make an impact on the current nursing shortage.”

Catherine McAuley’s first ministry— even before the founding of the Sisters of Mercy—was to provide welcoming and safe shelter for those who needed it. I think she’d be delighted to know that this amazing gift from McAuley Ministries is enabling Carlow to do that very thing in our day.”

Mcauley Ministries Grants


A generous $2 million grant supports the expansion of the University’s footprint to enhance the student experience.

Carlow has been blessed many times over by the Sisters of Mercy, who brought their caring and compassionate works to Pittsburgh and founded the Pittsburgh Mercy Hospital in 1847 and Carlow University as Mount Mercy College in 1929. McAuley Ministries was formed from the proceeds the Sisters received when Pittsburgh Mercy Hospital merged with UPMC in 2008. The Carlow community is grateful to McAuley Ministries for awarding the single largest grant in their history to the University this past June.

The $2 million grant from McAuley Ministries has gone toward the acquisition of three campus buildings owned by the Sisters of Mercy. McAuley, Trinity and Aiden Halls are a key part of Carlow’s Capital Campus Transformation Plan, a strategic initiative to grow programs and services for our students and the West Oakland community. With the refurbishment of McAuley Hall, Carlow is able to expand its residential housing capabilities.

The acquision of Trinity Hall, which houses our Campus Lab School, will allow us to further enhance and grow our K-8 programs. Aiden Hall will house the Carlow Closet on-campus mission-oriented program, which provides clothing free of charge to any student who needs it. The building also will house a new food pantry that will support not only Carlow students but also Oakland-area residents who are struggling with food insecurity.


The key to social justice is providing a platform for all viewpoints to be heard and to have the dialog. These can be challenging conversations, but they are necessary to enable students to become advocates of change toward a more just and merciful world.”

A $200,000 McAuley Ministries grant bolsters two new social justice initiatives. Carlow’s Social Justice Institutes serves as a platform for education and community engagement to promote fairness and equity across many aspects of society.

The Social Justice Training Institutes Fellowship Program with Complimentary JusticeOriented Art Gallery Exhibitions

Carlow students with a genuine passion for fairness and equity are participating in the pilot for an interdisciplinary series of social justice workshops. Students will discuss issues, such as domestic/gender-based violence, transformative justice and antiracism, and gain the skills necessary to effectively address these issues. Relationships, community-building and healing will be integral pieces of this project.

“The program will engage, train and equip students with critical skills to effectively address social justice issues through a novel approach that will feature an arts and creative-practice capstone,” said Ryan Scott, director of the Social Justice Institutes at Carlow.

“Student participants will use the information and experience to support their work in the development and implementation of action strategies to combat sexual/gender-based violence and anti-racism on a community level. The program also will engage a diverse group of local leaders who are transforming the landscape of social justice and racial equity to enrich the program content and create connection to a community of mentors.”

The first cohort of eight students began in Fall Semester 2022. Students will be able to earn college credit through the Women and Gender Studies Department for participating in the workshops, similar to an independent study.

The grant award also will be used to develop a community and participation-based public exhibition that communicates social justice through the visual

lens of creativity and artwork. Curated by a professional artist, this unique educational experience will feature artwork by and about Black women and their experiences as depicted visually.

A Braided Community: Intergroup Dialogue Project

The second initiative will allow the University to engage in a dialog with our campus neighbors— residents of West Oakland and the upper Hill District—to find out how we can best live in harmony together.

Carlow.edu/social-justice 17



The Sisters of Mercy envisioned a just world for people who are economically poor, sick or uneducated. This brave legacy continues to guide our work as faculty and staff in ensuring that these Mercy values are evident and relevant for our students throughout their Carlow experience, both inside and outside the classroom.

One way to more deeply connect with the Mercy values is to go to the place where it all started. Bi-annually, Carlow hosts a special meeting in Dublin, Ireland—the birthplace of Catherine McAuley, who founded the Sisters of Mercy— for the faculty and staff of the 17 colleges and universities that make up the Conference for Mercy Higher Education, of which Carlow is a member.

This five-day Roundtable immerses participants in the Mercy way through an exploration of our roots as a Catholic institution and elucidates the power one person can have to change the world.

This year was the 10th biennial gathering, although the 2020 meeting was held virtually due to the pandemic. Besides learning ways to live out the values of the Sisters of Mercy, participants also visit important locations around Dublin and other parts of Ireland to explore the order’s roots—to see how it all began. The experience often is described as transformative by those who attend.

“ The Mercy Roundtable is an opportunity to experience the expansiveness of the Mercy mission.”

“The Mercy Roundtable is an opportunity to experience the expansiveness of the Mercy mission,” said Sandi DiMola, JD, chair and associate professor of political science at Carlow. “Meeting and collaborating with Mercy colleagues from across the U.S. in ‘the room where it happened’ nuances the mission with a sense of place. It informed my teaching as I now show students that the mission—while a grand concept—can be defined, experienced, and lived in numerous and personal ways.”

Carlow sponsors the Roundtable as a way to bring forward best practices from across Mercy institiutions so that faculty and staff can be reinvigorated and inspired to integrate them into how they teach and engage with students.

“Carlow University was founded because the Sisters of Mercy understood that there was no place in Pittsburgh for Catholic women to get a college education,” said Sister Sheila Carney, RSM, special assistant to the president at Carlow, who has attended the Roundtable several times. “That’s a hallmark of the Sisters of Mercy: A constant pursuit of the next great need. They were constantly asking: ‘Who’s not being served? Who’s out there that nobody cares about?’ Those are Mercy values. They tell us who we need to reach. That’s how we affect transformational change.”

Lisa Sharfstein, assistant director of the Center for Academic Achievement at Carlow, attended the Roundtable in person in 2022 to present a scholarly paper on ungraded

The Roundtable gave us a chance to see the validation of Mercy values and their relevance to today’s world.”

student assessment and its alignment with Mercy values. At the 2019 meeting, she did a virtual presentation of her study titled “Fostering Mercy Characteristics in the Tutoring Center.” Her data showed that, when she began to intentionally and purposefully incorporate Mercy values into her peer tutor training program, the tutors’ perceived value of their work increased dramatically.

“The Roundtable gave us a chance to see the validation of Mercy values and their relevance to today’s world,” Sharfstein said. “You leave the conference energized but it’s bigger than that—it captivates you in our shared heritage, value and legacy, so that we are able to pass that on to students through our interactions with them.”

Jen Roth, PhD, professor of psychology at Carlow, agrees. “It was a powerful experience to get to know the people from other Mercy institutions and their work over a week,” said Dr. Roth, who attended the Roundtable. “I find that having the deeper connection to Mercy values and their origins helps to keep me more grounded in those values as I teach and do all of my other work at Carlow. It all connects and manifests in what I teach and how I teach.

“Sharing those universal Mercy values with my students inside and outside of the classroom helps them to shape and add meaning to the work they are doing, while also guiding them to prepare for their future work,” she added. “People interpret and apply our shared Mercy values in ways I never imagined. It makes me think about how I can allow them to manifest in more ways in my own work.”

Visit Carlow.edu/Mercy-roundtable


The Madwomen in the Attic program—still going strong 40+ years since founding—has become a revered and sought-after program by women undergraduates and community writers nationally and internationally.

It was developed in 1979 by Ellie Wymard, PhD, a Carlow University graduate who worked for the University for nearly 50 years and passed away at age 84 on Dec. 28, 2021.

Madwomen offers opportunities for publishing, mentoring, awards and readings, including: MadBooks, a chapbook publishing series; Madwomen Mentorship, a free peer-mentorship program; Madwomen Reading Series, featuring nationally acclaimed poets and writers; and the MadFridays Reading Series featuring Madwomen students and teachers.

Also offered are Madwomen Writing Workshops—semesterlong creative writing sessions that are open to women undergrads and community writers ages 18 to 99. Classes are held on weekday evenings for two hours, both on campus and online. These serious writers not only bring their writing drafts to class but, with solidarity, offer constructive criticism and support for others in the group who always share one thing in common—a love of writing.

During her tenure at Carlow, Dr. Wymard created some of the first women’s studies courses in the country. She also held several leading positions at the University, including chair of the women’s studies and English departments. At the time of her retirement, the Braddock, Pa., native served as the director of Carlow’s Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program, which offers residency in both Pittsburgh and Dublin, Ireland.

Dr. Wymard developed the Madwomen poetry workshops, the women’s studies program, the Marie Torre Lecture Series, the honors program and the Focus on Women Lecture Series

In 1995, Dr. Wymard also was recognized as a recipient of the Carlow Women of Spirit award which honors outstanding women leaders in the community who best embody Carlow’s mission. In 2012, she was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Humanities by the University and was named a Carlow Laureate—the University’s most prestigious alumni honor—in 2015.

She authored four books and her critical essays on women writers have been published in both the United States and Europe. She also appeared on television and radio, and spoke before professional audiences on topics related to her written work. She is survived by her two sons and seven grandchildren.

“ Ellie Wymard was one of the most profoundly impactful women in the history of Carlow University. Having been a part of the Carlow community as a student, an alumna and a faculty member, Ellie had a wide impact on the University’s growth. Her life epitomizes our greatest hope for a Carlow graduate, and the Carlow University community owes Ellie a debt of gratitude.”


Re-Envisioning Workforce Development

Carlow is meeting the next greatest need in workforce development by bringing tailored educational solutions to corporate partners. Continuing education is a key tool employers are using to restore stability in their workforce and keep key staff members during this time of the “great resignation.”

UPSKILLING —or providing continuing education for workers to build new skills—is a simple, win-win concept: Businesses provide credentialed education and training to advance their workforce skill level and retain employees; employees build marketable skills that can lead to career and educational advancements.

Highmark Wholecare, formerly Gateway Health, a Pittsburgh-based health care provider network, made one such investment when they partnered with Carlow to create a customized business certificate program for their customer-service employees, most of whom did not have degrees. In only three months, faculty experts from Carlow’s nimble Center for 21st Century Innovation and Workforce Development designed the training and coursework.

New, Stackable Certificates

This new undergraduate business certificate offers flexible delivery methods and can be completed in less than a year. The best part: This certificate can be stacked with other certificates and courses toward a bachelor’s degree at Carlow. The first cohort of students started in November 2021 and graduated in summer 2022, with two students moving on to pursue their bachelor’s degrees this fall. Two additional cohorts of students currently are in progress, with a fourth starting in fall 2022.

A key element of the program is the full-service student success concierge who works with each student stepby-step to set up their account, order books, get their

student ID and access all Carlow student services, such as tutoring and other services. This no-frustration approach helps make the transition easier for students who may have been away from the classroom for a while.

The Highmark Wholecare certificate program has shown successes on multiple levels, according to Mollie Cecere, vice president of enrollment management and corporate partnerships, who says employees report feeling more valued by their company.

“When an organization’s leadership team is willing to invest in employee progress, that can go a long way in retention,” says Cecere. “In addition, students reported feeling a sense of collegiality and collaboration by learning alongside peers from other areas of the company—and that has fostered new connections across the organization.”

An unexpected offshoot of the program: Managers with bachelor’s degrees have been motivated to enroll at Carlow in graduate-level certificate courses in health care management and project management.

“ That’s another advantage of working with Carlow. We can quickly develop customized educational solutions to meet each organization’s needs— even as they change.”
Visit Carlow.edu/ upskill-your-workforce CREDENTIAL PATHWAY Continuing Ed Unit (CEU) Training MicroCredential Professional Certificate Undergrad Degree Graduate Certificate Graduate Degree POTENTIAL FOR STACKABLE CERTIFICATES



for another year of proving—through your generous contributions—that you’ve put your trust and confidence in both Carlow University and our leadership. So far this year, we have seen an increase of 20 percent in our contribution volume. It continues to amaze us how our givers step up to the philanthropic plate year after year.

Despite continuing to grapple with the pandemic throughout 2022, Carlow has continued to move forward. Our future looks bright thanks to our repeat donors, whose long-term investment in Carlow each year is incredibly important. Not only does it sustain us and support our mission, but it ensures that Carlow will be here to serve future students.

It’s hard to quantify the many levels on which your support touches on our students. When you give to Carlow, you are providing opportunities, scholarships and other assistance to a unique group of students, most of whom would not otherwise be able to attend college. You’re also helping large numbers of first-generation college students to access higher education.


The gifts of our alumni donors serve to strengthen the value of their Carlow degrees by ensuring that our institution is strong for our students—who are at the heart of our work. Your support enables us to continue making a lasting impact on the lives of your fellow alums.

But the real power of your gift lies in its ability to change lives across generations. Because the ripple effect of one person’s education alters the trajectory of every generation following in their footsteps.

1,411 Donors 2,369 Gifts $7,761,420 Total Fundraising (Cash) 6.1% Alumni Giving Rate 33 Grants Awarded $2,767,075 Corporate Philanthropy Donations $2,418,759 Private Foundation Donations UNIVERSITY ADVANCEMENT AND ALUMNI ENGAGEMENT Visit giving.Carlow.edu THANKS


This year, donor funding primarily was used for scholarships, student emergency funding and programmatic support. The proceeds from our Home Sweet Home campaign were used to refresh dorm rooms and study spaces in residence halls to enrich the Carlow experience for students who live on-campus.

Going forward, our development goals continue to focus on growing our endowment to ensure our legacy; investing in educational programming to meet evolving and emerging student needs; recruiting and retaining top educators; investing in our on-campus capital; and providing a sustainable advantage for Carlow students, faculty and staff in perpetuity.

These goals are true to our Mercy heritage of being nimble in our quest to provide the best educational experience and preparation for our students as they go out to create a more just and merciful world.

My sincere hope is that our Carlow community of alumni, friends and leaders will continue to join us as we raise critical funding support for Carlow University.

Carlow graduates leave our school empowered and prepared to take on the next challenge by making a difference in their fields. Thank you for helping us give them the tools and settings that are geared toward helping them to succeed!

WHERE GIFTS ARE GOING: ■ Annual Fund $611,413 ■ Government Grants $1,003,011 ENDOWED: ■ Scholarships $516,005 ■ Program Support $634,445 RESTRICTED: ■ Non-Endowed Scholarships $612,869 ■ Capital $2,724,619 ■ Operations $1,659,057 8% 13% 7% 8% 8% 35% 21% 201 Named Scholarships 166 Endowed Scholarships $40,347,685 Total Value of Named Endowments (as of Dec. 31, 2021) 32.2% Faculty and Staff Participation 23 2021-22 GIFT DISTRIBUTION
Our repeat donors are vital to sustaining and supporting our mission each year. Their trust, confidence and investment in Carlow help us to ensure bright futures for our students.”
University Advancement and Alumni Engagement

Celebrating Generosity

With this list of donors, we celebrate the generosity of our alumni and friends. We gratefully acknowledge gifts received during the 2021-2022 fiscal year (July 1, 2021–June 30, 2022) to Carlow University, including the Campus Laboratory School of Carlow University. We hope you, our generous benefactors, take pride in supporting Carlow University. Your investments play a vital role in Carlow’s continued growth and success.




Frank B. Fuhrer, Jr.+

Frank B. Fuhrer, III

Mary Louise Lehmann Gailliot 1964 and Henry Gailliot, Jr., PhD

John A. Staley, IV and Patricia D. Staley


James H. McTiernan*



Margaret Meis Armen, JD 1969* and The Honorable Robert Armen, Jr., LLM

Michele Rehfeld Atkins 1982* ~ and Patrick Atkins, PhD Carol R. Brown

Dorothy Davis, Esq. 1978* and David Lynch, Esq.

Kathryn Gardner, EdD 1964

Vera Oblak Hawkins 1955+ Barbara Capozzi Kirr 1960 and David Kirr, CFA

Norma Jean Grazzini LeClair 1966 and Robert LeClair, PhD

Louise Reiber Malakoff, JD 1967 and Michael Malakoff, Esq. Chris Mauro and Jay Huberty Deborah L. Rice-Johnson 2009*

Nancy Wisnom Stuever, EdD, RN 1973* and Larry Stuever Jacqueline Zalumas, PhD 1969


Patricia Kern Armstrong 1992 and Michael Armstrong

Helen Hanna Casey~ and Stephen Casey

Bryan DiLucente, CPA*

Patricia Gimper Donohoe 1975*

John and Diane Fisher

Margaret Fox, EdD 1962

The Honorable Katharine A. Fredriksen*

Nancy L. Gillies 1969

Thomas and Constance Hickey Kathy W. Humphrey, PhD and Lyle Humphrey

Karen Dunn Kelley~ and Joseph Kelley, III, MD

Judith A. Kooser, MD 1969 Holly Lorenz, MSN, RN*

Marcia Martin*

The Honorable Mary C. McGinley*

Penny Nikolich McKenna 1969 and Paul McKenna

Caitlin McLaughlin*

Arlene Myers Morris 1974*

Herbert and Barbara Shear Mary Lou Vercellotti, PhD 1994

Marlene S. Winter, PhD 1959


Jean Christie Barnhart 1971

Lorraine Baysek, JD 1971

Deborah J. Breide 1982 and Charles A. McKinney Suzy and Jim Broadhurst Celine Rosenberger Clouse 1970

Bonnie Vojtek DiCarlo 1964 and Joseph DiCarlo

Virginia Gualdaroni DiPucci

Della Welsh Dobranski 1973 and Edward Dobranski, JD

Linda Signorile Ehrlich, MS 1967

Marianne Felice, MD 1966

Sister Marylouise Fennell, RSM, EdD

Susan Fishburn 1974 and John Nicoson

Sibdas Ghosh, PhD and Jayati Ghosh, PhD John and Donna Gisleson

Robert and E. Jeanne Adamson Gleason 1960*

Barbara Conner Grignano 1966 and Innocenzio Grignano, PhD Mrs. Marylou Hrach 1965

Mary Jo Kovalchik Ivan, MSN, RN 1966 and Dennis Ivan Susan Bruni Jones 1970

Augusta Hogan Kairys 1956 Larry Karnoff, JD and James McDonald

Patricia Anthony Kirkham 1963

Carladean DeNardo Kostelnik 1961

Frederick Kraft

Mildred Bauman Krnacik, DA 1957

Kathleen McClain Lee 1955

Karen Merisko Little 1969 and Nathan Little, MBA

Susan Maher 1966

Joanne Malenock, PhD 1959

Margaret Mangan, JD 1970

Wendy Chase Martielli 1993 and James Martielli

Andrea Mastro, PhD 1966

Jane Warnement McAdow 1970

Frances McCormick 1968 Mary Lou McLaughlin

2021-22 DONOR LIST
24 CARLOW UNIVERSITY| 2021-22 PRESIDENT’S REPORT + Deceased * Trustee ~ Trustee Emeriti

Thelma Lovette Morris 1970

Catherine Rusnock Nathan 1959

Ruth Ann Roth Nelson 1968 and Stoddard Nelson, Jr.

Kathleen Pollock Panepinto 1966 and James Panepinto, Esq.

Mark Persic

Tim and Erin Phillips

Eleanor Clark Quigley 1975 and James Quigley

Lourdes Sánchez Ridge, Esq.*

Mary Royster 1992

Margaret E. Schervish

Mary Ann Sestili, PhD 1961* and Anthony Rene, PhD

Yvonne Silverberg 1962

Barbara Simpson 1969

Morton Stanfield, Jr. 2004*

Nora J. Stockhausen, MBA

Anita Stoy 1970

Nancy Kane Thompson 1960

Anna Bamonte Torrance, JD* and W. Alan Torrance, Jr.

Carolina M. Vélez, JD*

Nancy Wallace 1962 and Robert Wallace, Sr.

Lara Washington*

Rachelle Zomak 1991, 2000


Anonymous (3)

Mary Ann Linz Ager, MD 1974

Amy Johnston Allen, Esq., MBA 2000, 2020

Heather S. Annaloro

Patricia E. Beeson, PhD

Patricia Kady Betts 1967 and Charles Betts

Denise Morrissey Birsic 1983

Eva Tansky Blum, Esq.

Brett Browning and M. Bernadine Dias

Diana Bucco

Christina Dibling 1970

Joseph and Karen DiVito Megan Donnelly and Michael Comeau Lisa D. Fischetti

Adrian Mangan Flink 1976 and Charles Flink

Suzanne Vilsack Gero 1962 and Andrew Gero, Sr.

Bernadette Harris, MS, MBA, CFE 2015

Henrietta Harris

Patricia A. Harvard-Hinchberger, EdD 1972

Paula J. Hasbach~ Mary Hines, PhD

Carol Hren Hoare, EdD 1962 and Raymond Hoare, MD

Virginia Zewe Holten, PhD 1960 and Darold Holten, PhD

Melissa Pearson Holzmann 1970

Lieutenant General Patricia Horoho

Molly Dennison Houghton 1974

Lynda Ruffo Katz, PhD 1963

Kathleen Keenan 1962

Emma Lucas-Darby, PhD and Ernest Darby

Elizabeth Scott Lyons 1974

Steven M. Massaro*

John McGinley, Jr., Esq. Ann McGuinn

Linda Snyder Mikita 1964 and John Mikita, DO

Martha Munsch, Esq.

Marlee S. Myers, JD and James Myers

Shawn K. Nelson

Carol Awkard Neyland 1973

Monica Fallon O’Keefe 1969 and John O’Keefe

Eugene and Saundra O’Sullivan

Cornelia Regetz Pepoy 1962 and Louis Pepoy

Rosanne Poden 1958

George~ and Barbara Pry Lisa Rich, JD 1980 and Ronald Stefano

Carol A. Ryan 1967

Janice M. Shier, MD 1974 Elissa Medore Sichi 1959 and Harry Sichi

Marie Kuehn Sniegocki 1957

Colonel Jeannette E. South-Paul, MD

Christopher J. Stockhausen, MBA Bill and Cece Stutz

Christine Jack Toretti

Barbara Urban 1958

Margaret Toomey Urzúa 1962 and René Urzúa

Nancy Reardon Vertuno 1965

Kathryn Vreeland-Thompson, MD and Stephen Thompson

Samuel Wholey

Doris Carson Williams

Rosemarie Sonick Wodarek 1969 and John Wodarek

Marlene Wasylik Yospyn 1962

George F. Zeltner


Anonymous (3)

Jaime E. Abola, PhD and Mary E. Gonzalez-Abola, MD Richard Bein

Mary Shivy Bell 1972 and Bernard Bell

Carole Prokay Betzner 1965 Lenore E. Blum, PhD and Manuel Blum, PhD

Maria Borgo Bowie 1967

Marsha Taylor Braunlich 1968 and Harry Braunlich

Dianne Calderaro Bridges 1968 and Clifford Bridges

Dorothy C. Browne

Joan Coultas Bruce 1967

Catherine Capozzoli

Mollie Cecere

Sheryl J. Coates 1967

Bridgette N. Cofield, JD, SPHR and Eric Cofield

Pamela Wilkins Connelly, JD

Judith Contrucci 1966

Gladys E. Edmunds

Louise Eklund 1968 and David Eklund

Dorothy Fedorka, PhD 1969

Cheryl Poropatich Fogarty, EdD 1972 and Thomas Fogarty

Kathleen Bollen Gaberson, PhD, RN, CNOR, CNE, ANEF 1970

Kate Garfinkel, Esq.

Kim and John Gavel

Lynn George, PhD, RN, CNE

Mr. and Mrs. William P. Getty

Judith Bonidie Giovannitti 1970

Jonathan Glance

Maureen Lacey Gleason 1954 and John Gleason

Roberta Grant Graham 1968

Janette Hanchak, MBA 1991, 2006, 2008

Nancy Buddeke Heath 1966

Lynn Hurley 1968

Judith Howsare Jordan 1965

Audette Cushman Karan 1961 Charles C. Kelly, JD

Stacy Knupp-Tourigny 1984 Jason and Laurie Krall

Patricia D. Kroboth, PhD Brian Latell, PhD

Visit giving.Carlow.edu 25
+ Deceased * Trustee ~ Trustee Emeriti

Stephanie Krasinski Laurenza, MBA 2011

Mary C. Lemak 1974

Judith Bowers Maloni, PhD, RN 1965

Lois Vlakancic Manley 1994

Patricia Spohn Martano 1962 and Charles Martano

Shirley Phillips Marvin 1956

Mary Kleysteuber Matlak, MEd, LPC 1969

Heidi Hylton Meier, DBA, CPA 1977 and James Meier

Sharon Brower Merhar 1964

Patricia Cullinan Miller 1969 Tara Murphy

Georgia Lundberg Navaretta 1963 and Gerald Navaretta

Jeananne Kerna Nicholls, DBA, MBA 1989 and Kurt Schimmel

Mark and Nikki Nordenberg

Sandra Olenick, ChFC 1965

Robert F. Pack, PhD and Jinx Walton

Margaret L. Pepoy Frits Pil

Joan Robinson, PhD

Elizabeth Colfer Rottschaefer 1965

Maureen Langan Royer 1967 and Robert Royer

Stephen and Almeda Ruger

Mary Ann Scheib 1973

Ann Marie Laplume Schneider 1971

Molly Rumberger Schwartz 1965 and Edward Olsen, Jr.

Margaret Poropatic Seltzer 1969

David and Cynthia Shapira

Bernadette Burger Skoczylas 1969 and Daniel Skoczylas

Mary Ann Spitale 1973

Regina Rusnock Stevenson 1965

Elizabeth Donnelly Stohner 1969

Jacqueline McArdle Stromple 1960+

Paulette Baldi Studdert 1979 and Trooper Studdert

Lutie Dupre Sujansky 1958

Natalie Taaffe-Hoffman

Janet Wells Thompson 1972 and Samme Thompson

Marie Limetti Uchic 1963 and John Uchic, PhD

Frances Urban 1961

Josephine Polvino Vellutato 1959

Sister Susan J. Welsh, RSM 1970*

Shirley Liszka Whitaker 1969 and Charles Whitaker, III, MD

Theresa Whiteside, PhD

Philip M. Wildenhain, MD and Sara L. Wildenhain

Lisabeth Smolenski Williams, MD 1972 and Stanley Williams

Nancy Picciano Zimmerman, PhD 1973 and Lee Zimmerman


Anonymous (2)

Edward J. Abes

Jack Alverson, PhD

Elaine DiFrango Ashton 1968 and Bruce Ashton

Kathleen Sunseri Barrett 1969

Judith McClain Bergiel 1967 and Blaise Bergiel

Rebecca Mullaney Bertoni 1974

Annette Fedak Bonstedt 1962 and Heinrich Bonstedt

Patricia Reavey Bracken 1968 and Thomas Bracken

Alma J. Brandenburg 2002 Maureen Buffington

Sister Helen Marie Burns, RSM, PhD*

Kathleen McQuiston Callihan 1993

Debra L. Caplan, MPA and David J. Levenson, MD

Paula Humes Ciliberti, MA 1968

Diana Babnich Colaianni, MSN, RN 1969 and Dean Colaianni

Lois Newman Conway, MFA 2002, 2010

Patricia Cooley and Margaret Sobocinski

Kaira B. Cooper 2008

Leah Meyers Cooper 1960 and Thomas Cooper, Esq. Verna I. Crichlow and Philmore H. Crichlow, MD

Susan Brewer Daniel 1969

Patricia Dankanich

Cassandra Cipriani de la Rosa 1965

Michael A. DellaVecchia, Esq. and Elizabeth A. DellaVecchia John and Kelley Denny Roland and Louanna Donajkowski David Down

Rachel A. Egler, MD

Connie McDermott Emmett 1970

Sister Mary M. Fanning, RSM, PhD*

Theresa Fedio 1985

Catherine Bangiola Feenstra 1969 and Stuart Feenstra Gloria Wilson Geisler 1954

Mark Giaquinto Matthew E. Gordley, PhD

Sharon Callahan Grzanka 1971

Mary Ann Connelly Guttendorf 1970 and Richard Guttendorf, Jr. Carol Arch Hauser 1972 and Donald Hauser Wilma Heflin 1977 and Paul Krasnesky

Marylouise Hornsleth Herbold 1966 and Frederic Herbold Monique L. Hockman, PhD

Kathy Taimuty Householder 1977

Nancy Houser 1962 and John Houser

Renee M. Ingel, PhD, MSN 2005 and Jeffrey Ingel, MS

Judith Scheffner Jones 1971 and Terrence Jones, Esq.

Rosalyn E. Jones

Kimberly Albert Jurich 2003

Karen Fischer Kennedy 1976 and Thomas Kennedy

Joan Severin Klems 1962 and Paul Klems

Diana Kozlina-Peretic, DNP, CRNP, RN 1982, 2012

Joanne Burke Lee 1949

Dolores Domasco Lopushansky 1964

Louise Manzione Lunny 1960

Margaret Murphy Magill 1954 John Matthews

William and Elizabeth McClintock

Joanne Fox McVay, DrPH, MS 1954

Stella L. Mericli, Esq. 1970

Mary Ann Reddinger Miller 1971 and George Miller

Ruth A. Modzelewski, PhD 1985

Mary Pat Tyrrell Mulligan 1957 and John Mulligan

Sandra L. Murray 1967

Virginia Hague Nowak 1961

Rose Marie O’Connor, PhD 1958

Sandra L. O’Connor 1971

Maxine Bonadio Oleyar 1970 Bill O’Rourke, Jr. Roger A. Oxendale, MBA

Karen Heisler Patton 1987

Caterina Provost 1959 Nancy L. Rackoff

Charlotte Reed, PhD 1969 and Patrick Zurek

26 CARLOW UNIVERSITY| 2021-22 PRESIDENT’S REPORT + Deceased * Trustee ~
2021-22 DONOR LIST
Trustee Emeriti

Ronald N. Roth, MD and Sheila Roth, PhD, LCSW

Lila Ammeen Russo 1966 and Vincent Russo

Goldie Samuels 1983

Norman W. Scanlon, Jr., PhD

Edward and Elizabeth Schmidt

Bonnie Schuster 1970

Pamela A. Scott 1978

Susan Shirey 1997

Karen Kinkelaar Siarkowski 1970 and John Siarkowski

Jennifer M. Silvestrov-Guarini 2015

Janet DiPasquale Simon, PhD 1967

Mary Beth Sklar 1983

Andre Smith and Chaton Turner

Jacqueline M. Smith

Leslie Smith 1990

Carol Scheidl Stasik 1965

Audrey Schulter Studley 1969 and Mark Studley

Jessica Sturkie-Lorenz 2002

Regina Kereszturi Sullivan 1968 and Paul Sullivan, Jr.

Michele Sylvester 2000

Antoinette Pugliese Taylor, MSN, ARNP 1967 and Andrew Taylor, MD

Sally Chambers Taylor, EdD 1970

Ladadsia Thomas 2019

Patricia Daugherty Thomas 1964 Erika L. Thon

Elizabeth M. Toole

Linda L. Torres 1971

Sandra Petro Tracy 1963

Dennis L. Travis

Margaret Troha 1969

Sister Julia Upton, RSM, PhD, MPH*

Judy Parise Urban 1986

Marisol Valentin

Nora’s Calgon Carbon Team

Mary Ellinwood Wadsworth, FNP 1980 and Glenn Wadsworth

Elisabeth Fehl Wallace, JD 1969

Margaret Crowley Walsh 1983

Sister Linda Werthman, RSM, PhD*

Angela Dase Westmeyer 1971

Lois Wholey, JD

Mary Ann Yurkovich 1965

Margaret Flaherty Zalewski 1970 and Francis Zalewski

Roberta J. Zolkoski 1972


Anonymous (17)

Dawn Adams

Valerie Legler Adley 1965

Ellen Steele Ahmad 1972

Lisa Maloney Aleo 1986 and Michael Aleo, PhD

David and Carmen Anderson

Steven and Amy Anderson

Alicia D. Angemeer, PhD

Janet Orange Aradine 2001 and Richard Aradine

Richard and Bernadette Ardemagni

Sara Marie Baldi 1977

The Honorable Cynthia A. Baldwin, JD and Arthur L. Baldwin

Marie Ballirano Bartorona, BSN, RN 1964

Christine Guanzon Battin 1988 and John Battin, MD

Mary Hare Baumgart 1994

Carolyn Hall Baynes 1995 Christine and Brian Beattie Julie Meyer Beckenbaugh 1995 Joyce and William Bender

Alice Reynolds Berlinski 1965 and Edward Berlinski

Lisa Bertolasio 2001

Patricia Campbell Bibro 1968 and Mark Bibro, PhD

Rebecca Bennett Biddle 1986, 1998 and Daniel Biddle

Sandra L. Bihary-Waltz, DBA, MSN, RN 1980

Maureen Blackwell

Dianne Risley Bloss 1968

Kathleen Caprara Bogacki 2005

Oda Bolden, MBA and Beverly J. Bolden

Kenyon R. Bonner, EdD and Sylvana Bonner

Terri Bostard 1984

Erin I. Boyles

Kathleen Brady

Patriciann Furnari Brady 1965

Christine Magri Branch 1991 and William Branch

Jeff Brodsky and Nancy Knowles

Jan Czekaj Brooks 1979 and David Brooks

Margaret Brown, PhD 1972

Nancy Brown 1956

Geraldine Pszolkowski

Browning 1975

Thomas M. Brubach 1993

Anne Reavey Bull 1966 and George Bull

Christine Shento Burger 1975

Elizabeth Bush

Esther L. Bush

Debra Herron Butler 2004 Stephen R. Calme

Debra Campbell

Margaret Cannon 1966 Michael S. Capp, PhD

Angela Cardimona Cyndie Carioli 2009

Rosemary Carroll, JD 1972

Ann Garrett Caruso 1968 and Robert Caruso

Annie Hanna Cestra and Dennis A. Cestra

Christine and Mark Chapman Alice Chen

Yvonne Sheridan Cherry 1965

Wivina Ayson Chmura, MEd and Charles Chmura

Andrea Christian-Michaels 1971

Pamela Clark 2011 and Jonathan Clark

Jean Zanolli Cline 1970 and William Cline

Mary B. Kelly Clydesdale 1958

Gretchen Doerr Cohen 1969

Denise Erdman Cole 1966

Darla and Ronald Coleman

Pamela J. Coleman 1968

Barbara Rupich Connolly 1969 and William Connolly, JD

Sean J. Connolly 1997

Edith L. Cook

Michele Rone Cooper Thomas X. Corbett

John and Margaret Costello Jeanne V. Crichlow

Rose Catanese Crisanti 1961

Catherine Reavey Cron 1963

Jean Vedock Cunningham 1969

Karen C. Cunningham 1968

Cecilia Zak Dambaugh 1965

Judith Davenport, DMD~ and Ronald Davenport, Esq.

Sally Davenport, MA 1965

Maria De la Cueva, CFE 1993

Nancy A. Degenhardt

Susan Androski Deile 1965

David and Denise DeJong Deanne Horner D’Emilio, JD

Visit giving.Carlow.edu
+ Deceased * Trustee ~ Trustee Emeriti

Siobhan K. DeWitt, MA

Debra DiCianna

Katherine Dzuricky Ditrich 1973

Jacqueline Dixon 2011

Carolyn Marcus Dolamore 1961

Dorylée Domínguez 1967

Deneen Epstein Donati 1987

E. Michael Donohue MBA 2007, 2015 and Julia Pascarella

Donohue, MBA 2008, 2017

Maria Groethe Donohue, MSN, FNP 1987

Linda Lytle Donovan, PhD 1999 and John Donovan

Jacob Dubois

Charma Dudley, PhD, FPPR 1980

Denise Duhamel

Jacqueline Dunbar-Jacobs, PhD, RN, FAAN

Martha Duncan 1988 and Keith Washek

Jamie Dwyer

Tracey Misklow Earl 1987

Kathleen Howell Early 1977 and Roger Early, CPA, CFA

Mark Robert Eck

Rose Eckenrod 2002, 2009

Veronica Murray Edwards 1993

Frederick Egler, Jr. and Kathleen Buechel

Ellen Darcher Ehlers 1971

Kirsty J. Eisenhart, PhD 1987

Aziza El Feil and Stephen Vogel Dolly and Curt Ellenberg

Mike M. Elliot, MS, LPC 2013

Tesha Ellison, MBA 2004, 2006, 2017

Mary Duffy Epifanio 1968 and Richard Epifanio

Susan Dowd Erdeljac 1973

Judith Brandt Erick 1975 and James Erick

Kirk M. Fabel and Ellen L. Moran

Phyllis Balkovitz Fassio 1969 Marian K. Fedak

Janine Mutnansky Fiesta, JD 1968

Michelle M. Figlar

Barbara Mihacs Fischi 1962

Judith Minto Fiset 1965

Joyce Francis 1969

Mary Franckhauser-Knight 1977 and Edward Knight

Irene Frieze

Brian Furfari and Beth A. Zamboni, PhD

Barbara Deller Gaynor 1963 and Gerald Gaynor, CPA

Runetta Gee 1974

Karen Reiber Gethen 1969 and John Gethen

Ruth V. Getz 1993

Regan Gibney, MBA 2021

Marianne Thomas Gilson 1980 and Steven Gilson

Rose Gioia-Fine

Christine Churilla Girts 1985

Kimberly Touchstone Gittings 1987

Diane Glancy

Dawn Wagner Gloss 1992

Erin Sterling Golec

Betsy Egan Goodman, PhD 1966

Teresa Kochmar Goodwin, MEd, BSN 1967

Tanya M. Gore-White, MBA 2006

Monica Kanfush Gorman 1979

Arlene Liotta Grados 1970

Patricia Grady

Charles Graner

Roberta Costlow Grotstein 1967 and Jerald Grotstein, DMD Mark Haffner & Family Daniel J. Hall

Hannah Hamilton, PhD 1988 and Bruce McCosar

Sarah Hamilton 2006

Anne Hampton

Susan Quigley Hankowitz 2001

Gregory L. Hanratty

Susan Boruch Hanye 1969 and Robert Hanye

Marian Englert Hatton 1955

Carol A. Haverkamp 1960

Denise Wilson Hayes 1989

Sister Bonnie Heh, RSM 1969 Donna Roefaro Henke 1967

Abigail Schwartz Hodnick, DPT 2006

Jane Apyar Hopson 1969

Rosemary Howley 1965

Pearl Hughey, MS, SHRM-CP 2003, 2005

Karen Ward Humphrey 1974

Lois Anne Miller Huston 1958

Nancy Yunker Isler 1955 and Ralph Isler

Joann Rozsas Jabour 1979 Michael Joanow

Toni Johnson 1980

Naudia Jonassaint, MD, MHS and Charles R. Jonassaint, PhD, MHS

Roberta C. Jones 2003

Maureen Hauf Kane 1957

Beverly Kowalski Kaniecki 1980

Edward Karlovih

Sheri L. Kehren 2008

Kathy Kennedy 1991 and Gregory Madzelonka Paula Peitz Kenny 1961 Maureen Kerr

Jason and Kelly King Sigrid King, PhD and James Kelly, PhD

Mary Rita Lizza Kislan 1969 and Joseph Kislan

Michael P. Kistler, PhD

Elizabeth Ritz Kleinhample 1987

Debra Schneiderlochner Kline 1981 and Richard Kline, Jr. Elizabeth Evins Kline 1983 and Michael Kline, MD

Lucille Koors 1971

Joan Welling Kovalcik 1955 and Lawrence Kovalcik

Kimberly Schneider Kowallis, PhD 2011 and William Kowallis, PhD

Marie Plesha Kraig 1965 and John Kraig

Jared Kramer

Kathleen E. Krichbaum, PhD 1969

Jane McIntyre Kwasniewski 1979 and Kenneth Kwasniewski

Maureen Lally-Green

Theresa Niedziela Laver 1976

Ronald R. Lawrence, Sr. and Valerie Lawrence

Mary Beth and Christopher Leech

Sandra Schweibinz Leggett 1964

Irene O. Leong 1998, 2001

Mary Agnes Koebert Leschak 1964

Janine and Rick Lesser

Irene A. Lietz, PhD

Dolores Lasky Lindblom 1962

Charlene Weekly Lindsey 1969 Natalie A. Ling

Kathleen Rokoski Lipsitz 1979 and Marc Lipsitz

Elizabeth Lisowski Amy and Keith Lloyd

Pamela Schultz Long 1968 and Jeffrey Long

Janice Rohe Loughrey 1966 David Lowe

Janet Williams Luczak 1977 and Raymond Luczak

Carol Ferneding Lynch 1969

2021-22 DONOR LIST
+ Deceased * Trustee ~ Trustee Emeriti

Kathleen Madigan 1968

James V. Maher, Jr., PhD and Angela B. Maher

Kathleen Mannion Maibauer 1973

Maureen Schreck Maidhof 1962

Melicent J. Malchenson 1975

Marsha A. Maljan 1983

Brian Maloney

Karen B. Manna

Vivian Marino 1968 and Dennis Marino

Marianna Grippi Martelli 1967 and Domenic Martelli

Judith A. Mattei and Thomas Mattei, Sr.

Madeline Fulcher Mattern, DNP, FNP-C, CNE 2015

Mildred Ankrom Mazgaj 1972

L. Robert McAfoos

Maureen McBride 1975 and David Lower

Catherine McClenahan, PhD 1965

Iris Kraft McClenahan 1961 and James McClenahan, Jr. Peter A. McClenahan

Yetivemarie Wood McComas 1986 and William McComas, Jr. Marianne McConnell, RN 1975

Joanne Battaglia McDaniel 1969 and Martin McDaniel

Kathleen McElheny 1983

Rita Siler McElhinny 1969 and Gerard McElhinny

Micheleann Hovan McGowan 1964 and Patrick McGowan

Roseanne McGrady 1970

Patricia L. McMahon, PhD

Audrey McDonald McNeill 1988

Suellen DeLaney McShane 1960 Renee Marie Menegaz-Bock, PhD 1949

Ana María Mieles, JD* and Domenico Sciulli, Jr.

Joan Miller 1963

Patricia Miller, RN 1978

Sarah Milligan 1969

Geraldine Todaro Minna 1969

Linda Flis Mischen 1971 and Thomas Mischen

Deborah Mitchum, DNP, CRNP 2014

Mary Zambito Molinari, MS, APRN 1966

Virginia Martin Monaghan 1974

Patricia Reynolds Moore 1956

Veronica C. Morgan-Lee

Kathleen Phillips Morus 1976 and Steven Morus

Maureen O. Moses 1977

Gail and Steve Mosites

Sharon K. Moss

Alfred L. Moyé, PhD

Craig and Jill Murphey

Grace J. Mushrush, MD 1957

Sara Napoleon 1966

Judith A. Nardizzi 1996

Lorraine Manns Nickerson 1958 and William Nickerson

BHc Paddle gals: Angela, KC, Melissa, Gretchen, Emily, Irene and Sara

Patricia Matella Obyc 1973

Barbara King O’Connor 1966 and Michael O’Connor, MD

Mary O’Connor, PhD, MSN 1975

John and Margaret O’Leary

Grant Oliphant and Aradhna M. Oliphant, MBA

Carol Drechsler Oliva 1964

Anne Olson

Josephine E. Olson, PhD

Jack and Dara O’Savage

Jennifer A. O’Toole

Patricia O’Connor Pahre 1966 Mary Margaret Parme 1982

Julianne Braun Patterson 1948

Cathy Pendleton 1992

Anne Macdonald Peniston, MSN, FNP 1981

Andrew Pepoy

Kathryn Katafiasz Pepper, MFA 2010

Milagros Pereyra-Rojas, PhD 2000, 2003 and Enrique Mu, PhD Mary Ann Perkins 2002

Mary Peters 1992

William and Sheri Pierce Barbara and Steve Piskor Barbara Plucienik 1971

Jacqueline B. Poloka 1991, 2001

Patricia Riesmeyer Pope 1969 and Edward Pope

Rachel, Tom, Christine and Dean Pregel

Marilyn Szymialis Radke, MD 1973

Arthur Ramicone

Nicole M. Ravas, MFA 2020

Kathleen I. Rawlins 1992 Rebecca Ray 1991

Robert Reed, PsyD and Nancy Reed

Monica Reese, PsyD 2017

Joyce Lutch Reft 1970 Mary Frances Reidell, MSN 2002, 2012

Marlene Reisinger 1966

Angela Reynolds, PhD and Anthony Reynolds, Sr. Susan Hawkins Rich and Raymond Rich, Jr. Patricia Fitzgerald Riehl 1960 and Ralph Riehl

Jo Ann Riley 1963 and Terrance Riley Suellen Hang Rizvi 1970 and Arshad Rizvi

Gregory Roberts and Beverly Bennett-Roberts

Bernadette Rogan 1967

Mary Ann Mancini Rondinelli, MS, BSN 1996, 2000 and Robert Rondinelli

Caterina Rosano

Jen Roth, PhD

Donna Smalski Rothman 1976

Shareen Salem 1962

Doris L. Salis, PhD 1962

Carol Saltsgiver 1986 and Charles Saltsgiver

Donna Sanft, MEd and Elliott Sanft Anne Marie Sawyer, EdD 1967

Kathleen Ewing Sawyer 1968

Anna Marie McEnery Schaefer 1959

Beverly A. Schlotterbeck 1967

Elizabeth Sauer Schmidt 1965

Amy Schnarrenberger, MBA 2021

Stevan Schott

Paul F. Schwengels

Rita Secola, PhD, RN 1983

Karen Seehausen, JD 1970 and Stephen O’Neill, Jr.

Mary Pat Aland Sembroski 1972 and Glenn Sembroski, PhD

Audrey Malone Sheehan 1960 and John Sheehan

Michele Shields 1971

Lynn Simko, PhD 1978

Eileen Simmons

Faith Sisk 1996, 2001 and John Sisk

George B. Smeltzer, Jr.

Kate Dunn Smith 1960 and Fred Smith

Ruth E. Smith

Kate Sobocinski

Mary J. Sobocinski

Dolores Somma 1953

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+ Deceased * Trustee ~ Trustee Emeriti

James Spindler

Howard and Darlene Stevens

Joe and Candy Stockhausen

Carrie L. Stott, PhD, LSW

Margaret M. Sullivan, MBA 2010

Mary Patricia Kettering Sullivan, DNP 2016

Teresa A. Sullivan, PhD

Sandra L. Surace 1994

Mary Lou Klena Svendsen 1966 and Peter Svendsen

Catherine Kloecker Swanson 1966

Linda Swatek 1962

Laurie Swift 2021

Clayton Talarek Lillian L. Tate

Lorre Tavana

Cathleen M. Taylor 1977

Christine Nesmith Thomas 1975

Gregory and Karen Marie Tobias

Mary Tobin 1953

Lucille A. Trettel 1966

Bob & Carol Turkovich, Al & Nancy

Turkovich, David & Kim Turkovich, Art Gornick

Tyson-Cain Family

Elsa Valdiviezo de Baules 1988

Laure King Valentine 1988 and Michael Valentine

Peter and Sharon Varischetti

Marjorie McGuirk Vogt, PhD 1977

Karen Petrillo Vukich 1972

Argyle Wade, PhD

Rose Marie Walch 1960 and Philip Walch

Barbara L. Waldron 1969, 1989

North Central PA Finance Team

Claire A. Walker

Dana C. Walker, MSN, RN 1989, 2018, 2020

Janice Ward 1971 and Michael Ward

Patricia A. Ward 1972

Andrea A. Wary, MEd, RN 1994

Saundra Hondal Waseleski 1977 and Thomas Waseleski

Jonathan S. Wasko and Mary Wasko, MD, MSC

Janet Bates Wehner 1968 and Daniel Wehner

Shannon B. Weis

Jeanne Matonak Welch, RN 1973 and Richard Welch, Esq.

Caroline Joyce Whitby, MSW 1956

Lance and Melanie White

Patricia Truex White 1971 and Paul White

Patricia A. Whitfield 2004

Robert L. Wholey

Sarah Wiggin

Anita Williams 1980

Donna L. Williams 1978

Jo Ann Williams 1958 and Edward Williams

Stephanie A. Wilsey, PhD and Joshua Wilsey

Helen Wilson 1971

Susan Winstel and Edmund Winstel

Sister Carol Wintermyer, RSM, PhD 1968

Joan Zolkoski Witt, DDS 1980

Elizabeth A. Woll 1956

Philomina Capano Woodside 1958 and John Woodside

Mary Jo Dunn Wuenschel 1952 and Cyril Wuenschel

Jeffrey Wymard

Sister Linda S. Yankoski, CSFN, EdD

Kathleen Yosko, PhD, MBA 1973 Louis V. Zadecky

Amy and Damon Zeigler

Aimee D. Zellers, PhD

Kathleen Zipf, MA 1970

The Most Reverand David A. Zubik, DD

Ashley Kunkle Zwierzelewski 2011


Anonymous (19)

Tracy Abernathy

Robert and Julie Acor

Linda and Barry Adams

Christine Agnew John and Rachel Allen

Frank K. Ammer, PhD 1997

Joan Ammer

Carla N. Anderson

Rayna Anderson

Suzanne Aquilina, DNP 2011

Pamela Coudriet Arroyo 2006, 2009

Allan and Amanda Aubrey Mary Ann Guido Augustyn 1970

Kit Ayars

Julie A. Babjack

Sandra Jurksaitis Babyak 1975

Susan Maurer Bakelaar 1967

Eleanor King Baker 1967

Faith Mero Baker, PhD 1963

Jean Similo Baldwin 1961

Logan D. Bannon

Mary Alice Baptiste 1995

Tara D. Baptiste 2006

Rosemary Novotny Barbacci, PhD 1961

Beverly Barkon, PhD

Keely O. Baronak, PhD

Kimberly Barr

Kate H. Barrett 2006

Nora Nicklas Barrett 1964

Peter Batarseh

Patricia Bauccio, MS 2000

Donna Thornburg Bauer 1974

Kathleen S. Bauer 1992

Margaret Skalski Begley 1968 and William Begley

Kathy Hoyle Belcastro 1976

Lachelle Binion Bell, MBA 2003, 2011, 2013

Linda Miller Bell 1981

Suranah S. Bell 2009

Carol DeNome Benefield 1969

Carla Fiumara Bergamasco, MSN, RN 1994, 2004

Margaret R. Berger

Marjorie P. Bernard

Lisa Stefano Bertocchi 2000

Barbara Bettwy and Mr. Leroy J. Bettwy

Sadao Bey

Sherri Kwence Bissell 2011

Tyger Blake

Theresa Blasko 1985

Chris and Dana Blough

Thomas and Rochelle Bober

Cathy Hensch Boggess 1980

Kathryn Bonach, DPhil, LSW

Amy Bowman-McElhone, PhD

Sister Ann Braun, RSM 1964

Maureen Rooney Brentrup 1971

Susan Brichacek, MEd 2018

Barbara Schweikert Brooks 2006

Rhonda A. Brown 2013

Judy Popp Bruderly 1971 and David Bruderly

Cynthia J. Brusco-Falvo

Ayeshah Bulls 2020

Mary Ellen Burk

Jean Hammer Burke 1968 Jeremy Burnworth

Senta M. Burton 2001

Melanie Hudak Byrom, MBA 2014

Carl Capozza, III and Laurie Pemrick Capozza

30 CARLOW UNIVERSITY| 2021-22 PRESIDENT’S REPORT + Deceased * Trustee ~ Trustee Emeriti 2021-22 DONOR LIST

Mary A. Capp 1991, 1996

Anna Mulvaney Capriotti 1968

Danielle R. Carpenter

Kirstin L. Carpenter

Barbara Hatfield Carson 1978

Sheila Carter-Jones, MFA 2020

Judi Christley

Sister Lucille Ciafre, RSM 1964

Nicole D. Clark-Bey 1993

Karen Clarke 1965

Susan Terza Clemens 1971

Ethel M. Cobb 2000

James Coccagno

Anthony V. Colantoni 1997

Latonia Coleman 1990

Andrea Coleman-Betts 2006

Arlene Coles 1993

Barbara Greene Collier 1969

Valire Copeland, PhD

Susan Cottom, MEd 2016

Mary Jean Conroy Coughlin 1962

Katie E. Crawford 2009

Donna M. Creese 2003, 2009

Linda A. Creswell-Hartman 1979

Georgina E. Crichlow 1991

Sheila Culberson-Kenney, PPC 2017, 2021

Stephen and Jennifer Cunningham

Sister Marie Immaculée Dana, RSM, PhD

Rebecca Lawrence Dandrea 1977

Sylvia Spincic Danehy 1965

Constance Runzo Dankmyer 1959

Carolyn Quinn Davis 1963

Katherine Rumbaugh Davis 2001

Lee Davis

Tina Davis, MBA 2006, 2010

Sally Davoren, Esq.

Nicky Jo Dawson

Tara Dean, MBA

Jennifer DeBrincat

Julie L. Decker, DNP, RN 2015

Kristine N. Deel 1996

Elizabeth Deiseroth

Stephanie A. Demalon

Dominic Demangone

Ellen G. DeSimone

Claudia M. Dezwick 1967

Jose Diaz

Lorelei Stepek DiPalma 1964

Loretta DiVecchia 1970

Clarice Withum Dohanich 1957

Michelle Napoleon Dolney 2000

Patricia Donahue-Dohoda 1959

Lisa Seidl Dowling 2001

Tracey M. Downs 2007

Marian J. Doyle

Frank J. Dreslinski

Erin Driggers

Sister Ann Driscoll, RSM 1962

Winifred Flynn Driscoll 1960

Mary Kerns Dubendorfer 1971

Ann Hall Ehland 1984

Justine Eicker, MS, LPC 2016

Marsha Broadie Ekunfeo 1971

Karen M. Emmett 1985

Jayde Eng

Erin E. Engel 2004

Nancy Ceraso English 1977

Michele Furiga Engman 1969

Ellen McArdle Erhart 1961

Stephanie Jadlowiec Etter, DSc, MBA 2001

Maureen A. Evans 1968

Meredith M. Eyre, MS

Melanie Rinchetti Fardo 1988

Barbara Sleeper Feeley 1966

Mary Ann Fenner 2005

Catherine M. Ferrelli 1987

Jennifer Ficarri 2015

Rebecca Madden Flaherty 2000, 2006 and Brennen Flaherty

Joyce Frauenholz 1976

Mary Ellen Freil 1953

Sara Gaal

Dorene Gabelli 1966

Bart Gabler, JD, MBA* and Jennifer A. Gabler

Chrys Gabrich, PhD and James Aiello

Trisha Gadson, PhD 2003

Erica K. Gaffey 1990

Juanita D. Gale

Kathy Gallagher

David Gallaher, Jr., PhD and Jennifer Gallaher

Julie L. Gandley 1990

MaryAnn Ganz 1962

Ronald D. Garrett, MBA, APMP 2006, 2008

Clare A. Gase 1967

Philip Gbee

Deborah Gearhart

Nadine Darocy Gelormino 1998

JoAnne Huether Gerules 1963

John Gibson

Kathleen Morrison Gibson 1965

Marlene McCormick Gillan 1966

Joyce Almash Gillooly 1964

Mimi Horrell Giroux 1957 and Andre Giroux

Sister Anna Marie Goetz, RSM, MEd 1962~

Geraldine E. Gomberg

Mary Ann Gonot 1990 Anne Traurig Goscenski 1964 Doreen Dunmire Grada, RN 1985

Shaunna Graf

Patricia A. Graff 2010

Susan L. Graff 1997

Reverend Glenn G. Grayson, Sr. and Marsha C. Grayson

Sister Agnes Greacher, RSM 1958 Thelma Tometsko Greco 1967

Janine Kenaan Greenberg 2006

Jenna Grogan, MBA 2016, 2021

Amanda Grossman

Janet and Steve Guidas

Carol Houze Guidry 1963 and Michael Guidry

Mary E. Hafner

Debra Haid

Gregory J. Hallas

Janice Conrad Haltigan 1970 Tina Harris

Anne Solomon Hast, DNP 1977

Lynette Hathaway 1996

Mary Ann Hayden-Shaughnessy 1990

Kathleen McGinty Hayes 1984, 1986

Jennifer Hedden

Diane and Bill Helsel

Shane and Rebecca Herrington

Timothy and Donna Hess

Mary Ellen Perfett Hilko 1971

Margaret Pollak Hill 1969

Christy L. Hillegas 2001

Darlene Hills 1984

Kimberly S. Hills

Janelle A. Hines 2007

Rae Ann Geary Hirsh, EdD 1997

Cynthia Randel Hobbs 2001

Karen M. Hochberg 2007

Sister Lucille Holtz, RSM 1962 Ruth Howze

Leanne M. Huminski 1995

Lisa Zeman Hutchison 1996

Mary Ann Hvizdos, PhD Joy Irwin

Cathryn Meinz Jana 1957

Nancy Carr Jankowiak 1979

Cecelia M. Jedlicka 2005

Magdeline E. Jensen C. Denise Johnson

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+ Deceased * Trustee ~ Trustee Emeriti

Chester and Maryann Jozefowicz

Michelle A. Kaminsky, MBA 1987, 2009

John R. Kamorowski

Neva Usmiani Kanaby 1960

Patricia Caldwell Kanavich 2000

Sister Mary Ann Karas, RSM 1959

Vicki Marczynski Kaufmann 1970

Darlise Kearney 2021

Margaret L. Kearney, MSW

Joleine Kern Kenaan 1970 and John Kenaan

Dale Kennedy

Irene M. Kennedy 1994, 2001

Nancy E. Kern 2000, 2005

Mary Higgins Kieler, MS, BSN 1995, 2016

Teresa Vento Kimmel 1954

Julie and Dwayne Kincak

Elizabeth M. Kinol 1994

Carla A. Kirkland 1979

Roxanne M. Klems 1985

Janet M. Kline 2001, 2014

Max Kneis

Laura DeLandro Korbich 1968

Ann Curry Koster 1959 and Robert Koster, MD

Sara Boyle Kountz 1964

Anita Andrews Kovalsky 1977

Judith A. Koveleskie 1968

Marjorie H. Krieger, BSN 1962

Sister Margery Kundar, CSJ 1968

Janet and Harry Kuni

Linda Ivan Kuosman 1970

Jill LaCarte Kusic 1970

Lorene Kwapong

Karyn L. Kwiatkowski

Maryellen Labik 1990

Sebastian Lacy

Rose Mary Larson 1977

Patti Laskey 2013, 2016

Vicki L. Lauffer 2006

Donna Salopek Laurnavich 1971

Jill Leahy

Lee Ann Mazzocco Leapman 1991

Tina M. Lechner

Marsha Mozley Lee 2000

Carol Lynch Lennig 1971

Jacqueline R. Lioon

Marylin F. Lisowski, PhD 1970 Rachel L. Lizik 1996

Jeanette Titus Lockovich, BSN 1976

Ann Marie Dashner Lucas 1986

Maxine W. Luppe

Karen Bender Lust 1970

Margaret Campbell Lyday, PhD 1969 and Leon Lyday, III, PhD

Jacqueline Lyde

Deborah Bauer Lynch, AIF, ASC 1971

Suzette L. Mackey

Monica Malik

Charleen Campbell Malone 1964

Kelley Maloney

Scott J. Manning

Nancy Marion 1973

Joanne Markovich 1968

Susan M. Marron 1994

Meghan Foy Martin 2010

Paula Trach Martin 1983

Carol A. Mascia 1987

Judith Chicko Matelan 1981

Christine Maly Matuszewski 1971

Linda McCall 1989

Sharon L. McCartney 1991

Jamie S. McClish 2006

Deborah Ransel McGrath 1974

Suzanne Denne McHugh 1999 and Kevin McHugh

Misti McKeehen, EdD 2007

Charles McKinnon, MBA 2011

Rudi Lynd McLane 2010

Deanna R. Meier 1988

Jessica Pierce Meissner, MBA 2018

Vaughn E. Meister 1968

Jim and Lori Menzies

Nohemi S. Meraz Rodriguez

Judy Mermigas 1989 and James Mermigas

Anthony and Elizabeth Metrovich Carol A. Minyon, MBA 2010

Ann Mitch-Resignalo 1973 Joan M. Mitsch 1990

Ericka D. Mochan, PhD Michelle Monroe Nicole Moon 2012

Joan Halloran Moore 1960 and John Moore

Frank and Pat Moreno

Kathleen Kajder Moyar 1977

Carol Mueller

Robert and Marilyn Mueller Maureen Mullen 1967

Marty Ising Murawski 1970

Sister Jean Murin, RSM 1961

Kathleen Murphy 1993

Marjorie Schweizer Murphy 1973

James Murray 2000

Richard Naples

Carole Andolina Naughton 1969

Barbara Navish 1970

Joy Tolbert Nelson, JD 1990

Cynthia M. Nicola, EdD 1978 Rosemary McCusker Nilles, MEd 1972

Carol King Nolan 1963

Judith L. Norkiewicz 1985 Dolores Rakiecz Norwood 1955 Maureen Bedel Novak, BSN, RN 2004

Julie Olenak

William and Norma Olenak

Elaine Olsakovsky 1965

Marian Hreha Olson 1967 and Jonathan Olson

Susan and Sean O’Rourke

Judith Gallick O’Sullivan, PhD 1963

Barbara Getsey Palso 1967 and Terrence Palso

Catherine Parham 2010

Linda Parilli

Mary Ellen W. Park 1958

Barbara Patchan

Kerry E. Paustenbach 1993

Jody J. Pavlik 1998

Mary Ellen Boal Peirce 1962

Sister Sandra D Pelusi, RSM 1975

Mary Pat Perego 1974

Barbara J. Persic

Rita Persic

Geraldine Pociboreck

Petrak 1964

Susan Yenchik Petrarca 1985

Denise M. Petras, DNP, RN, NPD-BC 1979

Karen Havey Petruny 1972

Laurie and Robert Petty

Beverly A. Phillips 1996, 1998

Wendy S. Phillips

Maria E. Piantanida and Earl Novendstern

Geraldine Vidra Piemme 1969

Yovena Simplice Pierre-Louis, MEd 2021

Bethany L. Pisula 2002

Nancy Gronceski Plummer, BSN, RN 1982

Judy Naab Podlucky 2008 Carol A. Polidora

Anthony Polley

Monique Portser

32 CARLOW UNIVERSITY| 2021-22 PRESIDENT’S REPORT + Deceased * Trustee ~ Trustee Emeriti 2021-22 DONOR LIST

Cheryl A. Powell 1994

Steven R. Prugar 2014

Marycelia Albert Radakovich, DNP, MHA, RN 2010 and Keith Radakovich

Teresa R. Ramsey 2002

Joyce Randall

Terri L. Ranft

Anne Rashid, PhD

Stella Ravish 1985

Erin Thomas Reeder 1999

Georganne Kerlin Regan 1966

Jennifer A. Regester 1999

Maureen McGeever Regrut 2008

Tina L. Renaud 1989

Janet Wilson Rice 1972 and Glenn Rice

Dean Richards

Thomas J. Richards

Dorothy O’Donnell Richardson 1969

Patricia Rigos 1976

Lee Ann Morgan Riner 1996

Joseph Roberts, PhD and Jennifer Roberts, PhD

Chris Robinson

Michele Robinson 1976

Leighann B. Roche

Amy M. Romesberg, PhD and Merle Romesberg

Patricia West Rorick 1989

Christen Rose 2021

Stephanie Crenshaw Rosenberg 1982

Mariann Balestreire Rowland 1979 Lori R. Rozzo

Cheryl Ruffin

Monica Scanlon Rumsey 1966

Alberta A. Rupar 1986

Lynn A. Rush

Michelene Rykaceski

Ramata Salaou

Peter R. Sammartino

Ernesto Sanchez

Clara M. Saternos 1984

James E. Saunders, MEd 2008

Sister Georgine Scarpino, RSM, PhD 1962

David and Virginia Schaap

Catherine M. Schempp, PhD 1976

Travis W. Schermer, PhD

Perty M. Schoeppner 1968

Phillip Schuller

Paula M. Schultz 1972

Jeannine Scott

Katrina R. Scott

Carol L. Scott-Fowler 1991

Joann Flanigan Scully 1967

Kathleen Quinn Seargent 1964

Vicki Senko 1997

Louise DePalma Senra 1962

Sister Cynthia Serjak, RSM 1972, 1997

Robert J. Sestili

Stephanie Shanahan 2017

Mary M. Shannon, MSN 2003

Nicole M. Shannon, MS 2015

Sister Mary Louise Simon, RSM 1962

Jenny Scarcella Siple 1971 and George Siple

Sister Patricia Ann Skowronek, RSM 1963

Ann K. Slevinski 1968

Betty Smeltzer 2002

David Smiddle

Barbara J. Smith 1966

Barbara DeVitto Smith 2016

Sandra Lobozzo Smith 1966

Sister Therese Marie Smith, ASC 1962

Anna Egan Smucker 1970

Marcia F. Snowden 1967

Amy S. SomeraMarrone

Michael J. Spano, Jr.

Cheryl McCafferty St. George 1965 and John St. George Peggyanne Paisley Stack 1965

Cindy Patterson Sterling 2003

Jane Stockhausen 1976

Erika Strassburger

Angela D. Stribling 2007, 2009

Arthur H. Stroyd, Jr. Gail Stutz

Kathleen A. Sullivan

Sister Joan Supel, OP 1958

Lynn A. Swaney 1993

Mary Kay Swanson 1987

Carol Cunningham Sweeney 1958

Janet Dugan Sweeney 1979

Eldar Tashtan

Nico Thomas

Patriece Thompson

Barbara A. Thompson 2004, 2007

Katherine J. Throckmorton Natalie E. Thurman 2006 Joann F. Tiberio 1969

Gayle Tissue

Christine Murphy Tomberlin, PhD 1969

Candice Northcut Tomon 2000, 2006

Janet M. Toomey 1996

Csaba Toth, PhD

Rita Bolek Trofino, DNP 2011 and Ralph Trofino

Patrick Troup

Joanne Bergner Turka 1974 Pamela Twiss, PhD

Bernadette Ulsamer, MFA 2012 Cynthia Eisel Valenta 1978 Haley M. VanWagenen Gaye Velar 2004

Lynn Vescio 2000

Joanna Cirincioni Viviano 1975

Adrienne Wafer 1996 and John Wafer Helen J. Walk 1998

Faye Walker Melinda Ward, MPP 2012

Peggy Ward 2015

Louis J. Wassermann

Carole Harned Weber 1955

Lynn A. Wegrzynek 1975

Leigh Anne Weiss

Dorothy M. Weldon, RN 1959

Judith Baumbaugh Welsh 1969

Louis Wentz

The Honorable Jake Wheatley, Jr.*

Charlotte N. Wilson 2014

Natalie L. Wilson

Mary Anne Haering Wirth 1959

Christine Aikens Wolfe, MEd 1970, 1999 and Howard Aikens

Jeffrey D. Woodard 1997

RoRy Smith Woods 1969+ and Edgar Hugh Woods, Jr. Elise Wynn 2019

Jasiri X

Katherine Brehl Yancosek 1957

Carol A. Yenchik 1960

Brenda J. Younger 1992

Mary Irene Lightner Zahm 1966

Mauria Zalavary-Kunkel 1988 and Jeffrey Kunkel

Charlotte Zalewsky, PhD 2013 Ruth Rhodes Zalonis 2004, 2010 Amy L. Zeman 2010

Constance L. Zeman 1973

Elizabeth J. Zeman 2009

Ronald and Laura Zinski

Petroula M. Zoll 2010

Lisa A. Zullo, CPA 1989 Qualisha Zyhier

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+ Deceased * Trustee ~ Trustee Emeriti


Health Resources and Services Administration

National Science Foundation

United States Department of Education

United States Department of Justice


The Buhl Foundation

Mary J. Donnelly Foundation

Addison Gibson Foundation

Grable Foundation

The Heinz Endowments

William Talbott Hillman Foundation

Jacob A. & Freida M. Hunkele

Charitable Fund

The Kirr Foundation, Inc.

McAuley Ministries

McCune Foundation

McElhattan Foundation

Francis Edward McGillick Foundation

Rita M. McGinley Foundation

A.J. and Sigismunda Palumbo Charitable Trust

The Rosewood Foundation

The Rust Foundation

Irene C. Shea Charitable Foundation


American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Asset, Inc.

BNY Mellon

Council of Independent Colleges CVS Health Foundation

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Dollar Bank Eaton

Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC

Frank B. Fuhrer Wholesale Company

Gateway Health Plan

Harvey Lipsitz Company

Highmark Health Highmark, Inc.

Hyatt-Fennell Ladies of Bethany

Moret Contruction

NexTier Bank

Oakland Business Improvement District Pittsburgh Hospital Alumnae Association

Sisters of Mercy

Sisters of Mercy of the Americas Society of St. Vincent de Paul Trinity Health UPMC

Verizon Foundation


Bridge Educational Foundation Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh Central Pennsylvania Scholarship Fund The Huntington Bank UPMC Diversified Services


In Memory of Leon Agnew 1989 Christine Agnew

In Memory of Josephine Andiorio Dorylée Domínguez 1967

In Memory of Kathleen Roddy Antonazzo 1969 Karen Reiber Gethen 1969 and John Gethen

In Memory of Paul and Celestine Baldi Sara Marie Baldi 1977

In Memory of Cynthia Bittner Barron 1981 Charles V. Barron

In Memory of Ronald Boggess Cathy Hensch Boggess 1980

In Memory of Patricia O’Donnell Brandt 1969 Kathleen Sunseri Barrett 1969

In Memory of Emily Beth Breide Deborah J. Breide 1982 and Charles A. McKinney Chris Mauro and Jay Huberty Goldie Samuels 1983

In Memory of Sister Elizabeth Carroll Margaret Streiff Horvath 1964

In Memory of Maria Estella Chopnak, SCN 1965 Janette Hanchak, MBA 1991, 2006, 2008

In Memory of Margart Mary Corbett Thomas X. Corbett

In Memory of Marilyn Kengor Cupec 1957 Emily M. Kolek 2011

In Memory of Mary Mulvihill Erdman 1934 Denise Erdman Cole 1966

In Memory of Sister Jane Fadgen, RSM 1965 Maureen Schreck Maidhof 1962

In Memory of Veronica Ziemianski Fedorek Patti Laskey 2013, 2016

In Memory of Alice Dobson Fishkin, JD 1935 Gregory and Karen Marie Tobias

2021-22 DONOR LIST
Noted in bold is the name of the person being honored or for whom the tribute was made; donors are listed below the name.
Trustee Emeriti

In Memory of Sister Rita Alice FitzGerald, RSM, PhD 1954

Dolores Somma 1953

In Memory of Virginia Flaherty Nora J. Stockhausen, MBA

In Memory of Matilda Frankovich Denise M. Petras, DNP, RN, NPD-BC 1979

In Memory of Russell Gardner Bernadette Burger Skoczylas 1969 and Daniel Skoczylas

In Memory of Nancy J. Hanratty 1974 Gregory L. Hanratty

In Memory of Thomas Harder Judith Bowers Maloni, PhD, RN 1965

In Memory of Donald and Janice Heisler Karen Heisler Patton 1987

In Memory of Sister Rosemary Heyl, RSM Sister Sandra D Pelusi, RSM 1975

In Memory of Sister Mary Paul Hickey, RSM, PhD 1951

Lorraine Baysek, JD 1971

Margaret Skalski Begley 1968 and William Begley

Jeanne V. Crichlow

Michael A. DellaVecchia, Esq. and Elizabeth A. DellaVecchia

Gailliot Family Foundation

Mark Haffner & Family

Natalie Taaffe-Hoffman

Peter A. McClenahan

Joanne Battaglia McDaniel 1969 and Martin McDaniel

Stella L. Mericli, Esq. 1970

Robert F. Neuwar

Margie & John O’Leary

The Eugene and Saundra O’Sullivan Family Charitable Fund

Patricia Riesmeyer Pope 1969 and Edward Pope Rachel, Tom, Christine and Dean Pregel

Libby and Ed Schmidt

Jonathan Wasko and Mary Chester Wasko, MD, MSC Marlene S. Winter, PhD 1959

In Memory of J.W. Huberty Family Chris Mauro and Jay Huberty

In Memory of Catherine Hunkele, PhD Pittsburgh Hospital Alumnae Association

In Memory of Brent Jones Travis W. Schermer, PhD

In Memory of Barry Kane Maureen Hauf Kane 1957

In Memory of Felix Kaufmann Vicki Marczynski Kaufmann 1970

In Memory of Sister Kathleen Kelbling, RSM 1947

Mary Ellen Boal Peirce 1962

In Memory of Donald Kibler Leslie Kirkpatrick Petruzzelli, DNP, MBA

In Memory of Barbara E. Kraft 1983 Frederick Kraft

In Memory of Sister M. de Lellis LaBoon, RSM 1942 Mary B. Kelly Clydesdale 1958

In Memory of Mary Kane Lewis Nancy Kane Thompson 1960

In Memory of Anthony and John Liotta Arlene Liotta Grados 1970

In Memory of Carolyn Massaro Steven M. Massaro

In Memory of Merrily Konopka Medd 1967 Barbara Getsey Palso 1967 and Terrence Palso

In Memory of Cecilia Murphy, RSM 1962 Sister Sandra D. Pelusi, RSM 1975

In Memory of Meredith Farrell Naples 1967 Richard Naples

In Memory of Joan Atkins Neuwar 1959 Robert F. Neuwar

In Memory of Stanley Phillips Shirley Phillips Marvin 1956

In Memory of Frank and Glendora Reed Amy Johnston Allen, Esq., MBA 2000, 2020

In Memory of Gayle Reed Maria E. Piantanida and Earl Novendstern

In Memory of Gayle Reed Bernadette Ulsamer, MFA 2012

In Memory of Toni Roman 1967

Roberta Costlow Grotstein 1967 and Jerald Grotstein, DMD Donna Roefaro Henke 1967

Linda Madden-Brenholts 1988 Louise Reiber Malakoff, JD 1967 and Michael Malakoff, Esq. Barbara Patchan

In Memory of Carole Ross 2000

Maureen Bedel Novak, BSN, RN 2004

In Memory of Karen Cameron Scanlon, EdD 1966 Norman W. Scanlon, Jr., PhD

In Memory of Carl Scott

Bernadette Burger Skoczylas 1969 and Daniel Skoczylas

In Memory of Anna Jane Stockhausen Shally 1981

Richard Bein

Maureen Blackwell

Mary Ellen Burk Elizabeth Bush

Nora’s Calgon Carbon Team Angela Cardimona Alice Chen

James Coccagno Patricia Cooley and Margaret Sobocinski Sally Davoren, Esq. Debra DiCianna

Noted in bold is the name of the person being honored or for whom the tribute was made; donors are listed below the name.
Visit giving.Carlow.edu
+ Deceased * Trustee ~ Trustee Emeriti

Jacob Dubois

Rose Gioia-Fine

Kim and John Gavel

John Gibson

Erin Sterling Golec

Charles Graner

Mary E. Hafner

Anne Hampton

Diane and Bill Helsel

Michael Joanow

Edward Karlovih

Julie and Dwayne Kincak

Jared Kramer

Jill Leahy

Janine and Rick Lesser

Elizabeth Lisowski

Maxine W. Luppe

Brian Maloney

Judith A. Mattei and Thomas Mattei, Sr. L. Robert McAfoos

Jim and Lori Menzies

Frank and Pat Moreno

Sharon K. Moss

Robert and Marilyn Mueller

Craig and Jill Murphey

North Central PA Finance Team

Julie Olenak

William and Norma Olenak

Anne Olson

Linda Parilli

Barbara J. Persic

Rita Persic

Peter R. Sammartino

Stevan Schott

Eileen Simmons

David Smiddle

Ruth E. Smith

James Spindler

Christopher J. Stockhausen, MBA Jane Stockhausen 1976

Joe and Candy Stockhausen Nora J. Stockhausen, MBA

Bill and Cece Stutz

Gail Stutz

Clayton Talarek

Bob & Carol Turkovich, Al & Nancy Turkovich, David & Kim Turkovich, Art Gornick Tyson-Cain Family Claire A. Walker

Louis Wentz

In Memory of Christine Marvin Singer Shirley Phillips Marvin 1956

In Memory of Theresa and Thomas Sonick Rosemarie Sonick Wodarek 1969 and John Wodarek

In Memory of Francis B. Sweeney, Jr. Carol Cunningham Sweeney 1958

In Memory of William D. Taylor Andrea Mastro, PhD 1966

In Memory of Arthur Tracy Sandra Petro Tracy 1963

In Memory of James D. Trovato, Sr. Pamela Clark 2011 and Jonathan Clark

In Memory of Tony Uricchio Sister Marylouise Fennell, RSM, EdD

In Memory of Donna Vivio, MSN, MPH 1976 Paul F. Schwengels

In Memory of Judith Warden, RSM 1960 Karen Fischer Kennedy 1976 and Thomas Kennedy The Wildenhain Family Charitable Fund

In Memory of Lois Dinneen Wholey 1945

Richard and Bernadette Ardemagni Christine and Brian Beattie

BHc Paddle gals: Angela, KC, Melissa, Gretchen, Emily, Irene and Sara Jeff Brodsky and Nancy Knowles Mark Robert Eck

Aziza El Feil and Stephen Vogel

Cynthia J. Brusco-Falvo

Geraldine E. Gomberg

Maureen Kerr

Janet and Harry Kuni

Jacqueline R. Lioon

David Lowe

Gail and Steve Mosites

Carol Mueller

Paper Products Company, Inc.

Lillian L. Tate

Elizabeth M. Toole

Dennis L. Travis

Kathryn Vreeland-Thompson, MD and Stephen Thompson

Lois Wholey, JD

Robert L. Wholey

Samuel Wholey

Doris Carson Williams

In Memory of RoRy Smith Woods 1969 Edgar Hugh Woods, Jr.

In Memory of Ellie Buntag Wymard, PhD 1958

Joan Ammer

Michele Rehfeld Atkins 1982 and Patrick Atkins, PhD

Marjorie P. Bernard

Patricia Campbell Bibro 1968 and Mark Bibro, PhD

Deborah J. Breide 1982 and Charles A. McKinney

Dorothy Davis, Esq. 1978 and David Lynch, Esq. Elizabeth Deiseroth

Jamie Dwyer

Frederick Egler, Jr. and Kathleen Buechel Rachel A. Egler, MD

Chrys Gabrich, PhD and James Aiello Mr. and Mrs. William P. Getty

Diane Glancy

Lois Anne Miller Huston 1958 Joy Irwin

2021-22 DONOR LIST
Noted in bold is the name of the person being honored or for whom the tribute was made; donors are listed below the name.
Deceased * Trustee ~ Trustee Emeriti

Mary Beth and Christopher Leech

Mary Lou McLaughlin

Eugene and Saundra O’Sullivan

Kathryn Katafiasz Pepper, MFA 2010

Marycelia Albert Radakovich, DNP, MHA, RN 2010 and Keith Radakovich

Goldie Samuels 1983

John A. Staley, IV and Patricia D. Staley

Carol Cunningham Sweeney 1958 Elsa Valdiviezo de Baules 1988 Jeffrey Wymard

In Memory of Angela S. Zalavary ‘57

Mauria Zalavary-Kunkel 1988 and Jeffrey Kunkel

In Memory of Carol Linder Zeltner 1959 George F. Zeltner


In Honor of Michele Rehfeld Atkins 1982 and Patrick Atkins, PhD Goldie Samuels 1983

In Honor of Jan Beatty, MFA Diane Glancy

In Honor of Mary Ann Gill Bober 1954 Thomas and Rochelle Bober

In Honor of the Class of 1958

Carol Cunningham Sweeney 1958

In Honor of the Class of 1969 Patricia Cullinan Miller 1969

In Honor of Katherine Cooper Kaira B. Cooper 2008

In Honor of Future Nurse Educators

Renee M. Ingel, PhD, MSN 2005 and Jeffrey Ingel, MS

In Honor of Game Day Ladies: Barb, Bonnie, Gail, Ellen & Jeannie Anne Olson

In Honor of Dale Huffman, MFA Lenore E. Blum, PhD and Manuel Blum, PhD

In Honor of Kathy W. Humphrey PhD

A+ Schools

Edward J. Abes

Linda and Barry Adams Jack Alverson, PhD

Amy and Steven Anderson David and Carmen Anderson Anonymous (2)

Kit Ayars

The Honorable Cynthia A. Baldwin, JD and Arthur L. Baldwin

Kimberly Barr

Christine Guanzon Battin 1988 and John Battin, MD

Patricia E. Beeson, PhD

Joyce and William Bender

Eva Tansky Blum, Esq.

Oda Bolden, MBA and Beverly J. Bolden

Kenyon R. Bonner, EdD and Sylvana Bonner

Kathleen Brady

Deborah J. Breide 1982 and Charles A. McKinney

Suzy and Jim Broadhurst

Diana Bucco

The Buhl Foundation

Christine Shento Burger 1975

Esther L. Bush

Debra L. Caplan, MPA and David J. Levenson, MD

Christine and Mark Chapman Wivina Ayson Chmura, MEd and Charles Chmura

Diana Babnich Colaianni, MSN, RN 1969 and Dean Colaianni

Andrea Coleman-Betts 2006 Darla and Ronald Coleman

Pamela Wilkins Connelly, JD

Michele Rone Cooper

Valire Copeland, PhD

Jeanne V. Crichlow

Verna I. Crichlow and Philmore H. Crichlow, MD

Judith Davenport, DMD and Ronald Davenport, Esq.

Dorothy Davis, Esq. 1978 and David Lynch, Esq.

Jennifer DeBrincat

David and Denise DeJong

Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.

Deanne Horner D’Emilio, JD

Dorylée Domínguez 1967

Jacqueline Dunbar-Jacobs, PhD, RN, FAAN

Veronica Murray Edwards 1993

Dolly and Curt Ellenberg

Tesha Ellison, MBA 2004, 2006, 2017

Michelle M. Figlar

Jennifer Ficarri 2015

Irene Frieze

Kathy Gallagher

Mark Giaquinto

Diane Glancy

Robert and E. Jeanne Adamson Gleason 1960~ Tanya M. Gore-White, MBA 2006

Reverend Glenn G. Grayson, Sr. and Marsha C. Grayson

Barbara Conner Grignano 1966 and Innocenzio Grignano

Yvette Henry

Thomas and Constance Hickey

Lieutenant General Patricia Horoho Magdeline E. Jensen C. Denise Johnson

Naudia Jonassaint, MD, MHS and Charles R. Jonassaint, PhD, MHS Rosalyn E. Jones

John R. Kamorowski

Kara Kassabov

Lynda Ruffo Katz, PhD 1963

Charles C. Kelly, JD

Sigrid King, PhD and James Kelly, PhD

Patricia D. Kroboth, PhD

Jane McIntyre Kwasniewski 1979 and Kenneth Kwasniewski

Maureen Lally-Green

Noted in bold is the name of the person being honored or for whom the tribute was made; donors are listed below the name.
Visit giving.Carlow.edu
+ Deceased * Trustee ~ Trustee Emeriti

Stephanie Krasinski Laurenza, MBA 2011

Ronald R. Lawrence, Sr. and Valerie Lawrence

Jacqueline Lyde

James V. Maher, Jr., PhD and Angela B. Maher

Louise Reiber Malakoff, JD 1967 and Michael Malakoff, Esq.

Lupe Saavedra Mangan 1985

Margaret Mangan, JD 1970

Chris Mauro and Jay Huberty

The Honorable Mary C. McGinley

Mary Lou McLaughlin

Patricia L. McMahon, PhD

Stella L. Mericli, Esq. 1970

Anthony and Elizabeth Metrovich

Ana María Mieles, JD and Domenico Sciulli, Jr.

Ellen L. Moran and Kirk M. Fabel

Veronica C. Morgan-Lee

Thelma Lovette Morris 1970

Enrique Mu, PhD and Milagros Pereyra-Rojas, PhD 2000, 2003

Tara Murphy

Marlee S. Myers, JD and James Myers

Jeananne Kerna Nicholls, DBA, MBA 1989 and Kurt Schimmel

Mark and Nikki Nordenberg

Oakland Business Improvement District

Sandra Olenick, ChFC 1965

Grant Oliphant and Aradhna M. Oliphant, MBA

Roger A. Oxendale, MBA

Robert F. Pack, PhD and Jinx Walton

Colonel Jeannette E. South-Paul, MD

Yovena Simplice Pierre-Louis, MEd 2021

Frits Pil

Anthony Polley

George and Barbara Pry

Nancy L. Rackoff

Arthur Ramicone

Anne Rashid, PhD

Kathleen I. Rawlins 1992

Monica Reese, PsyD 2017

Mary Frances Reidell, MSN 2002, 2012

Angela Reynolds, PhD and Anthony Reynolds, Sr.

Joan Robinson, PhD

Caterina Rosano

Sheila Roth, PhD, LCSW and Ronald N. Roth, MD

Reverend Cheryl Ruffin

Ramata Salaou

Donna Sanft, MEd and Elliott Sanft

Amy Schnarrenberger, MBA 2021

Molly Rumberger Schwartz 1965 and Edward Olsen, Jr.

Mary Ann Sestili, PhD 1961~ and Anthony Rene, PhD

David and Cynthia Shapira Herbert and Barbara Shear

Bernadette Burger Skoczylas 1969 and Daniel Skoczylas

Jacqueline M. Smith

Darlene Stevens

Erika Strassburger

Angela D. Stribling 2007, 2009

Arthur H. Stroyd, Jr. Michele Sylvester 2000 Gayle Tissue

Anna Bamonte Torrance, JD and W. Alan Torrance, Jr.

Frances M. Ujhazy 1964

Margaret Toomey Urzúa 1962 and René Urzúa Marisol Valentin

Peter and Sharon Varischetti

Argyle Wade, PhD

Barbara L. Waldron 1969, 1989

Sister Susan J. Welsh, RSM 1970 Lance and Melanie White

Doris Carson Williams

Stephanie A. Wilsey, PhD and Joshua Wilsey Charlotte N. Wilson 2014 Marlene S. Winter, PhD 1959

Christine Aikens Wolfe, MEd 1970, 1999 and Howard Aikens

Jasiri X

Aimee D. Zellers, PhD

Roberta J. Zolkoski 1972 Rachelle Zomak 1991, 2000

In Honor of Diane Matthews, PhD Jamie S. McClish 2006

In Honor of Anne DeNardo McGowan, JD 1960

Leslie Kirkpatrick Petruzzelli, DNP, MBA

In Honor of Doris and Richard Morris Arlene Myers Morris 1974

In Honor of Cornelia Regetz Pepoy 1962 and Louis Pepoy Andrew Pepoy Margaret L. Pepoy

In Honor of Fiona and Stella Platt

The Mary Jane & Joseph P. Platt, Jr. Family Foundation, Inc.

In Honor of Anita Sammartino 1969

Sara Marie Baldi 1977

Carol DeNome Benefield 1969

Mary Ellen Fitzgerald Collins 1963

Jane McIntyre Kwasniewski 1979 and Kenneth Kwasniewski

Mary Lou Ference Rife, PhD 1968 and Jack Rife Marsha J. Weleski 1977

In Honor of Anna Stockhausen Shally 1981 Mark Persic

Kate Sobocinski Mary J. Sobocinski Nora J. Stockhausen, MBA

In Honor of Christopher, Nora and Peter Stockhausen Mark Persic

In Honor of Jessica Thornhill Christine Aikens Wolfe, MEd 1970, 1999 and Howard Aikens

In Honor of Sarah Zeffiro, MEd 2019 Mary Ann Perkins 2002

Noted in bold is the name of the person being honored or for whom the tribute was made; donors are listed below the name.
2021-22 DONOR LIST
+ Deceased * Trustee ~ Trustee Emeriti


William and Catherine Callaghan were Catherine McAuley’s adoptive parents who named her the sole heir of their Dublin estate in 1822, a gesture that sparked McAuley to start the Sisters of Mercy and inspire enormous good that would grow over two centuries. The members of Carlow University’s Callaghan Society give legacy commitments through their wills, trusts, or other estate gifts that sustain the vitality and development of the university and its Mercy-based mission from one generation to the next.

Anonymous (3)

Margaret Meis Armen, JD 1969 and The Honorable Robert N. Armen, Jr., LLM

Dorothy Lawless Ballotta 1959+ Marie Ballirano Bartorona, BSN, RN 1964

Lorraine Baysek, JD 1971

Sheila McCarthy Begg 1963

Rebecca Mullaney Bertoni 1974

Rita Blieszner 1946+

Mary Ann Gill Bober 1954 and Edward Bober

Deborah J. Breide 1982 and Charles A. McKinney Carol Brown

Linda Zarecky Brown 1973 and David Brown+

Dorothy Browne

Nancy Hanks Burnett 1968+

Joan Jankowski Cameron 1972

Nancy Caputo, MD 1944+

Myles R. Cassidy+

Beverly Childs 1991, 1997+

Elizabeth Lawler Christensen 1988, 1993

Andrea Christian-Michaels 1971 and Stephen Christian-Michaels

Sharon Rae O’Toole Ciummo 1993, 1996

Cinda Heist Clark 1972

Dorothy Weber Cochran 1943+ Joanne Kirik Condi 1976 and Francis Condi

Karen L. Cooper, BSN, RN 1996+

Mary Carol Hawkins Cotruzzola 1963

Martha Welsh Crane 1961

Deborah Talotta Crisafio 1977

Mary Margaret Cummins 1938+

Sue Ann Dal Sasso 1991+

Sister Marie Immaculée Dana, RSM, PhD

Frances and Peter Dana+

Peggy King Daugherty 1949

Jocelyn K. Debick 1994

Colonel Conrad J. Derdeyn

Lois Devereaux 1944

Veronica McGinley Devlin 1939

Virginia Gualdaroni DiPucci

Frances Ranallo DiVella 1945+

Marilyn P. Donnelly+ and Thomas J. Donnelly, Esq.+ Eileen Smith Dorman 1954+ and George Dorman

May Elizabeth Canterna Douglass 1967

Nancy Dunn 1955+

Maryann Dzama, EdD 1964

Ellen Darcher Ehlers 1971 and James Ehlers, JD

Carolyn Greco Eller 1955+ Michele S. Fabrizi 1975

Pat Lupinacci Falbo 1964

Phyllis Balkovitz Fassio 1969

Lucia N. Ferrero, PhD 1945

Catherine A. Flaherty 1973+

Peter F. Flaherty, Jr., Esq. 1950+

Lois Reid Folino 1978

Margaret M. Fox, EdD 1962

Anne Marie Peiffer Frazer 1940+ Mary Ellen Freil 1953

Rita M. Fritz+

Frank B. Fuhrer, Jr.+ Chrys Gabrich, PhD

Rosemary Voigt Gaines 1960

Kathryn Gardner, EdD 1964

Marlene Simpson Gardner 1969

Nancy Gartz 1982+

Dolores M. Garvis

Mary Anne Gearing 1942+ Eunice Kendrick Giles 1949+ Judith Wehs Gillespie 1964+ and James Gillespie, Jr. Albert P. Giordano, Jr., PhD 1950+ Evelyn K. Glass 1986+

Marcia Marilyn Glass 1986+

Ruth Golden 1934+ Helen R. Golob 1951

Mary Karen Griffith-Szewczyk 1977

Roberta Costlow Grotstein 1967

Colleen A. Gurlea-Paige 1987

Valerie F. Haus 1979

Raymond and Marie Hauser+ Vera Oblak Hawkins 1955+ Barbara C. Hays 1968

Sister Mary Joy Haywood, RSM, PhD 1960

Kenneth Hesselberg, PhD+ Reverend John P. Hickey+ Susan Hirsch 1981

Dorothy Hance Holley+ Linda Pyle Holsing 1983

Dorothy R. Hopkins+ and Thomas A. Hopkins, Jr., PhD+ Molly Dennison Houghton 1974 and Chuck Houghton + Joann Rozsas Jabour 1979

Judith Scheffner Jones 1971 Mary Ann Evers Jones 1958 and Thomas Jones+ Barbara A. Keane 1952+

Sister Kristina Marie Kendralla, OSF 1982

Marita D. Kenna, MD 1945+ Margaret M. Kennedy 1952+ JoAnn Skowronek Kerr 1960

Patricia Anthony Kirkham 1963 and Paul Kirkham

Sara Mercurio Kowal 1976 and Richard Kowal

Barbara E. Kraft 1983+ and Frederick L. Kraft Mildred Bauman Krnacik, DA 1957 Daniel B. Krochmal+ Suzanne Crain Laubach+ and John Laubach, Jr.+

Norma Jean Grazzini LeClair 1966 and Robert LeClair, PhD Alice Leban Lipscomb 1946 Mary Ann Haben Loeffler 1951+ Mary Louise Loeffler 1938+ William + and Marie Lowry

Lieutenant Colonel Charles R. Luke 1950+

Kathleen Madigan 1968 Louise Reiber Malakoff, JD 1967

Joanne Malenock, PhD 1959 Anastasia (Tessie) Mantzoros 1942+

Andrea Mastro, PhD 1966 and William Taylor, PhD+ Maureen McBride 1975 and David Lower

Sister Mary Sylvia McClain, RSM 1943+

Frances M. McCormick 1968

Anne DeNardo McGowan, JD 1960

William P. McKee + Joan Dougherty McKeegan 1953+ Alice McNulty+

Ruth N. Meighen+

Patricia Meighen Melby 1949+ Donna Johnston Metz 1988

Marjorie J. Miket+

Marion Goodrum Montanari 1962

Melissa E. McGregor Morgano 1999

Thelma Lovette Morris 1970

Susan Pivirotto Moyer 1982

Eileen M. Mulhare, PhD 1972+

Patricia Mullaney 1944+

Elizabeth Holtz Murphy, EdD 1971

Joan Atkins Neuwar 1958+

Andrea Thomas Niapas 1975

Sally O’Connor

Margaret Kvaka Parke 1952

Margery Brahmer Parry 1945+ Elizabeth Trench Payer 1968

Cornelia Regetz Pepoy 1962 and Louis J. Pepoy

Leo J. Peters+

Sandra Horney Petrosky 1965

Karen Havey Petruny 1972

Beatrice Gazzola Pitassi 1965+

Bernadette Plantes 1944+ Rose C. Plutnicki 1954+ Rosanne Poden 1958 and Robert Poden, Sr.+ Santo F. Pontiere+ and Ann Young Pontiere 1947+

Patricia Riesmeyer Pope 1969

Lois Wanner Richards 1958

Michael Rosella, DDS and Kathleen Rosella

Mary B. Royster 1992

Megan Lee Sandell 1975+ Jean Mary Schafer+ Mary Ann Sestili, PhD 1961

Sally A. Seubert 1958

+ Deceased * Trustee ~ Trustee Emeriti 39 Visit giving.Carlow.edu

John and Mary Sheedy 1956+

Elissa Medore Sichi 1959

Mary Vollmer Sigmond 1940+

Barbara E. Simpson 1969

Bernard J. Singer 1950+

Marguerite Phillips Singer 1945+

Bernadette Burger Skoczylas 1969

George and Annemarie Smeltzer+ Jeanne R. Diana Smith 1986

Paula A. Sneed

Katherine Coughlin Spark 1956 and Donald Spark

Mary Therese (Resie) Strauss-Noll, PhD 1957+

Iris Suess 1956+

Virginia Harnell Sullivan 1980+

Stephanie Domitrovich Susmarski, JD 1976

Deborah Grimes Talarico 1973

Margaret A. Troha 1969

Margaret Toomey Urzúa 1962 and René Urzúa

Laure J. King Valentine 1988

Donna Vereb 1984

Margaret Gehring Volinsky 1969

Linda C. Wagner, MEd 1996

Lucienne H. Wald+

Mary Louise O’Callaghan Weber 1944+

Betty Friedel Weiland 1942+

Jane Beck Wells 1937+

Angela Dase Westmeyer 1971 and Frank Westmeyer, MD

Ms. Caroline Joyce Whitby, MSW 1956

Christine Aikens Wolfe, MEd 1970, 1999 and Howard Aikens

Marlene Wasylik Yospyn 1962

Micaela Young, MA 1968

Frances E. Yuschak 1964

Jacqueline Zalumas, PhD 1969

Anna F. Zilionis 1947+


Alumni, friends of the University, and organizations have taken generous action over the years to establish permanently endowed funds through outright gifts, bequests, or other deferred gifts.Some have established named scholarships either in the donor’s own name, or in memory or honor of a loved one, favorite teacher, or mentor. Others have provided a permanent source of funding to ensure that a program will be supported for generations to come. These permanent endowed gifts ensure that a donor’s intentions and the university’s needs are supported in perpetuity.



Atkins Endowed Center for Ethics

Elsie H. Hillman Endowment for the Grace

Ann Geibel Institute for Justice & Social Responsibility

Suzanne Crain Laubach Education Fund

Rita M. McGinley 1940 Endowment for the Center for Student Success

Patricia Meighen Melby 1949 Endowed Scholarship Fund for Teaching Mercy Heritage Endowment

Pittsburgh Sisters of Mercy Legacy Endowment

SUMMA CUM LAUDE CIRCLE ($500,000–$999,999)

Donnelly Family and National Endowment for the Humanities Scholarship

Marilyn P. Donnelly Distinguished Writer in Residence Endowment

Barbara A. Keane 1952 Endowment Sisters of Mercy Endowed Scholarship Fund

MAGNA CUM LAUDE CIRCLE ($100,000–$499,999)

Cadet Commemorative Endowed Scholarship Dr. Nancy T. Caputo 1945 Endowed Scholarship Marilyn P. Donnelly and Thomas J. Donnelly Endowed Catholic Education Scholarship Fund Mary Elizabeth Hoffman Fricker 1968 Endowment Fund

Crescent Eddy Fuhrer Scholarship in Graduate Nursing

John and Evelyn Gannon Endowed Scholarship

Bernard and Marguerite Phillips Singer Endowed Sciences Scholarship

Sister Rosie Marie Hauber, RSM, PhD Endowed Scholarship

William Randolph Hearst Endowed Scholarship

Heinz Endowment for the Western Pennsylvania Early Childhood Apprenticeship HUB

Doris B. Hesselberg Endowed Scholarship

Sister Mary Paul Hickey Educator Development Project Endowment

Dorothy Louise Holley Endowment for the Madwomen in the Attic Reading Series

Dr. Thomas A. Hopkins Communication Scholarship

Barbara A. Keane 1952 Endowed Scholarship

Barbara A. Keane 1952 Endowment for Graduate Assistantships

Barbara E. Kraft 1983 Endowment for Theology

Ladies of Bethany Endowed Scholarship in Memory of Jacinta van Winkel, LB

The Ladies of Bethany Crossroads Scholarship

Sister Patrick McClain, RSM 1943 Endowed Scholarship Fund

McConomy Nursing Scholarship Fund

Helen P. McDonough 1949 Endowment for the Center for Faculty Excellence

William P. McKee Endowment for the Art Department

Patricia A. Mullaney 1944 Liberal Arts Endowed Scholarship Fund

+ Deceased * Trustee ~
Emeriti 2021-22 DONOR LIST

Ann Young Pontiere 1947 Endowed Scholarship

Jean Mary Schafer and Ruth Mary Schafer Endowment for the Center for Faculty Excellence

George J. & Maryellen Hagan Simpson Memorial Scholarship

Singer, Garvis Endowed Scholarship

Sisters of Mercy Endowment for Faculty Excellence

George and Annemarie Smeltzer Nursing Scholarship

Regina and Dennis Stover Endowment

Maysie E. Wisnom Endowed Scholarship Women of Spirit® Leadership Scholarship

CUM LAUDE CIRCLE ($25,000–$99,999)

Joyce A. Bender Scholarship for Students with Disabilities

Blieszner Family Scholarship

Emily Beth Breide Endowed Scholarship

Nancy Hanks Burnett 1968 Endowed Scholarship Fund

Mary Elizabeth Canterna 1967 Endowment for the Social Justice Institutes at Carlow University

The Teresa A. Coriale Canterna Endowed Scholarship for International Study and Humanitarian Service

The Claire Z. Carey, PhD, Endowed Scholarship Fund

The Lin & Kristin Carter Oncology Nursing Endowed Scholarship

Mary Cassidy 1937 Memorial Scholarship

Celtic Endowed Scholarship of the Alumni Association

Leonard & Mary D. Clark Memorial Scholarship

Class of 1964 Legacy Endowed Scholarship

Class of 1966 Legacy Endowment for the Social Justice Institutes at Carlow University

Class of 1967 Bridge the Graduation Gap Endowed Fund

Dorothy Weber Cochran 1943 Fund for Excellence in Faculty Research

Sister Therese Coyne, RSM, PhD 1960 Endowed Scholarship

Martha Welsh Crane 1961 Scholarship

Frances and Peter Dana Endowed Scholarship Fund

Sister Marie Immaculée Dana, RSM Endowment for the Mercy Center for Service

Georgia Morello Decker 1968 Nurse Educator Endowment

Floann Householder Derdeyn 1963 and Marie Sylvie Derdeyn Endowed Scholarship Fund

Virginia DiPucci Endowed Scholarship Fund

Doerfler Schmidt Families Endowment for the Mercy Center for Service

Duquesne Light Company Scholarship

Ashley Stang Esposito 2006 Endowed Scholarship

Michele S. Fabrizi 1975 Endowed Women of Spirit® Scholarship

Marianne E. Felice, MD 1966 Women’s Empowerment Fund

Sister Marylouise Fennell, RSM, EdD Endowed Scholarship

Sister Rita Flaherty, RSM 1952 Endowed Scholarship

Margaret M. Fox, EdD Class of 1962 Commemorative Nursing Scholarship

Anne Peiffer Frazer 1940 Endowed Scholarship

Rita M. Fritz Endowment for the Mercy Center for Service

Kathryn G. Gardner Nursing Scholarship Fund

Eunice Kendrick Giles 1949 Scholarship Fund

Judith Wehs Gillespie 1964 Endowed Scholarship Fund

Marilyn Glass 1986 and Evelyn Glass 1986 Endowed Scholarship

Graduate Endowed Scholarship

Catherine Graham Servant Leadership Award Endowment

Angelo Grazzini and Helen Stimak Grazzini Scholarship

Louise A. Hartman 1950 Memorial Scholarship

Phyllis Connors Hartt 1957 Endowed Scholarship Fund

Mary C. Hawkins 1963 Memorial Scholarship

Sister Mary Joy Haywood, RSM, PhD Endowed Scholarship in Biology

Kenneth D. Hines Endowment for Ethics in the Professions

Mary A. and Frank J. Hren Memorial Endowed Scholarship

John David Huberty Arts Program Endowed Fund

John David Huberty Social Justice Institutes Endowed Fund

Kathleen Wynn Hufnagel 1933 Memorial Scholarship

Sister Mary Paul Hickey, RSM, PhD 1951 Endowed Teacher’s Scholarship

Barbara Capozzi Kirr 1960 and David M. Kirr Endowment for Teaching Excellence

Capozzi Kirr Endowment Challenge

Louise Lechner Kooser Endowed Scholarship Fund

Mildred Bauman Krnacik 1957 Endowed Scholarship

Daniel B. Krochmal Endowed Scholarship

McClain Lee Family Endowed Scholarship

Albert, Michael, Susan and Theresa Maraglino Endowed Scholarship

Andrea M. Mastro 1966 Endowed Scholarship

Marie Lageman McGann and Leona M. McGann 1940 Memorial Scholarship

Margaret McGinley Conley 1936, Catherine McGinley McGovern 1938, Veronica McGinley Devlin 1939 and Bernadette McGinley Plantes 1944 Endowed Scholarship

Mary Ann McGinley 1950 Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Anne DeNardo McGowan, JD 1960 Educating for Justice Endowed Scholarship

Anne DeNardo McGowan, JD 1960 Endowed Doctor of Nursing Practice Award

Anne DeNardo McGowan, JD 1960 Nursing Scholarship

41 + Deceased *
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Trustee Emeriti

Penny Nikolich McKenna Oakland Catholic Endowed Scholarship

Carolyn A. McNally 2003 Scholarship for Leadership

William Patrick McShea Endowed Scholarship

Joanne Fox McVay 1954 Natural Sciences Biology Endowed Scholarship

Rina Marie Menegaz, MSW 1949 and Renee Marie Menegaz-Bock, PhD 1949 Endowed Fund

Eleanor Keener Midgley 1943 Endowed Scholarship

Gloria J. Miket 1968 Endowed Scholarship Fund

Dr. Eileen M. Mulhare 1972 Memorial Fund

Sister Mary Louise Nash, RSM 1957 Endowed Scholarship

Rusnock, Marsalka and Nathan Families Scholarship

Georgia Lundberg Navaretta 1963 Endowed Nursing Scholarship

Walter Noll and Kellie Entwisle Madwomen in the Attic Endowed Scholarship Fund

Dorothy Valentour O’Brien Scholarship

Dorothy Jean O’Toole Endowed Scholarship Fund

Parry Family Endowed Science Scholarship

Paul Emmanuel Paul and Clara Dubrawka Paul 1952 Memorial Scholarship

Pepoy-Regetz Endowed Scholarship

Leo M. Phillips Endowed Scholarship in Honor of Sister Mary Joy Haywood, RSM, PhD

Clarice Rose Hensler 1939 and Mildred Hensler

Poole 1944 Scholarship Endowment

Mary Ellen Quinn Endowed Nursing Scholarship

Manuel M. Redman Endowed Scholarship Fund

Mary Lois Ruffennach 1949 Endowed Scholarship

Anita Sammartino 1969 Endowed Scholarship

Schaner Family Endowed Scholarship

Mary Ann Scialabba, PhD 1948 Endowment for the Center for Faculty Excellence

Linda Schifino, PhD Endowment for the Social Justice Institutes Ctr for Community-Engaged Learning

Judy A. Scott 1967 Endowment for the Mercy Center for Service

Margaret Scally Scott 1950 Endowed Scholarship

The Shally Family Scholarship Endowment

Janet Simon, PhD 1967 Woman of Spirit® Scholarship

Sisters of Mercy Excellence in Academic Advising Award Endowment

Sister M. Loyola Daugherty Endowed Nursing Scholarship

Paul and Margaret A. Stehney Endowed Scholarship

Mary Therese (Resie) Strauss-Noll 1957 Endowed Scholarship for the Humanities

Theresa M. Sudetic 1959 Scholarship

Iris A. Suess 1956 Endowed Scholarship

Ryan Swerbinski Family Endowed Scholarship

Suzanne Henry Tighe 1968 Endowed Scholarship

Margaret and Joseph Toomey Endowed Scholarship

James D. Trovato Memorial Scholarship

Mary Jo (Federici) Ufema 1964/Mary Frances (Vitarelli) Federici 1972 Endowed Scholarship Fund

United States Steel Corporation Scholarship

Betty Friedel Weiland 1942 Scholarship

Jane Beck Wells 1937 Endowed Scholarship

Lois Dinneen Wholey 1945 Woman of Spirit® Scholarship

Jacqueline Zalumas 1969 Endowment for the Center for Mercy Heritage and Service

SCHOLAR’S CIRCLE ($10,000–$24,999)

Eva Tansky Blum Woman of Spirit® Endowed Scholarship

Susan B. Bohn Woman of Spirit® Endowed Scholarship

Tammi M. Brush 1998 Endowed Memorial Scholarship

Father Andrew Chih Faculty Development Endowment

Beverly Jean Childs 1991 Memorial Scholarship for Carlow Hill College

Class of 1969 Endowed Scholarship for Adult Learners

Class of 1970 Single Mother Endowed Scholarship

Hannah T. Clawson Endowed Scholarship

Dorothy Weber Cochran 1943 Memorial Scholarship

Rose Marie DiNardo Memorial Endowed Scholarship in Environmental Studies

Nancy Dunn 1955 Student Book Assistance Fund

Mary Grace Brennan Fitzgerald 1958 Endowed Scholarship

Jayati and Sibdas Ghosh Globalization Endowed Fund

Conner 1966 Grignano Endowed Scholarship Fund

Marva Harris Woman of Spirit® Endowed Scholarship

Marie C. Jennings Memorial Endowed Scholarship

Mary Kay Edwards Krauser 1959 Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Cornelius W. and Jane A. Kreke Family Award for Outstanding Senior in Chemistry

Anna Mihalik Pupo Memorial Scholarship

Marlene B. Noel 1985 Endowed Scholarship

Max & Esther Sestili Award for Excellence in Teaching

Florence E. and Alfred J. Seubert Endowed Scholarship

The Signorile/Ehrlich Family Fund

Mary Cook Tierney and James Michael Tierney Endowed Scholarship

Anne Cray Tito 1950 Memorial Scholarship

Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl Endowed Scholarship

42 CARLOW UNIVERSITY| 2021-22 PRESIDENT’S REPORT + Deceased * Trustee ~ Trustee Emeriti 2021-22 DONOR LIST



Allegheny Health Network Scholarship

Joshua Allenberg Fund for Applied Political Science

Association of Independent Colleges & Universities - UPS Scholarship

Rose Marie Beard Women of Spirit® Honors Scholarship

Bethany Foundation Girls Hope Scholarship Fund

Georgia M. Decker Future Nurse Educator Scholarship

Judith McGuire DiNardo 1970 Fund for Experiential Learning

Dollar Bank Adult Undergraduate Student Scholarship

Kathryn Gardner, EdD 1964 College of Health and Wellness Nursing Coach Fund

Kathryn Gardner, EdD 1964 Nursing Tutorial Fund

Addison Gibson Foundation Scholarship Grant

Sister Maria Green Student Emergency Fund Highmark Health Coach Program

Jacob A. and Frieda M. Hunkele Scholarship for Adult Students

Kimberly Kathleen Jurich 2003 Fund for Art Excellence

Mary Jane Kearns 1950 Scholarship in Memory of Sister John Francis

David and Barbara Capozzi Kirr 1960 Adult and Graduate Scholarship Fund

Norma Jean Grazzini LeClair 1966 Experiential Learning Fund

Miss Janice and Dr. Kenneth Lisiak Carlow Campus School/University Research Initiative

William & Marie Lowry Scholarship

Lt. Colonel Charles R. Luke 1950 Scholarship Fund

Francis Edward McGillick Foundation Scholarship

Ruth Ann Roth Nelson 1968 Restricted Scholarship

Marilyn Smith Marsh Noll Restricted Scholarship for the Madwomen in the Attic Program

Wanda K. Ruminski Plutnicki Scholarship Fund PNC Graduate Scholarship Support Program

Margaret Quinn Rosenzweig 1981 Restricted Scholarship

Mary Ann Sestili, PhD Fund for Experiential Learning



Gailliot Family Chair for the Principal of the Carlow University Campus School

MAGNA CUM LAUDE CIRCLE ($100,000–$499,999)

Campus School Parents Endowment Donahue Family Fund Scholarship in Honor of Sister Mary Paul Hickey

Mary J. Donnelly Foundation Scholarship Emily Elizabeth Dorrance Scholarship Endowment

Egler Family Scholarship for the Campus School in Honor of Sister Mary Paul Hickey Staley Family Scholarship for the Campus School in Honor of Sister Mary Paul Hickey

CUM LAUDE CIRCLE ($25,000–$99,999)

Calihan Family Scholarship in Honor of Sister Mary Paul Hickey

Campus School Founders Legacy Endowment for Faculty Excellence

Freyvogel Family Fund Scholarship in Honor of Sister Mary Paul Hickey

Hickey Family Fund Scholarship in Honor of Sister Mary Paul Hickey

Margot Gloniger Jones 2000 Memorial Scholarship

Kelley Family Faculty Excellence Endowment

Kelley Family Fund Scholarship in Honor of Sister Mary Paul Hickey

Lisiak Family Fund for Faculty Excellence in Honor of Sister Mary Paul Hickey

Mann Family Endowment for Digital Learning

Petnuch Family Fund Scholarship in Honor of Sister Mary Paul Hickey

Staley Family Endowment for Faculty Excellence

Sister Mary Louise Wohleber, RSM Scholarship Fund

SCHOLARS CIRCLE ($10,000–$24,999)

Brown Family Fund Scholarship in Honor of Sister Mary Paul Hickey

Donley Family Fund Scholarship in Honor of Sister Mary Paul Hickey

Joseph A. Gilchrist Memorial Scholarship


Sister Mary Paul Hickey Educator Development Project

McGuinn Family Fund

Irene C. Shea Charitable Foundation Campus School Scholarship

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+ Deceased * Trustee ~ Trustee Emeriti


Margaret Armen ’69

Chief Executive Officer, Micro Credit NOW

Michele R. Atkins ’82 President, Atkins 360, LLC

Latasha Wilson-Batch ‘13

Executive Director, The Best of the Batch Foundation

Sister Helen Marie Burns, RSM, PhD

Vice Chair, Mission Catholic Identity Consulting, Trinity Health

Dorothy (Dot) A. Davis, JD ’78 (Board Chair)

Member, Eckert Seamans Cherin & Mellott, LLC

Bryan F. DiLucente (Vice Chair)

Managing Director, LitCon Group, LLC

Patricia G. Donohoe ’75

Co-founder, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Nursing Officer, Medical Staffing Network Holdings, Inc.

Co-founder and Chief Nursing Executive, Accountable Healthcare Staffing (AHS)

Sister Mary Fanning, RSM, PhD President/CEO (retired), Our Lady of the Way Hospital

The Honorable Katharine A. Fredriksen

Bart Gabler, JD Chief Information Officer, K&L Gates, LLP

Kathy W. Humphrey, PhD President, Carlow University

Deborah Rice Johnson ’09 President, Highmark, Inc.

Martin (Marty) LaMar Chief Economic Development Officer, City of Pittsburgh

Holly Lorenz

Chief Nurse Executive, UPMC

Marcia Martin (Secretary)

Vice President, Gateway Health Plan

Steve Massaro

President, Massaro Corporation

The Honorable Mary C. McGinley

Allegheny County Court of Common Pleas

Caitlin McLaughlin

Chief People Officer, Lafayette Square

James H. McTiernan (Treasurer)

Area Vice President, Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.

Ana Maria Mieles, JD

Dentons Cohen & Grigsby, P.C.

Lourdes Sanchez-Ridge, JD

Partner, Pietragallo Gordon Alfano Bosick & Raspanti, LLP

Morton D. Stanfield, Jr. ’04

Senior Vice President, Community Development, Dollar Bank, Federal Savings Bank

Nancy L. Stuever, EdD ’73

Chair, Graduate Nursing Programs (retired), Marian University

Anna Bamonte Torrance, JD

Secretary for Catholic Education and Evangelization, Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh

Sister Julia Upton, RSM, PhD Provost Emerita and Distinguished Professor of Theology, St. John’s University

Carolina Vélez, JD Account Executive, Microsoft Corporation

Lara Washington President, Allegheny County Rehabilitation Corporation

Sister Susan Welsh, RSM ’70 President and CEO (retired), Pittsburgh Mercy Health System

Sister Linda Werthman, RSM, PhD

The Institute of the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, West Midwest Community


Jake Wheatley Jr.

D-19th Legislative District, Allegheny County


Deborah Acklin

President, WQED

Gregg Behr Executive Director, The Grable Foundation

Dr. Richard Beigi, MD, MSc

President, Magee-Women’s Hospital of UPMC

Joyce Bender

President and CEO, Bender Consulting Services

Diana Bucco

President, Buhl Foundation

Earl Buford CEO, Partner4Work

Christina Cassotis CEO, Allegheny County Airport Authority

Debra Caplan (Former) Senior Vice President, Allegheny General Hospital

Leslie Davis President & CEO, UPMC James V. Denova, PhD Vice President, Benedum Foundation

Karen Wolk Feinstein, PhD President, Jewish Healthcare Foundation

Saleem Ghubril Executive Director, The Pittsburgh Promise Magdeline (Maggie) Jensen Chief Executive Officer (retired), YWCA of Greater Pittsburgh

Katharine Eagan Kelleman CEO, Port Authority of Allegheny County

Scott Lammie Senior Vice President, UPMC Insurance Services Division

Mark Lewis

President and CEO, POISE Foundation

Kevin McMahon

President and CEO, Pittsburgh Cultural Trust Morgan O’Brien President & CEO, Peoples Natural Gas

Evan Rosenberg

Marketing President & Publisher, Pittsburgh Business Times

Audrey Russo President & CEO, Pittsburgh Technology Council

Lisa Schroeder CEO/President, Pittsburgh Foundation

Dmitri Shiry

Managing Partner, Deloitte, LLP

Matthew Smith President, Pittsburgh Chamber of Commerce

Christine Toretti

Chairman and CEO, Palladio, LLC

Melia Tourangeau President, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra

Doris Carson Williams President and CEO, African American Chamber of Commerce


Dorothy A. Davis, Esq. Chair, Board of Trustees

Kathy W. Humphrey, PhD President

Visit Carlow.edu/Trustees


Sister Sheila Carney, RSM

Special Assistant to the President for Mercy Heritage

Mollie Cecere

Vice President of Enrollment Management and Corporate Partnerships

Bridgette Cofield, JD, SPHR

Chief of Staff to the President and Secretary to the Board of Trustees

Lisa Fischetti

Vice President of Marketing, Communications and Government Relations

Rhonda Maneval, DEd, RN, ANEF

Dean, College of Health and Wellness

Sibdas Ghosh, PhD Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Matthew Gordley, PhD Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Cara Kassabov

Vice President for University Advancement and Alumni Engagement

Jason Krall

Assistant Provost for Online and Academic Operations

David Meadows, MBA Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President for Finance and Administrative Services

Timothy Phillips, PhD

Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students


Total Revenue $51,255,890

Tuition and Fees $33,114,279

Auxiliary Enterprises $5,808,983

Federal and State $3,492,657

Private Gifts $7,458,338

Interest and Dividend Income $946,209

Other Income $435,424

Instruction $18,078,356

General Institutional Support $12,767,048

Scholarships and Fellowships $8,601,864

Student Services $2,678,477

Academic Support $5,699,665

Auxiliary Expenses $5,802,388

2% 65% 11% 7% 14% 1%
34% 24% 16% 5% 10% 11% Audited Financial Statements–Statement of Activities Operating with and without Restrictions excludes Nonoperating Income
Total Expenses $53,627,798
3333 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213 carlow.edu #carlowproud

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