High Cholesterol Foods to Avoid For a Healthy Heart and a Longer Life

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Knowing what the high cholesterol foods are can help to keep your heart healthy but it is not just these foods that are harmful. Certain foods raise your levels significantly so let's look at those too and how to balance your cholesterol safely. Foods high in cholesterol come from animals as fruit and vegetables contain none at all (your mother was right to tell you to eat your greens!). The ones with the very highest levels are egg yolks and liver though recent studies suggest that eggs are not as bad as they have been made out. It seems that the cholesterol that eggs contain may not be as bad as first thought but it is still best not to overdo it. Other high cholesterol foods are dairy products like cheese, full fat milk, ice cream and butter. Perhaps more dangerous ones are saturated fats and trans fats as these increase the bad or LDL cholesterol in your body and can lead to a heart attacks or stroke if left untreated. Examples of these are beef, poultry (especially the skin), processed meats, veal and whole milk dairy products. Coconut oil although plant based can significantly raise your bad cholesterol levels and should be used only occasionally. Trans fats come from margarine, pastries, potato chips and fast food, basically all the things we like! However, just cutting down on these foods will help to lower your cholesterol levels. Diet alone will not solve the problem as over 80% of your total cholesterol is produced by the liver, so moderate exercise and the right natural nutrients in a supplement are recommended. A quality supplement can help to reduce bad cholesterol production, reduce the absorption of it and significantly raise your good or HDL levels, which is crucial. HDL will help to clean up excess bad cholesterol to keep you healthy. The best ingredients to look for are Policosanol, Theaflavins, Phytosterols and D-Limonene as they combine well together and are proven to be effective, just as effective as the harmful statin drugs so often prescribed today in fact. Now you know that it's not only the high cholesterol foods that can hurt you but also the saturated and trans fats too. Along with the right nutrients, cutting back on these will help you to live a longer and healthier life.

If you would like to learn more about the high quality cholesterol balancing supplements I personally take, visit my website today.

Discover the best natural cholesterol supplements available today. Reuben Hopkins is a dedicated researcher of nutrition, diet and the important health benefits of natural cholesterol balancing supplements. Take a moment to visit his site now at http://www.balanced-cholesterol.com and discover the latest supplements he recommends after extensive research.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Reuben_Hopkins

==== ==== How To Lower Cholesterol While Eating Things You Love? Click The Link Below To Find Out And Get A FREE Cholesterol e-Cource! http://www.loweryourcholesterolguide.com/ ==== ====

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