High Cholesterol Foods You Should Eat In Moderation

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High cholesterol foods can be found just about anywhere you look. It is important to understand what these foods are and how they can negatively affect your overall health, so that you are able to make better choices that actually improve your quality of life. Consuming too many foods high in cholesterol can lead to serious risks to the heart and cardiovascular system. Some of these risks include a range of artery diseases, strokes, coronary heart diseases and heart attacks. These complications can worsen when combined with hypertension, smoking, obesity and hereditary factors. Total cholesterol levels are broken down into three separate categories, LDL cholesterol which is commonly referred to as the 'bad' kind along with HDL cholesterol, the 'good' kind and blood triglycerides. While many foods may contain cholesterol, it does not necessarily mean that they are bad for you. For instance fish, which is high in Omega-3 fatty acids, is a great source of good cholesterol and helps to reduce LDL levels. In many cases it is not the food containing cholesterol that can cause problems, it is the saturated fat with which the food is cooked in, or the foods consumed along with it that can put you at risk. We have all heard how eggs contain cholesterol yet for years we were led to believe that eggs were good for us. Then were were told that they are bad. Some time later we were told that the whites in the eggs were good but the yolks were bad. This type of constant change has led to a lot of confusion where cholesterol problem foods are concerned. Studies have actually shown that eggs do not have much of an effect on raising cholesterol. However, a big breakfast of eggs coupled with bacon, cheese and sausages which are all filled with saturated fats is what should actually be avoided. This is because the saturated fat completely outweighs the benefits that the body may receive from good cholesterol. So when you think you might be eating healthy you should consider the methods with which your food is being prepared and think twice about the additional items on your plate. So what types of foods should you stay away from to avoid raising LDL cholesterol levels? Try to stay away from greasy foods which are cooked in a lot of margarine or oil, especially deep fried foods. Again, most foods that are deep fried are perfectly healthy by themselves but once they are breaded and dipped in a vat of hot, greasy oil the health benefits go right out the window. Other cholesterol-rich foods include any type of animal products such as red meat, dairy, poultry and egg yolks. Remember that the cholesterol content of the food may not be harmful, it is the saturated fat which causes the most damage to your health. Why? Cholesterol comes from the food we eat and is

also naturally produced by the liver. Saturated fat consumption forces the liver to increase LDL levels as well as triglycerides. High cholesterol foods should be eaten in moderation, so switching to healthier alternatives is always best. Next time you eat chicken, be sure to grill it instead of frying it and opt for vegetables on the side instead of greasy french fries. Your heart will thank you for it!

To learn more about high and low cholesterol food visit http://www.reduce-high-cholesterol.com , a popular website designed to help you live a heart healthy life. You'll find tips eating a low cholesterol diet, as well as other ways that you can reduce cholesterol

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ned_D'Agostino

==== ==== How To Lower Cholesterol While Eating Things You Love? Click The Link Below To Find Out And Get A FREE Cholesterol e-Cource! http://www.loweryourcholesterolguide.com/ ==== ====

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