2 minute read
Basketball: The People You Need (Michael B., Grade 3
from Clarion 2022
by carlthorp
Works of Nonfiction
Third Grade has been working on information texts. The following are excerpts from their books:
Basketball: Chapter 4: The People You Need By Michael B., Grade 3
If you’re wanting to be a person in the NBA, then you do not have to be a player, but you can, but there are other things you can do too!
You can be a coach. A coach helps the players get better and win. He or she will watch you and tell you what you could do to win the game. The coach can tell the referee to stop the game and talk to the players about what they could do to beat the other team. But, wait! There are more people! There are also assistant coaches, who do the same thing as the coach.
And that person is the referee, or ref for short. The referee has a whistle to blow if a player did something wrong, like step outside the out-of-bounds line. Or, some player fouled a player. Wait!!! They blow their whistle if you take more than 2 steps without dribbling the ball. Also, they blow you know what if you dribble and stop dribbling and dribble again. Or Dribble with two hands and run with the ball without dribbling.
It isn’t surprising that there are still more people! Well, that’s not a surprise, but it is stil amazing. So, those people are called teammates! You can’t play on a team by yourself! You have to have teammates. Did you know that there are 17 players on the team called the 76ers?! There can only be 5 players playing and the rest sit on the bench. Do not worry, the players on the bench will get a chance to play. The coach will take one or two people out and replace them with one or two player who need a rest. The players, or teammates, need to pass the ball in order to get success. But you should not pass if you get a pass and you are all alone on the other end of the court. You should just score!
Sports Announcers
Can’t you believe that there are still more people? That person is a sports announcer. A sports announcer is a person or people who talk during the game. For example, they can say “Keren Dorant takes the ball to the hoop, and he shoots… and he scores!!!” And that is it for the sports announcers. But… Dun, dun, dun… There are still more people!
There is also security! Security is very important. They protect the fans, coaches, ref, and everyone else. They make sure everyone is not trying to sneak anything dangerous into the stadium. Too bad for the people who are doing something wrong!