Friends of Jesmond Dene Newsletter Spring 2018 Number 81 Reg Charity no: 702260 Web Site Address: http// Postal address: ‘Friends of Jesmond Dene’, c/o Ouseburn Parks' Visitor Centre, Red Walk, Jesmond Dene, Newcastle, NE7 7BQ.
The Old Mill at Night Winning photo from FOJD 2017 competition, taken by Heather Morris
Contents Inside: A Patron for FOJD Annual General Meeting Membership Information Newcastle Parks Trust Notices Otter sighting in Jesmond Dene Photo competition RSPB Big Garden Bird watch Volunteer Rangers Log Forthcoming Events
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A Patron for FOJD
The Friends of Jesmond Dene are delighted to announce their new Patron - John Grundy, well known television and radio presenter. We are looking forward to working with him and making good use of his valuable historic knowledge of the Dene and all things architectural. John was an English teacher for many years and then, in the 1980’s, worked for the Historic Building and Monument Commission (English Heritage). He has written and presented various architectural programmes for both radio and television. For several years, he had his own television series on architecture – concentrating mainly in the Northeast and Northwest of England.
As well as being the Patron for The Friends of Jesmond Dene, John is also the Chair of the Friends of Beamish, so he is going to be a busy man! We welcome John to our charity, with thanks.
Our new Patron John Grundy
Sue Stokel Walker Secretary FOJD
Annual General Meeting 2018 The Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday, 13 May at 2:00 pm; it will be held in the Classroom of the Visitor Centre in Jesmond Dene. The business side of the meeting will include the election of officers, a financial report, the chairman’s report and time to discuss any other issues that residents / parks users wish to raise. Once the business is concluded, our new Patron, John Grundy, will entertain us with a talk about his experiences in the northeast of England following his love of architecture. Further information will follow in due course and will be posted on our social media sites; papers will be available at the meeting.
Contacts and Officers: Chairman Treasurer Secretary Members Membership secretary Newsletter Team
Clive Gerrard Lynda Fean (standing down at AGM) Sue Stokel-Walker Geoffrey Carter, John Blakemore Keith Pringle Maggie Dowman, Yvonne Shannon
Sue Stokel Walker Secretary FOJD
Membership FOJD ❖ If you have concerns or suggestions, please contact us using the form on the website at or write to us at Friends of Jesmond Dene Newsletter Feedback C/O Ouseburn Parks' Visitor Centre, Red Walk, Jesmond Dene, Newcastle NE7 7BQ. ❖ Membership subscriptions are set at a flat rate of £5 p.a. for households. This is paid by standing order. Our Membership Secretary is available if you need help or advice on how to join - contact Keith Pringle, FOJD at the address on the last page of this newsletter. Details you will need to set up the standing order are the bank details for the Friends bank - The Sort Code / Account Number you will need are 30 93 55 / 01464356. Would you also please ask them to assign a payment reference of your own full name (forename and surname) so that we can correctly identify your payment. To join the FOJD contact Keith Pringle, at the address on the last page of this newsletter. To join the Jesmond Dene Volunteer Rangers or if you are interested in the Adopt-a-Plot scheme please contact Sarah on 0191 2650564 or email 3
Newcastle Parks Forum
The Newcastle Parks Forum (NPF) represents some 13 or more groups across Newcastle, including the Friends of Jesmond Dene (FoJD). In August 2017 NPF agreed broad support for the Council’s plans to move’ parks delivery’ to a charitable trust and raised 3 key areas of concern; ❖ accountability, ❖ community engagement ❖ and commercialisation. The plans for a Parks Trust were approved at the Newcastle Council Cabinet meeting of November 2017. At the 9th January NPF meeting it was agreed that a smaller working group (of four) would in future work and negotiate with the Council during the transition period for the Parks. This group comprises Anya Cook (chair), Rachel (Havana Nature Reserve), Ean Mackellar (Exhibition and Brandling), Silvie Fisch (Heaton Park) and Allan Gillard as reserve (Gosforth Central). At the request of the NPF the FoJD completed a questionnaire requesting input on the Parks trust plans, and at a very well attended meeting on 25 th January the Newcastle City Council Parks Project Team presented further details of their plans for Parks and Allotments to be delivered by the new Parks Trust. The advert for trustee positions on the Parks Trust board was published on 17th January and closed on 12th February. Clive Gerrard Chair FOJD
Latest from the Council (public feedback) from Farah Hussain 14.03.2018
On 20 November 2017, the Council’s Cabinet agreed to create a new charitable company – Newcastle Parks Trust – and to transfer our parks and allotments to the new organisation to develop and care for in the future. Following Cabinet’s decision, officers fed back to the public in various locations around the city. If you would like to see the information from those sessions, including the slide presentation and responses to questions and answers from the public, please ask us for hard copies or follow the link below to the “Read more about it …….” section… documents 1-4.
Heritage Guided Walks (see events pg. 8) Also, on the noticeboards for dates and times of the heritage walks given by the Ouseburn Park Volunteer Guides. Regular Plant Stall at the monthly Food Market on Armstrong Bridge See pg. 10. It takes place on the third Saturday of each Month and lasts from 10am till 3pm. Please come along and support our stall. If you would like to help with the stall or provide plants, please contact Lynda Fean (email: Honey When available we have Jesmond Dene honey on sale in the Visitor Centre at ÂŁ6.95 a jar. The hives are in the Nature Area and the bees seem to be loving their home.
Otter Sighting in Jesmond Dene
Many of you will be aware that we are lucky enough to host quite a variety of wildlife in the Dene. Some of you may even have spotted the kingfishers, deer etc as you walk through - I have on several occasions over many years, but I am always pleased when I see them again, even for only a brief glance. However, a memorable 'first' for me happened a few days ago when a group of us were walking through the Dene near Fisherman's Lodge - looking downstream we saw a group of Mallard take flight and then saw what had 'spooked' them. An otter was swimming the river from the west bank to the east. Moments later it returned. It was excellent viewing conditions - mid morning, with bright sunlight - it stayed on the surface the whole time, and the size suggested it was probably an adult. We have known for several years that otters regularly visited the Dene, and even that they breed here. But they are rarely seen in daylight, especially in suburban parks such as the Dene. So, this was a real 'first' for me - I've never been lucky enough to see one, anywhere other than on TV. Some years ago, Ranger Mike Hancock posted a video on YouTube of the Dene otter family which you can view at Daylight otters in Jesmond Dene - YouTube
Keith Pringle, FOJD and Volunteer Range
Photo Competition The presentation and award ceremony was held on Saturday 25th November. Thank you to Neil Atkinson for running the competition and offering the first prize, as well as to everyone who entered the competition. Twenty-two people came to the presentation and Neil gave a slide show of all the entered photographs and gave sound advice and comments as to the merits of each entry as well as making suggestions on how improvements could be made.
Heather Morris with Neil Atkinson outside the Information Centre
Congratulations to Heather Morris, whose light painted mill image won first prize; (see front cover). Heather won a photography workshop with Neil himself plus a framed image of the winning print from Digitalab. Brigette Thomasson won second prize ÂŁ30 for her image of the waterfall. and, third prize of ÂŁ15 went to Freddy Le Jeune for her photograph of a dog swimming in the river.
Yvonne Shannon FOJD and Volunteer Ranger
RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch. Jesmond Dene 27 January 2018
The RSPB Newcastle Local group would like to thank the Friends of Jesmond Dene and the Ranger, Sarah Capes, for their help and support in this year’s BGBW. Friends’ contribution to making nest boxes and bird feeders, putting out direction notices and keeping an eye on the nature area enhanced the occasion and brought in visitors. We’re sorry that RSPB publicity was a bit behind time and we didn’t manage to pre-arrange walks in the Dene, though more than thirty visitors watched birds in the nature area and many more took away leaflets. The sheltered nature of the Dene, well stocked feeders and the recently cleared woodland meant that a good number of attractive birds were seen. These included great spotted woodpecker, a bright pink-breasted bullfinch, busy long tailed tits and briefly, a siskin. Alas there was no sighting of kingfishers, regularly seen on the Ouseburn this winter. The full list: wood pigeon, stock dove, great spotted woodpecker, magpie, jay, carrion crow, blue tit, great tit, coal tit, long tailed tit (4), goldcrest, nuthatch, blackbird (4), robin, dunnock, chaffinch, goldfinch, siskin, bullfinch.
Siskin on bird feeder at Nature Area (photograph by Mike Cook)
Jeff Mason RSPB
Update on tasks performed by Jesmond Dene Volunteer Rangers Path clearing The Volunteer Rangers have spent several sessions clearing paths in Jesmond Dene and Paddy Freemans. In Jesmond Dene several paths have had mud and leaves washed onto them by rainwater, and this needs to be scraped off by shovels and disposed of wherever suitable. It's vigorous work but the Volunteers seem to enjoy it and I'm sure it's good for them. It's nice to get a thank-you from passers-by while we are doing the work. Some of the paths in Paddy Freemans have gradually narrowed over the years due to encroaching turf. We have spent several sessions cutting back the turf and restoring the paths to their original edging. On some weekends the Friends of Heaton and Armstrong Park do path-clearing and litter-picking in Heaton Park and Volunteer Rangers from Jesmond Dene often lend a hand. Cutting back shrubs During our path-clearing sessions we often cut back shrubs that are encroaching on the paths and sometimes take out unwanted saplings that have self-seeded.
Clearing steps and cutting back shrubs in Walker Riverside
Litter picking When we do a volunteer session we often litter-pick the area where we are working. We sometimes do a targeted litter-pick of Colemans Field and other areas where litter builds up more. Clearing up the river There are parts of the river where debris is washed down and gets caught up on rocks and other obstructions. This looks unsightly and, if left, gradually blocks the river, so occasionally we have to don wellies and waders and get the stuff out by hand, using ropes to pull out the larger items. 8
Fallen trees During times of high winds, we often lose the odd tree and this needs to be tidied up, especially when it is blocking paths or in a dangerous situation. The Rangers chain-saw the larger bits and the Volunteer Rangers provide the hard work to cut up the smaller pieces with bow saws and dispose of them. Where a fallen tree has left a lot of debris we usually stack it neatly and leave it until we have a wood-chipper available. We then have a chipping session with several Volunteer Rangers dragging the wood and feeding the chipper. Any suitably-sized logs are kept, being subsequently split and sold at the Visitor's Centre. The splitting and bagging of the logs is carried out by the Volunteer Rangers and the logs are stored under shelter until they have dried sufficiently to be sold. Nature Area The Nature Area (across the river from Pets Corner) with its dipping pools is unused during the winter but needs a tidy-up before spring. The ponds become covered with weeds that need to be raked off. The bird boxes containing CCTV cameras need to be cleaned out and the cameras checked ready for bird-nesting time. In addition, we usually clear out the gutters of the shelter, weed the Nature Area paths and renew the chippings on some paths. There is also a wild-flower meadow which requires some attention. Recently the wooden planking on the dipping platform in the larger of the two ponds needed to be replaced, because it had rotted. New planking made from recycled plastic was purchased (paid for partly from the Christmas Raffle and partly from Volunteer Ranger funds) and the Volunteer Rangers spent some sessions replacing the planks.
Bulb planting next to the Nature Area Christmas preparations In the lead up to Christmas the Volunteer Rangers collect greenery to be used in wreath-making sessions. These sessions are very popular. We also made some reindeer kits from spare pieces of wood so that children could assemble reindeer, complete with antlers and red noses. 9
Bird boxes and bird feeders Sarah, the Ranger, often runs sessions in which children construct bird feeders and bird boxes, under supervision, from kits. The Volunteer Rangers make these kits from suitable wood. Some of the kits are also made up for sale in the Visitor's Centre shop. Woodland Improvement Last year several trees were removed from an area of hillside next to the Nature Area. This was part of a project by the Volunteer Rangers to improve the quality of woodland in that area. During the spring and summer several sessions were devoted to digging up the brambles in that area and this winter, when the weather allowed, a start was made on planting small native trees such as hazel, hawthorn and rowan. Jesmond Vale A couple of sessions were devoted to thinning out some copses in Jesmond Vale. Mike, the Ranger, marked the young trees to be removed or pruned and the Volunteer Rangers used bowsaws to remove or prune the trees. A second session was devoted to chipping the trees that we had previously removed.
‘Chipping in Jesmond Vale’ The Old Mill The Volunteer Rangers often clean up around the Old Mill. This includes sweeping out the Mill House and removing weeds. Recently the Volunteer Rangers bought new information boards to replace the old ones in the Mill House which had become rather damaged and covered in graffiti. Havannah and Big Waters Nature Reserves Several sessions have been spent at these two nature reserves improving paths, thinning woodland and maintaining an open area for butterflies to breed. Walker Riverside and Hadrian's Way The Volunteer Rangers have spent several sessions in Walker Riverside Park and Hadrian's Way, usually litter-picking, path clearing and cutting back encroaching undergrowth. 10
Plant stall The Volunteer Rangers run a plant stall at the Armstrong Bridge Market which is held every month. Plants are provided by volunteers to be sold, providing money for the Volunteer Ranger funds. We usually have other odds and ends for sale such as bird boxes, bird feeders and logs. The stall also provides publicity leaflets about Friends of Jesmond Dene and about coming events in the Dene.
Dave Poste FOJD and Volunteer Ranger
Please see up to date activities on the FOJD Facebook page Please like our Facebook page: and/or join our Facebook group:, to find out about future events in the Dene.
March – September 2018 Ouseburn Park Events
Events highlighted in blue are at Newcastle Great Park April Sunday 1 April 1 – 3pm (First Sunday of every month, April - October) Meet the animals Pets’ Corner Jesmond Dene Suggested donation £1 per child This is a drop-in event where you will be able to handle and meet some of the animals in Pets’ Corner. Tuesday 3 April 10am – 12pm (Bird walks 9.30 – 10.30am or 11am – 12pm) Bird Watching and Nature Area Open Day Donations welcome Join members of the local RSPB group, along with our volunteers to see which birds like to visit our Nature Area. We will be offering two bird walks around the Dene and you can also have a look to see what creatures live in our ponds The Nature Area session in drop in, but we prefer if you book for the bird walks, as places are limited. All children must be accompanied. Please contact the Visitor Centre on 0191 2812082 to book your place on the walks and for access details. Friday 6 April 10 – 11.30am or 12.30 – 2pm Easter Treasure Hunt and Campfire Jesmond Dene £7.50 per child (includes Easter Egg), £2.50 per adult Join the Rangers and Volunteers on an Easter treasure hunt around the Dene and then we will build a camp fire. There will be hot chocolate, marshmallows and popcorn! Booking essential and all children must be accompanied. Maximum 2 adults per child. Suggested age 5+. Booking essential. Please wear appropriate clothes for being outdoors call 0191 2812082 to book and for more information.
Sunday 8 April 1.30 – 3.30pm Heaton Park Walk £3 per person Explore the history of Heaton Park, on this guided walk in the company of volunteers who are passionate about the parks. Meet at the Pavilion. Booking preferred to avoid disappointment. Please phone 0191 2812082 to book. May Tuesday 1 May 6 - 8pm Paddy Freeman’s and Wild Jesmond £3 per person Find out about the Freeman Family and see some less well-known sites of Jesmond Dene on this guided walk, in the company of volunteers who are passionate about the parks. Booking preferred to avoid disappointment. Please phone 0191 2812082 to book. Sunday 6 May 1 – 3pm (First Sunday of every month, April - October) Meet the animals Pets’ Corner Jesmond Dene Suggested donation £1 per child This is a drop-in event where you will be able to handle and meet some of the animals in Pets’ Corner. Friday 11 May (Evening - time to be confirmed on booking) Bats and Moths (Part of the Jesmond Community Festival) Ouseburn Parks Visitor Centre- Jesmond Dene £5 per person Learn about the different species of bats that live in the UK with a short talk and then we’ll set out for a walk and see which ones we can find, so don’t forget your torch! We will also be running a moth trap throughout the evening and we will have a look to see what has been caught on our return to the Visitor Centre. Suggested age 8+, children must be accompanied. Booking essential. Please contact the Visitor Centre on 0191 2812082 to book your place and for access details. Saturday 12 May 10am – 12pm Pond dipping and moth morning (Part of the Jesmond Community Festival) Nature Area Donations (Across the River from Pets Corner – look out for the signs) We’ll go through the moth trap from the night before to see what we’ve managed to catch and try our best to identify them before letting them go. You can also try some pond dipping to see what creatures live under water in the Nature Area. This is a drop-in event and you can stay as long or as little as you like. Please contact the Visitor Centre for more information 0191 281 2082. Sunday 13 May 4.30 – 7.30am (yes, am! The walk will be about 2 hours.) Dawn Chorus (Part of the Jesmond Community Festival) Ouseburn Parks – Jesmond Dene £7.50 per person To celebrate International Dawn Chorus Day, join the Rangers and Volunteer Rangers on this early morning walk through the Dene to listen to the delightful sounds of the birds. We’ll come back to the Visitor Centre for a breakfast roll, a hot drink and show you some footage of other wildlife in the Dene. Suitable for adults and older children (12+). Booking essential. Please contact the Visitor Centre on 0191 2812082 to book your place and for more information. 12
Tuesday 22 May 6.30 - 8pm Wildlife walk Newcastle Great Park - Greenside Join members of Newcastle Green Space Initiative (NGSI) and the Ranger on the walk around the Greenside area of the Great Park, exploring its wildlife. Booking advisable to avoid disappointment, but not essential. Please contact the Visitor Centre on 0191 2812082 to book your place.
Friday 25 May (Evening - time to be confirmed on booking) Bat walk Heaton Park £5 per person Learn about the different species of bats that live in the UK on this walk around Heaton and Armstrong Park and Jesmond Vale. Don't forget your torch! Suggested age 8+, children must be accompanied. Booking essential. Please contact the Visitor Centre on 0191 2812082 to book your place and for access details. Thursday 31 May 10.30 – 12.30 Family nature morning Newcastle Great Park - Greenside Join the Ranger on this walk and activity morning, exploring the wildlife around the Greenside area of the Great Park. Booking essential, please contact the Visitor Centre on 0191 2812082 for meeting place and to book your place. Suggested age 5+ June Saturday 2 June 12 – 4pm Garden Party and Picnic in the Park Heaton Park Lodge Join the Friends and Rangers to find out more about the past, present and future of Heaton and Armstrong Parks. The Friends will be offering refreshments and plants will be on sale to raise funds. Bring a picnic and sit on the grass in front of the pavilion and admire the wonderful border that the dedicated volunteers look after. Please contact the Visitor Centre for more information 0191 281 2082. Sunday 3 June 1 – 3pm (First Sunday of every month, April - October) Meet the animals Pets’ Corner Jesmond Dene Suggested donation £1 per child This is a drop in event where you will be able to handle and meet some of the animals in Pets’ Corner. Thursday 7 June 6.30 - 8pm Wildlife Walk Newcastle Great Park – Warkworth Woods Join members of Newcastle Green Space Initiative (NGSI) and the Ranger on the walk around the Warkworth Woods area of the Great Park, exploring its wildlife. Booking advisable to avoid disappointment, but not essential. Please contact the Visitor Centre on 0191 2812082 for meeting place and to book your place.
Saturday 16 June 1.30 - 3.30pm Armstrong Park and Jesmond Vale £3 per person Learn about Robin Sheep’s cave and visit the Shoe Tree on this guided walk in the company of volunteers who are passionate about the parks. Booking preferred to avoid disappointment. Please phone 0191 2812082 to book. Saturday 9 June 10.30 – 12.30 Family nature morning Newcastle Great Park – Warkworth Woods Join the Ranger on this walk and activity morning, exploring the wildlife around the Greenside area of the Great Park. Booking essential, please contact the Visitor Centre on 0191 2812082 for meeting place and to book your place Suggested age 5+ July Sunday 1 July 1 – 3pm (First Sunday of every month, April - October) Meet the animals Pets’ Corner Jesmond Dene Suggested donation £1 per child This is a drop in event where you will be able to handle and meet some of the animals in Pets’ Corner Thursday 19 July 6 - 8pm Jesmond Dene Walk £3 per person Explore the history of Jesmond Dene, on this guided walk in the company of volunteers who are passionate about the parks. Meet at the Visitor Centre. Booking essential. Please phone 0191 2812082 to book. Thursday 26 July 1 – 4pm Nature Area open day Jesmond Dene Donations welcome (Across the River from Pets Corner – look out for the signs) Come and explore our Nature Area, take part in pond dipping, minibeast hunts and watch the birds at the feeding station. This is a drop in event and all children must be accompanied. Please contact the Visitor Centre for more information 0191 281 2082. August Saturday 4 August 10 – 4pm Pets’ Corner Birthday – 55 TODAY! Donations welcome Come along and join in the birthday celebrations. You can meet and handle some of the animals, from Pet’s Corner, Dragons Den and Kirkley Hall. This is a drop in event and all children must be supervised. Please contact the Visitor Centre for more information 0191 281 2082. Sunday 5 August 1 – 3pm (First Sunday of every month, April - October) Meet the animals Pets’ Corner Jesmond Dene Suggested donation £1 per child This is a drop in event where you will be able to handle and meet some of the animals in Pets’ Corner. 14
Tuesday 14 August 1 – 3.30pm Nature Area Open Day Jesmond Dene Donations welcome (Across the River from Pets Corner – look out for the signs) Come and explore our Nature Area, take part in pond dipping, minibeast hunts and watch the birds at the feeding station. This is a drop in event and all children must be accompanied. Please contact the Visitor Centre for more information 0191 281 2082. Sunday 19 August 6-8 pm St Mary’s Chapel and Well £3 per person Learn about St Mary’s Chapel and Well, as well the surrounding area on this guided walk in the company of volunteers who are passionate about the parks. Booking essential. Please phone 0191 2812082 to book. September Sunday 2 September 1 – 3pm (First Sunday of every month, April - October) Meet the animals Pets’ Corner Jesmond Dene Suggested donation £1 per child This is a drop in event where you will be able to handle and meet some of the animals in Pets’ Corner Friday 7 September (Evening - time to be confirmed on booking) Bat Walk Great Park Community Centre Learn about the different species of bats that live in the UK, and then we’ll set out for a walk and see which ones we can find, so don’t forget your torch! Suggested age 8+, children must be accompanied. Booking essential. Please contact the Great Park Community Centre on 0191 2368196 to book your place and for access details
FOJD Committee list: Chairman Treasurer Secretary Members Membership Sec. Newsletter Team
Clive Gerrard Lynda Fean Sue Stokel-Walker Geoffrey Carter, John Blakemore Keith Pringle Maggie Dowman, Yvonne Shannon
Sarah Capes (Ranger, 0191265 0564) mobile 07966 264391 Webmaster Carlton Reid Patron
John Grundy
Next Newsletter contributions or any other queries to: Friends of Jesmond Dene, c/o Ouseburn Parks Visitor Centre, Millfield House, Red Walk, Jesmond Dene, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE7 7BQ or email as above