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Carlyle Elementary School students react to new school
By Gord Paulley
Five students from the Carlyle Elementary School gave their thoughts to the Observer last week after it was announced Carlyle is getting a new kindergartenGrade 12 school.
Eastyn Lequyer is in Grade 4 and is nine years old.
“I was very excited when I heard about the new school. We should have more space and we should be able to have extra classes.”
Easton likes gymnastics and going to the library. If she helped with a fundraiser, it would be to get a new indoor swimming pool. When asked what she wanted to be when she grows up, she replied, “A preschool teacher.”
Owen Thompson is 11 and in Grade 6.
“I felt both excited and sad at the same time. It should help with having more teachers and maybe a second floor.”
Owen’s favourite subjects are science and reading.
“If we had a build the school fundraiser, I would help out with a lemonade stand or a bake sale.”
When Owen grows up, he wants to become a zoologist.
Justice Cyr is in Grade 4 and is nine years old.
“When the new school was announced, I was super excited and happy. I like to draw and want to become a hockey player.”
Kristen Gatapia is eight years old and is in Grade 3.
“I was sad at first because I love my old school. But I think it is going to be okay. It should have two gyms, a cafeteria, rotating classrooms, and maybe two floors. If I helped with a fundraiser, it would be making cupcakes.”
Kristen enjoys math, figure skating and going to the library.
“When I grow up, I want to be an Olympic figure skater.”
CJ Laderoute is in Grade 8 and is 13 years old. When asked about the new school, she said, “That sounds great, and I am glad it’s finally happening. It might decrease bullying, support our students more, and make it a more comfortable, safe environment.
“Hopefully it helps more disabled students, makes for non-gendered bathrooms, and more space.”
CJ enjoys social class, playing the guitar and drawing. She wants to become a musician.