Carly Strickler Design Portfolio

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CARLY STRICKLER | | (740)-381-4102 | 2001 Ed Bluestein Blvd Apt 3105 Austin, TX 78721


Phone: (740)-381-4102


Address: 2001 Ed Bluestein Blvd Apt 3105 Austin, TX 78721

education Glimcher Technology Hub- Design Without Curriculum hospitality Family House- Retreat for Relief corporate CCA- School, or Office for Educators? Carnegie Mellon SEI- Top Secret, Project Saving Mission branding @stradaplaces instagram revamp capstone OutHOUSEinn Senior Capstone year 3 studio Institute for Food allied arts Hand rendering, painting, alt fashion, colored pencil

Glimcher Technology Hub- Design without Curriculum EDUCATION

The Glimcher Tech Hub was a complete transformation from an outdated 1960’s science lab in a dark basement to a light filled makerspace. My role on the project involved space planning, interior design and finish selections, construction documents, and assisting in construction management. We opened up the south facade, created a new entrance to the building, added a cafe, and helped Shady Side Academy work through their needs for the new robotics curriculum.

Eq Eq Eq Eq Eq Eq Eq Eq Eq Eq 17 -4" C ock S S 1 A6 05 82 " RB-1 EQ EQ EQ EQ EQ 2'-0" 15'-0" 2 -4" E q E q E q E q 21 0 " 54 " WV-1 QZ-2 Robot cs cubby wa l 21 0 " 54 " 82 4 W14 S W15 S 4 -4" Eq Eq 78 " RB-1 W13 S PL-1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1 -0" 5 Robotics Lab North A6 02 SCALE 6 Rob A6 02 SCALE: 1/4" = 1 -0" 2 War Room North A6 02 A6 SCALE: 1 4" = 1 -0" 1 War Room West A6 02

The ‘Create Panels’ were an element I devoted a lot of time to. These panels line a long linear corridor that desperately needed activating. The phrase create is meant to inspire students in between classes. The panels themselves embody the spirit of ‘makerspace’ with the blue hand stain and plywood texture. There is a different pattern on each represents different disciplines related to science and technology. The nature of this element is supposed to look like something that would be designed and built in similar spaces like fabrication lab in Glimcher Tech Hub.

17045 Technology Hub Renovation N Professional's Seal Project Name Project Number 5'-8 1/2" 3'-8 1/2" 2'-0" 8'-3" Equal Equal 3'-9 7/8" 3'-0" 3/4" Plywood stained panel at CNC routed letter removed (-1/4") CNC routed, 1/4" blue stained maple veneer, adhered to 3/4" plywood (+0") 6" toe kick Custom wood panel (CWP-1): 1/4" blue stained maple veneer backed with circuit board pattern engraving 1/8" deep (to be designed by architect) on 3/4" plywood. Basis of Design: Pioneer Millworks Color stain panels (+0") +0" +0" +0" +0" -1/4" -1/4" -1/4" Face of CWP-1. CWP-1 to return to wall. CWP-1 to return to wall. CL SCALE: 1 1/2"= 1'-0" 3 Wall panel detail A6.06 3/20/19 24" 36" 5'-8 1/2" 3'-8 1/2" 2'-0" 8'-3" 3/4" Plywood stained CNC routed letter CNC routed, 1/4" adhered to 3/4" plywood 6" toe kick Custom wood panel 1/4" blue stained circuit board pattern (to be designed by on 3/4" plywood. Basis of Design: Pioneer stain panels (+0") +0" +0" +0" +0" -1/4" -1/4" -1/4" Face of CWP-1. CWP-1 to return to CWP-1 to return to 9 1/2" (VIF) 9 1/2" (VIF) 7" (VIF) 3'-10" (VIF) 4'-5" (VIF) 10 1/4" (VIF) A6.06 116° Custom wood panel (CWP-1): 1/4" blue stained maple veneer backed with 3/4" plywood. Basis of Design: Pioneer Millworks Color stain panels. Existing wall and concrete structure. Wood framing and blocking as needed CWP-1 CWP-1 SCALE: 1 1/2"= 1'-0" 3 Wall panel detail A6.06 SCALE: 1 1/2"= 1'-0" 1 Corridor Panel Enlarged Plan A6.06

Glimcher Technology Hub- Design without Curriculum EDUCATION

Our design concept in the makerspace was layered transparency. From the cafe space one could see through doors and windows all the way to the wood shop on the opposite side of the building. To add dynamic appeal, we created a ‘blue box’ in the center of the space, where the teacher’s office, and the war room are located. While this feature is bold, it is also one of the main elements bringing transparency throughout the space.

Furniture package development was a big part of my role on this project as well. We worked with the institution’s pre established Steelcase dealer to select classroom, makerspace, and cafe furniture.

Family House- Retreat for Relief HOSPITALITY

Family House is a nonprofit organization that provides temporary housing for family’s traveling to Pittsburgh for medical treatment. Family House is transitioning from 3 individual single family homes, to a former Courtyard Mariot Hotel.

Our challenge was to transform the existing hotel into a home. We transformed the first floor to create a welcoming entry/ check in experience, cozy living room, and group dining room. The upper floors work was limited to lounge design. To create an escape for residents, the lounges are themed to 5 different relaxing retreats

1st Floor Finish Palette Fireplace Stone Living Field Carpet Accent Carpet Wood-look LVT Accent Carpet Wall covering Accent Paint Accent Paint
E F D F-1 F-1 F-2 F-3 F-3 F-2 2 -10 9 -3 7/8" E Q 1 26 " E Q E Q 1 26 E Q 9 -0 2 -10 7 -1 3 8" 19 -5 3 4" 73 7 8 1 96 3 4 CPT-1 RB-1 LVT-1 RB-2 LVT-1 WM-1 CPT-2 LVT-1 P-5 RB-1 CPT-2P3 P-4 W P2 WP-2 nsta n s a nsta ns a ns a n s a n s a ns a LVT-1 LVT-1 n s a ns a CPT-X FT-X P-3 P-3 LVT-1 LVT-2 LVT-1 LVT-2 P-7 WT-1 RB-2 LVT-2 QZ-1 PL-1 PL-2 WP-1 WP-1 W P1 WP-1 WP-1 WP-1 WP-1 WP-1 P-3 RB-1 CPT-2 - P-5 WP-1 RB-1 CPT-2 PL-2-------CPT-3 CPT-2 CPT-3 CPT-2 WC-1 RB-1 RB-2 CPT-1 LVT-1WM-1 ex s CT-X ex st CT-X-- P-7 RB-X RUB-1P-5 CB-1 FT-1 QZ-1 P-5 RB-1 CPT-4 PL-1 SS-1 P-4 RB-1 CPT-4P6 P-5 RB-1 CPT-4P-5 RB-2 WM-1P-5 RB-2 LVT-1 PL-1 SS-1 P-5 RB-2 LVT-1P-5 RB-1 CPT-4P-5 RB-1 CPT-4P-5 RB-1 CPT-4P-5 RB-1 CPT-4WP-1 P-5 RB-2 LVT-1WP-1 P-5 RB-2 LVT-1P-5 RB-2 LVT-1WP-1 P-5 RB-2 LVT-1D n ng Area 135 Laundry 142 E ec 145 L v ng Room 128 Check- n 102 F tness 132 F ont Of ice 105 Ac ivi y Room Dining Over low 129 E ec T 103 Med Conf (12 110 Mech 146 O f ce 143 Clean Laundry 144 Shu t e Wa t Zone 136 Porch Gr /Porch Garden E ev Equ p 141 Smoker Area Sto 131 Sto 130 S orage 138 S orage Work Room 122 O f ce SDD 115 O f ce (VPM 113 O f ce (DF) 121 O f ce (DD 116 O f ce (ED) 120 O f ce (ADO) 118 Market ng Su e 112 Bkfst S orage 139 Vest bu e 101 Spare Of ce 106 Of ice (Reserva ons 107 Cl 108 O f ce (D r of Op 109 Cor idor 111 Womens 125 Mens 124 Con Room 126 Lib ary 127 Res room 133 Corr do 134 Corr dor 140 Stai ST-2 Sta r ST-1 Of ice (EA 119 O f ce MCM) 114 Adm n Su te 117 E ec r ca C oset 129a K tchen 137 X Room s genera Gene a Base F e d carpe / o Casework n sh n sh X F oor F n shY T ans on oca o requ red CHEDULE KEY N SH TRANSITION KEY ec a y n shes such as a cove ing etc w no sh are ca ed ou n p an 1st Floor Finish Plan
Family House- Retreat for Relief HOSPITALITY NOT N CONTRACT 1 2 3 A A 4 5 5 6 11 12 12 13 13 14 15 16 17 7 B B A 9 A 9 C C D D E E F F E 9 E 9 G G H H J J K K R1 R2 R2 R2 NOT N CONTRACT NOT N CONTRACT NOT N CONTRACT NOT N CONTRACT 9 -0 10 -6" 10 -6 9 -0 11 -0 9 -0 9 -0 9 -0 9 -0 9 -0 9 -0 7 -6 7 -6 9 -0 7 -6 8 -0 8 -0 8 -0 9 -6 9 -0 10 -6 8 -0 8 -0 8 -0 8 -0 8 -0 8 -0 8 -0" 8 -0 8 -0" 8 -0 8 -0 9 -0" 9 -0 9 -0 5 A4 04 5 A4 04 7 A4 04 7 A4 04 8 A4 04 8 A4 04 8 A4 04 9 A4 04 9 A4 04 9 A4 04 9 A4 04 7 A4 04 7 A4 04 7 A4 04 6 A4 04 6 A4 04 TYP S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S D n ng Area 135 Laundry 142 Elec 145 L ving Room 128 Check-in 102 F tness 132 Fron Of ce 105 Ac v ty Room D n ng Over low 129 E ec/ T 103 Med Conf 12 110 Mech 146 O f ce 143 C ean Laundry 144 Shu t e Wai Zone 136 Porch Gri Porch Garden Elev Equ p 141 Smoker Area Stor 131 Stor 130 Storage 138 Sto age/ Wo k Room 122 O f ce (SDD) 115 Of ice (VPM) 113 O f ce (DF 121 O f ce (DD) 116 O f ce (ED) 120 Of ice (ADO 118 Marke ing Sui e 112 Bkfst Sto age 139 Vest bu e 101 Spa e O f ce 106 Of ce (Rese vat ons) 107 C 108 Off ce (D r of Op 109 Co r dor 111 Womens 125 Mens 124 Con Room 126 L bra y 127 Restroom 133 Cor idor 134 Cor idor 140 Sta r ST-2 S a r ST-1 Of ce EA 119 O f ce (MCM 114 Admin Su e 117 E ectr ca C ose 129a K chen 137 GENERAL CE L NG CONSTRUCT ON NOTES 1 I s he respons b y of he con rac or to f e d ve fy a ex s ng cond ons and d mens ons Repo t d sc epanc es o he arch ec mmed a e y 2 Coo d na e a wo k w h MEP d aw ngs 3 A d mens ons a e measu ed to he n shed wa sur ace, U N O 4 A d mens ons marked HOLD sha be ma n ained and sha a ow or th cknesses o wa n shes U N O ) D mens ons marked HOLD" must be accu a e y ma nta ned and sha no vary more han 1 8 5 A gh ng f x u es oca ed n acoust ca pane ce ngs are o be ns a ed n the center of he pane U N O 6 No fy a ch ec app ox ma e ar angement of APC & suspended ce ng t b d d t RCP CODED NOTES R1 R2 Faux Beam See de a 3/A4 04 Prov de b ock ng as necessa y C own Mo d ng moun ed to s de o co e 9 -0" bo tom o mo d ng GWB Gypsum Wa Boa d APC-1 Acous c Pane Ce ng No Ce ng Open o S ruc ure APC-2 Acous c Pane Ce ng CE L NG LEGEND N SCALE 8 1 -0 1 RCP - Ground F A4 01 1st Floor RCP & Fixture Selections Wood look beams ACP & 2’X2’ fixtures Wood & metal rings pendant Deco globes pendant Residential-look ACP Acoustic- felt pendant cluster Deco globes pendant
Grandma’s Cottage- 4th Floor Lounge Retreat California Coastal- 2nd Floor Lounge Retreat

CCA- School, or Office for Educators? CORPORATE

1st Floor Lobby Rendering

Commonwealth Charter Academy is a public virtual charter school baed in Pennsylvania. I have been on several project teams designing different buildings for CCA throughout the state. What’s most interesting about them is that since they are a virtual school, we essentially are designing offices for teachers- where students come to meet them for tutoring or extra curricular activities on a limited basis. CCA Malvern is by far the largest project I’ve worked on with them at over 200,000 SF. Their virtual curriculum has expanded immensely over the last two years, with COVID. They need more office space for teachers than ever before. Partial 1st Floor Plan
Mood Board + Finish Palette

CCA- School, or Office for Educators? CORPORATE

The 1st floor of the building is dedicated to multipurpose and communal working space. With this being one of the school’s largest locations, they needed plenty of spaces for large organizational conferences- as well as plenty of flex space for teachers to work away from their desks & collaborate. This location has a 2nd phase called ‘med works’ where students will physically come to the space to learn about medical technology. (Currently being designed).

2nd Floor Plan
The ‘Common Core’ lounge & lunch area

The above image is at the center of the Common Core and the Community Hub. I dedicated a lot of time to design this custom booth surround. The booths will be used for lunches, small group meetings, or individual work pods. The concept was a blue box form (in their CCA blue) with warm wood cubes carved from within. See elevations & details.

WNA ENG C O N S U L T www WN EN PITTSBURGH 412 208 1 325 Chestnut Str Su te 909 Ph lade phia PA 215 440 0190 www stradal c c P ttsburgh | Phi © 0 9 St ada A ch ec u 82 1 / 2 12 12 12 MB-1 P-2 WC-1, Viny wall graphic to be instal ed to ful height of wall H O L D ceptacle beyond 46 " 4 '6 " EQ EQ EQ EQ 5 ' -0" 5 ' -0" 09 09 P-2 CP-1 bu khead P-2 CL CL CL Corr dor beyond Corridor beyond 9 '0 " 26 " b u l k h e a d 10 A6 02 Wal of booth, c ad with WD-1 MB-1 G ass w ndow nsert at booth wal P-2 Receptacle beyond MB-1 WD-1 Open o corr dor beyond typ WD-1 clad MDF constructed booth partition frame, typ (1) Pendant fixture per booth as scheduled typ CP-1 bu khead MB-1 gra n g a n gra n gra n 1 A6 03 2 A6 03 3 A6 03 4 A6 03 5 A6 03 5 A6 03 4 A6 03 S m Opposite hand 8 -0" EQ 56 " 1 ' 10 6 06 Meta support bracket concea ed in wal beyond Power receptacle, typ SCALE: 1 4" = 1 -0" 4 Int Elev - Corridor E106 Northeast 6 02 SCALE: 1/4 = 1 -0 7 Int. Elev - Common Core Seating E106- North A6 02 SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0" 10 Booths Section A6 02 uth GENERAL ELEVATION & CASEWORK NOTES 1 Refer to A9 01- A9 07 for specific wall and casework finishes and locat ons 2 Refer to A6 03 for equ pment egend 3 Drawer pulls bas s of design: Emteck Select Cabinet Pul 6" Rectangular stem, Smooth bar, Satin N ckel F n sh 84055RECSMUS15 4 See A6 05 for typ cal casework details and d mensions 5 Refer to finish legend and spec for the ti e s ze, nsta l he ght and pattern 6 ADA required clearances are to face of t le f n sh 7 Do not nsta l tile pieces sma ler than 1/3 the w dth of the tile WNA ENG NEERING NC C O N S U L T N G E N G N E E R S WNA g g ENG NEER NG TT BURGH PA 1 20 1 72 PO TER V LE PA 72 3 8 8 3 5 17 21 Cons uc on Documen s Da e P o ec Phase Boo h De a s 20016 Commonwea h Cha er Academy A6 03 CCA Ma e n 0 C u S 9 P PA 6 4 d P b P d p © Draw ng T e Profess ona s Sea ssue Da es Shee Number Pro ec Name C en Pro ec Number 43/4 1-61/4 43/4 4 5 8 GWB WD- d o e e p woo WTR-1 o n 3 5 8 e ud a g N E C whe ap ab e ee p 2 ep o su a on 8 GWB 43/4 1-61/2 5 4 WD- d o e e p woo 1-51/2 WTR-1 1 h c g s he d 1 an e us ed a um a o an bo om WD- h d 3 4 p y WD-1 s and he de WD- s nd ea e No Ex g Co um h p a 2 ep o ns a on 4 3 6 5 8 GWB WTR-1 p WD-1 dh d 3 e e e u u d p S d WD-1 b h p 5 me a m ng A h b s eed d1 1 40 1 7EQ EQ WD- d h h d o e e e u u g a e p ywo d B k p d d am MB-1 3 5 8 d WD-1 a he e o e a d n e g de w od WTR- c ne WD-1 dh d d u n u e ad p woo WTR-1 c ne MBS d g pp u u e s ee ed1 1 40 1 721 2 40 1B k p d ame W R- c e W R- c ne 5 GWB p d P-2 5 GWB pa n d P-2 WD-1 a he d o e ea d g d d MB-1 WD- ad e e o e ea d n e ade w od 3 8 d WTR-1 co e WD- d d u n u e ad p woo WTR-1 o n WD-1 h d d n e g de w od C L 1 11 Booth Edge Revea @ GWB A6 03 S A E2 Booths W ndow S l Plan Deta A6 03 S A E3 Booths Reveal @ C g A6 03 C L 1 14 Booths Center Struc ure A6 03 S A E5 Booths End Structure typ A6 03 GENERAL E EVAT ON & CASEWORK NOTES 1 Re e o A 01- A9 0 o pe c w nd a ewo n s es a d oc o s 2 Re e o A 03 o e u me ge d 3 D awe p b s o de g Em ec Se ec C b e P 6 Re a gu s em Smo h a S n N c e n h 8 05 RECSMUS 5 4 See A6 0 o yp c c s w k e a s an d men o s 5 Re e o h ge d a d pe o he s e a h gh a d a e 6 ADA e u d c ea nc s e a e o e n h 7 Do n s e p ce sma e an 3 he w h h e
82 1 / 2 " 12 12 12 MB-1 P-2 WC-1, Viny wal graphic to b 6 '2 3 / 4 " H O L D Receptacle beyond 66 " 26 " 01 01 01 P-2 4 A6 06 Rubber base Backplash tile Receptacle beyond typ 90 " 2 '6 " b u l k h e a d REF 16 11 '21/4 " 2'-6" 18 '0 " 1'-6" " 2 '4 " 6 '8 " 1 '7 " 9 '5 " 5 '0 " 5 '0 " 1 '6 " 34 '8 " 18'-113/4" 3 A1 53 01 W18 W18 10 A6 02 Room 8 21 0 " t y p WD-1 Open to cor idor beyond yp WD-1 clad MDF constructed booth partit on frame, typ (1) Pendant fixture per booth, as scheduled, typ P-2 WD-1 CP-1 bulkhead 1 16 " + /8 '0 " MB-1 grain gra n grain gra n grain grain gra n 3 03 02 10 11 2 '1 0 " 3 '5 " 9 A6 06 1 A6 06 3 A6 06 typ 62 3 / 4 " H O L D WT-2 Receptacle Receptacle beyond Plastic aminate casework R Standpipe FDVC 1 '8 " 1 '9 " 3 '0 " 2 '3 " 8 -0" 3A6.02 12 12 12 03 11 02 0 D 1 4 a 10 The Canteen E107 EQ 8 -0" EQ 56 " 1 10 A6 06 Rubber base Meta support bracket concea ed in wa l beyond Power receptacle, typ WC-1 Wa l mounted LED "Neon letter" signage, hardwired, C ma provided, refer to A8 50 Signage Details A SCALE: 1/4" = 1 -0" 4 Int. Elev - Corridor E106 Northeast A6 02 7 A6 02 SCALE: 1/4 = 1 -0 9 Int. Elev - Booths A6 02 SCALE 1/4" = 1'-0" 3 E107 The Canteen A6 02 SCALE 1/4" = 1 -0" 2 The Canteen Plan A6 02 SCALE 1/4 1 -0 6 Int. Elev - The Chat Room E117 South A6 02

CMU SEI- Top Secret, Project Saving Mission CORPORATE

Carnegie Mellon’s Software Engineering Institute was a classic case of contractors estimating project costs. During schematic design the project team was reviewing the project budget- which was extremely tight- only to find the contractors didn’t include any ceiling work in the job. Adding ceilings into the budget where they should have been, put the project $300,000 over budget. I had an idea to possibly put the project back on track, and the partner in charge sent me on a secret mission to price the job out as demountable partitions rather than traditional construction. This ended up being a job saving secret mission!

Central Neighborhood Corridor Main conference Room/ View Lobby

Myself and my project team pushed the client toward an open office, collaborative environment, but the clients as very introverted engineers slowly but surely pushed to have their preferred plan of entirely private offices. They have a very strong sense of hierarchy, and even wanted to differentiate between those who have window offices and those who don’t. So rather than continuing to push a more innovative plan, we pushed for a colorful palette to enforce their hierarchy.

CMU SEI- Top Secret, Project Saving Mission

The color palette also served as a way finding tool for the hallway heavy layout. The color palette served as a way finding tool, and a form of interest in each neighborhood. The wall covering served as a focal point to the end of the long corridors. Furniture was not in our scope of work for this project.

Conference Room
Project material Palette

@stradaplaces Instagram revamp BRANDING

As a young person at my firm, with a knack for instagram- I noticed a lot of room for improvement in Strada’s social media presence. I spoke up about it, and slowly transformed their Instagram page, with intention. The page now showcases Strada projects, has a consistent color, theme, and vibe- as well as showcases Stradista highlights.

1st 30 days


A crucial part of hostel life is networking, so each room has a ‘front porch’ a communal kitchen, and living room. It provides the necessities, and brings people out of their rooms.

My site is the Brass Building;constructed as a brass foundry in 1891. Pittsburgh Brass grew out of the building in the 1960’s and is still in business today. They were extremely innovative at the beginning of the 19th century . They designed the first non-freeze brass pipe for outhouses- leading to the connection to a sewage system in Pittsburgh. They also invented cart and toilet parts, impacted our lives in ways we never knew. I want to capture the innovation & creativity that was housed here, and bring it back to life.

Scan this QR code on your phone, or click the link below to experience the Entrance Lobby in 3D! pano.html?url=jpgs/bb15ab5fbafb-4c70-ab55-4e367dcabd66



The Midwest Appalachia region of the U.S. is struggling to keep up with job growth that while the south, North and west are thriving.

There is no bridge between the gap of college life and self sufficiency. It is common for graduates to live with parents because they can’t find a job or are drowning in student loans

Mid-sized cities are losing their talented youth to more progressive, larger cities that are extremely expensive.

Give young adults the opportunity to pay off debt, network, and learn their way around a new urban fabric before committing to a lease.



The Institute for Food studio was a group project with students from the disciplines of Architecture, Interior Design, graphic design, and food studies. Together, our group was instructed to develop an organic vegetable farm for Miami University. We created the logo, branding, site design, and building/ interior designs for a dormitory, pack house & market and restaurant.

This project had a strong emphasis on process. Our group created the drawings below to inform our designs holistically. I learned valuable lessons about teamwork and leadership throughout this process. Our team was graced with a 2nd place in this competition studio.

Entrance to the Institute for Food organic vegetable farm at Miami University. Below are group pastel drawings illustrating ‘What fun feels like.’
“to grow back stronger”
Process drawing crucial to designs
Logo process- negative space


Orchards Demonstration kitchen Hay field Corn field Green
Packhouse & Market Apiary garden Chicken coop Prairie Grasses Living learning community
Plots Community
Austin Magie House

This portion of the project was created by myself and a graphics student. We worked together to create the wall art and place it in the space, as well as the menu placement. The facade continues the white brick and wood from the inside.


Living learning community with meditative gardens in front.

The dormitory is meant to feel like a village with separate buildings, and one larger community space in the center.

Above shows community space in the dorm, plan at night.

Enlarged plan of the community space in the dorm, including mobile seating for group dinners and a kitchen. Section below.


Hand Rendering



Photography, Alternative Fashion, Painting, Pencil

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