A no m a ly
The Brief The brief was to first come up with a relevant and innovative product/service that filled a gap in the market created by new and emerging consumers and their changing wants and desires. After this a thorough and creative promotional campaign was to be created that fully engaged and marketed to these new consumers in a way that is different and innovative.
A minimalist 15 piece capsule collection dedicated to introducing people to a mindful lifestyle. Founded in 2017, at the height creative rebellion, our sole purpose is to allow people Complete freedom of identity, without gender and style conformity or limits. Sustainability is a given for ANOMALY and stands true through both the manufacturing of the materials and production of designs.
m a r k et t r e n d s a n d d ri v e rs
C o ns u m e r t r e n d s a n d d ri v e rs
A noticeable backlash against the quarterly trends.
A imperative view on sustainability.
Cooperate ethical and social transparency and responsibility more important than ever when it comes to engaging and keeping loyal consumers.
Markets need to have more than one USP to entertain and sell to new and emerging consumers.
"WGSN found that consumers ar e becoming more conscious in their buying habits. They are now taking fashion more serious ly, and are using their sense of style and loyalty to certain brands as a way to take action against consumerism." source: WGSN Future Consumer s 2018
Money - consumers 18-25 are conscience when it comes to spending money on clothing, however have more disposable income now than in previous years. • Quality - 18-25 year olds are more reluctant to spend money on bad quality clothing and would be happy to pay more for an item of better quality. • Cooperate Responsibility - Consumers are more likely to buy into and continue to repurchase from a brand if the brand is open and transparent about their cooperate ethics and responsibilities, as well as promoting this to consumers freely. • Remaining Current and On Trend - Consumers always want to feel up to date and current, however they now want this process to be easy and are rebelling against quarterly trends. • Experience More - Consumers want to have more experiences and would rather invest money in that meaning added value is needed. • One Brand Does All - Consumers want one brand that encompasses all their values and has a similar ethos. • Creative Rebellion - Consumers are looking for ways to express their creativity and show off who they are..
source: LSN Trend Talk, Mintel Moral Brands, WGSN Future Consumer 2018, Miscellaneous sources
source: LSN Trend Talk, Mintel Moral Brands, WGSN Future Consumer 2018, Miscellaneous sources
wo m e nsw ea r , s usta i n a b l e & C usto m i s a b l e m a r k et 2016
3.7% Growth
6.7% Growth
10% Growth
source: Mintel Womenswear 2016
Young woman, 16-24, are still the main drivers within the market, with this demographic accounting for 1.8% of growth in 2016. This demographic have the highest spend on clothing, however these consumers are the most price conscience when it comes to clothing due to discounting culture. With this being said and the demographic being less confident when it comes to their finances, brands need to look at their product offering and rather than offering fast discounts instead need to review their products and market them as investment pieces rather than continuing within a fastfashion culture.
I n i t i a l i d eas
#1 Brand Extension • A collection in conjunction with an existing brand. •
Aimed at creating an affordable capsule collection with all pieces aimed at helping consumers create their own capsule wardrobe.
The items transcend trends, and are sustainable.
The brand will offer replacements and recycling opportunities for old items within the collection.
As the items are cheaper, it ’ll be harder for the items to last as long as other sustainable brands, so offering a replacement/recycle service tackles this.
c o m p et i to rs 11% of consumers now solely buy sustainable brands which brands can no longer ignore.
47% of
consumers would like to personalise a product before buying it. Customers want ‘One Brand Does All’. The current market trends and state of the womenswear industry presents a gap in the market for a brand that encompasses all these values.
#2 New Brand • •
A minimalist capsule wardrobe with luxur y, eco made items that never go out of date. •
A website looking to combine sustainability with free expression.
Free expression is key, allowing customers to personalize each item adding their own design, flare, personality to the finishing touches. An idea to tailor to the increasing need for sustainable items whilst still allowing customers free expression and to feel like the item is one of a kind.
Real and Faux versions of leather will be available, along with upcycled materials. • The details the customer pick can consist of studs, embellishment, embroider y, destressing, patchwork, and all materials will be sourced from a fast fashions material waste.
Sustainability is a given, and re-using and recycling isn’t the main goal. The main goal is to introduce people to a mindful lifestyle whilst still allowing them their own creative freedom and a way for them to express themselves through fashion.
Even though brands, such as Zara, are now revising their own environmental impact, these brands are doing nothing to educate or promote this to their consumers, let alone incorporate it into their brand ethos. This presents a gap in the market for a brand that aims to take on a sustainable approach as well as teaching consumers of the issues posing the environment and why it’s important to lead a mindful lifestyle.
With key drivers within society being flexible identities, fluid genders and creativity, it’s clear to see just how thriving the customisation market is. As opposed to before where consumers used to “use clothes to show off a certain social status by buying luxury brands, labels and accessories, people now dress more to express who they are, or aspire to be in a quest for self-actualisation”
64% of Millennials now consider themselves creative.
source: Mintel Womenswear 2016, Mintel Moral Brands, Mintel Young Fashion
A survey was conducted to first determine the market for this type of product, and to outline the wants, desires and needs of these consumers. All respondents to the survey either worked in or were studying to work within the creative industr y which aligned with the initial ideas perfectly. These consumers formed the final target market for Anomaly the brand. source: primary survey
source: primary perceptual map
£26.9 Billion
s u rv ey r e s u lts WO U L D YO U R AT H E R F AST F ASHION
Q UA L I T Y WO U L D YO U pay mo r e f o r sta p l e i t e ms
Y ES i s s e l f ex p r e ssio n i m po rta nt to yo u Y ES
NO wo u l d yo u b e i nt e r e st e d i n a ca ps u l e wa r d ro b e
NO i s s usta i n a bi l i t y so m et h i ng yo u lo o k f o r i n c lot h i ng NO
Y ES h ow o l d a r e yo u 18
18 - 24
ta rg et d e mo g r a p h ic The target customer for Anomaly the brand is closely linked to the customers represented in the aforementioned future consumer reports.
18 - 25
W o m e n Socialising Young Renters
Y o u n g Pro f e s s i o n a l s
Briefly speaking, Anomaly ’s target customer is between the broad ages of 16-30 due to the changing buying behaviours and desires of future consumers, however, these customers can further be split into two separate ‘ tribes’. Although all still buying into Anomaly and understanding and engaging with the brands core values, all have different motivators behind their purchasing decisions. Anomaly ’s primar y consumer is creative women aged 18-25. These women have been identified as millennials in the future consumer reports on both LSN Global and WGSN and are key to the morphing of motivators in the buying landscape. These consumers no longer identify as having one identity, and instead view themselves as having layers and need different outlets to express themselves. Social media allows these people to constantly be up to date and because of this they have strongly formed opinions on the world. They are aware of global issues and this effects their buying habits. They make sure they thoroughly research a brand before buying into them as well as being put off if the brands values not meet their own.
Anomaly ’s secondar y target consumer are young people, mainly students aged 17-22 years old. This is a demographic that is heavily influenced by the world around them and like to be involved in the conversation, however may not have fully formulated opinions on such topics. These people are influenced by social trends and use social media, such as Instagram, regularly to keep up to date with what is in trend on a social and visual level. They like to share their experiences and get involved with conversation and showing off that they know what is trending and cool. These people express themselves through sharing, and Anomaly gives them this outlet.
S t u d e n t s Y o u n g Professionals
W o m e n
18 - 22
M o d e s t M e a n s
i n f lu e nc e r , so ci a l m e di a & sto ry t e l l i ng m a r k et i ng Social media marketing is a form or below the line advertising, this means that for a start-up business this type of advertising is imperative as it is cost effective and an easy way to engage their target consumers quickly and effectively due to its ability to spread brand awareness successfully. As well as this social media, namely the platforms Instagram and Twitter, are important marketing tools for any brand. These platforms allow for the brand to be able to communicate on a more personal level with the target consumer establishing an emotional connection. These types of interactions with consumers fully encompasses stor ytelling through social media and emotionally connecting with consumers as a more lifestyle and value based brand.
Instagram haves 400 million daily active users. Consumers, especially the creatives use this platform to communicate a visual identity about themselves and express who they are and what they want to show people about
90% of Instagram users are below 35. Visual communication is crucial. “Instagram is driven by the consumer, as they crave to visually share their stories, reactions, and experiences– Instagram offers a platform for this with its unique ability to highlight visual content.” - Rezvani
November Learning has identified Twitter as a powerful educational tool due to its global connection and ability to allow people to be socially aware and connected. People use Twitter to express verbal thoughts, opinions and concerns.
“ ( Tw i t t e r i s l i ke ) t a l k i n g t o yo u r f r i e n d s t h ro u g h a l o u d s p e a ke r.” - Mengfeil Chen source: November Learning, The Independent
86% of millennials say user generated content is something that makes them trust a brand and that 68% of social media users take into account peer recommended content when they make a purchasing decision. source: eMarketer
UGC promotes the spread of Word of Mouth Advertising, which for a new brand is the leading way to gain traction, especially amongst target consumers.
The use of influencers is imperative in raising brand awareness and increasing conversations. 81% of marketers who have used influencer marketing judged it to be effective. source: eMarkerter Influencer marketing is a form of UGC used by specific bloggers and influential people. These people are able to sway audiences and reach a large following due to their stand out visually and aesthetically.
R e s ea rc h
lo g o d ev e lo p m e nt
Mathmatical symbol for Anomaly
This symbol then led me onto looking at glyphs.
Glyph for Learn
Glyph for Express
For the logo, the glyphs for the actions Learn and Express were combined to create something that represented Anomaly ’s core brand values and ethos.
Here colourways were played with, along with boarders and extra features to tr y and create the final brand logos as well as responsive logos for social media pages and swing tags.
n a m e d ev e l p m e nt Choice. Choices. No choice. Left with no choice. One. One for all. No clique. Coterie. On the whole. In one breath. In the same breath Unanimous. Populous. Mutate. Anomaly . Aberration. Orthodox. I wanted my brand name to express what my brand stood for and what the consumers stood for. I decided to go for Anomaly as my brand name. This is due to how my brand is a one capsule collection, however it is completely unique with the personalisation, therefore making it an Anomaly.
f i n a l i s e d lo g o s
The final logos for Anomaly are responsive for swing tags, documents, social media and website. This allows for consistantcy and ease to read for consumers on various platforms.
F i n a l i s e d I d ea The idea is both a product and a service, looking to combine sustainability with the consumer need for free expression. It’s a minimalist capsule wardrobe made from sustainable and luxury materials. These products are dateless and capture the essence of a staple piece in everyone’s wardrobe. What makes this different than other sustainable brands on the market is the service it offers with the collection. This is a customization aspect, that taps into the consumers need to express themselves. The buyer will have the opportunity to personalize each item to their tastes, weather that be adding their own patchwork designs, embroidery and embellishments, studs, distressing. The item itself will be sustainable, staple and transcend through seasons, however allowing the customer to add their own flare creates a one off and bespoke piece completely tailored to themselves. The consumer has the option of real/faux leather, which will be sourced and manufactured sustainably and ethically – upcycled and recycled materials are used to create the finishing touches and will all be responsibly sourced from fast fashions material waste. Each piece has its own unique story, something that will be played on during the promotional process. Sustainability is a given, and re-using and recycling isn’t the main goal. The main goal is to introduce people to a mindful lifestyle whilst still allowing them their own creative freedom and a way for them to express themselves through fashion.
D ev e lo p m e nt
A no m a ly ' s M a i n O bj e ct i v e s •
To educate people about the environmental factors of fast fashion and to introduce people to a mindful lifestyle through clothing whilst allowing people to self-express through being fun and creative. • •
To use Word of Mouth Advertising (WOM) and User Generated Content (UGC).
To encourage people to share their own experiences through social media (UGC). •
Creating one of a kind unique items that are bespoke to the consumer.
Using social media to raise brand awareness and also to spread the key message of sustainability through story-telling and visual communication.
e sta b l i s h i ng a v i s ua l i d e nt i t y
A minimalist 15-piece capsule collection dedicated to introducing people to a mindful lifestyle. Founded in 2017, at the height creative rebellion, our sole purpose is to allow people complete freedom of identity, without gender and style conformity or limits. Sustainability is a given for ANOMALY and this stands true through both the manufacturing of the materials and production of designs. ANOMALY are dedicated to the varying traits and taste of our customers and this is reiterated through the custom designs and pieces that we offer. Each piece is bespoke, unique and completely YOU and our in-house team are dedicated to the cause of ANOMALY and the need for experimentation and mindful choices of our customers. Launching in September ANOMALY’S core values are always at the forefront of both the product and the people with the customers taking full rein on how we progress as a brand. Our sources are sustainable, our practices are ethical and our pieces are unequivocally YOURS. Inside this pack you will find some personalised items that we hope you enjoy as well as some extra information you can read at your own leisure.
p r e ss r e l eas e The press release contains important brand information, such as key dates for the brand and also what Anomaly are about. This is aimed more at influencers than press, meaning a more causal tone of voice is used whilst still remaining professional and luxury.
A no m
m a ly
p r e ss pac k Press packs will be sent out to appropriate influencers and press before the launch of Anomaly. Inside will be the press release, an invitation to the event, information on sustainability, a small version of the lookbook, plus a personalised tote bag and patches that are unique to the influencers own style and blogger branding. This establishes a personal and trustworthy connection with influencers and pins Anomaly as a luxury brand. The pack contents will be Instagram worthy and so this will raise brand awareness for both bloggers and potential consumers.
t h e c o l l e ct io n The capsule collection is made up of 15 staple and sustainable items inspired by the minimalist lifestyle. Each item transcends seasons and will never be out of style.
Sw i ng tag s Swing tags are completely personalised to the customer and their order specifications. This makes the customer feel valued and establishes an emotional connection with the brand and they feel remembered and important.
po p u p s h o p Anomaly will open a stand-alone pop up shop after the launch event. This pop up shop will be located in Manchester due to it being a up and coming creative city within the fashion industr y. Pop up shops provide a perfect opportunity for Anomaly to engage and share their offering on a more personal basis. The team can design freely and in a live studio setting, showing exactly what is done in the brands own studio. They can interact with customers and consult with them face-to-face about their wants in a piece.
l a u nc h ev e nt The launch event in on an invite only basis to influencers. The room will be split into two sides. In the middle will be a neutral zone, dedicated to educating people about fast fashion and the environmental factors and how a mindful lifestyle can help with these problems. This middle section is also where the standard product line will be positioned for people to view and tr y on. On each side of the room will be a bar and a jukebox. There will also be a customisation station and each influencer will be encouraged to pick out a piece from the collection to be customised in front of them by the team of specialised graphic designers and embroiders. When an influencer on opposite sides picks the same item from the collection, they will be invited to take a photograph to show off their final outcome and differences in style although the product started off the same. These photos will then be shared on social media and added to a blog post for sharing purposes Having a range of influencers broadens the brand reach in terms of target demographics.
Elimin te The rest
f ly e rs Flyers will be distributed around Manchester to raise awareness and draw people into the pop-up shop. The flyers will display an Anomaly image, whether that be from the lookbook or from people who want to share a stor y, and a quote that represents the brand aswell as the person. On the back will be the date and location of the pop-up shop as well as a discount code for the store. There will also be a link to the Anomaly blog where the person on the front ’s stor y will be continued.
The stories on the flyers will draw the attention of consumers who want to connect with a brands human side. This type of promotion is an effective way of increasing free word of mouth advertising which is what a new brand needs. Anomaly are about selling the person behind the clothes, rather than product so this type of emotionally connecting promotion is what they need to establish that brand ethos.
Ab o ut U s Anomaly is minimalist 15 piece capsule collection dedicated to introducing people to a mindful lifestyle. Founded in 2017, at the height creative rebellion, our sole purpose is to allow people complete freedom of identity, without gender and style conformity or limits. Sustainability is a given for ANOMALY and stands true through both the manufacturing of the materials and production of designs. ANOMALY use their platform as an educational tool and creative outlet, which is exactly how we want you to use it.
Our motto is ‘stay true to you’, so we don’t want you to do anything other than express yourself and your own personal style. All we ask is to be mentioned or tagged, as well as sharing your personalised voucher code with your followers for 10% off their first order with us. Sharing stories, inspirations and experiences is important to us - so why not tell your followers a bit about the background of your custom piece and what it means to you or how it makes you feel, and in turn we will re-post this on our own social media pages.
Engagment Rate:
Engagment Rate:
Engagment Rate:
Engagment Rate:
Engagment Rate:
based on 20 posts
based on 20 posts
based on 20 posts
based on 20 posts
based on 20 posts
I n f lu e nc e r m a r k et i ng Anomaly’s main promotion will take place on social media meaning the use of influencers is imperative in raising brand awareness and increasing conversations. Influencers will be asked to share their stories and feature on the blog, as well as being gifted free customisation on a piece. They will then be encouraged to share their piece on their social media pages and Youtube, if applicable. These will also be shared on the brands pages to encourage engagement by consumers and target various styles and demographics.
E d ucat io n Anomaly’s Twitter will be used as an education tool to reinforce their sustainable and ethical arm. The twitter will post about ethical developments, the importance of sustainability and show there support and encouragement of the minimalist movement. Twitter collect all of this information to create a one stop place for consumers to read and gain more information in Anomaly’s valued areas. This will raise brand awareness as not only will Anomaly consumers be interested in this, but general Twitter users who believe in the same things and want to read more about it without having to look hard to find it.
I ns pi r at io n Anomaly’s Instagram is used to inspire consumers and establish a visual identity as a brand. Using this platform directly relates back to their target market who spent more of their time on Instagram than on any other platform. The types of posts on the platform will embody the values of both the brand and the users of Instagram. Anomaly will frequent the use of User Generated Content to get their message across. They are about people and their individuality, so UGC is important in raising awareness. UGC allows for the consumers creativity to shine through.
C o n n e ct io n Consumers are encouraged to share their stories, whether that be about what makes them unique or the inspiration behind their piece. This is a personal way to market as its more about the person behind the clothes. This adds an emotional edge and makes people feel as though they are part of a community. Employee and Influencers are encouraged to share too.
W e b si t e Anomaly is an online only brand, and their collection is shop-able through the website along with its customisation services. The website is mobile responsive to adhere to the needs of their target consumers who do a large amount of their shopping online.
B lo g Anomaly will have a brand blog that is separate to the website. Content will be posted with the intention to entertain and educate. Posts will be written about mindful living, minimalism, styling and ethical practices. As well as this team profiles and updates on trips can be found so the consumer engages with the brands human side. Influencers and customers will be encouraged to share their stories and these will be collected on the blog to form an emotional connection. This type of content will draw in new people through the use of SEO that are already searching for these topics.
NOM LY Task Background Research Customer Profiling Name Development Logo Development Website Development Studio Scouting Apparel Design Manufacturing Scouting Manufacturing Trip In House Team Hiring Blog Development Social Media Development Instagram Twitter Blog Video Planning Lookbook Planning Ecommerce Shoot Planning Appareal Received Event Planning Influencer Research Influencer Sourcing Influencer Brief and Style Board Planning Influencer Briefs Sent Instagram Stories Event and Pop Up Shop Location Scouting Launch Event Pop Up Shop Planning Flyer Development Flyer Editing Pop Up Station Planning Pop Up Station Location Scouting Pop Up Station Flyering Press Pack Development Press Pack Production Press Pack Sent Packaging Development Packaging Received Gurrilla Marketing Development Gurrilla Marketing Distrobution Influencer Marketing Lookbook Video Launch to Media Launch Website Launch
Campaign Plan Time Sept April May June July August 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing
Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing
Media Plan Budget: 1.5 Million (Crowdfunded) Promotion Budget: £15,000 Promotion Cost (Aprox) Website £2,000 Pop Up Shop £2,000 Launch Event £3,000 Venue Hire £4,500 Ongoing Influencer Marketing £2,400 Flyer Printing £250 Pop Up Station £200 Total: £14,400
Ca m pa ig n a n d m e di a p l a n