C A Digital Portfolio: • Curriculum Vitae • Social Chain:Graze • Menswear Fashion Film
Contents 3. - Curriculum Vitae 4. - Social Chain:Graze 5. - Project Brief 6, - Target Customer 7. - Company & Competitors 8. - Case Study & UGC 9. - Influencer Marketing 10. - Campaign 1 11. - Campaign 2 12. - Campaign 3 13. - Evaluation 14 - 20. - Final Outcome 21. - Conclusion 22. - Menswear Fashion Film
22. - Menswear Fashion Film 23. - Project Brief 24. - Market Worth & Digital Consumption 25. - S/S 16 Trends 26. - Asos Company Profile 27. - Asos Customer 28. - Styling Ideas 29. - Narrative Ideas 30. - Tailored Leisure 31. - Evaluation 32 - 36. - Final Outcome 37. - Conclusion 38. - Contact Details
9a, Theatre Street PR1 8BQ
I am a motivated and passionate second year university student studying fashion brand management. I’m a strong team player, with a professional and flexible approach to work coupled with the ability to work independently. I can tailor my skills to suit my surroundings and have over 5 years experience working within various retail environments.
Key Skills
I have over 3 years experience studying fashion; including marketing, design and styling. On my course I have also covered topics such as social media, influencer marketing, trend prediction and online development. I am looking to broaden my skills and am keen for new challenges.
Career History Team Work
Independent Work Communication Problem Solving Customer Service
Education BA Hons - Fashion Brand Management University of Central Lancashire 2014 - 2017 Graduate Year. Second year: predicted 2:1
Level 3 Ext. Diploma - Fashion and Clothing Shrewsbury College of Arts and Technology 2012 - 2014
Level 3 Diploma - Hair & Beauty Therapy Shrewsbury College of Arts and Technology 2010 - 2012
GCSE’s The Grove School
Sales Assistant TOPSHOP TOPMAN March 2015 - Present Part of the shop floor team, ensuring the customer got the best shopping experience possible. Maintaining store visual standards and driving sales through being a fashion role model. Sales Assistant Sally Salon Services July 2014 - March 2015 Part of the sales team, promoting products and services to professional trade customers. Trusted key holder, with a great focus on customer service. Temporary Customer Assistant Wilkinsons October 2013 - January 2014 My main role included service on the perfume counter over Christmas. Promoting products and driving sales. Cafe Assistant Wm Morrisons May 2011 - July 2013 Primarily service customers meals, and taking customer orders. Maintaining general housekeeping and stock taking.
2008 - 2010 A*/C - 6 Achieved
References available on request.
Project 1 Social Chain:Graze
Project Brief
The brief for this project was to come up with a relevant and thorough social media campaign for the company Graze, primarily using the platform Instagram. Graze wanted to spark excitement into their boxes and make them current, fun and exciting, using relevant influencers to promote their boxes. The work you are about to see is market research around Graze and social media marketing, along with four campaign proposals for the brand.
Current Graze Consumer
New Graze Consumer
25 - 35
18 - 25
- Career Orientated - Families with young children - Healthy and Active - 2E18; Career Driven Young Families - 3J32; Educated Families with Children -
- Busy lifestyles - Social - Starting out in jobs - 4K36; Educated Young People - 4K35; Students in Tenements -
Brand Guidelines • No capitol letters or full stops. • Bright, eye catching and engaging. • Tone of voice is confident, positive, witty and conversational. • They want to come across original, creative and helpful. • Graze like to create seamless engagement with the brand. Graze uses their instagram to upload content, from recipes, to influencer photos and UGC. They like to interact with consumers. They use their Instagram to promote their products in a creative way.
C omp e t i t o rs 1 6 .9 k
Amount of Follow ers
2 7 .3 k
• Monthly Subscription • Owned by influencers Marcus Butler and Niomi Smart • Hash-tag frequently • Trendy and Modern • 0.05 engagment
2 0 .4 k
• Monthly Subscription • Super-food product • Targets gym members • Restaurant style layout • 0.008 engagment • • • •
Use of User Generated Content
Monthly Subscription Wholefoods Ethical USP of 1% of profits go to charity • Product based • Engagment N/A
Why does UGC work?
“ User-generated content helps increase engagement rates and brand awareness.”
o f m i lle n n i a ls s a y tha t U G C i n f lu e n ce s their b u yi n g o ve r o t her a d ve rt i s i n g. 3 0% o f m ed i a tim e is s pen t co ns um i ng U GC.
source: Crowdtap
source: DirectMarketing News
Case S t udy Oreo was rated to have one of the best food based instagrams in terms of consumer engagement. • They have thorough and creative social media campaigns. • They mainly share user generated content. • Their posts are creative and in line with their brand identity.
source: CampaignLive
Influencer Marketing
“ Influencers are people with significant networks (followers, readers, etc.) who can speak to a broad range of products and ser vices with the ability to sway opinions in their favour.” – Jess Estrada
2 0 16 In f luencer M a r keting B udg ets source: Statista
food is the highest earner from Influencer Marketing. Earning $11.33 for every $1 spent.
59% Increasing
retailers and apparel has the second highest Earned Media Value. source: RhythmOne
11% Maintain-
10% Decreasing
average engagement rate with instagram
20% Unsure
of consumers trust peer recommendations. .
trust advertising.
source: Nielson consumer surveys Primary Infographics’
De v e lo p m e n t
1 M y C ommu t e This will be a ‘on the go/commuting’ campaign where posts will be uploaded showing people snacking with graze on their commute, whether it be by train, car or plane.
Does graze give you your morning boost to start your day? Does graze end your day with giving you the much needed fuel to get you home? This will generate consumers to upload their own user generated content, by sharing their own commuting with graze posts. This will engage a new type of target consumer for graze with 18-24 year olds, as commuting/being on the go is typical of those with hectic workloads such as students, young professionals and bloggers.
source: Instagram
Front Page
De v e lo p m en t
2 Sum m e r w i t h G r a ze This will be a ‘Summer with Graze. campaign where opportunities will arise where consumers will engage with the brand. The campaign will be competition based where users can win festival tickets or/and a supply of graze snacks for their festival stay or summer road trip.
‘Where do you graze? Win a snack supply kit for your camp to keep you fuelled through the music!’ – Graze give-aways. ‘Show us where you graze to be in with a chance of winning tickets to a festival of your choice!’ –Influencer give-aways. This will inspire the consumers to upload their own content, and the users who upload the funniest, craziest place to graze content will win. This draws in the festival/summer target audience of 18-26 year olds; which is ideal when targeting a new consumer market.
source: Instagram
De v e lo p m e n t
3 C o o ki ng w it h G r aze This campaign will be a cooking with graze campaign. Taking inspiration from the rising trend of short videos showing quick and simple recipes, such as ‘Tasty’ videos. Graze already likes to upload recipe posts, but changing these into video will visually engage the consumer. Engaging the consumer will prompt them to upload their own recipes for graze to try out, and share them amongst their peers on various social media platforms Influencers will upload their own recipe content, with cooking videos featuring graze and short clips of smoothies and quick snacks. Quick, snappy and fun posts like these are popular amongst 18-45 year olds, and also do not alienate their already loyal target consumers of 25 – 35 year olds as this is something they will also be interested in.
source: Instagram
De v e lo p men t
E v a l ua t i on Camp a i g n I d e a s 1 - # M Y C O M M UT E
As this campaign is based on user generated content, it really targets the new consumer that graze are aiming for. It also allows for the users to be free to post whatever style of content they like. This also allows for the bloggers to have creative freedom to what content they want to upload which means the bloggers are more likely to be able to match the content to their aesthetic, which engages the consumer more. Being able to include other products in Instagram posts means that the consumer has more of a chance of interacting with the post due to the fact there is more than one type of product included. However, as it is a commuting and on the go campaign, users and consumers will have to be travelling to get involved with the hash-tag, which could limit the amount of user generated content being uploaded.
2 - # S U M M E RW I T HGR A Z E
These type of posts will engage graze consumers in a new way and also draw in some new audiences and consumers. As the posts will be creative, adventurous and different it really allows the consumer to get involved and use the hash-tag, it also means that consumers are more likely to post as their posts don’t have the involve the actual product. Having the influencer pick out the festival means that the festival will be one which their followers are more likely to attend, rather than one that graze approves. The problem with this campaign could be that Graze does not want to endorse particular festivals as they do not meet graze’s brand identity or guidelines. This could limit the amount of consumers wanting to be involved, and would have to be discussed with Graze.
3 - # C O O K I N GWI T H GR A Z E
This campaign really draws inspiration from the 30 second recipe videos which are popular on social media at the moment. However encouraging other ‘regular’ consumers to upload their own recipes, instead of following other people’s recipes would engage the consumer more and motivate them to produce new foods. However, as creating recipes and uploading consumer content on their own social media is something that Graze already do the campaign could get lost among the other posts and consumer may not engage and react with it.
Social Chain:Graze Final Outcome - #MYCOMMUTE - Content Types - Influencers - Timeline - Example of Content - Conclusion -
Graze On the Go
#MYCOMMUTE Target Reach: 188.9k+ This will be a ‘on the go/commuting’ campaign where posts will be uploaded showing people snacking with graze on their commute, whether it be by train, car or plane.
Does graze give you your morning boost to start your day? Does graze end your day with giving you the much needed fuel to get you home? This will generate consumers to upload their own user generated content, by sharing their own commuting with graze posts. This will engage a new type of target consumer for graze with 18-24 year olds, as commuting/being on the go is typical of those with hectic workloads such as students, young professionals and bloggers.
source: Instagram
C ont e nt T yp e 30/60 Second Videos on Graze’s Instagram These types of posts will be influencer made content, posted onto Graze’s own Instagram page, showing their commute. It will begin with getting ready in the morning, throwing their things into their bags, running for the train and eating their graze snack. These videos will be posted at peak commute times in the day, such as in the morning, lunch time and the evening. Doing this will engage followers and consumers who also commute at these times and relate to them.
Video credit to: MissHannahBeauty -
Content Type Instagram Posts on Influencer Pages These posts will be influencer made content, posted onto the influencers own Instagram pages and allows them to have more creative freedom. These images will be flat lay photographs, wither on a train table, a car dashboard, an airplane table or a ‘what’s in my commute bag?’ The influencer can decide what suits their page aesthetic the most. Other brands could be included if the influencer so desired to still engage their following. The influencer will be asked to post 5 times within a two week period, on weekdays.
source: Instagram
Co nt e nt T yp e Instagram Posts engaging User Generated Content These will be generated by the consumer. These type of posts could typically be flat lay photos, mimicking the influencers posts. They might possibly create their own videos. The user will hash-tag and tag graze, and good posts will be regrammed by Graze, and win a free box code through their direct mail.
source: Instagram
In fluencers Gemma Talbot • Fashion Blogger • Active • Commutes a lot • Loves food • Unique sense of style • 26k+ followers • 0.013 engagment Lit t le _ M agp ie 1 • Lifestyle Blogger • Always travelling • Enjoys new experiences • Unique sense of style • 84k+ followers • 0.021 engagment
M e gan E llab y • Lifestyle and Fashion Blogger • Commutes for work • Enjoys food • Unique sense of style • 77k+ followers • 0.036 engagment
Total Reach - 187k+
C a m p a ig n T imelin e
Repeat timeline for 2x weeks
Start Monday
What I Travel With Photo @GEMMATALBOLT
30 S econd Ins tagr am Video - My Morning Commute -
Graze Consumer Re-gram Posts
Finish Friday
30 Second Instagram Video - My Evening Commute -
Campa ign Conclusion The outcome of this campaign will be to introduce new types of consumers to graze, and open up a new market for graze to engage and promote to. The types of influencers used in this campaign are creative blogger types with loyal and unique followings which are all different to each other. Having these types of on the go creatives promoting the graze brand and products will lead to increased brand awareness and a new market to expand into for graze. The type of content uploaded by consumers will be engaging and relatable to the consumer. People like creating their own content, to almost mimic that of the bloggers they follow, and they also like to share what they are doing and where they are going with their friends. The graze hash-tag helps them to do this by giving them a subject to talk about. Users and influencers can find many ways to express and show off their graze products as the hash-tag isn’t limited to trains, buses and cars; it could also be on a walk or a “what’s in my bag.” They ways in which this campaign is limited is that people have to be going somewhere or doing something that involves travelling to get involved with the hash-tag, therefore peak times are essential. Many people may not have a long commute to school or work, so therefore could not get involved with the campaign which could limit engagement and awareness. Overall I think that this campaign could really work for graze, and stays within their brand guidelines. There any many funny puns and different ways the consumer could interoperate the hash-tag, which could be beneficial and interesting for graze.
Project 2 Menswear Fashion Film
Pro j e c t B r ie f
The brief for this project was to create a menswear fashion film that would be promoting a new seasons trend across different social media platforms, such as Youtube, Instagram and Snapchat. It will be looking at different upcoming menswear trends and selecting a suitable brand for this trend. The work you are about to see is menswear trend research, styling ideas, brand market research and the final fashion films.
R esearch
source: Mintel
£16.4bn Menswear Market Worth
• Men a r e mo r e f as h io n c o n s cienc e • E xpa ndi ng r ap id ly ; g r o win g fast er than w oma n s we ar . • 16-25 ye a r o ld s th e tar g e t a nd lar g e st ma r k e t f o r m e n s we ar.
2 0 14
minutes of video is consumed on a mobile per day
TODAY compared to
minutes of video per day
Almost half of all time spent consuming digital media is on a mobile device.
source Primary Infographic
BILLION pieces of content are uploaded daily.
BILLION pieces of content is viewed daily.
hours of video is uploaded every minute.
million pictures are posted a day. (for engagement rates please see project 1 page 9)
S/ S 16 Tre nds
As Seen at LFW by: Brioni Jil Sander Prada
A t h l e t i c Le i s ur e A different approach to sports luxe. - stepping up adding in luxury tailoring.. Mixing up suit pieces with casual parka jackets and formal joggers with smart boots. As Seen at LFW by: Casely Hayford Ermenegildo Zegna
La ye r i n g Jacket s This uses two contrasting jackets to create layers and add dimensions and depth to outfits. It’s causal, adding in smart pieces and mixing textures.
Casual Tailoring
Layering Jackets
Athletic Leisure
Asos Styling Guide • • • •
Models used vary depending on style. Laid back shoots. Natural poses. Asos insiders explore a variety of different trends. • Able to understand customer more through stylists and their Instagram, to see what's popular.
• Asos focus there promotion on social media mainly on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook. • They often do look-books and styling videos. • Their look-books often tend to involve a group of people yet have a relaxed laid back vibe and are mainly shot outside.
Customer Profile
18 - 25 - F a shi on C onsci ous - Lead di gi t al l i ves - Highl y Soci al - abl e - T r en dy and Ind i vi d ual - I n sp ir ed b y cel ebri t i es and f ri end s - Sma r t, F ashi onabl e and Ed gy - 4 K3 6 ; E ducat ed Young Peopl e - 4 K3 5 ; Students i n Tenem ent s -
S t yl i n g I deas
Tailored Leisure Drawing inspiration from the S/S16 trend of athletic leisure. Mixing tailored and casual, adding in contrasting layers, trainers with suits and parkas over denim jackets.
Quintessentially British - a perfect trend to show off menswear fashion capitol - London.
City Rebel Layering jackets and mixing up different textures to add in some urban edge. Drawing inspiration from music and a classic style.
Sports Luxe Refreshing a classic and still on trend sports luxe look. Adding in layering or trousers and shorts and jackets and bombers. Keeping the colour palette minimal.
Narrative Ideas
T a i l o red Leisu r e We e k e nd in t h e Ci ty A man leaving his home and walking downtown for a date. Shots include putting on jacket, shoes and close up details when he stops and looks at his phone. Shots of sitting on benches and walking through streets. The location is bright and smart, much like the trend.
City Rebel House Party A group of men walking through town and housing estates to get to a house party, stopping to mess about and laugh with each other. Wide group shots, and some close ups of details once at the party. The location is dark and rebellious much like the trend, with a focus on friends much like asos do in their promotion.
S p or t s Lu x e U rb an Sh oot More of a studio setting with static graffiti backgrounds to contrast with the minimal colour palette. Models posing and looking into the camera gives of edge and luxury within this causal trend. One model create focus, and detailed shots are key.
Tailored Leisure Styling - Old British Heritage with a Young Twist -
Key Pieces
• Parka Jackets • Suits • Bomber Jackets • Denim Jackets • Skinny Jeans • Tailored Trousers • Jogging Bottoms • Collared Shirts • Trainers • Brogues Mixing up sharp tailored trousers with casual and slouchy bomber jackets and trainers. Layering a classic parka over clean contrasting blazers. Simple jogging bottoms with a British trench coat and jeans with sharp collared shirts. 30
Styling Evaluations Tailored Leisure Tailored Leisure uses the best of S/S 16 trends and makes them into one. Blending luxury with casual this style is perfect for the ASOS brand and target customer. It also falls in line with the fact that London is currently the menswear capitol, so having a classic British spin within the style is a good factor. The problem facing this styling idea is that it may not come across as new enough, as trench coats and jeans are what most men wear daily. The narrative fits with the trend very well, and would suit the ASOS style of promotional videos. City Rebel City Rebel uses a different type of trend to create its look, drawing inspiration from music and rebellion. This style is perfect for a man who doesn’t mind standing out from the crowd and trying something different and edgy. It fits in well with the ASOS target customer, however probably wouldn’t do as well due to the fact that men usually don’t like standing out too much. The narrative compliments the styling very well, however having many different subjects within the video could become confusing and consumers may not be able the differentiate the styling from the background noise. Sports Luxe Sports Luxe is a classic trend, spanning both menswear and womenswear. It is a style that won’t even disappear and is brought back season upon season. It is for the classic ASOS customer, and suits their brand very well. The problem facing this style is that it is an already existing trend, and consumers do not need to feel inspired to create it. The narrative is good and suits the trend and styling however it may be too different to how ASOS usually promote and out of line with their brand identity.
Menswear Fashion Film Final Outcome - Location - Model & Photography - Final Video - 3x Platform Videos - Timeline - Conclusion -
Location - Preston City Centre - Bright Stone - British City Feel - Lampposts and Phone Boxes - Cobbled Streets Matches Trend and Styling
Model and Styling
WEEK 1 10/03/16 Teaser Shots & Photos ASOS Snapchat Up-close detail shots of product and model reveal.
Teaser Photos & Link to Model ASOS Instagram Up-close detail shots with the model
WEEK 2 17/03/16 Youtube Video Reveal ASOS Youtube Full 30 Second Video shared on Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat.
WEEK 1 31/03/16
Snapchat Behind the Scenes Story ASOS Snapchat Full Snap Story of the filming day. Behind the scene access and model interviews.
Short 10 Second Videos ASOS Instagram Short videos showing different scenes, shots and details of the trend and styling.
Menswear Conclusion The final outcome of this project worked very well with the target market whilst also keeping the ASOS brand identity consistent and true. The styling is typical of ASOS and also in line with the current S/S 16 official trends and consumer trends. Being able to tie in the fact that London is the menswear capitol keeps the styling fresh and international, which is good for ASOS as an international brand. Understanding future trends and trend predicting male fashion has been key in the project, so understanding the menswear fashion market has proved vital in the making of this project. Another thing that has proved important was understand digital consumption and how this impacts on consumer buying habits, this helped to narrow down which platforms should be used to promote the video and how the filming should take place. Difficulty faced on this project was that photography and filming is a weak point, however being able to understand the editing software and successfully execute the videos in a professional manner and in a way that was true to the ASOS brand identity made up for the lack of photography knowledge.
Thank You
Contact Details Mobile: 07865673478 E-Mail: