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The Dierent Teaching Jobs With A Music Degree
by carmandragone | Jan 24, 2023 | Carman Dragone, music, teaching
Being a music teacher is a great way to earn money while improving your skills and becoming a better musician. You can make a living from your passion for teaching in many ways. According to Career in Music, music teachers can expect to make around $47,000 annually. There are a variety of subjects that they can teach, such as music theory, voice, and instruments. If you’re planning on becoming a music teacher, you must choose the teaching type you want.
1. Primary School Teacher
This is an excellent option if you’re passionate about music and children. You can choose to be a primary school teacher either part-time or full-time. To become a full-time music teacher, you must have a bachelor’s degree. If you have yet to major in either education or music, there are various online courses you can take to improve your skills and become an excellent teacher.
If you’re already in school and planning on becoming a music teacher, becoming a student teacher might be a great way to gain some experience in the eld. In addition to passing a licensing exam, each state has requirements for becoming a music teacher.
2. Middle School Teacher
As the children get older, they will require music teachers who better understand music theory and basic instrument skills. They will also need to develop eective lesson plans and manage a group of teenagers.
Besides being able to pass the licensing exam, music teachers must also have the necessary education certication.
Many middle school teachers will require at least a master’s degree.
Be bold and ask around if you need an educational background. If you have the necessary skills to be a music teacher, try teaching after-school programs or working part-time.
3. High School Teacher
Music is typically an elective in high school, so your pupils will likely be skilled music enthusiasts. In addition to having the necessary educational background, you also need a strong command of music theory. Usually, people with a fouryear degree cannot teach in high school. However, you might need higher education to prepare yourself for the job.
4. College Professor
After you nish your master’s degree, you’ll most likely need a Ph.D. to become a college professor. This is one of the most lucrative and stable ways to make a living from being a music teacher. You’ll also need to nd a specialty that you’re passionate about.
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