2020 Whitewood 4-H Beef Steer Catalog

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Whitewood 4-H Beef Club

Online Achievement Day - Sunday, June 14, 2020 New! Online Steer Sale - June 15 & 16, 2020 “Whitewood 4-H Beef Club”

Whitewood 4-H Beef Club invites you to watch our

Online Club Show - Sunday, June 14, 2020 t! New forma Whitewood 4-H Beef Club ~ Facebook Page Whitewood 4-H Beef Club Online Steer Sale - June 15 & 16, 2020

Whitewood Livestock Sales ~ Facebook Page Monday, June 15 - bidding on all steers will open at 1 PM Tuesday, June 16 - Champion and Reserve Champion Steer bids will begin close at 1 PM

Bidding will be extended by 5 minutes every time there is an active bid until there is no more bidding for a period of 5 minutes. Following the champions, 2 steers will close every half hour until all steers are sold. Successful bidders will be notified immediately with payment information. For more info contact Whitewood Livestock - 306-735-2822, Carolyn - 306-697-7855 or Jennalee - 306-735-7136 Due to Covid-19 restrictions, we are not able to host our usual Whitewood 4-H Beef Club Show with the Whitewood Regional Show & Sale. Instead, we will be selling 15 Top Quality Steers in an Online Facebook Auction hosted by Whitewood Livestock Sales. Even though the sale format is new - steers will be sold with the same great service you’ve come to expect from the Whitewood 4-H Beef Club!

Need more information with the Online sale format or help bidding on a steer? Contact the knowledgeable sale staff - Rhett or Chad at Whitewood Livestock Sales 306-735-2822 or contact any of the Whitewood 4-H Beef Club Families. Sale weights will be posted on Monday, June 15.

Want to turn that steer into steak? Our club will assist in processing arrangements if you require assistance. We have reserved a number of hooks at different local processing facilities if you require. All processing costs, unless previous arrangments have been made, are the responsibility of the purchaser.

Want to resell your steer? No problem! Let any of the sales staff or leaders know and we can assist you in re-selling your steer.

Please contact any of these 4-H Families about the steers they have for sale! Darryn & Amanda Beutler 306-735-4201 Curt & Julie Johnson 306-435-9883 Doug & Crystal Murphy 306-532-4288

Mark & Jennalee Beutler 306-735-4434 Scott Mannle 306-735-7180 Cam & Amber Osiowy 306-697-2292

Trevor & Danaya Gawryluk 306-532-4848 Scott & Carolyn McCormack 306-697-7844

What does your BEEF cost? (Based on 2019 costs in Weyburn, SK)

A market steer that weighs 1300 lbs will have an average yield of 62%. That means this steer will produce an 806 lbs carcass. This carcass will produce ~ 639 lbs of take home meat. From this 639 lbs, 396 lbs will be roasts & steaks and 243 lbs of ground beef and stewing meat. Sobey’s Round Roast $18.50/kg Sirloin Tip Roast $13.21/kg Stiploin Steak $39.66/kg Sirloin Steak $22.02/kg Round Steak $18.50/kg T-Bone Steak $17.61/kg Blade Steak $19.92/kg Average Cost $21.33/kg or $9.69/lb x 396 lbs Total Costs Roasts/Steaks $3,837.24

Weyburn Coop Round Roast $12.76-13.21/kg Sirloin Tip Roast $13.21/kg Stiploin Steak $35.25/kg Sirloin Steak $26.53/kg Round Steak $17.99/kg T-Bone Steak $28.64/kg Rib Steak $28.64/kg Average Cost $22.37/kg or $10.17/lb x 396 lbs Total Costs Roasts/Steaks $4,027.32

Stewing Meat $16.51/kg Lean Ground Beef $13.21/kg Average Cost $14.86/kg or $6.75/lb x 243 lbs Total Cost Stew/Ground Beef $1640.25

Stewing Meat $15.99/kg Lean Ground Beef $10.99/kg Average Cost $13.49/kg or $6.13/lb x 243 lbs Total Cost Stew/Ground Beef $1489.59

Total Cost @ Sobey’s - $5,477.49

Total Cost @ Co-op - $5,516.91

Thank you for Supporting 4-H!

Price of a Steer at a local 4-H Sale $2.50/lb x 1300 lbs = $3,250.00 Cost to have animal butchered, cut and wrapped locally

$1.18/lb x 806 lbs = $951.08 Total Cost of a 4-H Steer - $4,201.08 For approximately $1276.41 - $1315.83 LESS than at the store You can... - support a local 4-H member - support a LOCAL butcher - know where your good came from - recieve tax possible tax benefits Reprinted from the Weyburn 4-H Regional Show & Sale


I’m Arianna Osiowy. I am 16 years old and live in Grenfell. I enjoy 4-H and volleyball. This year I am taking a Simmental steer, heifer and cow calf pair. I hope you are as excited for the steer sale as I am!

Arianna Osiowy


Intermediate 4

Whitewood 4-H Beef Club - Intermediate - Age 13-15 years

Simmental June 6th Weight - 1310 lbs

Hi my name is Ricayla Gawryluk, I am 15 years old and this is my 9th year in 4H. This year I am taking a Simmental X Angus market steer, Rufus, and a cow/calf pair, Blossom and Buster. Rufus was born on April 2, 2019. He is home raised and looks delicious. My hobbies are training animals, watching “the incredible Dr. Pol” and curling. I was kinda frustrated when I heard there was going to be no more school, cause then it led to no more curling and not being able to see anybody. But it was calving season when this started so that was a bonus. This year the money from my steer will go into savings for my university in a few years to be a vet, and I can’t wait. Thank you for your support and I am sure my steer will taste amazing on your bbq this summer.


Angus X Simmental June 6th Weight - 1130 lbs

Ricayla Gawryluk Intermediate

Whitewood 4-H Beef Club - Online Sale - Jun. 15 & 16th


Thank you for attending our online show and sale. Hello! My name is Walker Murphy. I am thirteen years old and in grade 8 at the Moosomin High School. I enjoy playing football with the Moosomin Generals and helping out on my parents ranch. 4-H has played a huge role in my life and taught me so many things about the agriculture industry. The steer that I am offering for sale today is home raised. Last summer, while riding pasture, this calf stood out from the rest! And I decided then to name him KC - for the Kansas City Chiefs – which is my favorite football team! Just like the champion team he is named after, he was OUTSTANDING in his field and I have no doubts that he will be on your plate also!

Walker Murphy Intermediate 6

Whitewood 4-H Beef Club - Intermediate - Age 13-15 years


Angus X Shorthorn/Hereford June 6th Weight - 1360 lbs

Hi. I’m Darby McCormack and I live near Grenfell. I have been in 4-H for 7 years. This year I’m showing a steer, a heifer and a cow/calf pair. When I’m not at home working on the farm, I enjoy playing baseball. Thank you for supporting our online steer sale and hope to “see” you on Tuesday!

Goose Clubby X Angus June 6th Weight - 1505 lbs

Darby McCormack Junior

Whitewood 4-H Beef Club - Online Sale - Jun. 15 & 16th


Hi my name is Taydean Johnson, I am 12 years old and this is my fourth year in 4H. This year I have three project’s, Tala, my cow, and her calf Hera. Bo my heifer, and Thunder, my steer. In my spare time I enjoy, hanging out with friends, riding horses, playing volleyball, training with my dog, Dart, and playing with all the baby animals.

Taydean Johnson


Junior 8

Whitewood 4-H Beef Club - Junior - Age 9-13 years

Shorthorn X Gelbvieh June 6th Weight - 1040 lbs

Hi my name is Jack Mannle and I’m from Whitewood. I’m 12 years old and I’m in grade 6. This is my 3rd year in 4h, and my first year showing a steer. My steer’s name is Herb. He is a home raised char steer out of a good black baldie cow. In my spare time I like to ride my quad and help out around the farm. I have a few cows of my own and plan to use the money from my steer to expand my cow herd some more.


Charolais X Angus/Hereford June 6th Weight - 1130 lbs

Jackson Mannle Junior

Whitewood 4-H Beef Club - Online Sale - Jun. 15 & 16th


Hi! My name is Nadelle Murphy and I would like to thank you for attending our first online show and sale. I am 11 years old and I have been in 4-H for 6 years. I live near Wapella, SK. I have three older siblings. On our ranch, we have 4 dogs, 6 horses, some chickens and 200 cows. I love 4-H because I like meeting new friends and learning how to speak in front of people. I enjoy playing guitar, participating in school drama and public speaking. I am building up my own herd of cows and this year I had my very first heifer calf! Next year, I look forward to three more!

Nadelle Murphy Junior 10

Whitewood 4-H Beef Club - Junior - Age 9-13 years


Gelbvieh X Shorthorn/Hereford June 6th Weight - 1270 lbs

Hi my name is Oshawa Gawryluk and this is my 6th year in 4-H. I live near Whitewood. My steers name is Bolt, he is a Simmental angus cross and he was raised on our farm from birth. My hobbies are playing with my pigs, working on my farm and hanging out with my steer. I enjoy quading, driving, cattle and curling. This year the money I get for my steer will go into my savings towards a new quad. Thank you for your support and I’m sure Bolt will taste great on your bbq. Bolt to your computer to start bidding!


Angus June 6th Weight - 1235 lbs

Oshawa Gawryluk Junior

Whitewood 4-H Beef Club - Online Sale - Jun. 15 & 16th


Howdy! My name is Brielle Johnson - I am 11 years old and this is my fourth year in 4-H. This year i am taking a cow named Denny & her calf Haylee, a heifer named Katie and my market steer named Beaver that we saved from a beaver run when he was a new born. In my spare time I like to play baseball with my brother’s and last year I played volleyball on the Whitewood school junior team. Also, I like working with my 4-H animal’s throughout the year and love looking for next years prospect’s while checking our cows. Again this year i will donate half the profit from my 4H steer to the buyer’s choice of a medical charity. Last year we donated over $2000 to STARS. I hope everyone stays strong and healthy with a taste of good 4H beef.

Brielle Johnson Junior 12

Whitewood 4-H Beef Club - Junior - Age 9-13 years


Gelbvieh X Simmental June 6th Weight - 1145 lbs

My name is Sierra Beutler. I am 11 years old and from Whitewood, SK. This is my 5th year in 4-H. My steers name is Storm. I like to lead and comb Storm. In my spare time I like to go on my Razer, play with my cats & dogs and I like to help around the farm. Thank you for supporting 4-H!

Storm Shorthorn X Maine cross June 6th Weight - 1335 lbs

Sierra Beutler Junior

Whitewood 4-H Beef Club - Online Sale - Jun. 15 & 16th


My name is Ryder Beutler. This is my fifth year in 4-H, my second year as a junior and my first year with a steer. My steer’s name is Gunner and he is a Simmental x Angus steer. I am really happy with how he turned out and I was sad I didn’t get to show him at the Spring shows and 4-H achievement day like I planned. I am in Grade 5 and I also like playing hockey and ball. With my steer money I want to buy some show supplies, save some of it and also maybe use some of it to buy more cows to add to my herd. I’m sure Gunner will taste great on your BBQ!

Ryder Beutler Junior 14

Whitewood 4-H Beef Club - Junior - Age 9-13 years


Simmental X Simm/Angus June 6th Weight - 1435 lbs

Hi my name is Tanner McCormack. I am 10 years old, in gr. 4 and live near Grenfell, Sk. This is my 4th year in 4-H. In my spare time you’ll see me playing a lot of sports and working with my calves. I hope you all can watch our online show and sale!

Maverick MAB (clubby) X Angus June 6th Weight - 1410 lbs

Tanner McCormack Junior

Whitewood 4-H Beef Club - Online Sale - Jun. 15 & 16th


My name is Wyatt Beutler. I am 9 years old and this is my 3rd year in 4-H. I like to play sports such as hockey, soccer and baseball in my free time. This is my first year having a steer. My steer’s name is Mr. Black. I like tying my steer up and brushing his hair. Thank you for supporting 4-H!

Wyatt Beutler

Mr. Black

Cloverbud 16

Whitewood 4-H Beef Club - Cloverbud - Age 6-8 years

Shorthorn X Maine cross June 6th Weight - 1085 lbs

My name is Reid Beutler. I am 9 years old and in Gr. 3. This is my 3rd year in 4-H. This is my first year having a steer. My steer’s name is Mr. Spots. I like combing my steer and trimming his hair. In my free time I like to play outside and do all farming things with my Dad. Thank you for supporting 4-H!

Mr. Spots Shorthorn X Maine cross June 6th Weight - 1055 lbs

Reid Beutler Cloverbud

Whitewood 4-H Beef Club - Online Sale - Jun. 15 & 16th


Hi my name is Olin Johnson I am 7 years old and this is my second year in the Whitewood 4H Beef Club. This year I am taking a market steer named Rango. He has been a very good steer to work with and so tame I can ride him. I love to farm in my spare time, helping with all different kinds of animal’s and even fork out the chicken coop into our new old manure spreader.

Olin Johnson Cloverbud 18

Whitewood 4-H Beef Club - Cloverbud - Age 6-8 years


Simmental X Gelbvieh June 6th Weight - 1115 lbs

4-H Beef Members have the option to show different types of beef animals. Members that choose a steer project, must sell their steer at the Whitewood 4-H Beef Online Sale June 15 & 16, 2020. Members can also choose to show a bred yearling heifer, a two-year old cow with her calf or a three-year old cow with her calf. Cows must have been shown as a bred heifer to come back as a continuation project. The following members have chosen Yearling Heifer Projects and they will retain ownership of those animals.

WE CANNOT ALWAYS BUILD THE FUTURE FOR OUR YOUTH, BUT WE CAN BUILD OUR YOUTH FOR THE FUTURE! Franklin D Roosevelt Whitewood 4-H Beef Club - Online Sale - Jun. 15 & 16th


Hello! My name is Bailey McCormack and this is my 11th year in 4-H. Being involved in 4-H and the Agriculture Industry has taught me countless lessons and given me numerous opportunities to better myself, my community and my country. Aside from 4-H, you will find me playing volleyball with the Regina Cougars club volleyball team or working at the Co-op Grocery Store in Grenfell. While I don’t have a steer this year, there are many available from our club that will taste amazing on your BBQ this summer! Thank you for your generous support of the 4-H program!

MFR Red Katrina 14G

Bailey McCormack Senior 20


Congratulations Bailey on your Gr. 12 Graduation Best wishes in all that life has to offer you!

MFR Wishful Dreaming 44G


Hey! My name is Syd and I’m from Grenfell, SK. This is my 10th year in 4-H. For my project this year, I selected a Simmental heifer named Wishful Dreaming. I also love playing volleyball and working out. Thank you for supporting 4-H!

Sydney McCormack Intermediate

Sassy Girl

Maine cross X Maine/Angus

Hi, my name is Payton White and I’m from Kipling. This is my 3rd year in 4-H. I am showing a heifer who is Maine Angus cross named Sassy Girl. In my spare time I enjoy working with animnals, curling and playing soccer.

Payton White Junior



Maine cross X Maine/Angus Hi! My name is Bailey White and I’m from Kipling. This is my 3rd year in 4-H. I have a heifer this year who is a Maine/Simmental cross named Sparky. I like to ride my horse, figure skate and play soccer when I’m not working with my heifer.

Bailey White 22



Maine Simm X Maine/Angus Hi. My name is Brooke White and I live in Kipling, SK. This is my 2nd year in 4-H. This year I am showing a heifer named Skye. I like to figure skate and anything on the farm, especially quadding.

Brooke White Cloverbud


Thank you... to all of our sponsors, past steer buyers, Clay Enterprises (2) Whitewood Livestock Sales (2) Hometown Co-op Jeannot Electric JK Metals Midale Petroleum Nagy Cattle Ranch OK Tire, Whitewood A & T Tire and Rotave Sanitary Twin Valley Vet Services


u Thank Yo

Whitewood Livestock Sales for sharing your facility with us for our 4-H activities throughout the year and helping us with our Online Steer Auction!


2019 Steer Buyers

and everyone who has supported our 4-H Program. Your help and support is very much appreciated!

Nutrien & 4-H Saskatchewan ABK Livestock BMO Bank of Montreal Borderland Coop Broadview & District Ag Society Broadview Autobody Broadview Bakery Calico Cattle Co. Cancee Rock Ranch Mechanical Cherry Red Salers Corman Park Vet Services Crossroads Speckle Park Darryn & Amanda Beutler Dave Frieze & Family Ecklund Drive Thru Gates Edith Percy Emmat Creek Ranch Fine Line Designs Flatland Plumbing & Heating Hometown Coop Horizon Credit Union, Grenfell JK Metals JL White Farms Mark & Jennalee Beutler McCormack Family Ranch Meadowview Ranch Inc. Mebs Ranch OK Tire, Whitewood Phyllis Armstrong, CGA Prof Corp Richardson Pioneer Ltd. Roger Armstrong Family Schlamp’s Tire & Service, Grenfell Tag’s Plumbing & Heating, Esterhazy Three H Angus Tony Topinka Triple J Farms Whitewood Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Whitewood NAPA Whitewood Outdoors & Pet Supplies Whitewood Vet Clinic

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