1 minute read
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Offertory Hymn Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel (Bird, Powers)
Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, Whom in ancient prophecy
God revealed to Saint Elias By a far off distant Sea.
Rise again on God’s creation, Bring to bloom this arid place
With the white cloud of thy beauty and the rainfall of thy grace.
Prayer over the Gifts
Eucharistic Prayer
Holy, Holy, Holy Mass of St. Ann (Ed Bolduc)
The Lord’s Prayer Sign of Peace
Communion Hymns
Taste and See (Moore)
Do Not Fear To Hope (Rory Cooney)
Reckless Love
Prayer after Communion
Concluding Rites
Final Blessing
Recessional Hymn I Send You Out (Angotti)
287 I Send You Out
1.I baptize you in the name of the Father. I baptize you in the name of the Son. I baptize you with the Holy Spirit. Go out and spread Good News!
2.Well, it’s time for us to become people with spirit. It’s time for us to become people of love. It’s time for us to know that Jesus Christ is risen, forgives our sins, and brings new life!
Transition Instrumental Music performed by members of the Jazz Band, directed by Mr. Tim Barclay
288 I Say “Yes,” Lord/Digo “Sí,”
What A Wonderful World (Words and music by George David Weiss and Bob Thiele. Arranged by Mark Brymer) - sung by the Carmel Catholic Choir, directed by Mrs. Joyce Haqq