1 minute read

Wine Bar


Filet Mignon Sandwiches served by Kasting’s Kitchen and Live Music


Sponsored by Lindemann Chimney, Fireplace, Heating and Cooling

Thank you to all of the Street Scenes Directors for your vision & leadership. You all are amazing!

Harley - good luck with playing the drums for the Student Show at Street Scenes. You Rock!!

An additional shout to all of the members of the band, performers and crew for the Student Show. You’ve got this!! From the whole Hoselton family

Good luck at Sectionals and ISCA, Hannah! We’ll be cheering you on! Love Mom, Dad and Grammy

Congratulations on your first Street Scenes show Noah! We are so proud of you!! Love Mom, Dad and Grammy


Marco Emileo~Your dedication to the Arts amazes us every day! We love watching you perform! Good Luck in the show, Ma & Pa

Way to go Evan Finkel! Great job on all your hard work! We look forward to watching you cross the stage at Graduation in the spring. We cannot wait to see what the next chapter in life holds for you. Please always know that we are so proud of you and enjoy seeing the young man you have become. Love, Mom and Dad

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