Winter '10

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The Alumni Magazine of Carmel Catholic High School

Art s

Winter 2010


PRESIDENT Judith Mucheck, Ph.D. OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT STAFF Director of Institutional Advancement Michael C. Looby ‘75

Currents Winter 2010, Volume 25, Issue 3

The Alumni Magazine of Carmel Catholic High School

Publications Coordinator Sarah O'Donnell Gift Planning Director Kevin Kissane Alumni Relations Director Anne Kwiatt ‘02 Special Events Director Laurie Wienke Data Services Coordinator Cheri Arebalo Administrative Assistant Jane Maciolek




Features Fine Arts at Carmel Catholic ............................................................................4 Carmel Catholic School News .........................................................................5 Alumni in the Arts ..............................................................................................6

Currents magazine is published three times a year by the Office of Institutional Advancement.

Please send address changes to: Carmel Catholic High School Office of Institutional Advancement One Carmel Parkway Mundelein, Illinois 60060 (847) 388-3361 For verification purposes, please include the 9-digit ID number found in the magazine address area.

In Every Issue President's Letter ................................................................................................3 Advancement News ...........................................................................................12 Alumni News .......................................................................................................19 Class Notes ..........................................................................................................20 Engagements, Marriages ...................................................................................22 Births/Adoptions.................................................................................................22 In Memoriam.......................................................................................................23

Send comments and suggestions about the magazine to: Anne Kwiatt ‘02, Alumni Relations Director One Carmel Parkway Mundelein, Illinois 60060 (847) 388-3382

Calendar of Events ........................................................................... Back Cover

ON THE COVER Carmel Celebrates the Arts w




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President’s L E T T E R

Dear Alumni and Friends of Carmel Catholic,


he relationship between the creators and purveyors of art is an intriguing one. I have a good friend who is a very talented artist and who is often exhausted. The reason for her exhaustion has an easy explanation – she stays up all night working at her craft. Many years ago, in an effort to understand and out of exasperation, I asked her why she chose to keep such awful hours. After all, most people work hard and experience an ebb and flow of stress but I felt that her situation was easily resolved. Her reaction to my question engendered greater confusion. She said, “I have to create my art at the very time that the inspiration moves me. If that is three in the morning, then so be it.” I have thought about that conversation often over the years but I definitely got the sense that, for her, the creative process was just as essential to being a human as breathing. Pope John Paul II said it this way: Those who perceive in themselves…the artistic vocation as poet writer, sculptor, painter, musician, and actor feel at the same time an obligation not to waste this talent but to develop it, in order to put it to the service of their neighbor and humanity as a whole. The dualistic, rational approach to observing life provides us with titles that help us define our roles and what we’re “supposed” to be. We are teachers, parents, students, lawyers, engineers, accountants, pilots, daughters, sons, and friends. The discrete details of each title are grounded in particular societal behaviors and expectations. Few people in life call themselves “artists.” We study them, we have visceral reactions to their work, we admire them, and we try to understand the transcendent dialogue which occurs between the one who hears the music and the piece itself, the painting and visual connection it makes for us, the message of the dramatic performance and it’s reflection on the human experience. On music, Ludwig van Beethoven reflected: Music is the one incorporeal entrance into the higher world of knowledge which comprehends mankind [humankind] but which mankind [humankind] cannot comprehend. In this issue of Currents you will become acquainted with those people in the Carmel community who claim the title artist. You will also get a glimpse into the Fine Arts program which is part of our curriculum. As a community we believe that to nurture appreciation of and talent in the arts is an essential part of the educational process. How lucky we are that these talented individuals share their gift with us!


Judith Mucheck, Ph.D. President WINTER 2010 |


Fine Art s at Carmel Cat holic

In an old opera house is written, “God gave us music that we might pray without words.” The Carmel Catholic High School Fine Arts Department is a tremendous instrument of prayer and praise through visual, vocal, and instrumental media. This past decade has seen an explosion of programs, classes, and family involvement. Expanding to meet the fine arts needs of almost half of Carmel’s student body is sometimes a difficult proposition, but as Director of Dramatic Arts, Denise Sebastiano explains, “A wonderful problem to have!”

Carmel’s own Sean Ronayne the lead in Hairspray at this State competition; Brad Etter received a scholarship in film to “FlashPoint” in Chicago. From the Band, many students excel at their craft with IMEA District Seven placement and All State placement. The Carmel Jazz Combo achieved a gold rating during the Outback Music Festival and Natalie Masini also won outstanding soloist award.

Before extracurricular achievement, and probably most important, is the formative instruction students can choose to have during the day. Dramatic Arts students have their choice of five classes in the school day including technical and dramatic courses, and 26 seniors graduated from the Drama program last year, many pursuing some aspect of theater production. Band director David Wiebers is also music theory coordinator offering an intensive college prep program with a four semester sequence which ends with the AP music theory test. Students next year can choose to take “The History of Rock and Roll”. Choral director Kent Parry is also busy teaching with a four-year program offered in choral music instruction as well. For those As the Director of Band Activities, David accomplished student musicians with a Wiebers leads jazz big band, jazz combo, B average both in their music classes and marching band, pep band, percussion non-music classes, they have the ability ensemble and a string ensemble, with to join the Tri-M Music Honor Society performance venues ranging from under Mr. Parry’s direction. Both the concerts at school to football playoff band and choral departments have many games and special events. For those alumni performing at the collegiate level who caught 56 Carmel band members and some at the professional level. performing on ESPN during the Outback Bowl half time, the community spirit and In the Fine Arts department, there is muscial excellence that defines Carmel’s a place for any student who wants to learn and work and explore. Denise band was readily apparent. Sebastiano said it best: “I believe the Exellence defines the entire arts gives kids confidence, a positive and department as demonstrated by creative environment to be happy and numerous awards. From the successful at the same time”. Carmel Dramatic Arts, two students were excels at providing students with every selected to represent Carmel opportunity to learn and love the arts. downstate for the All-State theater For many, the arts inspire confidence, fest at Illinois State in the production acceptance, and self-esteen; for some, of Urinetown (Matt Hohmann and the lessons learned at Carmel inspire a Dan Albright). 23 students went to life-long passion and calling. Theatrefest at U of I last year with Chair of the department, Mrs. Betty Bruns, is proud of the extensive faculty and student involvement and the sharing of student talent with the community at large. The public enjoyed the creation of Christmas cards and note cards by the visual arts students under the direction of Ms. Sheela Gladwell. Ms. Gladwell notes, “As a teacher, it was very gratifying to see the students take pride in their work and each artist put forth great effort in their card designs”. While Ms. Gladwells’ students were drawing and sharing their cards, Mr. Kent Parry was leading his choral students in the annual Christmas concert, a spectacular sharing of vocal talent befitting the season, also open to the public.

Art s



Alumni in t he Art s: Christine Ryndak '00, Actor

“The arts teach you to think deeper, to be more creative in your way of thought, and a liberal arts education allows you to develop a rich curiosity about the world.”

experience with that type of exploration of text that any actor engages in for a performance.”

Christine Ryndak, Carmel Catholic High School alumna and an actor in both theatre and film in New York City, spoke about the value of an arts education and how it influenced not only her choice in career, but her own personal development. Recently appearing in “The Screens”, a Jean Genet play based on the French-Algerian War, at the Riverside Theatre in New York, Christine credits her foundation in the fine arts through Carmel’s Street Scenes and Drama Club as helping to lead her towards a career in acting. She spoke about how being cast in the Street Scenes Student Show as a sophomore by Sissy DePrima, as well as working on choreography and dance with Annie (DePrima ‘93) Haan gave her an understanding of the type of dedication and commitment that goes into a professional career in the arts, as well as confidence in her abilities as a performer.

She went on to describe how a foundation in analyzing literature helped not only in performances, but in understanding how people relate and communicate, something essential to any professional actor.

Christ ine Ryndak

In addition to her fine arts experiences at CCHS influencing her decision to pursue acting as a career, Christine credits her AP English teacher, Lynne Strutzel, as being an influential figure during her high school career, who initially encouraged her to become an English teacher. Fondly remembering an assignment to analyze the text of Hamlet’s soliloquy, Christine remarked, “It was my first

After graduating from Carmel, Christine attended Point Park University in Pittsburgh where she studied at the Conservatory of Performing Arts, in addition to training with Steppenwolf Theatre in Chicago, Illinois and the Broadway Dance Center and Michael Howard Studios in New York City, as well as working professionally with several theatres and programs in both Pittsburgh and New York City. When asked to give advice to any alumni or CCHS students looking to pursue a professional acting career in the theatre and film, Christine spoke about the value of education, saying: “It’s important to know who you are as a person before entering any field of work and especially true with acting. Learn as much as you can about the world and any number of subjects, become a person rich with experiences, and then pursue your dreams once you are ready and armed with the type of foundation only a solid education can give you.”

Peter DiMuro '77, Dance/Choreographer Peter DiMuro’s journey through his acting and dance career has been fulfilling adventure. “I love the journey,” he reflected. “Everything I have done has made my life a really rich experience.” Pete lives and works in Washington DC where he holds the position as Director of Dance/Metro DC, a regional chapter of Dance USA. This organization is dedicated to the promotion and support of the art of dance.

which he did for more than 30 years. If his knees were still strong, he would still be dancing he said.

helping around the stage as needed. He recalled Carmel roles as Jacquot in “Carousel”, the King in “The King and I” and in “Ten Little Indians”. He felt his teachers were nurturing and positive but also challenged him to do his best. He developed a strong sense of teamwork and enjoyed working on stage sets and took on other jobs wherever he saw a need.

Peter DiMuro

For 15 years, he danced for MacArthur Genius Award winner Liz Lerman, and departed last year as the Artistic Director of her company, the Dance Exchange. Pete now freelances as a choreographer, teacher and community arts facilitator in addition to his "day" job. He started in acting and then moved on to professional dancing

Pete remembers, “I was a shy kid. The theater was a nurturing place for me. I always felt a part of a team and had a place to go.” At Carmel Catholic High School, Pete started as a member of the chorus and branched out to acting and

Some of his greatest lessons learned from Fine Arts are how to be versatile and communicate well. In his current job and personal causes, he has had to interact with a variety of organizations, which requires an ability to quickly adjust to new situations and communicate goals and articulate issues. He gives credit to Carmel for giving him the development of these skills and his career.

WINTER 2010 |


Alumni in t he Art s: Jeanine Hattas '98, Artist

By Katherine Hamrlik '96

Jeanine Hattas is a mural artist and owner/founder of FRESH Custom Art and Murals. Over the past eight years, she has painted more than 500 custom-designed murals in private homes and businesses. Her murals range in style, size and subject matter - everything from Tuscan landscapes, to family portraits, to trompe l'oeil optical illusions such as painted skylights.


While at Carmel Catholic High School, Jeanine took art classes for four years with Ms. Gladwell, whom she describes as a "great teacher who introduced many different techniques and media to each class." Jeanine was also the President of the Art Club for a few years, providing her with the opportunity to lead and create projects with other interested artists. She also painted murals and backdrops for Street Scenes and the Drama Club. She is grateful to Carmel for allowing her to display artwork in the halls and for certain school events. "The art program at Carmel is remarkable!" Jeanine says.

Hatt as

Jeanine's interest in art began when she and her twin sister (Julie Hattas Kennedy '98) were eight years old. Their school teachers noticed an artistic talent in both of them. Their mother enrolled them in after-school art classes during grade school and both of them continued to study art throughout high school and college, during which Jeanine attended Marquette University and the Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design. After graduating from college with a degree in advertising, Jeanine worked as a copywriter for an ad agency in Milwaukee. A friend asked her to paint her bathroom as an

Jeanine Hattas ‘98, at work on an interior trompe l’oeil mural underwater scene. She painted on the weekends and found herself with a new business idea. She founded FRESH Custom Art & Murals soon thereafter, and has been keeping busy ever since. She currently lives in Los Angeles, California. More of her work can be found on her website,

Bill Schultz '81, Artist By Katherine O'Brien '83 When Bill Schultz attended Carmel Catholic High School, there was one art class and the lesson plan seldom varied. But he wasn’t discouraged. “I was never starved for a creative outlet,” he says. Schultz was constantly drawing and studying other artists’ work. “I read comic books and anything I could get my hands on related to comics. It was a driving force.”

he wasn’t sure he could follow in their footsteps. “I liked art, but I wasn’t sure it was something I could make a career of,” he says. “I didn’t know anybody who was an artist. But I read a lot about cartoonists and how they got their start.”

During Schultz’s final year, he presented his portfolio to some art directors from Hallmark Cards. It was his first interview and it didn’t go well. “I wasn’t prepared—I pulled stuff out of a brown paper bag,” he says. “I was talented, but I hadn’t shown them anything.”

Bill Schultz

As a kid, Schultz’s favorite artists included Charles Schulz of “Peanuts” fame and Jack Kirby, co-creator of Captain America, the Fantastic Four, the Incredible Hulk, and X-Men. Still,



After graduating from Carmel, Schultz enrolled in the only accredited school dedicated entirely to cartooning, the Joe Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic Art in Dover, NJ. Of the 80 students in Schultz’s freshman class, only 35 returned the following year. “It quickly dwindled down to those who were serious,” he recalls.

When the Hallmark recruiters returned, Schultz was ready. “I restructured my entire portfolio to show I could do greeting card products. For three days straight, I cranked out ideas and work in different styles.” Schultz’s determination paid off. In continued on page 7

Corsair Profiles

Beth Lacke '92, Actor

For Beth Lacke, acting is an inescapable passion that enables her to push through professional barriers. Beth is currently pursuing an acting career in TV after graduating from the Theatre School of DePaul University and spending many years acting in regional theatre venues around the Chicago area including the Steppenwolf Theatre. So far, the more notable shows on her TV resume are ER and the Bernie Mac Show although she has been in many pilot shows that did not make the network TV schedules. The dream almost came true when Fox bought a show called “Happy Hour”. However only 4 episodes were aired in the US. Her family and audiences in Pakistan as well as other foreign markets saw the rest of the 13 episodes she said with a laugh.

Beth Lacke ‘92 with Lex Medlin in Happy Hour Whether the show was a school production or the Street Scenes Student Show, Beth found the Carmel stage to be a very safe place where she could discover herself and develop her love for the theatre. She says she learned a good work ethic, teamwork and support from peers. “The beauty of theatre is the experience of teamwork” from peers, faculty, staff and even the “moms who made the costumes.” Beth came back to Carmel Catholic to visit with students about five years ago. She was excited to find how Carmel had grown and developed as a school since she was there.

misnomer that Hollywood is insensitive and uncaring. “They want you to be the person who will get the part,” she said. “I have been fortunate to meet people who are willing to help.” Beth currently lives in Libertyville with her parents. She frequently goes back to Hollywood to act in pilot TV shows. She gave credit to her parents for their support as she pursues her career. She encourages young actors to keep trying. “Make certain you are acting for the right reasons – you love acting because you love it, whether in a small theatre or in front of the cameras. If you love it, don’t let anyone take it away from you. Just keep doing it!”

Bet h Lacke

Beth gives credit to Sissy DePrima for her life-long acting passion. DePrima’s energetic passion for the theatre was contagious and nurturing. Beth added that she received continuous support from Sissy DePrima after graduating from Carmel Catholic High School. DePrima sent a note of encouragement that Beth still has and cherishes today.

An acting career involves luck and is competitive. But Beth said there is a

continued from page 6 1985, he joined Hallmark’s Licensing Design and Humor Studios. For the next two decades, he drew Peanuts, Garfield, Disney and Looney Tunes characters. “It was a great think tank, with photographers, writers and other illustrators,” he says. In 2001, Schultz launched his own company, Bill Schultz Design,, specializing in educational materials and children’s book illustrations. “I really enjoy what I do,” he says. “Now I’m creating my own characters using my own style and that’s a lot of fun.”

WINTER 2010 |


Alumni in t he Art s: Kevin O'Donnell '73, Singer, Songwriter, Storyteller

By Katherine O’Brien ’83

Kevin O’Donnell’s artistic accomplishments reflect his Irish heritage, Catholic education, musical talent and keen interest in history. The third of seven children born to immigrant parents, he gave his first performances at Saturday night hooleys—lively parties held in the family’s small house at 409 S. Prairie in Mundelein. O’Donnell’s father, a native of Arranmore, an island in County Donegal, delighted in his young son’s vocal prowess and would sometimes wake him up to entertain family and friends with “Kevin Barry” and other traditional Irish songs. Carmel Catholic High School did not have a band or boys’ choir in the early 1970s. “There were three theatrical events: The Christmas concert, the Easter concert and a spring musical,” he recalls. As a freshman, O’Donnell played a townsperson in “Brigadoon.” As a senior, he starred as Billy Bigelow in “Carousel.” O’Donnell financed his Carmel tuition, then about $700, with several part-time jobs and even some art commissions. “Jerome Donahue, my English teacher, bought six pastels for $5 or $10,” says O’Donnell. “I don’t know if he genuinely liked them or just felt sorry for me.” After high school, O’Donnell enrolled at the College of Lake County, spent two years with the county’s public works department and joined Abbott Labs, his employer for 26 years. He retired from Abbott in 2005 and now specializes in time and temperature sensitive health care packaging for a different firm.

After 22 years, seven albums and several published songs, the singer/songwriter/performer quit the music business. “As Tommy Makem said, ‘The only way to make a million dollars playing Irish music is to start with two million,’” O’Donnell explains. Joining the Racine Theatre Guild provided a creative outlet, as did writing some essays about his father’s island upbringing and his family’s move to Mundelein. O’Donnell recently expanded his stories and published his first book, “Fadó,” a hybrid of memoir and historical nonfiction available at Covering nearly 200 years of Lake County and County Donegal history, “Fadó” has won acclaim on both sides of the Atlantic. O’Donnell did a promotional tour in Ireland and is in steady demand with local historical societies. “It’s been great fun,” he says. “My father was a great storyteller and that’s probably where I got it from.”

Kevin O'Donnell

Having taught himself the guitar and bagpipes, O’Donnell honed his musical chops playing wakes, weddings, funerals and Christmas parties in his spare time. In 1985, he founded the group Arranmore, and played concerts and festivals throughout the U.S. with Tommy Makem and other prominent Irish musicians.

Researching and writing Fadó was a three-year project but O’Donnell is already working on a sequel. See for more information.

Roxann Ferguson '99, Vocal Performer


Roxann Ferguson, vocal performer, voice coach, and musical theatre director, spent much of her time as a student at Carmel Catholic High School involved in several choirs and musical productions. Crediting Kent Parry, Director of Choral Activities, as helping to encourage and lead her into a vocal performance career, Roxann spent six weeks between her junior and senior year at Carmel at Boston University’s Tanglewood Institute studying voice, after which she knew that a career in the fine arts was something she had to pursue. Upon graduation from Carmel, Roxann went on to University



of Illinois Urbana-Champaign where she studied both anthropology and vocal performance, and ultimately decided to continue professionally in Music, obtaining a Master’s degree in Music Theatre: Opera Performance from Arizona State University. Roxann has performed in opera houses, musical theatre performances, concerts, benefits, and voice-overs both in the United States and Europe, as well as teaching voice lessons, musical theatre classes, and directing music theatre productions. She has coached several former continued on page 9

Corsair Profiles

Charlie Kranz '92, Actor, Illustrator, Graphic Design

Charlie Kranz '92 with Heather Graham in the film Miss Conception Actor and illustrator, Charlie Kranz, has had a career that has spanned the globe. Working in production and art for DreamWorks animation on 4 films over 7 years, as well as acting in major feature productions including the film “Miss Conception” starring Hollywood A-lister, Heather Graham.

student show director, Sissy DePrima, influenced Charlie by creating a “safe, creative environment that was also demanding, challenging and highly professional,” as well as helping him get his first interview at DreamWorks Animation and breaking into the industry.

Currently residing in Dublin, Ireland, hometown of his wife Caroline who he met while both were working at DreamWorks, Charlie continues to illustrate and act, as well as work on graphic design projects and motion-control games for the internet. Looking back at his career as a Carmel Catholic High School student Charlie said that his involvement in fine arts – both in school with art classes, as well as extracurricular activities such as a drama club production of “Bye Bye Birdie” and the Street Scenes Student Show, helped lead him to a professional career in both the visual and performing arts. Charlie credits Carmel art teacher, Sheela Gladwell, as having encouraged him to stay engaged with the visual arts throughout his high school career. Additionally Street Scenes

With a diverse range of experience in the arts at young age, it is not surprising that Charlie has pursued a professional career in the arts.

Charlie Kranz

When discussing how an educational foundation in the arts lead him towards his professional goals, Charlie remarked: “I think it [was] crucial, not just for the fact that it is a viable profession, but also because art sometimes makes sense of things in a way science or math can’t – maybe on a more emotional level. I think art has great value and the earlier and more often a person can work on their skills and interests, the better artist they will likely become.”


continued from page 8 and current Carmel students in vocal performance, and noted that involvement in the fine arts not only helped her to grow personally, spiritually, and academically, but her students as well. Roxann commented, “I have watched my voice students from Carmel blossom as they tackled difficult music, auditions, and competitions and succeeded in their efforts. Being involved in fine arts has boosted their confidence and shaped their identities.”

When asked, from the perspective of both an active performer and a vocal coach, for advice for those interested in pursuing the arts as a career, Roxann stated, “If you are truly passionate about the arts, it will be difficult not to pursue it. It won’t be an easy path, but the constant growth, challenges, and the ability to connect with and inspire others are worth it. Don’t give up on your dreams.”

WINTER 2010 |


Alumni in t he Art s: Nancy Linari '73, Actor

You might have seen or heard Nancy Linari at work many times but did not realize you were observing a Carmel Catholic High School alum pursuing her life’s passion. Nancy has become a seasoned veteran actress, comfortable in any acting role, whether on TV, stage or in a sound studio recording cartoons, ads and even video games. The next time you hear a woman’s voice on an Ace Hardware or Aleve commercial, the voice might be Nancy’s.

for all three of the lead roles. That encouragement and enthusiasm for me and my talent was so important to me.” Nancy still stays in touch with Sr. Frances. Another Carmel mentor was Liz Krettiek who introduced Nancy to dramatic theater where she found another genre of acting she could enjoy.

Donald O'Connor. Her many television credits include Desperate Housewives, West Wing, Grey's Anatomy, NYPD Blue, Sisters, ER, The OC, Seventh Heaven, Frasier, and Judging Amy. She voiced roles in many cartoons including: Morticia in The Addams Family, Animaniacs, Jonny Quest, Darkwing Duck, As Told By Ginger, Ben 10, Tamanana, W.I.T.C.H. as well as in video games like Star Trek, X-Men Legends, Metal Gear Solid 2.

Nancy Linari

Nancy caught the acting bug here at Carmel. She sang in the school chorus and as a member of the Carmelairs. Nancy’s primary mentor was faculty member Sr. Frances Dolan who was the choral and musical show director. Sr. Frances always set very high standards for the cast and crew and taught her professionalism and protocol in the theatre that Nancy still uses today. “When I auditioned for Dolly (Hello Dolly) as a junior, she handed us each an evaluation card about our auditions. She had written in large letters: potential! She called me back

Nancy has a long list of credits that span more than 30 years as an actress. After getting a BA in Drama from Clarke College, she started acting in the Chicago area, including performing with the Second City. She currently is understudying Annette Bening in the US premiere of "Female of the Species" at the Geffen Playhouse in Los Angeles, California. She appeared in an episode of "Fringe" in the fall of 2009, and shot a small role in "The Social Network", a new film about Facebook directed by David Fincher. Some of her recent studio voice recordings are: Pepsi, Aleve, Ace Hardware and a new interactive game. As a stage actress, she has worked with notable actors and actresses such as Phyllis Newman, Shelley Berman, Garrett Morris and

She remembers Sr. Dolan telling her “to go for it, to take some chances... that I wouldn't regret trying if it didn't work out, but that I would regret never having tried to do what I wanted.” Nancy’s advice is “Study, go to school, visit museums, theatres, concerts. Get educated, hone your skills and be prepared for that opportunity when it arises. Oh, and develop a thick skin. Rejection comes with the territory. As an actor, I am always looking for a job.”

Mike Papaleo '96, Actor By Katherine Hamrlik '96

actively involved with the Drama Club, Co-Choir, Parkway Singers, and Street Scenes. He was also on the wrestling team and served as a Kairos leader. Mike believes that Carmel created a very encouraging environment for him as he began his career. He fondly notes, "Mrs. Kaiser (Drama Club moderator) always brought out the best in me, encouraged me to work hard, to create characters that are recognizable yet offbeat, and most importantly, she helped me to foster my creative spirit. Mr. Parry (Co-Choir director) helped shape my voice and engendered his love of musical theater - and helped to keep me in line! Mrs. DePrima, through her tireless efforts with Street Scenes, inspired me with her boundless energy and infectious love of the arts."

Mike Papaleo

Mike Papaleo is an actor and co-founder of Tree Theatre in Brooklyn, NY with Bryan Grossbauer, a former classmate at Eastern Illinois University. Tree Theatre produces original scripts based on Mike and Bryan's unique improvisational styles. They have produced four original works, which they are currently re-shaping for travel, and are putting together a children's tour of their original play, "Bob and Rob Meet Aesop Fable."

Tree Theatre was founded in 2002, when Mike moved to New York to pursue his acting career and became discouraged by the types of plays in which he was cast. He then connected with Bryan Grossbauer, whom he met while as a theatre student in college, and decided to work on original pieces that showcased their artistic sensibilities. Their first show, "Tim and Ida" was produced in a Brooklyn loft in the spring of 2003. Mike's interest in theatre and the arts began early in life, with his parents enrolling him in acting lessons in Libertyville at the age of five. At Carmel Catholic High School, Mike was



Mike currently lives in Rye, New York with his wife Maggie and newborn daughter, Lily. For more information about Mike's work at Tree Theatre, please visit

University Model Rotational Schedule Makes the Most of the School Day By Katherine O’Brien ’83 Four years ago, Carmel Catholic High School’s strategic plan included an ambitious goal: overhauling the school’s daily schedule to support more course offerings, particularly in the fine arts. The solution had to increase class periods without significantly extending the school day while also reflecting best practices in education.

Carmel Cat holic School News

schedule prohibited many students from taking more electives,” says Principal, Lynne Strutzel. “Kids in the AP honors program who would liked to have taken four years of a language or other electives such as psychology, finance and chorus had a hard time fitting them into their schedule.”

Drama and other arts classes that were previously conducted after school are now offered during the regular school day. An expanded selection of electives includes everything from the History of Rock and Roll to AP Statistics. The school has doubled the size of its Business Department and added several new faculty members to accommodate expanded course offerings.

looked at area college prep schools using extended class periods,” says Jen Burkhalter, Associate Principal for Faculty Development. “These worked quite well for those schools, but didn’t satisfy all of Carmel’s needs. [such as] time for a monthly Mass [and the flexibility for] fundraising and extra curricular activities.” Ultimately, the committee learned of a school in Michigan using a rotation schedule that could be modified to meet Carmel’s requirements. Mrs. Burkhalter has received several inquiries from local schools interested in implementing similar models.


The new schedule took effect for the 2009/10 school year. All courses meet for 70 minutes, two out of every three days on an ABC rotation. Other key differences include an additional daily class period (a total of seven vs. the prior six) and a 35-minute lunch period (vs. the previous 50-minute slot). Among other changes, students beginning with the classes of 2013 and 2014 are now required to take one semester of Fine Arts and one semester of Health. Carmel’s previous schedule was implemented when the boys and girls schools merged in 1988. “The previous

“The new schedule also allows us to support the Carlos J. Serna Learning Resource Center,” says Mrs. Strutzel. “Students with special needs identified in either an individualized education plan (IEP) or a 504 Plan have access to daily assistance.” A Scheduling Committee, which included a representative from each academic department, researched and developed the new schedule during the 2007/2008 school year. “We

Faculty spent a year preparing to transition from teaching 51 minute to 70 minute class periods. Mrs. Burkhalter and Mrs. Strutzel credit professional development courses and in service days with helping teachers embrace the change. “Our teachers had to recreate their classroom approach and it has energized them,” says Mrs. Strutzel. “The evidence that they’ve adapted can be found in the student response to the schedule. It’s been overwhelmingly positive.”

Carmel Catholic Girls Gymnastics - 2010 State Champs!

CCHS Wrestlers Make State

For the third time in Carmel Catholic High School’s history, the Girls’ Gymnastics team won the 2009-2010 IHSA Girls’ Gymnastics State Championship. The team, coached by Sarah Mikrut-Doyle ‘93, scored 147.25 beating Lyons Township by .475 points to claim the state’s top title!

Congratulations to Carmel wrestlers Frankie Swindell and Shane Siefert who qualified for the State Wrestling Tournament.

"This entire experience is still so surreal! Our team knew this was possible at the beginning of the season and they completely dedicated themselves to the fulfillment of this goal. These eight girls made it their mission to win a State Championship and they did everything necessary to get that done. I could not be more proud of this group, not only for what they achieved at State, but how they carried themselves like champions throughout the entire season. No one deserves this honor more—now they have left their mark on Carmel's history,” explained Coach Sarah Mikrut-Doyle ‘93.

Pictured left to right: - Front Row: Jen Zeller, Sarah Cohen-Smith, Amber Mirski, Kristin Mirski; Back Row: Kari Osowski, Lauren Bowles, Lauren Pytel, Dani Clement

Corsair Hockey wins Chicago Metro Northwest Founders Cup The Corsairs won their fourth straight 5 - 3 over Prep to claim the Metro Northwest title, bringing their season record to 17-17-7. Joe Salvi had a pair of power play goals including the game winner. Jeff Schroeder, Andrew Stolzer and Kevin Schwartz each had a goal and Matt McHugh was solid again in the net.

WINTER 2010 |


Advancement N E W S



ur issue is focused on Fine Arts at Carmel Catholic High School. Each year we find talented students in all areas of visual and performing arts. I see our art students putting their work in public competition and earning awards and praise from their work. Parents frequently marvel at the surprising talent displayed at the school musical, drama, Street Scenes and band performances. Many parents exclaim: ”I never knew my child had so much talent!” I remember one of my nephews, James Looby ’04, executing a very good moonwalk and other dancing moves at the Street Scenes Student Show never seen by me (and I believe his parents as well) before. Fine Arts activities, like athletics, are more a team endeavor than an individual effort. Whether the sport is football, soccer, hockey, baseball and others, all of the team members strive to perform their best to help the group reach their goal, which is to win the game. Similarly everyone in the musicals, band, and dramatic productions is doing their best to achieve the objective; to put on a great and memorable performance. In both Fine Arts and athletics, students learn teamwork, how to take direction from a director or coach and develop an esprit de corps through their common effort and accomplishment. They learn how to interact and lead in a group activity. An individual artist learns much of the same lessons as the tennis player, wrestler or runner about self-discipline, focus and support from their peers. Fine Arts, like sports, help students to be better participants in the workplace, family and communities as adults. I have great memories from when I worked back stage on the lighting crew. I must admit my beautiful Irish tenor voice is beautiful only in my mind and my skills as an actor were not quite operating at a highly competitive level where I could win the lead role – or any role for that matter. So a behind the scenes (backstage) role working on the stage lighting crew was a great place for me to participate and be “a part of the team”. After all, if the stage is dark, not much can happen! I hope you enjoy the profiles of alums who



have parlayed their talents (most were discovered and groomed at Carmel) and learn about the great work our Fine Arts faculty members are doing - KUDOS and BRAVO for their leadership and dedication. Great job coaches … er … directors … conductors! I am looking forward to my class reunion – I hope all of my fellow 75ers are looking forward to participating. We are looking for classmates who are willing to help plan and execute their reunions. Call Anne Kwiatt ’02, Alumni Relations Director, if you wish to participate on a committee at 847-388-3382 or email her at akwiatt@ Finally, thank you to those who participated in this year’s Annual Fund. Your contribution makes a huge difference for our students and faculty. If you have not yet contributed, I ask that you donate either on-line or mail a contribution. If you believe in Carmel’s mission and the importance of a Catholic education in today’s world, a donation to Carmel is a great way to show your belief. Carmel continues to make improvements in facilities and technology and keep competitive salaries for faculty, and offer financial assistance. These programs allow students to prosper and succeed academically, spiritually and socially. Turn to page 18 and read about Carmel’s impact on today’s students. So lights, camera, action! Enjoy this edition of Currents written by our volunteer alumni writers. Anne Kwiatt ’02 has assembled a terrific group of professionals with careers in Public Relations, Journalism, Development and other areas of communication. I thank them for their dedication to make Currents an informative publication.


Michael C. Looby ‘75 Director, Office of Institutional Advancement


W RLD is the Corsair? 4 says aloney '8 Tommy M Shelton, CT." om t "Hello fr a projec rking on d the o w is e H Radio an with CBS uarters of BIC q d a e World H ame building as s e th in ers. are develop the CBS

First Lieutenant Matthew Heid '04 had this picture taken outside the village of Tal Abdah, Iraq. He was there checking out a recently completed construction project.

) in Christina Riebandt ('07 Nick Vallorano ('08) and Francesco San Di a ilic Bas the Assisi, Italy visiting 2010 D'Assisi on February 20,

The Corsair loves to know what is happening in our CCHS community! Are your traveling for a vacation or business? Are you graduating from college, getting married or celebrating an anniversary? Take the Corsair with you on your travels, to parties, sporting events or bring him as your guest at weddings and special occasions! He is the perfect guest! CCHS parents and students, email your Corsair photos to Alumni please post your Corsair photos on as a general class note or email photos to All photos should include a caption with the names of the people photographed, the date and name of the occasion and the location of the photograph.

Cut out the Corsair and submit your photos today! WINTER 2010 |


Carmel Catholic Golf Classic June 14, 2010 - Stonewall Orchard Golf Club

Are You In? Join Us Monday, June 14, 2010 for the 25th Anniversary of the Carmel Catholic Golf Classic. All proceeds from this event beneďŹ t the CCHS athletic programs. For more information please visit us online at 14


Advancement N E W S


"Let's Choose Executors and Talk of Wills" -WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, THE TRAGEDY OF KING RICHARD II Traditionally, Americans hold dear the right to speak their minds – one of the basic freedoms upon which our country was founded. It would seem hard to believe, then, that over half of all Americans do not have valid wills. Without a Will If a person fails to make a will or put other legal arrangements in place to distribute property at the end of their lifetime, courts will step in and apply state laws. This is known as the probate process. Formalize Wishes A last will and testament is often used to direct the distribution of cash, stocks, real estate, and personal property. It may also create trusts that provide management of property for heirs if needed. Revocable living trusts can be used to hold and manage property during your lifetime as well as provide for distributions at death. Coordinate Plans It is important that provisions of a will or living trust be carefully coordinated. Many may decide to make use of both. Your attorney and other professional advisors can help you make sure your plans match your wishes. Probate 101 True of False? Test what you know about the probate process. • I have a will that fully expresses my wishes. • I understand how all real estate I own is titled. • I understand the tax and ownership transfer implications of joint ownership. • I know who will be appointed to prove the ownership of and distribute my assets. • I have provided for the eventual transfer of any retirement plan assets that may remain after my lifetime. • I have no concerns about possible costs and delays in transferring property to my spouse or others. • If I have a revocable living trust, I have transferred the assets to the trust I intend to distribute in that way. If you answered False to any of the preceding statements, you may need to update your financial and estate plans. For more information on wills, please contact me and I’ll send you two pamphlets. The first is called What You Need To Know About Wills and the second is 15 Reasons To Update Your Will. These are free and carry no obligations. If you need any help in starting the estate planning process or if you are thinking of making a planned gift to Carmel Catholic, you can call me at 847-388-3342 or email me at

Kevin Kissane Major Gifts Director

Thank You for your planned gift!

When you inform us of your planned gift intent, you become a member of The Kelly Circle in recognition of your commitment to Carmel Catholic’s mission of providing excellent academics and values for life. Sr. Mary Cecil Kelly, BVM, was the founding Principal of Carmel High School for Girls. Her gifts of deep Christian faith, academic innovation and community spirit helped shape the traditions of Carmel Catholic High School. In her name, Kelly Circle donors sustain Sr. Kelly’s legacy by providing a sound basis for financial support for generations of students.

Kelly Circle members receive this commemorative Planned Giving Certificate of Membership enclosed in the official CCHS diploma cover. Kelly Circle members also receive: • Recognition on our HONOR ROLL OF DONORS wall located in the main lobby of our school • The Kelly Circular newsletter, for on-going knowledge about planned giving opportunities • Special invitations to Carmel Catholic events.

WINTER 2010 |


Travel the World

with Carmel Catholic High School at the

STAR Gala April 17, 2010 Auction & dinner benefiting tuition assistance for a Carmel Catholic education 847.388.3390

16 16


Advancement N E W S


If you are new to the alumni online community, your password/constituent ID# is located above your address on the back cover of this magazine.

To Register: 1. Click on the “First Time Login” link on the top left hand part of the page. 2. Type in your last name. (For alumnae, if your last name is not found, try using your maiden name.) 3. Select your name from the list. 4. Enter your Constituent ID # listed above your address on this magazine. 5. Change your password and user name on your member profile page. 6. Please update your address and email on your profile page. This will ensure you receive Currents, event invitations, and eNewsletters. 7. Post a class note and photo. Class notes published in Currents are considered from postings on

Class Notes Reunion Registration

Photo Albums


Online Direct

Join the Alumni Association groups online!

Questions regarding, reunions or class gift donations? Contact Alumni Relations at 847-388-3382 or for more information.

WINTER 2010 |


Our Alums tell us, "If it was not for my CCHS academics and experience, I would not be where I am today." For 48 years the Carmel Catholic High School experience has had a life changing impact on our students. This life changing experience is continuing for our students today! Educationally, Carmel has been the greatest stepping stone into college academically, morally and socially. Carmel has expanded my horizons and unearthed my core Catholic values. Rigorous classes, fulfilling ministry projects, and lasting friends have all shaped my Carmel Catholic experience, one of self-growth that has provided me with values for life.

Carmel has given me so much more than an excellent education. It has given me friends that will last a lifetime, a strong faith and the confidence to follow my dreams. I know I will graduate with all the tools necessary to be successful in anything that I try. Carmel has prepared me for life and all of its adventures.

Mackenzie ‘10

Austin ‘10

Attending Carmel Catholic High School was following a family tradition for me. Both my parents attended Carmel and hearing their stories and seeing the successful lives they lead made me eager to attend. I found Carmel Catholic to be a place where I could grow, learn and express myself in a caring environment. The teachers really care about the students and take pride in helping students reach their full potential as highly educated, open-minded, caring individuals. I have made friendships that will last a lifetime.

Katie ‘10 daughter of Christopher ‘75 and Linda (Novak ‘79) Stoyanoff

Support Carmel Catholic's mission to educate the students of today who will become the citizens and leaders of our community tomorrow! Your participation helps our students with: • • • • •

Tuition assistance Technology improvements Affordable tuition Facility improvements Competitive salaries to keep the best faculty possible

Whether your gift is $25 or more, all contributions are welcome and needed. Please fill out and return the form below or go on-line to and click on "Support" to give to Carmel Catholic High School today!

Enclosed is my/our check, payable to Carmel Catholic High School, for: $______________________ ❒ Joint gift with spouse ____________________________________ ❒ I would like my gift to be anonymous ❒ My employer ___________________________________________ will match this gift

❒ Please charge my gift to my: ❒ Visa

❒ MasterCard

❒ Amex

❒ Discover

__________________________________________ Please print your name as it appears on the card

__________________________________________ Card Number

Exp. Date


❒ Matching gift form enclosed

Signature on Card

❒ Matching gift completed on-line

❒ I pledge $______________ for $__________ per month for a MAXIMUM of 5 months. Please charge my credit card to fulfill my pledge. I understand that my card will be charged on the 15th of each month. Minimum credit card pledge amount is $250.00.

You can make a gift on line by going to You will receive a receipt for your gift.



❒ I have included Carmel Catholic in my will/estate plan ❒ I am interested in including Carmel Catholic in my will/estate plan, please contact me




And The Nominees Are... 2010 Alumni Association Awards The Carmel Catholic Alumni Association is pleased to present three annual awards:

BVM/Carmelite Award for exemplary service to Carmel (open to alumni, parents, and friends of Carmel)

Lamp of Knowledge Award for excellent mentorship and teaching (open to alumni, parents, faculty, and friends of Carmel)

Alumni of the Year Award for outstanding leadership and service to Carmel and the wider community

Please submit your nominations at by April 30, 2010. Awardees will be announced in the spring of 2010. Questions? Contact Jean Sands ’95, CCHSAA Secretary, at President Richard Kennedy ’94 Board Members Jennifer Kramer ’88

Alumni Association

Toni (Deasey ’72) Kappel Jean Sands ’95

Interested in becoming involved in the Alumni Association? Contact Anne Kwiatt ‘02 by email at or call 847.388.3382 WINTER 2010 |






Mary Ann (Vinciguerra) Calo has received the following degrees: BS Denison University in Psychology 1971, MS Syracuse University in Information Science 1974, MA Syracuse University in History of Art 1981 and a Ph.D. Syracuse University in Humanities 1991. She was married in 1972 to Michael Calo of Syracuse NY. She is a Professor of Art History at Colgate University, Hamilton, NY since 1991. She and her husband have two children, Nina (30) and Ryan (32).


Rudy Palenik ran the third leg of the Akron Marathon (5k) in 22:10 last September.


Patrick A. Salvi - Effective January 1, 2010, the Illinois Supreme Court appointed Pat to a three-year term as Chairman on the Character and Fitness, Second District Committee of the Illinois Board of Admissions to the Bar. This committee determines whether each law student registrant and applicant presently possesses good moral character and general fitness for admission to the practice of law. Pat is also an adjunct professor at NDLS teaching "Personal Injury Litigation," again this spring.




Keith Forshaw received his Masters in Business Administration Management (MBA) from Loyola University Chicago's Graduate School of Business on November 7, 2009 also earning a certificate in corporate ethics policy. He is in his 13th year as a Director of Technology at Hewitt Associates based in Lincolnshire, Illinois.



Natalie (Mitchell) Sobolewski recently moved with her husband (and Goldendoodle Lexie) from Baltimore, MD to Dallas, TX. She continues to work with Weber Shandwick, a global public relations and communications agency. In her new role, Natalie will be managing proactive media relations for the 2010 US Census.


Erin LoBue-Blynn has been named the WGN teacher of the month. She is a Latin teacher at Lincoln Way Central and West High Schools. Sarah Oplawski completed her baccalaureate degree at UW-Whitewater during the 2008-2009 academic year. She graduated Magna Cum Laude. Patrick A. Salvi II became one of the youngest lawyers in Illinois history to achieve a million dollar verdict as lead attorney.


of infielders and hitters. He was a standout as both a shortstop and a pitcher during his time at NU. He ranks first all-time at the school in at-bats (788), second in games played (212) and saves (16), third in triples (11) and total bases (365), fourth in doubles (44) and sixth in hits (233). Jon signed a professional contract with the St. Louis Cardinals' organization after finishing his collegiate career. He competed as both a position player and a pitcher for four seasons and advanced to the Double A level. He played in the 2006 Midwest League All-Star Game as a pitcher for the Swing of the Quad Cities and was also selected to the 2008 Florida State League All-Star Game. He has over six years of coaching experience as a baseball instructor at the Libertyville Sports Complex as well as recently serving as the head sophomore baseball coach at CCHS. Jon graduated from NU in 2005 with a bachelor’s degree in learning and organizational change from the School of Education and Social Policy.


Claudine Cappelle-Harig and her husband celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary in Thailand last November.

Jon Mikrut, who played at Northwestern from 2002-05, has returned to his alma mater as an assistant coach for the Wildcat baseball team. Jon is now in charge

Nichole Hoeflich graduated in May 2009 from Clarke College, Dubuque Iowa - Summa Cum-Laude with Bachelor of Arts in History, Politcal Science and Secondary Education. After last summer doing her internship at the Parliment in London, she fell in love with working abroad and took a job in Taiwan teaching at Ivy Collegiate Academy. She



C L A SS N OT E S , c o n t.

teaches World Religion and Ancient History.


Christine Sabato was elected President of Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority at Michigan State University for 2010. She is majoring in International Relations and Social Relations and Policy at James Madison College within the university. She was selected to be a member of the MSU Freshman Class Council in 2009. Chris Salvi transferred from Butler University to the University of Notre Dame and received a walk-on invitation from the football team and in September, 2009 was formally offered a spot on the team. He will join the Irish on the sidelines in the fall of 2010.


STAY IN TOUCH Do you have a new job or an addition to the family you would like to tell us about? Are you a newlywed or want to reconnect with former classmates and other alumni?

Currents welcomes news of accomplishments or changes in your professional or personal life for inclusion in class notes. Please include your graduate name and class year, your present name and daytime phone number when you submit a class note. We publish photos as quality of photo and space allows. If available, include a photo caption listing the names of the people and where it was taken. Submissions to class notes are edited for space and clarity to adhere to the style and tone of the magazine.

Submit news and photos to: Alumni Relations, Carmel Catholic High School One Carmel Parkway, Mundelein, IL 60060 Fax: 847-388-3497, Email: Online at:

Obituaries: CCHS relies on family members to inform us of the deaths of alumni and friends. If a newspaper obituary is available, we would appreciate a copy. Send notices to the address above.

DEADLINES FOR SUBMISSIONS: Currents is published in the summer, winter and spring. Class notes will be printed as space allows and when possible, in the order they are received. If you submit an item for the fall issue, for example, and it doesn’t appear, it most likely will be in the following issue. We encourage all alums to submit class notes online, where they are always available for alumni to view. Shirley Gonzales was named to the College of Arts and Sciences’ Dean’s List at Loyola University for the first semester of the 2009-10 academic year.

Submit items for… Summer: by June 9, 2010 Winter: by November 9, 2010

WINTER 2010 |




3 2

E N G AG E M E N T S Jamie Houser ’98 to Donald Martin Meagan Petraitis ’99 to Nicholas Doyle

1 Nadia Hummer ’00 to Steven Rodriguez ’00

2 Kristin Lynch ’99 to Jeff Watson David Gabrel ’02 to Roxanne Puno

3 Joanna Scully ’04 to Dan Garwood ’04


Kristina Kasper ’00 to Mike Saldarelli M A R R I AG E S

4 Monica Rohleder ’91 to Timothy Duffy ’91

William Ivins ’92 to Claudia

5 Martinez

5 Steven Smock ’96 to Emily Szymczak


Katie McKeown ’97 Greg

6 O’Brien

Ashley Vollmer ’93 to Michael DeHaye

4 B I RTH S / A D OP T IO N S Maureen Theresa born to Corey ’87

4 Alexander Christopher born to Sabina

1 and Anne (Janiszewski ’94) Simpson

and Ardie Arnold ’95

Charles Michael born to Katie and Jim

2 Kwiatt ’96

Jack Beckett born to Brent and Jessica

5 (Philpott ’97) Simmons

Claudia Marie born to Sara and Jim Hamilton ’97

Samuel Carey born to Tim and Jenny

3 (Brisbois ’94) Popp


Kaelyn Joy born to Jonathan and Kristine (Balagot ’99) Danao Bethany Rose born to Cole and

7 Jennifer (Babikan ’92) Kricken

Cody Jeremy Archer born to Jeremy

8 and Anna (Marcello ’98) Archer

We try our best to include all photos submitted, but sometimes space restrictions do not allow us to publish all photos in Currents. However, all photos submitted are included in the class notes on





Post your birth announcement with a photo on and receive a ‘Corsair in Training’ t-shirt for your future Corsair!

n Traini ir i




a rs




Carmel Catholi

ig cH








T-shirts are sent out quarterly and sent to alumni who post their happy news online. Online class notes are always available for alumni to view.





Jennifer (Strutzel '89) Berg, the wife of Ben Berg, faculty; daughter of Lynne Strutzel, Principal; sister of Amy Strutzel ‘95 Donald Collins, Jr. '69


Joseph Caggiano, brother of Fr. Kyrin Caggiano, O.Carm. George Sedlacek, brother of Dan Sedlacek, faculty


Remedios Braga, grandmother of Robin Mondonedo-Cruz ‘13 Betty Jane Fedrigon, grandmother of Joseph ’07, Anthony ’07, Dominick ’09 and Thomas ‘11 Genevieve Gastaldello, grandmother of Jessica ’02 and Daniel ’04 Cesar; motherin-law of Robert Cesar ‘72 Mary Gilligan, grandmother of James Barr ‘13 Helen Hamm, grandmother of Toni ’98, Gina ’01 and Adam ’03 Bregenzer Helen Sinda, grandmother of James Lewan ’85 and Patricia (Lewan ’87) Derrick Margaret Smithe, grandmother of Brian, current faculty and Tomm, former faculty, Smithe Shirley Wieszczyk, grandmother of Nicholas Garzonetti ’99 and Shari Garzonetti ‘09; mother of Louise Rejc, faculty and mother-in-law of Jim Rejc ’71, staff


Willian Carey, grandfather of Mariah ‘92

Edwin Fromm, grandfather of Jonathon ’02, Jennifer ’05 and Matt ‘11 William Goedert, grandfather of Michael ’07 and Mathew ’10 Hohmann Carl Hamel, grandfather of Bradley Kamins ‘11 Joseph May, Jr., grandfather of Jonathon ’01 and Tara ’07 Gille; father of Sue Gille, Attendance Office; uncle of Jane Hilliard, Associate Principal - Technology Frank Tomiser, grandfather of Angie Sturgeon ’84, Mary Lynn (Sturgeon ’85) Kempf, Christina (Sturgeon ’87) Kolassa, Fred Sturgeon ’89, Lexi (Sturgeon ’90) McCue, Laurie (Sturgeon ’93) Rupprecht, Emily Sturgeon ’97 and Tess (Sturgeon ’99) Alcivar


Marion Biere, mother of LaRon ‘11 Rita Kalb, mother of Dan ’77 and mother-in-law of Judy (Hermes ’78) Kalb Gertrude Coronelli Perrenot, mother of Mary Kay (Coronelli ’78) Perrenot, Margaret (Coronelli ’82) Coutre, Nancy (Coronelli ’83) Doyle and Barbara (Coronelli ’85) Post; grandmother of Emily ’05 and Elizabeth ’09 Perrenot Teresa O'Brien, mother of Laura ’75 and Timothy ‘76 Mabel Rapplean, mother of Pamela ’68; grandmother of Mark ’87, Tony ’91 and Mike ‘94 Judith Weldon, mother of Sean '13

Pawlowski ’99 and Matthew Phillips ’04; uncle of Art II ’70, Terry ’73, Robert ’75 and Barbara (Baker ’77) Duffy Tom Dompke, father of Kevin ’11 and Jennifer ‘12 Al Hutchinson, father of JoAnne (Hutchinson ’78) Adler, Jeffery ’81 and Frank ’83; father-in-law of Richard Adler ‘78 Thomas Keane, father of Thomas ’80, Kathleen ’82, Maureen (Keane ’83) Polte, Michael ’86 and William ‘88 Joseph Pencak, father of Cathy (Pencak ’76) Olszewski Robert Schueneman, father of Rita (Schueneman ’72) Byrd and Nancy (Schueneman ’76) Krupa; grandfather of Austin Byrd ’06; father-in-law of Mark Byrd ’71 and Paul Krupa ‘76 John “Jack” Thelen ‘69, the father of John ’92, Jessica ’95 and Jennifer (Thelen ’98) Barton; brother of Mary Beth (Thelen ’69) Varak, Sue (Thelen ’72) Schumacher, Tom ’74, Pete ’76, Steve ’78, Ann (Thelen ’80) Kroupa, Barb (Thelen ’83) Miller and Peg Thelen ’84) Miles; uncle of Matthew ’04 and Erin ’06 Thelen and Jacob ’11 and Alexis ’13 Miles. Lino Trapani, father of John ’80 and Gregg ‘83

UNCLE OF Br. Hugo Lamm OFM, uncle of Carrie Egan (College Career Coordinator); great-uncle of Erin ’08, Bridget ’10, Kathleen ’10 and Patrick ’13 Egan


Arthur Baker, Jr., father of Laura ’71, Nancy ’73, Donna ’75 and Susan (Baker ’77) Phillips; grandfather of Justin

“I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, though he may die, he shall live. And whoever lives and believes in me shall never die.” John 11:25-26 WINTER 2010 |


Non-Profit Organization US POSTAGE PAID Permit #54 Mundelein, IL

One Carmel Parkway | Mundelein, IL 60060

SAVE THE DATE alumni cubs outing

CCHSAA CUBS OUTING Sunday, August 22nd

Game Time and Social Location TBD check for more information soon!


Carmel Catholic



29 - 4/6


Spring Break

APRIL 4 10 17 23-25 30

Easter Father/Daughter Dance STAR Gala Spring Musical - Brigadoon Walkathon Prom


Mother/Son Mass Spring Choral Concert Baccalaureate Liturgy Graduation



Alumni Reunion


MAY 2 12 26 27


Summer School Classes Begin Carmel Golf Classic

Classes of

’70, ’75, ’80, ’85, ’90, ’95, '00 & ‘05

Sign up at to receive more information on your upcoming reunion!

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