Compass - Spring 2013

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C MPASS Summer 2013

Inside This Issue: One-to-One Learning Program Our Award Winning Students Carmel Catholic Golf Classic It’s All FORE the Kids New Reunion Weekend


President Judith Muchek, Ph.D OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT STAFF Director of Institutional Advancement Sr. Kathleen Sinclair, BVM Director of Planned, Major Giving and Corporate Relationships Michael C. Looby ’75 Director of Marketing and Alumni Development Amy Egan Publications Coordinator Sarah O’Donnell Special Events Director Laurie Wienke Data Services Coordinator Janet Paddock Administrative Assistant Jane Maciolek COMPASS Editor Nora Cay Ryan COMPASS magazine is published three times a year by the Office of Institutional Advancement. Please send name or address changes to: Carmel Catholic High School One Carmel Parkway Mundelein, IL 60060 847.388.3362 For verification purposes, please reference the 9-digit ID number found in the magazine address area.

Summer 2013, Volume 1, Issue 1

C MPASS The Community Magazine of Carmel Catholic High School

Table of Contents Features Demo Days...............................................................................4 Expanding Technology..............................................................8 From the Past...........................................................................10 And the Winner is....................................................................11

In Every Issue Campus Life .............................................................................4 Faculty Voice ......................................................................8 Athletics......................................................................12 Fine Arts ...........................................................................14 Advancing Carmel..................................................................16 Alumni..................................................................................22 Class Notes .......................................................................27 Engagements, Weddings, and Births..................................30 In Memoriam....................................................................34 Calendar of Events....................................................Back Cover

On the Cover Mr. Joe May ’78 assists Evan Potter ’14 with his tablet.

COMPASS is now available online as an easy and fun to view digital format as part of the school’s green initiative. To view COMPASS online, please visit: If you’d like to stop receiving COMPASS in the mail, please send your request to


Thank you for spending time with our new community magazine – COMPASS. There are a couple of compelling reasons why we have chosen to pursue this publication.


Dear Friends,

As Carmel Catholic matures, our database of alumni, donors, community contacts and friends continues to grow. The former Currents magazine focused primarily on the good news of our alumni while offering minimal copy to our other constituent groups. It is our hope that by being more inclusive in feature reporting, the accomplishments of our whole Corsair family can be shared! Please be sure to send us your stories. Because the magazine is more broadly focused, a group of us gathered to brainstorm possible titles. One perspective emerged quickly when we considered our history and present community at Carmel Catholic. We often have conversations with alumni, past and current parents, and current students about being “home” at Carmel. During the four-year high school experience that allusion is real — students come to this place every day for school. Certainly high school is a stepping-stone to adult life. The notion of home as a place becomes less tangible after graduation. Other locations may offer a comfortable, safe, holy, life-changing milieu. As the years move on, our collection of memories begin to trace a perceivable path of our life journey. Sometimes we may even seek out those people, spaces and experiences that had a profound impact on who we became as adults — we try to find our way home. No matter where you find yourself geographically, we hope that this publication, this COMPASS, will be a guide back to the Carmel you reflect on or currently experience.

Judith Muchek, Ph. D President

COMPASS | Summer 2013



Demo Days

Carmel Catholic High School shares its one-to-one lessons with other educators By Melissa Delaney, Writer for EdTech

Dr. Judith Mucheck has a saying that, she admits, drives people a little crazy: “You don’t get a prize for finishing first. But you do get a prize for finishing well.” Rather than leaping to action, Mucheck, President of Carmel Catholic High School in Mundelein, Ill., likes to know what she’s getting into. “Sometimes,” she says, “you have to be comfortable saying, ‘We don’t know, but we will, so stay tuned.’” In the case of Carmel Catholic’s one-to-one tablet program, the school community stayed tuned for four years while school leaders developed a plan, wired the campus, built the infrastructure and trained faculty to use the devices. When the school finally issued Lenovo ThinkPad tablets to all 1,400 students last fall, “it went amazingly smoothly because we had been preparing for it for so long,” Mucheck says. Almost immediately, school officials started fielding calls from other schools interested in seeing the one-to-one program in action. Staff members wanted to share the wisdom they had gained from their experience, but they didn’t want visits to disrupt classes. So they decided to host 10 “Demo Days” for outside educators to visit the school, hear how the one-to-one program was developed and even sit in on classes.

Dani Guerin ’13 and Jacob Schneider ’13 use their tablets to complete an assignment in class. 4

“When a group of educators gets together, they collaborate and get a richer experience,” says Laura L. Budris, Carmel Catholic’s Associate Principal of Curriculum. “The insight and the sharing of ideas have been phenomenal. We are all in it together.”

Five Years in the Making Marisue Lacher, a Carmel Catholic parent who volunteered to coordinate the Demo Days program, was impressed when she learned the one-to-one program’s back story. “As a parent, I think it’s fascinating to see how much work and effort has

L IFE Maliwa Mensch ’14 and Taylor Hirsch ’14 work on their tablets. gone into this,” she says. “It’s not technology for technology’s sake. It was a well-thought-out process, and our students are benefiting.” Rather than just tell visitors what school officials are doing with the tablets, she worked with Carmel Catholic staff to build the threeand-a-half-hour program to show visitors how they got there. Mucheck opens the program by taking visitors back to 2006, when the school developed its strategic plan, which included implementing wireless. Beginning in summer 2008, the technology team did some wiring and researched new infrastructure to ready for the move to a wireless campus. In summer 2010, they removed classroom desktop

Before issuing 1,400 tablets to students, Carmel Catholic High School’s network had a throughput of 12 megabits per second. To accommodate their infrastructure upgrades, school officials boosted that throughput to 60 megabits per second.

computers and gave every teacher a ThinkPad tablet. “We wanted to make sure that faculty were comfortable with the technology,” Mucheck explains. “We didn’t want them to start with nothing and say, ‘You need to dial it from zero to 60 in a month.’” During the 2010–2011 school year, they trained teachers on the basics. By the following year, teachers had to pass tests demonstrating skills such as understanding the rudiments of a spreadsheet and cutting and pasting text in email. It was easy for some, but others needed additional training. Today, all faculty members can navigate the Microsoft Office suite, email, Skype, instant messaging,


Demo Days are valuable not only to visitors, who learn one-to-one best practices from peers with the luxury of hindsight, but also for Carmel Catholic’s staff, who glean new ideas and perspectives from the educators who have traveled to their campus to learn from their experience.

COMPASS | Summer 2013

The events “are going to save a lot of people a lot of time and energy,” says Jo Marie Yonkus, Assistant Superintendent for High Schools with the Archdiocese of Chicago, who attended a Demo Day last fall. “They did a beautiful job. The organization of this one-to-one program was phenomenal.”


electronic grade books and Edline, the learning community management system that Carmel Catholic uses. They also can build lesson plans that incorporate technology. Each department assigned one faculty member as the go-to person for technology instruction. “They taught each other” within their disciplines, Mucheck says. “You didn’t have a math teacher trying to teach English teachers.”

Prepare for Takeoff After years of planning, the final decision officials made was which device to get for students. According to Jane Hilliard, the school’s Associate Principal of Technology Integration, they

chose to lease Lenovo ThinkPad tablets for the following reasons: • The devices work with the existing network infrastructure. • Their $378-per-unit price tag (which included a tablet, keyboard, folio case and stylus pen) was half the cost of other tablets. • They have both USB and HDMI ports. • Their battery charge lasts throughout the school day. • Both the devices and their cases are rugged enough for 14- to 18-year-olds. CDW•G provided all the frontand back-end equipment and installed the servers. “They were like our third-level support,” Hilliard says of CDW•G personnel, noting that they spent

Step by Step Educators at Carmel Catholic High School in Mundelein, Ill., have put together a comprehensive program to share the lessons they learned while building the school’s one-to-one tablet program. Before visiting classrooms, Demo Days participants hear school officials reflect on: • the need for a one-to-one program; • setting and measuring goals and creating a timeline; • program design and financing, such as whether to roll the device out to all grades or just one, hardware and operating system choices, and owning vs. leasing; • infrastructure needs, including connectivity, servers, storage, integration with classroom devices and power; • software, imaging, updates and tracking devices; • technical support; • policies, such as school network usage; • preparing faculty and integrating tablets into the curriculum; • communicating about the project; • rollout particulars; and • problems, such as overheating in the server room and insufficient bandwidth. 6

a week at the school installing the wireless access points and Citrix back-end equipment, in addition to helping with naming conventions, installing the new switches and upgrading the core switch. “We couldn’t have done it without the extra manpower,” she continues. “If we hit a wall, we could call them, and that was so valuable.” So far, the one-to-one program has experienced few problems, and the response within the school community has been even better than expected. When Carmel Catholic administrators surveyed teachers, asking if the presence of tablets has changed their teaching in a positive way, 100 percent of them said yes. “I’m not necessarily concerned that they’re blazing trails,” Mucheck says. “But is it having a positive effect? No one on the faculty is saying this is a bad idea. And that’s because they were ready.”

See for Yourself After the presentation (see sidebar, “Step by Step”), a lunch break and a video that shows students and teachers talking about how they use the tablets, Budris walks Demo Days guests through the school building to see the one-toone program in action. The walk-throughs are different each time because they aren’t staged. Participants visit seven to 10 classrooms. In some classes, students are taking notes on


the tablets or using them for activities, while in others, the tablets are stored away. “It’s very clear that the tablet is just a tool,” Budris says. “It’s not the be-all and end-all” of their learning experience. The tablets are used by different departments in a variety of ways, which Budris has chronicled in a list that she shares during each Demo Day. She describes as “genius” one activity she saw in a physical education class, in which students videotaped each other practicing tennis strokes, then broke into groups to analyze the angle of the racquet, the point it hits the ball and other factors affecting the stroke. “Really watching them give feedback to each other — not just relying on the teacher as a coach to give them feedback — was phenomenal,” Budris explains.

Donner also uses the tablets in class to administer online quizzes, which help her adjust her lesson plans when needed. For instance, if most students get one question wrong, but everyone gets another correct, she can spend extra time reviewing the concept they

Brett Blum ’13 and Mac Sullivan ’13 use their tablets to collaborate on a class project. struggled with and skip over the one they aced. Students also get instant feedback so they can correct problems immediately rather than waiting a day or two to find out they didn’t grasp a concept. “It helps them become more efficient learners,” Budris says. Since students got their tablets, the response has been overwhelmingly positive. Hilliard acknowledges that she did get a couple of calls from parents complaining that their children are playing video games or surfing the web instead of doing homework during class. But the

technology isn’t the problem, she says. “The student who’s off task instant messaging this year was staring out the window or doodling last year,” she explains. In fact, school leaders have chosen to give students more freedom with their devices so they learn how to use them responsibly. “We’re not tightening the reins,” Hilliard adds. “We’re teaching the harder lesson, which is to be responsible digital citizens.” This article originally appeared in the Spring 2013 issue of EdTech: Focus on K–12 (, a CDW publication.

COMPASS | Summer 2013

Many classes use the tablets for basic functions, such as online research. That’s nothing new, but now that all students have online access in class, teachers can offer guidance about navigating the overabundance of information available. “One of the challenges we have is getting these kids to be critical consumers,” says history teacher Julie Donner. “Before, they were on their own in this huge world of the Internet.”


Faculty Voice: One-to-One

Expanding Technology The person behind the one-to-one program

By Stephanie Fischer, Spanish Teacher

None of us could truly understand how the introduction of the tablets would affect our students and our classroom. As we complete our first year, I know I do not want to go back to life without it. I love finding new ways to incorporate tablets into my lessons. I have tried various activities with the students. Over time, there were activities that they loved, some that they hated and some that were not compatible with the tablets. An overwhelming favorite is Quizlet. com, a free website that lets users study virtually anything. One of my favorite features is that it is easy to scaffold activities; we start with multiple choice activities and work up to “learn mode” where students recall and spell the Spanish word having only seen the English equivalent. As far as classroom management, my screen displays the “users currently studying,” and the content they are studying. It gives me a quick overview of who is participating and who is not. By taking risks and experimenting, the majority of the students are more engaged and have benefitted from activities that utilize the tablets. I am excited to reevaluate this year’s activities and refine them for next year.


“Provide the technology infrastructure, including plans for a wireless campus.” What started out as just a single sentence in the 2007-2012 Strategic Plan has bloomed into what is now known as the one-to-one program at Carmel Catholic High School. But, how would this ultimately go from a line item to real life for 1,400 students? Jane Hilliard, Associate Principal of Technology Integration, is the woman behind it all. She has spent the last five years working with the CCHS community and Jane Hilliard, Associate Principal of those within the technology world Technology Integration. to design and implement a program that would grow with the school’s needs well into the future. When Hilliard arrived at Carmel Catholic in the fall of 2007, it was time for her to hit the ground running. “When I started, technology in the building had reached its capacity and the administration was aware of that,” she explains. “We needed to transform from a school that existed with whatever technology was available to a school that is ‘leaning forward’ into the future of what technology could bring.” Technology is engrained in society like never before, and students encounter it daily. “We developed the one-to-one learning initiative to meet our students where they learn best,” says Hilliard. “Young people are continuously engaged in technology when they are outside our walls, but when they came to school, they were expected to sit passively and learn a different way. As a college preparatory high school, we feel it is our job to prepare students to be responsible digital citizens in this technology-driven world.”

The Groundwork The first step to turning CCHS into a technologically advanced campus required a complete evaluation of the school’s current infrastructure. “We had to make sure we knew what was affordable each year,” she points out, “so the process was spread out over a few years. Every section of the school needed to be examined to ensure readiness. Connectivity and access needed to be evaluated, specifically Internet speed, wireless


Choosing a Device

Up and Running The first week of August 2012 was busy as the tablets were distributed to students for the first time. Hilliard says, “Each class level came on a different day. Students were required to show up with their parent initially to sign out the tablet, before attending a half-day session on getting started with the tablets. Everything went according to plan, and we were off and running.” To help maintain the tablets, a dedicated staff member was brought onboard. If an

Brooke Kamins ’14 and Brianna Panton ’14. individual’s tablet breaks down, the student brings it to the TAB LAB for repair or a loaner. Since CCHS has passed the appropriate certifications to become a self-maintainer for the Lenovo Thinkpad Tablets, they are serviced in-house whenever possible.

Looking Toward the Future The next major step is video classrooms. “With a focus on creating students that are prepared for life in the 21st century, we want to be able to hold video sessions with classrooms around the country and the world,” says Hilliard. “This will allow our students learning Spanish an opportunity to speak with students in Spain who are learning English. We would also be able to share classrooms, teachers, and ideas

with area schools. There is so much that can be done with technology, and we have taken a great first step to making it happen.” Special note: The administration and Mrs. Jane Hilliard would like to thank Mr. Earl Amburgey and the maintenance staff, as well as Mr. Joe Schultz and Mr. Brad Geary in the technology department, for all their help in bringing the oneto-one program to life. They were instrumental to their areas of expertise, and helped make this program the success that it is today. Thank you also to the 2011-2012 Technology Committee: Mr. Robert Arvidson (Chair), Mr. Gary Grace, Dr. Daniel J. Kerkman, Mr. Donald Kotek, Mr. Noel Levasseur, Sr. Joan Mehney (retired staff), and Mr. John Sheehy (Ex-officio).

COMPASS | Summer 2013

As the project progressed, it was time to find a device that would best serve the community. The four choices were a notebook, laptop, iPad or the Android tablet by Lenovo. Initially, four students from each grade level were asked to carry each of the four devices for one week. Hilliard also sought input from the faculty and board members. Due to the hardware ports on the device, as well as the integration of all the hardware and software on the network, the Android tablet from Lenovo was selected, complete with a keyboard, folio and stylus pen.


access and security. Over the course of four years, we increased bandwidth, added wireless access points, installed more cost effective and efficient firewalls, and enhanced the school’s network management and monitoring.”


From the Past

Carmel High School for Boys’ first employee looks forward to major milestone By Sr. Colleen McGinnity, BVM

Stephana Margaret “Marge” Meditz Wirth has accomplished many things in her life, but none more significant than turning 99 in September 2012. And life does not seem to be slowing down any time soon. She still drives her own car and lives in her own home, conveniently located next to her son, David, a member of Carmel High School for Boys’ first graduating class. As she looks forward to surpassing the century mark, she reflected back on her time at the boys’ school. Marge was the first person hired to work at the new boys’ high school. Fr. David Murphy, O.Carm., principal, invited her to join the staff of the school, and apparently, it was an offer she could not refuse. She served as the treasurer from September 1, 1961 to June 30, 1988.

Marge worked on the boys’ side and had little involvement with the girls’ school. Even though their buildings were connected, both schools operated independently. The Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary operated the girls’ side and the Order of Carmelites operated the boys’. As treasurer, she was responsible for the bookkeeping aspects, including payroll, billing, organizing tuition payments, sending out reminders and collecting tuition. It could easily be said that nothing happened without her input, and for that, she was called “Mrs. Carmel.” Marge describes those early years as a “mom-and-pop” organization, since everything was processed manually. Eventually,

Photo of Marge Wirth from the 1987 Spirit yearbook.

she upgraded to a National Cash Register bookkeeping machine, to help her stay on top of her many responsibilities. She must have been doing something right, because when she retired in 1988, after 25 years of dedicated service, an audit of the school’s finances revealed that she was only off by one cent. David remembers what the school was like at the very beginning. Even though his mom was at school with him every day, he never felt like she was checking up on him. Many of the other boys did not even realize that Mrs. Wirth in the business office was his mother. He remembers that there was no cafeteria; everyone brown-bagged it. There were no traditions to follow; they made them up as they went along, including a homecoming bonfire. For him, the only thing he would change would be the addition of a shop class, since his favorite hobby is woodcarving. For David, it is hard to believe his mom will be turning 100. He looks forward to the celebration that is planned for September 15 in Punta Gorda, with friends and relatives.

The boys arrive for school at Carmel High School for Boys in 1962. 10


Twelve talented senior boys compete for the title of Mr. CHS By Maddie Groeninger ’13

The Thespian Honors Society uses Mr. CHS to raise money for charity. The charities the Mr. CHS event supported this year are Feed My Starving Children and the Lake County Food Pantry. Boys that were interested in participating filled out an application explaining what

their talents were and a little information about themselves. The top 12 applicants were chosen to compete. The applications were narrowed down this year not only on the quality of the application, but also on the diversity of talent seen. “This class was very enthusiastic,” Sebastiano said. “The senior boys submitted 30 applications.” Sebastiano shared that they could not have all ten boys singing or rapping a song. They chose a rounded group of boys with unique talents. “We tried to take a diverse group, students that are involved and that aren’t so involved, to represent the whole senior class,” Sebastiano said. Mr. CHS is a way for selected senior boys to show their spirit

and school pride. Senior Erin Noll worked hard to organize this event. Not only did she make applications, posters and finalize the boys competing this year, but she also wrote a script, helped each participant with their talent, and finalized the lighting and sound for the show. Each boy was not simply judged on their talent. “Contestants showed their school spirit through a formal wear section, an interview section, and a section where they get to showcase a special talent,” said Noll. Daniel Santos walked away with the title of Mr. CHS, with Tommy Schofield winning Mr. Talent and Nick Schuberth, Mr. Congeniality.

“I to the world am like a drop of water” Carmel Catholic’s ninth annual Shakespeare Scholar competition was held on February 25. The performers, all juniors studying British Literature, were asked to memorize at least 14 lines from any of William Shakespeare’s works. In their respective classes, students voted on the best performance. The top vote getter in each classroom advanced to the final competition. Five CCHS teachers judged the contest, and contestants were rated in categories such as creativity, interpretation, clarity and projection. This year’s winners were Kathryn Edwards and Brittany Tarpey, who performed an excerpt from Shakespeare’s Comedy of Errors.

Brittany Tarpey ’14 and Kathryn Edwards ’14.

COMPASS | Summer 2013

On March 1, the annual Mr. CHS competition took place in the school’s auditorium. Mr. CHS is a talent competition open to senior boys. In 2001, the first Mr. CHS competition was organized and run by the students without adult or teacher assistance. “It was such a huge success that they kept it going,” said Mrs. Denise Sebastiano, moderator of Thespian Honors Society.


And the Winner is...


The Wrestler That Never Gives Up

Winter Athletics

From the regular season through the State championship, the winter season kept fans on the edge of their seats Congratulations to all our teams on a fantastic winter season. Each team demonstrated their Corsair pride through their competitive spirit on the field and their sportsmanship toward the other teams. As we end this season, we would like to highlight a few of the outstanding achievements by our teams.

Hockey At the Carmel Wrestling Tournament over Thanksgiving Weekend 2012 senior Christian Migliarese, who has wrestled on the Carmel team for four years, won his first and second competitions. He has approached wrestling in the same way he approaches life – never giving up. Christian suffers from a birth defect called Spina Bifida. As he competed, the crowd surrounded him, cheering for him as loud as they could. The next day, Christian wrestled with another student with disabilities and won that match. The father of the other boy was in tears, because his son had a chance to wrestle, something he never thought could happen. The whole crowd cheered as tears rolled down their cheeks inspired by two young men who didn’t let the struggles in their young lives keep them from achieving their dreams. At the end of the wresting season, Christian was awarded the Medal of Courage by the Illinois Chapter of the National Wrestling Hall of Fame. In the fall, he is going to Texas Christian University to major in Broadcast Journalism. 12

The varsity hockey team won the AHAI: Blackhawk Cup White Division State Championship by beating New Trier 3-2. The road to State included a quarterfinal win against Loyola Academy by a score of 3-2 and a 7-1 semifinal win over St. Ignatius.

Mike Wiacek ’13, Nick Cutro ’14, Joe Perrelle ’13 and Nick Harma ’13 hold their championship banner after winning the State tournament. Photos courtesy of Dave Dato ’75.

L IFE The girls won the Conant Invite, the Lake Forest Holiday Meet and the Lake County Invite, and for the 11th consecutive year, they won the IHSA Regional Championship. Senior Lauren Feely won all the events at the Regional tournament, including all-around, vault, uneven bars, balance beam and floor exercise. At Sectionals, she won vault and floor exercise on her way to winning the all-around Sectional title. At State, Lauren won the allaround State title. She also took first place on vault and uneven bars, and placed second on beam and floor exercise. Lauren was also named the McDonalds Pioneer Press Athlete of the Month, Allstate Athlete of the Week, and was featured on the Comcast SportsNet High School Lites. Senior Sarah Cohen-Smith was named a McDonalds Pioneer Press Athlete of the Month. She qualified for State on the vault, bars and all-around, finishing fifth overall on vault. Senior Kari

Osowski qualified for State on the balance beam.

Boys’ Basketball The varsity team won the IHSA Class 3A Regional Championship, their first Regional title since 1992. Senior Cullen Barr was named All-ESCC and named to the Daily Herald All-Area team.

Poms The poms teams competed in the IHSA Sectional tournament.

Championship at 113 lbs; and senior Jake Cochrane was the ESCC, Regional and Sectional Heavyweight Champion. Jake finished the season third in State. Other State qualifiers included sophomore Brodie Palm at 106 lbs, freshman Jake Morgan at 120 lbs and senior Jimmy Dandino at 160 lbs.

Girls’ Basketball Senior Claire Ogrinc and junior Kathleen Felicelli were named to the Daily Herald All-Area team. Kathleen was also named All-ESCC.

Cheerleading The cheerleading squad competed in the IHSA Sectional tournament.

Wrestling Freshman Jake Morgan was the ESCC and IHSA 2A Regional Champion at 120 lbs; freshman Kenny Barber won the Regional

Kathleen Felicelli ’14.

COMPASS | Summer 2013


Senior Lauren Feely performs a routine on the balance beam at the State Championship.


Senior Sarah Cohen-Smith performs her floor exercise at the State Championship.


Fine Arts

Accolades abound for performing arts students

As the music festivals and competitions come to a close for this school year, Carmel Catholic’s music program represented this community to the best of their abilities, and they have the awards to prove it. • The Jazz Combo received a Division I rating at the North Shore Jazz Festival, as well as a Division I rating at Jazz in the Meadows, with a membership of five musicians. Jack Lomastro ’15 was named Outstanding Soloist for piano at Jazz in the Meadows. Jazz Combo also placed fourth in the open class, with high schools three times Carmel’s size, at the North Shore Jazz Festival. • The Jazz Band received a Division I rating at Jazz in the Meadows, with a membership of 22 musicians. Adrianna Castanos ’13 was named Outstanding Soloist Voice. • Caitlyn Cuba ’13 and Will Higgins ’14 were named to the Illinois Music Educators Association District Seven Honors Band for the B-flat clarinet and vocals, respectively. • In March, 42 students participated in the IHSA Solo & Ensemble Contest for both vocal and instrument performances. Freshman Julia Dodich received the Best of Day award. Additionally, 24 students received a Division I rating. Adrianna Castanos ’13 • Carmel Cadence, Carmel Catholic’s show choir, received third runner up in the Festival Class at the Wheaton-Warrenville South Choral Classic Show Choir Competition. This is the first competition that Cadence entered.

Claire Bufalino ’13, Peter Meehan ’14, Will Higgins ’14 and Erin Noll ’13 hold the final pose at the Wheaton-Warrenville South Choral Classic Show Choir Competition. 14


Brooke Kamins ’14 won first place in the Illinois Art Education Association Student Art Contest for her still life acrylic painting of a Raggedy Ann Doll and flowers. Her winning artwork was selected for its quality and creativity. Only 40 works were selected for this show from approximately 500 entries. Brooke’s still life acrylic painting will be in a traveling art exhibit for the entire school year. Additionally, she was invited to a reception last November at the Illinois Art Education Conference. “Brooke is exceptionally talented, and I am very proud of her accomplishment,” says Sheela Gladwell, Carmel Catholic arts instructor. “She was just a sophomore when she completed her painting. It was very carefully executed and has great depth.”


National Art Contest Winner

The IAEA is a professional organization for the advancement of excellence in art education. It is the intent of the IAEA to recognize outstanding scholastic and professional achievement in the visual arts and art education and to encourage continued professional excellence in art education in schools. “On behalf of the school, I congratulate Brooke for her impressive accomplishment,” Gladwell adds.

Over Street Scenes weekend in February, several students participated in their first Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering Academic Challenge. Many were going on less than six hours of sleep, but all were upbeat. The team placed third in their division and earned a trophy, which was placed in the trophy case at the north end of the science wing. Reed Nikolich placed third in physics and

Corey Pitzo placed third in computer science. Maggie Carvill was the lead scorer for the team. The team consisted of Nolan Bedward, Carter Bedward, Corey Pitzo, Sanjana Singh, Reed Nikolich, Maggie Carvill, Jihyun Choi, Ian Davis, Olivia DeKeyser, Leah Lach, Nick Orchard, Michelle Ross and Yu Jin Shin.

WYSE is an international program, headquartered at the University of Illinois. The Academic Challenge is a competitive series of tests created and administered by WYSE and offered to high school students in Illinois and Missouri.

COMPASS | Summer 2013

Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering Academic Challenge


Planned Giving Using Life Insurance to Make a Charitable Gift By Ted Bond, Jr., ’84, Attorney at Law

For many people, life insurance can be used to create an affordable yet sizeable charitable gift to an institution like Carmel Catholic High School. Tax benefits can be realized both during your lifetime and after your death. Consider making Carmel Catholic the beneficiary of either an existing life insurance policy or a newly purchased policy. The premiums paid during your lifetime may qualify for a charitable income tax deduction. Upon your death, the charity receives the face value of the policy. That amount may very well exceed the total amount of premiums you paid, resulting in a total gift far exceeding what you may have been able to give during your lifetime. You can direct that the proceeds of your policy be used for a specific purpose or in furtherance of the charity’s overall mission. It may make sense for you to think of life insurance as a way to leave behind a legacy and to support a charitable organization, like Carmel Catholic, that has meant a lot to you. As with all estate planning, it is best to meet with your attorney, accountant and financial advisers to review the best option for you.


It’s all FORE the students of CCHS

Support Carmel Catholic’s Tuition Assistance Program

Monday, June 10, 2013 Make plans to join us for the Carmel Catholic Golf Classic on Monday, June 10, 2013. The proceeds from this year’s event will benefit the tuition assistance program. Did you know that during the 2012-2013 school year, Carmel Catholic awarded nearly $1.3 million in tuition assistance to approximately twenty percent of our student population? Events such as the Carmel Catholic Golf Classic are vitally important, so that we can continue to provide assistance to those in need.

Bring a foursome for the day or get a group together for the evening activities. Either way, join the fun and help us continue to maintain a strong tuition assistance program for our students now and in the future, as we continue the Drive for Excellence. To register for the 2013 Carmel Catholic Golf Classic or to purchase Golden Ticket chances, visit our website at

Take a a ticket....and support our Drive for Excellence! Proceeds benefit the tuition programs.


A popular feature of the golf event is the Golden Ticket Raffle for a chance to win a Corsair’s dream package. Three winners will have the opportunity to design a package from the list of prizes including Street Scenes parking and passes, CCHS tickets, gift cards and more! Winners will be chosen on June 10 at the Annual Golf Classic – winners need not be present.


Following the golf outing, golfers and non-golfers alike are invited to attend the dinner and program, held in the clubhouse. The evening will include both live and silent auctions and will feature one-of-a-kind items, including a membership to Hawthorn Woods Country Club and a 2012 Master’s Pin Flag autographed by Arnold Palmer.

Golden Ticket Raffle

COMPASS | Summer 2013

Carmel Catholic High School is proud to hold the event at Hawthorn Woods County Club. It is home to the area’s newest Arnold Palmer Signature Golf Course, an 18-hole architectural jewel designed to challenge and thrill players of all levels. This 7,100-yard championship golf course incorporates bent grass fairways and greens with enhanced wetlands, meandering streams, and towering pine and elm trees.


Carmel at the Threshold The Capital Campaign for Carmel Catholic High School

Carmel at the Threshold, the capital campaign now underway to fund the Information Commons and Fine and Performing Arts Wing projects, has been underway since November 2011. To date more that 250 donors have stepped up to pave the way for learning for current and future Carmel Catholic students. As of the printing of this issue of Compass, approximately $3.3 million has been raised. The range of donations has varied from $25 to six-figure gifts from estate bequests and individuals and everything in-between. Regardless of the size of gift, the Carmel spirit has permeated the meetings and special gatherings hosted by the Advancement Office over the past two years. Every donor has expressed gratitude for the gift that Carmel has been/is in the lives of alumni, parents, current students and friends. There is still time to give! The campaign will officially close on November 30, 2013. If you would like to meet with a member of the advancement staff regarding a gift, please call Dianna Burke today at (847)388-3405. For the most up-to-date renderings of the Fine and Performing Arts Wing, visit The dedication of the new spaces will take place on August 21 as part of our opening school liturgy for the 2013-2014 academic year.


Anonymous Donny ’90 and Sheryl (Jachowski ’90) Anderson James ’91 and Christy Arrajj James and Jill Baloun David and Karen Barry, Jr. John J. Bikus John and Linda Blaida Mark and Shannon Buschman The Bill and Lisa Carlson Family Thomas and Michelle Crowley Stephen ’78 and Julie Deasey Todd and Cheryl Edwards Ray and Tammy Feeney Mark Fijalkiewicz ’99 The Gauthiers John and Kathleen Gray Daniel and Renae Harma Thomas and Stephanie Higgins John Jenks ’77 Joseph and Susan Karich Jeffrey and Sara Klahs Keri Kohler ’97 Michael Looby ’75 Robert Lueders Susan (Hoselton ’88) and Albert Manshum Jeffrey and Maria McGuire

Charlotte (Szostak ’77) and Daniel McLaughlin Peter and Mary Meehan Judith and Jerome Mikrut Dr. Judith Mucheck Christopher and Catherine Murphy Kevin and Cynthia Noonan Edwin and Cynthia Osowski Linda Panszczyk ’78 Dr. Bennett and Maureen Pastika Robert ’76 and Amy Perille Thaddeus ’82 and Sharon (Spicuzza ’83) Popielewski Robert and Teresa Rao Sandra Rhine Richard Roman, Jr. ’75 William and Mary Sauerland William E. Schaefer David and Nada Sizemore Jill (McEwen ’75) and John Spude Bryan P. Stirrat Fredric and Lynne Strutzel Rita (Simon ’84) and J.J. Tarpey Craig and Rebecca Vallorano Donald and Joan Whitaker Catherine (Salvi ’74) and Peter Wifler Shane and Jennifer Williams


On behalf of the faculty, staff and students of Carmel Catholic High School, we would like to recognize those donors who contributed to the capital campaign, Carmel At The Threshold, from January 1 to March 15, 2013.

COMPASS | Summer 2013

Thank You


The Only Piece We Are Missing Is YOU! Today’s students rely on your financial support. Nothing is more important than sustaining Carmel Catholic’s mission for our students now, and in the future.

Be the piece that makes the difference. Donate today at Click Online Giving then click Donate.


Kathryn and Kevin Hunter James and Judith James Dawn and Gerry Jenich John Jenks ’77 Joan Jones Jeffrey and Sara Klahs John and Patty Laystrom Lee and Carole Liederbach Shelley Lindgren Jon and Ann Listek Robert and Kate Lyman, Sr. Tim and Vivian Mahaney Mark and Shawn Majewski Fr. Carl Markelz, O.Carm. Mary R. Markham Dr. Anthony and Elizabeth Markiewicz Kirk and Eileen Mason Joyce Masterson and David Crook Joseph ’78 and Diane May James and Shirley McGrain Timothy McGrain ’85 A. William ’79 and Twila Meo Kenneth Michaels, Jr. Ashley Molyneaux Kent and Kathryn Moon Dr. Kevin and Loretta Murphy Joseph O’Donnell, Jr. Ronald and Janis Paulson Robert ’76 and Amy Perille Leonard and Joan Piekarski Jane Pohl Wanda Pucci Christopher Raspante ’80 Stephen ’77 and Amy Ratican Anthony Recchia Frank and Betty Rejc Andrew ’79 and Amy Robillard

Nadine (Bouchard ’70) and Terry Sahlin George Samuelian Phillip and Dina Santoro Richard and Gail Seifert James A. and Alice L. Seitz Ken and Julia Shin Michael ’77 and Karen Shutty Larry and Deana Simonetti Edward and Valerie Slack Drs. Walter and Anne Smith Sr. Virginia Stone Daniel and Amy Stredler Harold and Susan Stronach Fredric and Lynne Strutzel Rita (Simon ’84) and J.J. Tarpey Anthony and Mary Thompson Craig and Rebecca Vallorano Patricia Van Spankeren ’95 Millie Weldon Raymond and Laurie Wienke Joseph and Karri Yacono Hugh and Diane Zentmyer Clara M. Zenzola Dennis and Lorraine Zonsius

An Erratum:

In the 2012 Annual Report, we regret the following textual errors: • Brian and Margaret Cloe should have read Bryan and Margaret Cloe • Mike Klaus ’84 should have read Mike Kloss ’85

COMPASS | Summer 2013

Anonymous (3) Catherine (Kasting ’76) and Thomas Almanzo Steven ’89 and Renee Ballerine David ’89 and Michele Bertaud Michael and Maria Bitter Thaddeus Jr. ’84 and Julia Bond Marion Boquist Jennifer (Slater ’90) and Timothy Burkhalter Patricia (Coates ’69) Colabuono John Connor ’08 Casey Connor ’04 Andrew Connor ’05 Tina Cosentino Michael and Rebecca Dana Daniel and Deborah Devitt Edward and Shirley Donahoe Justine Donnellan Anthony and Christina Durnil Pio and Lizza Escoto Mr. James A. Fitzsimmons ’70 Timothy Gaida ’75 Bradley Geary Julie Goodman ’85 John Graham ’86 David and Judy Gray Thomas ’71 and Catherine Green Joseph Green ’68 Marlene Haertle Patrick ’88 and Jennifer Halverson Christine (Schmidt ’87) and Robert Handel Patricia (Bockwinkel ’74) Happ Christine A. Hartnett Jane Hilliard Hadley Hinshaw Suzanne Huntemann


On behalf of the faculty, staff and students of Carmel Catholic High School, we would like to recognize those donors who contributed to the Annual Fund from January 1 to March 15, 2013.


Thank You


Moving Forward

Alumni Association President Christine Drew ’97 talks about the association of today and tomorrow

“The Carmel Catholic Alumni Association is everywhere,” says Christine Drew, current president of the Alumni Association and graduate of the Class of 1997. “We are giving our alumni a place to come home to, and our success is measured in the fact that we have more individuals both getting involved and attending individual events.” While the Carmel Catholic Alumni Association has been around for as long as there have been alumni, it was not formalized to include an official board until 2006. Since that time, a select group of alumni have been working tirelessly to bring the voice of the alumni to the forefront of the school community. “There is something to be said for being the voice for the alumni,” says Drew. “We bring their ideas to the table and ultimately to life. Carmel Catholic has made each and every one of us into the people that we are today. As alumni, it is our job to make sure the legacy of this great school continues.” The executive board of the Alumni Association, comprised of four alumni and one faculty liaison, sets the agenda for the Alumni Association for the year. The Association is built on the three pillars of spirituality, service and social, and they work to offer the alumni experiences that encompass all three.


Chris Drew ’97, Alumni Association President

Enhanced Reunion Weekend For the first time, Carmel Catholic’s annual alumni reunion will be elevated to include a complete weekend of activities and the entire alumni community. Drew said, “This new format will give us an opportunity to celebrate not only those with a significant anniversary year, but the entire community. We have paired it with the annual Alumni Awards to make it a more meaningful celebration for everyone.” (Read more about the new Reunion Weekend on page 24.)

Looking Ahead Over the next couple years, the board’s biggest initiatives are to expand the association by adding chapters around the country and amplify its use of Facebook. “Our alumni base expands well beyond the Chicago area to places like Dallas, New York City and Denver,” Drew says. “We want to

to get involved!

The inaugural Reunion Weekend is rapidly approaching. Don’t miss out on the fun! To receive instructions on how to register on


We Want You...

or update your contact information, email us at We will keep you posted on upcoming events at CCHS.

open chapters around the country that meet their needs. It will be based on what that particular group wants, while still being connected to the mission of the full alumni association.” For many people, Facebook is how they keep in contact with high school friends. Expanding Carmel Catholic’s Facebook thumbprint will give a broader reach to our alumni. As Drew explains, “We want to be part of the conversation, keeping you up to date on what is happening at the school, with the Alumni Association and with fellow alumni.”

Drew added, “We have strength in numbers, but we are not defined by our numbers. Having 30 people at an event is just as successful in our eyes as having 200 people, because we are giving our alumni an opportunity to connect across the generations, across professions and across backgrounds. I want to encourage all our alumni to get involved in some way. It doesn’t have to be a big commitment, just join us for our inaugural Reunion Weekend and see what we are doing to keep the spirit of Carmel Catholic vibrant.”

Find Us Online: Carmel High School Alumni Carmel Catholic High School Alumni Association @CorsairAlumni

COMPASS | Summer 2013

“While the formalized association is still young, I think that this board will really have an opportunity to grow our efforts,” Drew adds. “We have an opportunity to set our own objectives and be more free standing than past boards. While we have received input from the school in the past, we are moving into a board where we stand on our own, making decisions for all our alumni. Additionally, we can be more creative in our approach, incorporating many different alumni in the process because of the new board members.”


Reunions Revolutionized Putting a New Spin on an Old Tradition

“Like.” “Comment.” “Share.” These days, simple terms such as these have taken on a whole new meaning. With the onslaught of social media sites, including Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, we as a society are connecting with people like never before. In the past, reunions at Carmel Catholic have been the best way to bring the members of a particular class together to catch up on their lives 10, 20, even 30 years after graduation. Unfortunately, the rapid boom of social media has caused a steady decline in reunion attendance in recent years. While alumni are staying connected with each other, it is mostly though digital means. Faced with this decline, the school and the Alumni Association are working together to reinvent the way reunions are held, with the theme of physically reuniting alumni, and leaving the digital gadgets behind. While this summer will mark the anniversaries for the Classes of ’68, ’73, ’78, ’83, ’88, ’93, ’98, ’03 and ’08, the typical reunion celebration is being expanded to include an entire weekend of activities and will be open to our entire alumni base. For Jackie Bond Senger, vice president of the Alumni Association Board and member of the Class of 1988, this year marks her 25th high school reunion. “When you think about it, friendships within the Carmel Catholic community do not just exist within a particular class; these friendships span a few years above and a few years below your class and even between generations,” says Senger. “By initiating an allclass reunion, we are giving all alumni an opportunity to celebrate and connect. It also introduces a unique opportunity to bring first and second generation alumni together like never before. We are not losing the spirit and excitement of the class reunion; we are building on it and making it better.”


Friday The weekend appropriately kicks off under the Friday night lights with an End Zone Party at the home football game. Alumni and their families will enjoy food and drinks in the north end zone. The conference rivalry between the Carmel Catholic Corsairs and the Saint Viator Lions will take on added significance when our alumni pack the stadium, cheering the team to a much

Saturday The Saturday activities will commence with tranquil scenery, pristine fairways and the occasional cry, “Fore!” The Alumni Golf Event will be held at White Deer Run Golf Club at Gregg’s Landing, followed by cocktails at the course’s 19th hole. While players of all ability levels are invited to play in the scramble format, your competitive edge will be satisfied as contests will be held for lowest score, longest drive and closest to the pin, to name a few. Start building your foursome today. Saturday evening will bring the pinnacle event of the weekend, the all-year reunion, with special recognition for significant anniversary years. Welcoming all alumni, the event will be held on the school’s campus. It will begin with the annual Alumni Awards in the auditorium, recognizing alumni who are making a significant impact in

the lives of others as mentors, as well as those who have provided exceptional service to the school community and the community at large. Following the awards, the party will begin with cocktails in the lounge/cafeteria area so that alumni can catch up with friends from all graduating years. There will also be designated areas for the significant reunion years to ensure everyone knows where to go. Heavy appetizers will be served throughout the evening. The night is sure to be a memorable and fun evening for everyone in attendance.

Sunday In the tradition of Carmel Catholic High School, the weekend will conclude with Mass on Sunday. Mass will send the alumni and their families out with a renewed sense of pride. This is sure to be a fun weekend for all alumni as we reconnect, revitalize and reinvent. Specific details for each event are still being finalized. Be sure to check for the latest details.

Share Your Story The Carmel Catholic High School Library is looking for creative and inspiring alumni for a speaker series during the 2013-2014 school year. Not being a run-of-the-mill career discussion, the speaker series is intended to give our staff and students a new perspective on religion, world events, social studies, science, sports, pop culture, or anything relevant to the collegial environment that is CCHS.


Reunion Weekend 2013 will be held September 20 through 22. There are incredible activities planned for each day that gives individual classes, as well as the community at large, an opportunity to come together. “We all enjoy different activities, and this reunion weekend has something for everyone,” Senger adds. “Plus there is plenty of down time, so if individual classes want to plan their own event, such as drinks at a local establishment after the game or perhaps brunch on Saturday, there is plenty of time for that, too.”

coveted victory. Following the game, the reunion classes are invited to special class parties at local establishments as arranged by the reunion liaisons.

The goals of this series are as follows: • Line up 8-10 speakers throughout the year – about one per month. • Provide our staff and students thoughtful and inspirational insights on a particular subject. • Provide opportunities for the alumni of Carmel Catholic to give back to the school.

If you are interested, please contact Eric Franklin at

COMPASS | Summer 2013

A Weekend Full of Activities


Meet the Alumni Association Board Get to know the men and women who serve on the Executive Board of the Alumni Association: Christine Drew ’97 (President) CD Jackie Bond Senger ’88 (Vice President) JS Front row (left to right): Christine Drew ’97 Daniel Arvidson ’97 (Secretary) DA and Jackie Bond Senger ’88. C. Eric Bodo ’89 (Treasurer) EB Back row: Eric Franklin (Faculty Liaison), Daniel Arvidson ’97 and C. Eric Bodo ’89. How long have you been a member of the Board? CD: Executive Board for the last three years and a committee member for two years prior. JS: This is my first year. DA: Since September 2012. EB: I am a new board member. What do you hope to accomplish during your term? CD: Increase attendance and diversify event options. JS: Introduce family-friendly events for alums. I think it’s important for our kids to experience the community for themselves. EB: I would like to develop programs that engage alumni through family-oriented activities and programs directed toward professional affiliations. What is your best memory of CCHS? CD: Kairos was life changing, not only as a retreatant, but also as Director my senior year. JS: Being Nellie Forbush in South Pacific. DA: The 1997 first round of 26

football playoffs. Two busses full of students traveled to Joliet Catholic for the game. Even though we lost, it was fun being there, cheering on the team. EB: Mrs. Pat Hoffman at the book store could turn a bad day around with her friendly smile, “Coach K,” the music department and Homecoming football games. What advice would you offer to current students of CCHS? CD: To take a line from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off: “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” DA: Treasure your time with friends and teachers. What is the last book you read? CD: Last book I read was The End of Your Life Book Club by Will Schwalbe. He wrote this book while he spent time with his mother as she underwent treatment for pancreatic cancer. DA: I’m currently reading The Zookeeper’s Wife.

EB: My last books were The Shipping News by A. Proulx and 1776 by McCollough. Both were very good. What is the best place you’ve visited? JS: Poland. My heritage is 100 percent Polish, so as soon as we landed, it felt like home. DA: A 17-day trip to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. EB: Ireland. I had the opportunity to visit the actual house my great grandmother grew up in Lixnaw, County Clare. If you could go back in time, where would you go? CD: I would go to early 19th century England, during the age of Jane Austen. JS: I would go back to the “hey days” of the Palace of Versailles. The grandeur intrigues me. DA: I have no desire to go back in time; I think the present is pretty good. EB: Around 1250. I collect arms and armor from that time period.

Patrick A. Salvi was appointed to the Illinois Supreme Court Committee on Pattern Jury Instructions in Civil Cases. The committee studies and recommends new pattern jury instructions for civil cases or makes modifications to the existing instructions.

1977 While attending the CBS Upfront Party in New York as part of the 2012-2013 National Television Upfronts, Jennifer White Lee posed for a picture with several cast members of the show NCIS (below). Upfronts give broadcast and cable networks an opportunity to showcase their programming for the upcoming season to advertisers and agency buyers, enticing advertisers to purchase ads within specific, high-demand programs at guaranteed ratings. Jennifer works in the advertising industry in Chicago and has been a media director for over 15 years at different agencies. She represented several of her clients at the annual event.

Therese Fauerbach was one of five women honored at the YWCA Metropolitan Chicago Leader Luncheon. The luncheon celebrates those women whose accomplishments exemplify the mission of the YWCA—to eliminate racism and empower women—and act as role models through their professional and community achievements. During her speech, she mentioned the BVM sisters several times, stating that their influence encouraged her and motivated her to use her leadership skills for the good of all.

1988 Read the feature article about Mary Cay Marubio and Sean Dolan ’04 on page 31.

1994 Susan Highsmith will appear in the movie A Song Still Inside, an independent feature film about an under-employed father struggling with fatherhood and his wife’s success. The movie premiered at the Sarasota Film Festival in April.

1998 Lieutenant Commander Megan Smith Donnelly was selected for Marie Claire’s third annual Women on Top Awards. The award celebrates the up-

and-comers leading thoughtrevolutions, creating businesses, and making names for themselves in fields from the military to the arts. She is an assistant strike operations officer on the USS Abraham Lincoln for the U.S. Navy. As a Navy pilot, she has racked up 2,400 hours of flight time, including two deployments to Iraq and Qatar. This year, she won a leadership award, in part for safely navigating a key international oil route and pirate-infested waters aboard the Abraham Lincoln, a 5,000-troop aircraft carrier. Kris Schoenberger spearheaded Operation Food Relief for Sandy Victims on Facebook. He started the collection after he and his wife saw the hurricane coverage. He and his crew, including two trucks and two 20-foot trailers, traveled to Philadelphia and New Jersey to feed as many relief workers as possible. One of the 20-foot trailers was packed with donated items such as Gatorade and food. The other trailer was full of equipment. They brought a refrigerator, cooking equipment and tools—chain saws and shovels—to help Hurricane Sandy victims. Kris owns BBQ’d Productions in Round Lake Beach.



COMPASS | Summer 2013

Class Notes


Class Notes 1999 On November 6, Sam Yingling was elected as the new Illinois Representative of the 62nd District.

2000 Patrick A. Salvi II and his father, Patrick A. Salvi ’71, received a 2012 “Trial Lawyer Excellence Award” from the Jury Verdict Reporter. Patrick and Pat were honored for their outstanding work involving a record $33.2 million jury verdict on behalf of a teenager who was paralyzed in a motor vehicle collision. It is the largest verdict ever in the history of Lake County, Ill.

Recently, several alumni currently attending the University of Notre Dame gathered together to show their Corsair pride. From left to right: Michael Logue ’12, Seamus Quilty ’12, Steven Fischer ’12, Brian Miller ’12, Nicole Murgas ’12, Mary Salvi ’11, Allison Hartnett ’10, Kaitlin Wegrzn ’09 and Kathleen Skorcz ’12. for Dominos and Kraft Macaroni & Cheese.

2004 Read the feature article about Sean Dolan and Mary Cay Marubio ’88 on page 31.

2006 2001 Andrew Lincoln was recognized as one of the 30 most creative people in the advertising industry under the age of 30 by Business Insider. He is listed as number three with his creative partner. Together they have created various campaigns, most notable 28

Trevor Leaderbrand graduated cum laude from Florida State University and received a Presidential Award this past spring. He is pursuing a professional career in musical theatre. He is currently on the first national tour of Catch Me If You Can and played at the Cadillac Palace Theatre in Chicago.

Sean McGrath was signed by the Seattle Seahawks in week 15 of the NFL season. He plays tight end, but the Seahawks also reached out to him because he could play special teams.

2007 After graduating from the University of Illinois with several leadership awards, Kaye Foley joined the staff at ABC News in New York City. She works on the Sunday morning news show, This Week with George Stephanopoulos. Recently, she has begun to conduct social-media driven interviews with some of the guests for online publication.

2009 Joseph Burg, a gifted scientist, was named a 2013 American Rhodes Scholar finalist. He is a math and physics major at Hofstra University and was one of 212 finalists chosen from more

Audrey Catherine Killarney was one of six students selected to pursue a PhD in the Pharmacology department at the University of Illinois at Chicago, College of Medicine. For her thesis, Audrey hopes to research gene therapies and treatments for genetically linked diseases. Audrey earned a bachelor’s degree in biology this past December from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is currently working as a research assistant at a private genetics lab in Champaign and will begin her PhD candidacy in the fall of 2013 on a full academic scholarship.

2011 Emily Bednar, a vocal performance major at Carthage College, recently performed at New World Stages in New York City. She was chosen by audition to take part in a Musical Theater Workshop held in New York. Emily also continues to perform the National Anthem at Carthage College athletic events, as she did for four years at Carmel Catholic High School. Emily participated in a National Collegiate Choir performance in Milwaukee in January, and she toured with the Carthage Women’s Ensemble to Orlando, Fla. in March. In June she will participate in the Carthage Choir Midwest Tour.

2012 Shannon Baucus was recently crowned Miss Lake County, as well as Miss Mundelein.


Michael Konrath completed his degree in biomedical engineering at UW Madison in December. His most significant project as part of his degree was building SPOT, Standing Paraplegic Omni-directional Transport, a wheelchair that will allow a paralyzed person to stand, with four of his classmates. According to their final paper dated August 5, 2012, “Through an intense nine-month period of planning and subsequent development, as well as through the generous support of individual donors and corporate sponsors, SPOT was designed and fabricated. Its movement, programming, weight bearing ability and ergonometric qualities were evaluated. While demonstrating success in most of these areas, the design still requires improvement before it is ready for its intended use. Once additional components are installed and tested with Dr. Garrett Cuppels, SPOT will be ready for use in the operating room.” This summer he will be working as an intern at Pivot Biomedical, near San Francisco.

than 800 students. Joe aspires to a career in nanotechnology with a focus on clean energy or medical applications. In addition to his studies, Joe finds time to pitch for Hofstra’s baseball team. Criteria for Rhodes Scholarship selection includes outstanding scholarly achievements, character, commitment to others and to the common good, and potential for leadership in their chosen career paths.

COMPASS | Summer 2013



Milestones Engagements

Emily Daus ’06 to Kevin McClory

Sarah Grimaldi ’02 to Robert Nisavic

Nicole Bakota ’01 to Mike Borowiak

Kevin Keegan ’01 married Beth Harper

Amanda Nadelhoffer ’06 married Brendon Andres

Norah Marie born to Dave and Meghan (Quinn ’98) Schludecker

Alexa Paige born to Daniel and Michele (Hojnacki ’03) Roberts


Kristen Hasdal ’00 married Sean Coenen


John Cornelius (Jack) and Erin Rose born to Greg and Katie (McKeown ’97) O’Brien



More Than A Job Sean Dolan ’04 makes a habit of helping others

“Sean was a third year law student when the case against Pinnacle Security, LLC first came to the attention of the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation,” says his supervisor and 1988 Carmel Catholic graduate Mary Cay Marubio. Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan first brought the case against Pinnacle, a security company licensed to sell home and business security systems in Illinois. According to a press release issued by the Attorney General’s office, the original complaint was that Pinnacle Security allegedly “sold home security products using deceptive sales tactics that often left unsuspecting customers locked into two separate sales contracts for security services.” After

settling the case, Madigan referred it to the IDFPR. “Sean really dug into this case to get to the root of it,” Marubio comments. “In order for Pinnacle to sell their alarms door to door, a background check must be completed on each individual sales person and a license obtained.” Sean issued a subpoena for a list of the employees selling these systems in the State of Illinois. He soon discovered that 700 of the 1,100 sales people were not properly licensed, and according to a press release issued by the IDFPR, “several of the employees listed on the employee roster had been charged with or convicted of felonies, including larceny, robbery, theft, conspiracy to commit burglary, aggravated criminal sexual abuse, assault, domestic battery, and possession of controlled substances, any of which would have been cause to deny a license, had an application been filed.” “This was a significant discovery,” Marubio states. “We also found that there were judgments against Pinnacle in 14 other states.” The Utah-based Security Company settled for a $1 million

fine, a two year sales cessation and five years of probation. “This is a significant fine for the State of Illinois,” Marubio adds. “Previous fines for this industry topped out at $100,000 to $150,000. Since this violation was so widespread and egregious, our department made a strong statement to this company and other companies who think they can engage in this type of illegal activity.” Marubio adds, “Sean gets full credit for bringing this case to the forefront. He did incredible work that ultimately protected so many people. This company was endangering thousands of people in this State, and he took a stand. Unsuspecting consumers were giving out their social security numbers, credit history and even the alarm codes to felons. I am proud to have worked with Sean, not only because of the Carmel connection, but because he is such a bright and principled person, working hard to protect those around him. The values he learned throughout his life are coming through in his work, and I am proud to know that he is an alumnus of Carmel.” Sean graduated from DePaul University College of Law in 2012 and currently works as an associate general counsel at Apics.

COMPASS | Summer 2013

For Sean Dolan, a 2004 graduate of Carmel Catholic High School, looking out for the best interest of others has always been part of his makeup. A prominent example of this was proudly displayed when he recently helped close the biggest administrative fine ever ordered for a violation of the Private Detective, Private Alarm, Private Security, Fingerprint Vendor and Locksmith Act in the State of Illinois.


We Want to Hear From You Do you have a new job or an addition to the family you would like to tell us about? Are you a newlywed or want to reconnect with former classmates and other alumni? Compass welcomes news of accomplishments of changes in your professional and personal life for inclusion in Class Notes. Please include your graduate name and class year, your present name and daytime phone number when you submit a class note. We publish photos as quality of photo and space allows. If available, include a photo caption listing the names of the people and where it was taken. Submissions to Class Notes are edited for space and clarity to adhere to the style and tone of the magazine. Submit news and photos to: Alumni Development, Carmel Catholic High School One Carmel Parkway, Mundelein, IL 60060 Fax: 847.388.3497; E-mail: Online at: Obituaries: Carmel Catholic High School relies on family members to inform us of the deaths of alumni and friends. If a newspaper obituary is available, we would appreciate a copy. Send notices to the address above. DEADLINES FOR SUBMISSIONS: Compass will be published in the fall, winter and spring during school year 2013-2014. Class Notes will be printed as space allows and when possible, in the order they are received. If you submit an item for the fall issue, for example, and it does not appear, it most likely will be in the following issue. We encourage all alumni to submit class notes online, where they are always available for alumni to view. Submit items for the fall edition by July 15, 2013; winter edition by November 1, 2013; spring 2014 edition by March 15, 2014.


WORLD is the Corsair?



ith the Corsair took a picture w 0 ’1 c ej R t at M e was taking a South Africa. H n, w To e ap C in e through the velopment ther de n ba ur on s as cl linois. University of Il

The Corsair loves to know what is happening in our Carmel Catholic family! Are you traveling for a vacation or business? Are you graduating from college or celebrating an anniversary? Take the Corsair with you on your travels to parties, sporting events or bring him to weddings and special occasions! He is the perfect guest! CCHS parents and students, e-mail your Corsair photos to Alumni please post your Corsair photos on as a general class note or e-mail photos to All photos should include a caption with the names of the people photographed and the location of the photograph.

COMPASS | Summer 2013

Cut out the Corsair and submit your photos today!


In Memoriam Alumni Caitlyn Duffy ’08, sister of Ryan ’96, Sean ’98, Erin ’99, Michael ’02 and Meghan ’04 Michael Kenny ’83, brother of Jennifer (Kenny ’81) Soudan, Colleen (Kenny ’85) Schenk, and Kathleen (Kenny ’80) and John Butler ’79; uncle of Danielle ’06, Michael ’03 and Ryan ’02 Soudan, and Brendan ’08 and Jack ’11 Butler Patricia Lewan-Derrick ’87, sister of Jim Lewan ’85 Diane Miller ’73 Eugene Mueller ’80 Tom Roberts ’72, brother of Bill ’70 and Matt ’74 Scott Walter Schneider ’75

Family Patricia Ames, mother of Veronica (Ames ’80) Spradlin, Lori (Ames ’82) Corcoran, Audrey (Ames ’84) Mathis and Shannon (Ames ’87) Rosales; grandmother of Kevin ’05, Sean ’08 and Kyle ’10 Corcoran Jan Baczek, father of Elizabeth ’98, and Todd ’90 and Patricia (Feightner ’90) Baczek; grandfather of John Kratochvil ’13, and Karsyn ’14 and Isabella ’15 Porter


Eric Baumgart, grandfather of Allison ’12 and Eric ’14

(Ferrigan ’96) Bautista and Dan ’00

Frank Beelow, father of Timm ’76, Duane ’77 and Dan ’81

James Geimer, father of Susanne ’80 and Nancy (Geimer ’82) Russell; grandfather of Steven Russell ’14

Colleen Biang, mother of Emily ’07, Katie ’08 and Billy ’11 Dorothy Brennan, mother of John ’75, Kathleen ’76, Michael ’81, Kelly ’83, and Maureen (Brennan ’85) Wagner; grandmother of Colin ’11, Jack ’15 and Molly Brennan ’15. Mrs. Dorothy Brennan taught math at Carmel Catholic High School from 1979 to 1987 Luella Burke, grandmother of Maggie ’11 and Sarah ’14 Burke William Cahill, grandfather of Andrew ’14 and Erin ’16 Warzecha Janet Cesar, wife of Robert ’72; mother of Daniel ’04 and Jessica ’02 Gerard Dederich, father of Jodi ’83

Robert Hermes, father of Cindy ’75 (Bill ’75) Egan, Kathleen ’76 (Aaron ’74) Bossow, Michael ’77, Judy ’78 (Dan ’77) Kalb, Mark ’82, and David ’85 Hilda Hough, grandmother of Peter ’08, Alyssa ’09 and Michael ’13 Speranza Anne Ivers, mother of John ’77; great-aunt of Jillian ’09 and James ’16 Elizabeth Johnson, mother of Jill (Johnson ’71) Dotson Michael Jones, father of Lauren ’12 and Ryan ’15 Walter Joy, husband of Maureen (Mahoney ’75); brother-inlaw of Dan Mahoney ’71, Jean (Mahoney ’78) Parker and the late Mary Pat Mahoney ’72

Monica DeRue, grandmother of Jaclyn Ward ’06, and Becky (Klees ’95) and Joseph ’94 Majewski; mother-in-law of Lynn (Lukas ’68) DeRue Robert DeWitt, father of Richard ’71 and Judy (DeWitt ’76) Kasperczyk; grandfather of Mark ’08 and Eric ’08 Kasperczyk and Marguerite Tagawa ’96 Jan Ferrigan, mother of Kelli

“Out of the believer’s heart will flow rivers of living water” John 7:28

Loretta Marren, mother of Janet (Marren ’89) Crnich and John ’90; aunt of Catherine (May ’79) and Robert ’79 Fenger, Ellen Ley ’81, Anthony ’80, Charles ’87, Michael ’83, Steven ’88 May, and Elizabeth (May ’77) and Joseph ’77 White; great aunt of Garrett ’07, Kathleen ’06 and William ’10 White, Daniel ’97, Alexander ’10, Haley ’13, Lauren ’07, Mackenzie ’14, Meranda ’08, Emily ’04, Melissa ’05 and Kelly ’08 May, Allison ’08 and Austin ’13 Fenger, Colin ’11, Nathan ’13, Riley ’16 and Virginia ’09 Ley and Evan Epperson ’13 Freya Moser, mother of Christine ’67, Michelle (Moser ’83) Bailey and the late John ’68

Christopher Orvis, son of Linda Taylor ’70; nephew of Coach Bill Taylor; cousin of Brett ’07, Mike ’09 and Julie ’10 Taylor Robert Patek, father of Thomas ’09 Jerry Reardon, grandfather of Patrick ’13 and Christopher ’15 Mercedes Rettberg, grandmother of Kevin ’98 and Kelli (Farina ’97) Nylen and Michael Nylen ’09 Lori Rieger, mother of Carly ’06, Kent ’08, Cameron ’09 and Chase ’13 Mary Ann “Bunny” Thelen, mother of Ann (Thelen ’80) Berry, Margaret (Thelen ’84) Miles, Barbara (Thelen ’83) Miller, Suzan (Thelen ’72) Schumacher, Peter ’76,

Steven ’78, Thomas ’74 and Mary Beth (Thelen ’69) Varak and the late John ’69; grandmother of Jennifer Barton ’98, Alexis ’13 and Jacob ’11 Miles, Erin ’06, John ’92 and Matthew ’04 Thelen


Louis Lamberti, grandfather of Natalia ’10

Virgil Wilkins, father of Beverly (Wilkins ’67) Mitchner, Donna (Wilkins ’70) Diamond and Jim ’76 Garland Wayne Yell, grandfather of Rebecca ’02, Joseph ’04 and Rachel ’07 Monterastelli; father of Kathleen (Yell) Monterastelli, CCHS Admissions Office Veronica Wojcik, grandmother of Daniel ’15 William Zorzy, father of Julianne (Zorzy ’84) Williams, David ’93, Michael ’85 and William ’83

Submit your nominations by completing this form or entering the information online at: by July 7, 2013. Anonymous nominations and self-nominations will not be accepted. Please select the appropriate award for your nominee.

Nominee Information

Nominator Information Grad Yr:

Address: City:


Phone Number: Nominee relationship to Carmel? Please indicate award nomination: BVM/Carmelite For exemplary service to Carmel

Zip: E-mail:

Name: Address: City: State: Phone Number: Your relationship to Carmel? Your relationship to the nominee?

Grad Yr: Zip: E-mail:

Alumni of the Year For outstanding leadership and service to Carmel and the wider community Please submit a separate statement of the nominee’s qualifications, with a resume, notices of awards and/or news articles. For questions, contact Alumni Development at 847-388-3382 or e-mail Mail form to: Alumni Development, Carmel Catholic High School, One Carmel Pkwy, Mundelein, IL 60060 Lamp of Knowledge For excellent mentorship and teaching

COMPASS | Summer 2013



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August 19 23

May 9 17 18 21 29 30

Spring Choral Concert 7 p.m. Oscar Night and Drama Awards 7 p.m. Orchesis Performance 7:30 p.m. Senior Honors 8:15 a.m. Baccalaureate Liturgy 7 p.m. Class of 2013 Graduation 7 p.m.

June 5 10 28

Summer School Begins Carmel Catholic Annual Golf Classic Summer School Ends

First Day of School Fall Kickoff 6 p.m.

September 6 Back to School Dance 7 p.m. 20-22 Reunion Weekend

Carmel Catholic


These awards are rooted in the mission of Carmel Catholic. Please nominate former students, colleagues and friends of CCHS. Complete the nomination form on the reverse side or visit by July 7, 2013.

The BVM/Carmelite Award

The Lamp of Knowledge Award

This award honors CCHS founders, the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Order of Carmelites. It recognizes alumni tradition and exceptional service to the CCHS community. Alumni, parents or friends may be nominated.

This award celebrates a spirit-filled life in Christ Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit to use our God-given gifts of time, talent and treasure to touch the lives of others. Alumni or current/past faculty members of CCHS who have impacted the lives of others through teaching and mentoring may be nominated.

The Alumni of the Year Award This award celebrates the life lived in the Gospel spirit of freedom and love found in the CCHS mission statement. It recognizes alumni contributing significantly to the welfare of our communities, country or humanity beyond the CCHS community. Only alumni may be nominated.

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