Fall 2013 COMPASS

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C MPASS Fall 2013

Inside This Issue:

Progress on Capital Campaign Holocaust Learning Day Meet the New Advancement Officers Alumni Award Winners Announced


President Judith Mucheck, PhD OFFICE OF INSTITUTIONAL ADVANCEMENT STAFF Director of Institutional Advancement Sr. Kathleen Sinclair, BVM Director of Marketing and Alumni Development Amy Egan Advancement Officers Noelle Moore Dianna Burke Special Events Director Laurie Wienke Data Services Coordinator Janet Paddock Publications Coordinator Sarah O’Donnell Marketing Coordinator Caitlin Monaghan Administrative Assistant Jane Maciolek COMPASS Editor Nora Cay Ryan Please send name or address changes to: Carmel Catholic High School One Carmel Parkway Mundelein, IL 60060 847.388.3362 jpaddock@carmelhs.org For verification purposes, please reference the 9-digit ID number found in the magazine address area. On the Cover: Shanon Murphy ’17 and Lauren Caffarelli ’17 are practicing in the new Fine and Performing Arts Center.


Fall 2013, Volume 1, Issue 2

C MPASS The Community Magazine of Carmel Catholic High School


Table of Contents

Capital Campaign: Crossing the Threshold.................................4 Freshman Experience 2013.......................................................7 Remembering the Holocaust.....................................................8 SleepOut for Shelter................................................................10 Pushing Pedals, Pushing Hope.................................................19

In Every Issue Campus Life..............................................................................4 Around School...............................................................7 Fine Arts......................................................................10 Athletics.......................................................................11 Advancing Carmel...................................................................12 New Advancement Officers..........................................12 Annual Fund................................................................14 Capital Campaign........................................................17 Alumni..................................................................................18 Alumni Association Awards..........................................18 Volunteer Event at Feed My Starving Children..............20 Class Notes..................................................................21 Milestones....................................................................23 In Memoriam...............................................................23 Calendar of Events....................................................Back Cover

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Thank You

We would like to thank all the writers and editors for Currents magazine over the years. Thank you for sharing your time and talents with your fellow alumni and the entire community. We could not have produced such a high-quality magazine without the hard work and dedication of everyone involved.

Education is one of those professions that is both an art and a science. It is an art in that teachers are regularly called upon to be creative in their pedagogy. The best teachers are those who consistently “mix it up,” even though the course offerings that they are responsible for may be the same from year to year. These are the ones each of us remembers as being interesting, dynamic and engaging. It is a science because specific content must be fully known, mastered and delivered in a way that can be understood by the student. This takes precision and skill. Taken together the art and science of teaching has the potential to change a learner in a profound way. Make no mistake that the teacher is also changed when the dynamism of learning is manifest among learners. At those graced moments, the teacher can just get out of the way and let the learning happen. It is both fascinating and gratifying to watch.


Dear Friends,

Last spring we embarked on a shared learning experience, which revolved around World War II and most particularly, the horror of the Holocaust. Finding its roots in the “Holocaust and Genocide” course, which is an offering in the social studies department, the entire Carmel Catholic community had an opportunity to revisit the atrocities that were inflicted upon innocent victims. We also had a glimpse into a message of forgiveness, which transcends the general contrition we typically feel when we hurt someone. You are invited to share this art-and-science experience, which is a lead story in this edition of COMPASS.

We are also gearing up for the first Alumni Reunion Weekend and hope that many of our alums will join us for this experience of reconnection and fun! Sincerely,

Judith Mucheck, Ph.D. President

COMPASS | Fall 2013

On a completely different track, this summer has been a busy one of building transformation. We have completed the Fine and Performing Arts Center and the Information Commons project. These two spaces were dedicated on August 21, 2013, as part of our opening school liturgy. In June we embarked on a massive renovation project of the boys’ and girls’ locker room areas, built a new office suite for the academic administration in the former 403 classroom, and constructed a newly improved Serna Center in the former 400 art room. Each of these spaces will enhance and augment the experiences of their inhabitants.


Crossing the Threshold

Capital Campaign Opens Up New Possibilities for Students

“Everyone owns a piece of this campaign.” Carmel Catholic President Dr. Judith Mucheck’s words ring true as students begin to enjoy the renovations completed as part of the school’s most recent capital campaign, Carmel at the Threshold. The new Information Commons and Fine and Performing Arts Center are the result of several years of meticulous and decisive planning by the Board of Directors and school administration, and the steadfast support of donors, alumni, faculty and staff, current school families and friends of Carmel Catholic.

Getting Started The most important reason school leaders embarked on the CATT capital campaign was due to the impact the 50-year-old building had on curriculum. “That is the impetus for all of this,” remarks Mucheck. “Once we changed the master schedule from six 50-minute periods to the A/B/C rotation with 70-minute periods, our students had room to take electives; however, we had very few for them to choose.” As electives were developed, a new problem arose. Where were all these new classes going to be housed? “The year before we changed the schedule, 68 out of 1,400 students signed up for visual art classes,” Mucheck states. “The year we changed the schedule, we had 245; however, we still had one art room. Our discussions with the Board centered around the notion that we were willing to keep going, but that the curriculum development was constrained by a 50-year-old facility.” It became clear to everyone that to maintain solid core classes and a vibrant elective program, the building needed to expand.

Establishing a Plan In 2007, the Board of Directors developed a Campus Master Plan that guided all future discussions on building improvements. According to Greg Hirsch, president of the Board of Directors (2011-2013), several

Rendering of the instrumental room. 4

Board of Directors Leads the Way With a clear plan in mind, the Board of Directors embarked on a financial feasibility study to establish how much capital could be raised for building improvements. At that time, it was determined to be between

L IFE $5 million to $6 million. When the economy crashed in 2008, the Board decided to put the campaign on hold for a couple years. In March 2010, the consultants painted a different picture for the Board in terms of fundraising. This time, it was determined that the school could raise between $2 million to $3 million in the short run, about two to four years, and around $5 million to $6 million in the long run, an additional two to three years after that. The scope and expense of the project did not change from 2008 to 2010, coming in at $6.2 million. “How we planned to achieve the fundraising looked very different pre ’08 to post ’08,” Mucheck comments. “The campaign will have been open two years in November, and we’re at $3.2 million, right on target with our benchmarking.” Knowing the financial impact of 2008, the Board remained committed to the CMP. “Overall, it’s been too long since the school has made a capital improvement,” says Hirsch. “The last improvement was the science wing renovation that started in the late 1990s, with

the wing opening in 2004. It is the duty and obligation of the Board to continue to make the necessary improvements to keep Carmel Catholic competitive. It needs to be an ongoing process, not just every 10 to 15 years. If we do nothing, we will fall behind. We have made the commitment to the school and look to the alumni, donors and friends of Carmel Catholic to help us follow through on that commitment.”


With the completion of the CMP, school officials prioritized the improvements to ensure the greatest impact on students. “In 2007, we polled the last five years of graduates, from 2002 to 2007,” Mucheck states. “We said here are the six things we are thinking of doing, please rank them and tell us why you put them in that order. Nearly 900 alumni responded to the survey, and overwhelmingly, the library and the fine arts spaces were in the top two spots in approximately 80 percent of the responses. The library was first because when our alumni got to college, they felt that they didn’t know how to research on their own. Fine arts was second because they felt that this area has waited long enough. And so it didn’t become an either/or for us; it became both.”

Rendering of the multipurpose dance studio.

Transforming the Library As the building aged, two main problems plagued the library: utilization of space and not enough technology. The library was one big rectangular box, with no separation of space. If a teacher brought a class there, everyone heard what was going on, whether they were in that class or not. Additionally, prior to the 1:1 student-computing program, the library was used as another computer lab. Once tablets were given to each student, the need for additional computers dissipated, making room for the introduction of

COMPASS | Fall 2013

areas were identified as places that needed upgrading, including the fine arts spaces, library, auditorium and chapel. “Colleges are looking for well-rounded students. If we are going to remain competitive as a college prep school, we need to expand the curriculum and continue enhancing the technology available to students.”


new technology. “These initiatives truly ran in parallel,” Mucheck adds. “We were talking about building, but we were also talking about technology.” The Information Commons adds nearly 3,000 square feet to the former library, essentially subdividing the rectangle into separate, more user-focused areas. At the request of the faculty, there is a self-contained classroom. Additionally, there are two small group study rooms, a 10-station Apple Mac lab, an audio/media production studio for film and audio projects, and common space in the middle. Mucheck continues, “You could essentially have all kinds of people doing all kinds of things, and they won’t encroach on each other.” To keep in line with the 1:1 program, everything in the Information Commons is wireless, and all the technology is compatible with the rest of the building.

Focus on the Arts For school leaders, the decision to include the Fine and Performing Arts Center as a top priority was

Rendering of the Information Commons. 6

no accident; it was purposeful. “We are a rigorous college prep school, and our track record certainly proves that. But we don’t do anyone a service by educating the brain in isolation,” says Mucheck. “Everyone needs an aesthetic sense. How do you respond to theatre or the ballet or the symphony or a beautiful piece of art? Not all of us can be artists, but we can all appreciate art. Due to serious budget shortfalls in education many other schools and districts are eliminating fine arts programs. In contrast, we are committed to putting significant money into it and developing the curriculum. We are putting our stake in the ground that this is important.” The Fine and Performing Arts Center occupies the space of the former monastery with a modest addition. This 33,000-squarefoot space houses vocal and instrument ensemble rooms, each having three practice rooms, a black box theater for the drama program, three spacious visual art rooms, a fully-equipped darkroom for photography, a 10-station Mac lab and a gallery.

Reclaiming Space With the addition of the Fine and Performing Arts Center, spaces that were once utilized by these programs now serve a new purpose. The visual arts room has been transformed into the upgraded Serna Center, the center for students with learning exceptionalities. The Serna Center is moving across the hall, but the gain in space will nearly double the size available to students. Additionally, the instrumental room was housed within the athletic area in a space that was never intended for this purpose; however, space constrictions made this the only feasible location. This area will be reclaimed by the Athletics Department and will be part of the new locker room and team room. Plans to repurpose the old choir room are on hold for now. Mucheck states, “The next big project on the Campus Master Plan is the auditorium, and the choir room is adjacent to the auditorium.

Looking to the Future “You have to start somewhere; you have to start with something,” Mucheck says. “This campaign is a victory because it is going to advance everything that we are doing. The plan has six building elements, and these are the first two. This is the first wave of taking a building that was intended for two separate, singlesex schools and transforming it for the coeducational school that we are. If we stay true to the master plan, it will completely transform this campus in about 15 years.”

The Freshman Experience is about making the transition from middle school to high school as smooth as possible for the newest Corsairs. The 2013 Freshmen Experience was held on Aug. 6, 7 and 13, and gave the incoming freshman an opportunity to begin developing


Carmel Catholic High School is pleased to welcome the Class of 2017. The new class consists of more than 360 students from 56 junior high schools. With so many new faces, it is important to give this class an opportunity to create their identity. We want the incoming freshmen to celebrate their middle school achievements and to be proud of where they came from. We also want them to realize that they are now members of a vibrant, active and welcoming community.


Freshman Experience 2013

the friendships that will last a lifetime. Held two weeks before the official start of school, it provided a social setting for the freshmen to meet each other and become more comfortable with the school. They participated in large and small group activities that helped them talk about

their own experiences and learn about their fellow classmates. As the new school year began, the Class of 2017 walked through the doors with newly established friendships and feeling more confident about this new chapter in their lives.

• Elizabeth Erickson ’15 won the Lake County Teen Dating Violence Awareness Poster Contest (right) hosted by the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office. Her artwork will be used to create posters and safety cards to promote awareness. • On Saturday, April 27, 2013, Elaine Foley ’14 won the teen category for the Chicago Rose of Tralee contest. The participants were judged on their overall character, service to community and awareness of their Irish culture. • Jizelle Chloe Bacani ’14 organized “Skating with the Starz,” an event hosted at Glacier Ice Arena in Vernon Hills. The event took place on June 22 and benefited Advocate Condell Cancer Care program. 2014 Olympic hopefuls Gracie Gold and Max Aaron were on hand to sign autographs and pose for pictures with select ticket holders. • An Erratum: In the Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering Academic Challenge article in the summer edition of COMPASS, Reed Nikolich’s ’13 name was inadvertently spelled wrong. We apologize for the error.

COMPASS | Fall 2013

Around School


Remembering the Holocaust School-wide learning day brings the Holocaust to students

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana For students at Carmel Catholic, April 4, 2013, became a day of learning and remembrance as the school hosted a common learning day on the Holocaust. The day included Holocaust-focused lessons for each academic section and concluded with a presentation by Eva Mozes Kor, one of the last known American survivors of the experiments performed on twins by the Nazi doctor Josef Mengele. The idea for the day came from social studies teacher Jim Schuster, who teaches the class The Holocaust and Genocide in the Modern World. The class defines genocide, drawing primarily on examples from the 20th century, with a focus on the rise of Nazism and the staging of the Holocaust. “It is such an important subject,” says Schuster. “Many history classes spend a few minutes talking about it; however, there is so much more to it. With this class, I try to bring other depths to it, allowing students to immerse themselves in the subject and explore every aspect of it.” In conjunction with the Florence & Laurence Spungen Family Foundation, foundation representative Danny Spungen brings relics from the concentration camps and the ghetto to Schuster’s class each semester, including letters, counterfeit money, Nazi armbands and manuscripts. “The Holocaust is a tragic story about the breakdown in humanity,” Spungen states. “Neighbors turning on neighbors. Over 65 million people were killed throughout the world. The exhibit is about making this generation better than the last one.” In the spring of 2012, Spungen and Schuster discussed putting together a bigger event with more artifacts. “Normally I spend a week on an exhibit, depending on the venue,” Spungen remarks. “Not everyone learns the


As part of their learning day, students in the social studies classes examined artifacts from the Holocaust, including handwritten letters, currency and Nazi armbands.

L IFE Following the group presentation, Emily Scott ’15 (far left), Margaret Purtell ’15 and Bethany Chiero ’15 speak with Holocaust survivor Eva Mozes Kor. classes were exposed to writing by Jewish authors through Night by Elie Weisel and poetry by Zlata Razdolina. The day concluded with a presentation by Eva Mozes Kor, who spoke about her experience in Auschwitz, what it took to survive and lessons she has taken away from it. Kor recalls, “It took 32 minutes from the time we stepped down from the cattle car until we were ripped apart from our family forever.” She shared three life lessons with students. First, never give up on yourself or your dreams. “When you give up, nothing will happen. I didn’t give up in Auschwitz, so I’m asking you to never give up on yourselves.” Second, judge others on their actions and content of their character. Third, forgiveness is the seed for peace. She talks about writing a letter of forgiveness to Dr. Mengele. “…I have the power to forgive Dr. Mengele. I signed my letter [of forgiveness] and I immediately felt a burden of pain was lifted

from my shoulders. I was no longer a victim of Auschwitz, nor was I a prisoner of my tragic past. I was free from Auschwitz and free from Mengele. Everyone here has the power to forgive. No one can give you that power, and no one can take it away.” At the end of the learning day, the feedback from students was overwhelming. “They connected with the material,” says Schuster. “They saw a depth and reality that couldn’t be accomplished in only 20 minutes. We think this wouldn’t happen in the United States because we are a democratic nation that believes in rights for its citizens, or that we’d be the rescuer. The vast majority of German people were bystanders who did nothing. I wanted students to understand that this happened before and it can happen again.” To watch Eva Mozes Kor’s presentation at CCHS, visit playonsports.com/events/57829.


As the planning for the day evolved, former Principal Lynne Strutzel envisioned getting the entire school involved and focusing the learning toward each subject area. Strutzel and Schuster worked with department chairs to develop individual lessons for each academic subject. Math classes watched the film To Cry is to Die and discussed the central themes. Fine Arts compared music from the Holocaust memorial website, excerpts from the Diary of Anne Frank and photos from the Holocaust to the works of David Olere. Religious Studies prayed and reflected over the writings of Titus Brandsma, Edith Stein, Eva Kor, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Alfred Delp. Social Studies viewed the exhibit of artifacts from Spungen’s collection. Science studied eugenics and discussed the racism of the experiments conducted on the Jewish people by the Nazis. Business covered German culture, Nazi propaganda, legal recourses vs. ethics in war crime trials, and Swiss bank accounts and their part in the hiding and pillaging of Jewish property during and after the war. World Languages studied the role of the Vichy government, the relationship to the Holocaust by Latin American countries, and the similarities between ancient Rome and the fascist military of Mussolini. Physical Education focused on survival techniques in a concentration camp. English

COMPASS | Fall 2013

same way, so when students can hold these armbands or read these letters, it makes it more real.”


SleepOut for Shelter

Fine Arts

On Saturday, May 11, 2013, a dedicated group of students braved 34 degree temperatures and spent the night outside as part of the PADS of Lake County’s “SleepOut for Shelter” activity. The event was held on the Carmel Catholic athletic fields to help raise awareness and crucial funding for homeless services. Lizzie Kelly ’13, Tanya Gupta ’13, Mark Scarpelli ’13, Natalie Santoro ’14 and Veronica Tutaj ’14, all members of the Social Justice Club, represented the CCHS community. Additionally, Lindsay Laske ’13 and Emily Erickson ’14 participated in the event with a different group. The evening kicked-off with a rally that included music, food, a “shelter” box-building competition and more. Participants then slept on the athletic fields until 7 a.m. Special thanks to faculty members Michael Fitzgibbons, Joe May ’78 and Brendan Leetch for chaperoning the event, taking shifts throughout the night.

The end of the year is always a bittersweet time for the Theatre Department. While it is time to say goodbye to the graduating seniors, it is also time for the annual salute to these talented individuals. Planned by the junior class and their parents, the annual Oscar Night was a fitting end to four wonderful years for the senior class.

Theatre Department celebrates the seniors with an Oscar party

The evening began with a social complete with decorations and various appetizers. The highlight of the evening was the Senior Showcase, where the seniors performed for their families and friends on Carmel’s stage one final time. This year, 14 seniors showcased their talents, which included singing, playing piano, acting, stand-up comedy and various skits. The showcase ended with the seniors performing one final song together. Following the intermission, the evening continued with the Thespian Honor Society induction ceremony for new officers and the awards presentation. Every student involved on stage as an actor or behind the scenes as part of the crew was recognized for their participation and talents.

Campus Minister Mr. Michael Fitzgibbons tests out his shelter. 10

Lillian Noonan ’13 performs as part of the Oscar Night party.

Jacob Schneider ’13 performs a solo for family and friends at the Nearly 400 people attended this fantastic evening. It was a great way Oscar party. to celebrate the dramatic arts and say thank you to the seniors for their amazing contribution.

Spring teams dominate the ESCC Conference Championships

Boys’ Lacrosse

Ian O’Connor ’14 was named All-Conference.

Girls’ Lacrosse

Shannon Poulos ’13 was named All-Conference.

Girls’ Soccer

With a 19-2 record, the varsity team had a great season, winning both the ESCC Conference and the IHSA Regional championships. Claire Ogrinc ’13 and Head Coach John Halloran were recognized by the ESCC as Player of the Year and Coach of the Year for girls’ soccer, respectively. AllESCC honors went to Jennifer Bauer ’13, Brianne Carlson ’13, Kayla Handel ’15, Meegan Johnston ’13, Sadie Jung ’14 and Caitlin Murphy ’13. The Daily Herald named the following players to the All-Area first team: Bauer, Carlson, Johnston and Jung, with Johnston being named the team captain. Anne


Jen Behan ’15 and Kathleen Felicelli ’14 were both named All-Conference by the ESCC.

Boys’ Tennis

To cap off a season that saw 14 wins and only two losses, the varsity team won the ESCC Conference Championship. Brandon Dechter ’15 was an individual ESCC Champion at 2nd singles, and Mick Wimmer ’13 & Alex Reid ’13 were the champions at 3rd doubles. Head Coach Nancy Fehn was named ESCC Coach of the Year.

Boys’ Track

The freshman/sophomore team won the ESCC Conference Championship.

Girls’ Track

Isabella Schneider ’13 won the ESCC individual championship in pole vault, and Hasana Huff ’15 won the conference title for triple jump.

Boys’ Volleyball

Matt Campbell ’13 and Derek Clement ’14 were named All-Conference.


The varsity team won the ESCC Conference Championship and finished the season 25-10. Sean Brennan ’13, Brett Milazzo ’13, Tyler Murphy ’13, Matt Ryan ’13 and Dalton Wright ’14 were named All-Conference. Head Coach Dann Giesey was recognized by the ESCC as Coach of the Year for baseball.

Di Venere ’13, Emily Helle ’14, Leah Lach ’14 and Ogrinc received honorable mention. Ogrinc was named AllConference; Bauer, Carlson and Ogrinc were named All-Sectional; and Johnston was named All-State.

Additional Honors

Lauren Feely ’13 (gymnastics) and Jake Cochrane ’13 (football and wrestling) were named CCHS Senior Athletes of the Year. Kathleen Felicelli ’14 was named Daily Herald’s Lake County Female Athlete of the Year.

The girls’ soccer team celebrates their Regional Championship.

COMPASS | Fall 2013





Moving Forward

Meet the new Advancement Officers at Carmel Catholic Dianna Burke joined Carmel Catholic’s Office of Institutional Advancement in 2011 as an administrative assistant working on the Carmel at the Threshold capital campaign. In the summer of 2013, she transitioned to the role of Advancement Officer, with a focus on the Annual Fund, corporate sponsorships for special events and estate gifts. Before coming to Carmel Catholic, Burke was the innovator/owner of Someone’s in the Kitchen in Libertyville, a specialty and gourmet cooking store specializing in personal and group cooking classes. The business is still on-going and thriving. Additionally, she has worked for a fortune 500 Company as a manufacturer’s representative. She studied at Western Illinois University and received an associate degree in business marketing from the College of Lake County. Burke is married to Dan and has two daughters, Maggie ’11 and Sarah ’14. Maggie attends Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, and has studied abroad in Oviedo, Spain. Sarah is a senior this year at Carmel Catholic and is looking forward to attending the Kairos retreat. The Burkes have been parishioners at St. Joseph in Libertyville since 1996. Burke enjoys an active lifestyle. Daily workouts, cycling with her new hybrid bike, triathlons and an occasional golf game keep her “off-work” hours packed with fun, challenges and movement. Carmel has become a new beginning for Burke as her youngest heads off to college next year. She is looking forward to establishing new connections throughout this community. 12

In July 2013, Noelle Moore joined Carmel Catholic as an Advancement Officer. Her main roles will be raising funds and friends for the Annual Fund, increasing corporate sponsorships for special events and growing the estate gifts. Moore holds a Juris Doctor degree from DePaul University College of Law and a bachelor’s in social sciences from DePaul University. During her undergraduate studies, Moore also studied Eastern European history and economics at the Budapest University of Economic Sciences in Hungary. During and after law school, Moore gained experience with the Illinois Education Labor Relations Board and the City of Chicago Department of Buildings, but soon began to focus on a career in fundraising for nonprofits. Over the past 16 years, she has worked with both large and small family service agencies in the Chicago area, including A Safe Place, Metropolitan Family Services and Child Abuse Prevention Services. In addition, Moore worked with Lake Forest Open Lands Association and is currently a board member of BENNU Legal Services in Lake Bluff. Moore is a long-time resident of Lake County, having grown up in Lake Forest, and currently resides in Buffalo Grove. She and her husband, Dan, are very involved with their parish, St. Mary of Vernon in Indian Creek. Dan serves as a deacon, and she teaches in the religious education program. They have one son, Charlie, age 12. Moore is looking forward to getting to know the Carmel Catholic community as she begins this new role.

October 19, at 7 p.m., in the CCHS lounge to sample wines, champagne, beers and food! Wine vendors will have over 60 wines to sample, along with crafted beers from local breweries. We will again have the Connoisseur Room, with wines valued over $60/bottle, and for a slight upcharge you can sample as many as you would like! Food demonstrations will be taking place and a buffet of appetizers and desserts completes The Tasting. A sampling of a silent auction will also feature CCHS favorite items along with other baskets, trips, and sports memorabilia.


Parents and friends of CCHS: Join us Saturday,


The Tasting is back!

Tasting at CCHS Saturday, October 19, 7-11 p.m.

COMPASS | Fall 2013



Thank You On behalf of the faculty, staff and students of Carmel Catholic High School, we would like to recognize those donors who contributed to the Annual Fund from March 16 to June 30, 2013. Anonymous Mark and Karen Abernathy Michael and Donna Albers Joseph and Mary Andruzzi Steven ’89 and Renee Ballerine Walter and Marianne Barker Jill (Gaffney ’93) and Jeffrey Barnum Teresa and Charles Bartels William and Joanne Bartz David ’89 and Michele Bertaud John and Madeline Bikus Hans ’89 and Emily Bjorkman James and Marlene Blake Beth (Clemens ’84) and Darin Boggs Thaddeus, Jr. ’84 and Julia Bond Lucy Brandi ’83 John and Joan Brodarick William and Catherine Brolley Christine (Henderson ’81) and Michael Burke Wendell and Patricia Burt Mary Byrne ’72 Mary Callaghan ’74 Rafael Camargo Bruce Campbell Gerald and Lois Caslavka Dr. Mark T. Catherall ’90 and Mrs. Erin E. (Griffin ’92) Catherall Kevin Conarchy ’93 Tina Cosentino Janet (Marren ’89) Crnich Michael and Dorothy Cusack Anthony and Constance Dahm Pamela D’Alton ’70 14

Nancy M. Daluga Michael and Rebecca Dana Patricia (Gaida ’69) and Dr. Thomas Danaher Walter Daus, Jr. Carol Dean Ghislaine (Weiler ’75) and Gerrit De Koning Robert and Eileen DeLacluyse Betty DeWitt Dr. Bruce and Beverly Dille Tony DiMaria ’88 Timothy ’83 and Susan Dockery Edward and Joan Dodich Patrick ’82 and Marilyn Drennan Vicki (Ori ’95) and Michael Drew Charles and Jackie Easley James and Jennifer Edkins Todd and Cheryl Edwards Patricia K. Egel Allison and Charles Engman Mark and Denise Etienne Jennifer Evans Ray and Tammy Feeney Robert and Eileen Felicelli Angela (Sturgeon ’84) and Robert Fiore Peter ’66 and Shirley (Natalie ’68) Fitzgerald Christopher ’84 and Diane Galo Mary Ann Gavin Bradley Geary Christopher and Carol George Raymond and Diane Gerard Eugene and Florence Gibula Randy and Marilyn Gilley

Julie Goodman ’85 Daniel ’95 and Melissa Graham Peter ’92 and Marget Graham William, Jr. ’85 and Susie Graham Rudolph B. Grom Walter, Jr. and Kathryn Gruber Greg and Marilyn Halper Christine (Schmidt ’87) and Robert Handel Daniel J. Hartnett Paul and Therese Hernandez Michael and Diane Hettinger Brian Higgins Leo and Anna Hille Jane Hilliard Ralph and Sheryl Hoffman Clinton and JoAnn Hogstrom Randal and Cindy Housner Suzanne Huntemann Richard and Janet Jacob Helen Jakubek John and Simone Janssen John Jenks ’77 Suzanne (Mack ’67) and Ascencion Juarez Richard Just Gerald and Dorinda Kalk Lisa and Christopher Kane Christopher and Paula Kappes Kathryn Karrigan Leatrice Kimener Jeffrey and Sara Klahs Catherine (Welling ’86) and Mark Knuth Peter Koburov ’82 Donald and Maureen Kotek


Joseph and Rita Simonaitis Larry and Deana Simonetti Dixon and Terry Slater Catherine and James Sprauer Nancy Stacer William and Ann Steffenhagen Andrew ’97 and Ann Stith Fredric and Lynne Strutzel Fred Sturgeon IV ’89 Kim (Kloss ’82) and John Sullivan Kelly (Rafferty ’78) and Walter Swietlik Rita (Simon ’84) and J.J. Tarpey Mary (Werner ’75) and Terry Tomerlin John ’84 and Sherri Tomkowiak Joseph ’66 and Joan Tyler Mary Katherine (Boyce ’01) and Jason Ugolini Patricia Van Spankeren ’95 William ’83 and Patricia Vandeven Lawrence and Diana Veerkamp Steven and Joanne Verney John and Dawn Vresics David and Debbie Wagner John ’83 and Donna Walker Lawrence ’74 and Kathryn Walter Thomas ’70 and Pamela Warren Margaret M. Warzecha Jack and Helen Wayland Steven and Elizabeth Weger Dolores J. Weis James H. Weldon Gina (Lauten ’81) and William Wendes Dolores Wienke Raymond and Laurie Wienke Richard ’72 and Joellen Wohlleber Thomas and Laura Wojcik Paul and Beverly Zack Paul ’83 and Jackie Zudyk Fabian and Audrey Zukowski


David ’77 and Janine Nyre Fidel and Maria Lilibeth Ocampo Joseph O’Donnell, Jr. Benjamin Olson ’01 Joseph ’92 and Kelly O’Malley Loretta and Chuck Orabutt Kevin and Christine Orfan Marc ’88 and Christina Ori Evelyn and Ronald Osowski Nicholas and Angela Pann Dr. Bennett and Maureen Pastika Mark and Christine Perrelle Harry and Dolores Pettengill Ruth Polick John and Kris Poplawski Jeffry and Natalie Porter Daniel Potempa ’97 Thomas and Doreen Potter Michael ’80 and Lois Poulos LtCol William ’66 and Dawn Preston Michael and Madelon Queenan Rena Ratican John and Barb Readdy Anthony Recchia Leon and Vera Remeniuk Dolores Reschke Daniel and Barbara Riordan Michele Romanelli Pandora (Fillipp ’90) and William Rouleau Barbara Ruhl Kevin and Cecelia Rupprecht Vincent and Sharon Ryan Patrick Salvi II ’00 Phillip and Dina Santoro Arthur and Rosalie Scheer Charles and Gladys Schindler Christopher ’67 and Debbie Schleicher Ronald and Linda Schmits Lambert and Joan Schommer Joan (Stanley ’83) and Ed Shanahan Richard and Valerie Sieben Robert and Rosemarie Simon

COMPASS | Fall 2013

Kelly (Ryan ’86) and Albert Lagore Thomas and Amy Lake Terry and Patricia Leaderbrand Jennifer (White ’77) and Peter Lee Shelley Lindgren Jon and Ann Listek Jack and Joan Lococo Rosalie and Michael Lucarelli Robert, Jr. and Jill Lyman Al and Bernice Machak Mark and Shawn Majewski Erin (Clancy ’95) and Chad Maly Rick and Toni Manfredonia Susan (Hoselton ’88) and Albert Manshum Michael ’69 and Mary Rita Markham Kirk and Eileen Mason Thomas and Virginia Mataya Joseph ’78 and Diane May Martin ’67 and Barbara Mazurek Noreen McCarthy Van and Linda McClellan James and Shirley McGrain Sr. Dolores Marie McHugh Tim and Josephine Messink Deborah (Laskowski ’81) and John Meyer James Miller ’73 Clifford, Jr. and Mary Mizialko Glenn ’66 and Donna Mordini Christopher and Catherine Murphy Kevin ’72 and Susan Murray Karen (Wilson ’80) and Robert Nasshan Edward and Jill Nazarian Gregg ’71 and Kathy Nebgen James ’83 and Marlene Neuroth Charles Newling ’67 Roman and Janina Niziolek Patrick and Anne Noll Dr. James and Stella Nutter


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Donny ’90 and Sherri (Jachowski ’90) Anderson James ’91 and Christy Arrajj Keith and Jean Bartz John and Ann Bikus John and Linda Blaida Jeffery and Lynn Buck Daniel and Dianna Burke Kate (Genell ’81) and Greg Burns Mark and Shannon Buschman Richard and Jill Caffarelli Richard and Colleen Coughlin Thomas and Michelle Crowley Christopher Damien, PhD ’81 Stephen ’78 and Julie Deasey Dr. Christopher and Patricia DeWald Lisa (Tagli ’88) and Eric Elert

Michael and Linda Hill James and Diane Hohmann Paul and Linda Ivers John Jenks ’77 Patricia (Marcotte ’76) Kerrigan Jeffrey and Sara Klahs Robert Lueders Susan (Hoselton ’88) and Albert Manshum Judith and Jerome Mikrut Jeff and Teri Moran Jack and Janet Murphy Christopher and Catherine Murphy The Nikolich Family Patrick and Anne Noll Linda Panszczyk ’78 Charles and Kathleen Payette

Steven and Janice Erickson Robert and Eileen Felicelli Mark Fijalkiewicz ’99 Jerrold and Caryn Fox Grisel and German Granados John and Kathleen Gray Therese (Reschke ’80) and Gary Grossi Ellen (Spicuzza ’86) Gull and Family John and Barbara Hartnett Thomas, Jr. and Beverly Hauff Jerome and Ann Marie Higgins

Joseph and Melinda Pudlo Stuart C. Reed Richard Roman, Jr. ’75 Bryan and Ellen Stirrat Fredric and Lynne Strutzel Rita (Simon ’84) and J.J. Tarpey Jean (Michael ’79) and Edward Tews Thomas ’79 and Marisa Varney Janine (McGrath ’75) Walsh Shane and Jennifer Williams


On behalf of the faculty, staff and students of Carmel Catholic High School, we would like to recognize those donors who contributed to the capital campaign, Carmel At The Threshold, from March 16 to June 30, 2013.

COMPASS | Fall 2013


Thank You


Alumni Association Awards 2013 Winners Announced

Congratulations to the winners of the 2013 Alumni Association Awards. We encourage you to come and congratulate these incredible individuals at the Alumni Association Awards Ceremony being held on Saturday, Sept. 21 at 6 p.m. in the Carmel Catholic Auditorium as part of Alumni Reunion Weekend. There is no cost to attend the awards ceremony. Keep an eye out for the winter edition of COMPASS for the complete recap of Alumni Reunion Weekend, as well as biographies for all our award winners.

The BVM/Carmelite Award

The Lamp of Knowledge Award

The Alumni of the Year Award

Millie Renkosiak

Jane Conarchy

Joe May ’78

This award recognizes alumni tradition and exceptional service to the Carmel Catholic High School community.


This award celebrates a spiritfilled life in Christ Jesus to use our God-given gifts of time, talent and treasure to touch the lives of others.

This award recognizes alumni contributing significantly to the welfare of our communities, country or humanity beyond the Carmel Catholic community.

Mercy Riders Cycling for a Cause The McCauleys made the cross-country ride a family affair. From left: Mark, Michelle, Emil and Matthew.

On June 14, 2013, McCauley joined forces with five fellow cycling enthusiasts and a twoperson support crew to bike across the United States while raising money for Mercy Housing, an organization that provides affordable housing for families, seniors and people with special needs who lack the economic resources to access safe housing opportunities. Known as the Mercy Riders, their reasons for embarking on this trip were fairly simple: to raise money and bring attention to Mercy Housing, and to inspire others to take up a worthy adventure of their own. “William Goldsmith, one of the other riders, has been working with Mercy Housing for several

years and told us about this incredible organization,” says McCauley. “I’m excited about why we were doing this. It’s not simply biking across the country and saying, ‘Look what I did.’ It’s saying, ‘Look what we are doing with the money that has been raised. Look at the awareness we are bringing to Mercy Housing.’” As McCauley prepared for the seven-week trip, he wanted to make it a family affair. His wife, Michelle, was part of the support crew, helping set up the campsite, preparing the meals, doing laundry and other odds and ends along the way. His two youngest children, Mark and Matthew, rode with Michelle, pitching in whenever possible. The ride covered 3,800 miles from San Francisco to Washington D.C., with stops in Denver and Chicago, all of which have major facilities for Mercy Housing. At each city, the Riders visited the Mercy Housing facility, where they met, and even rode bikes with, the residents. “I’m just amazed at the kindness of people. When we stopped in Washington, Iowa, we met

Jose. After telling him what we were doing, he offered his small apartment to the group for the night. The amazing part was that he worked nights and wasn’t even going to be there. It was a very humbling experience.” When McCauley thinks about what happens when this ride is over, he knows he will continue working with Mercy Housing. “The problem of homelessness takes a structured, dedicated, wholistic approach to remedy. Mercy Housing’s mission and vision is the perfect solution. They have a great track record, and I want to be around it. Carmel Catholic and my family laid the groundwork to look beyond my yard to see what is going on around me. To ask, ‘How can I help? How can I fulfill God’s will to help the poor?’ I would encourage everyone to get involved. If it’s not with Mercy Housing, there are many great organizations out there. Do something that makes a difference.” For more information on the Mercy Riders, visit www.mercyriders.com.

COMPASS | Fall 2013

Emil McCauley, a graduate of the Class of 1981, learned at an early age the importance of Christian service and giving back to his community. As he became an adult, it could be said that for him, helping others is like riding a bike: once he learned how, he never forgot. In June, he took this old adage literally, riding his bike to raise money for a worthy cause.


Pushing Pedals, Pushing Hope


New Face Brings Fresh Perspective

Volunteer Event

Amy Egan joined Carmel Catholic High School in April 2013 as the Director of Marketing and Alumni Development. Her focus will be working with the Office of Institutional Advancement, Admissions and the executive board of the Alumni Association, promoting the incredible work happening around school each day, as well as creating and enhancing meaningful programs for the alumni.

On July 12, 2013, a group of 19 alumni, current students and friends of Carmel Catholic worked together to pack boxes of food at Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) in Libertyville. FMSC targets children who are in the most severe circumstances, those suffering from malnutrition and threatened with death from starvation. In just a few short hours, the Carmel Catholic team was able to pack 64 boxes of food that will serve 38,400 people. The food will be sent to families in need around the world. Plans are already in the works for another volunteer event in the spring of 2014. Keep an eye out for additional information.

Alumni and students team up to feed children around the world

Thank you to all the volunteers: Daniel Arvidson ’97, Jennifer Arvidson ’00, Tim Arvidson ’00, John Collins, Chris Drew ’97, Peggy Drew, Leah Dodaro, Kathleen Hubbard ’73, Robert Hubbard, Rebecca Monterastelli ’02, Carl Senger ’15, Jackie Senger ’88, Mark Senger, Max Senger, Bill Schmitz, Dori Schmitz ’87, Ryan Schmitz, Sr. Kathleen Sinclair, BVM and John Wilkins.

Prior to her arrival at Carmel Catholic, Egan worked for Follett Corporation, a wholesaler of educational materials, as their Manager of Customer Insights and Marketing Analytics. She also worked in sales and marketing management in the homebuilding/ real estate industry and as a Study Director for a market research firm. Egan and her husband, Todd, have been married for over 10 years. They live in Lake in the Hills with their two boys – Cameron, age 6, and Cole, age 4. Egan looks forward to connecting with alumni at the Alumni Reunion Weekend 2013! She also encourages the alumni to contact her with any ideas or suggestions. She can be reached at 847.388.3382 or via e-mail at aegan@carmelhs.org. 20

Memorial Mass November 3, 2013 10 a.m. Join the Carmel Catholic community as we celebrate and remember all those who have gone before us. Following the Mass, a continental breakfast sponsored by the CCHS Alumni Association will be served in the chapel foyer.




Last fall, Elizabeth (McCormick) Ireland’s first mystery novel, Death Takes Center Stage, won the 2012 fiction contest sponsored by Atlanta publisher BookLogix. It was announced at the Decatur Book Festival last fall, the country’s largest independent book festival. It tells the story of the death of the great tragedienne Irene Davenport, who is murdered onstage during the opening night of one of the greatest and haunting plays by Shakespeare.

Mark Wegge is the Training and Readiness Director for Navy Region Midwest located at Naval Station Great Lakes in Illinois. He is responsible for planning, executing and assessing training and interagency exercises in a 16-state region. Concurrently, Mark is an adjunct professor for the U.S. Naval War College, teaching graduate courses in Joint Maritime Operations and Theatre Security Decision Making. A captain in Navy Reserve, Mark retired in January 2013. He resides in Grayslake with his wife, Vicki (Smock ’79); their son, Sean ’07, attends Augustana College and daughter, Dana, will be attending Carmel this fall.

Susan (Jurgens) Wings accepted a superintendent position at Harrison School District 36. She was the principal at Park View Elementary School in Morton Grove for the last 12 years.

Andy Blake, Kevin Mitchell, Keith Olsen, Don Doll, Fr. Tim Andres, O.Carm., Bob Amato and Bob Perille participated in a Class of 1976 retreat in Door County.

1984 Dawn Abernathy was elected to serve a four-year term as a Village of Mundelein Trustee. She was sworn in on May 13.

1994 Richard Kennedy and his wife, Elizabeth, are moving from their current home in the Andersonville neighborhood of Chicago to the Red Top Farms neighborhood of Libertyville, Ill.

2005 Kristen Wissing recently received her master’s in social work from George Williams College of Aurora University. She currently works as a foster care case manager for One Hope United in Gurnee, Ill.

Active Military Personnel and Veterans Tell Us Your Story The 2014 Street Scenes will be dedicated to all CCHS alumni who have served or are currently serving in the armed forces. Please submit your graduation name and year, current name (if different than graduation), photo, your branch

of the military, why you enlisted, where you have been, places you visited while serving, the best opportunities afforded to you as a result of your service, or any other interesting stories about your time in the service.

E-mail your photos and stories to: alumboard@corsairs.carmelhs.org

COMPASS | Fall 2013



Class Notes


Class Notes 2009 Laura Biersteker graduated from Vanderbilt University in May with a degree in engineering science. Last summer, Laura was one of nine students chosen from around the country to participate in Research Experience for Undergraduates at the Milwaukee School of Engineering. Her project focused on the process of converting bone scans to 3-D models through additive manufacturing. In the spring Laura presented her research at the University of Wisconsin in Lacrosse. Laura works at Johnson Controls in Nashville, Tenn. Kevin Hendricks was named second team All-Conference in the Northern Athletics Conference for the Benedictine University baseball team. The team, including his brother Tim ’11, went to the NCAA tournament for the first time since 2003. Alexa Orticelli is an Electrophysiology Technical Services Specialist Intern with St. Jude Medical in the Chicago area.


Kristin Redfearn ’01, Stephanie Zdon ’08 and Jenna Sniegowski ’04, recently received their white coats after completing their first year of their master’s of physician assistant studies at Rosalind Franklin University in North Chicago, Ill.

We Want to Hear From You COMPASS welcomes news of accomplishments or changes in your professional and personal life for inclusion in Class Notes. Please include your graduate name, class year, present name and daytime phone number. If available, include a photo and caption listing the names of the people and where it was taken. Submissions to Class Notes are edited for space and clarity to adhere to the style and tone of the magazine. Submit news and photos to: Alumni Development • Carmel Catholic High School One Carmel Parkway • Mundelein, IL 60060 E-mail: alumni@carmelhs.org Online: corsairalumni.org/classnote


OBITUARIES: Carmel Catholic High School relies on family members to inform us of the deaths of alumni and friends. If a newspaper obituary is available, we would appreciate a copy.

Tim Hendricks was named first team All-Conference and Position Player of the Year in the Northern Athletics Conference for the Benedictine University baseball team. The team, including his brother Kevin ’09, went to the NCAA tournament for the first time since 2003.

SUBMISSION DEADLINES: Submit for the winter edition by November 1, 2013; the spring edition by March 15, 2014; the fall edition by July 15, 2014. Class notes will be printed as space allows and when possible, in the order they are received. If you submit an item for the winter issue and it does not appear, it most likely will be in the following issue. Alumni are encouraged to submit class notes online, where they are always available for alumni to view.



Jackson Drager born to Matt ’04 and Jennifer (Michehl ’04) Heid

Ryan Stanley born to Jason ’00 and Heather (Territo ’99) Johnson

In Memoriam Alumni

Dawn Evenhouse ’90 married Robert Geisler


Joseph Mihalic, grandfather of John Beatman ’84, Christine Creaney ’88, James Beatman, Jr. ’91; great grandfather of Matthew Hutten ’12

Rachel (Schulien) Balmer, sister of Valerie (Schulien ’98) Terray and Karen Schulien ’00

Kenneth J. Minucciani, father of Rachel ’02, Michelle ’04 and Danielle ’08

Laura Jordan ’84

Carolyn Brice, grandmother of Jacob ’11, Jordon ’12 and Caleb ’14 Klahs

“Out of the believer’s heart will flow rivers of living water” John 7:28

Johanne Frayer, mother of Pam (Frayer ’68) Faulkner and Trudy ’72

Norman James Halford, father of Cathy (Halford ’70) Clair, Gina (Halford ’70) Merrit and Jim Halford, CCHS Faculty; grandfather of Hilary ’10, James ’08, Joseph ’07 and Norman ’05 Halford, and Mary ’10 and Max ’09 O’Connell

Catherine Gourley, mother of Thomas ’67, Paula (Gourley ’71) Reinier, Mark ’73 and Kim (Gourley ’79) Scammon

John Harchut, father of Andrea (Harchut ’99) Hanson and Joanna (Harchut ’02) and Michael Paddock ’02

Daniel Gudgeon, father of Daniel ’81 and Jeannene (Gudgeon ’84) Jenks

Geraldine “Jeri” Kolacz, mother of Gregory ’92 and Jennifer (Kolacz ’91) Melcher

Edoardo Cosentino, father of Tina, CCHS Religion Department Faculty

Gayle Para, mother of Eric ’01 and Teresa ’07 Jo Ann Siena, mother of Sheryl (Siena ’86) Vlk Donna Tulley, mother of Jennifer (Tulley ’96) Braido and Michael ’92 Stephen E. Walter, the father of Matthew ’96, Mia ’99, John ’01 and Sarah ’04; brother-in-law of Alfred ’69 and Michael ’80 Fiore; sister-in-law of Loretta (Fiore ’66) Foss and Marisa (Fiore ’76) Kelly; and uncle of Andrew ’14, Bianca ’13 and Joseph ’15 Fiore

COMPASS | Fall 2013

Kendallyn Grace born to Brian and Kimberley (Calderone ’91) Hamm


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November 3 3 15-17 27-29

September 6 20-22 27 28

Back to School Dance 7 p.m. Reunion Weekend Homecoming Football Game 7:30 p.m. Homecoming Dance 7:30 p.m.

October 19 27

The Tasting 7 p.m. Cabaret Concert 2 p.m.

Memorial Mass 10 a.m. Open House 12 p.m. Fall Play Thanksgiving Break – No School/Offices Closed

December 8 16-20 23

Christmas Concert 2 p.m. Semester Exams First Day of Christmas Break

Carmel Catholic


Just One More Thing... Calling all alumni to register on the Carmel Catholic High School Alumni website today! Visit corsairalumni.org and click on “FIRST TIME LOGIN” Enter your last name Find and select your name Enter your Constituent ID number – the ID number is printed near your name in the address block above • Finish building your profile • • • •

Already registered? Keep your contact information up-to-date to learn about upcoming alumni events, as well as current school accomplishments.

Questions? Trouble logging in? Missing constituent ID number? Contact us at alumni@carmelhs.org or 847.388.3382

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