Fall 2015 COMPASS

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C MPASS Annual Report Edition - Fall 2015

Inside This Issue:

2014-2015 Annual Report ACT Score Sets School Record Homecoming and Reunion Highlights Sr. Kathleen Sinclair, BVM Celebrates Jubilee New Scholarships Established


CCHS ADMINISTRATION President Bradley Bonham, PhD Principal Mark Ostap

Fall 2015, Volume 3, Issue 2

C MPASS The Community Magazine of Carmel Catholic High School

Director of Finance and Operations John Sheehy Director of Admissions Brian Stith ’01 Director of Institutional Advancement Noelle Moore Director of Marketing and COMPASS Managing Editor Amy Egan COMPASS TEAM Writer and Editor Caitlin Monaghan, Marketing Coordinator Writer and Editor Patty Van Spankeren ’95, English Faculty Designer Sarah O’Donnell, Publications Coordinator SPECIAL THANKS The COMPASS team thanks all of the people who submit content and photos for inclusion in this magazine – CCHS faculty and staff, alumni, parents, volunteers, etc. This magazine would not exist without their support.

Table of Contents Features Freshman Experience.................................................................4 Behind the Lens: Allison Cuba ’16...........................................5 Sr. Kathleen Sinclair Celebrates 25 Years as BVM......................8 Homecoming 2015.................................................................10 Street Scenes 2016.....................................................Back Cover

In Every Issue Campus Life..............................................................................4 Around School...............................................................6 Fine Arts........................................................................8 Athletics......................................................................11 Advancing Carmel..................................................................12 Annual Report........................................................Special Insert Alumni..................................................................................15 Where in the World is the Corsair?................................15 Class Notes..................................................................18 Milestones..................................................................20 In Memoriam..............................................................22 Calendar of Events....................................................Back Cover

On the Cover: Thanks to our generous donors, our football field, running track and tennis courts were resurfaced this summer.

Go Green COMPASS is available online as an easy and fun-to-view digital format as part of the school’s green initiative. To view COMPASS online, visit www.carmelhs.org. If you would like to stop receiving COMPASS in the mail, please send your request to jpaddock@carmelhs.org.


“Carmelites seek to form communities where each person feels accepted and valued not for what he can do but simply because he is.” The Order of Carmelites – www.ocarm.org


Dear Friends of Carmel Catholic,

There is so much one can learn by being a quiet observer and keeping an awareness of God’s love. You will never find this more prevalent than at Carmel Catholic. In such a short period, I have witnessed true love and care for individual students. I vividly recall walking through a crowded hallway during a class exchange and noticing a particular student who seemed quite troubled about a certain issue. Another student quietly walked up to her and gave her a hug and asked if she was all right. She showed a sincere concern for her classmate and wanted her to know that she cared. This situation gave me pause because the action was so genuine and selfless. It was such a simple encounter, but it truly showed how Christ’s love is present in our Carmel school community. Last year, our students’ combined efforts produced more than 53,000 hours of Christian Service, volunteering at soup kitchens, homeless shelters, Catholic charities, community centers and other non-profit organizations. Carmel Catholic students demonstrate great character, serving others in a selfless and Christ-like manner.

For all of you who receive COMPASS, we thank you for being part of our community. We ask for your prayers and continued support as we move forward. In Christ’s Peace, Bradley Bonham, PhD President of Carmel Catholic High School

COMPASS | Fall 2015

Carmel Catholic High School is a community of love and faith. Our faculty work very hard to model these virtues and are compelled to continue the school’s mission. Understanding this foundation, Carmel Catholic will be embarking on a year-long strategic planning process. The strategic plan will be the school’s road map for continued success. At the very core of our strategic plan is Carmel Catholic’s Christ-centered mission. Our school has a deep-rooted history, and it is our responsibility to advance the mission by doing more with the gifts that God has given us.


Welcome, Class of 2019!

Our newest Corsairs participated in Freshman Experience teambuilding activities

Carmel Catholic High School is pleased to welcome the class of 2019. On Aug. 6, 7 and 11, Carmel Catholic hosted Freshman Experience, a day of on-campus activities aimed at making the transition from middle school to high school as easy as possible for our newest Corsairs. Coming from more than 50 middle schools, 100 percent of the freshman class participated in this unique opportunity. During Freshman Experience, the students joined one another in large and small group activities that helped them talk about their own experiences and learn about their fellow classmates. Students listened to thoughtprovoking talks, engaged in active ice-breaking activities and participated in a guided meditation. With so many new faces, it was important to give this class an opportunity to create its identity. For many freshmen, these activities gave them a chance to begin developing friendships that may last a lifetime. “In the short term, we want these students to realize the great opportunity that exists right in front of them so they can make the most of their freshman year,” said Brian Stith, Director of Admissions. “In the long term, we want these students to be the best that they can be, identifying opportunities to grow, realizing their potential in that growth and having a positive impact on all the communities they engage with moving forward.” All activities were facilitated by retreat staff from LaSalle Manor in Plano, Ill., with assistance from the more than 40 Carmel Catholic Ambassador’s Club members who sacrificed one of their last days of summer to serve as peer leaders. Our hope is that Freshman Experience helps students feel a part of the Carmel community before they even step in the door for the first day of school. 4

One student already making her mark in the photography program is senior Allison Cuba. Cuba, a resident of Ingleside and a graduate of St. Bede School, is new to Carmel’s photography curriculum as a student in Photography I, but she has been practicing behind the lens for years. This active Carmel student, who is also a member of the varsity girl’s tennis team and the yearbook staff, has been interested in photography since she was a child. Cuba first found herself viewing the world through a camera lens on her family vacations to Door County, Wisconsin. “Every year since I could hold one, my parents would buy me a disposable camera to use on vacation,” said Cuba. “This started my interest in photography, and I would borrow my parents’ or my aunt’s digital cameras whenever I could.” Today, Cuba uses her Sony A37 DSLR to capture a broad range of subjects that are of interest to her. While she humbly states that as an amateur she does not yet have an area of specialty, she notes the excitement she gets from taking photos of human subjects: “I really like the energy that other people can bring, which sometimes isn’t there when you’re shooting inanimate objects.” Inspiration is easy for her to find in the halls of Carmel Catholic. “The Carmel community is

absolutely amazing,” she said. “The student section is insane and awesome, and there are kids at every play, musical and concert showing support for their friends.” Cuba is truly an artist when behind the camera. “I always try to do something unique, but I really don’t think of the audience when I’m taking a photo,” she notes. “As long as I’m satisfied with the finished product, I’m happy no matter how others feel about it. At this point in my life, I don’t really have to take photos for anyone but myself, and for now I just really want to enjoy that freedom because I know things will change once I’m in the professional world.” When she departs for college next year, Cuba will take with her great memories from her time at Carmel Catholic. “It’s way too hard to name just one because of all of the good times I’ve had and the great opportunities,” she said. “My favorites have been traveling to Florida with the school band two years ago, the football games, the school dances and all of the memories I’ve made playing on the tennis team.” Cuba plans to attend college at the University of Wisconsin (Madison), Ohio State University, Purdue University or Boston University. Her intention is to major in engineering, but she will continue to pursue photography as a minor: “As long as photography is somehow incorporated in my future job or lifestyle, I know I’ll be happy.”

COMPASS | Fall 2015

Drop by the Fine Arts hallway at Carmel Catholic on any given day and chances are you’ll see photography students examining a hallway for leading lines, standing on a stool with their iPhone to capture a bird’s-eye view or clamoring around a computer adjusting contrast with the latest Photoshop tools. Now in its third year, the Carmel Catholic photography program gives students the opportunity to explore traditional and current photography methods to complete course assignments in the Fine Arts darkroom and the digital darkroom, the Fine Arts Mac lab. Students strengthen their creative thinking skills as they learn the fundamentals of photography.


with Photography Student Allison Cuba ’16


Behind the Lens


Around School Congratulations, Mr. Plaiss!

Congratulations to Mr. Mark Plaiss, Religious Studies faculty, for having his paper “A Lack of Sympathy: Monasticism and the High School Student” published in the September 2015 edition of the American Benedictine Review.


The Class of 2016 completed six of ten Kairos retreats before school even began! The fall retreats took place Sep. 22-25 and Oct. 13-16. Please keep our Kairos participants and leaders in your prayers.

Random Acts of Kindness

During the Fall Charity Drive from October 26-31, the Social Justice Club sponsored the first Random Act of Kindness Week. After completing an act of kindness, students were asked to share that act with the club. These acts were then posted anonymously around the school to inspire students to recognize the many ways they can help others.

Battery Recycling Program

Eighth Grade Retreats

Select seniors led a series of retreats for 8th graders from area Catholic grammar schools. The retreat is a significant day for the 8th graders as they mark an important step in their faith lives, and it is a great opportunity for our seniors to share their leadership skills.

Praying for Peace

The Catholic Social Justice Club continues its Prayer for Peace Initiative with a rosary every Tuesday morning at 7 a.m. in the Brandsma Chapel. This is the fourth year in a row the rosary has been prayed for world peace on Tuesday mornings. The club also sponsored a 24-hour Vigil for Peace beginning at midnight on Monday, Oct. 19 to coincide with the “40 Days for Life” nationwide campaign. 6

CCHS collected 646 pounds of batteries, winning Carmel a prize of $100 and a permanent battery collection center from Battery Giant in Gurnee. The recycling center is located in room SC-4. More than 300 million pounds of single-use batteries per year end up in landfills, allowing the heavy metals they contain to leach into the environment. New technology is now available to effectively recycle used batteries. Carmel’s Environmental Club is collecting batteries all year long, so send them in, and we will ensure they are properly disposed of. For more information on Carmel’s battery recycling program, please contact Ms. Huntemann at shuntemann@carmelhs.org.

Summertime Fun in the Science Wing

In July, several junior high students gathered in the science hall to solve a murder. Not a real one, but a staged murder scene developed by science teachers Ms. Trausch, Ms. Linahan and Dr. Halloran as part of the summer school course CSI: Carmel. The students investigated the crime scene the first day of class, and then used a variety of forensic techniques to determine who had murdered the victim. Students narrowed down the suspect pool by engaging in blood, hair and fingerprinting analyses. Each day they learned new techniques and used different types of equipment to help determine the identity of the murderer. We are happy to report the murderer was identified, and we look forward to what mystery might be investigated next summer!

Record-setting ACT Score

Our 2015 average ACT composite score of 26.2 sets a new school record! This score is well above the state average of 20.7 and national average of 21.0, and marks the second consecutive year our students have averaged at least a 26.0 composite score. Congratulations to our students and faculty on this outstanding achievement!

Missing Sr. Mary Sattgast

friend Mrs. Joyce Masterson. Her husband, David, was in attendance, and other family members were able to watch it via a web broadcast. Family members expressed their gratitude for the tribute. The service included scripture music and reflections given by Joyce’s friends and CCHS faculty and staff members Roberta Froemke, Cathy Smolka and Sharon Smogor. Flowers were provided by many faculty members and brought together in bouquets to decorate the Salvi Arena. Joyce taught social studies and English at Carmel for 26 years. Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. Amen.

Beacon Place Volunteers This summer, as part of Campus Ministry’s goal of educating students on local social justice issues, more than 70 Carmel students volunteered at Beacon Place, an organization whose mission involves nutrition and education for children in Waukegan.


Kambra French, Campus Minister and Director of Mission Effectiveness, visited each freshman religion classroom this fall to present the history, values and charisms of both founding orders, the Carmelite priests and the BVM sisters, and the history of Carmel Catholic. The presentation tied into a discussion on how students’ time at Carmel can be formative and how they “step into” the Carmel legacy. They also learned about the brown scapular they were given at the Freshman Induction Mass, which took place on Oct. 8.


Freshmen Learn Joyce Masterson Laid About CCHS History to Rest on August 12 Aug. 21 we held an all-school and Founding Orders On memorial for our beloved teacher and

Sr. Mary Sattgast, BVM, who retired at the end of the 20142015 school year after being a part of the CCHS community for 52 years, has moved into her new home at the Mount Carmel Motherhouse. If you are interested in writing to Sr. Mary, her new address is 1100 Carmel Drive, Dubuque, Iowa, 52003.

One highlight was the Monday that Carmel’s varsity football team volunteered. Accompanied by coaches Andy Bitto ’81, Jacob Solarz and Tom Young, the team helped with some set-up, but then had to persuade the kids to set aside the usual favorite sport of soccer for some football drills. While they took some convincing, the kids had a great time, and many children could be seen later that summer wearing the Carmel t-shirts the team had brought with them. The students would end their day in prayer at Carmel, asking Our Lady of Mount Carmel to extend her protection over the children of Beacon Place.

COMPASS | Fall 2015

Participating students met on Monday mornings, and, led by Campus Minister and Director of Mission Effectiveness Kambra French, began the day with prayer and education about the hunger disparities in our community. Upon arrival, the students’ main task was to help the kids to eat—sometimes more than 200 of them. Often, the children would not have experience with the types of food they were served, and the Carmel students, who were coached in some strategies, would talk to them about the food and encourage them to try it. Following the meal, Carmel students would lead the area kids in activities such as sports, art or reading.


Sr. Kathleen Sinclair, BVM Celebrates 25 Years in Religious Life Sr. Kathleen Sinclair, BVM is currently the Director of Student Activities at Carmel Catholic High School. She has also served as the school’s Director of Institutional Advancement. As we celebrate Sr. Kathleen’s jubilee, we asked her to share her religious journey with us as well as her ministry at Carmel Catholic. “My mother and grandmother were taught by the BVMs in grade school, high school and college. They came to the house for visits each year and were the happiest people I had ever met. Who wouldn’t want to choose a lifestyle that was filled with such happy people? My ministries have always been in non-profit organizations with an emphasis on education – Holy Family School in Chicago, Clarke University in Dubuque, Jesuit Volunteer Corps in San Francisco and now Carmel Catholic High School. The variety has given me so many opportunities to minister in diverse areas with wonderful people seeking to strengthen their understanding and commitment to Jesus. Carmel Catholic has been such a special mission for me. The students are truly ‘Carmel kids’ – caring hearts and curious minds. They will help at a moment’s notice with nothing but a thank you in return. The faculty is absolutely top-notch. They are so good at imparting knowledge and wisdom to our students. However, where they excel the most is in being a loving and caring presence to the students as they navigate the joys and challenges of high school. And, of course, no school as unique and wonderful as Carmel gets to be this way without dedicated staff and visionary administration. How do I see my past five years at Carmel? The doer of the impossible. I said yes to a student’s request for a book drive. Crazy! It was so hard and so much work, but in the end we shipped thousands of books (thank you donors!) to a library started by BVM Sisters in Ghana, Africa. I said yes to starting a dance club, which I was told was impossible because of lack of space and conflicts with other activities. Yet here we are, five years on, and Orchesis is one of our most popular and exciting clubs on campus. Doing the impossible is impossible; doing what you believe is possible is possible!” – Sr. Kathleen Sinclair 8

Fine Arts Cabaret Concert

The annual Carmel Cabaret Concert occurred on Sunday, Nov. 1. Due to popular demand, two shows took place. The Cabaret Concert featured food and musical entertainment from our Cadence Showchoir, Parkway A Cappella Singers, Jazz Band, Jazz Combo, Treble Choir and vocal soloists. This musical getaway was the perfect way to welcome fall.

Marching Band

Carmel Catholic’s marching band has been hard at work preparing for another great season! This year’s leadership includes Drum Majors Amanda Veerkamp ’16 and Jason Hajduk ’17, Woodwind Captain Alyssa Pullin ’16, Brass Captain Natasha Gupta ’16, Saxophone Captain Megan Gabler ’16 and Drum Line Captain Brittany Thompson ’16.

Drum line began their camp in June, and the full band camp was back in session in August. The band welcomed in 38 freshmen for a total of 92 band students! Following an afternoon practice on Aug. 16, parents and siblings were able to see all of the band’s hard work in a short demonstration, followed by the annual band picnic with more than 200 in attendance. Football season highlights included musical selections from “Rocky” with trumpet solos performed by Nolan Roth ’16 and Tom Wattelet ’16. The halftime show

The band also recently purchased Thinsulate lined raincoats so our fearless musicians can remain warm and dry during inclement weather throughout football season.


Carmel Catholic’s Dance Department is ramping up for the fall season. All students interested in learning more about the second semester Orchesis Dance Club should contact club president Juliana Nikolich ’16 at jnikolich.2016@carmelhs.org.

Thespian Honor Society hosted a summer welcome back picnic for THS members and drama students. It was a wonderful opportunity to get back into the swing of things and welcome new members.

Carmel Cadence

We need your help! Our band is in need of new uniforms. Your contribution of any amount to the Band Uniform Fund is greatly appreciated. Please contact Noelle Moore, Director of Institutional Advancement, at 847-388-3338 or nmoore@carmelhs.org, for more information on how you can help.

Our fall play “Becoming Juliet,” a lighthearted show about the current-day struggles of a drama department trying to put on a theatrical production, took place Nov. 13-15. Once again, our cast and crew outdid themselves!


Carmel Dance


began with a collection of Queen and Blues Brothers music.

Mark your calendars: The Spring musical, “Disney’s Beauty & the Beast,” will be roaring onto the Carmel stage in the spring. An amazing journey into the magical world of the classic tale comes to life at Carmel on May 13-15, 2016.

The CCCA continues to work hard to support all of the fine arts at Carmel. We welcome your support and involvement. Please look for our upcoming poinsettia sale, whose proceeds support Carmel Fine Arts.

COMPASS | Fall 2015

New uniforms that the marching band hopes to purchase.

Carmel Cadence was hard at work over the summer getting a jump start on the fall season of concert performances, events and competitions under the direction of Mr. Kent Parry. Dance Captains Natalie Siedl ’16 and Abbey Schlicksup ’16 choreographed exciting numbers. Vocal Captains Amanda Zurek ’16 and Derly Vela ’16 are working hard to ensure Cadence sounds top notch.

The Carmel Catholic Council for the Arts


Homecoming 2015 Spirit Week

Athletics Hall of Fame Induction

Spirit week was filled with flare and fun! The week began with faculty, staff and students wearing their favorite sports team apparel and ended with the Homecoming Dance on Oct. 3. In between, we had an energizing pep rally highlighting our fall sports teams, crowned Thomas Trzupek ’16 Spirit King and Hannah Trychta ’16 Homecoming Queen, and won our football game against St. Viator High School.

Congratulations to Dan Clinton ’07 (football and wrestling), Pat Kimener ’04 (football and track) and Nikole Viltz ’07 (gymnastics) who were inducted into the CCHS Athletics Hall of Fame during our homecoming game on Oct. 2. For details on their high school athletic achievements as well as college and career achievements, click on “Hall of Fame” under “Quicklinks” on carmelhs.org.

Alumni End Zone Tent Party

Five decades of Carmel alumni made for a fantastic turnout at the annual End Zone Tent Party on Oct. 2. Food was provided by BBQ’d Productions, owned by Carmel alumnus Kris Schoenberger ’02. We hope to see all of you again next year!

Thank you to our tent sponsors.


Baseball – Mr. Bill Taylor Cheerleading – Ms. Kacey Valentine Hockey – Mr. Scott Vettraino Girls’ Soccer – Mr. Ray Krawzak Softball – Mr. Shane Scheuneman

Turner ’16 and Foster ’16 to Play Division I College Football

to Chapel Hill. “Noah is a really good blocker. I’m not sure exactly how North Carolina is going to play him, whether two-tight end or H-back,’’ Carmel coach Andy Bitto told Bob Narang of the Chicago Tribune. “Either way, it helps his stock because he’s able to block, either at the point of attack or in space when they go in motion. He has incredibly soft hands, so they are getting a great receiver.” Sean Foster ’16, who was nominated to play in the U.S. Army Bowl, is heading to the University of Minnesota.

Girls’ Golf Left to right: Jack Baucus ’09, Chris Miller ’04, Noah Turner ’16 and Sean McGrath ’06

Noah Turner, who plays tight end in Carmel Catholic’s tripleoption offense, is going to catch the football at the University of North Carolina. After receiving 18 scholarship offers, the 6-foot3, 240-pound senior gave UNC head coach Larry Fedora a verbal commitment, choosing not to wait until his second planned visit

Girls’ golf has won the ESCC Conference Championship for the third year in a row. Kayla Ryan ’16, Alexa Amato ’16 and Erin Kehoe ’17 got top 5 individual finishes.

Join the CCHS Athletic Booster Club

Sixth Annual Pro Football Championship Party The Pro Football Championship Party and Raffle is open to anyone age 21 or older interested in having a fun day watching the NFL conference championship games on four huge screens in the Salvi Arena, all while supporting Carmel athletics! Date: Sunday, January 24 Time: Doors open at 1 p.m. Location: Carmel’s Salvi Arena Ticket Price: $100, which includes one ticket for two entries to the event, soda, beer, wine, appetizers, dinner and fun. The ticket is also your chance to win the raffle, which has cash prizes ranging from $250 to $10,000! Proceeds from this event directly support Carmel’s athletic program. Tickets can be purchased at www.carmelhs.org/profootball. For more information, contact Andy Bitto, Athletic Director, at 847-388-3328.

Membership in the Carmel Athletic Booster Club offers a variety of benefits. There are several membership levels available, each of which includes spirit wear items, with the highest level (“Championship”) offering reserved parking and seating at Carmel football home games and special sideline experiences. We are also developing special events that offer greater access and engagement with the athletics programs as part of your membership. Your support of and involvement with the Booster Club goes a long way toward helping Carmel’s student-athletes receive the appropriate training, equipment and support they need to improve their skills and continue Carmel’s traditional of excellence outside of the classroom. For more information, visit www.carmelhs.org/boosters.

COMPASS | Fall 2015

New Head Varsity Coaches in 2015-2016


Fall sports are under way at Carmel with more than 450 students participating in boys’ and girls’ cross country, football, boys’ and girls’ golf, girls’ tennis, boys’ soccer, girls’ volleyball, cheerleading and poms.






CARMEL CATHOLIC FUND…YOUR GIFT TO TODAY’S CORSAIRS A Carmel education builds students into leaders and helps prepare them for college and beyond. Tuition alone does not cover the cost to educate our students and allow them all of the opportunities we offer. Donations to the Carmel Catholic Fund help to fund our academic and tuition assistance programs. Your gift, large or small, helps make a difference in a Carmel student’s education. This year Carmel students will experience exciting updates to our 1:1 technology program as they receive new Chromebooks and as we complete upgrades to our campus Wi-Fi infrastructure. Carmel Catholic’s use of technology only enhances the school’s already strong academic programs that prepared the Class of 2015 for their next step. Ninety-nine percent headed off to college this fall and were offered $30 million in college scholarships! Please help us continue Carmel’s tradition of academic excellence with your contribution to the Carmel Catholic Fund today.

CARMEL CATHOLIC FUND 2015-2016 Payment options: r Gift by Check - Enclosed is my check payable to Carmel Catholic High School. r Gift by Credit Card - Please charge my credit card specified below. YES, I want to make a gift to the Carmel Catholic Fund. r $50 r $100 r $250 r $_____ r My employer __________________________ will match this gift.

_________________________________________________________ NAME ON CARD

_________________________________________________________ CARD NUMBER


Contact information: Name: Address:

_____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________












_________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE REQUIRED

r I would like my gift to be anonymous. r Please contact me about including Carmel Catholic in my will/estate plan. Fall15COMPASS


The Joyce Masterson Memorial Scholarship Fund is an endowed scholarship that memorializes the life of Mrs. Masterson, who is remembered for always demonstrating deep caring and compassion for her students, colleagues, friends, family and the greater community. Mrs. Masterson founded Carmel’s Service Club and encouraged students to go beyond their required Christian Service hours to develop relationships with those they could assist through their long-term service. She embodied “A Teacher’s Prayer” by James J. Metcalf, and her goal was to teach her students: Not just the lessons in a book, Or how the rivers flow, But to choose the proper path, Wherever they may go And as her dear friend and colleague, Roberta Froemke noted, Joyce would not want us to be sad, so Roberta asks us: To remember Joyce, take the time to be a friend, a really good friend. To remember Joyce, smile and laugh. To remember Joyce, do something for someone else. To remember Joyce, give a dog a hug; she loved her dogs Licorice and Zoe. To remember Joyce Masterson, we must thank God - we thank God for Joyce Masterson - our treasured friend. Joyce was so special and enriched our lives with endless joy, enduring happiness and with so much love. In fond memory of Mrs. Masterson, this scholarship will recognize a student at Carmel Catholic who has demonstrated the qualities of friendship, joy, care, compassion, connection to others and gratitude to God. The student will be selected in the spring of his or her junior year for the award to be applied to his or her senior year tuition at Carmel Catholic High School. Tax-deductible contributions can be made in memory of Joyce Masterson online at www.carmelhs.org or by sending your donation to:

Carmel Catholic High School Attn: Noelle Moore, Director of Institutional Advancement One Carmel Parkway Mundelein, IL 60060

For additional information, contact Noelle Moore at nmoore@carmelhs.org or 847.388.3338.

Carmel Catholic High School is pleased to announce that a scholarship has been established in memory of Caitlin Duffy ’08 by her family and friends. Caitlin was a beautiful blessing, full of love and joy. Her family wishes to honor Caitlin’s memory by extending assistance to an incoming freshman student at Carmel Catholic who is a graduate of St. Bede School. The selected student will receive a partial scholarship of $1,000 per year for each year they attend Carmel Catholic High School, and this award will be made in addition to any financial assistance the student may receive through Carmel Catholic’s financial assistance application process. The first Caitlin Duffy Memorial scholarship will be awarded to a freshman enrolling in the 2016-17 school year for Carmel Catholic’s class of 2020. Graduates of St. Bede School’s class of 2016 who are admitted to Carmel Catholic will receive an application form for this scholarship in Spring 2016. For more information about remembering your loved one through an endowed scholarship at Carmel Catholic High School, contact Noelle Moore, Director of Institutional Advancement, at 847.388.3338 or nmoore@carmelhs.org.


Mrs. Joyce Masterson, Social Studies and English teacher at Carmel Catholic for 26 years, passed away unexpectedly on Aug. 12, 2015. Joyce leaves behind a legacy as a dedicated teacher, wonderful friend and devoted colleague.


Duffy Scholarship

COMPASS | Fall 2015

Joyce Masterson Memorial Scholarship Fund


Call for Volunteers

Volunteering is a way of life at Carmel Catholic, and we invite all alumni, parents and friends of Carmel to share their gifts with the Carmel community. Parents’ Association, the Alumni Association, Athletic Boosters, the Council for the Arts and Street Scenes are just a few of the ways that you can volunteer at Carmel. Go to www.goo.gl/8bJ50G for more information.

Grandparents’ Day Recap



Join us for Carmel’s great tradition on the course and some fun, new games before the shotgun starts! As always, dinner and an auction will follow the round. We look forward to seeing you in June.

More than 750 grandparents and students at Carmel Catholic High School shared in a special celebration together on Sunday, Sep. 13. Their day on campus began with Mass in the auditorium celebrated by Fr. James Merold and was followed by lunch for all in the cafeteria and lounge. After lunch, students were invited to take their grandparents on a tour of the school, and many visited the bookstore for special purchases. Grandparents were given a mug of hot chocolate to take home as a memory of their visit to Carmel Catholic. Grandparents and students, save the date! Grandparents Day will return to Carmel Catholic on Sunday, Sep. 11, 2016.

For sponsorship or event information, contact Amanda Thomas at 847.388.3405 or athomas@carmelhs.org.

Class of 2020, We Welcome You! Begin your Carmel Catholic adventure on Saturday, Jan. 9 at the Carmel Catholic High School entrance exam. The exam begins at 8 a.m. An informational program for parents will be held at the same time. CAN’T WAIT TO COME TO CARMEL? Schedule a Shadow Day and spend a day with a Carmel student. For details, go to www.goo.gl/KMRXtE. 14

W RLD is t h e Co r sai r ?

Cut out the Corsair and submit your photo today!



Rachael Hewson ’14 was in Puebla, Mexico, for nine days in July doing mission work.

Take the Corsair with you on your travels, to parties and sporting events, or bring him to weddings, reunions and special occasions.

In July, Tom Stirrat ’16 and his grandma, Patricia Stirrat, visited Blarney Castle in Ireland and kissed the Blarney Stone.

CCHS parents and students, e-mail your Corsair photos to alumni@carmelhs.org. Alumni, please post your Corsair photos on corsairalumni.org as a general class note or e-mail photos to alumni@carmelhs.org. All photos should include a caption with the location and the names of the people photographed.

COMPASS | Fall 2015

Mary Catherine (Pasenelli ’79) Schneider and her coworkers visited the old mining town of Cleator, Arizona.


Alumni Events 1966 Class Reunion

2016 marks Carmel’s first 50-year reunion! We look forward to planning a celebration for the class of 1966 and ask that you save the date: Saturday, June 4, 2016. Many more details to come!

Packing Meals with St. Viator at FMSC

More than 100 alumni, friends and family from Carmel Catholic and St. Viator came out to Feed My Starving Children in Libertyville on July 25 for a joint service event, Food Fight 2015. In 90 minutes, we packed nearly 35,000 meals, enough to feed 96 children for a year. We hope to make this an annual tradition!

1975 Boys’ Golf Team Reunion

As part of the Carmel Catholic Golf Classic this summer, we honored the 40-year anniversary of the 1975 3rd in State Boys’ Golf team. Members of the team greeted guests at the 18th hole and offered some putting tips. Pictured (from left to right) are Kevin Mitchell ’76, Mark Esler ’77, Herb Willems ’76 and Bob Amato ’76. Also present were Tim Frisbie ’76 and Steve Castellari ’76.

Alumni Girls’ Soccer Reunion

Milwaukee Area Alumni Picnic

On Friday, Aug. 28, the CCHS Alumni Association hosted a pre-game picnic in Waukesha, Wis. prior to the first Carmel Catholic football game of the season vs. Waukesha West. Approximately 30 alumni and their families and friends came out for games, food and camaraderie on a rainy Friday afternoon. We plan to host more regional events to connect with alumni around the country. If you’re interested in helping to plan an alumni event in your area, please contact Ken Kordick at 847-388-3390 or alumni@carmelhs.org.


Three decades of soccer alumnae were honored on Sep. 4 as part of a girls’ soccer reunion prior to the start of the Carmel Catholic football game. The girls’ soccer program, which had its inaugural season in 1985, culminated in this year’s state championship.

Thank you to all who joined us this summer and fall for reunions at a variety of venues, including the new Mickey Finn’s and O’Toole’s of Libertyville, Zella in Chicago and Ditka’s in Arlington Heights. It was great to see so many Corsairs reunite! If you are interested in helping to plan the 2016 reunions of classes ending in ’6 or ’1, please contact Ken Kordick at 847-388-3390 or alumni@carmelhs.org.



2015 Class Reunions


1970 1985



Cookies and a Career

We have begun the second year of our lunch-and-learn program, Cookies and a Career. This program invites students to bring their lunch to the College and Career Resource Center and meet with Carmel alumni who discuss their careers. The following alumni will be joining us later this school year.

2010 New Officers of the Alumni Association Board

February 25: Gina Plescia ’84 – Travels to Italy and Spain working for Blue Cross April 21: Paul Dworianyn ’98 – Works for Awesome Dynamic Tech Solutions Do you have a career that you’d like to share with Carmel Catholic students? Contact alumni@carmelhs.org for more information about participating.

Meet the officers of the CCHS Alumni Association for 2015-16. From left to right: Katie (Steffenhagen ’06) Aspegren, secretary; Jaime (Wegener ’93) Clesceri, vice-president; Jackie (Bond ’88) Senger, president; Dan Cameron ’00, treasurer.

Young Alumni Return Day

Young alumni will have an opportunity to come back to visit Carmel on January 7, 2016 from 12-3 p.m. to see teachers and have some social time together in the South Conference Center. Details will be posted on the alumni website and social media.

COMPASS | Fall 2015

November 5: Suzanne McGuire ’90 – Works for Joint Chiefs of Staff


Class Notes 1976

Dr. Ray Heinrichs has been a veterinarian for 30 years. He and his wife Debbie volunteer in the summer at the Lakota Sioux Indian Reservation in South Dakota, providing vet care for the Sioux horses and dogs out of his toy hauler – a type of RV typically used to transport motorcycles and four-wheelers. Many other veterinarians and vet students also join Dr. Heinrichs to volunteer on the reservation. In addition to treating animals, the volunteer veterinarians teach people on the reservation how to do things like stitch injuries. This enables the people to take care of minor issues if they can’t afford to pay a veterinarian to come out and check their animals. Dr. Heinrichs first volunteered in South Dakota in 2009 and has returned each year since.


Gurnee Days officials honored Elmer and Betty (McCaughey) Fallos at this year’s annual, longtime festival. The Falloses were feted at a testimonial dinner on Aug. 6, and served as Gurnee Days grand marshals on the event’s closing day. Elmer and Betty both grew up in families that ran local businesses and have remained committed to building a successful community. 18


Martin Reading is manager of Reading Electric in Wauconda, specializing in energy efficiency lighting for commercial and industrial businesses, security camera systems and ethernet/ wireless networking systems. He was installed as District Governor for Lions Clubs International District 1-F in Illinois for 2015-16.


current projects includes creating a statue management plan, so that her team can keep track of which statues have been cleaned, the rehabilitation of Constitution Gardens and Franklin Park in Northwest D.C., and compliance work around tentative plans for an Eisenhower memorial statue and a Peace Corps monument.


Mary (Atchison) Reading is the immediate past president of the Gagewood Lions Club, serving the visually and hearing impaired in Gages Lake and Wildwood. She has worked for Dell computers since 2006 in their Software Operations Division.

Andrew Klein was recently featured in Popular Mechanics for his invention that enables one to cut a single piece of wood into a box – no drills or screws required. Patent is pending. To view the video that Klein put together showing his idea, visit https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=CTs-jiA18jE.

Catherine Dewey is the chief of resource management for the National Mall and Memorial Parks unit of the National Park Service. Before becoming acting chief of resource management in Aug. 2014, Dewey was the historic-architecture program manager for the National Capital Regional Office of the National Park Service, where she did project management and hands-on preservation work for roughly 800 statues and buildings. Her list of

Tom Babbey, his wife Becky and son Logan live in San Diego, Calif. Tom is an illustrator specializing in creature design and wildlife art. This summer, he exhibited his work at GenCon in Indianapolis, Ind., and was awarded the “Best in Show” prize for the 2015 Art Show. Tom also teaches painting and drawing at Watts Atelier of the Arts in Encinitas, Calif. To see some of Tom’s work, please visit www.tombabbey.com.




Philip Lenczycki, former faculty, attended a program with Harvard University in China this summer and recently began teaching Chinese at the college level. He is looking to continue his studies and pursue a doctorate degree.

Alan Hamlet graduated with a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Florida in August 2015. Previously, Hamlet received his bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering summa cum laude in 2010 and his Master of Science degree in 2013. Alan is co-founder of MYOLYN, a firm that utilizes patent-protected algorithms and stimulation techniques to create rehab technology for people with neurological disorders. Alan is the son of Andrew ’71 and Sue Hamlet.


In 2010, Sophie Szabo graduated from Loyola University, Chicago, receiving a B.A. in Environmental Studies. In May 2015, she graduated with highest honors from the University of Montana, Missoula, receiving an M.A. in Public Administration. Szabo was elected to Pi Sigma Alpha, National Political Science Honorary. She currently works for the U.S. Forest Service in Livingston, Mont., and resides in Bozeman, Mont. Szabo enjoys skiing, snowboarding and hiking.

After a year out of the league, tight end Sean McGrath signed with the Indianapolis Colts in June. An undrafted free agent out of Henderson State University, McGrath spent most of the 2012 season on the Seahawks’ practice squad. He was picked up by the Chiefs in 2013, where he earned a starting role before retiring prior to the 2014 season.


Mary McClure received her master’s degree in social work from The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. In August, she began a one-year fellowship as a government relations associate at NETWORK, a national Catholic social justice lobby in Washington, D.C. Patricia Simmons graduated in May 2015 from Western Illinois University with a Bachelor of Science in Recreation, Park and Tourism with an emphasis in Recreation Programming. Simmons is employed as the aquatic coordinator at the YMCA of McDonough County, is a member of the Macomb Lions Club and is expecting her first child in September 2015.



Catherine Simmons, proud parent of Tessie Michelle, age 4, is a Wauconda Lions Club member and works for Reading Electric as an energy efficiency assessor.


Marilyn Holguin was named a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy with a major in English at The University of Illinois.


Alex Young was selected by the Arizona Diamondbacks with the 43rd pick of the MLB Draft in June. He was the first selection of the second round. The 6-foot-2, 205-pound left-handed pitcher was picked by the Texas Rangers

COMPASS | Fall 2015




in the 32nd round of the 2012 MLB Draft, but he elected to attend TCU instead.


Rebecca Reading is a sophomore at Monmouth College in Monmouth, Ill., double majoring in Psychology and Political Science. She is also a member of Alpha Xi Delta Sorority and of both the Elk Grove Village and Monmouth Lions Clubs.

Brittany Rygiel currently attends the University of Missouri, Columbia. She is in the School of Journalism and was named to their Dean’s List for the spring session of 2015. Rygiel is also a member of the Delta Gamma sorority.

Maeve Daw completed basic training at the U.S. Air Force Academy and on Sept. 4th was accepted into the Cadet Wing during Acceptance Day.

Small World Dr. Michael Chicoine ’82 was chatting with a patient at Barnes Hospital in St. Louis, Mo., who was undergoing brain surgery. When Chicoine learned the patient was from Barrington, Ill., he told the patient that he was also from that area, having grown up in Libertyville. At that point, the anesthesiologist, Dr. Marie Angele Theard ’81, jumped in to state that she was from Barrington too. What Chicoine found really amazing was the discovery that Theard graduated from Carmel High a year before he did! He had worked with her before, but they had not realized their connection. Corsairs for life.

Milestones Engagements

Chris Froelich ’03 engaged to Anna Motola 20


Brian Hendricks ’06, CCHS College and Career Counselor, married Jackie Steuter. Several CCHS graduates were part of Brian’s wedding party, including Mary (Sponsellor ’06) Davenport, Caitlin Hendricks ’08, Kevin Hendricks ’09, Michael Hendricks ’14, Tim Hendricks ’11, Adam Miholic ’06, Jon Stasiek ’01 and Jeff Svihra ’06.



Isabelle Amelia was born to Joseph and Katherine (Markham ’00) Czerkies

Lincoln Cole was born to Sydney (Flaws ’07) and Derek Matelski ’07

Eleanor Bridget was born to Esteban and Molly (Thompson ’09) Escobar

Emalyn Ann was adopted by Eric and Sara (Fijalkiewicz ’04) Pamperin

COMPASS | Fall 2015

June Elizabeth was born to Liz and Rich Kennedy ’94


We Want to Hear From You COMPASS welcomes news of accomplishments or changes in your professional and personal life for inclusion in Class Notes. Please include your graduate name, present name, class year and daytime phone number. If available, include a photo and caption listing the names of the people and where it was taken. Submissions to Class Notes are edited for space and clarity to adhere to the style and tone of the magazine. SUBMIT NEWS AND PHOTOS TO: CCHS, Alumni Relations One Carmel Parkway Mundelein, IL 60060 Email: alumni@carmelhs.org Website: corsairalumni.org/classnote OBITUARIES: Carmel Catholic High School relies on family members to inform us of the deaths of alumni and friends. If a newspaper obituary is available, we appreciate a copy. SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Submit for the winter edition by December 15, 2015. Class notes will be printed as space allows and in the order they are received. If you submit an item and it does not appear, it most likely will be in the following issue.

In Memoriam Alumni


Mary Louise (Parker ’72) Cashman, mother of Kaytlin Ruzicka ’08; sister of Valerie Parker ’75.

Gerard Archbold, grandfather of Ryan Hornung, CCHS faculty

Theresa Cook ’80, sister of John ’70 and Susan (Cook ’71) Muriel Baum, mother of Robert Baum ’90 Martin Roger Belski, father of Brenda (Belski ’92) Fackler Michael Diehn ’69 Gary Bohn, brother-in-law of Terry Donohoo, CCHS Diane (Post ’67) Granucci faculty Jonathan Honold ’91 Lorraine (Christensen ’71) Merstorf

Mary Jane Boreham, mother of Robert ’81 and Gregory ’85 Boreham

John Thumel ’11, brother of Alison ’10

Georgia Cantieri, grandmother of Jonathan ’01 and Graham ’04 Kolb

Deborah Zapf ’67

Marilyn Ann Cocanig, mother of Matthew Cocanig ’94 Edward Dodich, grandfather of Joel ’13 and Julia ’16 Dodich Shirley Donahoe, mother of Dr. Daniel ’70 and Thomas ’72 Donahoe


William E. Egan, father of Tim ’74, William ’75, Edward ’78 and Daniel ’85 Egan, Catherine (Egan ’68) Kencharek, Patricia (Egan ’71) Miller, Eileen (Egan ’72) Cleaveland, Loretta (Egan ’79) Markese and Mary (Egan ’81) Gertsen; father-in-law of Mary Jo (Kasbohn ’75) Egan, Cynthia (Hermes ’75) Egan and Donna (Costello ’79) Egan; grandfather of Shawn ’05, Thomas ’07 and Bradley ’14 Egan Frank Fiore, father of Anthony Fiore ’74; grandfather of Frank Fiore ’03, Mena (Fiore ’02) Malham, and Marisa (Fiore ’05) Anderson Dennis Gallaher, father of Kathy Hunter, CCHS nurse; grandfather of Haley ’12 and Samuel ’14 Hunter Marlon Gray, grandfather of Abigail ’14 and Madeline ’17 Johnson Michael Halloran, brother of Peggy Halloran, CCHS faculty Kyle Burke Hamblin, brother of Jason Hamblin ’91 Donald Hermestroff, father-in-law of Robert Magna ’69; grandfather of Robert ’02, James ’04 and Thomas ’08 Magna Susan Kellermann, mother of Robert Kellermann ’91 Mary Ann Kohuth, mother of Carolyn (Kohuth ’87) Pollina and Jennifer (Kohuth ’89) Good Barbara Konitzer, mother of Gene Konitzer ’66

Joseph A. Molloy, father of Joseph Molloy, former CCHS faculty; grandfather of Joseph Molloy ’12 James Neshek, father-in-law of Mark Bobel ’72 Frank Osburn, Sr., father of Crystal Osburn ’92


Mary Lou Dvorak, mother of Michael ’69, Richard ’73 and John ’74 Dvorak and Maribeth (Dvorak ’75) Huebner

James C. Miller, father of James ’73, Christopher ’77 and Stephen ’80 Miller and Nancy (Miller ’75) Daluga; father-in-law of James Daluga ’75; grandfather of James ’03, Molly ’06, CCHS faculty, and Mimi ’10 Daluga and Kelly ’10 and Brian ’12 Miller

Thelma Parry, mother of Kent Parry, CCHS faculty Richard Piar, grandfather of Catherine Priebe ’16 Clifford Sanderson, father of Mark ’79, Christopher ’81, John ’82 and Melinda (Sanderson ’85) Merone Terence Saunders, father of Brendan Saunders ’97 Theresa Slack, mother of Greg Slack ’73; mother-in-law of Mary (Noll ’75) Slack Janet Sorby, grandmother of Brett ’08 and April ’11 Sorby Nancy Stephens, grandmother of Adam ’00 and Paul ’03 Wonak Josef Stramich, father of William ’71 and Joseph ’78 Stramich and Rita (Stramich ’75) Emmert Maria Strumberger, grandmother of Daniel ’09, Alexander ’11 and Katherine ’15 Majewski Edward Tourdot, father-in-law of Mary Alice (Pavin ’78) Tourdot; grandfather of Mary ’06 and Emily ’09 Tourdot, CCHS faculty

Justin Whelan, M.D., father of Daniel ’89, Michael Patrick A. Lundy, father of Laura Lundy ’80 and ’92 and William ’96 Whelan, Susan (Whelan ’81) Kane Jennifer (Lundy ’84) Sender and Diane (Whelan ’83) Bierman; father-in-law of John Bierman ’82; grandfather of Erin ’05, Michael ’08 and Michael Marguerite, father of Michael ’98, Matthew ’00 Allison ’13 Kane and Rachael Bierman ’17 and Molly ’04 Marguerite Genevieve Wiser, mother of JoAnn (Wiser ’69) Swanson Stephen T. Martin, grandfather of Nicole ’11, Eric ’13 and Kevin ’15 Martin Shirley Zemaitis, grandmother of Lynn ’13 and Steven ’16 Zemaitis Joyce Masterson, CCHS faculty Charles Zidek, grandfather of Anne ’15 and Grace ’17 Zidek

COMPASS | Fall 2015

Elenor Dunkelberger, mother of Ann Baker, former CCHS faculty


One Carmel Parkway | Mundelein, IL 60060

Please send name and/or address changes to:

Carmel Catholic High School One Carmel Parkway Mundelein, IL 60060 847.388.3362 jpaddock@carmelhs.org

2015 December 16-18 21

Semester Exams First Day of Christmas Break

January 5 9 18 24 25-29

First Day Back for Students Entrance Exam and Parent Program, 8 a.m. MLK Day – No School/Offices Closed CCHS Championship Football Party, 2 p.m. Catholic Schools Week

February 10-12 11 12-13 15 16

Street Scenes Prep – No Classes Street Scenes Student Show, 6:30 p.m. Street Scenes Show Nights, 6:30 p.m. Presidents Day – No School/Offices Closed Street Scenes Student Goal Holiday – No Classes

Carmel Catholic


Street Scenes Toasts Mardi Gras Friday and Saturday, Feb. 12 and 13, 2016 6:30 p.m. Carmel Catholic High School Ages 21 and over Tickets: $20 in advance, $25 at the door THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION WILL AGAIN HAVE A FESTIVE BOOTH IN THE MIDWAY. FIND OUT WHAT OTHER ALUMNI ARE WALKING THE HALLS THAT NIGHT, AND THEN STAY TO PLAY GAMES AND ENTER THE RAFFLE!

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