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Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation’s (CCPR) Adopt-APark volunteer-driven program allows everyone from individuals to organizations to care for, nurture and grow an identified park partner, or section of a park, enhancing the park’s beauty and taking ownership of its maintenance. Nothing feels better – volunteers say –than giving back and caring for something so valuable to the community.
“Parks are an integral part of every community. They provide access to nature and better our quality of life. Adopt-A-Park offers an opportunity for the community to help us maintain our parks, trails and natural areas,” shares CCPR volunteer coordinator Caitlin May.
Making A Difference
Encouraged to think globally and act locally, Adopt-APark promotes a shared community responsibility to care for and protect our natural resources and have a direct hand in their sustainability and beautification.
“Adopt-A-Park evolved and was designed as a recurring, long-term commitment for volunteers seeking to make a difference in the park system overall, in parks near their neighborhoods, or as an organization's initiative promoting volunteerism,” says May.

“We have individuals who take care of trails, families looking for a volunteer opportunity to impact a park near their home, and we have organizations that have taken on an entire park as their focus. It’s not one size fits all but each and every volunteer makes a difference.”

What It Takes
Once interest in the Adopt-A-Park program has been identified, shares May, the process begins with an application that will ultimately combine the interests of the volunteers matched with a CCPR park need. The commitment is usually for one year and the onboarding process includes a background check for the team leader and training.
“We’ve been able to add 11 new adopters in the course of the last year,” May says. “These volunteers, and the time they are investing, are making such a noticeable and valuable impact in our parks. Our hope is to grow Adopt-A-Park by inspiring others to get on board.”