Write Mag

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iContent New Releases


UpComing Young Author Athony Vernon


Poetry Corner 5 Healing Love |Reach | Life | A Poem | Forbidden Love | Never Fool Me Again | Non Sequitur? I Beg Your Pardon. Short Story Spotlight Miracle Unfolding Rebirth of Bholi

7 9

Blogging & Writing Tips Alliteration and Assonance: Use with Caution How To Write a Script

11 13

Interviews Interview With John Zunski


Featured Alice Walker :Inspires


The Artist & The Art


1 | Write Mag | writemag.net | January 2013 | Issue #1

iCredits Credits by page: Interview with Anthony Vernon - Carmen Knight Miracle Unfolding - Stephanie A Dawson Rebirth of Bholi - Gaurav Mahendru Alliteration and Assonance: Use with Caution - John Davis Jr. How to Write A Script - Anthony Vernon Interview With John Zunski Alice Walker: Inspires - Carmen Knight Poetry Healing Love - Ginny Bee Reach - Ginny Bee Life - Ginny Bee Non Sequitur? I Beg Your Pardon - Michael Rubino A Poem - Anthony Vernon Forbiddin Love - Ginny Bee Never Fool Me Again - Ginny Bee Photos Alice Walker - Found Online/Photo Shot by Andy Freeberg Deadly To Love - Mia Hoddell Nightwatching - John Zunski Rose Phot - Dreamstime Guarav Author Photo - Gaurav Mahendru Poetry - Provided by John Davis Jr. Notebook - Provided by John Davis Jr. Artwork - Rui Costa Seasons of Spring - Yujin Jung Warrior - Yujin Jung Shadow And Light- Yujin Jung Knight of Night - Yujin Jung Lady Ravenclaw - Yujin Jung Oriental Fantasy - Yujin Jung Oriental - Yujin Jung Frauenkirche - Brooke Frederick

Letter From The Editor To Our Readers: Thank You for subscribing to our magazine and if you havent please take the time to subscribe. This is the first Issue of Write Mag, a magazine that inspires! Many different Authors and Contributors took part in making the first Issue of Write Mag, with a promise of many more to come. Sincerely, Carmen Knight ~Owner of Write Mag

iStaff Owner/Co-Editor Carmen Knight Co-Editor Naesha Clarke

Authors Anthony Vernon Gaurav Mahendru John Davis, Jr. Ginny Bee

Many Authorsm Contributors and Artist have participated in this Issue please visit our websit for more details at writemag.net.

Issue #1 | January 2013 | writemag.net | Write Mag | 2

New Releases

New Releases

Check out these newly released books that will keep you hooked till the last page and ride the literary roller coster within them.

Deadly to Love (The Elementals) by Mia Hoddell

There is a love that is so dangerous, so powerful, so intoxicating that it embraces your heart and smothers your mind until it leaves you defenceless. Serena knew that but still, it didn’t stop her. His name was Kai. He was the most beautiful, irresistible man she had ever encountered. Their attraction was too compelling to fight and she knew she would go to the end of the world beside him. That is love. However behind the allure was hidden a deadly secret – a secret that threatened her fragile life... But secrets best left unsaid never remain hidden forever. When Kai reveals his true identity, she is exposed to a frightening world she had no idea existed. Controlled by powerful Elemental forces her life is placed in mortal danger. Unbeknown to them, their lives have been entwined from the beginning and it leads her to discover an even greater secret about who she really is. As the pieces begin to unravel and death becomes a reality, Serena is forced to decide what is more important...her love or life. Check out her for giveaways and more..Blog

Nightwatching by John Zunski

Do the dead forgive? The question haunts Sondra McAfee. After the death of their three year-old son, Sondra and husband Travis escape Seattle’s society for a fresh start in the mountains of Montana only to learn what awaits is as horrific as their past. On the fringe of civilization, something sinister lurks within moonlit shadows, preying upon the anguish of tortured souls. Feel Sondra’s isolation in a mountain cabin, the torment of a schizophrenic shut-in, and the desperation of a broken hearted musician as they struggle to overcome personal demons. Together, can they defeat what feeds upon their souls? The answer lies within this tale of horror, betrayal, addiction, and lust. Check out his site for more info on his novel Nightwatching. 3 | Write Mag | writemag.net | January 2013 | Issue #1

UpComing Authors

Interview with Anthony Vernon by Carmen Knight

For our UpComing Young Authors I was able to sit down with Anthony Vernon, a 17 year old writer, film maker. He has several projects already under his belt and many more to come in the future. Here we get to know Anthony Vernon and learning his ambitions as a young writer with the world under his fingertips. 1) How are you Anthony and How excited are you to be apart of Write Mag? A- I'm good enjoying life. I am always excited to do any project. However, this project has me more excited then others. I have never done work for a magazine so it's another great experience. 2) First of all, Thank you for sitting down and conducting this Interview with us. What made you become a writer? Do you have anyone that inspires you to write? How did you come across script writing? A- I grew up uncertain of what I wanted to do with my life. I had some many interests I would flip flop all the time on what I was set to do. I began to write songs because I enjoyed writing essays for school and I loved music. I soon lost interest in song writing because I could not truly release what I want to with a couple song lyrics. Then I decided to do research into my favorite cartoon creators especially Seth Macfarlane. Learning more about people like Seth made me want to be a writer for animated TV shows. I finally committed to the idea of being a writer. I still prefer script writing however I also go about writing in other formats to expand myself. 3) I read that your a script writer, Do you use dialogs with others around you in your scripts? If so, do you use it as a source of inspiration? A - Yes funny jokes or funny words spoken by my friends often land in scripts. Sometimes entire scripts are based off a stupid thing a friend if mine said. 4) What are your other Interests if you could list them all for us? A- My specific interests include; Family Guy(tv show), Frank Ocean (musician), Adventure Time (tv show), Miami Dolphins (football), SpongeBob SquarePants (tv show), Kanye West (musician), OFWGKTA (rap group), Green Day (musical group), Maroon 5 (musical group), Miami Heat (basketball), and I love World History 5) What are you ambitions as a young Author and what advice would you give to the young writers of this generation? A- any young writer needs to know a few things. No idea is a stupid idea as long as it can be made entertaining. Next if you love what your writing and put a lot if effort in your work eventually someone will like it. 6) Aside from work, what do you like to do for leisure and do you have any mottos? A- during my leisure I enjoy to run. To most running is not very relaxing but I enjoy the activity. I also enjoy watching sports like football, basketball, and track. Lastly I enjoy sitting in my room alone with my headphones on listening to my music. Thank you For sitting down with us and letting us interview you. Issue #1 | Januaryr 2013 | writemag.net | Write Mag | 4

Poetry Corner

Poetry Corner Submissions of Poetry by Various Writers


by Ginny Bee

When you hold me I want to let you go When you kiss me I want to push you away When you say you love me I want to be deaf

But please hold me closer kiss me more passionate tell me 1000 times that you love me Because your love is my solution to be free from the pain I carry inside of me.

Non Sequitur? I Beg Your Pardon. by Michael Rubino We like to think of the surreal As a mere juxtaposition of things that are Normally never paired, like desert sands and cold steel. It’s perceived as a fantasy ever so far And most often impossibly bizarre. Then we peek through the looking glass To discover towering machinations against sky blue And discarded filth beside lush grass. Whether you’re aware or not, there is indeed a secretive coup That inevitably makes the abnormality become true.


by Ginny Bee Once, a little girl trying to break her way through the mountains now, a fallen angel trying to climb up the mountain she used to sit on.


by Ginny Bee Life A stream of energy Rushing through your body Waiting to be connected With the woman of your dreams

5 | Write Mag | writemag.net | January 2013 | Issue #1


by Ginny Bee

She didn’t know what she thought, felt or did Her thoughts went to the deepest of her mind, there, in the darkest of the night Never could she feel for her like she does and did, here, in the silence of the night Her black hair, soft as silk. covered her slim, naked body Her lips, longing for a passionate touch Eyes, which are more shiny than stars Nobody has had the chance to touch her this deep, so intense Nobody could have pulled her down in a labyrinth full of lies, illusions and desire Because who would have thought that she would fall for the one of which she didn’t expect to get a touch from And she sat there, confused, puzzled... Trying to escape from her feelings


by Ginny Bee

Is it you or is it me? The feelings that can never be In my mind we’re still close Your love is my overdose

I was so stupid and blind Just thought there was something to bind An illusion for the thousand time If ditching was just a crime You would live in jail forever Leading me into you, no never Just let me go It’s hard you know

Now I keep myself in honor I let you go because you have him and her I can’t kill my hope over and over again I’m not someone you can bend I let you go Not so hard for me you know The times you hurt me You and me can never be

I’m free now I just learned my lesson, and how I don’t need you anymore That’s one thing for sure

A Poem

by Anthony Vernon I sit upon my wit I aspire to gain the highest desire But even a cool fool and reach this ground I found luck not knowledge is the greatest resource I’ve been stuck on the bottom for way to long I say no more I will make my own chances stronger And take what is mine

Call For Submission If you would like to submit your poem(s) to this section in Write Mag, please send your submissions to submissions@writemag.net. The following are submission guidelines: * All poetry is accepted. * Must be the most 200 words. * Poetry from Prompts are accepted as well. Hope to see your artwork soon!

Issue #1 | December 2012 | writemag.net | Write Mag | 6

Short Story Spotlight

A Miracle Unfolding … By Stephanie A Dawson (Annette’s sister)

It was the start of an ordinary January day and Annette was on her way to work when, little realizing, a decision to help someone would change the rest of her life. She had just witnessed a car flip over on its roof traveling in the opposite direction and she made the fateful choice to turn back and help. Single handedly Annette pulled the driver from his seat; out of the mangled car to where she believed to be a place of safety. The next thing she remembered was dialing 911 on her cell phone before momentarily re-gaining consciousness in Tampa General Hospital, disorientated and in excruciating pain. A passing truck had hit both Annette and the car driver along the fifty five mile-an-hour road and thrown her forty feet in the air, before landing on the hard concrete surface, causing multiple fractures and internal injuries. Annette’s only concern was for the driver of the vehicle she had helped and her first words were “how is the other driver” before drifting back into unconsciousness. Truly a Good Samaritan’s heart was displayed here for all to see. Slowly but surely the task of calling family members was made to those home and abroad and a steady stream of visitors congregated in the hospital waiting rooms and at Annette’s bedside. Her whole body was bruised and swollen and it was a stark reminder of the pain and suffering Jesus must have endured on his journey to the Cross. The doctor’s main concern at that time was a floating splinter that had lodged itself in her spine which required an immediate surgical procedure. The operation lasted over seven hours and the offending article was successfully removed. However, the overall prognosis for Annette was not as positive. Family members were braced to expect that she would not walk again and the information being conveyed gave an extremely bleak outlook!

7 | Write Mag | writemag.net | January 2013 | Issue #1

Thank God for doctors and their expertise but praise God for His Healing Hands and the mighty power of prayer! Almost instantly a call for prayer was ignited across the nation and even across the globe. Requests for God’s healing intervention were made through churches; on Facebook; in person and via every kind of internet median conceivable and/or available. Armies of prayer warriors were at work immediately and His Angels were looking down favorably on Annette daily. Constant bedside prayers and positive affirmations were extended each day which saw a marked improvement with every word spoken. Within a few weeks Annette’s bones were mending and the bruises healing but the greatest progress was in her rekindled acknowledgement of God and His Holy Spirit. Her time in the hospital had proffered her an opportunity to reflect and give thanks to God for sparing her life. Surely it was by the grace of God she survived the horrific accident in the first place. It was awesome to see God’s peace resting on her as she faced the fact that her life had been jarred dramatically and irreversibly in a matter of seconds. Also, that this change would have an overwhelming impact on her for the rest of her life! As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months Annette continued to make great progress and regained both feeling and mobility in her arms. There has been little change in her legs, at the moment, but God is good and hears our prayers. We firmly believe in the value of prayer and stand on His word for a complete recovery. Each new day brings great new hope and a promise of absolute healing in the Name of Jesus our Lord and Savior… Annette continues to improve and encourages those around with her positive, uplifting and Christ like perspective on life, reflecting God’s shining light. That coupled with her strength and utmost determination has brought her to the place where the miracle of God’s love unfolds every day!

Issue #1 | January 2013 | writemag.net | Write Mag | 8

Short Story Spotlight


Rebirth of Bholi by Gaurav Mahendru

girl. Shyam’s Mother had cursed Geeta saying she had brought misfortune to the family and predicted that Bholi would be bad for the family. ittle Bholi could not understand why Geeta, Even Shyam’s father had joined the chorus saying her mother would throw the water away when her throat was as dry as the summer wind. It was forty de- that she would prove to be a liability and if Geeta had grees and Bholi was standing barefoot on the dirt track given birth to a baby boy instead, at least he would have grown up to be their support system, a sort of life while her parents were busy with the duties that had insurance when they grew old. This saddened Shyam been assigned to them by the supervisor. Shyam, her and he retreated in his shell. He would concentrate on father and Geeta were daily wage laborers who had arrived from their village to the city looking for better his work and would keep to himself most of the times. All the while Bholi lay on the ground oblivious to the opportunities. To make both ends meet they had to curses being hurled at her and her parents. She would work at construction sites. Together they made 250 rupees per day which was enough to take care of their smile when her grandmother said something harsh in the course of the conversation with neighbors. most basic needs of food as well as the rental of the one room shanty in the nearby slum cluster. City life Bholi had managed to hold on to the gift of innowas harsh but there was a certain allure that had kept cent faith bestowed on her by Mother Nature. both of them from going back to their village. She would smile at everybody but could not understand why nobody smiled back. To her everybody Bholi had cried and kept on pointing towards the water as if to say, “Do not throw it away, I am thirsty”, seemed too busy with their work. Nobody in her family ever bought gifts for her. There was no one to but her tears could not move Geeta. It seemed even her mother had forsaken her. Bholi was unaware that encourage her or hug her when she learned to walk. the water was polluted and would have made her sick. Nobody wished her on her first birthday. It was as if she did not matter. It was as though she was invisible Life seemed like a mutiny of sorts which the young to everyone. But when her mother threw the water mind of Bholi could not comprehend. Her birth was seen as an ominous sign by her grandparents. Being a away something snapped inside her. She retaliated by family of laborers they could hardly hide their misfor- digging her nails into Geeta’s arms and making ugly tune at the fact that Geeta, her mother had given birth faces at her. Geeta wrung herself free quickly, slapped Bholi and cursed her aloud. “Go sit in that corner, you to a baby girl instead of a boy. Nobody picked her up bitch”. and cuddled her or kissed her. She would lie around the site where her parents worked for their daily bread, For a few moments mother and daughter looked at each other. Geeta’s outburst completely shattered Bholi in the heat and dust, unattended, forsaken by everybody. When she learnt to walk using her arms and legs and after a little while she slowly retreated in a corner away from everybody else. She continued to sob she would follow her father and look with imploring inconsolably and from a distance looked as if she was eyes as if asking, don’t you love me? Or she would explore her surroundings on her own until her mother suffering from a bout of hiccups. Shyam had mumbled something to Geeta from the distance which Bholi would pick her up and scold her and put her back could not understand. The little girl in her had died in in the corner. She would open her arms as far as she that moment. Bholi kept to herself for the rest of the could when somebody would pass her by hoping day. She did not play with the children of other laborsomebody would pick her up. Shyam and Geeta had ers, neither did she have lunch. Thirst and hunger were had taken a few days off and taken Bholi to his vilof no consequence to her anymore. As the day wore off lage when she was born. Shyam’s parents were livid when they heard that Geeta had given birth to a baby the supervisor called everybody and informed them that they had done a good job that day. All laborers 9 | Write Mag | writemag.net | January 2013 | Issue #1

were told to come early tomorrow morning as the contractor would like to talk to them for sometime. Word got around that everybody would be given a bonus. All laborers went home in high spirits. A smile lit up Shyam’s face and Geeta had already started planning their next trip to the village fair. On the way home they got their dinner packed from the local Dhaba which served food at subsidized rates. Shyam bought some sweets as well. For a change, Shyam helped Geeta when she laid out the dinner. Bholi watched but refused to eat. She turned her face the other side when Shyam offered her the sweets. Her mother cursed her again, “Eat it, you good for nothing; do not be so thankless�. For a moment Bholi looked back but kept quiet. Shyam patted her and sang her a lullaby before dozing off. Bholi lay awake under the sky, eyes wide open as if questioning somebody, waiting for an answer. It seemed even sleep had abandoned her. She stood up and started walking towards the main road. It was pitch dark outside but she managed to reach the clearing where she used to watch the other children play. Slowly she made her way towards the entrance. The street light had illuminated the spot just outside the broken gate. In the distance she could hear some music which seemed to soothe her restless mind for a moment, and then her eyes fixated on the night sky again. She seemed to be waiting for an answer. A drop of water hit her forehead giving much needed respite to her parched soul. Soon the drizzle gave way to a downpour which seemed to wash away the tears and feeling of hurt in her innocent heart. She closed her eyes and stood facing the sky for some time before opening her eyes again. Taking a few steps forward she dipped her tender feet in the pothole brimming with rainwater. Thedirty water felt cold around her feet. It seemed that the gods had finally answered her. She arched her neck upwards and let drops of water quench her thirst. God seemed to have turned his air conditioner on and she was enjoying every moment of it. Rain had completely drenched her. She moved towards a big pothole on the road which was full of water and jumped into it. A smile lit her face as the Gods seemed to be making up to her for all that she had to endure in this wretched life. The moon came out of the clouds and lit up the wet road. Bholi looked back towards the place where her parents lay asleep and then closed her eyes for a brief moment stretching her hands as if to gather the raindrops. She heard some noise but could not make out what it was. Bright lights blinded her for a moment and then everything fell silent. The truck driver probably thought he must have hit a large stone. The Clouds kept on crying the whole night. Bholi seemed to have finally got the much needed respite from the treachery of life.

........To Be Continued in the Next Issue! [About The Author - Gaurav Mahendru] My name is Gaurav, I live with my parents in New Delhi, India and currently work as a Network Engineer, I am single and ready to mingle. My ambition is to become an independent film maker and am currently working on mastering the camera and further improving my writing. I have attended a film making workshop and am a proud owner of a Canon EOS 7D DSLR which I am using to build up my portfolio. I love to write and am grateful for this opportunity and I hope that people will like what I write, I welcome all feedback. Issue #1 | January 2013 | writemag.net | Write Mag | 10

Blogging &Writing Tips

Alliteration and Assonance: Use with Caution By John Davis Jr., Poet

Younger poets who are just getting into the literary scene typically enjoy the music of language. Indeed, one thing that draws writers toward poetry is its musical quality. There is a sense and sound to poetry that few other genres can boast, and poets are more keenly attuned to this beauty than the average reader. With that said, this same love of “language music” can often lead to poor editorial choices on the part of the amateur: where a few words with the same initial sound would do, new poets tend to stretch the boundaries of their vocabulary. Never mind whether the words work in the context of the broader poem; alliteration (the repetition of initial consonant sounds) and assonance (the repetition of initial vowel sounds) have such magnetism that the budding verse writer has difficulty resisting them. How do I know this? I, too, was an abuser of these same devices before teachers and mentors helped me develop a greater “ear” for poetry writing and reading. They gently persuaded me to use these tools with greater care, and my work became stronger thanks to this advice. The result of using too much alliteration or assonance is tongue-twisting, Dr. Seuss-like lines. Usually these lines don’t fit well within the topic or theme of the larger piece. Every editorial decision when writing poetry must be informed by the demands of the subject – if one is writing about those “seven slimy snakes” or “seashells by the seashore,” then certainly alliteration is justified. However, if one is examining the meaning of life or composing an elegy, cutesy devices like these are best left in the poet’s toolbox. The same could be said of puns (another “deadly sin” of mine) or trite wordplay. Wiser and older poets know that it is far better to consider what tone and which tools best suit the piece at hand than to simply slap or string silly syllables into sentences (See what I did there? Kind of ridiculous, huh?). Choose your devices based upon your topic and tone, and the work will reward your diligence and discernment. For the sake of argument, let’s say that a poet wants to write about getting his or her first pet. This topic is one that stirs happy, jovial memories, and the motions and excitement 11 | Write Mag | writemag.net | January 2013 | Issue #1

associated with most household pets actually beg for “jumpy” language and meter. Alliteration and assonance would work well in this piece, provided that they aren’t overdone. Likewise, let’s assume that the poet takes a darker turn and decides instead to write about the death of that first childhood pet. This same topic, now altered slightly, forbids the use of those same devices – using alliteration or assonance here would be ill-fitting, if not disrespectful. Note how the topic drives the language choice: a poem about a party requires different sounds and structures than does, say, a poem about cancer. By listening carefully to what our poems want to say, we are able to make clearer, more appropriate choices in regards to language and its devices. Just as we wouldn’t use a crescent wrench to drive a nail, we shouldn’t be using the wrong tools for the job in poetry, either. Alliteration and assonance are like the plastic cable ties in that figurative toolbox – when you need them, you REALLY need them, and when you don’t, they are totally useless. Let’s make sure we’re applying the correct tools to the right circumstance. Poetry demands practicality in addition to artistry; those who can use both will become the rising stars of tomorrow.

Poetry Prompts Write a poem in which you create a world using the 5 senses and the following words: mend, light, time. Post your poems on the Write Mag forum or send your poem to submissions@writemag.net.

Issue #1 | January 2013 | writemag.net | Write Mag | 12

Blogging &Writing Tips

How to Write a Script By Anthony Vernon


he Creative process is different for every person. Inspiration for a script can come from anywhere and I mean anywhere. A script can be simple or complicated. The most important rule in script writing is this "No idea is a bad idea as long as you can make it entertaining." This is how I begin my writing process when it comes to creating a new idea. First I begin with what genre I want to write. I personally prefer to write a comedy or action script. When I first write out a new idea I come up with my characters first. I come up with general ideas for what characters are going to be like. After I have a general basis for my characters I put them in a setting that I feel could relate to the story. After this I come up a bacground story that relates to the setting and characters I have just imagined. Once I am done with this process I begin to write. I usually let the words flow to a sheet of paper after I've been inspired. Sometimes I let when I let the script flow characters change for the better. The reason you take the first step is to get your mind flowing you don't have to stick to these ideas as final. If you write what comes from the heart you'll be fine.

Every script has to start with an idea. You also want your idea to be something you would enjoy if it was put on television or a movie. So write material you would enjoy and put things your script that you enjoy. If you enjoy pizza have your character love pizza (I know it sounds like the ninja turtles) but it will make the characters more real or entertaining. Seeing that characters have attachments makes them more relatable. 13 | Write Mag | writemag.net | January 2013 | Issue #1

The goal of any script is to produce a final result that will entertain people. Sometimes you have to be creative when you approach a script. Never write a script targeting an audience you will lose ideas trying to appeal to others. The best script writers are always true to themselves the best scripts were ones written by determined writers who said "why not." Even if you have to break genres in order to entertain that does not matter as long as you enjoy the work. If you work hard enough at something that is true to your heart eventually someone will like it and you don't know who that person might me.

Lets review my creative process. First come up with a general idea. Second begin to write letting the words flow. Third be creative and build upon what has been written and expand on your idea. This is my creative process I personally would tell you to have your own process. This process can not be forced upon this process must be natural. Types of scripts - Heavy Dialogue - Character based - Radom, Creative, Outside the Box - Strong focus on making sure characters interact well

These are the types of scripts I like to write. You might have a different idea when you write your script. Remember it is your creative process.

Interview with John Zunski


by Anthony Vernon

Note From the Editor: Anthony had a sit down with John Zunski, Author of Cemetery Street, Shangri-La Trailer Park and Nightwatching Q- Most children and many people hate reading nor could they imagine reading a book. What inspiredyou to write your works? A- I’m not most people. From a young age I’ve wanted to be a story teller, I’ve always equated storiesto be magic and their tellers to be magicians, and wished that maybe, just maybe that I had a bit a magic to share with the world.

fruit of labor it’s a rewarding experience. The consistent theme throughout my life is I’m a dream chaser. If I find something that sparks an interest, I chase it. I used to own a hockey rink, so I live and breathe hockey. I was also a firefighter and am currently writing a novel in which firefighting plays a major role.

Q- If I forced you to write a story about Mike Tyson eating a carrot do you think it would be a good story? A- Why don’t I write one and you be the judge? This is off the Q- Do you feel books are becoming a lost art? top of my head, so let’s hope it makes sense. A- Absolutely not. I’m fairly certain that there “Eh, is that Mike Tyson walking down the street?” Yellowfeathare more books – both in print and electronic er, asked. format– floating around today than ever. It’s a basic human need to both tell and be told sto- “Where?” Tom Hawk asked. “Are you blind? Right there,” Yellowfeather said pointing with ries, and fora great number of people reading his chin across the street. And he’s munching on a carrot.” is the only satisfactory means. Movies, Televi“Nah, you’re crazy. That ain’t Mike Tyson. And that’s no carrot, sion and such and only reach a certain depth. now, is it? It’s George Foreman and he’s smoking a cigar. Those of us who desire, need, a deeper, richer “Caw, you can’t smoke a carrot.” experience will forever provide a listening for “You can’t eat a cigar,” Tom Hawk insisted. storytellers. “He’s getting away! HEY MIKE! MIKE TYSON! WHERE YA GOING?” Yellowfeather shouted. Q- What are some of your interests? The man across the street kept walking, either not hearing or A- Chess, hiking, exploring, wildlife, human behavior, history, The Universe – or maybe it’s ignoring the voice calling after him. “You fool, I told you that wasn’t Mike Tyson, it’s George Forethe Multiverse. man. Watch and learn.” Cupping his hands about his mouth, Tom Hawk bellowed: “MR. FOREMAN, HEY MR. FOREQ- If you could be turned into any animal MAN. I LOVE YOUR GRILL. MY MOM COOKS ON IT ALL what would you be turned into to? THE TIME.” A- A bear. Bears are my totem. The man seemed to not hear Tom Hawk’s cries and slipped Q- Is it fun for you to be able to make money inside a bar. Being too young to drink, even too young to go off of books? I'm going to assume yes making inside, they sat outside the bar and waited. Every time the door open the two friends jumped up only to be disappointed. Soon money off the sun dropped lower in the sky, and a chill settled over the of anything is awesome. So to rephrase my town. question did you ever want to be something “Hey,” Yellowfeather asked a drunk stumbling out of the bar. “Is other than anauthor? Mike Tyson in there?” A- Sure it is, whenever I can turn a dollar as a Issue #1 | January 2013 | writemag.net | Write Mag | 14

“Huh? Oh yeah, sure kid. And he’s belting ‘em down.” “See, I told you,” Yellowfeather told his friend. “Naw, you gonna believe a drunk? Let’s ask the next guy. I still say it’s the grill guy,” Tom Hawk insisted. Just then, the front door swung open. “Hey mister, is George Foreman inside?” The drunk laughed. “Yeah, he’s in the kitchen flipping burgers like a champ.” The boys bantered back and forth until the sun sunk beneath the hills and the chill turned cold. Soon their teeth were clacking louder than their voices. Yellowfeather spoke up: “Hey listen, I’m getting cold. I don’t really care if it was Tyson or Foreman, I want to go home, how about it, eh?” “But what about finding out?” Tom Hawk asked. “Let’s flip on it.” Yellowfeather said. “Okay.” “Heads it was Tyson, tails it was Foreman.” “But was it a carrot or a cigar?” Tom Hawk asked. “We’ll flip on that, too?” “You have a quarter?” “Nope. How about you?” “Nah, don’t have one.” “Man, now we’ll never know,” Yellowfeather complained. “What do you mean, I’m telling you, it was George Foreman,” Tom Hawk insisted as the boy’s shadows slipped from the streetlight’s glow. Q- Last question I was looking at your websites to find info for this interview and I came across something odd. What is it you like about mountains? A- There’s an intangible about mountains that touches my soul. Especially the Rocky Mountains. I love them so much that I sailed across the prairie in a U-Haul and settled in Montana. For me, there’s nothing as relaxing as spending time in nature. The stress of living falls away and a sublime calmness overtakes me. I get a similar feeling being on the coast, but the difference is primarily aesthetic. It’s like liking pizza more than ice cream or ice cream more than pizza. It’s just a matter of taste.

15 | Write Mag | writemag.net | January 2013 | Issue #1

About The Author Anthony Vernon

My name is Anthony Vernon I was born in Miami. I am a creative person with a huge imagination. However, I do not have any creative talents, however I became a writer. I love writing because it lets my ideas follow out of my head and onto papers. I am a person with many interests I love cartoons, history, music, and sports. I grew up uncertain of what I wanted to do with my life. I had some many interests I would flip flop all the time on what I was set to do. I began to write songs because I enjoyed writing essays for school and I loved music. I soon lost interest in song writing because I could not truly release what I want to with a couple song lyrics. Then I decided to do research into my favorite cartoon creators especially Seth Macfarlane. Learning more about people like Seth made me want to be a writer for animated tv shows. I finally committed to the idea of being a writer. I still prefer script writing however I also go about writing in other formats to expand myself. Aside from my work I am a fun dude. Overall I am a very positive person. I have to mottos first “Life is Good” second “What we think we become” said by Buddha. My specific interests include; Family Guy(tv show), Frank Ocean (musician), Adventure Time (tv show), Miami Dolphins (football), SpongeBob SquarePants (tv show), Kanye West (musician), OFWGKTA (rap group), Green Day (musical group), Maroon 5 (musical group), Miami Heat (basketball), and I love World History.

Alice Walker: Inspires by Carmen Knight


known as the best novel of this generation, but one that set the boundaries. This novel is now a requirement reading in most schools across the nation. She has published several novels such as The Temple of My Familiar (1989) and Possessing the Secret of Joy (1992).


lice Walker is one of the worlds leading historians of our generation. She has inspired many to dream and has influenced many lives in chasing their dreams and making those dreams possible. Alice was born on February 9th, 1944 from Eatonton, Georgia. She is not only an Activist and an Author but has worked as a teacher, social worker, and a lecturer. In the 1960’s she took part in the Civil Rights Movement in Mississippi and won the Pulitzer Prize for her novel, The Color Purple in 1983. Her third novel The Color Purple made it to the big screen directed by Steven Spielberg, which Whoopi Goldberg, Oprah Winfrey and Danny Glover starred. The movie received 11 Academy Award nominations three years later and became a success. Her novel The Color Purple not only became worldly

Recently, She has published Now Is The Time to Open Your Heart (2004) and a collection of essays called We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For: Light in a Time of Darkness, and the well-received praises picture book There Is a Flower at the Tip of My Nose Smelling Me. She has also written a letter to President Obama that was published online by The Root called “An Open Letter to Barack Obama” in November 2008. She continues to make ways with not only in her writing but also as an activist. As a young aspiring writer, Alice Walker has been an inspiration since I was only 10 years old. I was given the assignment to write a report on the First African American Published Author. As I read her magnificent story of not only being a writer but as an activist, she inspired me to write and that it mattered to get your voice heard. She has become an inspiration to many people around the world and continues to do so to help create change in the world. We are all working for a wonderful change and Alice Walker is among many. Are you one of them? You can read out more about Alice Walker on our website WriteMag.net.

Issue #1 | January 2013 | writemag.net | Write Mag | 16

The Artist & The Art

The Artist & The Art

“An Artist paints their soul in their artwork”

17 | Write Mag | writemag.net | January 2013 | Issue #1

© Yujin Jung

© Yujin Jung

© Rui Costa 2012

~ Carmen Knight

Issue #1 | January 2013 | writemag.net | Write Mag | 18

© Yujin Jung

© Yujin Jung

© Yujin Jung

© Yujin Jung

©Brooke Frederick 2013

© Yujin Jung

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