Florida Psychologists Continuing Education and License Renewals Florida-licensed psychologists have a biennial license renewal with a May 31st deadline, even years. Forty (40) continuing education hours are required for license renewals. Of the forty hours, the following courses are required: Three (3) hours of Florida Psychology Ethics and Law are required at each renewal. Two (2) hours of Preventing Medical Errors in Behavioral Health are required at each renewal. Two (2) hours of Domestic Violence are required every third renewal. There are no limits on home study if APA approved. The completion of continuing education assures the best possible standards for the psychology profession. All licensees are required to pursue continuing education as a condition of licensing. Professional Development Resources is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Professional Development Resources maintains responsibility for all programs and content. Professional Development Resources is also approved by the Florida Board of Psychology and Office of School Psychology (CE Broker Provider #50-1635). Continuing Education Requirements Psychologists licensed in the state of Florida have a license renewal every two years with a May 31st deadline, even years. Forty (40) continuing education hours are required in order to renew a license. Out of the forty hours, the following courses are required: Three (3) hours of Florida Psychology Ethics and Law are required at each renewal. Two (2) hours of Preventing Medical Errors in Behavioral Health are required at each renewal. Two (2) hours of Domestic Violence are required every third renewal. There are no limits on home study if APA approved. Information gathered from the Florida Board of Psychology on January 9, 2014.