The Rising Magazine - February | March 2011

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APRIL/MAY/JUNE 2011 Vol. I : No. 2

In this issue: Live Your Intentions With Sherri Carter

In the Spotlight Foods for Health

Numerology with C.J. Wright

Christian Wisdom Spiritual Travels withJudy Fein

Press Release

iBody Wellness



The Rising Magazine | April/May/June 2011

From the Publishers Welcome to the Rising Magazine. We are honored and excited to share our publication with you. Our regular columnists are noted professionals in the fields of health and wellness. As such, we will provide you with the latest research and insights into the fields of psychological, physical health, spirituality, and wellness. We hope you enjoy the diverse content and educational information in our publication. Our goal is to connect with individuals, businesses, and professionals in Springfield, Rolla, and their surrounding communities in Missouri. We welcome feedback, article submissions, dream story submissions for analysis, personal spiritual experiences, topic requests, and art submissions for our cover. We want to feature local artists and businesses in our publication connecting with the community through outreach, education, and networking. You can visit our website to register to read our magazine online and to order subscriptions delivered directly to your home or office. We appreciate your support and we look forward to hearing from you.

Where East Meets West.

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Carmen Turner-Schott Hyesuk White


Carmen Turner-Schott

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Carmen Turner-Schott

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If you judge people, you have no time to love them.

--Mother Teresa

Distribution-Rolla, MO Area: Janice Turner Dean Sooter

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Copyright Š 2011 The Rising Magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used without the express written permission of the publishers. The Rising Magazine is published four times a year by The Rising Magazine Publications, LLC. Subscriptions are $15 a year in the U.S. and $20 international. The Rising Magazine assumes no liability for improper or negligent business practices by advertisers.


Contents Body

Mighty Morsels 5 Total Body: Holistic Health & Wellness


Parenting in the New Age


Book Review 8


The Thinking & Feeling Mind


Manifestation Maven 10 Live Your Intentions 11 Yoga Listings 12 In the Spotlight 13

The Artist Corner: Art, Beauty & Spirit in Action


PsychoSpirit 16 Skylights 17 Numerology: The Secret Meaning of Numbers



Christian Wisdom 19 Celestial Insights 21 Dream Nation 23 The Unexplainable 24 Spiritual Travels 25 The Enlightened 27 Starlights 28 Community Resource Guide 30


The Rising Magazine | April/May/June 2011

The Healthy Food Fashionista by Becky Bishop

Becky Bishop, the Healthy Food Fashionista, is a healthy eating and lifestyle educator and coach. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Economics and her Juris Doctorate from the University of Kansas. She practiced law for over 15 years and is a certified mediator. She is the founder of, a website devoted to helping people make over their kitchen and transform their lives. Becky is also a certified L.E.A.N. (Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, Nutrition) Coach. As a certified L.E.A.N. Coach, Becky is dedicated to helping people of all ages make healthier life-long choices. She is the author of numerous soon to be released e-books and e-cookbooks.

Spring, glorious spring! After a record breaking winter at my Connecticut homestead, I’ve never been so happy to welcome back spring. I am anxiously awaiting that first warm day where I can throw open the windows and let the fresh air inside. Crisp spring air always inspires me to do some annual spring cleaning. Spring cleaning for me includes not just my closet and windows but also my kitchen pantry and fridge. Spring is the perfect time to ditch any junk food diet duds lurking in the dark corners of the pantry and replace the junk with some healthy whole food finery. This issue’s Whole Food Fashion Tip is designed to help you do just that. Whole Food Fashion Tip: Try On Something New. So, you’ve purged your pantry and are ready to restock with the latest spring healthy food fashions, right? As you shop to restock, please take my advice and try on something new this spring. Something you thought you would never, ever, in a million years let touch your lips. To be successful, you’ll need to leave your old assumptions about what “fits” and what “doesn’t fit” at the door. I used to think I would never wear fishnet hose, high heeled boots-- or anything that wasn’t made from combed cotton for that matter. I do wear those things and I love them. We all have hang-ups about food, too. We have ideas about what should be included at each meal (think meat and potatoes) and what our family members will and won’t eat. Make life easier by getting rid of those old assumptions and start your diet change with a clean plate. Just because you hated green veggies as kids, doesn’t mean you still do and it certainly doesn’t mean your kids will hate green veggies, too. If I had clung to my old food hang-ups, every meal would include boxed macn-cheese, my boy would not have discovered his blue cheese and flaxseed cracker snack nirvana and my girl wouldn’t eat steamed broccoli for breakfast. Our diet wardrobes would be so bland! So, go ahead. Try on something new and colorful and flavorful and wonderful this spring. And, remember, if the first thing you try isn’t your “size”—just keep trying. You are sure to find something that is To. Die. For. Featured Whole Food: Kale Kale is crazy good for us. It is loaded with a combination of antioxidants and phytochemicals that work together as a team to fight cell-damaging “free radicals.” This team of phytonutrients in kale is believed to protect against breast, cervical and colon cancer. Kale is also packed with calcium, iron and vitamins A, C and K. Kale is also loaded with carotenoids—that’s the stuff that’s good for our eyes and protects against macular degeneration.

I like kale just chopped and tossed in a green leafy salad. If you want the nutrients but not the taste—try hiding some kale in a smoothie with yogurt, bananas and kiwi. As for our family, we like our kale crunchy and crispy. My girl’s on a mission to get movie theaters to add this month’s Krispy Kale recipe to the snack bar menu. Once you taste it, you’ll know why. Featured Whole Food Recipe: Krispy Kale Ingredients: 1 bunch kale 1-2 T extra virgin, first cold pressed olive oil (enough to lightly coat the kale) Juice from a 1 lemon Sea salt to taste Optional: Dash of paprika and fresh ground black pepper. Method: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Wash and dry kale. Remove leaves from stem and chop or tear into bite-sized pieces. Toss chopped kale with olive oil and spread in a single layer on a baking sheet. Squeeze lemon juice on top of the kale making sure to cover each piece. Shake on sea salt. Bake until crisp and slightly browned, but not burned (10-15 minutes).

For more tasty, healthy and easy whole food recipes and diet change tips, check out my website, www.healthyfoodfashionista. com. Or, better yet, Makeover Your Kitchen and Transform Your Life by joining me on a 28 day e-course journey that will change the way you eat for good.

That which you resist stays.

--David Hawkins


What is Iridology by Margie Lewis

Margie Lewis is a Certified Iridologist and Herbalist, grandmother of five and mother of two. She started on a Holistic path in the ‘70’s because of a bad experience with Allopathic Medicine. She decided to take responsibly for her own health and the health of her children. She received her certification from Nature’s Field Institute in Utah and National Association of Certified Natural Health Professionals in Indiana. She has take Doula classes at Barnes Hospital in St. Louis and received a Certification of Completion in The Science of Intuition from Holos Institutes of Health Inc. from Dr. Norman Shealy M.D. and Caroline Myss Ph.D. She has owned Garden of Eden Health Shoppe for the past eighteen years and is a Manager with Natures Sunshine Products.

Iri what??? I get asked this all the time. What is Iridology and how do you pronounce it? It is the study of the iris of the eye. So I say Iri dology. When I first heard about Iridology I was living in Florida and someone told me that a lady who lived in Deland could look at your eyes and tell you what was wrong with you. I said, “Oh please I’m from Missouri you need to show me”. I got an eye reading and the lady was extremely accurate. In fact, she told me I had really weak lungs and hopefully I wasn’t a smoker. The truth was that I did have weak lungs and I have strengthened them over the years with the use of herbs. In fact, I have healing lines in my lung area now. I was also a smoker and thought that if this lady can look at my eyes and know that I have weak lungs, I need to quit smoking. After a few failed attempts I did quit smoking. I was hooked on Iridology. I wanted to learn more. I went to Texas and took an introduction class from Iridologist and Herbalist, Micki Jones. Micki had studied with Dr. Bernard Jensen in California. Dr. Jensen studied and used Iridology in his practice in California since 1935. One of the first doctors to use it in his practice was Doctor Von Peczely from Budapest in 1866. When Dr. Von Peczely was a young man he was playing with a baby owl and happened to break his leg. He noticed a dark stripe in the lower region of the iris in the bird’s eye. Eventually this black streak became a tiny black spot, around which were white lines and shading. This incident made a lasting impression upon the mind of the future doctor. When he became a doctor, he would observe and make charts of people’s eyes before and after surgery. The iris contains thousands of nerve fibers, which constantly receive information from every organ and tissue of the body by way of connections with the brain and the spinal cord. So by looking at markings, lines and colors in someone’s eyes an Iridologist can tell if something has been broken or damaged in some way. We can also tell where inherited weaknesses are in the body. We inherit our weaknesses from four or five generations, some believe it can be even further back. When my granddaughter was six months old, I read her eyes and could see that she had weaknesses in her lungs also. Her father and her grandfathers were all smokers as well as her great grandmother and great grandfather. It was upsetting to her father because he thought that he was only doing something to himself, not his own daughter. He realized that his behavior 6

The Rising Magazine | April/May/June 2011

had affected his own daughter. I said, “When you know better you do better”. Most people think they are only hurting themselves when in reality you are affecting many generations. So what is the advantage of knowing where you have weaknesses? Being an herbalist, once I identify the weakness then I will make recommendations as to what vitamins, herbs or natural remedies will help strengthen that weakness. You will always have the weakness because it is inherited, but you can make it stronger. Like what I have done with my lungs. When you get your eyes read, you will want to get both eyes done. The right eye pertains to the right side of the body and the left eye pertains to the left side of the body. Like fingerprints or faces, no two are exactly alike.

Five Principles of Spiritual Parenting by Mimi Doe

Mimi Doe, M.Ed., is the author of Busy but Balanced: Practical and Inspirational Ways to Create a Calmer, Closer Family (St. Martin’s Press, Oct. 2001). Ladies Home Journal called Mimi “a parenting guru” and her work has been covered in publications such as Child, Parenting, McCalls, Family Circle, Publisher’s Weekly and USA Today. She has appeared on talk radio and television programs including Oprah. Sign up for Mimi Doe’s free bi-weekly newsletter “Spiritual Parenting Thought for the Week” at: http://www.

We know more about nutrition than past generations. We’ve identified learning disorders and new educational techniques. We give our children every advantage we can afford, and some we cannot afford. We organize, direct, enroll, coach, and transport our children to and from lessons, games, practices, social events, doctor’s appointments and schools. We are trying to be good parents and give our children all they need to develop into well- rounded and successful adults. We may, however, be missing the very core of our child’s being, his spirituality. Spirituality is the base from which grows self-esteem, values, morals, and a sense of belonging. It is what gives life direction and meaning. I believe we have entered into a sacred contract when we bring children into the world. A contract that says we are willing to help these children understand and wisely use their spiritual powers expressive of a greater Divine energy. All children begin life with an innate sense of wonder about their world. They are naturally intuitive and open. We, as parents, can foster this precious state of being with our words, actions, and attentiveness. Where there is wonder there is spirituality. The ordinary becomes the incredible when we live life as a prayer, a soulful journey when we endow the daily routine with magic. When we stop the chaos of daily life and celebrate the small moments we provide our children the joy of the moment, we affirm and acknowledge their true state of being. “How, you ask?” “I’m so busy now, where am I possibly going to get the time to nurture my child’s soul?” I assure you, as a mother of two young children who also strives to put my voice and work out into the world, that it is not only possible but can easily work in any kind of family and in any kind of home. Here are a few ideas to get you started and 5 of my 10 Principles for Spiritual Parenting. 1. Listen to Your Child! Children have wisdom and they are naturally in touch with their intuition. If we listen and honor their instincts, they will learn to do so as well. When a child says, “It just doesn’t feel right Mama,” it’s time to go deeper and find out why. Not only does listening help children to validate their own deepest intuition, it also is a joyful, insightful and often inspirational time for the adult. I have learned so much from kids. In my book Drawing Angels Near: Children Tell of Angels in Words and Pictures children have touched thousands of readers with quotes such as “A long time ago when I was born, I thought of all the things I had made before. It was that time that I knew the angels.” (Age 4)

Set aside time to listen to your child in the evenings just before bed, or a walk in the park, Saturday morning breakfast, or a special date for just the two of you. Listen! Don’t do all the talking. Hear what he/she is saying and you’ll be amazed at the things that come up. 2. Add Magic to the Ordinary! Starting today, add a little magic to your daily life with your children. Don’t just wash the dishes at the sink -- look for the fairies in the bubbles. Eat breakfast for dinner. Music is a great way to touch the spirit. Try different kinds with your child. Soon, he will know what frees his soul. Drop peppermint oil on the light bulbs and sprinkle scented powder between his/her sheets at night. Put a flower on the breakfast plate. If there isn’t one growing nearby you can make one out of tissue paper or draw one on a napkin. Use your imagination and remain open for inspiration. Young children see the magic naturally in their lives. Let’s not belittle their ecstasy, but join in it. Look at the ladybug that is flying around your kitchen - count her dots - write a poem about where she is going. This makes magic. Creating magic out of the ordinary builds celebration, rituals and loving, lasting memories that nourish the souls of everyone involved. 3. Create a Flexible Structure! Kids of all ages need order. They need to know what to count on in an unpredictable world. Depending on your personality and your life situation, your routine and structure may vary. If you take a long hard look at a typical weekday in the life of your family, jotting down what the pattern is, you can then judge whether you need to create MORE order or perhaps loosen up a bit. One seven-year-old recently told me, “I feel like I’m in prison. Everyone tells me what to do. My mommy, teacher, even the bus driver tells me where to sit. Then I go to Sunday school and I have to glue the picture just like the teacher’s. I feel just like I’m in prison.” The trick is to be structured without being rigid and to be secure while being spontaneous. Within family rules flexibility can exist for the child’s expression of individuality and spirituality. It is safe when boundaries and expectations are clear. Have fun adding flexibility. If you are stumped for ideas just ask your kids! 4. Be a Good Mirror for Your Child. You are a mirror for your child and will show by example how spirituality and daily life merge. Everything you do or say, every habit you have, your tone of voice, your expressions, all teach your child what the world is and how he fits into it. (Continued on page 8)


(Parenting Continued from page 7) What he sees is you in a mirror of the bigger world. What he sees in you is a mirror of who he is. If your child sees a parent who has a loving comfortable relationship with spirit, chances are he/she will too. If you share your feelings about God/Goddess/All That Is/The Higher Power and demonstrate a faith and a trust in that power your child will model this behavior. If you want a child who is spirit-filled and comfortable with his connection to The Higher Power show him/her how you do it. Is meditation something that works for you? Children as young as three enjoy sitting for a few minutes and meditating. Altars are individual shrines that children can create. Prayer is a habit that a child will integrate as part of his day if you demonstrate your prayerful times and methods. For your daughters, check out Celia Straus’ fantastic book, Prayers

on My Pillow. 5. Make Each Day a New Beginning. We can start fresh each day as the parent we want to be. So you lost your temper, fed the kids fast food again, did nothing to nurture your own soul much less theirs, had no structure at all, and dismissed your daughter as she tried to share her dream with you. You can start over right now. Starting over each day with the assurance that we are not in this alone is spirit in action. Forgiveness and faith, for our children and for ourselves, is knowing that spirit moves and breathes and is our life force. So enjoy your precious children. Hold them close and let their warmth soothe your soul. They are our teachers and are filled with a natural wisdom. They see things we have long forgotten. Let’s help them hang on to their connection with spirit so as adults they won’t have to search to find their soul.

Book Review

by Terri Schlichenmeyer

Terri Schlichenmeyer is the Bookworm. Terri has been reading since she was 3 years old and never goes anywhere without a book. She lives on a hill in Wisconsin with two dogs and over 12,000 books.

“How We Age”

by Marc E. Agronin, MD. There may be a correlation, but you’re not sure. Do wrinkles directly contribute to crabbiness? Can the sprouting of gray hair cause a general miasma? And why do people think “Senior Moments” are so darn funny? You wonder, because you’ve spotted another wrinkle and two more grey hairs, you forgot where your keys are, and there’s nothing humorous about that. But getting older has its benefits, says Marc E. Agronin, MD. In his new book “How We Age”, he takes a look at aging – not from your body’s POV, but from your brain’s perspective. Growing up in Kaukauna, Wisconsin, Marc Agronin had a good role model in his grandfather, who was the town’s beloved physician. Watching his grandfather at work inspired Agronin to become a doctor himself. As a geriatric psychiatrist whose patients battle dementia, Alzheimer’s, depression, and other disorders, Agronin has seen the life-changing, life-threatening issues that come with maturation. But stereotypes and clichés aside, even though our culture is obsessed with youth, his patients also enjoy benefits that come with aging. Once upon a time, we barely aged. Just a hundred years ago, the average human lifespan was around fifty years which means, says Agronin, that aging is “less a product of nature and more of a human achievement wrestled from nature.” Centenarians, in fact, are the fastest growing age group in today’s world. But as we pluck gray hairs and worry at wrinkles, we need to remember that physical signs of aging are mere annoyances. The real issue to focus on is that aging is harshest on our brains. So, despite the inescapable fact that we have no Neuron Fountain of 8

The Rising Magazine | April/May/June 2011

Youth to rely on, can we age well… in our heads? Agronin thinks so. In this thoughtful book, he writes about patients he’s known who have faced their Golden Years with grace and strength. There was the wheelchair-bound man who couldn’t remember much personal history, but could carry on an eloquent conversation in his native Russian language. There was the group of women with early-stage Alzheimer’s who embraced their own social network, showing Agronin that alone, patients might falter but together, their limitations were eased. And then there was Marilyn and Mac. She accepted aging eagerly. He fought it. But both agreed that with years, came “gifts”: better judgment, contemplation, mellowness, and sometimes, delight. Part science, part essay, “How We Age” is not one of those books that blindly celebrates the so-called wisdom of years. Author Marc E. Agronin bluntly writes about dementia, forgetfulness, Alzheimer’s, and other issues that come with Seniority. He’s honest with his readers without trying to hide anything. Then, he balances the bad with soaring stories of the goodness in becoming an elder, including serenity, knowledge, and acceptance. Agronin’s colleagues taught him that aging has no cure. His patients taught him that aging really doesn’t need a cure. Thoughtful, warm, and wise, “How We Age” is a book for everyone who’s putting on the years, like it or not. For all of us, books like this never get old.

When the pupil is ready, the teacher will appear.


Finding Mr. or Mrs. Right by Dr. Will Elsass, M.D.

Dr. Will Elsass, M.D. is a Modern Psychoanalyst and Psychiatrist. His private practice is in Breckenridge, Colorado. He has extensive training in Jungian therapy, symbols, astrology, metaphysics and he brings a spiritual understanding when working with clients. If you would like to contact him email him at

The other day I was listening to some people talking about how to find love and marriage. They were talking about what attributes they are looking for in a future marriage partner. One person said that they are looking for either a blonde or a brunette. Someone asked the question and wanted to know if they were looking for a Catholic or if any religious denomination was suitable. Match dot com was brought up and questions were posed if anybody had any luck with that or if Single Catholics was better. It struck me that our 21st century way of thinking was interfering with the way God and the Universe works in our lives. We are all so busy now that we move at lightning speed through most projects. The internet places at our finger tips a vast sea of data and we use Google to narrow it down to a few good web pages. People are approaching dating like this when they define certain parameters for their future partner. When they check off a list of what they are looking for in a man, they are eliminating an unknown amount of possibilities and they are denying the infinite spirit within them the opportunity to guide them. When this is done we are using our finite and simple minds to limit ourselves. Our thinking is by its very nature limited. We think we might know what is best for ourselves and sometimes we do, but when we do this too much we are closing off a whole area of knowledge and experience that would ordinarily be open to us. All we know in our thinking and rational mind is what has been gathered from our own experience, from our own perspective. The unconscious, the Universe and God on the other hand know everything and we need to open ourselves up to these forces. If we look at the story of Mary, the mother of Jesus and how the angel Gabriel announced God’s plan for her, we can see an example of this kind of radical openness. There is no way Mary could ever have conceived of this plan on her own. She could not have said to herself that she would like to have a virgin birth someday. The sheer impossibility of it can’t be conceived in the human mind. She had to be receptive of God’s will for her and she demonstrated this when she said, “Be it done unto me according to thy word.” She was receptive and open and received a miracle. There are many miracles to be found in this world of ours. It is truly a miracle when two people come together and form a loving and stable attachment. In order to find these miracles we need to let go of our criteria and be open to new and unheard of possibilities. Let go of your preconceived notions!

You can do this in other areas of your life as well. There might be something you want or need in your life. Maybe it is a job, so you can take care of your needs or you are looking for a loving partner to share the journey with. Merely hold your intention in your heart and be open to the signs around you. The signs will come through things other people say that catch you as significant. You might hear a phrase on the radio that jumps out at you at that moment. Your unconscious will help you find these moments if you are attentive and listening. Make your wish known to God, to your Higher Power, to the Universe and then open yourself up to whatever might happen or come your way. Be patient, calm and inwardly silent as you listen to your inner voice as well as to the world around you. Use your feelings to help guide you along the way. Ask yourself if the person you just encountered feels right to you. If they don’t feel right, if there is something off about them, listen to that feeling. Don’t let some external and observable thing about them over ride your feelings. Maybe on the outside everything seems right about them, but if you are having a strong negative feeling about them, then go with that feeling. Throw the checklists and preconceived notions away. Resist the urge to plan out your life to the last detail. Open yourself up to the unlimited possibilities that are present in ordinary moments. When you do this you will find the little miracles that abound.

Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional.

--Dalai Lama


Manifestation Maven with Kimberly V. Schneider

If it’s Not Working, Turn it Upside Down by Kimberly V. Schneider, M.Ed., J.D., LPC Kimberly Schneider, M.Ed., J.D., LPC - What do you get when you take a person with the soul of a poet, the mind of a scholar and the heart of a healer--and turn her into a trial lawyer? Existential crisis and more graduate school. Throw in a counseling degree, a marriage and two extraordinary children and you end up with Kimberly Schneider, the Manifestation Maven. Kimberly is the host of Conscious Manifesting on and the author of the forthcoming book “Everything You Need Is Right Here”. She awakens spiritual adventurers, healers, entrepreneurs and other extraordinary individuals to the power of conscious manifestation and the joy of meaningful work. Visit her website at to request Kimberly’s Free Conscious Manifestation eCourse. You can also contact her at: and

Legend says that the Norse God Odin hung upside down in a tree for three days and then received the gift of the Runes, an ancient and sacred form of communication (and a precursor to modern writing). I love this story, because it is a perfect illustration of how we receive wisdom when we are willing to turn things upside down. When some part of your life is not working, viewing it through the same old beliefs and stories just creates the same old results. Sometimes, in order to get things to shift, you need to stand on your head for a bit. One of the first sacred passages I memorized for my meditation time contains these words, from the mystical 14th Century poet Lalla: Your way of knowing Is like a private herb garden. Enclose it with a hedge of meditation, self-discipline and helpfulness to others and everything you have done before will be offered as a sacrifice to the mother Goddess. And each day as you eat the herbs, the garden grows more bare and empty. I was drawn to that passage without knowing why. It took several weeks of meditating on it before I began to get a glimpse of its meaning. Our ways of knowing, the beliefs we hold, the stories we’ve absorbed about life can keep us in a small place, like a private garden. As long as we adhere to what we’ve known before, we will never have space for anything new to come in and we will never leave that small garden, or live larger lives. But as we “eat the herbs,” or transform our ways of knowing through meditation, self-discipline and helpfulness to others, the garden grows more bare and empty. Then, we have beginner’s mind. Then, we hold open the possibility of seeing something in a new way. So, I invite you today to pick an area of your life that you’d like to see renewed. Ask yourself “what are the stories I have about this part of my life?” Write about your beliefs. What do you think has contributed to your life being this way? Now, turn it upside down. What if some of what you believe isn’t true? What if none of it is true? Is it possible that your reality is created out of your beliefs? What would happen if you let go of the old story? If you could make up another story about your life, what would it be? What would the new story make 10

The Rising Magazine | April/May/June 2011

possible? Sometimes, before this exercise I like to literally turn upside down. You can do a shoulder stand or headstand from yoga. Or you can lie down on your bed. Now, with your hips, legs and as much of your back as you like still on the bed, let your head and neck dangle off the side. Turn your world upside down. Odin found the runes. What will you discover? I’d love to hear about it! Feel free to email me with questions and stories at Have a blessed spring!

What is the View From Your Mountain by Sherri Carter Sherri Carter, M.S., the cutting edge author of Live Your Intentions, The Power of Action, is the first to write exclusively about the Universal Law of Action. She has been published on Huffington Post, Associated Content, interviewed on and her column, Live Your Intentions, can be seen in The Rising Magazine. Sherri is available for speaking engagements, interviews, workshops, and book signings. For more information, please visit

I love reading and listening to inspirational messages. They temporarily transport me to another world, one where I feel inspired and uplifted. Then, almost as quickly as the words are read, reality comes back, with only the lingering hint of inspiration. While this momentary shift is welcome, what I and others are really craving is lasting change. We want the practical application of these beautiful words and ideas. We want the view from our mountain to be as beautiful as the view of those sharing the message! My column here at The Rising Magazine will be a positive, practical, progressive approach to creating the life you desire. This is a very active process, going from knowing the truth to living this truth. It’s this application of concepts we need to implement to create lasting change. We utilize Universal Laws when creating and living our intentions. While The Law of Attraction has received a lot of attention over the past few years, it is only one law, never intended to be used as a stand-alone principle. Another one of these laws is the Law of Action, defined as the forward movement we put to our intentions. First, we decide what we want; then, we follow our thoughts with congruent action. Here are a few strategies to implement action that supports your intentions. Create awareness about limiting beliefs keeping you from achieving your goals, while also cultivating awareness about what is possible. Are your actions taking you closer to your limitations or your possibilities? Reframe ideas of limitation into new beliefs. Rather than running from or ignoring your negative thoughts, allow them to reveal to you what spirit is really asking for. Release old emotional blocks that encumber you. Ask what is possible rather than focusing on what isn’t. Be aware of your emotional space. Set healthy boundaries. Be aware of how you are spending your energetic currency. Are you making responsible use of ‘yes’ and ‘no’? Commit to nurturing only those relationships and circumstances that uplift, inspire, and support you. Live your intentions. Put the power of focused action to work. Instead of waiting for inspiration, realize that inspiration is all around you, waiting for you to discover it. Make the conscious decision to live for your possibilities and not your limitations. No longer accept waiting for something or someone else to be your source to create some magical moment to begin living the life of your dreams.

The Law of Action is the practical application and implementation of truth we use to make lasting change, to create the life we truly desire. We shift from thinking about and waiting for what we desire, into active participation in creating that life in every moment, with every step, no matter how big or small. It is in each of these steps we create our own view. Enjoy!

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Yoga Classes 610 E. Battlefield, Rd. Ste F. Springfield, Missouri 65807 417-881-9642

Body of Work Yoga Studios 205 W. Walnut Street Springfield, Missouri 417-873-9642

Essential Yoga

210 W. Sunshine Street Springfield, Missouri 417-343-7597

Yoga Studio of Ozarks 1341 E. Kearney Street Springfield, Missouri 417-224-5854

Success Naturally Yoga 3539 S. Lone Pine Springfield, Missouri 417-877-9642

Heavens Valley Yoga

1317 East Republic Road Springfield, Missouri 417-880-3430

Teach to Inspire Yoga Education Center 1666 East Sunshine Springfield, Missouri 417-860-1820

My Hot Yoga

3014 C E Sunshine Springfield, MO 65804 417-888-0130


The Rising Magazine | April/May/June 2011

AndFlew! Movement Studios 717 N Pine Rolla, Missouri 65401

Show Me Yoga Studio

101A West High St. Jefferson City, Missouri 65109 573-636-5656

Patanjali Institute of Yoga 1707 Jackson Circle Rolla, Missouri 65401

Promote your Yoga Business In The Rising Magazine Contact Carmen & Hyesuk at 314-435-6098

Foods for Health I remember growing up in Rolla and I have always remembered the store Foods for Health. I always enjoyed going into the store to look at the spiritual books and herbs that they had. I was very interested in learning about new age topics and Foods for Health was the only place in Rolla that I could do that. It was the first place I thought of to distribute The Rising Magazine and it was our first distribution point. My mother dropped it off in February to the owner and they were excited to distribute it for us in their store. The magazine is free for anyone who stops by Foods for Health. Foods For Health was started by Donna Hanley in the entryway of her home on Highway F. In 1972 she moved the store to a larger but still small space on 7th Street next to the Rolla Daily News. The Hanley’s moved to Columbia in 1974 and the store was purchased by present owner Diana Price. Despite Diana’s knack for putting shelves EVERYWHERE by 1981 there wasn’t room for any new products. The store was moved to the south unit at 707 South Bishop more than doubling the square feet of floor space. A new box of tea did not require major shoehorning to find room on the shelves. Well, not for awhile. By 1995 Foods For Health was packed tight again and moved to the north end of the same building to expand a little bit. By 1999, another unit was added to give the store its present size of 2700 square feet. Now there was room for a comfy chair for reading, waiting or just resting. Recent years have brought expanded refrigeration, a computer system, massage by appointment and finally a website: In the early years of the store it was a major policy change to have two people working at the store at the same time. Today we have a staff of nine with schedules from full-time to very part-time. Although many products are stocked because sales reps have presented them, most of the selection was introduced at customer request. When a customer has been using a product and likes it, we try hard to get it. Not all requests can be filled, but we always try. Special orders are processed on a prepaid basis with a prepay discount of 5%. There is also a 10% discount for ordering bulk quantities such as a full 25-lb. bag or a whole case. A popular event is the fourth Tuesday of the month:10% Tuesday. On 10% Tuesday everything in stock that day is 10% off and all sales are cash-and-carry. Special orders are not included. Since those months with a fifth Tuesday are confusing even for us, fifth Tuesdays are now 10% Tuesdays, also. For the past three years we have had a monthly flyer with various specials for that month. Some specials are on individual items, some are on categories such as gluten-free and some are on brands of products. Items new to the store are introduced in the flyer. The date of 10% Tuesday for the current month and the theme for the month’s drawing are mentioned. As

the availability of organic products has expanded, Foods For Health has made it a policy to include certified organic products whenever feasible. Local products such as Edgar Farms Beef and Amish raised eggs are stocked. Products by local producers such as Judy Riggs’ soaps and artistic efforts such as Barbara McNamara’s photo cards are featured. Regional products like Teeter Creek herbal extracts are included on the shelves. There is a definite effort to give a diverse selection. It can be hard for the customers to make up their minds and sometimes they lament, “Why isn’t there just one?” Edie Hays is the massage therapist at Foods for Health. They offer massage and Reiki energy work appointments upon request. If you are from Rolla or happen to be driving through please stop by Foods For Health and check out the wonderful array of products and holistic health resources that they have available. They are a store that you don’t want to miss!

Janice Turner, Ad Design Specialist, for The Rising Magazine, meets Foods for Health staff in Rolla, Missouri.


The Artist Corner with Mary Novak by T.R.M. Staff

T.R.M.: When did you begin doing artwork? M.N.: As a child I naturally loved to do art like most children, but my passion didn’t come until much later in life - a more mature expression from my shamanic experiences. My first passion was only riding horses from age six years old with equestrian disciplines, which I did until I was around 23. When I was young and out of necessity, I found doing art much more exiting and alive than school work. It brought a lot of comfort where subject’s and school itself - either socially or academically did not bring me anything satisfying. I pursued graphic design and photography as a young adult, which satisfied me until I just had to begin painting and writing poetry. I did this out of a need for a deeper, more poetic expression because of the great transformations that I was undergoing as a shaman. I was much more athletic and physical, rather than in touch with my inner emotional sensitivities. I eventually found creative expression emotes through art. I finally caught up with myself in that way and it became necessary to include it as an intimate part of my life.

M.N.: The Blue Jay is a special Watercolor Painting that I created. The Fox and the Hare image is also a Watercolor. I am always inspired by old illustrations of Russian, Polish and all Slavic fairytale paintings. This one is inspired from an old Russian fox, hare and moon, which all three are symbols that represent the moon. The Red Fox is a Watercolor. My nephew had photographed a beautiful fox at my sister’s home last winter, so I thought it would make a nice watercolor showing its noble face and penetrating focus. The Magical Deer is done on Acrylic. A friend and I went to dream with the ancestors on top of the Cahokia Mounds in Illinois last summer. As my friend played his flute, I was facing the opposite way overlooking the large field when I saw a large deer gliding across the field with a red blanket on. As I watched it, it was moving in real time, but it only took it a few seconds to go across the large field. It went back and forth, until I realized it was a spirit deer. Years earlier this same spirit deer came to tell me my prophecy at the opening of my initiations. Last year in 2010, she returned at the closing of my shamanic initiations.

T.R.M.: How would you describe the art you do? M.N.: All of my art has come from my mystical experiences and through my shamanic initiations. I was more of a participation mystic, in which myth functioned though my fated and uncontrolled shamanic initiations. Art was the only way that I could express something so deep and mysterious. Words seemed to be of no use in expressing huge experiences into something that expressed itself in a complete way. My art was and is more out of necessity of expressing total transformation and as a tool to stay focused on what I am learning in experiential ways. Art gives me more expression as an individual, when experiencing shamanic dreaming. It was also a way to work with the shadow sides of shamanism and work on personal transformation. T.R.M.: How do you define art and what does your art mean to you? M.N.: Artistic expression of any kind to me is touching the untouchable emotional intelligence of the soul. Art brings that non-physical reality into a form, as a sacred way of life. There are many different types of art as there are artists, but my art is born from respect and truth and this is why I define it as sacred. T.R.M.: Tell us about the artwork being showcased in the magazine?

Foxy Brown 14

The Rising Magazine | April/May/June 2011

T.R.M.: What mediums do you work with and do you have a favorite? M.N.: I have three expressions of art that I do. The first one is my shamanic group work with women. The second is paintings of my personal collective visions as a shaman and the third is my poetry. I do not have a favorite, they wax and wane in my life as a living expression. I may go a few years without doing art because I am beginning a new cycle. Then there will be years that I do a lot of art, because I am experiencing a lot.

creativity. I was dedicated to disciplines of meditation for a long time and when I reached mastery levels, art was the natural next level. It brought the same emptiness of mind and that was my favorite thing about art itself. Now, it is just a way of life.

T.R.M.: What is your favorite thing about art itself? M.N.: I have learned that the highest consciousness of a human being goes back to cave art. It is associated with culture, the fine art of creating from feeling alive with passion and purpose. This leads to a more ecstatic state of living. I have come to realize it is closest art to the act of creation, which creator and creation are connected together and cannot be separated. The goddess has been an important devotion in my life because it is the reflection of myself as a woman linked with the divine. A lot of my art expressed itself through that exploration and a great respect for mother earth. After this period of life, the shamanic initiations moved my art into animals and nature. I had always loved this and it kept me grounded in authentic simpleness, which brought inner peace through spontaneous

Fox and the Moon Hare

Slavic Elk Ancestor Deer

If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.

--Peace Pilgrim


Top 10 Reasons to Begin Meditation Today by Anmol Mehta Anmol’s story is quite simple. He has, from a very young age, been extremely passionate about meditation and yoga. This website is the product of that passion and the desire to share with you this profound wisdom, so that these great spiritual technologies can help you reach your maximum potential in life. These sciences have helped him see the True Non-Dual Nature of Reality and he hopes to bring about the same awakening in you. So Mastery of Meditation, Yoga & Zen is really about you. Freely available to you on Mastery of Meditation & Yoga is a wide range of tools and techniques to help you with your personal and spiritual evolution. Millions of readers have already benefited from these articles and free online classes, and he hopes you too will take advantage of this opportunity and work towards your Spiritual Growth and Awakening.

Meditation is an art that has been around since the dawn of the age of man. This is not a statement to be brushed over. After all, many things about mankind have changed over time, but the profound art of meditation is something we have clung on to dearly. This is because there is no substitute for meditation. Nothing else, single handedly, bestows the many wonderful blessings that meditation brings... in fact nothing else even comes close. In this article, I will outline the top 10 benefits that meditation brings and hopefully it will inspire all to learn and practice this timeless art. 1. Enlightenment: This is the one ultimate purpose of meditation. To help you discover the True Non-Dual Nature of Reality. To make you realize that your True Self is Divine and One with God. 2. Peace & Tranquility: The mind of one who meditates is like the easy, leisurely flow of the Ganges River, as compared to the ordinary mind, which is like Niagara Falls. In other words your mind is at peace, deeply silent and so you are at peace. 3. Wisdom: Meditation opens up the channels of communication between all levels of your being. What this means is that you have access now to the guidance that is coming directly from your Divine Self. This link gives rise to the flow of intuition and wisdom. 4. Joy & Happiness: Meditation strips away the layers of false identity that mask your True Self from shinning through. Once you eliminate these false egos and stop catering to their nonsense you can reside in your True Nature. This brings forth joy and happiness as it allows you to be at ease with life, existence and yourself. 5. Love & Compassion: As meditation reveals to you the interconnectedness of all humanity, a great sense of compassion and love will spontaneously emerge. Knowing that deep within we are all divine in nature will change the way you view the apparent differences you see in others. This will also dramatically improve your relationships both intimate and casual. 16

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6. Stress Reduction & Good Health: This goes hand in hand. As meditation teaches you the art of living in the present moment, anxiety and worry fade more and more into the background. This state of relaxed awareness is most beneficial, to not only helping the body heal itself, but also for preventing illness and disease by eliminating the poison of stress. 7. Improved Brain Function: All serious meditators know how much their brain function has been enhanced by meditation. Now, empirical studies every day are indicating this link. Meditation will undoubtedly increase your awareness and will significantly increase your intelligence. 8. Discover Your Purpose & Gifts: As you start to drop those aspects of you that are artificial and pretentious you will get a chance to see the real you. The parts that are not put on, but are natural. This will give you insight into who you really are and what you really love in life. That is the secret of mastering the art of living and discovering your true talents, gifts and purpose. That which you love, you do for its own sake without the need for reward of accolades. Once this is discovered, life can be lived with passion, zeal and independence. 9. Yogic and Psychic Powers: We currently use only about 10% of our brain capacity. The practice of Yoga and Meditation awakens those regions of the Brain that normally lie dormant. When these areas of the brain are activated the powers they hold are unleashed. Such powers, used wisely, can be of benefit to others and of help to you in making progress on the spiritual path. 10. Magnificence: Charisma, Confidence, Courage, Character and Balance are all brought about by meditation. This leads to an individual who is immensely charming and magnetic. Best word I could think of to describe the collective affects of these personality improvements was Magnificent. Meditation will let your magnificence shine through.

Skylights Bridging the Gap

with Wesley Surber

By Wesley Surber

Wesley Surber is the Founder and Editor of nightShifted Astronomy, a public outreach service and blog where he shares the wonders of the universe with the general public. He has an intense passion for all things space and regularly teaches basic astronomy at schools and private organizations. Wesley spent two years working with the Three Rivers Foundation for the Arts and Sciences at Comanche Springs Astronomy Campus in Crowell, Texas and is a friend of the Cincinnati Observatory as well as an active member of the Miami Valley Astronomical Society and the Astronomical League. You can visit his official website at: or contact him directly at:

Our planet is a verandah on the cusp of a vast, galactic expanse that I believe was crafted by God to quench the human thirst for exploration and discovery. It’s in our nature to reach out into the unknown and I believe that astronomy is an important key to understanding who we are, where we come from and where we are going. Even adults who spend their lives looking only to the next paycheck or other Earthly prizes are filled with a childlike awe by the Great Galaxy in Andromeda as it beams its brilliant light into a telescope lens from 2.5 million light years away. As humans, we are born with an inherent desire to better ourselves and to reach out to new frontiers. With every fiber of my being, I believe that astronomy is a tool that places us on the threshold of the cosmos. As part of my nightShifted Astronomy outreach program, I am often asked by parents for tips on buying a first telescope for their children. When I started nightShifted in 2006, my standard answer was to immediately sway a possible budding astronomer from buying a telescope in a department store. Far too often, these telescopes are cheap and they carry great potential to cause irreparable damage to a person’s interest in looking at the stars. The truth is that these telescopes often promise extravagant performance, but rarely deliver on those promises. Have you ever bought a telescope from a large department store that promised incredible views of the Orion Nebula or Saturn only to find the images were fuzzy or that the telescope was so cheap that it fell apart after two or three uses? I have, and that was a huge selling point for me to start nightShifted Astronomy to help future astronomers make sound, rational decisions about buying a telescope. As the years have progressed, I have started to shy away from advising budding astronomers to buy a telescope. Why would I not want someone who is interested in astronomy to buy a telescope and look at the stars? Well, the answer is simple, really. Think of the night sky as a giant map. Each of the individual stars could represent a town, while the galaxies and nebulae could represent major cities. Now imagine that you want to take a trip from one of the small towns to a city. You wouldn’t just get in your car and drive away without having some kind of map or GPS unit. The same ideas apply to learning the night sky. It makes more sense for new astronomers to learn where objects are by what is called “naked eye astronomy” before diving into the world of telescopes. Many objects that we see with telescopes can be seen with the naked eye from rural areas. It is very important that someone who is developing an interest in astronomy turn to textbooks, online resources and

maybe consider buying an astronomy computer program such as Starry Night or TheSky. These can help prime them for exploring the heavens in depth with a telescope. Following these guidelines can help to reduce some of the stress and anxiety associated with learning to use a first telescope. Until next time, clear skies!


Introduction to Numerology by C.J. Wright CJ Wright is an astrologer and numerologist with a lifelong interest in symbolism. She writes the popular blog, Auntie Moon, focused on the signs of the zodiac, with tips for gardening by the moon and cooking with astrology. She is Co-Editor of the online numerology community at

How would you like to discover some very interesting things about yourself just by adding a few numbers together? With just a little knowledge of numerology, you can do just that. Numerology is based on the idea that numbers and the letters of the alphabet have spiritual meaning. You’re probably very aware that when there’s only 1 of something that it’s unique, individual, and stands alone. When you think of 2, you probably imagine a romantic couple, spouses, or even twins. Numerology builds on these basic ideas and brings deeper meaning to each number. Numerology is very easy to learn. We simply take the numbers of a date or a name, add all the numbers together, and reduce them to a single digit that holds the key to its basic meaning. Here is a brief overview of the numbers 1 – 9. Beginning, Individuality, Leadership Duality, Partnership, Union Creativity, Expression, Growth Process, Stabilization Change, Freedom, Sensation Sharing, Family, Community Rest, Truths, the Mysteries of Life Success, Power, Achievement Compassion, Selflessness, Completion To figure out the significance of any date, add the month, day, and year together and reduce it to a single digit. Let’s use March 2, 1972, as an example. March 2, 1972 would be written as 3–2–1972 and added together like this: 3 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 2 = 24 = 2+4=6 Any date reducing to a 6 has the qualities of sharing, family, and community. We would expect someone born on this date to have major issues in their life relating to their family, home, community, and sharing. They are the peacemakers who should strive to bring harmony to the world. They will encounter many lessons about such things and, in turn, will teach others. Try it with your own birthday and check your number with the meanings of the numbers above. The reduced single digit 18

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number of your birthdate is called your Life Path. The Life Path shows us the lessons we are learning just by doing what comes naturally to us, by living our daily lives. You can also find the spiritual message behind the letters of your name because each letter of the alphabet is assigned to a number. In the Pythagorean system, which is the most commonly used system in the US, the letters are assigned in this way:

The final digit number of your name is called the Expression number and shows how you are best able to express your natural talents. In an upcoming article, we’ll take a closer look at the things each Expression number reveals. Let’s analyze The Rising Magazine to see what we can learn about it in just a few minutes.

Let’s take a look at each word individually to get to the final number: THE = 2 + 8 + 5 = 15 = 6 RISING = 9 + 9 + 2 + 9 + 5 + 7 = 40 + 4 = 0 = 4 MAGAZINE = 4 + 1 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 5 + 5 = 40 = 4 + 0 = 4 We add the final numbers together and reduce them to get our final number: 6 + 4 + 4 = 14 = 1 + 4 = 5 Referring back to the meaning of numbers, we find that 5 represents change, freedom, and sensation—excellent qualities for a publication. We can expect new and fresh content, the freedom to speak in an authentic voice from the authors and editors, and a sensually satisfying publication filled with plenty to delight our eyes. The 5 is associated with the astrological Mercury which, in turn, is associated with magazines. Quite Auspicious! Next Month: What Your Life Path Reveals about You!

A Light That Shines Brightly in the Darkness by Carmen Turner-Schott, MSW, LISW Carmen Turner-Schott, MSW, LISW, Publisher of The Rising Magazine is a practicing licensed clinical social worker, intuitive astrologer and teacher with national and international clientele. She received her undergraduate degree in Psychology from Fontbonne University in St. Louis, Missouri in 1997 and a Master of Social Work degree from Washington University in St. Louis in 1999. She has been providing individual therapy and astrological consultations for the past 18 years. She is a published author of two books, “A Deeper Look at the Sun Signs and The Mysteries of the Eighth Astrological House. She is the founder of the Astrological Self-Awareness Center, LLC and offers tele-counseling, consultations, classes, workshops and parties upon request. She can be reached via email at, and via her website at

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12 “I have come as light into the world, that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness,” John 12:46. When I was younger, I often wondered about the meaning of darkness. I did not understand what darkness was when I was younger. I used to collect angels from a young age and having them surrounding me brought comfort. I remember lying in bed at night asking God to send his light around me, so that I would be protected. It was not until I was older that I realized the difference between light and dark. Life experiences forced me to realize that there were people who did bad things. When I was younger, I never believed this because I was naive. I always thought that everyone was good and full of light. One of the verses that I held onto was in John 1:5 when Jesus said, “The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness comprehended it not.” I felt that this verse was true in my own life. My goal was to live the life that Christ had taught me to live. I held strong beliefs about how I was supposed to behave. My goal in life was to live my life as closely to Jesus as I could. I wanted to serve others, forgive others and understand others. I thought it would be easy to do, but it was very hard and continues to be hard to put into practice the simple teachings of Christ. I find that many people see kindness as a weakness. At times I have been abused even though all I have done is be kind to others. I look around in the world and see such destruction and pain. It became evident to me at an early age, that being kind was not seen as strength by others in my life. Many people are not applying the teachings that Jesus gave us. I think about how different this world would be, if people really applied Jesus teachings. Many people say that they believe something, but it takes great character and strength to truly act on something in our practical lives. Jesus always said that he wanted us to take up our cross and follow him. I knew what this meant from a young age. I knew it meant that it did not matter what words I

spoke, what I believed or what I wanted to do. What was most meaningful were my actions and standing up and taking steps like Jesus did. I knew that this is what made me a Christian. A Christian is someone who lets their light shine in the darkness. A Christian is someone who strives to act as Jesus acted. Love as Jesus loved. Forgive as Jesus forgives. When I stopped worrying so much about what I believed and began to act, I found the light within my soul. Jesus said in Matthew 5:16 “Let your light shine among men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven.” When I continued being kind to those who were mean to me, when I remained kind to those who were my enemies and when I continued to be of service to those who needed me, that is when I found my inner light. I realized that Christ lived inside of me and as I lived his teachings I became stronger. It was not easy. I have cried many tears in my life, but in the end what mattered was that I did what Jesus would have wanted me to do. When I suffered, he comforted me and when I felt alone, he visited me. I continued to forgive others that hated me, I showed kindness and compassion to those who did not show me such and I found that I did begin to have the “light of life”. God blessed me each time and after tremendous tribulations and suffering, then there would be rewards. I learned that I was being tested and if I passed the tests, then I would be rewarded. What was the test? The test was simple. Forgiving others and forgiving myself. I remembered what Jesus taught, “Father forgive them for they know not what they do.” I realized that those who were hurting me, abusing me and rejecting me were really showing me an important lesson about life and they were my teachers. I know that we are all tested and have trials and tribulations. No one is perfect. We all make mistakes and are able to start all over again. Each day brings a new opportunity. We have the choice to live in the light or live in the darkness. Sometimes we feel that we have been abandoned and that we are stuck in the darkness. This is not true. Our thoughts and negative emotions make us feel this way. This is what Jesus meant when he said, “If thine eye be single, thy whole body (Continued on page 20)


(Christian Wisdom Continued from page 19) shall be full of light. But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. Therefore, if the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!� -Matthew 6:22, 23. What we think and dwell upon begins to affect us. If we think positive thoughts full of love and light, then we begin to feel lighter. If we think dark, negative thoughts then we begin to feel trapped in darkness. These dark thoughts can make us bitter, angry and unforgiving. A simple solution is to change our direction and to refocus on the teachings of Christ. Jesus never said it would be easy, but he did tell us what to do. Snap out of it and let your light shine in the world. Do not let darkness force you into hiding. Let your light shine among others so that they know who you are. God’s light lives inside of our hearts and all we have to do is begin to connect with that truth. When times are tough and things are not going the way you plan, start to envision yourself as a light in the world. See yourself walking round with white light flowing out around you like a cocoon. Believe you are protected by white light and eventually you will attract others that are in need of your light. Each time I have applied this teaching, I have attracted the exact person into my life that needed help. God wants us to shine our light in the world, but first we have to remember that this light is always with us. We are never separate from it, even when it feels like we are. The darkness cannot exist when the light is around. The light overwhelms the darkness until it is no more. Light is always more powerful than darkness. Try to remember this when you have struggles in your life.


The Rising Magazine | April/May/June 2011

Chinese New Year: The Year of the Rabbit by Carmen Turner-Schott, MSW, LISW Carmen Turner-Schott, MSW, LISW, Publisher of The Rising Magazine is a practicing licensed clinical social worker, intuitive astrologer and teacher with national and international clientele. She received her undergraduate degree in Psychology from Fontbonne University in St. Louis, Missouri in 1997 and a Master of Social Work degree from Washington University in St. Louis in 1999. She has been providing individual therapy and astrological consultations for the past 18 years. She is a published author of two books, “A Deeper Look at the Sun Signs and The Mysteries of the Eighth Astrological House. She is the founder of the Astrological Self-Awareness Center, LLC and offers tele-counseling, consultations, classes, workshops and parties upon request. She can be reached via email at, and via her website at

I learned something really important in February, when I was talking to my best friend Hyesuk. She was born in Korea and has a vast knowledge of the Chinese Zodiac. She began to ask me about a major project that I am about to launch. The entire conversation turned into a discussion about my Chinese Zodiac sign, which is the Rabbit. She told me that this is my year and that the next twelve years of my life will be full of good luck and prosperity. I was relieved to hear this and even more interested in learning more about the Rabbit personality and meanings. She told me that each Chinese Zodiac cycle goes by twelve year cycles. I had been preparing to launch a special project and coincidentally it coincided with this theory of a twelve year cycle. Then I looked back twelve years ago and realized that the major life change that happened twelve years ago this February, was the fact that I met my husband in February 1999. I just felt a sense of awe when I realized that meeting my husband started my old twelve year cycle up until this point. The past twelve years of our marriage brought many changes, including the birth of my daughter, several moves with the Air Force and many unforeseen changes in our lives. We made it through those twelve years with some bumps and bruises, but we grew closer together and developed a stronger bond. Time heals all wounds as they say and that twelve year cycle has truly come to an end. I have felt the energy and the change within myself for the past few months. I am so ready for my new twelve year cycle and for prosperity, abundance, good luck and happiness to begin. The Chinese Zodiac is made up of twelve animals, similar to the Western Zodiac that is made up of twelve signs. Rabbit years are called fourth year cycles, following Tiger Years and recur every twelfth year. The Chinese New Year does not fall on a specific date so you must check the calendar to see the exact date that the Rabbit Year actually begins. This year it began on February 3, 2011. If you were born in the years 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 then your Chinese Zodiac sign is the Rabbit. The Rabbit personality is similar to the Western zodiac sign Pisces. Rabbits are private, introverted, sensitive and withdrawn. They enjoy working behind the scenes and they need plenty of time alone. Rabbit personalities are friendly and enjoy the

company of their closest friends. They are calm and avoid confrontation at all costs. They enjoy serenity and peaceful surroundings. They are attentive and pay close attention to situations around them. They are known for their intelligence and are excellent communicators. The Chinese Rabbit is known as the most stylish out of all the zodiac signs. They are sophisticated and enjoy artistic pursuits such as painting and music. Many Rabbits have sensitivity to their environment and suffer from bad allergies. When a Rabbit is under stress, they often experience ill health. They are extremely organized and enjoy beautiful surroundings in their home. If they do not have beautiful possessions and comfort they can become depressed. They excel in career fields where they can communicate with others and organize things in an orderly fashion. They make excellent therapists, psychiatrists, doctors, writers, teachers, publishers, designers, actors, musicians, administrators, and fashion designers. The lucky rabbit foot did not come out of nowhere; Rabbits are a very lucky sign. In relationships with others Rabbits seem aloof, but underneath they are very romantic and emotional. They are nurturing, mothering and very connected to their home and family. They can cry easily by what someone says or how someone behaves towards them. Rabbits can be very moody and are influenced greatly by the friends that they have. They need an affectionate, loving partner that will be committed to them and someone who will allow the Rabbit to pamper them. Rabbits are most compatible with people born in the years of the Pig, Dog and Sheep. If you are a Rabbit or know someone who is, then let them know that this is their year to shine! The next twelve years will bring changes, prosperity, abundance and good luck for all Rabbit people out there. It is a great time to make some goals, make a list of your desires and then put forth actions to meet those desires. Things will begin to click in your life and you will find that all your dreams begin to come true during this new twelve year cycle. (Continued on next page)


(Celestial Insights continued from page 21) Below you will find a graph of the twelve zodiac signs and information about basic personality traits of the other eleven signs.

Chinese Zodiac Signs & Years Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Sheep Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935

1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947

1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959

1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971

1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Courtesy of

*References: Exploring the Eastern Zodiac Chinese Astrology, by Shelly Wu.

Basic Personality Traits of the Chinese Zodiac Signs

• Rooster - Roosters are very practical and organized. They like to have things a certain way and can find difficulty getting along with others at times. They are known to be abrasive and show anger towards others when they are frustrated.

• Rat - The Rat is the first Chinese zodiac sign, because in ancient legends he won a race among all the animals. Rats are intelligent, charming, social and straightforward. Some of their negative traits are selfishness, ruthlessness and intolerance. • Ox - The Ox is hardworking and dependable. They are modest and have a logical approach to problems. However, the Ox can be stubborn and rigid at times. Once they make up their mind, it is difficult to ever change it. • Tiger - Tigers possess power and have a passionate nature. They make impulsive decisions and can inspire others to take action. They can be reckless, immature and take unnecessary risks that they can regret later. • Dragon - Dragons are leaders and like to make decisions. They are generous and loyal to their family and friends. However, Dragons can be violent, brash, demanding and arrogant at their worst and sometimes have trouble getting along with others. • Snake - Snakes are known for their caution, privacy, strength and wisdom. They can be indecisive and can be eccentric individuals. They often feel lonely when they are around others. • Horse - The Horse is a popular sign and people are attracted to their beauty. They are considered to be agile, witty, perceptive and cheerful. Horses can sometimes be stubborn, arrogant and rude to others when they are stressed. • Sheep - Sheep possess artistic tendencies and extreme sincerity, sympathy and determination. Sometimes Sheep become indecisive and they can worry about the future. • Monkey - The Monkey is usually self-assured, friendly, sociable, intellectual and very smart. They have to be careful about being deceptive, manipulative and jealous.


1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983

The Rising Magazine | April/May/June 2011

• Dog - The Dog can be a loyal companion. Moralistic and affectionate, the negative aspects of the Dog’s personality can be described as judgmental, cynical, quarrelsome and fretful. • Pig - The last animal sign in the Chinese Zodiac is the Pig. The Pig is known to be loyal, sincere, patient, thoughtful and intelligent. Some Pigs need to use caution as they often only see the good in others and can be naïve.

Dream Symbolism By Mary Novak

Mary Novak is a Shaman Dreamkeeper working with dreamers around the world, shamanic apprentices, healing clients. For more information you can contact her at:

Dream symbolism is the most important aspect of a dream personal level and these symbols appear as movie stars or practice. Learning a dream language and how to interpret political figures representing a detached, but meaningful personal symbolism is a learned skill. Mythology, Fairy Tales, relativity. Esoteric and Divination work all involve symbolism and can Since I work with dreams as medicine, the inner dreamer or help us immensely in our dream work. There are three levels higher self gives us wisdom every night allowing us to penetrate to dreaming. Mastering first level dreaming of the mental body multiple layers of personal illusion slowly over the years. At helps us learn about this living language. Relating to our dreams what level we enter dream consciousness across the veil at night can be seen much like a movie, our personal inner dreamer’s is at what level we are conscious in this waking world. I work story playing out each night. We will be more successful with with symbols as feminine aspects and perspective of our inner a more grounded approach when we see most dream images world, and masculine aspect in dreams relating to the waking and actions as a reflection of us in our waking dream. These world. Example: Pregnancy - being pregnant means that a new associations are based on our wisdom, and also on the feelings cycle is going to be born over a nine month period or nine we carry after the dream. lunar cycles and this new cycle is another layer of emotional Some dreams do not feel important and some leave us experiences that will help one grow. unsettled and feel very important. Some symbols are more Many people dream inside their homes, an apartment repetitive, such as a mother in a dream. Mother is our creator building, castle or cottage. Since we live our sleeping dream symbol, we are birthed from her womb and she is also our first life in our home or visit others homes in our waking world, nurturer, caretaker and teacher. If a father figure took care of we navigate this symbol as the ‘mental body’, which represents us and we had no mother, he also represents the mothering our thoughts and belief systems. Different levels of a home symbol and a father aspect at the same time. When the Mother reveal what level of mind we are dreaming in. The higher we is applied to our dreams, we transfer the symbol into the are in the upper floors of a house or a high rise apartment in “nurturer and caretaker” in the dream story. the dream, the higher level of mind we are experiencing in the The closer we get to a core symbolic meaning of each action dream. Think of the mind as an elevator, and as we progress in and character the more we can build our dream story. Studying our practices of meditation, stillness of mind, etc. the higher many different types of dream interpretations from indigenous, we rise in the symbolic representation. The top floors of a western and eastern philosophies will give us a well rounded building represent the highest mind or heart and the basement understanding and we can begin to see a more collective represents the journey to our fears of both our mental thoughts, understanding to a particular symbol. We can understand what such as worry which stem from our emotional body. Dreaming it reflects rather than what it stands for. Letting go of taboo of basements and darker more frightening places, means we are and superstition is always a good practice when it comes to getting nearer to leaving mental body dreaming and entering interpreting dream symbols. the soul dreamer. Some basic dream actions in everyone’s dreams are: If you have a dream you would like Mary to interpret 1. Dreams that are protective and about healthy boundaries. please send an e-mail to or 2. Dreams about nurturing and our feminine nature. to and put in the subject line: 3. Dreams about ancestors (the dead). “DREAM NATION Dream Interpretation.” 4. Dreams of personal fears, such as nightmares and recurring dreams. 5. Dream predictions of the future. 6. Dreams of unfulfilled desires and the nature of our loving or our creativity. 7. Dreams about personal fears. 8. Dreams from our past inner childhood wounds, which --Ralph Waldo Emerson can feel distorted or have a fantasy feeling. 9. Dreams where we cannot yet touch our issues on a deeper

People only see what they are prepared to see.


UFO Floating Above I-44

“I saw a UFO. I know what you are thinking. It is hard to believe, but what I have always said was “If I see it, I will believe it.” This was my motto growing up. In 1995, I was with my friend and we were driving back from Ft. Leonard Wood Army base in Missouri. My boyfriend had been working there at the time and I had driven there to see him for the day. We started to drive home and it was getting dark outside. I remember that the sky was clear and there was a bright full moon in the sky that night. As we drove back on 1-44 we approached the exit ramp near Rolla, when I looked up into the rearview mirror and saw it. What did I see? I saw an enormous yellowish saucer shaped light covering one end of the sky to the other end of the sky. It was huge and went across the highway and filled the sky. I yelled, “What is that!” I pulled off the exit ramp and watched other cars pull off and they were stopping to watch the attraction. My friend and I got out of the car and stood there watching this thing hang in the sky. The object just hung there in mid-air and covered the entire skyline. It did not have blinking lights on it and it did not move or fly around. It just hung there right before our eyes, and then in a matter of seconds it shrank in size until it was the size of a pin head and disappeared. My friend started vomiting next to the car because she was so upset. I stood there in amazement and murmured to myself, “I just saw a UFO.” For the first time in my life I believed that UFOs were real, because I saw it with my own two eyes. I always had fears of alien movies and some of the books I read kept me up all night with nightmares. Finally, after all this time I saw something unexplainable and I had witnesses. It was one of the best nights of my life. The adrenaline rush was fantastic and I talked about it to my parents and family for weeks. What was the unidentified flying object? What was it doing there? Only God knows. Anonymous

In the practice of tolerance, one’s enemy is the best teacher


--Dalai Lama

The Rising Magazine | April/May/June 2011

Angel Visitation

I remember a special story that my grandmother used to share with me. One day in 1999 she had went into the spare bedroom on the other side her house to take a nap. She told me that she would never forget what she saw when she woke up. She woke up and opened her eyes and saw a lady standing next to her bed. This lady was looking down at my grandmother. My grandmother told me that she knew that she was awake, but she was unable to move her physical body. She looked up at the ceiling and saw a purple mist and haze around the ceiling. She looked at the lady again and when the lady turned around she had a coat of feathers. My grandmother said she saw wings coming out of her back, and she described it as beautiful feathers. My grandmother told me that all of sudden, the winged lady spoke to her inside her own mind. She told my grandmother these words, “Everything will be okay.” My grandmother said that she felt love and peace when she heard those words. Then she watched the Angel walk away and disappear into the wall. My grandmother described the feathers on her back to me in detail and said she knew it was an Angel. This event occurred right before a series of events that were very stressful for my grandmother. My grandfather got sick unexpectedly and had to have surgery and he had severe back problems after the surgery. My grandmother became a caretaker for him for awhile, but eventually he healed completely and everything went back to normal. To this day, my grandmother still tells that story. She might not remember me too well at age 75, but she still remembers the day that she saw an Angel standing at the side of her bed. Anonymous

Meeting Maximon in Guatemala By Judy Fein

Judith Fein is an award-winning travel journalist, playwright, screenwriter, theatre director, performer, speaker and editor. She has contributed travel articles to more than 95 publications and websites, and says she “lives to leave.” Her new book, LIFE IS A TRIP: The Transformative Magic of Travel, is getting rave reviews, you can follow her blogs on the Huffington Post and Psychology Today. Judith occasionally takes people on exotic trips with her. Her website is:

I VIVIDLY RECALL THE FIRST TIME I SAW HIM IN GUATEMALA. He was sitting on a chair in a native marketplace, dressed in a black suit, black shoes, and a black hat. His mouth was open, pursed into a small “o.” He was appealing, but also had a streak of danger about him. “Who is he?” I asked a new Guatemalan friend. “Maximon,” she answered, pronouncing it mah-she-mone. The second time, it was a hot, humid day, and I was looking for a grocery store to buy a bottle of water. He was in a shop which sold masks and textiles. I looked away and then I looked back at him. He was clearly staring at me. “I see you like him,” said the shopkeeper. I nodded tentatively. “Here,” he said, and he handed Maximon and his chair to me. You see, Maximon was less than a foot high, and he was made of wood. “Would you like to have him?” I opened my wallet and then hesitated. “I’m . . . not sure.” “He may not be here later,” said the shopkeeper. “Well . . . I’ll have to take that chance. I can’t really decide now.” The third time, he was sitting in a room in the home of a Maya healer named José. José was a member of a cofradía, or religious brotherhood, and Maximon occupied the place of honor on an altar flanked by two Christ figures. He wore the same black, European garb, but he was also adorned with colorful textiles, and there were bottles of aguardiente at his feet. He had a big, unlit cigar in his mouth. “Can you tell me about him, please,” I whispered to a Guatemalan man who had come for a healing. “He’s a god, but he likes to smoke and drink like the rest of us.” It was hard for me to understand this. A wooden god who smokes and drinks? “Where does he come from?” I asked the man. “Santiago Atitlán,” he answered, and so I went there. Lake Atitlán is one of the jewels of Guatemala—a spectacular expanse of deep, blue water surrounded by three majestic, looming volcanoes: Toliman, Atitlán, and San Pedro. I took a boat to Santiago, a Maya village at an altitude of over 5,000 feet. Guided by a seven- or eight-year-old girl in worn and faded

clothes, I wandered through hilly streets that were paved with uneven stones. The young girl didn’t speak much, but focused on her task of getting me to a Maximon shrine. After about twenty minutes, she stopped in front of a low, cement house and gestured for me to go in. When I entered, I was not alone. There, in a small room, was a life-sized Maximon, and near him was his guardian, a member of the brotherhood of the Holy Cross. The guardian waved an incense burner made from an old coffee tin with punctured holes, filling the room with ribbons of copal smoke. On cement benches that lined the wall facing Maximon, Maya people waited patiently and whispered in their K’iche’ language. When it was their turn, they made a cash offering of quetzals (Guatemalan currency), burned candles (different colors represent different favors that are requested), put cigarettes in Maximon’s mouth, and donated small bottles of alcohol. Some of the alcohol was poured into Maximon’s rigid, open mouth, and when the liquor began to dribble, the guardian lovingly mopped up the figure’s chin and neck. A guide entered the room with a few Japanese visitors in tow, and we began to speak. He told me that Maximon is revered by Maya and many other people, and he may be the reincarnation of Maam, an ancient Maya god of the underworld. His name may come from this god, or perhaps it derives from “max,” which means “tobacco” in the Maya language. Alternately, his name may signify “bound with string or rope.” More people arrived, offering more candles, more to drink, more to smoke—single cigars and cigarettes or whole boxes. The atmosphere got noisy, hazy, permeated with the smell of alcohol. The more people I questioned about Maximon, the more confused I became. He was a saint. A devil. The godfather or grandfather of the village who protected the inhabitants from evil and witches. A doctor. A trickster. A potent miracle worker and healer. An ancient Maya god synchretized with San Simon, or, perhaps, J” asked the Canadian man. “He forgives and offers hope to people, even to those who have done desperate or terrible things,” he answered. “Because he himself is a sinner, he is able to forgive.” It was precisely the information I’d hoped for. Like every other human, I had done things wrong. Acted thoughtlessly. Missed opportunities when I could have done better. I had asked The Big One in the sky to (Continued on next page)


(Spiritual Travels continued from page 26) excuse me; I had felt bad, guilty, and remorseful over the course of my life. But I never had a chance to request absolution from a god with alcohol dribbling down his chin and rolled tobacco protruding from his mouth. I placed money in the offering box, lit a candle, and looked at Maximon. “I am sorry for anything I have ever done wrong,” I told him. “Can I sort of ask for global absolution instead of enumerating every petty error of the past?” I looked up. Was it possible? I saw a twinkle in Maximon’s right eye, and I somehow knew I was forgiven, and I could go forward with a clean slate in life. “Enjoy your booze and cigarettes,” I told him, as I exited the room. And I walked into the sunny outdoors, feeling like a better, lighter, happier person. It didn’t take long to have a Maximon-induced experience in my own life. I have a friend who drinks, pops pills and has done a dance of death with heroin for years. He has been on and off the horse more times than a Pony Express rider. He recently told me about a serious relapse, and as he lacerated himself for his weakness, his worthlessness, and how he disappointed everyone around him, his eyes filled with tears. I told him about the wooden god in Guatemala who drank and smoked, and how I learned in his shrine that perfection is a crazy dream, an ill-conceived illusion. To inhabit a human body is to be imperfect. My friend looked at me and said, “There is a little voice that worms its way into my mind every time I give it space. It says ‘you are not good enough’ so often that I have come to believe it. I’m always comparing myself to others, and they always seem to be more productive and successful than I am.” “Maximon thinks all of that is cabbage!” I said. It came out of me so suddenly that I was surprised. “You have vices and so does he. He accepts people the way they are: imperfect, trying their best but not always succeeding. I can understand why he’s a god in the Guatemalan pantheon. He’s willing to help anyone who asks him, without judgment. He’s not holier than thou and he doesn’t hold up a standard humans can’t achieve.” My friend exploded in laughter. “Maybe I should keep my eye out for Maximon the next time I’m in a bar,” he said. “He’ll probably order a whiskey and light up a Cuban cigar.” I recently heard that my friend has sworn off drinking and using again. Far away in Guatemala, Maximon, who is certainly swilling, is also smiling. And if this little-known god can forgive human error, I’m willing to wager that whatever God you pray to can too.


The Rising Magazine | April/May/June 2011

A Look at Spiritual Masters & Teachers: Deepak Chopra Deepak Chopra, M.D., was born in fit itself into the big jigsaw puzzle. India and was not the first in his family • In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness to become a doctor. He started out in inside of you. traditional medicine, but soon realized There are several books that Deepak has written but my that there was much more to the human favorites are, “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success”, “Jesus: A body than just the physical components. Story of Enlightenment”, “Life after Death”, and a children’s Throughout the years, Deepak Chopra has book that I read to my daughter called, “You with the Stars in become a world-renowned teacher in the field of mind-body Your Eyes.” healing. Deepak is known as a best-selling author and is the founder of the Chopra Center for well-being, which is located in California. Deepak’s books on spirituality, healing and the spirit have touched the lives of millions around the world. He is well-known for his fourteen best-selling books about the mindbody connection, quantum mechanics, spirituality and peace. He has written over fifty books and has hundreds of self-help tapes. He travels all over the world and speaks to the public about spirituality and healing. He is truly a great motivator and teacher who spends his life uplifting others and helping them find the spirit in everyday life. I will never forget the first tape I bought by Deepak. I was eighteen years old and searching for answers about spirituality and purchased, “Ageless Mind: Timeless Body” and I must have --Thich Nhat Hanh listened to that tape twenty times. I resonated with his message and intuitively knew that what he taught was right. He teaches that we are not a physical body, but are spiritual beings having a spiritual experience in the physical realm. After that time, I began to read more of his books to educate myself about the mind-body-spirit connection. Deepak spends his time hosting a radio program on his Wellness Radio station, speaking, writing and teaching spirituality to others. The Chopra Center is a safe-haven for spiritual seekers and those who want to find healing from --Talmud emotional and physical pain. There are many different programs that Deepak offers and many different training programs that one can become certified in. If you have not visited the Chopra Center’s website please check it out at to see if any of their programs resonate with you. Famous Deepak Chopra quotes are listed below for contemplation. • Whatever relationships you have attracted in your life at this moment, are precisely the ones you need in your life at this moment. There is a hidden meaning behind all events, and this hidden meaning is serving your own evolution. • The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years. • The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers. • There are no extra pieces in the universe. Everyone is here because he or she has a place to fill, and every piece must

At any moment, you have a choice, that either leads you closer to your spirit or further away from it.

We do not see things as they are. We see them as we are.


Aries At last you have the opportunity

Taurus You like to smell the roses and

Gemini Your ruler, Mercury,

to make some breakthroughs and do what you have dreamed about for years. You could be making an important decision around the Aries New Moon on April 3. This new Moon is joined by Jupiter and opposes Saturn so is not quite as forthright as it could be: be decisive but thoughtful rather than impulsive. Your ruler, Mars, joins Jupiter on May 1 pumping up your energy; find healthy ways to express this but don’t overdo it.

touch the earth rather than just dream. However, with a cluster of planets lighting your inner, quiet self, you are being encouraged to make plans rather than begin new ventures. It’s time to de-stress and meditate and re-connect with your abundant, magnetic healing energy. Expect an electrifying jolt of attraction when Venus joins Uranus on April 22. The Full Moon in Scorpio on May 17 reminds you that you need others more than you think

is still retrograde and you probably don’t need me to remind you. You may be experiencing irritations and frustrations connected to your computer, your cell phone and your communications in general. Write down all your ideas but don’t begin anything just yet. Wait until Mercury turns direct on April 23 and, even then, Saturn is suggesting you dip your toe in the water rather than dive in head first. On May 21 the Sun enters Gemini; it’s your time to shine.

Cancer Eat nurturing, nutritious food

Leo Your goals are high and wide

Virgo It’s time to look objectively at

now. Stretch as well as exercise; breathe deeply as well as talk. When the Sun enters Taurus on April 20 you will find yourself having to spend less time in the office and more quality time at home with loved ones. You feel good around April 27 as the planets empower you about your future goals. Mercury retrograde is urging you to slow the pace a little and planets in Taurus ensure this slower pace continues through mid-May; smell the roses and enjoy your loved ones.

right now; the sky is the limit. However, the Full on Moon on April 17 may present you with alternatives and it’s good to be open to other people’s ideas. Stoke up your spiritual fires and realize that life is not all about you; you have the power and ability to make a profound difference to your friends, family and to the world. Around May 25, a difficult problem suddenly seems to resolve itself bringing you freedom and a sigh of relief.

Libra April is a high-energy month

Scorpio Tempers flare around April 11

that propels you into the public eye but conflict may be in the air. Mars is followed into Aries by the New Moon on April 3 with difficult aspects to Pluto and Saturn, and Jupiter joining in to fan the fire. Avoid potential conflicts by being honest and above board - Aries-style. The Full Moon on April 17 is the time to attend to your own needs. Avoid financial opportunities that look to good to be true around May 17 because they probably are.

Capricorn You’re pulled between

career and home in April, which could be stressful. Rather than attempting to explain yourself; lie low and wait until April 23. A more peaceful time begins around April 20 when the Sun enters your fellow Earth sign, Taurus. You may need to set some boundaries with close relationships when Venus opposes Saturn on April 30. Mercury turns direct and communication becomes clearer. Nurture yourself in May; you want to make a mark on the world but don’t neglect your own needs.


and April 27 when Mars and Venus clash with Pluto. To avoid stress, live fearlessly in the present moment. Stoke up your spiritual fires and spend time understanding and mastering yourself through astrology and meditation. This is a lifelong lesson for this sign of Self-Mastery, Scorpio. It’s up to you whether you remain the scorpion or become the Eagle! Think carefully before you speak and delay important decisions until the end of May. Enjoy the beauty of Nature.

Aquarius As an Aquarian you like to be

unpredictable and enjoy shaking up staid situations or people. You could find yourself provoking someone in authority in April but watch out that it doesn’t backfire; the New Moon’s opposition from Saturn and square to Pluto prefers to keep things conservative, giving power to the status quo. On April 21, Venus enters Aries joined by Uranus. Now it’s time to be outspoken. You feel calmer in May and enjoy a romantic and enjoyable few weeks.

The Rising Magazine | April/May/June 2011

your real abilities; you may be surprised that they’re different from what you thought. Relax, breathe deeply, and nurture your inner life. Right now it’s not just what you can achieve, but who you are that counts. You breathe a sigh of relief when Mercury turns direct on April 23 but you’re not quite there yet. Try and get by with less, and be grateful for what you have. May promises pleasant times, and the New Moon on May 3 brings optimism.

Sagittarius April begins intensely

with Mars and the New Moon in Aries on April 2 and 3, highlighting romance. When Neptune enters your area of home and inner self from April 4 for four months, you feel a desire to be in touch with the deeper, mystical part of your nature. You could feel a little ruffled around April 18-21 when Mars opposing Saturn brings a potential dispute. Around May 9, a Mercury/Venus conjunction is joined by abundant Jupiter helping you to make a positive impression wherever you go.

Pisces Your ruler,

Neptune, enters your sign on April 4 for four months bringing strength to your imagination, intuition, psychic powers and artistic ability. You may be feeling confused but, on April 6, the Sun joins with your co-ruler, Jupiter, bringing you renewed feelings of optimism. The way forward is clearer for you so take opportunities that come your way. Be patient and have faith. In May you can build bridges with romantic relationships and heal old wounds. Delay an important decision around the May 17 Full Moon.

iBody Wellness

Press Release

iBody Directory Brings Local Wellness Community Together and Benefits Community Partnership of the Ozarks Springfield, Missouri – February 7, 2011 – Christy Claybaker, LMT, NCTMB, and owner of iBody Wellness in Springfield, has recently launched iBody DIRECTORY ( The directory will allow local holistic practitioners and businesses to reach the audience that is looking for them effectively, in both an online and soon-to-be-published print version. The mission of iBody DIRECTORY is to bring all parts of the area’s diverse wellness community together in one place to serve as a resource for the greater community. Ultimately the directory is intended to create community, not competition, and to help practitioners and businesses make the most of their marketing budget. “I understand the challenge of reaching a niche audience and being effective with advertising dollars,” Claybaker said. “My vision is to lift up our entire holistic wellness community, provide a manageable means of advertising, and promote everyone at once. Thus, providing our community with information on all things holistic in one place, and give them the ability to easily find what they’re looking for.” Claybaker also stated that the need for the directory is something she encounters regularly, as do many of her colleagues. “I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve been talking with a client and they ask me who I’d refer them to for other services. If I didn’t have a business card to give them, I end up sending them out the door with a name in their head with no paper trail. The directory will change that.” The soon-to-be-published print edition of the directory (June 2011) has a special bonus for advertisers; Twenty-five percent (25%) of all proceeds from advertising will be donated to one of three local non-profits and Claybaker plans to let the community decide which organization will receive the donation. “I’m a firm believer that you get out what you put in and give I my time to several local organizations. When I had the idea for the directory, it just made sense to donate part of the money to a local non-profit organization,” Claybaker said. “As you can imagine, it’s a tough decision to make with so many grassroots non-profits needing assistance. I’m in the process of narrowing the options and plan to let the community decide. I think it will generate a fun, supportive atmosphere and develop relationships that, in turn, form great support networks.” iBody DIRECTORY is currently filling categories with their online directory listings now and taking ad placement orders for the print edition, which is slated to arrive in select businesses in Springfield in June 2011. With options and rates to fit any budget, the directory will enable practitioners to reach potential clients who may be new to the area or who they might not find otherwise, all while supporting a local charity. For more information, contact: Christy Claybaker, LMT, NCTMB, iBody Wellness, 1948-F S. Glenstone, Suite 110, Springfield, MO 65804


Community Resource Guide Springfield, Rolla Missouri & Surrounding Areas

ACUPUNCTURE Traditional Chinese Acupuncture Geoffrey E. Hudson, MTCM, L.Ac 3045 South Delaware # A Springfield, Missouri 65807 417-224-5575

ASTROLOGY Hyesuk White Intuitive Counseling, Spiritual Advisor 618-558-5101 Hyesuk was born in South Korea and still holds many of her Eastern traditions close to her heart. She is a truly gifted advisor who enlightens those seeking spiritual understanding and self-awareness.

Astrological Self Awareness Center LLC 314-435-6098 The goal of the Astrological Self Awareness Center, LLC is to educate and increase awareness for the scientific basis of astrology. Our mission is to help show the importance and significance of using astrology as a personality tool in the mental health arena and helping professions. Our mission is to help others through educating, teaching and providing full range spiritual services and resources. We believe that by helping others understand their personality traits, emotions, relationships and attractions, it will ultimately help them make better choices in their lives.


The Rising Magazine | April/May/June 2011

BODY WORK Milo Carter-Advanced Trained Pain Specialist, providing Muscle Pain Therapy 417-861-3577 Milo is a nationally recognized practitioner and instructor for PRRT, the technique used by many of today’s athletic trainers, chiropractors, and physical therapists. Whether you’ve had chronic pain for years, pain from a recent injury, or want to increase your range of motion, Milo is the Pain Relief Specialist for you. Other services include the weight loss tool, homeopathic hcg. Call Milo at 417-861-3577 to schedule your appointment for RELIEF today! Milo’s office is located in MaMa Jean’s Natural Food Market, 1727 S. Campbell, one block north of Bass Pro, next to Machino’s. For more information, please visit

BOOK STORES Renaissance Books & Gifts 1337 E Montclair St Springfield, MO 65804-4244 (417) 883-5161

Have an alternative business? We have space available! Contact Carmen and ask her about our Community Resource Guide. Low, affordable rates! Call 314-435-6098 or email

Community Resource Guide Springfield, Rolla Missouri & Surrounding Areas

COUNSELORS Carmen Turner-Schott, MSW, LISW Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Practical Counseling Astrological Counseling 314-435-6098 Carmen has over 18 years experience as a licensed clinical social worker and astrological counselor with National and International clientele. She offers individual and couples counseling, tele-counseling, children, parenting, relocation, relationship compatibility, health analysis, transits, dream interpretation and akashic recordconsultations. She offers classes, mentoring and workshops on various spiritual topics. She graduated from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri with a Master of Social Work degree and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from Fontbonne University in St. Louis, Missouri. She is a published author and teaches classes for the Association of Research and Enlightenment. She is the Founder of the Astrological Self Awareness Center, LLC


Feature Your Business Here Call 314-435-6098 LIFE COACHING

REIKI Alive & Well Massage Therapy 2740 S. Glenstone, Suite 102 Springfield, Missouri 417-887-9355

SOUL TRAVELS Judie Fein Judie Fein is the author of, “The Transformative Magic of Travel. LIFE IS A TRIP� has been endorsed by the editor of National Geographic Traveler, the travel editor of the Los Angeles Times, AAA Traveler, Psychology Today, the San Diego Jewish Journal, Healing Lifestyles and Spas, Bella Online, the Adventure Travel Trade Association, the psychology on the Today Show and many others. She has contributed travel articles to more than 90 publications and websites, blogs for The Huffington Post and Psychology Today. She is the travel editor of Spirituality and Health magazine and co-founder and editor of

YOGA Essential Yoga 210 W. Sunshine, Suite B Springfield, Missouri 65807 417-866-YOGA (9642)



The Rising Magazine | April/May/June 2011

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