Vol. I : No. 1
Mighty Morsels Complete: A Guide To Wholistic Health
Exploration of the Mind and Spirit
February/March 2011
The Age of Aquarius is Upon Us Precession, 2012 & the Future of Mankind
From the Easel
Scarborough’s Affair: One of The Rising Magazine’s very own.
Feb/Mar 2011
Hyesuk White Intuitive Counselor Medical Intuitive Spiritual Advisor 618-558-5101 email: kunsan2@att.net
Carmen Turner-Schott, MSW, LISW
Licensed Clinical Social Worker Astrological Consultations 314-435-6098 Intuitive Counselor
http://www.astrology-awareness.com carmenturnerschott@hotmail.com http://www.therisingmagazine.com 2
The Rising Magazine
From the Publishers Welcome to the first edition of the Rising Magazine. We are honored to be able to share our publication with you. We have a team of inspirational, dedicated and influential writers who will be providing you with the latest research and insights into the field of psychological and physical health, spirituality and wellness. All of our regular columnists are highly experienced professionals in the field of health and wellness. We hope that you enjoy the diverse content and educational information in our publication. We are excited to start off the New Year in 2011 and to see the wonderful positive energy flow throughout the community. In February and March, we welcome feedback and submissions from the public. We want to give our team the ability to answer any questions that you might have about the content and material found in our publication. We are here to be of service and to help bring light and awareness to others. We will be growing in 2011 providing distribution to the Springfield, Rolla and St. Louis, Missouri region. We will have an online version of each issue available at our website:
http://www.therisingmagazine.com. In the future we plan to grow and expand our distribution points. Let us know if you are interested in becoming part of our new team. Welcome to the Rising Magazine.
Where East Meets West.
P. O. Box 3485 Springfield, MO. 65808-3485 Phone: 314. 435. 6098 therisingmagazine.com therisingmagazine@hotmail.com
Carmen Turner-Schott Hyesuk White
Managing Editor:
Carmen Turner-Schott
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Kevin Scarborough
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Carmen Turner-Schott
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Hyesuk White
Carmen Turner-Schott
Copyright Š 2011 The Rising Magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used without the express written permission of the publishers. The Rising Magazine is published six times a year by The Rising Magazine Publications, LLC. Subscriptions are $30 a year in the U.S. and $40 international. The Rising Magazine assumes no liability for improper or negligent business practices by advertisers.
Distribution-Springfield, MO Area: Kevin Scarborough Holly Graves
Copyright 2011 The Rising Magazine, LLC. All Rights Reserved
Feb/Mar 2011
Contents BODY
Becky Bishop shares a recipe......
Advice on getting your kids to eat healthy......
Complete: 8 A Guide to Holistic Health.
The Ayurvedic Way......
Kimberly V. Schneider: Making Space For Change......
11 PsychoSpirit 12
Where Mind & Spirit Meet
Spirit Scarborough’s Affair......
The Age of Aquarius is Upon Us......
What is Astrology?
Carmen explains......
experiences that transcend reality
Edgar Cayce: The Sleeping Prophet...... 4
The Rising Magazine
by Becky Bishop Happy 2011 everyone! I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to write my Mighty Morsels column for The Rising. I’m a healthy food and lifestyle coach and I call myself the Healthy Food Fashionista because I know first-hand that healthy food fits every lifestyle— including yours! In each issue, my column will feature a whole food and a recipe using that food. I’ll also offer you what I like to call a “Whole Food Fashion Tip” to help you easily makeover your kitchen and transform your life by adding more real, whole food into your daily diet. I’m the mother of 12 year-olds twins who I affectionately call “the boy” and “the girl.” The boy and the girl started an exercise class at our local YMCA the first week of January. After the first class they reported that the cardio and weight rooms were super crowded but their coach said, “Don’t worry, it’s just crowded with people who made a New Year’s resolution to work-out more. It won’t be near as crowded next week.” REALLY???? It only takes a week to blow a resolution? That comment just secured my somewhat unorthodox position that eating better should not be a New Year’s resolution. Why not? Because, unfortunately, I see time and again that resolutions are frequently wrapped in the negative expectation that they are meant to be BROKEN. Now that we have January behind us, let me encourage you to do something totally different in 2011. Ditch the guilt and reject the resolutions. Give yourself a gift instead. That’s right, a GIFT--the gift of a whole new healthy food wardrobe. Rather than wrapping negative energy (the kind associated with failed resolutions) around the idea of a diet change, take that same idea and put it in a gorgeous box, tie it up with a beautiful ribbon and give it to yourself as a belated holiday present. The GIFT of healthy food and all that it has to offer is truly a gift that will keep on giving for a lifetime—a healthier body, glowing skin, more time, extra change in your pocket, a better outlook on life, more energy and, well, loads and loads more! So, you’ve decided to give yourself the “Gift” of whole food, now what? Try this Whole Food Fashion Tip to get you started off right. Whole Food Fashion Tip: Accessorize! If you find that you’re not quite ready to totally revamp your entire food wardrobe, that’s okay. Accessorize instead! It can be hard to throw out your old favorite junk foods—these foods can feel like a pair of comfy old blue jeans with holes in the knees. Unless you (or a family member) are in a health crisis that requires immediate and drastic changes to your diet, I recommend that you take things slowly and make diet changes gradually. Consider diet change to be a marathon rather than a sprint. If you try to do too much, you might be setting yourself up for an all out revolt and, ultimately, failure. Treat whole foods like a fabulous new fashion accessory. Introduce yourself to one new whole food each week or add an extra serving of a whole food you already enjoy each day. Pretty soon, you’ll look at all your new food accessories and realize that you have built an entirely new whole food wardrobe around them! Featured Whole Food: Potatoes
As I write this, I’m looking out my home office window at what remains of the 18 inches of snow dropped by our Christmas blizzard! All that winter goodness inspired me to feature a winter veggie that also happens to be the number one vegetable crop in the world: Potatoes. Although potatoes have received a bad rap lately from the lowcarb diet folks, potatoes are actually an amazingly healthy food. When prepared properly (think steamed, boiled, baked or lightly sautéed with the skins ON), potatoes are low in calories, high in fiber, a very good source of vitamin C, a good source of vitamin B6, copper, manganese and potassium. And, potatoes are a good source of phytonutrients with antioxidant qualities. Huh? That just means potatoes may help protect us from cancer. They may also help lower blood pressure and protect against cardiovascular disease. Go potatoes! Unfortunately, many of us (and our kids) only eat potatoes that have been deep fried into potato chips or French fries and basically have no nutritional value. Want to change that? Then try serving my kids’ all time favorite potato recipe --Rosemary Baked Fries—this week. It’s a great, healthy alternative to deep fried French fries. Featured Whole Food Recipe: Rosemary Baked Fries. Ingredients: 8 medium-sized red potatoes 2 T first cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil Sea Salt 4-5 Fresh Rosemary sprigs, plucked from the stem and chopped fine Method: Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Wash and cut potatoes into wedges. In a large mixing bowl, toss potatoes with olive oil, salt and rosemary. Spread potatoes on baking sheet in a single layer. Bake for30-45 minutes or until cooked through and starting to brown. Optional: For a spicy version, skip the rosemary and toss the potatoes with a little paprika, chili powder and garlic salt. That’s it for this column. Until next time, I wish you happy, healthy eating! What’s that? You can’t wait? You’re in luck! You can find more featured foods, recipes and healthy eating tips on my website www.healthyfoodfashionista.com.
Feb/Mar 2011
Parenting in the New Age
10 Tips and Tricks to Get Your Kids to Eat Real Whole Food By Becky Bishop, the Healthy Food Fashionista As a healthy eating and lifestyle coach, I work with parents, families, teachers and schools on a regular basis. When we start talking about changing a child’s diet, it can feel a bit like beating my head against a brick wall. The excuses are far and wide, but it basically boils down to this one “My kids (or family, or spouse) just won’t eat that.” You might think that would be a deal breaker —but not for me. I won’t go away that easy! If you are one of those parents who think, “Diet change might work for other families, but it won’t work for mine,” let me let you in on a little secret. Your family will eat what you serve them if you believe they will. Once your family knows you are serious about the diet change, they will realize it’s not worth the struggle. You will lead by example and your conviction and excitement about eating better will rub off on others. It may not happen overnight, but your little wee ones were not potty trained over night nor did they learn to tie their shoes or dress themselves overnight. It takes time to shape tastes. Research has shown that it can take up to 19 tries for people to develop a taste for any given food. The important thing is to start and don’t give up. It will be worth it in the long run. I can hear some of you now, “Yeah right, she doesn’t know my kid.” That’s true, I don’t. But I can tell you that I had two of the pickiest eaters on the planet just five short years ago. Left to their own devices my girl would be eating a diet consisting of nothing but white bread hot dog buns and my boy would still be drinking whole milk from a bottle. Seriously folks, we had major sensory processing problems which meant food texture issues that caused an overactive gag reflex. At one point my son told me “God doesn’t want people to eat leaves” when faced with eating a salad. Yesterday, he ASKED me to pack a salad in his lunch. If my family can change, so can yours! To help you along your way, here are 10 tips and tricks I learned along our journey that will hopefully help your family too. Good luck! 1. Diet Change is a Marathon, Not a Sprint. Unless you (or a family member) are in a health crisis that requires immediate and drastic change to your diet, I recommend that you take things slow and make changes for your family gradually. If you try to do too much at once you are setting yourself up for an all out family revolt and, ultimately, failure. Introduce your family to one new whole food each week or add an extra serving of a whole food you already enjoy each day. Eliminate processed foods one at a time and always offer a tasty substitute. Set your priorities and tackle them one morsel at a time. 2. Leave Your Assumptions at the Door. We all have hang-ups about food-- ideas about what should be included at each meal (think meat and potatoes) and what our family members will and won’t eat. Make life easier by getting rid of those old assumptions 6
The Rising Magazine
and start your diet change with a clean plate. Just because you hate all green veggies, doesn’t mean your kids will too. If I had clung to my food hang-ups, every meal would include a casserole, my son would have never discovered the joy of blue cheese on flaxseed crackers and my daughter would not request steamed broccoli for breakfast—all perfectly gross to me but delightful and healthy treats to them. 3. More is More. An easy way to get your family to start eating more whole foods is to simply eat more of the whole foods you already enjoy. Do you like carrots? Eat more of them. Do you love oranges, eat more of them too. When you eat more nutrient rich whole foods, there is less room for the junk food! 4. Find Healthier Versions of Old Favorites. Look for healthier alternatives for your old favorite junk food items and try to add at least one better choice into your diet each week. For instance eat whole grain snack crackers that are high in fiber and protein instead of potato chips or white flour saltines. Buy whole grain frozen waffles that are high in protein and fiber. Mix presweetened, refined grain cereal with whole grain and low sugar cereals until your family develops a taste for the whole grains. Become a label reader. When you buy processed foods, try to buy only those with three or more grams of protein and fiber. Avoid trans-fat and hydrogenated oils, food additives, high fructose corn syrup and boxed cereal with more than six grams of sugar. Your body will start to enjoy the healthier snacks and pretty soon your old favorites won’t taste as good to you anymore. 5. Teach Traffic Light Eating. Even the youngest of children can understand traffic light eating. Green foods are go or “grow” foods that your family can eat anytime and as much as they want. Green foods include all fruits and veggies. Encourage kids to become grazers by offering Green light foods all day long. Yellow light foods are “slow down” foods. They can and should be eaten every day, just not too much. Yellow light foods usually have more calories, fat or sugar than Green light foods and include whole grains (breads, pastas, cereal and rice), eggs, lean meat, fish, yogurt, cheese, nuts, seeds and olive oil. Red light foods require you to “stop and think” so that you can either make a better choice or eat a smaller portion. Red light foods are low in nutrients, high in sugar or calories and include food additives, artificial sweeteners, hydrogenated oils or trans-fat. Red light foods include most boxed baked goods, fast food, white bread, candy, doughnuts, chips, sugary drinks and highly processed meats. 6. Timing is Everything. Kids are much more likely to try and like new foods when they are at their hungriest. Be ready to take advantage of these starving moments! Keep ready-to-grab and eat whole food options at eye level in your refrigerator or create small grab and go snack bags of nuts and dried fruit in your pantry. Create a whole food appetizer after school by simply setting prewashed and sliced veggies (carrots, grape tomatoes, celery, bell peppers, cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower etc.) or fruits (apples, pears, oranges, peaches, berries etc.) on a platter on the kitchen counter along with a yogurt dip, goat cheese spread or nut butter. At dinner time, just move any leftovers to the dinner table for an easy side dish. And, if they eat these foods before dinner, there is no need to force them to eat them at dinner, right? 7. Easy Does It. Eating better should make your life easier, NOT more complicated. If you are feeling overwhelmed, take a deep breath and know that anything you do this week to add more whole food to you and your family’s diet is a step in the right direction. There are many ways to make eating better simple. For instance, create a single shopping list that gives you multiple whole food and snack alternatives at your finger tips to save you time and money each week. Choose fresh fruit and vegetable side dishes that require little to NO preparation time. Cut grocery
shopping time in half by avoiding the aisles and shopping for the whole foods on the perimeter of the store. And, my personal favorite is to prepare enough food to allow for leftovers. Leftovers let you prepare once and eat twice—enough said! 8. Have Fun, Fun, Fun after Mommy takes the Twinkies Away! Make eating new foods fun. Involve your kids in the shopping and food preparation. Let everyone pick a new fruit or vegetable to try and then vote on whose food tasted the best. Give the winner a prize. Dream up new dips. My son loves to create gross condiment mixtures he calls “poison” to use as a veggie dip. Have a regressive dinner and eat a healthy dessert first and work your way back to the salad. Eat without utensils. You get the idea. When kids are having fun, they are more willing to try new foods and less likely to complain about it. 9. Be Sneaky. Kids can be picky eaters. As I mentioned before, I get that. To get my “save the leaves” activist son to eat veggies, we hid them in everything from juice, to yogurt smoothies, to meatloaf. I told him the spinach in my Italian wedding soup was “special green pasta” made just for him. We created “junky juice” as a special “sugary drink” for him. In truth, “junky juice” contained freshly juiced kiwi, apple, grapes, spinach, celery and broccoli! He was none the wiser. 10. Be Flexible. Accept that everyone in your family will have unique food preferences. Don’t force your kids to eat every bite of a healthy food or they will learn to hate meal time and the healthy foods you serve. Ask your kids to try a bite and then praise them when they do. If they really HATE the food say, “Hmm, I wonder if you would like it better with cheese (or ketchup, or honey or butter)”. It’s okay to modify the meal slightly to fit a child’s preference. The important thing is to keep getting them to try new things. Most importantly, give your kids the freedom to make some of their own food choices. I’ll never forget the day my son told me that he had eaten a piece of cake at the birthday party and he reported “the icing made my brain freeze.” He made a direct connection to junky food affecting his ability to think. What a great teaching moment!
Becky Bishop, the Healthy Food Fashionista, is a healthy eating and lifestyle educator and coach. She is the founder of www.HealthyFoodFashionista. com, a website devoted to helping people makeover their kitchen and transform their lives. Becky is also a certified L.E.A.N. (Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, Nutrition) Coach. The L.E.A.N. certification is offered exclusively by Dr. William Sears, M.D., the renowned pediatrician and nutrition expert. As a certified L.E.A.N. Coach, Becky is dedicated to helping people of all ages make healthier life-long choices by teaching Dr. Sears’ scientifically proven, clinically based L.E.A.N. Programs to adults, children, parents, caregivers, educators and corporations in private and group settings. Becky is also a member of the L.E.A.N advisory council and served as the nutrition educator for a Head Start preschool in St. Louis. She is the author of numerous soon to be released e-books and e-cookbooks. Becky has been featured on the Great Day St. Louis television show as well as the web-radio show, Conscious Manifesting. In addition to her passion for teaching others about the powerful benefits of a whole food based diet, Becky is a wife and a mother to 12 year old twins. She received her Bachelor of Arts in Economics and her Juris Doctorate from the University of Kansas. She practiced law for over 15 years and is a certified mediator.
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Chrissie Blaze Astrologer Author International Speaker “Chrissie Blaze takes astrology to its highest, turning it into a form of personal reflection.” ~ Marianne Williamson For 2011 Predictions, Consultations, Blog, Lectures, MP3 downloads, Books, Horoscopes and more:
Website: www.chrissieblaze.com Facebook: Aquarius Rising Feb/Mar 2011
A Look at Medical Astrology: Aquarius Health by Carmen Turner Schott, MSW, LISW Let me first start by saying that “I am not a doctor, I am an astrologer”. Whatever information that I share with you is purely educational and used to increase self-awareness. I do not diagnose or treat any medical illness. All the information given in this article is used for education, enlightenment and growth. Each part of the body is associated with each sign of the zodiac. We are going to take a look at Aquarius. If you were born between the dates of January 19 through February 20 then the Sun was in this sign when you were born. Aquarians are freedom loving, non-conforming, eccentric, and creative. They are original thinkers with a hint of rebelliousness and like to stand out. Many Aquarians like to shock people with the way they dress, what they think or how they live. Many are known as the “free spirit” remaining single or never marrying by choice. Some do marry and when they do, they need a lot of mental stimulation and a sense of freedom in the relationships. I feel that Aquarians often get a bad reputation for being cold, unemotional and detached. They are ruled by the element Air, which makes their energy accessible on the mental level. They are humanitarians and are capable of extreme acts of kindness; they serve in a detached, unemotional way. What does this mean? They think more about things than they feel about things, plain and simple. The ankles, calves and shins are ruled by Aquarians. I remember my friend Bryan who has a lot of Aquarian energy telling me he loved sports, but would always sprain his ankles. Aquarians are susceptible to twists and sprains so they need to pay special attention when competing in sports or stepping off the front porch. Aquarius also rules the circulatory system and internally rules circulation, breath, and eye sight. For this reason, they are prone to varicose veins, hypertension and heart problems. Sometimes cramps in the shins and ankles are common, they are also sensitive to sudden illnesses. Illnesses such as allergies, accidents and nervous disorders fall under Aquarius. They tend to remain healthy with good coordination and are very active mentally. It is more difficult for them to be physically active because they are focused more on mental activity and therefore need to be careful to gain excess weight. Foods that are beneficial for Aquarians are ocean fish, tuna, clams, lobster, oysters, spinach, radishes, celery and lemons. It may sound strange, but they benefit 8
The Rising Magazine
from sodium chloride which is found in table salt. This does not mean they should use it in abundance, but should eat foods rich in sodium chloride. If they lack sodium chloride in their diet, they may suffer from dehydration more frequently than others. Staying physically active with sports such as walking, biking and hiking is good for Aquarians. Whether it is walking on a treadmill each night as they read the latest scientific invention on technology or computers, or a good cook book; they need to exercise physically, not just mentally.
Carmen Turner-Schott, MSW, LISW, Publisher of The Rising Magazine is a practicing licensed clinical social worker, intuitive astrologer and teacher with national and international clientele. She received her undergraduate degree in Psychology from Fontbonne University in St. Louis, Missouri in 1997 and a Master of Social Work degree from Washington University in St. Louis in 1999. She has been providing individual therapy and astrological consultations for the past 18 years. She is a published author of two books, “A Deeper Look at the Sun Signs and The Mysteries of the Eighth Astrological House. She is the founder of the Astrological Self-Awareness Center, LLC and offers telecounseling, consultations, classes, workshops and parties upon request. She can be reached via email at carmenturnerschott@hotmail.com, therisingmagazine@hotmail.com and via her website at http://www.astrology-awareness.com.
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AYURVEDIC WAY by Sreejith Sadasivann What is Ayurveda? The term Ayurveda comes from two Indian words: ayur, or life, and veda, or knowledge. Ayurvedic medicine is thus described as� knowledge of how to live," emphasizing that good health is the responsibility of the individual. In Ayurvedic medicine, illness is seen in the terms of imbalance, with herbs and dietary controls used to restore equilibrium. The earliest Ayurvedic texts date from about 2500 B.C. with successive invaders adding new herbal traditions: the Persians in 500 B.C.; the Moguls in the 14th century, bringing the medicine of Galen and Avicenna (known as Unani) and the British, who closed down the Ayurvedic schools in 1833, but luckily did not obliterate the ancient learning altogether. Tibetan medicine has much in common with Ayurveda but can be vastly more complicated. Tibetan medicine has 15 subdivisions for the humors and places strong emphasis on the effect of past lives - karma - on present health. Similarities to Greek and Chinese medicine As in Ancient Greek and traditional Chinese medicine, the Ayurvedic model links the microcosm of the individual with the cosmos. At the heart of the system are three primal forces: prana, the breath of life; agni, the spirit of light or fire; and soma, a manifestation of harmony, cohesiveness, and love. There are also five elements comprising all matter: earth, water, fire, air, and ether (a nebulous nothingness that fills all space and was also known to the Ancient Greeks). Five Universal Elements The five universal elements are converted by agni, the digestive fire, into three humors, which influence individual health and temperament and are sometimes called waste products of digestion. If digestion were perfect there would be no humoral imbalance, but it is not, so imbalance and ill health can follow. Air and ether yield vata (wind), fire produces the humor pitta (fire or bile), while earth and water combine to give kapha (phlegm). The dominant humor is seen as controlling the character of the individual: a veta-type roughly conforms to Galen's melancholic personality, pitta matches the choleric type, and a kapha person is reminiscent of the phlegmatic. Food, drink, sensual gratification, light, fresh air, and spiritual activities are used to "feed" the digestive fire and produce the correct mix of humors. Body types Every human usually has varying degrees of vata, pitta and kapha. “Dosha� only refers to the three biological energies of vata, pitta and kapha. An imbalance of these elemental combinations is the direct cause of physical disease. We are "in balance" when we are healthy, happy, and radiantly beautiful, expressing the ration of Kapha, Pitta and Vata elements set in us at birth. Healing in Ayurveda is carried out by first identifying your unique dosha (Skin /Body type). Each dosha combines in a special way the five elements of the universe (air, fire, water, earth, space). Physical Features of Vata people People of vata constitution are generally physically underdeveloped. Their chests are flat and their veins and muscle tendons are visible. The complexion is brown; the skin is cold, rough, dry and cracked. Vata people generally are either too tall or too short. They have thin frames which reveal prominent joints
and bone-ends, because of poor muscle development. The hair is curly and scanty, the eyelashes are thin and the eyes lusterless. The eyes may be sunken, small, dry, and active. The nails are rough and brittle. The shape of the nose is bent and turned-up. Physiologically, the appetite and digestion are variable. Vata people love to eat sweet, sour and salty tastes and like hot drinks. The production of urine is scanty and the feces are dry, hard and small in quantity. They have a tendency to perspire less than other constitutional types. Their sleep may be disturbed and they will sleep less than the other types. Their hands and feet are often cold. Psychologically, they are characterized by short memory but quick mental understanding. They will understand something immediately, but will soon forget it. They have little willpower, tend toward mental instability and possess little tolerance, confidence or boldness. Their reasoning power is weak and these people are nervous, fearful and afflicted by much anxiety. Vata people tend to earn money quickly and also to spend it quickly. Thus, they tend to remain poor. Physical Features of Pitta people These people are of medium height, are slender and body frame may be delicate. Their chests are not as flat as those of vata people and they show a medium prominence of veins and muscle tendons. The bones are not as prominent as in the vata individual. Muscle development is moderate. The pitta complexion may be coppery, yellowish, reddish or fair. The skin is soft, warm and less wrinkled than vata skin. The hair is thin, silky, red or brownish and there is a tendency toward premature graying of hair and hair loss. The eyes may be gray, green or cooper-brown and sharp: the eyeballs will be of medium prominence. The nails are soft. The shape of the nose is sharp and the tip tends to be reddish. Physiologically, these people have a strong metabolism, good digestion and resulting strong appetites. The person of pitta constitution usually takes large quantities of food and liquid. Pitta types have a natural craving for sweet, bitter and astringent tastes and enjoy cold drinks. Their sleep is of medium duration, but uninterrupted. They produce a large volume of urine and the feces are yellowish, liquid, soft and plentiful. There is a tendency toward excessive perspiring. The body temperature may run slightly high and the hands and feet will tend to be warm. Pitta people do not tolerate sunlight, heat or hard work well. Psychologically, pitta people have a good power of comprehension; they are very intelligent and sharp and tend to be good orators. They have emotional tendencies toward hate, anger and jealousy. They are ambitious people who generally like to be leaders. Pitta people appreciate material prosperity and they tend to be moderately well-off financially. They enjoy exhibiting their wealth and luxurious possessions. Physical Features of Kapha people People of kapha constitution have well-developed bodies. There is, however, a strong tendency for these individuals to carry excess weight. Their chests are expanded and broad. The veins and tendons of kapha people are not obvious because of their thick skin and their muscle development is good. The bones are not prominent. Their complexions are fair and bright. The skin is soft, lustrous and oily, and can be cold and pale. The hair is thick, dark, soft and wavy. The eyes are dense and black or blue: the white of the eye is generally very white, large and attractive. Physiologically, kapha people have regular appetites. Due to slow digestion, they tend to consume less food. They crave pungent, bitter and astringent foods. Stools are soft and may be Feb/Mar 2011
pale in color: evacuation is slow. Their perspiration is moderate. Sleep is sound and prolonged. There is a strong vital capacity evidenced by good stamina, and kapha people are generally healthy, happy and peaceful. Psychologically, they tend to be tolerant, calm, forgiving and loving people. However, they also exhibit traits of greed, attachment, envy and possessiveness. Their comprehension is slow but definite. Once they understand something, that knowledge is retained. Kapha people tend to be wealthy. They earn money and are good at holding on to it. Conclusion Ayurvedic medicine emphasizes a "holistic" approach, treating the whole person with appropriate remedies for the mind, body, and spirit. This can include meditation, physical exercises, or herbs that are focused on some particular aspect of being. Problems of the heart, for example, are considered as much a spiritual issue as pathology since the heart is the seat of the atman or divine self. Suitable herbs might include arjuna, used as a heart tonic. This is used with sandalwood oil as a sedating massage oil to calm and uplift the spirit which encourages joy. The essential energy of the body called ojas, like the Chinese qi, can be strengthened with tonic herbs, such as ashwagandha, shatavari, or guduchi. Like the Chinese wei qi, ojas is associated with the immune system, and herbs to strengthen it tend to be immunestimulants.
Sreejith Sadasivann lives in India and has studied the Ayurvedic traditions that have been passed down from his grandfather. He has practiced and lived these teachings as part of his culture. He enjoys writing and helping others increase overall health and wellbeing. Sreejith can be reached at sreejith_sadasivann@yahoo.com
Book Review by Caroline Myss EMOTIONAL FREEDOM: Liberate Yourself from Negative Emotions and Transform Your Life (Three Rivers Press, $14) written by Judith Orloff MD is the perfect book to come along at the perfect time. I couldn’t put it down! We live in a tumultuous, fear-dominated period in history and must become masters at overcoming fear and other negative emotions so they don’t sabotage our power. With skill and compassion, Dr. Judith Orloff shows us how to become heroes in our own lives by transforming anger, loneliness, and envy and more rather than simply “reacting” when our buttons get pushed. An Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at UCLA and intuition expert, Dr. Orloff shares her wealth of personal and professional knowledge to illuminate the field of emotions. She draws on wisdom from traditional medicine but goes light years beyond it by presenting emotions as a path to spiritual, energetic, and intuitive awakening. Why is this leap so important? The intellect has restricted vision about emotions, but bringing intuition into the feeling realm lets us go deeper within. Dr. Orloff asks us to see every success, every heartbreak, every loss, and every gain as vehicles for transformation. She teaches readers to view emotions in a non-ordinary way, rather than simply making you happy or miserable. Everyone will benefit from the insightful instructions that continually guide us and also from the author’s intimate personal journey and well-earned life wisdom. Judith is the kind of doctor we wish we all had. Part One of the book introduces you to the four components of emotions: their biology, spirituality, energetic power, and psychology. Understanding each component in yourself will lead to inner breakthroughs that aren’t possible without seeing the whole picture. It 10
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offers a self-assessment test to evaluate your current level of emotional freedom so you can increase it practicing this book’s principles. Dr. Orloff invites you into her romance with sleep and dreams as revolutionary states of consciousness. She also helps readers determine their “emotional type” including “the intellectual,” and “the empath. “so they can make the most of their own finest qualities. As an empath, Dr. Orloff knows the gigantic challenges of being an “emotional sponge” and teaches other empaths who’ve been labeled “overly sensitive” how to stay grounded in an often-overwhelming world. You’ll enjoy the “emotional vampire survival guide”--specific advice for dealing with emotional drainers. We’ve all met them. You’re talking to someone, when suddenly you feel anxious, depressed, or tired. She describes the narcissist, the victim, the controller, and other types of vampires. Plus, there are quizzes to help you determine “Are you in a relationship with an emotional vampire?” or if you might be one yourself. Sometimes, we all have the capacity to be draining, but with mindful compassion we can catch ourselves early and make a shift. Part Two of the book offers a hands-on approach for facing the most prevalent negative emotions and building positive ones. Each chapter is called a “transformation” in which you learn how to transform a negative emotion into its counterpoint. For instance, fear is transformed with courage, frustration with patience, and jealousy with self-esteem. You learn to do this in your life by taking a wealth of quizzes, from Dr. Orloff ’s patient studies, and her own intimate journey with each emotion. Emotional Freedom is the rare book that can open your mind and your heart to more empowerment. Give yourself a gift and read it. Author of “Emotional Freedom”, Judith Orloff MD can be reached at http://www.drjudithorloff.com
Manifestation Maven with Kimberly V. Schneider Making Space for Change It’s a new year, time for big resolutions and big changes. As our planet moves into the Age of Aquarius, the possibility of change seems even more hopeful and exciting. And yet, change doesn’t necessarily happen just because there is an opening for it. The changes we wish to see in our physical experience arise out of shifts in consciousness, which is why Ghandi exhorted us to “be the change you wish to see in the world.” Often changes don’t “stick” because we haven’t created space in our consciousness for them. We keep ourselves so busy, our minds so trapped in habitual behaviors, that there’s no room for a new way of being. Whether you wish to transform your body, your relationships, your spiritual life or your financial status, you must change your mind before anything else will change. I recently noticed how I was (unconsciously) using my cell phone to block change. I was waiting for our daughter Bridget to come out of the bathroom at her doctor’s office and I had the thought to check my email. I noticed my hand slip into my pocket to grab my iPhone. Then I remembered I had just finished editing a portion of my forthcoming book, Everything You Need Is Right Here, where I talk about using a Mantram (a meditation tool that consists of repeating a sacred word or phrase) whenever the mind is free. I stopped my hand on its way to its tech fix when I realized how much less often my mind is free these days since I got a “smart” phone. Because anytime I’m idle for more than a few moments, I can fill up the space in my mind by checking my email, facebook, etc. In that moment, I silently repeated my Mantram (“I AM”) instead of checking my email. At first I was amazed at how strong the impulse was to activate the phone. A few breaths later I noticed space opening in my mind and my body, just because I’d chosen to reconnect with Source. I’m not someone who thinks the advent of technology is the downfall of all good things. There are definite advantages to being able to text, email and post on FB right from my phone. Yet I’m aware how easy it is to become a slave to technology, rather than using it to enhance my life. So I’m devoting a little more time to openness. I’m watching birds these days. Breathing. Saying my mantram. And leaving some space for the possibility of boredom. Because I’ve seen some pretty
Counseling & Therapy Erick K. French, MSW, LCSW
1750 S. Brentwood Blvd., Suite 550 St. Louis, MO 63144 Phone 314.963.1060 • Fax 314.963.1059 ekfrench@gmail.com
amazing things be born out of “boredom.” And I’m not willing to keep crowding out the little openings in my consciousness. If you are having difficulty implementing the changes you want to create in your life, consider slowing down and making space for an inner shift. I don’t know yet what larger long-term changes my own inner freedom will produce. For now, the renewed peace I feel is its own reward. Here’s to mindful technology use, and mindful change. Peace of the open mind to you.
Kimberly Schneider, M.Ed., J.D., LPC What do you get when you take a person with the soul of a poet, the mind of a scholar and the heart of a healer--and turn her into a trial lawyer? Existential crisis and more graduate school. Throw in a counseling degree, a marriage and two extraordinary children and you end up with Kimberly Schneider, the Manifestation Maven. Kimberly is the host of Conscious Manifesting on WebTalkRadio.net and the author of the forthcoming book “Everything You Need Is Right Here”. She awakens spiritual adventurers, healers, entrepreneurs and other extraordinary individuals to the power of conscious manifestation and the joy of meaningful work. Visit her website at www.KimberlySchneider.com to request Kimberly’s Free Conscious Manifestation eCourse. You can also contact her at: www.KimberlySchneider.com and www.facebook.com/kimberlyvschneider
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PsychoSpirit Where Mind & Spirit Meet
The True Audience by Erick K French, MSW, LCSW
Most of you know yourselves through your perception of the perceptions of the others in your life. You look to see what they see and in silence define yourself accordingly. Then begins the struggle. The need to control the outside world so that you can be who you think you want to be. But even the idea of who you want to be has been born of the clashing between the feeling of who you really are and all that has come into your senses from the outside world. It in fact began long ago before there was memory. The opening stage was your mother’s womb where the experiential impression of this most initial and most sacred relationship formed the foundation of your psyche. Later came the conditional feedback you received from your parents. Then there were your teachers and your peers and the media. And as the stage began to crystallize in your consciousness so did it form in your life. Your network of social connections, the dynamics of your relationship with your family, your spouse, your boss, all establishing the patterns of your life experience as manifested by the unique conditions of your consciousness. For most of you these conditions are experienced as a prison. Feeling lost, you perceive them as something apart from yourself by which you feel victimized. They are in fact an extension of you, an expression of the outer most temporary and changeable part of you. But once let yourself close your eyes and imagine yourself being as you want to be, despite what is being reflected to you from the outside world, and it begins. The return to knowing your true self begins. And as you journey back to your true self everything changes. You begin to feel supported by your life and circumstances shift enforcing this. The phone rings, people that support you come into your life, people who inhibit you leave. Needed resources become visible and obstacles disappear. This concept has at times been dubbed a secret law of attraction, the knowledge of which can fulfill all desires. The idea is appealing and you have sensed the truth of it, but the understanding is often incomplete. The miracle does not come from the simple visualizing of what you want, or the practicing an intense focusing of the mind. The miracle is itself the establishing and maintaining of integrity with your 12
The Rising Magazine
true self. Attending to how you really feel—indeed allowing yourself to feel and then thinking, breathing and acting in accordance to what feels unfettered to the soul. The first union of attraction has to be between your conscious self concept and your real inherent soul identify. This fusion between your conscious waked awareness and your real feelings about things is the light that will superimpose dreams fulfilled onto the film that is your life circumstance. For so long you have tried to know yourself via what is reflected from the outside audience of the world. But hear this now, once and for all. There is another audience. An audience of immensely higher value. All have known it. Many have glimpsed its applause now and again, and few have managed to maintain its approval. Vow to establish and maintain a positive relationship with the audience that is your true self. Rather than struggling to build who you are from the outside in, detach, deepen and die to the old way of knowing self. Be reborn, knowing self from the inside out. By attending to your real feelings you will come home to the heart and discern the confusion that has for too long haunted the head. You commit to your truth and you set yourself free. Erick K French is a psychotherapist with over 15 years of experience working with individuals, couples and families in the St. Louis area. Erick is dedicated to helping clients achieve greater empowerment through increased self-awareness and healing and releasing the pain and trauma of their past. Erick is a clinical hypnotherapist and helps clients reach greater insight through altered states of consciousness. He teaches meditation and mindfulness to help clients achieve identification with their true self. To learn more visit www.oneawarenesscounseling.com or call (314) 963-1060 to schedule an appointment.
“I do not Believe God exists, I KNOW it” - Carl Jung
PsychoSpirit Where Mind & Spirit Meet
The Power of Choice by Carmen Turner-Schott, MSW, LISW “Nothing is by chance, but is a pattern of the choices made by the entity in its relationships to things, conditions, and entities.”Edgar Cayce
I remember going to church and learning about free will. I was taught that God gives us free will and allows us to make our own choices. It took many years for me to realize the power of my choices and how each choice totally transformed my life. Edgar Cayce, famous healer said, “Each individual has the choice, which no one has the right to supersede, even God does not.” This is so true. I look back on a few key moments in my life when I was at a crossroad. I remember how one decision changed the entire course of my life. There are certain decisions that I made that were based on fear and ego. The decisions I made were not based on what I “felt” was right. I often ignored my intuition and that still small voice within. Every single time I made a choice that went against that “feeling of knowing” I ended up going down a path of disappointment, suffering, and pain. There were times when I felt like a victim and felt that the universe was punishing me. I look back now and can see how in each of those life moments, I always had the choice. God gave me the choice to decide the outcome for my own life. He gave me possibilities and showed me things through my dreams. In reality, when the decision was before me I always had my intuition and inner voice there to tell me what to do. I was the one who chose to ignore it. A few years ago I was working as a therapist with alcohol and substance abuse clients for the Air Force. I was happy and content in my position. I had built strong friendships and had good relationships with co-workers. I remember that I had a dream that I changed jobs and was working in a new building. I knew the position was somewhere higher up and possibly a promotion. I let the dream go and continued in my job. About six months later, I received a call that a position had opened up at the higher level Wing. In that moment, I had a “negative feeling” come over me. It was a feeling of resistance. A little nudge from within telling me that something was not quite right about this. Did I listen? No. I decided to apply and I knew I was going to be offered the job. When the offer came, I took it. Needless to say, this change and choice triggered what I call the most difficult year in my life. Some would say that it was meant to be, but I know that God gave me the choice. I had the answer within, that still small voice warned me. I ignored the negative feeling that I had and in that moment changed the course of my happiness. This experience made me search for answers. I felt like a
victim at times, wondering why I was stuck in such a toxic situation at work and why I was being mistreated by others in my environment. I knew I should have stayed at my old job and regretted the decision of leaving. I realized that I learned something from this experience. I learned to never ignore that voice inside ever again. I had finally “got the message” and from that day on I have decided to live my life by listening to that voice, no matter how bad I “think” I want something. I learned a valuable lesson and each day I make a choice to listen to my intuition and that voice within before I make decisions. I encourage everyone to follow that still small voice within themselves, the voice of knowledge and the voice of your soul. That voice is God speaking to you and trying to guide you gently.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” - Albert Einstein I tried to find Him on the Christian cross, but He was not there; I went to the Temple of the Hindus and to the old pagodas, but I could not find a trace of Him anywhere. I searched on the mountains and in the valleys but neither in the heights nor in the depths was I able to find Him. I went to the Caaba in Mecca, but He was not there either. I questioned the scholars and philosophers but He was beyond their understanding. I then looked into my heart and it was there where He dwelled, that I saw Him; He was nowhere else to be found. -Jelaluddin Rumi
Kimberly Schneider, M.Ed., J.D., LPC The Manifestation Maven www.KimberlySchneider.com
Facebook kimberlyvschneider Feb/Mar 2011
Emotional Wellbeing: Your Own Inner Mountain What does it mean to “grow” and “change”? We hear those words all the time but they seem so nebulous it is hard to know just how to go about growing and changing. In order to truly “grow” we have to understand what it is that we are working with and we need a framework of understanding. What is it that grows and changes? Many people might give many different answers, but I’m going to boil it down simply, it’s our nervous system. Our nervous system runs the whole show and without it our time would be severely limited. We all know what it consists of, our brain, incoming and outgoing nerves and for our more progressive thinkers, our Chi, Kundalini, Soul or subtle life force. On the surface of this complex system is something directly observable and as such is available to work with directly, our thoughts and feelings. Before we begin to work with our thoughts and feelings let’s put them into a framework to aid our understanding. One excellent framework comes from the Jewish Qabalah, “The Yoga of the West”1. It is hard to encapsulate Qabalah with just a few words, but in Hebrew it literally means, “that which has been received”2. This refers to how the Qabalah is wisdom passed down by the ancients. Imagine a spiritual system that describes the whole of creation by means of a set of diagrams. The diagram in question here is called the Tree of Life. It is like a series of sign posts along the way. At the base of the tree is the material world, the sphere of Malkuth, and emanating upward from it is the Astral Plane, the sphere of Yesod. In perfect balance above the Astral Plane like two orbs connected by a single horizontal path, lie the realm of pure thought and the realm of pure feeling. They are connected, exchanging energy and balanced. There are ten spheres in all, each with its own particular meaning and energy. Let’s look at the realm of pure thought which is called Hod, in Hebrew. Hod is ruled by the planet Mercury and is called “The Perfect Intelligence”. This is our thinking mind and the origin of our thoughts. We all have them and most of our thoughts are there for us to observe. I say most of them because our brains have actually been trained to screen unwanted thoughts out. This training usually comes from our upbringing and the demands of society. We are taught that certain thoughts are bad and that we shouldn’t have them. Thus they are driven into a dark abyss where they can do whatever the heck they want, acting like all those darn programs loaded into the background of our computers, slowing them down. The goal here is to become aware of all of our thoughts and to allow ourselves to have them all. Just because you have a thought does not mean you have to act upon it. In fact, we recommend that you do not act on all of your thoughts. If you were able to have all of your thoughts and feelings then you would have emotional wellbeing. What about those feelings or the realm of emotions called Netzach, in Hebrew. American culture does a wonderful job helping people develop their thinking. Our school systems are devoted to the cultivation of thinking, but we spend little to no time learning how to work with our emotional mind. We are so clumsy with our emotions that most of us have no idea what to do with them. The whole balance between thinking and feeling is out of whack. If you want to have emotional well being, then you are going to have to learn how to work with your emotions. Short of having a complete modern psychoanalysis the way this is done is to try very hard to open yourself up to your feelings. Cultivate your feelings, have them all but don’t act upon them. Talk about your feelings. If you are angry, then talk about how you feel angry. Avoid yelling, cursing and screaming, as this is acting on your anger. You can also search out situations that bring about intense feelings, and let your feelings wash over you. Work with your mind and balance your thoughts and feelings. Remember Hod and Netzach want to be in balance and communicating. Eventually, thinking and feeling will both be happening simultaneously and will operate in the service of the Ego, not the other way around. As you make your way along the path toward emotional wellbeing keep in mind that it is a feat on par with climbing Mount Everest, that is why I call it the Inner Mountain. Kether
1 Dion Fortune, “The Mystical Qabalah”, page 3. 2 Daniel C. Matt, “The Essential Kabbalah”, page 1.
Will Elsass is a Modern Psychoanalyst, Psychiatrist and Astrologer. His private Practice is in Breckenridge, Colorado. If you would like to contact him e-mail him at DrElsass@me.com.
The Rising Magazine
“every man and woman is a star.” - Aleister Crowley
God Is-A Simple Truth by Donald Lenort In 1993, I had a profound mystical experience while I was receiving a Cranio-Sacral therapy treatment. Cranio-Sacral therapy is a light-touch, manipulative therapy that works with both the structural or physical components of the body as well as with the energetic nature. The technique can also incorporate visualization, inner dialogue, and altered states of consciousness. As the session progressed, I had the inner (visual and physical) experience of traveling through different corridors and tunnels, eventually coming up to a bright light with the shadow of a man inside. As he walked out of the light toward me, my inner feeling told me that this was Jesus. I denied this inwardly at first as He waited patiently for me to acknowledge Him. I finally mentioned this to my therapist and told him that Jesus was beckoning me to go with Him. He asked, “Are you going to go?”As I replied, “I want to,” I began moving toward Him as He turned and we both went into the light. The whole time I spent with Jesus, He never said a word. I was totally blocked off from receiving any messages telepathically until the end of the session. We walked up to a large wooden table. I felt like I was at the Last Supper, and Jesus was with me at the front of the table kneeling in front of the Apostles. He was paying reverence to them. This was His way to show me the importance of those people we find ourselves surrounded with. From there, we went to the edge of a small pond. He motioned for me to look in. I could see my reflection in the water, but noticed that Jesus did not have one. We then went before a very old, very large book. I received the message that this is the “Book of Truth.” It is filled with many teachings and laws, but there is only one Truth -- that all the teachings are really just sub-teachings or sub-laws, and that the one Truth is stated: “GOD IS.” I wondered about the meaning of this experience for many years and was intrigued especially by the Book of Truth and the one Truth stated “GOD IS.” I had never heard of a teaching like that. It was a complete sentence, with no other words (like “everything” or “everywhere”) to fill in behind it. In 2002, I read the book The Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard, in which he chronicles his experiences of meeting two ascended masters and their instructing him on the deeper meaning or lessons of A Course in Miracles. It was the following quotations from Renard’s book and A Course in Miracles that answered my questions about my experience with Jesus. A Course in Miracles Workbook says, “We say ‘God Is’ and then we cease to speak, for in that knowledge words are meaningless. There are no lips to speak them, and no part of mind sufficiently distinct to feel that it is now aware of something not itself. It has united with its Source. And like its Source Itself, it merely is.” “‘God Is’, and nothing else is.” The phrase ‘God Is’ must be taken in the light of pure non-dualism. It’s easy enough for people to get the first part of that statement, that God Is. It’s very difficult to accept the second part; that ‘nothing else is.’ That is why we cease to speak, because there is nothing else.” Disappearance of the Universe. “Oneness is simply the idea ‘God Is.’ And in His Being, He encompasses all things. No mind holds anything but Him. The absolute truth can be summed up in just two words, but only accepted by a mind that has been prepared for it. Those words are,
‘God Is’.” A Course in Miracles Workbook. Finally, I recently came across this discourse of Sathya Sai Baba’s from July 21, 1986: “On this Guru Purnima day I do not intend to give you any eight letter or five-letter mantra based on any particular deity’s name. Nor am I enjoining you to study any Upanishad, or the Gita or the Brahma sutras. There is a simple five-letter pronouncement: God Is.” The mantra ‘God Is” can be more powerful than a mantra based on any particular deity’s name.” “Make this your sheet anchor. If you go on reciting it, thinking over it, acting up to it and conveying it to others, immersing yourself in the bliss of this experience, you will be making the greatest contribution to the welfare of the world.” “Have this five-letter mantra as your constant companion and strengthen your faith in God. This will lead in due course to Godrealization. Unwavering faith in God will promote spiritual power and confer indescribable bliss. Doubts should not be allowed to sprout. Faith is essential for accomplishing anything in life. Without faith, even ordinary things in life are not possible.
Donald Lenort received his Master of Science degree in physical therapy from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. He has worked as a physical therapist and in the holistic health field for over twenty years. He has been providing intuitive akashic record readings and energy healing sessions since 1994. He lives in St. Louis, Missouri and can be contacted at esaijai@sbcglobal.net.
Astrological Self Awareness Center, LLC Carmen Turner-Schott, MSW, LISW
Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Astrological Counselor
314-435-6098 carmenturnerschott@hotmail.com
Feb/Mar 2011
Scarborough’s Affair
by T.R.M. Staff Welcome to the fist edition of From The Easel, A celebration of Life, Art and the Creative Spirit. With this regular feature column, The Rising Magazine will be featuring local, national and even international artists who embody the devotional spirit of creativity in every way. With that, we shamelessly introduce to you one of our very own, Kevin Scarborough. Now 31 years of age, he is a self-taught, self-educated individual and a Springfield, MO resident. We sat down with him for some one on one. T.R.M.: So, When did you begin doing artwork, exactly? K.S.: I was born an artist. I am blessed by being able to say that. I
The Rising Magazine
A Celebration of Life, Art & the Creative Spirit. remember crayons, coloring books, markers and whatever else I could get my hands on to draw and color. There really was no “beginning”, necessarily. And I was also blessed with parents and family who not only encouraged my art, but helped to nurture my abilities. T.R.M.: How would you describe your art? K.S.: Well, I guess if you want technical definitions, I do realism and surrealism. I would like to perfect my techniques so as to develop into what I call super-realism, which is realism to such a level that one cannot tell the difference between the art and the real thing. I have done other styles, as well, but realism is my thing. I love the human form, too. I do erotic and fantasy art, as well. It is partly an expression of sexuality, fantasy, and a symbol of my love and appreciation for the female form. While I may be a
feminist, I think women are far superior when it comes to beauty. I show my appreciation through art. T.R.M.: Tell us about the artwork being showcased in the magazine? K.S.: Well, there is a series of eyes. Self-portraits, really. These were done at different times throughout my life. Each having a different vibe or expression. The “Window” is truly an expression of my feelings when I felt trapped in my small town. I felt hopeless and bound inside an empty room at the time. This was a reminder for me, to make goals for my future. I knew I had to break the chain, open that window, and learn to free myself. I am doing that now, I think. The black and white line drawing was a free association drawing that I did as a self-teaching exercise. I recommend that the readers look at it from all angles and perspectives. If you look at the page one way, then turn it 45 degrees and look at it again, you will notice that everything changes. These images were done when I was much younger, in my late teens. I have aslo included a few of my newer pieces for the public. One is a self-portrait I did of my friend’s daughter, Bella. This was more of a study on portraits for me, but also made a nice gift. The next piece would be what my friend referred to as “The Handy Universe.” Basically, it is a friend’s hand that I translated into a a three dimensional drawing, not to scale, of course. I took her astrological natal chart and and the position of the planets when she was born and placed them in her hand. Finally, we have my puppy “Lilly”. She is a puppy that I received recently. More or less, it is a portrait on bristol paper which I did in colored pencil. I have never worked with colored pencils before, so it was fun and interesting.
have never imagained I would be here designing this magazine, yet, here I am. Practically speaking, I would like to do more fantasy art. I am researching and planning on developing a tarot card deck. It will be esoterically accurate, with all the symbolism of the traditional Rider-Waite deck. It will be my own interpretation and I have a few spiritually inspired pieces to add to it. I am going to practice more with graphic art and design as well. T.R.M.: Thank you for the time and for sharing your gift. K.S.: Thank you for allowing me the opportunity.
T.R.M.: What mediums do you work with and do you have a favorite? K.S.: My specialty is graphite pencil. That’s just what I have always done. I’m not much of a painter. I have been working with colored pencil, lately, and I am really liking it. It is like painting, only with pencils. So, I guess you might say that any medium that comes in pencil form I like. T.R.M.: How do you define art and what does art mean to you? K.S.: Wow! That is a great question. To me, art is life. To answer your question more specifically, art is a creative expression. It is a creation, of course. There is always something behind the art, be it an emotion, an idea, an impression, or a memory. humans are very expressive creatures and art is one of those means by which to express. Art is spiritual, emotional, mental, but most of all, it is creative. T.R.M.: Where do you see your art going in the next five years? K.S.: When the spirit moves you, you don’t always know where it will lead. You just have to grab the hand of fate and let it take you down the road to wherever it may lead. Five years ago, I would Feb/Mar 2011
The Rising Magazine
Kevin Scarborough is a 31 year old Aquarian and Missouri native currently residing in Springfield, Missouri. He is self-taught and self-educated. He is the creator of The Rising Magazine logo, as well serves as the Senior Editor. He is in charge of Art Design, Layout and Ad Design for The Rising Magazine. His art dons the cover of a book, The Mysteries of the Eighth Astrological House by The Rising Magazine Publisher, Carmen Turner-Schott. Kevin also does freelance editing, proofreading and freelance writing work on the side. He is available for commissioned artwork, digital or traditional. To contact Kevin for editing, writing or commisioned art please email him at: kev_scarborough@yahoo.com.
From the Easel is a regular feature in The Rising Magazine showcasing local, national and international artists in an effort to promote and support the spirit of creative expression. If you, or someone you know, would like to be featured in an upcoming issue, please contact Carmen at: therisingmagazine@hotmail.com or at 314-435-6098. Inqueries should include the full name and contact information of the artist, as well as, a brief description of the art (including the style and medium of artwork) and samples of the art. Two or three samples is sufficient. Please do not send originals. The Rising Magazine is not responsible for damage or loss of materials. If you are chosen to be featured, Carmen will contact you to arrange an interview.
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The Rising Magazine is looking for individuals to sell ads for the magazine. For details, contact
Carmen: 314-435-6098 therisingmagazine@hotmail.com
Feb/Mar 2011
The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius: Return of the Christ
by Carmen Turner-Schott
“I am with you always until the end of the Age” - Matthew 28:20 Right now in the world there is a spiritual evolution occurring. More people are opening up their minds to alternative teachings and questioning the religious beliefs and doctrines that were passed down from generation to generation. Every time I turn on the history channel there is a new show discussing 2012 and the end of the world prophecies. Many Christians believe that we are in the “end-times” and that Christ return is imminent. When I watch the news it devastates me as I constantly see earthquakes, famine and war. Is this a unique time in history or are we just paying closer attention? These natural disasters have always been taking place, but at this time in history we are much more sensitive to them. There are hundreds of books written to inspire this teaching such as the “Left Behind” series which focuses on the fact that one day all of Christ followers will be taken off earth physically and will disappear, while the others are left behind to survive on earth. Are we in the Age that Jesus talked about signaling his return? Is the world going to end in 2012? There are many different views and beliefs about the spiritual crisis that is occurring within humanity at this time. I do believe that people are evolving, shifting and opening up their minds. Christians are starting to question things more and are trying to make sense of the destruction in the world and the loss in their own families. More Christians are having unexplained psychic experiences that they can’t explain with their religious beliefs. People are suffering and are seeking answers to their personal experiences and many are turning to the “new age” philosophies for answers. Medical technology is failing and the medical care that we are receiving is often not healing us, but making us sicker. Many people are seeking alternative therapies such as seeing chiropractors, massage therapists, acupuncture specialists, energy healers and new age practitioners to treat their health conditions. This is a time of questioning, exploring knowledge, increasing our spiritual awareness and focusing on technological advances to 20
The Rising Magazine
help humanity survive in these trying times. Some believe that we are in the “Age of Aquarius” and there are many different opinions as to when this age actually starts. It is evident to me that we are in an intense energetic time and we are all feeling it. I have many new age friends as well as Christians friends that tell me they “sense” something major is going to happen. I feel that something new is coming as many others do, but what is it that we are feeling? I feel we are experiencing the energetic shift of humanity and the transformation of consciousness. We are moving into the Age of Aquarius. In the Bible it states, “These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the fulfillment of the Ages has come” (1 Cor. 10:11). We can no longer think or live like we have been. Humanity needs to make changes to ensure its survival. I don’t think that there is anyone that has not heard of global warming now and each day the weather is so chaotic that we don’t know what we are going to experience. One day it snows and the next it is extremely hot and weather anomalies are happening all over the world. Is this the end of the world or just a preparation of something much bigger than us? I do not have all the answers, but I do know what Jesus talked about in the Bible about the changes in the future that would signal his return. He said that there would be “signs in the sun, moon and stars” signaling his return. Aquarius rules astrology so maybe astrology will be taken more seriously by the masses during this new age. None of us can deny that he discussed earthquakes, famine, weather changes and disasters. These things have been going on for decades since Christ so what makes now so important? Why are people so afraid that the end is near? The Mayan calendar ends in December 2012 and many scholars have tried to analyze this and some believe the world will end as we know it by a natural disaster and others believe it signals a spiritual revolution and an intense change in the way humanity lives. There are positive ways to look at it and there are negative ways. I like to believe that my God is a loving God and that everything he does is for a purpose and plan. I like to have faith that God will not give us more than we can handle. I do believe that the disasters that are occurring are happening to force humanity to unite and come together in service of one another. Just like the recent Haiti earthquake, when there were over a hundred thousand people who were killed. In the midst of this crisis, nearly every single country around the world united and sent medical personnel to assist. I saw an article online that read, “Haitian Faiths Unite”. I realized that this is God’s way to wake us up and to help us learn not to be so judgmental of other faiths, religions and beliefs. Disaster is God’s way of bringing us together as
human souls with a similar purpose; survival.Astrologers denote an astrological age occurs approximately 2,150 years on average. There are many different ways of calculating it and many different theories. Some astrologers believe that ages affect mankind while others believe the ages correlate to the rise and fall of mighty civilizations and show cultural tendencies. It is believed that Jesus and Christianity started the Age of Pisces. Pisces astrological symbol is the fishes and the fish is associated with the Christian faith and was used secretly by them to identify themselves. Jesus was the “fisher of men” and was known to talk symbolically about fish. Pisces traditionally rules spirituality, compassion, sacrifice, service to others and faith. All these things were strong during the Piscean Age and it was a time when one of the largest religion’s of the world was started. If we are moving into the Aquarian Age it is often associated with the “New Age” as Aquarius rules all things non-traditional, non-conforming, rebellious, questioning, technological and scientific. Aquarius rules electricity, computers, airplanes, flight, democracy, humanitarian efforts and astrology. Take a look around and look at all the technological advances that have occurred. Every time I look around there is a new iPhone on the market. It is amazing what computers can do and almost all of our banking and living is completely dependent upon technology. I often think about this and wonder what we would do if all the computers crashed and went boom, gone. It would be total chaos. We are completely dependent upon technology for our electricity, lighting, practical and survival needs. The appearance of these Aquarian developments over the last few centuries is considered by many astrologers to indicate the proximity of the Aquarian age. According to astrologers, “there is no uniform agreement about the relationship of these recent Aquarian developments and the Age of Aquarius.” Some astrologers believe that the New Age is experienced before the Aquarian Age arrives because of a cuspal effect or Orb of Influence. Other astrologers believe the appearance of Aquarian developments indicate the actual arrival of the Age of Aquarius and believe that we are currently experiencing it. Jesus was the one who announced the Age of Aquarius and said, “A man will meet you carrying an earthen pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he goes in” Luke 22:10. Since ancient times Aquarius was called the “water-bearer” and is symbolized by the Face of a Man in the Book of Revelation as one of the fixed signs of the zodiac. Aquarius is symbolized by a man carrying a jug of water and this symbol existed since ancient times. I find it interesting that Jesus tells us to “follow the water-bearer”. It seems to me that Jesus was telling his followers to follow the Aquarian Age and enter the house he goes in, which can mean he was helping us prepare for the future by telling us to follow this new spiritual expansion and rebirth. Jesus was educating the disciples
(Image credit: U.S. Naval Observatory and the Space Telescope Science Institute)
and warning them about this crucial time in human history and preparing them for it in advance. The Age of Aquarius is all about enlightenment and represents spirituality coming together with science. It is a time in history where religion and science need to unite and create better medical innovations and medical technologies to help humanity. It is a time where we can use science to help validate religion and God instead of fighting over the “creation theory”. There are so many books that are written now by scientists, such as “What the Bleep Do We Know” that proves that there is a soul inhabiting the body. There is research that our thoughts are powerful and can cause illness in the physical body and a lot of research is being done to show the connection of the emotions, meditation and prayer on healing and physical ailments. These things are the blessings of the Aquarian Age. Esoteric Christians such as the Rosicrucian’s believe that the Age of Aquarius will bring human beings into a real knowledge and discovery of the deeper Christian teachings which Christ spoke about in Matthew and Luke. In the Aquarian Age at hand they believe that it is expected that a great spiritual teacher will come and will give the Christian religion a push in a new direction. They talk about the Christ Consciousness which will be awakened within human beings and they will realize their oneness with Christ teachings. For many people today this is a time of questioning and people feel a sense of foreboding. The anxiety that many of us feel is related to the energy of change. Change is hard for human beings and it takes us time to adjust. There have been so many technological and spiritual changes in the world. These changes took place at an alarming rate. The Aquarian Age is dawning upon us or we are already in it. Either way, this is a time for all of us to start to question our beliefs and open our minds to the teachings of Christ and the great religions. It is a time to come together as a society and help each other instead of focusing on who is right and wrong and which religion is true or false. It is a time to live the teachings that Christ taught. As he said, “take up your cross and follow me”. Christ did not want us to merely argue our beliefs, he wanted us to “walk the way” and be like him. He wanted us to live the life he taught, which was forgiveness, loving Feb/Mar 2011
our fellow man, accepting others regardless of their material situation and working together in peace. That is what the Aquarian Age is all about. I hope that all of us continue to embrace this Aquarian energy and not just merely accept what we are told, but to question and to truly look at the teachings of Christ from all different perspectives.
Carmen Turner-Schott, MSW, LISW, Publisher of The Rising Magazine is a practicing licensed clinical social worker, intuitive astrologer and teacher with national and international clientele. She received her undergraduate degree in Psychology from Fontbonne University in St. Louis, Missouri in 1997 and a Master of Social Work degree from Washington University in St. Louis in 1999. She has been providing individual therapy and astrological consultations for the past 18 years. She is a published author of two books, “A Deeper Look at the Sun Signs and The Mysteries of the Eighth Astrological House. She is the founder of the Astrological Self-Awareness Center, LLC and offers tele-counseling, consultations, classes, workshops and parties upon request. She can be reached via email at: carmenturnerschott@hotmail.com, therisingmagazine@hotmail.com and via her website at http://www.astrology-awareness.com.
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Skylights An Astronomy Primer Welcome to the first edition of Skylights! My name is Wesley Surber and I am your humble guide on a fantastic journey into the deepest reaches of the universe. To me, astronomy is a passion, not a hobby. I have been an amateur astronomer for ten years and I have been doing public outreach for five years. In that time I have worked with many fascinating people and have had the privilege to study alongside some of the most talented professional and amateur astronomers in the country. For this first column, I want to take a few minutes to introduce you to a basic astronomy concept that may boggle your mind! Looking at the stars is the closest that we may ever come to experiencing time travel. Let me explain. The speed of light travels at 186,282 miles per second and is often denoted with the letter c. Now, imagine that your best friend is standing exactly 186,282 miles away from you with an incredibly powerful flashlight. Once turned on, it would take the light beam from the flashlight approximately 1 second to reach you! Amazing, right? Let’s take it to the next level. Now, imagine that your best friend is standing at 372,564 miles away and activates the flashlight. It would now take the beam of light 2 seconds to reach you because 372,564 is 2 times the distance that light travels in that amount of time. After blinding you with a flashlight from almost half a million miles away, your friend turns off the flashlight, but you continue to see the light beam for another 2 seconds before it disappears. Why is that? Imagine that you are pouring water out of a garden hose. When you turn the water off, there is still water traveling through the hose that will splash out on the ground until the hose is empty. Now think of a beam of light in a similar fashion. Beams of light travel on a linear path similar to water running through a hose. When the flashlight is turned off, the beam of light is interrupted, but the light already sent into space is still traveling. In any case, what does that have to do with time travel? At a distance of 4.2 light years, Proxima Centauri is the closest star to our solar system. It takes 4.2 years for light to reach Earth once it leaves the star’s surface which means that any light we observe from Proxima Centauri today started traveling over 4 years ago. When we look at it through a telescope, we are seeing it as it was 4.2 years ago. Now, imagine that something terrible (and impossible) happened and Proxima Centauri suddenly burned out. It would continue to be visible in our night sky for another 4.2 years because it would take that long for the final light particles to travel from its surface to our sky. In essence, we are always seeing the stars as they looked in the past. If your brain feels like mush, do not worry! Astronomy can be a fun and exciting subject, but it can also be complex and confusing. My intention with Skylights is
with Wesley Surber
not to turn you into a professional astronomer, but to open your mind to some of the more fascinating aspects of astronomy and inspire a new generation of scientists and explorers. We know a lot, but not nearly as much as we like to believe. There’s an entire universe out there just waiting to be discovered. Are you ready?
Wesley Surber is the Founder and Editor of nightShifted Astronomy, a public outreach service and blog where he shares the wonders of the universe with the general public. He has an intense passion for all things space and regularly teaches basic astronomy at schools and private organizations. Wesley spent two years working with the Three Rivers Foundation for the Arts and Sciences at Comanche Springs Astronomy Campus in Crowell, Texas and is a friend of the Cincinnati Observatory as well as an active member of the Miami Valley Astronomical Society and the Astronomical League. You can visit his official website at: http://www.nightshifted.com or contact him directly at: editor@nightshifted.com.
Feb/Mar 2011
What is Astrology?
By Carmen Turner-Schott, MSW, LISW “There shall be signs in the sun, moon and stars” - Jesus Christ, Luke 21:25 “These influences of the planets are felt by us in the form of inclinations, tendencies, and urges” - Edgar Cayce (781-5) Astrology is actually an ancient science that predates both astronomy and psychology. Studied and used throughout the world for thousands of years, Astrology is the study of the interactions among the Stars and the Planets, based on intricate mathematical cycles. Astrology is the study of the positions and aspects of celestial bodies in the belief that they have an influence on the course of natural earthly occurrences and human affairs. If you have studied physics you know that everything is made up of energy. Our physical bodies have an energetic field around them at all times. Celestial bodies are known as planets. What do planets do? They give off energy and cause motion within the universe. Human beings are part of that universe and are affected tremendously by everything that happens in the environment. The most important verse in the Bible that shows that God blessed human beings with the wonderful tool of astrology is in the book of Genesis. In Genesis 1:14-15 God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as the signs to mark the seasons and days and years, and let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the Earth.” Tropical astrology is based solely on the seasons of the year and the signs, which are the constellations. Many people call these signs the “zodiac”. The zodiac is the belt or band of constellations through which the Sun, Moon, and planets move on their journey across the sky, also known as the ecliptic. Astrologers noted these constellations and attached a particular significance to them. Over time they developed the system of the twelve astrological signs of the zodiac, based on the twelve constellations they considered to be particularly important. Most western astrologers use the tropical zodiac beginning with the sign of Aries at the 24
The Rising Magazine
Northern Hemisphere, Vernal Equinox which is always on or around March 21 of each year. Astrology shows how the energies of the solar system affect us. Everything in the universe is made up of energy. I like to tell my clients that the planet energies affect us at all times, but we always have free will and choice. The famous mystic Edgar Cayce stated, “Astrology is fact, but there is no greater power over man than his own Will.” He also felt that astrological energies influence us, but we always have free will and choice. He believed we choose our actions, and that we are not controlled by the energies of the planets alone. We choose how to respond to the energies that affect us based on our thoughts, words and actions. The Moon affects the tides of the ocean so why wouldn’t it affect us? Did you ever wonder why when there is a Full Moon people are more irritable, more cars are broken down on the side of the road, and more people visit the emergency room? This is not coincidence. The Moon rules our emotional nature and influences our reactions immensely because the physical body is mostly made up of water. Astrology is a science, but my goal is to make it understandable and applicable in a practical way for self-awareness and growth. Throughout history, famous people have studied astrology and used it for several purposes. The Three Wise Men in the Bible were astrologers and learned that Christ would be born at a conjunction of planets. This is when planets appear in the same time and place in the sky and this often begins the start of a new cycle. Hippocrates, Pythagoras, Nostradamus and Sir Isaac Newton were astrologers. The father of medicine Hippocrates is quoted saying, “A physician that does not have knowledge of astrology is not a physician but a fool.” The Bible is filled with astrological information. Christ had twelve disciples and there were twelve tribes of Israel, which are associated with the twelve signs of the zodiac. In the book, Kabalistic Astrology it is explained that the twelve sons of Jacob were representative of the twelve signs of the zodiac and that the personality traits of each son were used to describe each sun sign we know today. Astrology is a map of the soul. Your natal chart is calculated based on the date, exact time and place of your birth. The natal chart shows your main personality traits, emotional nature, how you think, how you are in relationships, what type of careers you are drawn to, psychic abilities, where you suffer, your childhood experiences, your relationship with your parents, and your soul’s past lives and current soul mission. Everything about yourself is seen in the natal chart and when it is interpreted correctly it will only validate things you have always known about yourself. Many of my client’s tell me that they always wanted to do certain things or they felt a certain way and never understood it until I reaffirmed it for them. This is the power of basic personality astrology when it is used as a tool for self-awareness. The other side of astrological counseling is that it helps us understand others in our lives such as family members, co-workers, children and relationship partners. When we have a basic knowledge of astrology then we can apply it in practical ways in relationships in our lives. This helps each of us accept and understand others on a deeper level and this creates more harmony with other people in our lives. Astrology is a powerful tool for self-awareness. There are really two types of astrology, Tropical and Sidereal. You may have heard about all the concerns recently that our zodiac signs have changed. No worries, nothing has changed. You are still the same sign you have always been based on
Tropical astrology which has lasted the test of time. My goal is to make astrology fun and practical. I want to show that astrology can be used to help understand ourselves and others better in our lives. If you have never had astrological counseling, I urge you do so. You will be amazed at the accuracy of astrology as well as the deep insights that you can gain about yourself and your life.
Carmen Turner-Schott, MSW, LISW, Publisher of The Rising Magazine is a practicing licensed clinical social worker, intuitive astrologer and teacher with national and international clientele. She received her undergraduate degree in Psychology from Fontbonne University in St. Louis, Missouri in 1997 and a Master of Social Work degree from Washington University in St. Louis in 1999. She has been providing individual therapy and astrological consultations for the past 18 years. She is a published author of two books, “A Deeper Look at the Sun Signs and The Mysteries of the Eighth Astrological House. She is the founder of the Astrological SelfAwareness Center, LLC and offers tele-counseling, consultations, classes, workshops and parties upon request. She can be reached via email at carmenturnerschott@hotmail.com, therisingmagazine@hotmail.com and via her website at http://www.astrology-awareness.com.
Where East Meets West Covering subjects for the Body, Mind & Spirit, including: Holistic Health, Meditation, Astrology, Mythology, Religious Studies, Philosophy, Yoga,
Consciousness Expansion, Psycho-Therapy, Past Lives, Dreams, Paranormal Phenomena,
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The Rising Magazine Feb/Mar 2011
I begin my series on dreams, dreaming and dreamtime and would like to invite you to the mystery each monthly moon cycle. In this first series for 2011, I will introduce to you to the outer collective of the great ocean of our nightly flights into a dream state which reveals our mythical, collective and personal story. There are hundreds of dream books and I encourage you to explore, giving you the necessary tools as a beginner dreamer and also deepens the more advanced dreamer. For beginners, journaling is necessary no matter what level we are at and requires a giving of your precious time to your higher-self, which i call the ‘inner dreamer’. Our higher self speaks to us every night in our dreaming fields (astral planes of earth) connected to the vastness of our soul. One is required to understand a dream language to develop a personal relationship with our own soul. To understand why we dream, it is wise to understand our four dreaming bodies: physical, mental, emotional and energy (spirit) bodies. If you look at the self as a whole, like a round sphere, just like mother earth, in dreaming we enter layers. Each of our four bodies’ dream separately and together at the same time, containing both a waking dream and the night’s dream. PHYSICAL BODY: Our physical body is a container or a cup holder of the sacred waters of our inner dreamer the soul. We walk in this waking dream with our physical consciousness. If we put our hand in water we receive its coolness, in fire, we get blistered. We learn through action. So action is the waking physical body’s response to take action from the next body: MENTAL BODY: There are two types of intelligences, the mind, who belong to this dream of the waking world commanding the physical body, and also the ruler of book learning, knowledge and living co-creating the dream with the inner soul creative. We rise in the world with this intelligence of the mind, ranked ahead or behind others. The mental body dreamer, dreams at the next gate, the next layer in and is also the ruler of projections in this world and the dream worlds. It has two layers and only one layers is the dreamer, what Buddhism is set up on, the higher dreamer, or witness of the second attention, the you watching the you. EMOTIONAL BODY – THE SOUL: The other intelligence, our soul, is already complete and preserved inside you. It does not stagnate for it is eternal and not limited to the confines of our physical body known as lucid, astral, out 26
The Rising Magazine
of bodies and dream walking at the most advanced levels. She does not move from outside to inside, she is the third knowing, moving from within outward. When our water breaks (leaving mental body dreamer and his projections of the dream) we are just like an infant ready to be birthed into the world from our mother’s womb. It is wise to recognize this fact as we are ‘still in the womb’ so to speak with mental body dreaming. As we leave mental body dreaming of projections which is only about us and the ocean of mirrors as symbols, we enter the great ocean and in soul dreaming, we are connected to our past lives and everything it contains as our mirror and also other dreamers on the dream planes. Next issue we shall cover the remaining two bodies: Soul and Spirit Dreamer. Mary Novak is a Shaman and Dreamkeeper of her own Slavic lineage and lives in St. Louis, Missouri. She offers shamanic healing work, personal apprenticeships, spirit clearing, soul retrievals, karmic astrology, astral body energy healing and seer readings. You can contact her at: www.CondorShaman.com.
Have a Dream you want interpreted?
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We may feature your dream with an interpretation in the next issue. Contact us at:
experiences that transcend reality A Healer from Beyond...
I had an amazing and bizarre experience about six years ago. It was several weeks or so during this time that I had been experiencing some sharp pain in my lower abdomen. I had no idea what it was, all I knew is that it was potentially serious, and only getting worse. Being short on money and having no insurance, I knew that I couldn't afford a doctor. I thought it would get better, but it continued to get worse. One night, after a hard night's work and a dreamless sleep, I awoke to the sound of someone entering my bedroom. Already a bit shocked, I was even more frightened when I realized I couldn't move my body, but I could move my head. I turned to see who it was who had entered my room. It was a man, but not a normal man. He was tall, wearing a white, fitted ball cap that was on backward, a white sweater, blue jeans and white sneakers. The odd thing was, he was invisible. No joke, this guy was invisible. I yelled at the man, "Hey, who are you? What do you want?" I got no response. He continued to march forward, approaching me. Without skipping a step, he quickly place one hand over the effected area of my abdomen, and the other hand he place on my back parallel to the other hand. He applied a little bit of pressure, then released. He must have known I was paralyzed because he grabbed my hand and put it into his, shaking my hand in a friendly, man-like gesture. I watched as he walked out of my room, going through the door. Yes, through it, not opening it first like the rest of us would, but simply going through it. I had a white dress shirt hanging on the door, and he seemed to dissolve into the door and the shirt (his white sweater matching the white shirt). I then woke up, looking right at the white shirt hanging on the door. After a bit of research, I have come to believe that this man was a Healer, and that I was healed in the Astral Plane. Who sent him I don't know. Was he an Angel? Maybe, but he didn't seem like one. He seemed like a regular guy with a big heart, that's all. As if he was just passing through, doing his thing (i.e. healing people). I'm sure that most people won't believe any of this, and may pass this off as some strange coincidence, or just a fantastic dream. I have my proof, though, because the pain immediately went away. Now, years down the road, I still have never felt any pain in that area. I was, in a very real sense, healed.
Kevin Scarborough, Springfield, Mo.
Glowing Orb of Light in My Doorway
In high school, I had my first encounter with something paranormal. I was lying in bed sleeping and when I woke up there was something strange happening. I looked towards my doorway and saw a glowing ball of bright yellow light floating in my doorframe. I closed my eyes quickly, opened them again and knew I was awake. When I realized that there was really something the size of a softball, glowing yellow floating by my door, I froze. I tried to move but could not move my body. I tried to scream for my mother but no sounds would utter from my lips. I laid there scared to death and terrified of the unknown, while the strange object or visitor floated aimlessly. As I watched the orb of light floating in my doorway, I began to pray and said, “Please God, don’t have it come in my room” over and over again. The funny thing was that it never did come inside my room. It took off and floated down the hall and then immediately darted right back into my doorframe. It seemed like years lying there as I was paralyzed with fear. I look back now and wished I would have had more courage to get up and walk over to it. Once I realized that it was not coming into my room, I tried to yell again. This time I yelled, “Mommmmm!!!” It released me and I had my voice back. I immediately heard my mother yell, “What is it?” I began an awkward conversation with my mother yelling across the hallway. I said, “Look in my doorway.” There is a ball of glowing light, do you see it?” In a questioning voice my mother yells back, “Yes.” I said, “Mom, what is it?” She yells back solemnly, “I don’t know.” She then told me to go back to sleep. I knew I could never do that. I yelled back, “No. Get up and see what it is.” My mother’s skeptical nature comes out and she yells, “Maybe it is a lightning bug or maybe someone is shining a flashlight in the window.” I became angry and more terrified, “Mom, that is no lightning bug, it’s huge.” Bear in mind that this thing was about the size of women’s softball and it looked translucent and consisted of a watery substance. She told me to go back to sleep and she got quiet. In the meantime, I was lying there terrified and watched it for what seemed to be hours, until I passed out from exhaustion. The next morning my mother said to me, “That was no lightning bug and I don’t know what it was.” This experience changed my life and for the first time I had a witness to one of my paranormal experiences and feelings. For the first time, my mother supported me and was spooked by what we had both seen. From that day onward, I was determined to study and research anything mystical and began to read as many books as I could about dreams, ghosts, spirits and the afterlife.
Had a Paranormal Experience? We’d like to hear about it!
Please share your stories of ghosts, hauntings, astral travel, angels, ufos, or any other paranormal or supernatural experience you may have had to The Rising Magazine. Contact Carmen at: therisingmagazine@hotmail.com or write to us at: The Rising Magazine P.O. Box 3485 Springfield, Mo 65808-3485
True stories only, please. Metanormal is an attempt to publically document true paranormal experiences and provide a place for people to tell their stories without fear of ridicule or criticism. Please include contact info, full name and city/state. If you would like to remain anonymous, please indicate in your correspondence.
Feb/Mar 2011
SEASONS Aries You’re in an extremely positive
by Chrissie Blaze Taurus The main focus now is career –
Gemini Be alert to opportunities now,
phase with the planets urging you upwards. With Mars conjunct the Sun at the Aquarius New Moon on February 2 and the Leo Full Moon on February 18, it’s an ideal time to launch new projects and form alliances while also being alert to conflict. With Uranus entering your birth sign on March 12 for the next seven years, you feel that anything is possible. Hold tight! This is a new phase of personal renewal and revolution.
and if you’re job hunting you could land the ideal position. During the third week, the Sun, Mercury and Mars are aligned in Pisces; bring friends – old and new – into your orbit. Consider getting involved in a professional or networking organization that can assist your career goals. Your ruler, Venus, is adding charm from March 1-27 bringing assistance and friendship from work colleagues and the possibility of extra income.
and despite an intense workload, do your best to live up to your career responsibilities because you’re being noticed. March is particularly rich with insights. You’re feeling full of zip around March 11 when Mercury and Uranus join in Aries, supercharging your ideas. Slow down your pace around March 19-21 or sudden moves could backfire. Also, your ruler, Mercury turns retrograde on March 30 urging you to reflect and reconsider your plans.
Cancer You may have a difficult decision
Leo The New Moon in Aquarius on
Virgo In February, it’s good to listen to
to make at the end of February; consider a bold approach, as the planets are urging you away from your usual security consciousness now. Continue to be cautious, however, about financial issues. Around March 4, with the New Moon in Pisces, is a good time to plan foreign trips and vacations. It’s also good to write, study, and exercise your higher mind through study of metaphysics or spirituality.
February 2 could draw competitive people into your orbit However, a trine to Saturn indicates a great time to begin new projects. A significant Full Moon in your sign on February 18 is opposed by the Sun, Neptune, Mars and Mercury. You may be considering a change but reflect before you make major moves. Relationships may be tricky from March 20 but listen to your intuition and you can sort out some complex partnership issues.
your dreams and hunches rather than just the cold, hard facts. An obsessive square of Jupiter and Pluto on February 25 can cause you to over-react to difficult people. Keep calm! Things may again get unsettling again around March 11 for a few days. The theme of dealing with others picks up again when your ruler, Mercury, turns retrograde on March 30 for three weeks urging you to re-examine your own attitudes.
Libra With the Aquarius New Moon
Scorpio Your co-ruler, Pluto, aligns with
Sagittarius On February 18, the Full Moon
aligned with Mars on February 2, it’s good to be assertive and show your leadership side. If you’re seeking romance, however, remain cautious. When Venus aligns with Pluto on February 9, you may feel inclined to lay all your cards on the table but wait until March when expansive Jupiter brings you good fortune in relationships. March is a great month to begin a new health regime.
Capricorn February shines a spotlight on
your finances and you can increase your income or make an expensive mistake. Remain cautious with investments and business decisions because the Full Moon on February 18 opposes mystic Neptune in your area of money, making you less realistic. You may feel stressed and excited about future possibilities when Mercury enters Aries on March 9 followed by the planet of change Uranus, on March 11. It’s good to take a slow, steady pace.
Feb/Mar 2011 Horoscopes
The Rising Magazine
Venus on February 9 indicating the right time to let others know how you feel and what you want; your needs will only be met if you express them. When Mercury aligns with Saturn on February 14, it’s good to focus on your goals and projects. In March you sense a new period of your life which offers more freedom. You’re also feeling the energy to improve your life on all levels – physical, mental and spiritual.
Aquarius February is productive
and energetic with the New Moon and Mars in your sign combined on February 2. It’s a great time to begin a new exercise program. The month end is cathartic when Jupiter squares Pluto. You may be compelled to drop an attitude that has been holding you back. Your cash flow should become more consistent after the Uranus, finally leaves your area of money on March 11. This is a fantastic month when you can begin to lay foundations for the future.
in Leo gives you added fuel to bring your dreams into manifestation – if you avoid getting caught up in essentials. A creative aspect between Venus and Jupiter helps turn a potentially difficult time around February 25, when Jupiter squares Pluto, into a time of resourcefulness. When the Sun joins Uranus on March 21 in Aries, you could experience something unsettling but it’s a positive boost to free you from old attitudes and begin a new, more productive cycle.
Pisces February is a great month to
renew spirituality and retreat with good books on philosophy and metaphysics. You can now strengthen your spiritual nature, the true foundation of your life. Around February 25 make a presentation or express your deeper feelings; others will sit up and take notice of your insights. You may feel overwhelmed by your emotions at the beginning of March but your self-confidence improves on March 15 when Mercury joins with Jupiter.
A Look at Spiritual Masters and Teachers: Edgar Cayce Edgar Cayce is one of the most influential spiritual teachers of our time. Most people know him as the “sleeping prophet” and the “father of holistic medicine”. Cayce was born on a farm in Kentucky and experienced psychic abilities in childhood. He had imaginary friends and could even see and talk to his deceased grandfather. He was raised a devout Christian and had a strong desire to serve others from a young age. When he was younger he was blessed with a special photographic memory. When he would sleep on his books at night, the next day he would be able to recall the information with complete accuracy. When Cayce was older he realized that he had a special ability of putting himself into a sleep state, similar to relaxation and hypnosis. When he was in this state of relaxation he was able to place his mind in contact with all time and space. Some would call this the universal consciousness or the akashic records. When he was asked questions he would respond with information about soul development, the purpose of life, reincarnation and information about holistic health remedies. Edgar was torn and struggled with his abilities and the religion that he loved so much, Christianity. Cayce provided over 14,000 readings for others about topics such as holistic health, philosophy, reincarnation, spiritual growth, dreams and psychic phenomena. Even though Cayce died more than 60 years ago, his readings on various subjects have been educational and uplifting for millions of people around the world. Most of Cayce’s readings deal with holistic health and treatment of various types of illnesses. Today there are over 300 books written about Edgar Cayce. The Association of Research and Enlightenment (A.R.E.) is located in Virginia Beach, Virginia and is the headquarters for conferences, workshops and educational studies about spirituality. Famous Edgar Cayce quotes are listed below for contemplation. • Spirit is the life. Mind is the builder. Physical is the result. • All souls were created in the beginning and are finding their way back to whence they came. • Through prayer we speak to God. In meditation, God speaks to us. • It takes courage to face one’s own shortcomings and wisdom to do something about them. • Each soul enters with a purpose. We all have a mission to perform. • He who understands nature walks close with God. • The conquering of self is truly greater than were one to conquer many worlds. There are several books that are written about Edgar Cayce’s life and mission. “There is a River” by Thomas Sugrue and “Edgar Cayce-An American Prophet” by Sidney Kirkpatrick are two must haves on your bookshelf.
Have a favorite Spiritual Master or Spiritual Teacher you would like us to feature? Send us your ideas! Contact the Editor at: therisingmagazine@hotmail.com
Feb/Mar 2011
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Carmen Turner-Schott, MSW, LISW Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Astrological Counselor 314-435-6098 carmenturnerschott@hotmail.com http://www.astrology-awareness.com
Hyesuk is an Intuitive Counselor, Spiritual Advisor and Holistic Health expert. She has over 20 years of experience working in Mental Health & Family Advocacy. She was born in South Korea and still holds many of her Eastern beliefs.
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