not pay for this paper.
NEWSLETTER 401 Main Street Vancouver Canada V6A 2T7 (604) 665-2289 Email:
YEARS This issue marks the 33rd anniversary of the Camegie Newsletter. The very first publication of any kind was in 1981, when staff put out a listing of what was going on in the Community Centre for that week or month. It was one legal-size sheet with stuff on both sides. I've only ever seen one copy and don't know if it was regular or just something someone did once. A few years later money was found to start the Carnegie Crescent, which was maybe 12-16 pages in a tabloid format. It had local input, with poetry and articles. As time went on it came out 4-5 times a year (seemingly) with the content more and more about the fight for Crab Park. It got later and later between issues and eventually seemed to implode from too many editors. The current incarnation is the Carnegie Newsletter, starting on August 15, 1986. Al Mettrick was the first editor, hired on a UI Top-up program. He'd been a city editor for a Toronto daily. He chose the format and taught those interested the basics of 'how to' and was involved for the first 7 issues. Local poets, writers and graphic artists contributed and it began to take on life. Then AI's UI ran out and he left. There was no publication for Dec 1 but a few people saw it was-
n't that hard. We began the twice-monthly publishing with the Dec 15, 1~6 issue and, with very rare exceptions, the Newsletter has come out on the 1sI & 15th ever since. I've been the editor since December '86 and over two thousand individuals have contributed their energy and talents to give a valid and dynamic picture of life and living in the Downtown Eastside. One of the best teachers is lived experience and many people have given raw and invaluable insight into poverty, housing & homelessness, street life, arts as a means of survival, the drug trade, the sex trade, "free" trade, women and safety to be creative, gentrification, law and the police, racism, landlord & developer greed, community, festivals, conditions and banking and growing food and employment when you have one to multiple barriers, welfare & pensions & friendship & First Nations and being of African descent and the struggles of populations and people from here to everywhere. The Carnegie Newsletter publishes thoughts and poetry and sometimes rants and tirades but keeps xenophobia at bay. We continue. ByPAULR TAYLOR
312 Main It's amazing how much space there is, and how diversified the uses to which such can be put. 312 Main was the old headquarters of the Vancouver Police Department, right beside City Jail and across the street from the Provincial Court building. The police left for new digs on Cambie, I think, and the space was just there. For what seems months or years, various community icons tabled varied & sometimes contradictory ideas as to what use this space could be put to. A proposal to make it a hub oftech entrepreneurs got a dismayed response from community organisations; a similar response came from those working on a long-term vision of bringing community endeavors together under one roof when Formerly Homeless Dave went on a hunger strike with an end goal of having 312 Main be 100% housing. That ended when he was told that, even if the rezoning happened, the entire building would have to be tom down. Planning continued. Vanessa Richards is the Community Engagement Advisor, having an office on the 2nd floor but seemingly involved with every person and enterprise in the place. We arranged to meet, and she started with giving a brief history, some of which you've just read. Vanessa introduced the various people and gave a thumbnail sketch of what different groups and organisations were doing. On the 2nd floor is the Vancity Community Services department, which oversees and provides funding for various community initiatives. La Boussole is the French-language hub for francophone promotion in
terms of employment, support services, advocacy and cultural endeavors. They were on the 600-block ofE Broadway for several years. We next came to the Binners Project which, to my surprise, has been going for 5 years. It's a clearing point for all concerns & hopes for the binning community, which includes getting carts designed for their work built (student engineers & binners work together on this) and even having carts available in a way similar to the public bicycles. There was one office holding a group (D4?) ~aking special-use equipment for families with members having physical disabilities. Vanessa read off their sign, expressing the 'and much more' that every organisation adheres to. I cannot write by hand so have to rely on memory and impressions to make some sense of it all. The public bicycle endeavor was also housed there, and their mandate is to promote the use of same throughout the city. On the 3rd floor is construction, as the uses and ideas for this community asset keep evolving. On the 4th floor, in place before the soft opening a year ago, is the Union of BC Indian Chiefs. It was they who had the entire building smudged, carriers performing according to their traditions to cleanse the space and make it a good place to work & grow. Also there is the archives ofIndigenous life, including community papers and legal documents, pro- . duced & distributed over the few hundred years of colonization (And on that point, a different floor has the archives ofthe United Church of BC - documents, deeds and other written records.)
In the basement are some workplaces, for building and workshops. It is not quite a jumble but not quite organised either. One room has Jirn Green's books and records - maybe saying 'archive' is a bit much at this point, but in cases are bound somethings that have been gathered and kept safe. Also in the basement are storage and a working space for Hives for Humanity, I heard rumours of both whiskey and gin honey. Vanessa went, upon hearing the same wild rumour, to buy some of the latter but it was already gone. Vanessa knew everyone's name and had some insight into how they were contributing. Throughout her narrative, as we walked from person to office to space, was the feeling of potential and how much so many were working to make their contribution count. On the 1st floor is Megaphone with the ongoing project of the Hope in Shadows community calendars. We had come across the managing editor on the 3rd fl "trying to write" and we both got that - sometimes one's office is the hardest place to work! Also on the 1SI floor's southern end is the space that will house Pigeon Park Savings next year. The entrance to the building is on E Cord ova and there is a Security desk there. It's not (or not yet) a place like a community centre where everyone is welcome if you abide by the house rules. Hopefully this will change as the space and people evolve. By PAULR TA YLOR For all enquiries: If people or organisations want to talk about project space for meetings, workshops or places to ereate, contact Vanessa Richards, again the Community Engagement Advisor. Her email is
This came from Ktm Bradford: Hello, Ijust wanted to say that a patron of the music dept and friend of Carnegie , Angela Zenk, has passed away Friday August 2, 2019 ... She was recently involved with the Fire Keepers and the Wild Mares Qu-artet... Can you make mention of her passing in the next Issue of the magazine? A very close friend, Kim., thank you ... and thanks for all your good work. bless you all SURVIVAL In life there's only one objective - Survival. If you are weak, you will not strive To keep the strength to stay alive I know these streets called Main and Hastings In latter years they've changed to Pain 'n Wasting Human waste, decaying flesh When not long ago they were young and fresh These words are true, T can say in one breath The answer is to be stron Or the outcome will be death. Ed Harris
FARM CANNABIS Community Closure Package. 1.0 Official Closure Statement Dear valued customers, community
members and allies,
It is with deep regret that we announce the coming closure of FARM Cannabis. Our final day of operations will be U lil e er:we. ~~ .~ FARM will not reopen until. we receive our new provincial license as required by regulations enacted October 17, 2018. FARM Cannabis was founded in early 2015 right in the Downtown
Eastside. on a particularly
dynamic block at Columbia and Hastings. Over the years we have evolved, pivoted, stumbled, and rebuilt. We have always operated with the mandate to offer low-barrier access to affordable and quality cannabis to the residents of the Downtown Eastside community and adult visitors within a compassionate and inclusive environment. FARM has remained subdued, with our heads down, throughout the constantly changing licensing and regulatory changes that have come our way, first from the City of Vancouver and. after nationwide legalization, from the Province of BC. We had lots of work to do in order to remain as compliant as we could, while balancing the unique needs of our community members and supporting our exceptional and compassionate staff. But 't'e¡have always been more than just a weed shop. From supporting community service providers with financial contributions. to participation in community events, to our own street-level initiatives, FARM has maintained a deep respect for the beauty. complexities Downtown
and sense of community that exists here in the
So why are we dosing? Well. when legalization day hit last October, the municipal regulations which granted us the ability to operate, changed drastically. Instead of the City of Vancouver determining here and how we could operate. the BC government was designated this task. The provincial licensing process is lengthy. complex and incredibly slow moving. FARM has been actively pursuing our provincial license but in the meantime we had communicated to the City of Vancouver that we intended to remain operational until we were all but ready to switch to the new framework, in order to not leave our community hanging. Unfortunately. provincial enforcement pressures have escalated to a point that, should FARM continue to remain operational in this transitional situation, we would be risking our future as well as putting our staff and customers
at risk.
We will reopen as soon as we receive our provincial license, however how long this could take is unknown as the Province has been notably slow in moving retailers through this cumbersome process.
5 We want to be transparent
as well that things will be different
have been trained to communicate
this information
when we reopen. Our staff
over the last 6+ months, but we want to
break it down here once more. •
Once licensed, FARM must purchase all of its products from the BC liquor
Cannabis Regulation Branch (LCRB) Similar to liquor regulations, the LCRB sets minimum wholesale
prices that we cannot
sell below •
The LCRB does not currently offer low-cost
cannabis options similar to those we have
been carrying for 4+ years •
The LCRB also does not have the variety of products we have become used to, as regulations for edibles and concentrates have only recently been released and product licensing by Health Canada will take time
Most other compliance requirements we have been rolling out for some time now, including charging taxes, having specific ID requirements, and maintaining a Code of Conduct for how people use our space
FARM's plan was to always remain open until the last moment in our provincial licensing process. Minimizing disruption to cannabis access was our priority while we engaged in dialogue with policy makers about creative solutions or alternative
programs for those who may
feel excluded from legalization due to pricing or other barriers. If there was any alternative, we promise we have considered it, explored it or tried it. We continue to work with Eastside partners and government officials on a proposal in which low-barrier continue, whether journey
this is through
FARM or some other service provider-
Downtown access can
this is a long
and will take time.
We fought for as long as we could, as hard as we could. We promise that we're still fighting, even if it looks different on the outside. We believe in low-barrier inclusive cannabis regulations to marginalized We want to thank you so much for growing
access to cannabis and
communities .
with us and demonstrating
patience with the
amount of change we have undergone. We appreciate all of you- your stories, your unique needs. and how we learned from you each and every day. Our entire team has become better people through providing you with this service. We are forever grateful. Warmest
The FARM Team
Jenny Kwan MP Vancouver East NDP Immigration,
and Citizenship Critic 2572 E Hastings St Vancouver,
T: 604-775-5800
For the month of August and hopefully onward, FARM will be operating as an open house with community programming. Please come by Tuesdays through Saturdays 12pm - 6pm and chat with our team and ask about what projects were up to!
A Thought
on Friendships
Today, I'm looking at friendships ... does he / or she help to unite those and that which I love? or has the result been: divide and conquer? from the question above.
F: 604-775-5811
inga g.
1 university set free
Humanities 101 Community Programme offers four free university-level courses for low-income people who live in and around the Downtown Eastside and Downtown South. The courses are for people who have encountered financial and other barriers to university education and who wish to expand their intellectual horizons in an accessible, challenging and respectful environment. Applicants must have a love of learning, basic literacy skills and be willing to attend classes, complete assignments and participate in group discussions. Applications for these non-credit courses are accepted not on the basis of past academic history, but on the applicants' desire and ability to be part of the Hum Programme. Classes take place at UBC Point Grey campus on Tuesday (Writing 1011201) and Thursday(Hum101I201) evenings, beginning early September. Hum101 and Hum201: Eight-month courses with classes on Thursday evenings (6:30 - 9:00 p.m.). Courses cover a different subject in the arts or social sciences every week, including First Nation Studies, settlercolonialism, history & politics, art, music, architecture, philosophy, literature, sociology, gender studies, economics, popular culture, creative and critical thinking and more. Writing101 and Writing201: Three-month hands on writing courses on Tuesday evenings (6:30 - 9:00 p.m.). Courses cover a new genre and style of writing every week, including creative fiction and non-fiction, life writing, poetry, song lyrics, manifesto writing and more. Participants receive school supplies, UBC student cards, bus tickets to get to and from class, meals, and childcare if needed. Please attend an upcoming information/application session for more details on how to participate in the programme. • Carnegie Centre, Main and Hastings St. (top floor classroom) Saturday August 17that 11 a.m, for Hum 10 1 & 201 Monday August 19that 3 p.m, for Writing 101 & 201 Wednesday August 21 st at 1 p.m, for HumlOl & 201 + Writing101 & 201 Gathering Place Community Centre, 609 HelmckenSt. Saturday August 17that 3 p.m, for Hum 101 & 201 Tuesday August
zo" at 3 p.m, for Writingl01
(meeting room)
& 201
Crabtree Corner, 533 East Hastings St. (third floor room) Monday August 19th at 11 a.m, for Hurnl Ol & 201 + Writingl0l & 201 Downtown Eastside Women's Centre (women only), 302 Columbia St. (wellness room) Tuesday August
zo" at 10.30 a.m, for Huml0l
& 201
+ Writingl01 & 201
Vancouver Recovery Club, 2775 Sophia St. Wednesday August 21that 5 p.m, for Huml0l & 201 + Writingl01 & 201 Humanities 101 Community Programme
I bDBlI*±~t711J~tl~ iim
August 2019
Protest at City Hall to show Solidarity with Oppenheimer Park Photo Credit: Fiona York, CCAP Coordinator
Powell Street Festival Feast for All Elli Taylor, CCAP Assistant
The Powell Street Festival drew about 20,000 people to the streets around Oppenheimer Park on August 3 and 4. In solidarity with people living in the park, organizers chose to hold the event outside the park, rather then displacing those with no where else to go. CCAP hosted a booth at the corner of Jackson and Powell. We collected donations and invited festival-goers and neighbours to sign a petition in support of people in the park. We also coordinated a peer program to provide hydration and a needle clean up in the park over the weekend. The festival included lots of gourmet food trucks and booths. Out of respect for those staying in the park, we helped to organize free food delivery on both Saturday and Sunday so that people who couldn't afford Festival food wouldn't feel excluded, as well as providing healthy food security. It was wonderful indeed to provide free food for the people sleeping at Oppenheimer Park during the Powell Street Festival. Samuel Dharmapala, Wendy Pedersen, and others put out the call for donations so that over 300 people were fed well! Sam estimated that it cost $2.50 for each meal of vegetable fried rice, curry chicken, curry potatoes and Dal curry. It took a feWtvolunteers to serve the food and luckily, I was one of them, meeting and greeting people as they grabbed some nutritious and tantalizing food. Sam spent 7-8 hours prepping and cooking the food in his own place. He said he has a small kitchen, but he was able to provide so much food that we did not run out while serving it. People expressed happiness and the weather was beautiful. It was amazing that along with the expensive food truck food there was this free alternative. There will be more food events where people will be serving food for free. Look forward to these posted clearly at the park soon.
CCAP Member Aquapo Project Update EIIi Taylor, CCAP
CCAP member Jo B~gin has started a s far successful endeavour to increase healthy living in the DTES as well as combat homelessness. To start, he developed ideas about a project which combines growing fish and plants simultaneously as well as provides housing. He applied several months ago for a Small Neighbourhood Grant through the Vancouver Foundation. He received a $250 grant which he then used to develop, and host, an informative workshop on just what Aquapo is and what it requires. He showed, through video clips, differing ways of carrying out the concepts, as well as models which ranged from inexpensive to ones that were larger operations. It was easy to see it wouldn't cost much to build a model. Especially a model in the DTES. Jo was also received a honourable mention at the Life Between Umbrellas contest which looked at different ideas for increasing the wellbeing of people who lived in this rainy city. He is still actively looking at other funders and will be applying for another grant from the Vancouver Foundation as well. The concept of Aquapo is that it is a low-waste selfsustaining model of growing plants and raising fish which can be incorporated into modular housing, storage containers, or even in your SRO. It is fairly inexpensive and if some start-up funding can be found, Jo Begin will be able to design and have a model of Aquapo in the DTES. Jo feels this would give back to the community and we feel the need for fresh vegetables and at affordable price in the DTES and everywhere! Way to go Jo! The volunteers he would like to mention are: Bill Weir, Laural Gaudette, Jack Lazariuk, Marvin, and Don Walchuck. Special mentions go to the Carnegie Community Centre, The Aquapo Group, Vancouver Foundation (Neighborhood Small Grants), and Joseph G.M. Begin.
Above: photo of the first Aquapo Workshop Carnegie Community Centre Theatre -Auqust 9th, 2019
The Aquaponics Cycle
Above: A brief example of an Aquapo System
Potential Flippant Flip-Flop of Expropriation Process Leaves DTES Flustered Eris Nyx A three year fight to secure and expropriate two notorious hotels in order to turn them into dignified social housing may end with a quick fix and a real estate flip to a "private non profit" company with a bad reputation in the community.
to staff teams and overlapping business ventures. Anhart Community Housing, with a vision to scale up their ~ocial enterprise across Canada while consulting in Africa, ~rose as a Community Builders project, a long term housing management company specializing in renting rooms to very low income people. Both Lisa Giesbrecht Gordon (Keith) Wiebe and other former Community Builders staff are now part of Anhart, with Lisa Giesbrecht a director of the Heritage Charitable Foundation which looks to be the charitable arm of Anhart.
The Regent (153 rooms) and Balmoral (175 rooms) Hotels on the 100-block of East Hastings were closed in 2017 and 2018 due to numerous outstanding bylaw infractions and unsafe structures. Over the last two months community members and former tenants collaborated on ' a vision re-imagine the whole block and the future of the This inter-organizational cross-pollination is troubling and hotels, with shelter-allowance rate housing, full suites, confusing to community members who have had bad independent living and respectful peer support. experiences with Community Builders' past and present projects, and are concerned that the Heritage Foundation "One of the things that I would like to see on this block is is merely a rebranding of the Community Builders label. for us to knock down and redevelop the Balmoral hotel At the West Hotel, tenants launched a case against Cominto community-controlled social housing," said Erica munity Builders, after their elevator was out of service for Grant, who lives nearby and has friends that lived in the 108 days. ThetlJVest Hotel was also the scene of a double building. "That hotel has hurt so many people down here. homicide in March of 2015, which many tenants placing Same with the Regent." blame and the lack of safety at Community Builders feet. In May 2017, Community Builders sold the 78 room JubiInstead, residents of the Downtown Eastside have been lee Hotel (235 Main) to notorious housing developer and greeted with the news that Christian social housing prorenoviction expert Stephen Lippman. vider the Heritage Charitable Foundation, with ties to several other nonprofit and for-profit business ventures and Lippman then resold the property to BC Housing spent poorty-manaqso hotels, may quickly purchase and reno$4.5 million more than Lippman paid for it to open the vate the Regent and Balmoral Hotels, and re-open them rooms up again. It is exactly this inadequate property by the end of the year. m~n~gement, and the ever-misleading notion of flipping bUildings to developers, that concerns residents of VanThere are cries of apprehension from long-term residents couver's poorest postal code, many of who are looking for of the Downtown Eastside about the Heritage Charitable stable long-term housing and fear being evicted or disFoundation's history and philosophy. Specifically, resiplaced by renovations or untenable housing if Keith and dents have concerns about the past management of the Lisa take over the Regent and Balmoral Hotels. West Hotel and the Jubilee Rooms, and a distinct sense of uneasiness about the Foundation's human performEqually chilling is the Heritage Charitable Foundation's 10 ance bell curve 10-80-10 philosophy. There is also a po-80-10 philosophy -- so significant to the founders that it tential conflict of interest in relation forms the company's domain name. This reductionist
Potential Flippant Flip-Flop of Expropriation Process Leaves DTES Flustered cont.
born leaders, 80% are common people who are designed to follow, while the remaining 10% (the "addicted, with bad mental health, or lazy") extract a disproportionate amount of resources and energy from society. At a recent presentation, Usa Giesbrecht stated that she could tell which people were part of this fundamentally obstructionist "bottom 10%" and "cause problems for everyone". These horrifying propositions by a social housing provider raise serious alarms in the Downtown Eastside, where many are intersection ally oppressed and lack the resources they need to survive.
The Heritage Foundation claims that if they are given the chance, they will renovate and open rooms in the Regent and the Balmoral by the end of 2019. This flies in the face of the aforementioned 50-page report, which was written with inputs from long-term Downtown Eastside community members. Residents of the Downtown Eastside remain steadfast in the desire for expropriation, demolition and rebuilding, with sensitivity for the buildings' histories
members have been otganizmg fO( a mien kY. the 100 Block and are that the City wit! gel outfoxed and that the sareas will wiggle out of the expropriation P!'O"..t!Ss for me Balmoral and Regent
A report has been compiled 'o\.ith the resets of a COfr..muorty vision process, and on July 23rd :he repor1 wlU be presented to aty Ccuocil aIoog with a motion bfougtIt fot"ward by Jean Swarson as!<ing the city to support ~ voices and input abolrt this S&rJSffiveand significanl area. Please join us outside the Balmoral Hate! on July 23rd b" a CQ(Ml'.Jnity and ralfy in support of tt:e 100 BIodI: VlSion and Jean Swanson's's keep the OTES for !he OTES!
~~~~~ 'lI~®[g, ~fil@li\~
conference rr.otion..
Community members have been organizing for a llision for the 100 BIocl< and concemed that the City ,..ill get ouijoxed and L'>al the Saholas wiH wiggle cot the el<JXllPliatioo process for the BaIIT100lI and Regent.
are 01
A repot! has been ccmpiled with the results of a community vision pmcess. an<! on July 23rd the report will be presented to City Ccuocil along with a motion brought forwa<d by Jean Swanson asIOng tr..• city to support communfty voices and input aboot this sensi~\I'eand signifICant area. THE TIME IS N3W FOR THE D.TE.S. TO SPEAK UP! COME HAVE YOUfl VOICE HEARD AT CITY HALL ON JULY 24 OR 25!
and past residents' trauma. It remains our hope that the City of Vancouver expropriate and redevelop these two hotels at the centre of the DTES community, instead of allowing an institution with a bad history of property management and belief in a fundamental caste system open these buildings. Eris Nyx is a talented and versed activist in the OTES. Eris compiled a 60-page report on the vision of 100 Block Residents. That report will be available on the GGAP's website.
Shelter Rate Raise the Rates Campaign Elli Taylor, Raise the Rates Coordinator
The Shelter Rates Raise the Rates Campaign kicked off already and we have had three core meetings. Already, municipal politicians and the public are signing letters of support and funding is being allocated to continue this important work. The Shelter Rate Campaign is the new, and excitedly, specific campaign targeting the shelter rate of social assistance cheques. This is a campaign of Raise the Rates, a coalition fighting to raise the support and shelter rates of social assistance cheques in BC. We also challenge politicians to take part in our welfare food challenges and etc. We ask politicians and others to put their waistlines where their mouths are. Some make it, some drop out right away. Last year we couldn't even hold it as the support portion was not enough to live off of. This
vending zones where people can vend and areas, they cannot without being fined and/or moved on. The fact that in the OTES people deal with discrimination, systematic racism and sexism, exclusion by prices, homelessness, and a poverty so deep. There is no ethical way for people to survive these streets other then to turn to avenues of income that will support them and the community. Therefore, we are fighting to gain signatures of support and are inviting key stakeholders, like housing providers, to fhe table to have important discussions about how important this initiative is. We have a petition that we are crafting to ask for support. If you are interested in joining our campaign, please email me at Raise the Rates at
::;:~::e::s:~c~:lit::~~:i::et~~::~a~:::~:: full~~ rent is close to 800+. Some rooms are renting for over $1000. How does anyone expect people to survive these rates? People turn to all kinds of ways to make extra incoming, putting their loved ones and themselves at risk especially when it comes to the VPO and City workers ' harassing them when they try to do something as innocent as vending.
~ ..-
The next meeting for the Shelter Rate Raise the Rates is August 15th, 2019 location to be decided soon. Please visit our website: Or call me today at 236.858.8645 if you would like to get involved today! We have signed some Mayor's and we will be Especially when the City hired an American Consultant to meeting with housing service providers very soon. come up with ''Vending Study" and recommendations like Yours, Elli Taylor, BA
Oppenheimer Park Update EIIi Taylor, CCAP Assistant
CCAP, OHCW, VANDU, and others have been fighting to try to help people at Oppenheimer Park. From organizing people to provide free food and to donate time, services, and money. Chrissy Brett, a tent city Organizer hailing from Victoria came to the park to help. She was quick to set up a gazebo and start asserting people's right to be on stolen land. Chrissy was able to set up some lifesaving measures, quickly. From her optimistic but real perspective, to her quick and strong organizing skills, it has been a pleasure to have her on board. We have put together a list of items that are needed by people and urge the public to donate the following: Gazebos, tampons and pads Condoms, Un-upholstered chairs Harm Reduction Supplies Cleaning Supplies Camping cots, wipes and TP Sandwich Bags, 2 BBQs LED lights, first Aid Supplies Sleeping bags, tarps & tents Food, solar lights Blankets. Ropes, rags Towels, notebooks, money Folding tables & cllairs Water in bottles Kitchen Supplies Cooking & art supplies Clothing, plastic sheets Tent pegs, receipt books Binders, paper towels Please drop off these items at the OPS tent behind the Fieldhouse at Oppenheimer.
Oppenheimer Solidarity @ City Hall Myles, a longtime DTES activist, puts it best when he says: "There are more and more deeply poor people and they outnumber the 1% who hold the most wealth". He urges us to organize and fight this fight. Myles came up with a great idea at an Our Homes Can't Wait Coalition meeting. A sleepover at City Hall to demand help for people in Oppenheimer. Snacks were brought and people gathered at the City Hall Park. We were so excited to be doing this action. We knew the lives and the wellbeing of others would depend on the outcome of this day and night. Fiona York, CCAP Supervisor, stayed the whole evening, along with Myles and some other folks. When it was first set up, we could see VPD and the two top Security staff from the City speaking to one another at the edge of the park. Of course, no one expected when the VPD left and the Security told us they understand what we are doing, and we can have bathroom access the-whole time! It was figured out and people were able to relieve themselves. It was not what may have happened before, but times they really are changing! Laughter and love filled the evening a the DTES residents and concerned others were heard. Or at least it appeared that way. A huge thank you to everyone who made this action a success!
The Carnegie Community Action Project is a project of the board of the Carnegie Community Centre Association. CCAP works mostly on housing, income, and land use issues in the Downtown Eastside (DTES), so that the area can remain a low income friendly community.
Join the
CCAP works with English-speaking and Chinese-speaking DTES residents in speaking out on their own behalf for the changes they would like to see in their neighbourhood. Join us on Fridays 11:15 am in classroom 2 on the third floor of the Carnegie Centre for our weekly volunteer meetings!
Carnegie Community Action Project
Downtown Eastside residents who want to work on getting better housing and incomes and stop gentrification are welcome to attend. Lunch is provided.
mAfti~~)l~ I CHINATOWN
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CONTACT US: Office: 2nd floor of the Carnegie, 401 Main Street. Vancouver Phone: 604-665-2105 Email: Website:
Thank you to Vancity for supporting CCAP's work Support for this project does not necessarily imply that funders endorse the findings or contents of this report.
R t
B y
f U
g E
•• :.+.:•• '@'8i •.:.+ .:.• Carnegie Theatre Workshop
....Summertime ....
Outside the Lines Theatre Improv
Two afternoons
Sat Aug 17 & 24 1pm"3:30pm In the Carnegle Theatre Join Teresa in the basics of theatre improvisation, including short form improve games. We'll continue the work from the spring. "Come ready to play and have fun!"
'~t rnAft
Free, everyone welcome! No experience necessary
Wood stock 50th Anniversary Join us to celebrate the iconic Music Festival that started it all! ***All events at Carnegie Community Centre, in the Theatre*** Friday Aug 16 1:30pm-3:30pm - Peace, Love, & Music Crafternoon Join us to make tie dye t-shirts & headbands to celebrate the summer of love! Friday Aug 16 7:00pm-9:45pm - August Dance Music inspired by the original Woodstock Festival weekend! , Saturday Aug 17 6:00pm-8:00pm - Film Series: Making Sense of the 1960's Rebellion, drug use, civil rights, politics, the sexual revolution, and commune life. Examine the 1960's through 5 short documentaries
For iufo: Teresa 604-255-9401 Figment of imagination Oral fixations Morbid fascinations Violent expectations Psycho-sado- masochism There is no cure for the common cold Filled a Mason jar with memories, logos Remind myself why bees should not fly Stare, look, watch, gaze, behold See what is really in the air There is something in the air
As I look through the window Pane of glass - I am amazed to think It's liquid in a solid state that correlates to surface tension on water and how it expands when frozen When I'm in water it moves in slow motion I drink water .. I'm waterlogged You stick-in-the-mud You bump on the log Intoxicated power-monger drew
THE 4TH ANNUAL SANDY' CAMERON MEMORIAL WRrrlNG CONJTEST Prizes will be awarded for each category.
et, 2
& 3rd will be $100, $75 and $50 respectively.
Additional non-cash prizes for entries deserving recognition.
Guidelines for Writing Contest. 1.
Writing must be the original work of the person submitting the contest entry & not fiction.
If plagiarism is recognised the work will be disqualified and returned.
Entry forms for contact information are available both at the Community Centre's front desk (Main floor) and from the Newsletter office (2nd floor). Contact information for the writer must be provided with each contest entry.
Essays: This means writing in sentences, with grammar and structure attempted.
Poetry: All forms accepted. Must use the same font (typeface) throughout
Subject is open to the individual author. It can be about most anything relevant to readers. In the words of Sam Roddan "[It] must have a bite. It must create some kind of disturbance, a turmoil in the heart, a turbulence of memory and feeling."
The length of the essay can be 250-700 words, basically what can be printed on 1 page of the Newsletter. Poetry of whatever length, but no more than can be printed on- l page.
Deadline for submissions is noon on September 15,2019. Results will be announced at a special event during the Heart of the City Festival (early November).
Each writer may submit only one essay and/or one poetry entry. Do not include any photographs or illustrations with your entry.
To Donate: Name:
Address to mail tax·deductible receipt
Make cheque payable to: Carnegie Community Centre Association (memo 'Newsletter') 401 Main Street, Vancouver BC V6A 2T7
No Time? as Canadian singers have often sung: I've often given little time to say hi and I've given less time to say goodbye; and now there are these tears upon reflection 'did i let go of my most meaningful years? '
from ene Library On behalf of everyone at the library, we hope you had a great Pride! In anticipation of the 50th anniversary of Wood stock event that is happening in the Centre this weekend (August 16-18), we have put up a Woodstock display in the library. Here are a couple of the titles featured: Small Town Talk, by Bamey Hoskins, is the story of the town of Wood stock, located 60 miles from the festival site, during the years before and after the festival. Central to the story is Bob Dylan, who was living in Woodstock while recovering from a motorcycle accident and the "hippy capitalists" he drew to the area. In addition to this are the experiences of some of the festival's more famous performers: the Band, Janis Joplin, Todd Rundgren, Van Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, among others. Pete Fomatale's Back to the Garden: The Story of Woodstock and How it Changed a Generation discusses how the Woodstock festival encapsulated America's counterculture of the era. Fomatale suggests that peace and progress were as central to the event as sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll. The book is filled with first-hand accounts of the festival from its performers. It also contains a number of black- andwhite photographs taken at the festival. There are also CDs by Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, Bob Dylan, and the Grateful Dead, available to be borrowed for your listening pleasure. On a different note, I would like to invite you to our screening of Up the Yangtze, which will be occurring in the Centre on August 28, from 6pm-8pm. This award-winning 2007 documentary follows the Shiu family and the destruction of their home due to rising waters caused by the Three Gorges dam project. Happy reading and listening! Daniel
The priorities I chose overall I cannot even remember now but I do remember there was seemingly no time ... no time for all that makes life sublime. and if all that we can truly count on in life - is change then I'm gonna consciously make time for what's really important in life - starting today - inga g.
. lohn Laffin: ~I want to stay away from 1,.0&drug scene. In those hotels, you can wait fo/two 00111'$ >lIhllti SO!TIeone shoot$ up III the ~olJet•••"
POOL HALL POET There is somethings in life 1should have done And somethings I should have not r should have burnt the midnight oil Instead of the midnight cloth. Ben Caisev
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We acknowledge that Carnegie Community Centre, and this News/etter, are occurring on Coast Salish Territory.
THIS NEWSLETIER IS A PUBLICATION OF THE CARNEGIE COMMUNITY CENTRE ASSOCIATION Articles represent the views of individual contributors and not of the Association. WANTED Artwork for the Carnegie Newsletter -Small illustrations to accompany articles and poetry. -Cover art - Max size: 17cm(6 %")wide x 15cm(6")high. -Subject matter pertaining to issues relevant to the Downtown Eastside, but all work considered. -Black & White printing only. -Size restrictions apply (i.e. if your piece is too large, it will be reduced and/or cropped to fit). -All artists will receive credit for their work. -Originals will be returned to the artist after being copied for publication. -Remuneration: Carnegie Volunteer Tickets Please make submissions to Paul Taylor, Editor. The editor can edit for clarity, format & brevity, but not at the expense of the writer's message.
401 Main Street, Vancouver V6A 2T7 604-665-2289 Website
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Next issue:
for time
DONATIONS 2019 In memory of Bud Osbom $5 Drew Craig H.-$500 Barry M~$250 Laurie R.-$100 In memory of those who passed in 2018 -$10 Elaine V.-$100 Glenn B.-$250 Barbara L -$50 Laila B.-$100 Michele C-$100 Michael C-$100.Douglas Z.-$10 Penny G.-$10 Tom H.$80 Farmer Family Foundation Anonymous -$1000 Jacqueline G.-$1000 Vancouver Moving Theatre -$750 The Farm -$50 Vancouver's non-commercial, listener-supported community station.