February 15, 2024 Carnegie Newsletter

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FEBRUARY 15, 2024


C`a.±ifiLargi ed NEWSLETTER



401 Main Street Vancouver Canacla V6A 2T7

(604) 665-2289

February is BIack Historv Month.

Visit the Vancouver Public Library, google these words to learn of events

and exchange teachings to learn what was not taught in schools.

February is Black History Month

I am always inspired by this film, The Great Debat-

Title: The Great Debaters

ers, a true to life story about an underdog debate

Medium: acrylic on canvas

Artist: Mildred Grace German

team that wins a national championship. It's also

about equal rights to education

Starring and di-

rected by DEnzel Washington. A must-see!

Tiiilere[I Pri[le ^]1 wrapped up in tcittered pi.ide` No\\'hei.e [o go. except t`ul.ther do\Mi.

Roanling the streets. Iikc a ghost looking for all obscure place to Ilide their sllame. Conviiiced the gates of Hea\/en woii't jiicliide them. All wr{apped lip ill [a[tei.ed pride

'l`he shame ot`1osii`g one's digl`Ity, to ]i\'c amongsl see]iii]igly liopeless conditioiis a]id the hoiiieless.

Streaiiiiiig in a line like c(]iiretli left behind after part}' they wet.eii'[ invited too.

Nestling into dirt filled cracks tl.ying to hide fi.om being alive.

Tucked away from the glaring failures ot` societ},I. Pliicked out of a dirt liole aiid made to t'eel guilt}' l`or being pi)or. Like a low life ci.iminal ashamed ol`his ill-gotteii gi`ins.

Leaks ot` light expose the truth of ii broken system careeniiig off the edge of` a clit`f, Lil`e birds lianging on to a deiid ei`gles tail` befoi`e beiiig swept away in whlrl wind of litter.

All w'rdpped lip in t.ittered pride

With iiothing to sliow except empty han{ls grdspiiig on to the scrapes }/.ou'd feed a dog. W{ilking thi.ougli a f`og filled State of umins\`Jei.ed questions and no solutiom.

Tlie s}'stem has bi`cn mismaiiaged and Liicifer the beast has lost control. Our hard-earned tax mone}J has been squandcrcd through misdppropriated fiinds b}' those who made the rllles.

Now the coninioii f`olk arc lcfl 1() f{`Il on their swords with imminent dcf`cat.

Descendilig oil to hostilc pa\'ements ill desolate streets \vith oii]}' thcir bl.oken promises to cling to. Cold, hungry, slccp dcpi-ive(I. and no hope fol. the t-utiire. All wrapped up in tattel.ed pride.

Melody Morris

Carnegie Housing Project New danger is looming for the low income DTES commLinity By Jean Swanson

Last No\iember ABC cit}i councillor Rcbccca Bligli brought a 5 page motion called "Uplifing the DTES" to council. Soiiie of the things in the motion wel.e ok, like promotmg communit} economic de\Jelopment. But some could be devastating. ()iie pall ol`the iriotmn calls for iipdatlng the D I ES Plan

Tliis p[aii was adopted b} l`ouncil in 2014 €iflcr

lots ot` DTES groups alid low income t`olks worked liard to get two really Important parts to lt: Ilo coiidos in the Oppenlieimer ai-ea, and a rcqull.ement that 30% o+` social housiiig has to rent at social assistance slieltei` rate. Keepiiig condos out ol` the Oppeliheimer area has kept land values dot+-n so soclal hoiising pi.oviders

coLild affoi-d it

As a result. since 20] 4` at least 4 new social housing buildings ha\,e opeiied alid 8 more

social housing biiildings with 350 shelter rate iinits are plat`ned oi. under coi`striiction.

The 30% social housing requirement is imrioitflnt because social hoiising jn other parts orthe cit}' and pl`o\Jiiice and coulltiy clan bc cxpensi\/e to rcii` 0111}/ in the DTES is there a re.quiremenl that people li\'ii`g oil so.`ial assistaiice aiid pciision be able [o af.f`ord at least part of the uiiits in a social housing building. Pal.t of Bljgli's iiiotlon actuall}J asks city staff to "report back oi` the impacts of`allgl`iiig the cit}-'s defini-

tion of`social housing and supporlivc housiiig with Provliicial defiiiitlons and runding program requirements." Brltish Coluiiibia defilies socii]l housing <is liousing that the govemmeiit siibqidi7.es aiid either

govemmi`nt oi. a non prof" orgamzation ct\`iiis al`d operiites. There is Ilo rcquirelllent for {affordabilit} in thederiiiition.

Opening up the DTES plan could end these partial victories that the lo\t` iiicomi` commiinit)I had back in 2014. redilce thL` number of social housing uiiits tliat low iiiconie people c<an afford and. b} allowing condos` push lip land prices. making it inorc dit`ficult to build at`fordable social liousiiig. It could also i"ike it iilore dit.ficiilt for the emcrgil`g D I ES C,ommuiiity Laiid Trust to bu} properties for low income community housing.

Tlle in()lion also calls for an "improved regional approach to tiddress the Metro Vancou\ier region's homelessness aiid housing issues." Calling for a regioml apprt)ach is the Couiicil's excuse t`or not finding sites for the boarded lip 98 iiiiits of s`ipportive modiilar housing at Larwill Place and otlier modular hoiising \`'hose land leases have expired. Yes, homelessness is a r.`gional` provincial alid even iiational issue. Biit

that doesn't iiiean that Vancoiiver shoiild lcavc its own h(tmelcss r}opulation on the sti.eets while pert`ectly goo(I hi)llsing is boal.ded up i)r put ill storage.

An amendment to Bligh's in()ti(>n \\ias passed that calls for "pl.ioritizing ortportunities for prl\/ate im'estmelit in housing oli rental teniire" bilt cit}J stat`f s.lid al the council meetiiig that this could still incliide

ow'iiershii) (condo) houslng

()ne Coiincillor, Peter M€isfncr` said he thought the plan slii)uld incliide housing owliership and that the loiig term health of the neighbourlrood includes a mix of housirig. Becaiise Meisznel. is in the i"jority ABC P{`rt}J` that is disturbing.11 meaiis he coilld ha\e the votes rcquil.ed to opeii ui) thc` ai.ca to coiidos.

Some developei.s. like Michdel Geller: are chomping at the bit to brii`g condos to the DTES.

Cit} stat`f` is s`ipposed to report bai`k on tlieir findings I)} the cnd of June. 8} that time our whole DTES lo\`' income community needs to know about what is happeiiing and figul`e out how we can fight back for low income non market housing Stay tuned for a Cariiegie Houslng Project Town Hall on tllis issue.

Carne ie Housin

Volunteer Meetin Downtown Eastside residents are invited to our regular Friday lunch meetings for

talk and action on :

getting more and better housing; slowing gentrification; .

plus what you think is important. Help fight for the community and have fun too!

Come to classroom 2 on the third floor of Carnegie at noon on Fridays!

from tne Library I hope everyoiie has had a hcalth}' {}Iid safe Janii{iry. rhe begiiiiiiiig ot`thc year is sometiiiies slo\\ for new

books but here arc a few that \ve h{ive received recently. Based in sin:Ill-town Canada, Chi-is LCBlanc's latest iiovel S'"ff.fc//a/ is about t\`'o teens wlio get wri`pped up ill tlie suspicious deaths of tw() of tlieir closest loved oiies Whllc scckingjustice tl`ey discover that t]iere is iiiore to the small prairii-lo\`'n of l]erron thcin meets the cyc Pall m}'s{er}'` aiid I){ilT litei.ar}/. fiction, this is a story of corriipt cops. the opioid crisis` and teen Isolation

Frcf/iJJ.a.. rfac jRes<.iic Z}(tg W/itj J[c,if//c4/ „c, by Grant Ha}'ter-Mei]zies. is a lion-fictlon stol.y aboiit the indcliblc bond betweeii a hiiman and a dog and the traiist`ormational et-t`cct it can ha\ie (tn both. L`i.eddie,

who uas resciied t`rom the BCSPCA, Inspired the author. to su itch his l`ociis from writiiig hiiman biogrflphies to books abo`it historical animals. Unt`ortunatcly, Freddie receives a de\'astating diagnobis whicli tests both Freddic's and the author`s resolve.

In Amaldiir lndridason 's most rcccnt Rc}Jkja\Jik murder mystery` S/./tJ"cTc' tJ//Ae Gr//vc. Detecti`'e Lrlend`ir is investigating a mlssmg person c€`se wlien himian bones are t`ound buried in a coiis{riictioii site This

discovery re\'eals dark secrets that go back 70 years. In a pal.allel narrati\re` the story ot`an abused vvoman is heard which is someho\+I coiiiiected to these bones. -Daniel

The Highs & Lo\\/s Choir ln\/ites you to a free choral singing woi.Lshttp with guest leader Fabiana Kalz! It's at the Vanco`ivcr Unitari.ins (949 West 49[h ^\Jcnue) on Monda}' Februar}' 19 frown

Rflin and Mist and Tree . It is raining on Bowen lslaind Mist clings to the mc)untains Lakes are shrouded in mystery A lone raven croaks in the quiet time

1 :00-`.. .()0 PM and is open to an} one in tl`e iiiental healtli coiiimunity' (feel f`Iee to bii]ig a support

Bel`(tre construction std,rts.

person). Due to limited space. please reglster t`or free b)i i`-niail

So familiar in the city

to liighsandlov`/sclioiri@igiiiail.cowl or by phoTie to

The wliine of the chainsaw The buzz of `J'our electric razor

(778) 331-4387. by L`ebruar}

15` 2()24.

Sha\Ting you-dowin to nothing I cry wet lea\/'cs for what is ltist. Thank goodness Opa still stands

Rooted after a thousand `i'ears Battle scars indeliblein tile bark Someht)w that majestic Douglas Fir Has made it. I hug ()pa Awcd by v,iisdom. ancieiit presence Payi]ig m}' respects Siiigjng him into existence.

Tree', Lil_


The peace Lasts longer tliaii the iioise

As I hunker dou/'n for the winter Unable to beat oiit the rain 13ut it is soft

As soft as a ne\\/bom's crv. I am earth` rain. firs a]id ;ilcnce A* I return {o the city Enclosed enveloped In healing love Bdk`nccd reinembered.

_ ^^_tJ(

1:00 to 3:00pM


Pht>enix Winter


ls I-c(,, L,a

Pet Fair and Adult Care A poster on a pole says vctoutreach.oTg is hosting an e`'enl oil Sunday, Februar}r 18 from 11 am

to 2pm at the lnterurban Gallci-y. I F Hastiiigs. It`s about Pet healtli and offers vet asslstance`

ina}'be food & supplies. The poster said t(i email vancoucer(t={),vetoutreach.erg for informatit)n but no feedback cai]ie by pi.css-time. Tl` you liave a pet and can bring it with you then check it tlul.

Vetoutreach is an intcrnatio]ial organisation so there must be soinething to it.

Fti,I:I:::::t::I:'t:e"|a`:o`iau`nt::I:-:cb¢};:.e:;]]`ie;fT]T]thoenn8:eta:rt::i,ioerae`:¥ty],:sr:gumct:{:`i¥:its:|a::]f]`:rFammoving to Vancouver four yeai.s ago. I just th{tught your readers would appreciate it and find value in it.

Greetings. Below are some updated positive attitudes and moti\iational c()mments I wanted to sliare with you. not to be condescendingjiist f{)od for thought: 1. 2.



Whenthe going getstough thetoughgetgoing. Quitters never win and v`/inners never quite. If you are looking for a person who will change your life look in the mirror. You can`t change hov./I people feel about you so don.t try to. Just live your life and be happy Deal with your problems before tliey de£`1 with your happiness. Iniagine finding f`riendship and love in one person. Manners c{)st nothing but mean e\'er}'thiiig. To bc 1.ich is not what yc>u liave in your bank account but uihal you have in your heail. Be with someoiie wlio will take care of you. Not materialistically, but take care ol`youi. soul.

you]. well-being and your heart aiid happiness. 10. Ne\'ei-expect to get what you give; not cvcryone has a heart like you. 11. It.s easy to fool tlie eye, but it`s hard to fool tlie heart. 12. Never change }'our originality foi. the sake of others because Ilo oiie can play your rc)le better than you. So be yourself Y(tu are the bcst! 13. It takes a lot of truth to gain trust. But one lie to lose it all. 14. Being ehallongcd in life is inevilabl}' but being defeated is opti()nal. 15. Tlic best \/'iew comes after the hardest climb. 16. Those who walk with God always reach their destination. 17. If you.re ]oting someone who does]i'1 lo\Je you back it means you are waiting for a hhip at the airport. 18. What you think you become, what }'ou feel, you attract, what }/ou imaginc` you create. 19. Ncvcrtr}'.. DO.

20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Treat others better than you wish to be treated. Always improve Mind. Body and Spirit. Inspire and Motivate by actions, not words. Always be humble imd hungry. Live each da}' as it was the last. My-goal is not to be bellei. than anyone else` but to be better than I used to be. 26. A positive attitude gi\'cs }'ou power o\er }/(tur Circumstances. instead of` your circumstances having power over you. 27. Insanity is doing the same lliing over and over and expecting different results. 27.5 Siiccess isn`l hov,/ much you have in your balik account oi-how big or fast tour liou`e or ciir is but in how much lot-e and respect you receive from }iour family` friends, cttworkei-s or those you iiiteract with. 28. Pra}'er is not a spare \\iheel that you pull t)lit when in trouble but a Steeriiig whccl that directs the right path through life. 29. Never forget the rjeople who \\/ere there for }'ou because the}'.rc the ones who niatter the

in()sl 30. E\'ery test in lit`e makes us biller oT better, e\'ery problem comes to break us or make us. The choice is ours. v`;hether \\/'c become the VICTIM or VICTOR. 31. Worry is a conversation you have with yourself about things you cannot change. Pra}Jer is a comersation }'oLi hiive with GOD about things IIe can change. 32. Forgi`re people in your life. cvcn those who arc not sorry for their actions. 33. Holding onto anger only hurts you. not theni. 34. Happiness starts with }'ou, Iiot with }Joiir relationships, not \\/ith ,vourjob. not \\iilh your friends, but with You.

35. A beautiful h`eart can bring things into your life that all the inoney in tlie world couldn.t obtain.

36. Strong people don-t put pcoplc down thc}' lift thcm up 37. You don`t need a reason to help people you just need a caring heairt. 38. Integrity is choosing yt)ur acti(jns based on \'alues rather than personal gaiii. 39. Life is tough m}'+ friend. bi.it so are you! ! !

40. Education is the most powerful \+`eapon whicli you can use to change the \\/or]d (Nelson Mandela). + 1. When \vc help onc another cvcrvbodv \vins +2. Be the shit \`i'ithout shitting on anyone +3. Tf v./'e coiild spread love as qiiick]y as wc spread hate and negativity, what an aniazing world \`'.e \\Jould live in

44. Laugllter is the best iiicdiciiie` but il`} ()u.re laughing foi. no reason, }rou lleed medicine.

45. Oiily those \`ho \\/ill I.isk gt]ing too far can possibly filid out how far they can go. ;

47. Good judgment comes frcim cxpcrience. Aiid experience. well that comes from poorjudgment.


Submitted by Loreigh Mitges


In I/7L' I7'`/.// /t) C`/?trwgc.. jl/cJ7, ,'tzfa.`+.I+/7`7H.O`, ";/c/ £t)i`e, bell hooks quotes a passage from Shepherd Bliss`s

essay` My Wal. S{or.v: Tlie war ethic has daiiiaged us . . . the archet}'pe itself is bankrupt at tllis tlme in

history. It`we are to survive on this planet. so tlire.iteneil b}' \\ar and warriors` we miist get beyond t[]c obsolete archet}ipe ot`tlie walrioi and \ a[iie images s`ich as the peacemaker, tlle pai`tner. {iiid the hiisbitiidman u lirt cat.cs t`or the earth and animals. The Jatiuar}J 15tli issiie of tlie C`amegie `'eu >lcttcr had an essa} . 7`/)a L`'!t//€/.jJ)g D€7ft . tlie archet} pc at the

base ()f christlanity, tliat has had a prolific life-.ind-(1eatli e,\istciicc iri many religions and iii}'ths rooted in

liiii"ill and godl}J sacrlfice Whenjoined with the kiiig` w:ii-rior` and magician archetypes in Jimgiaii ps}'-

chology we htlvi` a formula t`or the stor}'` f`or mytholog}', thdt cements the t`oundations ot` slave societies ai`d cal.ries that lie for\\;ard iiito colonial, iniperialist, wliite-supremacist. ciipitalist patriarch}'.

Qui`tzaleoatl` A7tec god. the Nol`se Bzildre, Hiildiiislll.s Vislinu` allciellt Lg}pt`s Osiris aiid the crucifix, a

s}'mbol of god-I"ide flesli arc examples of` gods scicrificiiig themsclvcs. Slaver}/I in the A7tec empire \\as \\'idespread, Sla\'cs \vei`e amoiigst the iTiost iniportanl eommodities traded b}' the Vikings Sla\cry exlsts in the e.irliest mn{]u tej\ls alid bellef in 1.eiiicaiiiatioii iiiteii)reis slavery as retl.ibutioii for e\Jil deeds iTi all eal`lier life. Aiicient Eg}pl \`as a `1a\ e natioli

rellgion adopted b} Roiiian slav-es, and seeing its usefuliiess to cmpire

Larl}r Christianity \+ias the

tlie eiiiiieior declare(I it tlic state


Ill liis essa}'. Bill H. writes ttiat the ..toilui.e gocl.` archetype of`t`ers `.profound msiglil> iino i`iu I eht\t`nship

\+'lth the di\'ille and the complex iiiterpla}' between silfferillg, sacrifice. and redemption lt also liTL'i)i mil1io]is` if iiot billions. toler.iting ecoiiomic c(mditiolis aLiii to slavei-y in the beliet`that their suffermg ]ead``

to a better lifi` in tlie hereatter` another teliuous stor} dciigned to foster acccptaiicc of` intolei.able la\`s Imposed b} the ruling class aiid owiiiiig class Liiigs aiid magiciaiis (clerg} ). \lyho arc not shy about turning opt)I.essed miiiorities into warrior/soldiei.s to ser\Je their territorial imperzitives.

E\cry da} I am grateful th:it I have been redeemed t`rom and hd\Je escaped in.v childhood progr{`mming, as all altar bo}. at the base of the death-cult pornographic flesh ugliness ol`thc naked bloodied gocl hangiiig from a pusl and beam whose bod}' aiid blood. transmiitcd b} black in.igic aiid consumi`d in rltual caiiIiihalism. were suppose(1 to salve nii`.

A licaltl`}i [elatlonshlp \`'ith the di\`ine, with iiincr peace` witli mindfiilne>s. wjthjoy be}{)ltd understfliid-

iiig` (loes not requirc human sacrifice. god tortiire. aiid biitchcr}i Siifferiiiig slioiil(I iiot bi` held up as an ide.il that lit)erales us, whlle keepiiig iis enslaved to shak}' be]icfs. Tt.s tlie healmg \+e gain as uc recover

from oiir suffering alid fri)in oiir addictions and desires that c€`use il that heal us: siiffering itself is not rc-

dcmptive. Vi'e need ne\` arche`}'pcs (hat csche\\J class privilege, \\/hich gives `is a healtliier coniiectjon \\'ith Eailh`

cosmos` alld eacli other. How about "\\iorker.`. the folllid.ition tliat keeps societ}-t`iinctiollillg? We also

need '.femiiiist" as a role foi-iiien lt) adortt wlth the \\/omen tliey love. I can thi[ik ot`a dozen iiioi.e that

more coherently deal \\iith the \\i(irld as it is now: peacemaker. partner, and hiibbandman as recommended by bell hooks. To those` I \\'ould add activist. organizcr` eiiviroiimentalist. allist, wri`cr. poet, progressive leader. compassionate legislator` alid let's keep lover front Ji]Iigian psychol()g}' We need t(i lo\/c liiore`

each other. and oiir planet.

\\J.c are long past tiliie t`or Hidu]geTicc in sadomasochist delusioiis of the henefits ot` sacriricing (tneselt` on a p.\ re (Qlletzalcoatl), on a snake (Vishnu), of being dismembered (Osiris)` of` a triple miirder/suicide cl.ucifixioii (Yahweh). to be reborn.

The oak doebn.t need to I)e choppcd down to reg:`le us u ith iiew buds everty' spring. I can dig di)wn to the roots of my sLlt`f`ering` dctcrmine the caiises, resol\Je to desire less, and attempt lo live in compassion. as I transcend the blood}/ m}/ths of oiir past \`/.nile collnecting witl` ttic immanence of now. Gilles Cyrenne

tough love she & I ha\.'e made it lhrough anothei. d<ay' \i;ithout killing ourselves

or each other \\iitliout ruiiiiing away from each other \\,'e've made it through with so liole to go oil \\/'e'vc made i[ lhrough withoiit bank accounts or pellsioll plans \\/e'\Je made it tlirollgh with nothing to look forward to \\i'c'\.'c made il llirough without reall}' waiiting to

\\i'e've made it throllgh \\Jith despair, f`ear & coiifusion

\+'e've made 11 lhrough \\/ithout owning aiiythiiig of \,'alue or wal`ting to

we'\'.e made it through \\/ith a pm fusion of dilfere]ices betweeii us wc.'vi` made il thi-ough \\/illioul television or movies w€'ve made jt tliroiigh \vithoi.it meetings to go to \ve've made it tht`ough \\ itht)ul organizatioiis to beloiig to we've iiiade il lhrougli \\ ithctut am/' chiirch to attend

we've made it tl`rough \\ ittioiit using computi`rs we've made il through witliout books telling us ho\\i.-to \\i'e'\Je made it throiigh witli evcrytliin8 \``e've lost \\/e've made it through despite the years of trouble we've calised each othel. \\ie've made it thi.ough with our strangiilated spirits tumiTig blui` \\ie've made it through \\,'ith nowhel-e to go \\`c'\Je made it through \\/ith w()rii-out shoes we'\.'e made lt through \\iithou[ tlic obljvioli of` drugs or booze we've made it through \`iilh cripplilig ]ifeloiig emotional wounds e've made it thi.ough sleeping past i`ooti

we've made it .Ihrough without any good ne\vs we've made it through lottery tickets or bji`go \`/e've made it through with our families sick & po()r & crazy & old e'vc made il through \\iith e\Jen fewer illusions \\'e'\/e made it through without being riin over b.v cars or blown-up by pipelines or mutilated b}i maniacs on city' a\/.enues

\`'e'\`e made it through with our senses shrinking & our bodies bi`eaking d()ui-n & our ner\Jes whipped & abused \\'e've made it throiigli with the meaningless lives we're forced to use

we've made jt through we've made it through

sending blind prayers iiito burned-out air lis(eiiing to each other we'\Je made it through holc]jng onto each other \\/e'\,'e made it through 'r}'ing to cai.e more for each other than \\,'e do for ourselves & >i)mehow slie & I have made lt through

anothergoddamni`dda.v Bud Osborn

Shamed forpoverty


It`s n{" east to be p{-ior, nil matter u here }'ou li`Je But some placi`s male it e.isiei. thai` `)thcls. I {hjnL the

DTES i"ikes it easier` and I thiiik so because I mo\i`d to Richmittid froiii lii`i`e. and now th{it I`m bach again I see tl`e dllTcrence e\`eii ii`orc c.learl.\'

When I \\£is a kid, m}' p{]rents srll" up. M} dad iiioved into subsicli7ed housing Hi Richmond. BC. aml m} iiioiii staye(I in Fast Vanc(iu`ier The two pkicc`s coiild ni„ be more clif`terent

ln Fast Van. Ii`y iiioiii \\`oiild

Lllk to people cit the b`is st(ip ol while ha\ ing a cigttrette Ever}onc seeiiied `o t`r]cndl} . ShL` liad l`rjends all o+er llie iieighl)ourl`ood and w'i` visited ii`aii}' (.tt tliem

But iJ` Rii`hmoiid

oiir iiei¥hbculrs didn.t lmniediate-

1} \fyelcome iis u ltli (ti)en dt.nis There \v£`s Tio\\hcrc ill u'alhii`g distancc yoli could go` and it \\os lii`t so-

i`Icill} ac`i`c|)table to start con\rersations at the I)iis stop. I.ater` m} mom alst> imi\ed \o Ric]imoiid. I`rom t]iat tiiiie oil, altlioilgli \lye visl`ted Eii`it \''im c>fien` l`ichlliond \vas m}i \\orl(I

LiL|. I sald. I II\ed H` slil)sidized hoilslng. AH ni}

iieighbo`irs \`'crc pi)or

Bii[ \\e v.ele s() liiilc`h lliore

ashiii`ied of` it tliaii in I,asl Van You could I`cel tlic discomt`or{ th{it the I-c`l of the nciglibourho`td h{id with iis. I t)veilicaid soii`eoiie`s nil)thei. `a\'inQ thiil tlie woi.st kid` :ilwiiys i`dmc t`rom siib.idlzed hoilsing


5chotil. tlie iiiitldlc class ttids inade up aboii[ halt.tn-a hit n`tiic lban h[ilf ol ttie `tiideiits. They ilidli-I lcaie

anyolie ft" beu`g p`tol`` l)ut tl`c pi)ol ktd`` tilrl`ed i`ti each o`11el. No olic \`al`[cd to be scei` .is |mol. io the} iiii`Li.cl on the liext poorc5t kill M\

life liad fi weii`d d`iality. Ii`sidi` m}

hoi`siiig con`i`1e\

I v i`` iic`piilar aiid \\ell-Liio\`]i. I l`{`d fi leiids

\tyht; \`'eie oldi:I th"i liie` iiiclti(ling :i piegmiit teei`agi`d gn I \\ho lia(I dropped out or school. iilid tlie ciilii-

i)le\.q p:`i.ents tiTisled me to \\/atch o\J'et the } oiH\gei Llds tw) I i` en madi` f`i.Ieiids \\itli lids fi`om outside tl`e comtilcx \vho l`ad coiTic o er tii \ i`It soi`ieoiic Biit as >ooii tis I \vei`t lo qchool` mati} of`the 5aliie iteo-

plc \`ctti]dii`t tall "i me All(I othi`i Li{ls i`"Jc tim ot`m} l"'rcul` m} i.lathes aiid m} liahits l`eople e\'|m spri.ad iilnio`ii.s tliftt I li\cd Ill a c`iidboz`i-d hot

Tlie ti`.icheis at `choul als(` did a lot `o im`kc nie fec`l ashamc(I. E`ery oiice lil a \\'l`ilc th€} u iiii'L1351 I,i>

t(` I)ring $51o school fw. a speci.il luiich` or $ 10 f`oI <i field trip

Whi`!ie\i`r I a`ked f`or the in(ine} . Iii} r)ar-

enls would look so i.id (liat I just c!id!i't uc`Iit to ask I fell like it \vi`s m} t`ault t`or .`skiiig foi {]ie miine.` Then nn te{`chers wo`ild gL`t angr}J with n`e` \`'liicli tlie} sa\\ :i`ju.`( tieilig lazy

Thc`y also thought I \i:is

laz}i v.ih-eii I didlri do iii}, I`ijmcu oik The.\ didn`t kiiow' liow L`haollc in.+ home lifci was. Biit wh} JiJ tlT€.\

thiiiL " \`'a` ni\J taul\? I can`t believe an adult \\Jould spezik so lidrshl} I" {i se\ en-} ear-old for soliiething tiitallv out c`f t.heir coii`rol. biit thal`s \that m} teac`hers did.

Once a yeflr w'e alw hall .i caniied l`ood t]ri\ie lo help "the lei`s rolluiiate." rach i`lass \v{i> ju(lgcil {ic`cordi!i! to the' Ii`imbcr ori'ans lhe} collec,ted, ar\d there \\i{i` zi litt iit` pri`ssiirc t(` help the cliiss s`icceed I tteggcd m}/ dad to let nii` taki` a i`<in of chicLcn noodle soup to t`i`hool "Ol`a} ` biit VIiT'lljiist gc`t it b.ick l`iom the ft7ocl baliL i`iiy\\ii}'," licjoL€d. I didl`'t rcnlize that I m} >elt \\a` one of the "I€s< follunatc "

As I got older. I l`el` mole an(I iiioic in\ isit)lc as 4i pitol persoli ii` Richmolld. OI`ce I got loo old to itla}` in

the pla}'gri`und. I li„{ tiiiii`li u "li ntos` ot`tlie I)eople in ii`}' c`uiiplch. W'hen I ualki`d throiigh the cit} {)r tiiok the bils` all I sa\\J MJere lilcel}' maiiitainetl hoiisei \\ here midcll€-clziss people li\'ed the kil`t] of [Ives I

`a\\' (`[i T\J . There \tyas n{t\\lic`re I coiild eo to haiif out excel)t (lic man \\'hl`ie I `a\\/ people I)ii} uig thltigs I cotildii't .itTord` or `lte park \\'liere I sav` peoiile ill athlctic gear going foi. r`iits

I so]Tietimes l`elt lil`e the only potv pei`on in Rii`hmoiiii (_)nce` I saw a sign on a church sa}'Hig that olie in foul. Richmoiid childrcii \`'as ln po\ eit}

I tho`iglit. It`that`s true, theii v\/heie alL` all th€bc` titlic`r i)ool peo-

pli`? I kn(t\`' n()\`' they \`'i`re an hidden <i\va} like I was_ tai)`€ht t\i be i35hamed i`] themsel`cs` isolated t`i.olii

people +\l`o might uiideis(and theiii. gi`'en no\\hii.e tii go alid nii`et e{tch other \\Je \\i`Ie t`ll st`iLL IIli` itlisoriers lrt cells n(" i``Jen Lnou ing il sonii`one was tlrerc oil tli¢ {-jthcr `Icle tif thi` \\all

It.s not like that in the DTF,S. The DTES is rich in citmmunity. People are less ashamed to be pt)or` and bec{iuse they accept that about -themsel\'es, the}J can be compassio]iate wlien the}' see someone else sti.ugg]ing with po`'erty'. Instead itf turning on eacli other. we have each other's l)acks. This is a treasure more \'aluable thfln the possessions that make soiiie people thinL tliey arc "more fortunate" than us. As Chief Dan George said` it is better to ha\ic a little i)l`what is good than a lot of \`i'liat ism.t good.

Max Campbe]l

"Where is peace? This is the pivotal question. The thirst for

pecl,ce is uiithim inside Of you." H@`jRT F~;ii\.i\t±-_>©rR:VATUT

You are invited to the free program, Tuesdays I Starting Feb.13th I 10 week program 2pm - 3pm Carnegie Community Centre, 3rd-Floor Board Boom

401 Main St at Hastings, Vancouver BC

Hitmage t() a l'oc[ an artist wi(h words a( the (ip

Who Speaks for Turtles?

of his Spanish pen, moves with great speed, there is no time to lose;

quiet green turtles roam the vast c>cean waters off of Mexican coastal beaches, they do

butterflies' habitat logged. turtles' eggs dug up

stacked and sold in opeil alr markets

those old reptiles, arid lhe females come to dig

consumed and digested by creatures

holes in the sands, lay their vulnerable

who have forgotten what {ime it is

lopsldecl eggs -then leave, back to sea

who knows this? who wants to harm

Mexico Clty's air is thick

a hard shell creature's breath?

with belched out poisons; all all is encroaching

faster faster into waiting nostrils

the tanned beach hunters who show off

vanishing Into flakes Of memory

their muscle bound chesls

speak Homero poeta activista


"I can kill better than anyore]

areii't we talking about ourselves?

Including what 1'11 do when

I get my hands on one of those

is the canary bird you? me? him? her?

outspoken environmenlal animal lovers;

Jay Hamburger

(ry a number on him too'!

the tide comes in and covers wha( movements, in the sand,

the ocean swimmers have made to survive

Book Launch: 16th Annual Oppenhei-

mer Park Community Art Show Feb 15, 7-9pm at Gallery Gachet, 9 W Hastings

they have gone back to live, endure in the green blue callmg salt waters

g¥ge:a#ev:e#rfh3t:e:d[te:ga#o::n¢tcoyen:a:{ets#oc:o6T.#obngouuoae[ can they withstand an lnvasion`

a tampering by two-Ieggeds, on(o their heavenly zone?

Join us ds we celebrate the culmination of this endeavour and honour voices, stories, and experi ences from the Downtc)wn Easlside.

flip a turtle over on its back


watch it qulckly mc)ve Its frc)nt flippers

withln the DTES communlty. The publlcatic>n not only

as it vainly struggles to get away.

hack it up for soup or in(o objects like a comb, eyeglass rim or souvenirs:

remember a grant) creature perished


for a toothpick's whisper

what did you say?


I can I hear yoi`, I've greed in my earsl

Seccafien -The Users' Code by Vancouver Area Network of Drug

speak sandsl speak, wave backed rolling waters

-Threads of Resistance Wilhin Our Shared Tapeslry by

Users that aid ln the birth

of lhe grey wHale sBaweed and oysters

Ruby Smith Diaz & Yarrow Society -Ltiarn Your ABC's Defund the VPD (Excel.pt) by Erika

that helps feed the glidlng gull, wanclering crab;

tell a mute one what it is you know

perhaps an active, "busy" hour will pause

for damage to heal

does the, day pass in sunken darkness? will Mexlco's wildlife live to a morrow?

#:i::St;k:ta;P:sos;:::L%h#;:I:;j#r!sun;e::ohaa'J:hceo:I:'i;t:ted to this project. Special thanks to thi` Opp±nhei mer


`C,a+ife_e`gied NEWSL`ETTER


this News/order. are occurrlrtg on Coast Salish Terntory.

' I *-„ =` ul .-...,-- ` --.,.- I -,.-, I ,T. .


CARNEGIE coMMUNrry CENTRE ASsocIATloN Aiticles represent the viei^rs ol individual

contributors and not of the Association.

Jenny Kwan MP Vancouver East NDP

Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Critic

2572 E Hastings St


Artrort for the Cameg ie NevGletter

Var`couver, BC V5K IZ3

-Small !`!lustralions lo accompany artroles and pr€(ry.

T.. 604h775L5800

-Cover art -Max s{ze,17cm(6 y,.,\wide I 15on(6.)high.

F: 6041775-5811

-Subject maller pertaining to Issues retevan[ 1o (he Dovi'ntown Easlside, but all work considered. -Black & White printirig Only

-Size reslriclms apply (i e it your plece is lco large, il wi!I be reduoed andr'or cropped lo ill).

Next issue= DEADLINE

`Tuesday, February 27, noon.

-A!l arlists will receive credit for the+i wch-k.

J3rigiria!s w'Ill be relLirned to the artist af(er hang

copted (or publicalion


-Ronuneraiion Carnegie Vctunleei Tiete{s

Please make submi§sions to Paul TairlDr, Editor.




Webs/.re carnegienewsletter.org Cbto/ogue




The edilor can edi( for cfan[y, tomat a brevily. but nol al (he expei}se ot the wriler's riiessage`

401 Main Street. Vancouver V6A 2T7




ihp9b#ITF?uNd§t,o:023 michele C-$300 J for Bob Sarti -$150

uM Theatre -$500 H -$750 Kevln D -$100

For Roger Howie -$150 Teresa V-$150 Michael C-$100 Rhoda R -$50

arry M -$500 Barbara M -$200 Yukiko T -$50 raig H -$500 Lisa M -$100 Mchael E-$1000

Lalia F -$50 Maureen J -$20







listencr~suppDrted communitystatTon.


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