, they wanted help. Sound familiar? With the ai~ of a faith-based charity, they were able to take a tram, not back to Glidden but Saskatoon, hoping to hide their failure in a safely anonymous city. In Saskatoon they again applied for relief but it was conditional; only if they returned to live in Glidden, the place they had left in shame and desperation, could they continue to get relief. Edward Jack Bates: Poster Child They sold the absolute last of their possessions and came up with a plan; if it worked they would have no for Crispy Clark's "Family Day" further need of their things, anyway. With the humble By Debra McNaught proceeds Ted rented a car from a garage, and they On a cold winter's day in 1933, in a car his parents drove to a secluded stretch of highway, got under a had rented with sad purpose, Edward lack Bates died blanket in the back seat with their precious boy beof carbon monoxide poisoning on a lonely stretch of tween them, and left the engine running. A farmer road between Purdue and Biggar, Saskatchewan. He found them and was able to revive the parents, but was 8 years old. His parents Rose and Edw~rd (Ted) little Jackie had succumbed, and when the RCMP arBates had called him Jackie, and what agomes they rived Rose and Ted were formally charged with mursuffered when they awoke and found themselves still dering their son. But in their helpless mortification the among the living, and their only son gone on ahead Bates family had underestimated the people of Glidalone without them, one can only imagine. den, their former neighbours, who not only held a Jack's father Ted was English, had emigrated to a fund-raising drive to pay for a memorial service, they new life in Canada, with hopes of becoming a Sasalso wrote stinging letters to Prime Minster Richard katchewan farmer. He failed in that enterprise and beBennett and Saskatchewan Premier lames Anderson, came a butcher. He opened a butcher shop in Glidden, . and laid the blame for Jack's death where it belonged: Saskatchewan, and married Rose Slatter in 1924. Little on the bloody hands of callous provincial and federal Jackie was born the following year. By 1932 the Degovernments and their utter failure to provide for peopression was making life very hard for the poor and ple in desperate need. marginalized, and lack's parents decided to move to In March of 1934 lack's grieving parents were put on Vancouver to try their luck here. Ted opened a corner trial, the coroners report testifying he had died of carstore, and they probably lived on our side of town. bon monoxide poisoning; by that time the people of The Depression decimated the lives of so ~any C~naGlidden had scratched up enough to pay for a Saskadians, and the Bates family was no exception. BUSItoon lawyer. Only one witness for the defence was nesses failed by the thousands, families mortgaged and called, the former doctor of the family, who testified re-mortgaged everything only to lose their farms, their young Jack had had a heart murmur and an enlarged livestock, and their homes, and as crops failed across thymus. This raised sufficient doubt in the minds of the Prairies the banks mercilessly foreclosed, literally the jury, and the Bates were found Not Guilty . .turning families out to starve. Because poverty of Fast forward to 2016. In a report from that year, Bercourse has nothing whatsoever to do with economics nard Richard, British Columbia's 'Acting' Children's and everything to do with moral failure, governments Advocate (why only "Acting"? Why don't we have a everywhere balked at helping. Relief programs were Permanent Advocate?), stated that 120 children in the deliberately made onerous to access (ring any bells?), Province of British Columbia had died in 2016 while horrifically under-funded, and what little that was under Ministry care. One hundred and twenty children grudgingly given was woefully inadequat~. Families If that statistic isn't horrendous enough, in 2106 over slowly starved on relief but the Bates family had run 700 children under Ministry care suffered critical injuout of options and exhausted what pitiful resources ries. Yes, those shocking statistics are accurate, and they had, so they applied for relief here in Vancouver they ought to anger everyone. They anger the fuck out only to be told they "did not meet residency requireof me and I'm not on any personal crusade, I don't ments" and would have to return to Saskatchewan if have any kids, I haven't lost a child to the Ministry'S I
indifferent care. But the conditions that existed in the 1930s continue to exist for the poor and marginalized because that bitch in Victoria wants it that way. When you ensure poor families remain in constant fear o~ Ministry apprehension because they can't feed their kids and pay the rent it creates a fool-proof means of control. Just like poor Jack Bates whose parents had run out of options you let the suffering reach crisis level so the Ministry has all the justification they think they need to swoop down like hypocritical and avenging angels, separating families "for their own g?od," punishing them for their failure to live on the pittance provided by the Ministry of Social Development an~ Social (Ha!) Innovation. Because poverty of course IS nothing more than laziness, and the Rich are conveniently impervious to any moral failings because, as Oscar Wilde once said, "Morality is simply the attitude we adopt towards people whom we personally dislike." And the Rich hate anybody who isn't in their club. , February 13, the Monday just passed, was Family Day in the province of British Columbia. For the love of your own children, and for the children of this community, we have to ensure there are no more needless deaths due to Ministry indifference. We need to end the war being relentlessly and callously waged against those least able to fend for themselves. May 9 is Election Day in the Province of British Columbia so get out there and VOTE because it's time we dropped another house on the Wicked Witch of the West.
Constituency OffIce now open 2512 E. Hastings Street Vancouver BC V5K 1Z3 lel: 604-775-5800 Fax: 604-775-5811 Email:Jenny.Kwan@parl.gc.ca Jenny Kwan MP Vancouver East NDP Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Criti~
Yesterday was the 27th Annual Women's Memorial March and for those who have lost someone, I cannot imagine it gets any easier. I am in awe of the power & perseverance of the family members and friends who seek justice and healing. As a follow-up, if you'd like to join others to process & share memories of our Downtown Eastside women, for the next three Tuesdays (Feb. 21, Feb 28 & Mar. 7) at 1:30 - 4:30pm, we'll be hosting a "Storysharing" session in the Classroom. The Women's Memorial Quilt has been digitized on this website: http://tinyurl.com/our-dtes-women, & VPL is gathering stories about the women featured on the panels. Please consider contributing memories, poetry, and photos. Further reading: Bearskin Diary: a novel (2015) by Carol Daniels. Described as "raw and honest" the author gives voice to First Nations women who have been silenced. The character, Sandy is one of the children that endured the "Sixties Scoop" and must endure the foster system, and rediscover her roots. Birdie: a novel (2015) by Tracey Lindberg. A mysterious dream-like tale of how a Cree woman, Bernice Meetoos leaves her home in Northern Alberta for the westcoast. Her life is 'complicated due to childhood sexual abuse and violence, but she seeks to recover from these wounds.
Stolen Sisters: the story of two missing girls, their families, and how Canada has failed Indigenous Women (2015) by Emmanuelle Waiter. The statistics are staggering, and this book reveals that there has been a systemic failure of law enforcement to protect Aboriginal women. Women Healers of the World (2014) by HollyBellebuono. This beautiful book reviews the traditions and history of herbal medicine, and the skilled women who administer these healing practises. Your librarian, Natalie
Happy 33rd Birthday to the Carnegie Learning Centre! On February 2 the Learning Centre celebrated many distinguished
its 33rd birthday.
We had a great party with
guests and speakers, including the President Paul Dangerfield and Dean
Brad Martin of Capilano University.
Tutors, students and staff that have been a part of the
Learning Centre spoke about how this place has been such a great part of their lives. I myself have volunteered
here since 2002 (15 years) and I spoke briefly about how much it has meant
to me over the years. We have created
a timeline
with the help of Diane
Wood that will stay up in the Learning Centre all year. We want
sign their
and say
something on the the timeline. This is a picture of my student Ada signing her name on the timeline.
The distinguished
Les Nelson, the
Elder in Residence opened up the party with his humorous introduction.
After we had our birthday cake, we took a group picture, thanks to Geoff Webb. Geoff is one of our newer tutors who also videoed the event for us for posterity. Thanks to everybody who has helped keep the Learning centre a vital and important part ofthe DTESfor 33 years! By Adrienne Macallum
It's about safety caring compassion a place to hear and be heard where light seems just a little bit brighter where we all share and learn and care No shortage of stuff to explore ESL, American Sign Language mathematics and computing high school upgrading internet literacy you name it navigating technology there's way to find it and find a tutor that knows
LIfe's not long enough to say all that's needed about goodness spread and shared by Betsy and Lucy Capilano staff that keep it all together keep it running smoothly with great care and attention to all issues presented good and sometimes not so good but all dealt with fairly in kindness even when saying no especially when saying no and all the volunteers and tutors what a great bunch inspired helpers kind compassionate knowledgable always ready-with a smile lotsa laughter we do have fun and all of this keeps us coming back week after week to meet students And at the core it's the students learners that matter most learners who bring that enthusiasm that love of life long learning They bring the love that makes Carnegie Learning Centre just a bit brighter than the rest of the world. Gilles Cyrenne
ACTORS Two actors needed for a docudrama called "Jude". This is a story of a Downtown Eastside man spiraling downward into a pit of despair. ~e survives a suicide attempt and his life IS transformed by the intervention of a few helping hands. ROLES TO BE FILLED: "GALE" .•female, mid-20s, Jude's fiancee, office worker "CRUTHERS" - male, mid-40s/50s Jude's boss, business man ' "PHYSIOTHERAPIST"- female mid-20s/30s ' "MOTHER&CHILD"- child, 4-7 A. non-Union, no budget project, directed and produced by DTES resident Nicholas Sherry. Participation is on a voluntary basis. To view the film synopsis and some video clips, visit: www.judefilm.com. If interested, email short biography and headshot photo (selfies are fine) to - nicholas_b9@yahoo.ca. Deadline March 15, 2017. If selected you will be contacted by March 18. ,
MISSING WOMEN RETURN TO CARNEGIE ON MARCH FIRST AT 2PM We invite members and friends of the Carnegie Community Centre to attend the piano-vocal version of our new opera 'Missing'. In August of last year, we brought the text-only version of the work. Now, we offer the first marriage of music to words. We will present seven singers, pianist, conductor, the librettist and composer, and we would like you to join us. 'Missing' is written by the distinguished First Nations playwright Marie Clements. Set in Vancouver & along the Highway of Tears, Marie tells a story everybody knows - about a woman no one remembers. It is touching, and tragic, and necessary. "Missing' is being set to music by the Juno Awardwinning composer Brian Current. Now at the pianovocal stage, Brian has captured the hopes and conflicts of our characters in a brilliant and moving manner. Aided by native speaker Vince Gogag, certain of the Highway of Tears sequences will be sung in Gitxsan. After the piano-vocal version of the music achieved to date, we will open the floor to comments and discussion. Librettist Marie Clements & composer Brian Current will be in attendance. They want to hear what you have to say about their work, and what we might do to make it stronger. It is a road test and beta test of a brand-new opera, and your comments are essential to its success. This will be the 35th event that City Opera Vancouver has presented in the DTES. The opera itself premieres in a free, invitational, and families-only event on 1 November 2017 at the Russian Hall. This special event is part of the DTES Heart of the City Festival, and is eo-presented by Vancouver Moving Theatre. 'Missing' opens to the public two nights later on Friday 3 November at the York Theatre, and continues at Pacific Opera Victoria two weeks later.
,MISSING A new chamber opera by Marie Clements and Brian Current Piano-vocal workshop Wednesday 1 March 2017, 2pm at Carnegie free, of course
'Missing' is a eo-production of City Opera Vancouver and Pacific Opera Victoria. We thank The Vancouver Foundation, the Leon Judah Blackmore Foundation, the City of Vancouver, the BC Arts Council, & the Canada Council for their generous help with this project. www.cityoperavancouver.com
Carnegie African Descent Group Weekly Lunch Every Tuesday llAM-l:30PM, 573 E Hastings The Camegie African Descent Group (CAD G) is pleased to invite you to a weekly lunch gathering at the Downtown Eastside Neighbourhood House. Come, cook, talk and enjoy African dishes with us. The lunch will be every Tuesday from Ilam-l:30. The group is part of the Camegie Community Action Project (CCAP) which works on housing, income & land use issues in the Downtown Eastside so that the area can remain a low-income friendly community. The group has the same mandate as CCAP, but with particular focus on issues that Black and African descent community members experience. DTES community members who identify as Black and/or as of African Descent are welcome to the lunch. For more info: Imugabo75@gmail.com
Watch out for "fixed term leases"! Landlords are increasingly using fixed term tenancy agreements, because it makes it easier for them to evict tenants and raise the rents. If you are already a tenant in the building and you sign it, it means the landlord can raise your rent as much as he likes or evict you with no reason at the end of the "fixed term." The fixed term lease has already been used by the landlord of the Ross House on Alexander St. to try to evict tenants and make them pay rents as much as $210 a month higher.
Carnegie Community Action Project & Downtown Eastside SROCollaborative Unceded Coast Salish Territories
What are fixed term agreements? When you move into a new apartment, you enter into a tenancy agreement with the landlord which outlines the terms and conditions for the rental property. Most of the time, when we talk about a tenancy agreement, we are referring to a written document (example on other side), but a tenancy agreement can also be verbal. There are different types of tenancy agreements: '\
a) An agreement on a month-to-month
Amonth-to-month tenancy does not have an agreed upon end date. The tenancy continues on a monthly basis until either the tenant or landlord gives proper notice to end the tenancy. Ifyou have a month to month agreement, your landlord may only raise "the rent by the allowable annual amount (set out in the Residential Tenancy Regulation) "\ once every 12 months and they can only evict you for a cause. b) Fixed term agreements also called lease agreements .Fixed term agreements are tenancy agreements that last for a specific period of time. They have a start date and an end date. Unless your landlord has breached (did not' follow) a material term of the tenancy agreement, you are not allowed to end the tenancy before the end of the fixed-term unless you enter into an agreement with the landlord. This means that by signing a fixed-term tenancy agreement, you are entering into a legal contract to pay rent until the end of the term. The tenancy agreement should also state what will happen after the end date:
i) Youmight have the option of entering into a new tenancy agreement or continue / livingthere on a month to month basis. Because this may be considered a brand ne~ tenancy, the landlord may be allowed to set the rent at any new amount. 'If the landlord and tenant do not enter into a new tenancy agreement, the tenancy continues on a month-to-month basis at the same rent, unless you give a written / notice to end the tenancy. ii)Youhave to move out on the set end date. if you sign this part, you are agreeing to move out by the end date. This means that at the end of your tenancy agreement, your landlord is allowed to evict you without cause. Ifyou agree to enter a new tenancy, your landlord may be able to raise the rent in your new tenancy as much as they would like. Some landlords use a move-out requirement in a fixed term tenancy agreement as a way to unfairly raise rents or to evict their tenants without cause.
What are your options? If a landlord wants you to sign any kind of agreement, you can get an advocate to review it with you beforehand. Tellyour landlord "I don't understand this document and I need to get help before I sign it:' Also, Ifyou are currently on a month to month agreement and your landlord tries to make you sign a fixed term agreement - you are not legally obliged to sign. The law says that landlords have to give tenants copies of any tenancy agreements they sign. Some landlords don't do this. Take a picture of the document or ask the landlord for a copy ofthe document right away. .-
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Some landlords change documents after they have been signed. Watch out for documents a landlord asks you to signthat have blanks where information should go. Ifyou have signed a fixed term tenancy agreement that says that you must move out on a specific date, talk to an advocate. Ifyour landlord wants you to sign a new agreement at a higher rent, you might be able to dispute the rent increase. You might also be able to ask an Arbitrator to order that move out clause is not enforceable.
Demands High rent increases and evictions are especially devastating for low-income folks at risk of homelessness. When landlords use fixed term agreements to evict tenants and raise rents above regular yearly maximums, the law has to change to protect those people better. CCAPand the SRO Collaborative recommend that the government: Take measures to tie rent increases to the rental unit rather than the tenant. Rent increases should be allowed a maximum of once per year at the legislated percentage amount. This would make it unlawful for landlords to raise rents frequently and arbitrarily through the use offixed term agreements. It would promote renter security and more stable tenancies. Remove mentions of vacating after a fixed term from the Residential Tenancy Act. This would prevent landlords from unjustifiably raising the rent where a tenant is continuing to occupy a unit past the end date. It would reinforce the presumption that the tenancy is continuing on a month-to-month basis and eliminate the the current legal loophole that landlords are exploiting to impose large rent increases on tenants with little or no bargaining power.
Resources Organization
Access Pro Bono
tenancylaw@accessprobono.ca or: 604.482.3195 ext. 1500
Atira Advocacy (women only)
First United Church Advocacy
604. 681. 8365 320 East Hastings Street Intake hours: Monday (9:00-11:00 AM), Tuesday (12:30-2:30 PM), Wednesday (9:00-11:00 AM), Thursday (12:30-2:30 PM), Friday (9:00-11:00 AM)
Law Students' Legal Advice Program
604.822.5791 See also: LSLAP Manual on Tenancy Law: http://www.lslap.bc.ca/uploads/2/9/3/5/29358111/19 _-Jandlord_ tenant law - 2016 final draft 1.pdf
SRO Collaborative
or 604-839-0379
Tenant Resource & Advisory Centre (TRAC)
or: 1.800.665.1185
A Proposal for Child Protection
Town Hall "The law was never supposed to be used this way." It sounds like a line from a movie, but as so often happens it appears that the framers of laws underestimated the greed-driven thinking of business/property owners. It was a Town Hall meeting on Fixed-Term Leases, the relatively new way that hotel owners have been using to strip tenants of their rights. The insert youve just read is explained as the language used to give landlord Bliss - at the end of the fixed term s/he can evict you with no cause or, if you sign a "new" lease, jack up the rent by hundreds of dollars with no legal protection to stop them. Stephanie, an advocate working out of First United Church, spoke extensively about the ways landlords manipulate the system to eliminate tenants' rights. Signing one of these fixed term leases is one major way. Many tenants have no idea what this piece ofpaper means until told they have to leave their home or pay a huge rent increase. Also cited were non-profit housing societies using such leases to control the behaviour of tenants. Without written rules any reason or even no reason can be used to evict low-income tenants in favour of someone who has to pay a lot more for the same little box. Most SROs are shit-holes in need of extensive repairs, cleaning, security & rent control to touch on a few of the most egregious concerns of tenants. This came up over & over at a previous 'workshop' on housing hosted by the City of Vancouver, with literally pages of input on how to make landlords in scuzzy hotels responsible. A month-to- onth tenancy has legislation attached to it that requires a landlord to get an Order of Possession S/he must have valid reasons for applying for such an order if or when challenged at a Residential Tenancy hearing. This is the current legal set-up. It is also what every tenant should choose to keep, at least until this loophole can be closed. _There will be a more detailed report on this issue in the next edition. In the meantime don't sign a lease without checking with a legal advocate. Bring any form that a landlord says you "have to sign" to First United Church (320 E Hastings), or show it to one of the people in the CCAP office at Carnegie (401 Main) or take it to Carnegie Outreach at 360 Jackson. By PAULR TAYLOR
The idea is to have an up-to-700-room hotel service for short term emergency care for children. There will be a ~octor & a lawyer on staff & perhaps 300 people workmg as counsellors. Our purpose is to protect and n.urture children 0-20 years old; if younger than 7 yrs a ~mgle pare?t wou.ld stay for free. The current practice IS to put children m group homes which proponents of the hotel idea disdain as a collapse of child protection and much too costly If this idea interests you go to their website at www.theorphanagesite.wordpress.com to get a better understanding and/or arrange a meeting. ."We would save taxpayers $20 million/year in operatmg costs and we would dramatically improve quality of care." Info from Blair
Raymond of no fixed address Raymond first came to Vancouver in the early 90's, quickly he opened up a vintage guitar shop with rock and roll memorabilia and assorted musical apparel. The shop was located on Granville street between Davie and Helmcken. He portrayed himself as an up and coming rock star and did very well at suiting that image in the early 90's much like Guns and Roses meets Motley Crue. Long loose hair dishevelled, and lazy, lanky posture perfectly matched to his venue. His knowledge of music and the objects that covered his walls and filled his display cases was prolific. The location of the store or the reason it was chosen was never brought up, from the outside it was a building past its prime, inside it rivaled a museum. Closest neighbours were cheap beer parlours and small pawn
shops while the street at the time was littered with 3rd rate strip bars & a dealer on every corner. Raymond was in his late 20's. Where he grew up or even where he had come from are still a mystery and how he amassed such a collection of treasures is also joined with the mystique that is Raymond. Anyone who visited the shop on a semi -regular basis would maybe notice that although he kept regular business hours, and was always in attendance to talk and share any wisdom he possessed, Raymond rarely made any sales despite the desirable merchandise that filled his store. One would not be mistaken in thinking that he was a collector, not a seller. Then one day 6-7 months later this shrine to the music and temple of guitars was closed and windows papered up .. even the stencils were removed from the window. To ponder the obvious question and to arrive at the occam's razor of answers a person need only look at the surroundings and the goings on of that time and place. All manner of ill was on that street back then; drugs, sex trade, black market and open dealing of objects & substances was very visible and combined with alcohol and much, much more; the traps were set & ready to spring. Annie was a runaway from an abusive home in some prairie town in the flat lands. She was young and pretty evoking the kind of things that made her attractive to Raymond. She needed help and he was very sympathetic and lonely. Not only the streets but the bars and night clubs were busy and there were a lot of independent vendors of every ilk around making money and supplying any chemical enhancements that could be had for a price. Quite a few people dabbled others moved into another category of addict and user. Parties lasted for days sometimes. Raymond had found the love he needed in Annie; each night they could be found out at any location. He had a clientele to keep supplied and deals to make. Annie and Raymond also were partaking and this is where the descent begins and Raymond becomes less of a mystery and more of a sad frail man. Watching Annie and Raymond together it was obvious: he was smitten and determined to keep her happy and with him at all cost. Cocaine and alcohol became the standard fair for this couple - maybe the only link that the 2 had in common; those Iines get blurred between love and need and want. With powerful combinations
like these anything is possible and doubts creep in. Easily apparent was this: those 6 stringed jewels and artifacts of music were long gone. The proceeds used to sustain a lifestyle that was moving quickly in a downward spiral. Initially these things had been collateral to fund the enterprise of dealing in a substance. That, left to its own devices in his life, took over and robbed him quite literally of all he had. The stylishly grungy clothes became raggity and beggarly, his hair oily and unkempt hygiene became an afterthought, each night though he still attempted to ply his wares although now on the street and in the alleys. Raymond was just a few steps ahead of his debtors but barely. Then Annie was being accompanied by someone else and showing up at clubs and bars Raymond had lost access to. The sad truth being that he'd paid his debts with the one thing he could not bear to lose. He received a physical beating down as well just to add a final insult to an already painful tragedy. Losing a love that takes everything to keep alive, and doubling that with dignity and self respect being trampled lead Raymond to some deep suffering in his daily existence. With his life lying before him in shambles and his broken heart beyond repair, the tunnel ahead was dark and getting darleer and longer. Raymond had begun with a special niche that now was impossible to recreate and with no inspiration he proceeded in his daily grind of subsisting and existing; barely getting by. Sadness and heartbreak can last a lifetime. A broken man that does not seek out repair and rehabilitation can exist in relative obscurity in a city like this, and so it was with Raymond. Sometimes he was indoors; a small s.r.o. like a self-inflicted jail cell furnished with fear, regret and only memories oflong ago glory and ever present afflictions. Raymond was observed recently, his familiar walk giving away his identity in a crowd. Bouncing along his head bobbing and looking at the ground hiding his face and secretly looking for that lost love he had held close to his soul. The smile gone, body weak and a ravaged face aged beyond his years. : Raymond is not unique or special: although in many ways he is worthy of help and redemption. His story brings out the tremendous power that life, love, addiction and unresolved pain can cause. I HOPE HE SEEKS HELP Daniel Drost, Humanities 101
The Visionary Position Do you know what the lightbulb has in common with Donald Trump & what he truly drools over it bums all night & hangs all day so many barbaric plans the outspoken will be left speechless the homeless so much more colder as he begins what could be our final act, BlockWatch houses will have machine guns all set to devour & conquer trespassers thieves cutting through their yard can stop your life dead from living any longer all of this from an insane man who denies climate change & abortions oh & a 20 billion-dollar wall these are absolute facts Banning entire races of people guess what your own homegrown ones will fit in nicely with serial killers & mass shootings plus Mother Nature of course there'll be assassination attempts as one obscene line after another will try to end a most-probable 4-year failure as children can sing 'the king is dead long live his demise One-by-one every other country will re-erupt as the States remain the most despised as hate propaganda "truth" is out there just get up wake up have a smoke before your newspaper is thrown at you remember to read between the lines you just watch as the afterthought people slowly drift away to die, apocalyptic promises have unfortunately only begun the truth is the best excuse but when picking out the wallpaper to match every room that has a gun how many kids do you expect to find one then kill the other the word insane doesn't even come close to describing cities like Chicago which had 762 murders last year I am kind of waiting for Trump to invite Pope Francis for a couple of drinks at the Playboy Mansion to talk about money & his own visionary position yet bring Trump to the Vatican he wouldn't even know the ancient soil he has just pissed in how many is too many victims of circumstance in a complete state of fear? Like the housewives of the DTES who can afford a night on the town at least part of one day every month how evil yet real this country is still godlike compared to 4% of this world's population that's the U.S. wall & borders combined with sheer ignorance we shall all feel & I thought Reagan & Bush Sr.&Junior were bad .. We have our faults like any other country yet so many different visions are combined to make us an unprecedented multi colour language with several gods to boot I have seen actual kindness which the 200-thousand a year Crispy Clark is told to fuck-offyour bank card was just eaten spread your extortion to the poor they
are deserving of said loot let us tear down one condo at a time, like finding Jimmy Hoffa's coffin full of Monopoly money one day Donald you shall awake to see all your money burning pardon me if! don't cry the afterthought people will see this as a victimless crime, like Cool Hand Luke getting up again & again take your schemes if not your life whoever voted for you if it wasn't at gunpoint they should really check out how damaged is their brain like being nothing more than a bit player in the bible's last book but you do take humiliation rather well, like an Eleventh commandment that would make displacement of immigrants a lot quicker let them look for a new home in the frigid waters for just a sheer second the boat of sa!vation was so close but they never caught 'er as the VIsionary looks out of his future hell, like a man !n quest of discovering how much his tolerance can r~s.lst . I am an armchair anarchist government policies dIminish & share the forthcoming foreclosures on those. who've hit retirement, the Minister in charge of Enforcement of such upheaval will himself one day be out of a job & cry why is it all. so bloody bad ~aint Minus has seen worse civilisations that have vanished without a battle cry has hell once again been heavensent I repent By ROBERT McGILLlVRA Y "We seem t~ be able to do everything but get along!
-Curtis Mayfield
Downtown Eastside
Wornen's Art Collective
Art workshops and art projects for people self-identifying as female. Workshops every other week 4-6pm: Feb: 14th & 28th Mar: 14th & 28th Apr: 11th & 25th May: 9th & 23rd June: 6th & 20th July: 4th and 18th
Carnegie Art Room
¡Hi there, I'm back. Ifthere is any consolation, I'm trying to remember all of you too. It's been eight years and a lot has happened since I probably talked to you last. Like so many others we just disappear and are forgotten so I get a happiness every time I recognize someone. I'm going to miss those who are gone. That being said, my big mistake was not coming to all of you for help in the first place. If you have a minute, I'd like to tell you about it. Eight years ago I received a blow to the head here in the Downtown Eastside. I was living in one of the hotels here and for some part time money I worked as the night clerk for my building, but this night I had off. A few of us staff and old timers were going to watch the game so I went downstairs on a beer run. I was coming downstairs when I went by the reception desk and noted that my eo-worker was having a bad time. Three different groups of people we arguing with her at the desk, and the arguing was fierce. So I stopped and moved to the corner in case help was needed. She was handling everyone fairly well, if not loudly, when a fourth party arrived. A large gentleman very hyped on the street cocktail of the day. Now I should say I met this person before. He was the son of one of our residents and always polite to me, even with the drug habit. Anyways, he had snuck in the front door this evening and came up the stairs to the front desk, whereupon the eo-worker just looked at him and shouted "NO!". Well, this startled him and as he started to move forward again I moved forward and got his attention. I told him my eo-worker was busy and angry right now, come back in half an hour when she's cooled down. He looked at my eo-worker and agreed, he didn't want trouble. I walked with him downstairs then, as I'm supposed to in this job. That's when my eo-worker came. I can't remember what she was screaming, all I know was that is was loud. Yelling at the top of her lungs she came down the stairs behind me, pushed past me, and pushed the son out the door. What was calm was suddenly now violation and anger. I tried to tell him to keep calm through the door when my eo-worker stalked to the elevator, but apparently it wasn't enough. As we stood by the elevator this 250 pound monster kicked open our front door and barreled towards us. Then I woke up. I was told that I got in the way between his fist and her face. I was told he hit me three times, and that ifhe had hit me a fourth time I wouldn't be here writing this. • And this is where I tell you that I wish he had hit me that fourth time. I was in the hospital for two weeks. My entire upper jaw was smashed, all of my teeth were compacted and fractured. They did surgery on my jaw and left the teeth in. When I asked about the teeth they said that because I had a couple of cavities at the time, my teeth were a "pre-existing condition" and they wouldn't touch it. He then said I could go back to work then and when I asked him about recovery time he wrote me a slip for two month's unemployment insurance eligibility. I couldn't even walk straight. I couldn't work. I couldn't think, I got angry, and everybody was so happy that I was the one who too the hit. My coworker and bragged to her friends in the bar how she got some guy to take a hit for her, that was my thanks. I wasn't on shift so no workers comp. Victim assistance had been discontinued I was told. And the building? Because they didn't ask me to be there, they didn't want any part of it. Suddenly, my eo-workers wanted nothing to do with me all the while I still couldn't figure out basic paperwork. I eventually met up with one of our in-house drug dealers who I had foiled on occasion. Still walking in a perpetual daze, I encountered him in the hallway where he started cursing me out. We agreed to a fight and me, dazed, confused, constant headache, perpetual noise and irrational me threw the first punch. I was unconscious for close to two days in my room. When I woke I received the news that I was fired and evicted. As I said, my big mistake was not asking you for help. Instead, my first thought went to family, and to Calgary I went. That was a huge mistake, but I'll tell that story some other time. Instead I've returned, to where it all happened. I want to know what happened, because I'm not working right, and I need help. If you know of a legal or medical advocate or organisation, please call Paul at the Carnegie Newsletter - 604-665-2289. Please help. BRUCE AITKEN
Carnegie Membership Drive It is time to renew your membership with the Carnegie Community Centre Association. If the card in your wallet is not pale orange then your membership has expired. A one-year membership is still only $1.00 and provides great value for your investment. Carnegie members enjoy access to a wide variety of activities at no cost. Membership also allows you to vote for the people who serve on Camegie's Board of Directors. Come and join the During our current Membership Drive, some of our Board members are hosting door prize draws that are open to members only. Draws were held at a recent bluegrass concert & at a dance in the Camegie Theatre. Saturdays 6:30 - 9:30 PM More prize draws will be held during February. Hundreds of people come to Carnegie Centre every day Sundays 2:30 - 5:30 PM but only a small percentage of them are members. Only January 28 to April 30, 2017 members are able to use the free phone, go on outtrips, borrow sports equipment or musical instruments, access Classroom 2 (3rd Floor) computer room or play pool, among other privileges. Iencourage you to visit the front reception desk at the Centre's main entrance and purchase your 2017 membership card soon. Respectfully submitted, / Lisa David / _ ~ Uo:1) ~
I!r:nO Support I!roup FoFf
6:30 - 8:30 PM EVERY SUNDAY Beginning February
Casey Bowman 35mm film. Colour or B&W photographer@maiI2artist.com 788¡888¡0312
ONE-TO-ONE COUNSELLING WILL ALSO BE AVAILABLE DTES Neighbourhood House 573 East Hastings Street 604-215-2030
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THIS NEWSLETTER IS A PUBLICATION OF THE CARNEGIE COMMUNITY CENTRE ASSOCIATION Articles represent the views of individual contributors and not of the Association.
We acknowledge that Carnegie Community Centre, and this Newsletter, are occurring on Coast Salish Territory.
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• • • • •
Small illustrations to accompany articles and poetry. Cover art - Max size: 17cm(6 'y.')wide x 15cm(6')high. Subject matter pertaining to issues relevant to the Downtown Eastside, but all work considered. Black & White printing only. Size restrictions apply (Le. if your piece is too large, it will be reduced andlor cropped to fit). All artists will receive credit for their work. Originals will be returned to the artist after being copied for publication. Remuneration: Carnegie Volunteer Tickets Please make submissions to Paul Taylor, Editor. The editor can edit for clarity, format & brevity, but not at the expense of the writer's message.
tsLAP (Law Students Legal Advice Program)
,··Next issue: SUBMISSION
(Publication is possible only with now-necessary donations.)
Call 604-665-2220 for time COMPUTER ADVICE Vancouver Community Network Cost-effective computer & IT support for non-profits VCN Tech Team http://techteam.vcn.bc.ca Call 778-724-0826 ext2. 705-333 Terminal Ave, Van
DONATIONS 2017 In memory of Bud Os otn: Kelly F.-$50 In memory of Debbie Blair: Teresa V.-$50 In memory of Gram - $5 Anonymous Lloyd & Sandra 0.-$200 Elsie McG.-$100 Winnie T.-$200+ Yasushi K.-$500+ Chri~topher R.-$150 Glenn B.-$250 Craig H.-$500 ( Leslle S100 Michele C.-$100 New Star Books-$28 Yukiko T.-$50 Lalla B.-$100 Elaine V.-$100 Vancouver Moving Theatre-$500 Abraham K.$20/ . Hum 101-$200 Robert McG.-$75 Anonymous -$65
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"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Meade
WANTED Artwork for the Carnegie Newsletter • • •
Vancouver's non-commercial, . listener supported community station.