February 1, 2021 Carnegie Newsletter

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FEBRUARY 14, 2021

@10:30 AM GATHER AT HASTINGS For f'arn

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The February 14th Wc:men's Me:mcrial March is an cppcrtunity to' cc:me tcgether to' grieve the Loss of cur belcved sisters in the DC'WTItuwn Eastside and to' dedicate curselves to' justice. This event is crganized and led by vvcrrrrem because vvcxrrtem, especially Indigencus vvcrrrrem,face physical, :mental, e:mcticnal, and spiritual viclence cn a daily basis. All vvelcc:me,vve.a r a :mask, sccial distance. COVID-19 prctcccls to' be fcllcvved. Websit:e: h1:1:p://zvo1ffens1ffe1fforiai7narch.zvordpress.co1ff/



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UPDATES Did you know ... Carnegie Centre is currently open 7, days per week, 9 am - 9 pm (with two closures daily for cleaning). Stop by the Centre for more information about Vancouver Public Library services, Learning Centre programs, drop-in and to-go recreation and cultural programming, great meals, and more. As Oppenheimer Park nears re-opening to the public there have been discussions with a number of organisations and groups in the community on its future use. Look for Oppenheimer Park staff and coffee whiz Al in the neighbourhood for a hot cup of coffee in the morning! The Downtown Eastside small Arts Grants are again proceeding. Much more information can be had by contacting Beverly Walker t Carnegie or Roberta Robinson at DEAG. Volunteers are returning to the Kitchen, with new training regimens in place to ensure that COVID-19 protocols are understood and followed. As public health guidelines allow, more volunteer positions will be available, though for the near future only kitchen positions are open. Email updates are sent out a few times a month by Huyanne Lee, so people interested in returning to volunteer should contact her. Looking for online content? Check out the YouTube channel "V6Activities" for "Elder Chat" with Camegie Elder in Residence Les Nelson, in which Les shares many stories, cultural teachings, and more in these videos. You can find the "V6Activities" channel by searching "V6Activites" on YouTube or at this link: https://bit.1y/2NMLu1h The CCC Association is getting back to work with separate committee Board meetings happening. There will be strategic and development planning processes over the coming months. Membership in the Carnegie Community Centre Association costs $1. 2021 memberships are now available for purchase at the main floor Information Desk. It should be a good year coming up! PRT

From the Library February is Black History Month in Canada. By the time you read this we will have a Black History Month display up in the branch and here are ~ few items we'll have available for you to borrow. Bluesprint: Black British Columbian Literature and Orature is a collection of poetry, journal entries, and oral recollections of Black British Columbians. The collection contains works by Nora Hendrix; Rascalz, David Nandi Odhiambo and many others. If you are interested in learning more about the literary legacy of Black British Columbians, this book is highly recommended. A Pure Solar World: Sun Ra and the Birth of Afrofuturism by Paul Youngquist is an introduction to the life and work of jazz musician, composer, poet, and graphic designer, Sun Ra. This book connects his art to the broader culture and political climate of his time - the space race, civil rights movement, and the rise of technocracy. Recommended for anyone interested in jazz, black history, and Afrofuturism. Finally, for those who are interested in learning more about the #BlackLivesMatter movement, The Making of Black Lives Matter: A Brief History of an Idea, by Christopher J. Lebron, is the perfect primer. It is a concise and accessible intellectual history that traces the movement from Frederick Douglass and Audre Lorde to current topics such as abuse, oppression, and anti -black law enforcement. Come to the branch to check out these and many other books that celebrate Black History. Happy Reading, Daniel Shadows of pain left behind emptyness and lonenesss that's all mine Never knowing who ya are hopes and dreams left too far I sipped the false happyness left me feeling empty and depressed The Journey is now over I have won I found myself I found out I'm your son Warren Arrance






I Arts, Culture and Community Services

Location Phone Number I 604-665-2220



Everyday: 9 am-7:45 pm

Weekdays: 9 am -11pm Weekends: 10 am -10 pm

9 am-n am ($2.00)

10 am -12 noon ($2.00)

Lunch I 12noon -4 pm ($2.75)

12noon - 2:30 pm ($2.00)

11am-3 pm ($2.00)

Dinner I 5 pm-8 pm ($3.50)

5 pm-7 pm ($2.00)

3 pm-5:50 pm ($2.00)

Free Laundry I not available

Daily drop off: 9 am-10 am, 12noon -1 pm &3pm-4pm

Mon - Fri drop off: 9 am-to am (first come, first served) 12:15pm-1 pm

Free Showers I not available

Daily sign up: 9 am-5:30 pm

Daily between: 10:15am-6:30 (by appointment)

Drop in Space I 9 am-11am, 12noon - 4 pm & 5 pm-9 pm

9 am-2:30 pm & 3:30 pm-7:45 pm

9:00 am-1O:45 pm

Public Washrooms, Pay Phones, Community Notice Board, Mail other Services Services, Carnegie Branch VPL Available services, Learning Centre support, Programming (limited)

Temporary Shelter Hours: 8:30pm - 7:30am Call for availability: lOam to 8pm, 604-665-2391 and 8pm to 7:30am, 604-257-3846

Everyday: Hours of ope.ra-\9 am-11 am, 12noon-4 pm, tion 5 pm- 9 pm Breakfast I 9 am-ll am ($2.25)

~ 2020 City of Vancouver

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Extreme Weather Response Shelter (weather dependant) 11:00pm - 8:00am "Final intake at 1:00am. Pl1one: 604-665-3075

Updated December 2020

SHELTERS AND WARMING CENTRES Call 2-1-' for shelter availsbility


Temporary Shelter

Extreme Weather Response shelter




Warming centre

I Arts, Culture and

Community Services

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Temporary Shelter Community Builders Group

1401Hornby St

24/7, 7 days/week

Not accessible. Pets/Sllopping Carts ok.

Temporary Shelter Community Builders Group

1648 East 1st Ave

24/7, 7 days/week

Partially accessible. Pets/Carts Ok

Temporary Shelter Community Builders Groep

1060 Howe St

24/7, 7 days/week

Partially accessible. Pets/carts ok.

Temporary Shelter Salvation Army - Anchor of Hope

134 East Cordova St

8pm - 8am, 7 days/week

Wheelchair accessible. No pets, carts

Temporary Shelter Salvation Army - Sutherland

138 East Cord ova St

24/7, 7 day/week

Not accessible, no pets, no carts storage

Temporary Shelter Atira Women's Sister Space

131Dunlevy Ave

6pm - 9am, 7 days/week

Walkers, Canes, Pets ok. No cart storage

Temporary Shelter Directions Youth Services

1138Burrard St

9pm - 9am, 7 days/week

Not accessible. Pets ok No cart storage.

Temporary Shelter City of Vancouver Gathering Place

609 Helmecken

8:30pm - 7:30am, 7 days/week

Not fully accessible. No pets no carts.

Temporary Shelter Atira Women's Sisterhood

342 Alexander St

24/7, 7 days/week

Not fully accessible. Pets ok. No cart storage

Temporary Shelter WISH

340 Alexander St

24/7, 7 days/week


Temporary Shelter Lookout Housing and Health Society

261B East Hastings St

llprn-Zam, 7 days/week

Mat program, Pets, Carts & Storage ok


Extreme Weather Response shelter

Directions Youth Services

Extreme Weather Response shelter




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1138Burrard St

Open under EWR Alert only: 10pm-7am

Pets ok. Up to 4.

City of Vancouver Evelyne Sailer Centre

320 Alexander St

Open under EWR Alert only: llprn -7:30am

Meals. No pets, no carts

Extreme Weather Response shelter

Lookout Housing and Health Society

1110th Ave W (at Ontario)

Open under EWR Alert only: 9pm - 7:30am

Small carts. Pets ok

Extreme Weather Response shelter

Lookout Housing and Health Society

Langara Y, 282 West 49th (entrance through gym)

Open under EWR Alert only: Bprn-Zsrn

Meal upon arrival and in morning. No pets





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Warming centre

Lookout Housing and Health Society

528 Powell St

Open under EWR Alert only: 9pm-7am

No mats. Snacks provided. Carts, pets ok Couples ok.

Warming centre

City of Vancouver at Vancouver Aquatic Centre

1050 Beach Ave

10pm -7am

Not mats. Carts ok, pets ok Couples ok.

Warming centre

City of Vancouver at Creekside Community Centre

1Athletes Way

loom -7am

Not accessible, no pets, no carts. Couples ok.

Warming centre

City of Vancouver at Vancouver Odd Fellows Hall

1443 West 8th Ave

lOam -7pm

Not mats. Carts ok, pets ok Couples ok. {.;202i Ci~y c: V2.ncouvr::r


UPDATE ABOUT COVID-19 Carnegie Centre, Evelyne Sailer Centre, and The Gathering Place are expanding services and programs at the community centres. While we are looking forward to welcoming you back into the centres, it is important to know that the community centres will look and feel very different than they did prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.

It is still very important that you:

• Cough and sneeze into a tissue or your elbow

Here are some important things to know:

• Stay at least 2 metres apart from other people

• Everyone is expected to wear a mask when visiting a City of Vancouver facility. Masks will be offered to any patrons that needs one.

• Do not meet in large groups

• Wash your hands for 20 seconds on a regular basis • stay home or connect with a health care provider if you are sick.

We are looking forward to seeing you again and welcoming you back into the centres.

• Food service will move back to Centre cafeterias. • Food will be available to go, with dine-in options added.

Speak with a staff person on site or visit vanc:ouver.c:a/c:ovid19 for more information.

A la carte menus and pricing will resume at Carnegie Centre and The Gathering Place. Building capacities will be monitored and enforced by staff. Some spaces in the Centres will remain closed to the public. • Limited programming will be available. Check with each Centre for more ininformation.

Carnegie Centre, Evelyne Sailer Centre and The Gathering Place continue to be here for you. See reverse for the services we are currently providing.


The agony of failed love. The coldness of the machine. The voice of humanity. City OpelJl Vancouver's first online opera was released on Monday 11 January 2021, beginning at noon. It is free to all. Starring Canadian tenor Isaiah Bell, with pianist Roger Parton, it will initially appear as a series of seven webisodes, each going up at noon for a week. On 18 January 2021, it will appear entire, and stay online for one year. The complete chamber opera runs 49:00, and was filmed at The Historic Cultch Theatre. The Human Voice is the first in a series of chamber operas to appear at City Opera Online. Its first episode is available here: bit.Iy/cityoperaonline

Ode to CRAB Park Out of the wasteland at the marsh' s mouth beckons a tiny gem of the portside. Encamped in the mud, the stewards-uncouth and unwelcomed-harboured dreams that belied their impoverishment of hope. From the mud would rise again a grove of red cedars. Forsaken by society, but not God, they offer thanks for His gift of arbors. In this oasis oftranquility, a state of grace provides some troubled ones a healing salve for their fragility and a calming pier for their asylum. Seek out truth, love, and hope at the altar of the "Grove of Beautiful Trees" Creator. Barbara Morrison



Creator, I wish to travel the world to share my love of expressing Though I sometimes


the arts.

fear I am not worthy of my dreams, you created me, so I must be.

I release my fear and trust your universal wisdom and love. I accept the sacred value of my being alive. This is the core, the spiritual centre of my life. It ripples out through loving, mutually supportive connections with my son Uligen, my boyfriend Mike, my sisters Charlene and Paula and their children, my parents, my brother Lumberjack and his kids, my aunts and uncles and cousins, the Downtown Eastside community. This sacred value continues to flow out farther and farther and farther until 1 am finally connected with the Whole Expanding Magically Mysterious Universe of Being, Becoming, and Belonging! Thank you, Creator, for my grandparents, who gave me freedom to play, to imagine, and to explore. I ask you to bring all the best that life has to offer to our future generations, for I know that this gift of earth experience is meant to be enjoyed by everyone who wishes to do so! Priscillia Tait

Connection to Kith and Kin Online Knowing where we come from connects us to land and culture, and empowers us to make changes. At Connection to Kith and Kin Online, experts help Indigenous participants search online records for family documents. Searching can be an emotional experience. The Indian Residential School Survivors Society has provided a Resolution Health Support Worker to join the participants during their journey. This program exists to support people with Indigenous ancestry specifically. Due to Covid-19, this program is now held entirely online. You will need a steady internet connection, ideally a laptop or desktop computer (although a tablet can also work), and a VPL library card. You will need some familiarity with the computer/tablet you're using. We have an expert to help you with I questions, and want to ensure that everyone can access Zoom and genealogy websites. During the program, you will be able to use Zoom and search the Internet at the same time. For Zoom, your device will need to have a camera and microphone. To register, please fill out the online registration form and we will email you to confirm your spot in the program. Here is the website: https://www.vpl.calprogramlkith-kin Winter 2021 dates are Jan 19 - March 9, from 2:30-4:30 pm. We intend to run seasonal workshops in 2021: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. Some people may want to , come to more than one season for continued research. This is optional. Connection to Kith and Kin Online is planned and delivered in partnership with the Indian Residential School Survivors Society; Britannia Community Services Centre's Weaving Our Community Together program and , Seniors-Elders-Advocates Committee; and Library and Archives Canada. This program was inspired by request from ALNE, Our Place, and the Northwest Indigenous Council and is part ofVPL's commitment to reconciliation. I


CRU NCH ""'d:te.s

Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans." - Jacques- Yves Cousteau

We have to change the way we live!

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