Ja}' Hamt)urger, beloved icon of Theatre and community building, passed on in March this }/ear A ce]ebratio
At the Celebration for Jay Hamburger, I spoke at the open mic and was o`iercome with emotion r hadn't thc there in the moment and everyone spoke so glowingly about Jay, I f`elt I \+iould regret it if I didn't say a few v I styrofoam. I made m}'self a little hat: and a pair of sandals, and a small purse that swung on my wrist. Somehi ways reminded me about that dress, and how wonderful he thought it was, He encouraged me to continue wit: was already in the Downtown Eastside. He worked with Savage Ciod on `J I,ove the DTES. and with Vancou\ the amazing .Bruce The Musical` and `Thc Raymur Mothers.. v`/ith Bob Sarti, Earle Peach and Bill Sample. L Place downtown. I think the first production of Jay 's that I saw, years ago, was Chekov 's Uncle Vanya and I