Cal-"'neg1e · ·• ..t_;A UN C H -'t http://harvesto~s.; JUNE 15, 2011
401 Main Street Vancouwr Canada
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V6A m (604) 665-2289
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EQUALITY Will work for food, Homeless - please help. Spare change?: signs of the times Could you put yourself in their place? Would you exchange places with them even if only to find out what it's like? Could you live like one of them on inexcusably, unconscionably low income assistance rates for a month? And would you do this if you were in a position to do something about it? And finally, would you do something about it if you were able? And if not, why not? (Do you think having an adequate income i s a Divine Right?) Without equality there can be no democracy. Rolf A uer
We're staging a story of Vancouver's Great Fire of 1886!
FIRE, WIND AND ICE! Two Performances
'""Saturday June 18, 2011 4pm Oppenheimer Park 6:30pm Carnegie Theatre On June 13 111 - 12 5 years ago Sparks from a clear cut fire in False Creek leapt into an infe rno that destroyed the new city of Vancouver - see what happens FRU.
! Everyo ne Welcome! A
Carnegie Community Centre Association Board Members June 2011· May 2012 Preside nt Gena Thompson Vice President Ben Rampre Treasurer Pat McSherry S e cre tary Adrienne Macallum Member At Large Priscillia Tail And Board Mem bers: Ava Eder, Do lo re s G ray, Frase r Stua rt, James Pau , Lisa David , Ludvik S kalicky, Phoenix Wi nte r, Robert Bonner, Scott
tuktoyuktuk 1984 In the midnite sun it must be done with new muk luks and such and such for Bangladesh or Marakesh with debonair he did not care Singapore or Bangalore. Rangoon W?uld h.e dare rangoon before noon a tot a peg of gin qulle a sm Another plan a trine wan he had been every where man with no avail he did set sail for bluff new zealand A one road town it let him down tarred and feathered Also leatherd with a frown a ponLi scheme in need of a queen her majesty's pleasure free again
•G•e•n.te•s- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 1 With his qua de gere was he ever there man? .. Now full of care for any where A good dinner HUM 101 SATUR DAYS J UNE 2011 DOCUM ENTA RI.ES ~ CA R NEGIE HALL · 6:00PM BC B us p ass Program June 25: Ring of Power parts 1 and II the history of power a nd mankind. Who has it and how and wh en they got it and how it is being used. July 2: Ring of Power Pa rts III a nd IV Yes, that is right, we will be having poetry night on the second Saturday in July and Documentary night on th e FIRST Saturd ay in July. (D iane is doing the Jazz Festival on the first Saturday and asked for a switch.) So we get to enjoy this rather long and fact filled documentary in four parts 2 hours each over two evenings. One in June the other in J-uly.
A universal bus pass is available for low-11•.., seniors and persons with disabilities, providing unlimited access on any scheduled BC Transit bus. To qualify for the BC Bus Pass Program, you must be receiving any of the foll owing: *Federal Old Age Security (OAS) and Guaranteed Income Supplement (GIS) *Spouses Allowance to Old Age Security *Over 65 years- would quality for OAS & GIS except having less than 10 years residency in Canada *Income Assistance (60-64 years) *Income Assistance fo r persons with a disability For more information call: 1.866.866.0800 (Choose option 4, then option 3)
M y Friend Edith 1am g rieving right now. I got a terrible shock when --~------------------DTES N · hb h dH my friend Edith Stewart d idn't come down for coffee eJg OUr 00 OUSe this morning. Upon asking she'd told nurses that she 573 East Hastings@ Princess wasn't feeling good. our I phoned Vancouver General, St.Paul's and Mt.Sain1 Joseph hospitals but she wasn' t there. Next I found Bo ard of Direct o rs, Vo lunteers, & Memb ers out that she' d had a stroke in her room, fell off her invite yo u to an wheelchair and was lying on the noor when someone Open House on Friday June 24th knocked to check. This was Thursday. Edith was my best friend, and she was always a 3pm- 7pm lady! I will miss her very much ; she passed away on to welcome our new Executive Director June 9. Please stop by & bring your neighbours Marlene Wuttanee
Each Day, One More What can they do to you? Whatever they want. They can set you up. they can bust you, they can break your fingers, they can burn your brain with electricity, blur you with drugs till you can't walk. can't remember, they can take your child. wall up your lover. fhey can do anything you can't stop them from doing. How can you stop them ? Alone, you can fight. you can refuse. you can take what revenge you can but they roll over you. But two people fighting back to back can cut through a mob, a snake-dancing file can break a cordon, an army can meet an arn1y. Two people can keep each other sane, can give support, conviction, love, massage. hope, sex. Three people are a delegation, a committee, a wedge. With four you can play bridge and start an organization. With six you can rent a whole house, eat pie for dinner with no seconds, and hold a fund raising party. A dozen make a demonstration. A hundred fill a hall. A thousand have solidarity and your own newsletter: ten thousand, power and your own paper; a hundred thousand, your own media; ten million, your own country. It goes on one at a time, it starts when you care to act, it starts when you do it again after they said no, it starts when you say We and know who you mean, and each day you mean one more. > From The Moon Is Always Female, by Marge Piercy Copyright 1980 by Marge Piercy
Mingling With The Mayor Assorted renters sat round round tables Like unicorns in myriad fantasy fables Allsorts: upscale slumlords/homeless, SRO bound people; upscale the dress! Gregoire perched at ours: silently watched Calibrated, like yuppie android about 2 pounce We nibbled on chips cheese and costly fruit All meant to brainstorm us beyond state o'newt! Each table gabbed: 1 subject for renters aka ' hope' A destitute red beard poet chuckled Loudly NOPE! A variety of jaded viewpoints adorned each round Reflecting fat fat landlords chronic greed unsound! They gouge all renters, illegally turn many away, A most depressing rental picture here today! In the end Gregroire served up yet another speech His condo world for most of us well out of reach. We went home: some to hovels others to comfort One thing is sure -landlords like chips n'rochefort! John Alan Douglas May 201 reaction to attendance at the "Renter's Rouw' rabl(
Every once in a white I see or hear or read of foolish or no-common-sense people who lack foresight. And a high IQ can be crazy in the head or just dumber than dumb! The nutcase idiot who designed the iron handrail for the curved stairs, going from the main floor to the 3'd floor. will one day be responsible for maiming or killing someone. If somebody has an accidental fall up or down on the stairs (maybe just through not hanging on) and lands head-first or face-first on the sharp-edged, upright square supports for this handrail they will pay the price. And don't say I didn't warn you! Leo Roney
TH拢 Yt:.STt:RWHt:Rt:S To be callous and indi fferent is in our blood, it is our heritage and our way: just because there are 路路bad guys" does not necessaril y mean the rest wcren 't led even fur1her astray, like call ing Satan a litterbug for disposing souls that tumble o ut of pockets lined with g reed; now being humble is rare as humility yet humiliation seems always priceless as you play out your human heart in large part because of wanton need, like an All-You-Can-Eat stcakhouse in India or US of A 路s International House of Opium youl l never escape the prison you have built around yourselves, thus ends Act One of a sub-Shakespearian plot now a vacant auto graveyard lot you real I) do bring all this down upon yourselves, some people say they've got it while others whine cuz they've bought it is there a combination of Happy and Misery both are quite ruthless as much as fair, with my ultra-bleak vision to defend my decisions I'll spearhead all lost causes li ke the search for intelligent life yet afier Endeavor (Rigby) no more new planets black holes entire universes and you say NO MOR E whatever happened to Yesterwheres? Just like cancer people will always want answers cant we progress w ithout cuning o ff the past? (Granted it can be done so fast!) I shall remain one of the Yesterwheres secure in the knowledge I'm not the only one using pen & paper - inkblots/fingerprints&news rerouted straight to that brain tumour earplug that must have cost a mint how long before your gadgets become next year's trash?? Like Act Two of a Shakespeare plot an idea is just a bunch of words who know somebody and got caught now is thi s Somebody alive or dead .. yeah this is kind of important you may have j ust won a 25-year vacation with no dreams one toilet and a kingsize cot for your forever bed, with a groundswell of life s upport ask for death/mercy from the highest court for future consideration this world will get in on the live organs from those who have been condemned with all the modesty of an eight-month pregnant hooker being raped live before a studio audience for the next episode of COPS: Vatican City as Angels fro m Black Market Organs While You Wait begin to descend, there was a time when I took my coffee intravenously and my cigarettes black that was when good health & the Good Humour man hatched a rather sad plan but plans were what we lacked, like taking horne the cure for cancer and being robbed at fis tpoint if they only knew to what lengths god-given yet unsightly coun-
tries would go to obtain I somet imes wonder just who would pay the most... at last count there were 234 of 'em on this planet but the sufferers & families of are the true losers who knows how many walking among us are soon-to-be cancerous ghosts, no" I realise it's 20 I I so many suicide couples blowing up together war has been so very good for you with kindness like this to go on ~ec ms worthless what is inadmissible in life seems to be the ability to self-choose, now if we could decide how long we live and how we die would we be elbow to clbO\\ or deown on our knees begging for company? Wishes are like matches they light your desti ny and clear your way or get you committed like a cement asylum now that should free up all those first class accommodations for I am a Ycstcrwherc who wasn't born yesterday. By ROBERT McGILLIYR1\ Y
A Human Being? He said I was an angel when I was thirteen, Or maybe '"when i was thirteen i was an angel" or "became an angel." Not sure now I pondered that. Many and varied mysteries surro unded our relationship Naughty words no more, Unkept promises, Much flattery and exchange of g ift A different culture but si milar Turengi or some other outer s pace critter Ethics and morals computed on different scales. Unlike, two different worlds, separate realities Alternate systems of faith, hope and/or charity. Friends? Ho! Ho! Fair weather maybe, Irritating certain ly Howcome yer an attraction like treacle or honey?! Sweet stuff Puffin' stuff Tart as a sucked lemon Bitter watches of disappointment Possibilities limitless But i am mortal only. Wi lhelmina
National Aboriginal Day
FeStiVities q, Celebration The Carnegie Centre, Oppenheimer Park staff, community organizations and volunteers invite the community to a free two day event at Oppenheimer Park. Saturday J une 18th II :00 am -3:00pm: Children's entertainment, face painting, balloon maker, kids' arts & crafts. storytelling, and feast of macaron i and cheese with buffalo hamburger. Drumming & Singing with Sitting Still Thunder Drum Group.
T uesday June 21 st 11 - 4 pm: Contemporary performances, Teepee stories. Medicines, community tables, traditional food and giveaway. Cultural and Contemporary performances with: Harmony of Nations; Bluegrass with Ricky Lavallee; Snowy Owl Drummers; Rapper Sonny B; Sitting Still Thunder Drum Group; Rocker: Larrv Hansen: 11obbema School of Rock: AII female singing group: M'Girl. We end the day with a Lelling Go Ceremony for those who have experienced loss.
Info: Sandy at the Park (604) 253-8830
Oppenheimer Park 400 Powell Street.
vArCTues Ni~nt ~ow WowCommittee Invite路You1 National Aboriginal
National Aboriginal Day in Vancouver's Downtown Easts ide gives people of all walks of life the opportunity to come together to celebrate and share knowledge of our Indigenous values, customs. languages and culture. Many DTES residents, fo r various reasons cannot leave their world, so we bring the world to them!
.JUNE 21
Kat Norris, organizer.
i!_kaii\,Ce ex n!.bi.t !.oi'I.S 111\.terbi ba ls Arts 8~~.f'~ ! Fooct Co~~~,Cesst.oi'I.S 5 015 0 p yaws
~ ~路. '~vir~o~ welco~! :r.oo pt~t-io:oo pt~t v,ncoui\er Aborlslnal Friendship Center.~ ~~ 路 . (.~ 1101 East Hastinss .
KINDNESs Balloon Twisting
I I Story Tellers I
Face Painting
I Macaroni & Buffalo Hamburger I
JUNE. i-gth, 2011 11am- 3pm Oppenheimer Park All ages are invited to wear vour regalia llam- Welcoming 11:30am Traditional Grandmothers and Grandfathers I 2:30pm Hob bema School of Rock 1:30pm Roller Derby Girls 2pm Sitting Still Tim~___, BRITISH
1•1 •·
Canad1an Heritaoe
Patrimoine canadien
News Frotn the LibrarY presenti ng them in private moments, with respect and cw hooks dignity--in their room!> and on the streets--as they In her latest travelogue, Che Guemra and th e Moun- "ish to be seen. Poems and diaT) entries from Gabor tain ofSihâ&#x20AC;˘er: By bicycle and train through South further add to his photographic journey. A merica (9 18), author Anne Mustoe follows in the In The Jlidden Reality: Parallel Unilâ&#x20AC;˘erses and the same bike-tracks young Che took some 55 years beDeep Laws of the Cosmos (530.12) author Brian fore. Anne's captivating story is steeped in the hisGreen. one of America's foremost physicists and scitory. politics and breathtaking landscape of South ence writer.., explores the mammoth question--Is ours America. An enchanting read for those seeking histhe only universe? The book investigates the potentory, humour, and adventure! tial for "multiverses," or parallel worlds, explaining Creative Recovery: A Complete A ddiction Treatment how we can use math and science to learn about these Program That Uses Yo ur Natural Creativi~l' (362.29) mult iverses. offers a complete add iction recovery program spccificall) designed for writers, artists. musicians. and crea- Carnegie Library Card Survey tors in every field. Full of explanations and exercises, Tell us about hO\\ you use your library card by filling in a quick survey. We're going to use this infonnation this book presents ways to use your own innate creato help improve our service at Carnegie. We'll also tive abilities in service of your recovery and at each pass on what you tell us to library staff who arc lookstage of the recovery process. Authors Eric Maisel ing at introducing a Carnegie-type card for the whole and Susan Raeburn present a practical and useful city. gu ide to help you live a fu lly creative and addictionStop by the library anyti me Monday-Sunday of this free li fe. week, June 13-19, and picl. up a survey at the desl.. A Room in the City (362.5) represents the culminaWe wi ll also have a table in the cafeteria this Friday, tion of Gabor Gasztonyi's fi ve-year project of photoJune 17 from 12- 1. Thanl.s in advance for your help! graphing the residents of the Cobalt, Balmoral, Regent, and Sunrise Hotels in Vancouver's Dowmown Elizabeth (your student librarian at Carnegie over the Eastside. Gabor worked closely with DTES residents. next few months--come say hi!)
Cedar and Bamboo
Monday June 27 7:00 p.m. Carnt'ftic Theatre Carnegie Brunch 401 Main Street Admi-.sion IS fret'. Seating is limited. The ftlm Cedar and Bamboo explores the Intercultural relatJons of the Chinese Canadian and First Nations communities through the stones of four 1nd1Viduals of mixed Chinese and Aborig10al ancestry Join d1rectors Dtana Leung and Kamala Todd for a questiOn and answer period following the screening of the !1Im
street sermon
(after hearing one too many preachers haranguing about hell-fire on granville street) we arc in luck fellow low-life listen brothers and sisters a tremendous low-life jesus one guy at least came just for us for no limousine rider<; he didn't come down here to this blood-stew no came down hen.: no bible thumpers no hotshot angle-shooters I mean junkies I believe it's the truth for me and you crazies thieves welfare bums WJnos hoolo.ers cripples least of all lowest of the low and homeless freaks your teachers hate you'> po-lice hate you? do your parents hate you? your friends hate you" you hate you? you're really in luck everybody hated jesus too nowhere to go? you got nowhere to live? jesus said to a cat 'even the foxes of the field nowhere to hang your hat'> and the birds of the air got somewhere to lay their weary ass down oh no' but not me do people scorn you? put you down? tell stories about what a problem I was of no usc to society the president you arc? a judge told me of a university told me I was trash and obscene my own mother the world's biggest assholc but all that god bless her told me 1 was who got nailed up just makes me eligible to hook up with jesus bleeding sweating balls-naked to a wooden cross to take orr my back all that bad bullshit not to hate your own selr jesus tells you which is easy to do running around like a fool out here but just ask jesus ' love yourself he says he' ll help you with that 'so yo u can love somebody as unloved and unlovable as you been' jesus didn't come all this way go through all that trouble 1 mean to send you and me to hell no maybe these other soft successful but not yo u and me bona fide losers types 1 don't know this world is all the hell we're going to see you and 1 jesus came to cool us out from this hell right here right now with love not handcuffs editorials or plastic gloves for real overdose? drink lysol or some shit" stick rigs do you slash-up? in your arms" or pull a knife on somebody else" well jesus is just for you he was the world's all-time biggest loser
the straight people he said lowlife scum
the priests and judges hated him because would get to heaven before they did
and at the end when jesus needed his friends the) all took off on him except for a hooker named magdalen but all his close friends split except for his friend judas who said 'no way l don't know him' to crimestoppers his fri ends made him take the rap turned jesus in and jesus kept his mouth shut all alone you know how that feels when pontius pilate the chief of police~ wanted jesus to cop-out ~1th a plea
so if you feel mi sunderstood nobody know how you feel or what you that's jesus too he know about you he been talking about puffed-up self-righteous through it and don't you allow these goody-goody jesus shit no chumps sell you no jesus got pissed off plenty times when jesus was kept saying jesus told them your enemy money-grubbing give it up
wandering around no bus fare all his buddies 'what should we do? what should we do? we're scared' 'lay down your life for your friends and if rip-off your coat give him your shoes too give up this power-tripping fantasy-acting ego bullshit and you won't be scared no more'
but jesus got nailed-up between two thieves just another criminal and everybody thought so Iittle of jesus was down on him so bad they let a mad terrorist bomber go free instead of him but jesus told that thief hanging on the cross next door like he right now today telling you and me this very hour man 'T take yo u with me to paradise' jesus told a death-row thief he was to paradise going to take him jesus didn't tell a stockbroker didn't te ll a rock promoter he told the brokers and promoters 'you can't get to paradise a young banker came up to jesus said the way you going' 'T dig your rap what I gotta do?' and jesus told him 'give it up 'give all your money to the poor the punks brother' said the drunks the bums give it up' and that banker did to jesus what most people do to you when you got your hand out he just walked away 路anything but my sports car'
m hi<; {l\\ n home-town they called jesus a craty motherfucker Tbeen called craty lot'> of time 1 in my home-town locked up 10 the outhouse to prove it and jesus they told him 'we know you boy don't go pullin n<l fuckin miracles around here' and tried to grab his ass L but he ran fast damn but you know
what that's like)_ _ _ _ _ _-:-:-t--+-:----:-~------..:) and if you think you got trouble just k.eeping your name straight jesus confused many fools with that 'arc you god or what?' they were always asking him he said 'who do you say that I am?' a smart-ass jesus was always being told 'you can't do that it's against the rules it's against the law' but jesus talking about the spirit body and sou l I the \vhole deal real real life not just social insurance nu~bers and fingerprints
in having a good time told those tight-ass bastards and jesus belie,ed his kingdom was like a wedding reception and !irst thing jesus did was turn water into wine so they wouldn't run out and the authorities called him a drunkard I but jesus just kept saying 'help each other love each other no matter what it 's the only thing you can count on' if nobody else so fellow lowlife just know jesus loves you does I knov.. he loves me especially when I don't love myself or anybody else it's hard to believe in love1 in this cruel city in thic; nightmare time that everybody else pretends is just fine but remember 1 no matter what kind of nasty shit you pull jesus loves you in fact you can't make .Jesus not love you
I but when you been an insult but not with jesus out of your helped you make it
kicked around since you were born love is like 'oh we love you so much we want to hurt you some more' when you suffering real bad just reach a hand heart and he' ll help yo u mal-e it jesus has already you j ust didn't !-now it
and the gospel tell you the gospel just the highlights of a lowlife jesus believed in the devil too the devil that runs around in him and her and me and you and all over everyplace else seems like jesus knew the devil personally but jesus didn't go on and on about some therapy-self-help-socialworker-shrink-headedvictim-disease-shit jesus knew we couldn't be thi" crazy this mtscrable this goddamned mean and vicious without a lot of help
from the de' il jesus l..nows vve're in this world
<;O jesu<;
weak jesus
l...ick-boxed the devil right out of peopk and easily possessed by all the crap knows all this stuff
so the devil came to sec jesus one on one when jesus was from not eating and hanging-out in the desert strung-out to jesus ¡ifyou're such a bigshot near kamloops and the devil said and feed yourself tum this stone into a loaf of bread ' forget you I'd rather be hungry than do and jesus said did you ever do that" refuse what you tell me to do' what's good for you? and have people say 'you don't know then the devil said to jesus ' look here I show you cars drugs power sex beer in the all the world rn give you all that just say you're mine' whole world and the devil kept working on him but jesus could not be bought the devil said 'okay¡ you so stupid jump off this cliff like you always talking about' and see if your big daddy save you jesus just laughed he knew better l haven't always known better though those deals the devil offered jesus sound pretty good to me but I have been mostly fucked-up in my life so I ain't the best expert on my own life 1 do need help nuts junkies freaks jesus is always so all you by your side like a kind of no bullshit truth-talking guide but not so close b:y he'll get on your nerves always with you
l mean a lot of times you think he's not there at all cause he ain't doing what you think he ought to be doing for you, l â&#x20AC;˘ but he's there knowing what you need better than you do " knowing you better than you do just like the devil do
but that's good and everything probably broke lil...eme better to do has made us
because everything I know how to do you know how to do has got us both right here no real hope listening to a lunatic maybe on dope has figured out anything because neither of us with the mountain-rnoving love jesus all to be Bud Osborn
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\. /
AUTHOR OF LONELINESS They say everything has changed But 11all stays the same for me People unite in quiet desperation Though for me; always the parting. like the sound of cymbals after separation Hand in hand, couples passionately stroll by With arms folded, I grasp for a sigh
In serene bedrooms, the sheets succumb to lover's endless embrace In my nowhere room, sheets cover a solitary case
Love is the ult1mate in supreme tenderness Lovers cherish a mate, like dogs gnaw at a bone Me; I'll fashion my craft. this created void known as being alone People swirling in bliss after find1ng the1r sole mate I'm like a cyclone, embarking on yet another meaningless date Teenage girls always pit wages for my affections But as a lion tamer cracking a whip, I held them at bay, fearing the inevitable morbid rejection Men of valour, boldly strike out to claim their loving bride While I; the Lone Wolf cower in the wilderness of broodish pride Women & sex cause men to wallow in false graciousness But the sight of a naked women only stings the heart of the AUTHOR OF LONELINESS Lover's lips meet with a soft gentle caress Every kiss I received turned into a filthy mess Wise men say love is the first and last great conquest While in my drunken wisdom, a cry of "Leave Me Alone", is my one & only request For the return of a gallant man, a woman will wait with baited breath Any women who longs for me, must bear the name 'Temptress Of Death' True love never shows a quarrel, never displays a fight Any She Wolf after me will soon know my bark is not as bad as my bite Lovers glowing like beckons of light from overnight sensational silliness I grovel in blackened alleyways, as I sift through darkness, which comes from being the AUTHOR OF LONELINESS While other men are left fulfilled, in lustful celestial gain I'm feeling a Maiden's exit wounds, while left high and dry again All Vixens turn tranquil after falling in Jove Any Vixen left with me, will soon sound a squealish cry to the Lord above The blessing of love always comes to those that wait But for me, love has been nothing more than a distorted state There's a Casanova deep down inside the soul of every man Inside of me is a Horrid Horde at war with a Lonely Clan
Children Of the Moon
A Legion of Lovers swimming in a sea of joyfulness I'm drowning in my cesspool, as the AUTHOR OF LONELINESS Virgins stay pure, with hearts set on high I stay in my secret place, longing to die From the rooftops, Minstrels rejoice over romance From a dank dungeon, I weep over being left in a trance Sultry women cause the heart of any rogue to become tame But love and pain; ain't they the one, ain't they the same A little girl's charm, grew into a woman's loving devotion My little boy jeering, grew into a woman's damning revulsion Poets spin tales of love in astute perfectness I'm no poetic master, just the AUTHOR OF LONELINESS Relationships tend to fertilize and grow without travail My experience is to cut & run; hit 'n' bail Those who live a life with hearts of sinful fornication While all the women I've known have a heart of provocation I've seen the sirens in gossamer beckoning to me, so bombastic But the ragamuffin's squealings about me were not so fantastic I foresee their girl-child oakum pining timorous stares are no good So I'll forsake the tillage and meander back to the wood Though others may have found the secret of life's woefulness I forevermore will be THE Ultimate AUTHOR OF LONELINESS Those in love seem to be tied to an elite class While I merely seem to be entangled in my private morass With the breath of all I've seen and heard Loneliness is thus confirmed within a word When you speak of Love & Romance with a comeliness of superiority I will weave a lonely tale with a squalor of AUTHORITY Though true love and companionship come down from above LONELINESS is my paragon and I am the AUTHOR thereof Though you think you've the last word on robust lusciousness I stand alone, reigning supreme; as your AUTHOR OF LONELINESS By Marc Lawrence
your perpetual smile like mona I isa, basking in warmth of your glow in the torment of darkness, they tread on you probed you, tried to possess you. left damnable scars on white/gold of your innocence, we walked through a graveyard needing the sti llness we wanted to die no one believed us looked to the moon saw a tear of compassion and you then reached us in our grief and our madness, fragmented, we soared to the heavens. placed ourselves in your presence. we arc your constant commited to mending your broken heart ani ta stevens Legislated Poverty Dance Fetid air seeps into my SRO sleeping room Only view is corruugated tin of rotten hovel My soul somehow surreal mystic clicks ON I'm captain of river barge on the Seine, France 1935 we haul silks & pearly soft satins trance This river breeze is as expansive as perfume Inside vessel is dank and Dumas novel dark Cats nest on the shel fs, they meow at us. Reciting baudelaire, marx brothers lines, Good-natured souls, the crew like them! Evenings I play accordion-sweet sounds To the happy ghosts on the river bank, They bark and laugh right sartre back, As we gently glibly flide along seine, Crew, cats, ghosts, all happy - no pain. Then I am jolted awake, back in SAD Rainforest kanada soul-cold west coast, Far far away from cats accordions romance In government-legislated material poverty DANCE! John alan douglas
MIND AND HEALTH ARE HORRENDOUS THINGS TO WASTE The common thread among all mammal species which thrive on Earth presently is that an adult female stands up for her cubs, when she perceives they are in danger. Tigress, lioness and mama bear are all perfect examples. Human mothers must act in the same manner, when their children are encouraged to do drugs as means of self-expression or recreation. Otherwise humankind is in danger of extinction. Social workers that endlessly preach freedom of choice in the matter of lifestyle and, de facto, encourage street drug use, will swiftly take away children from addicted mothers, effectively sending them into another spiral of drug use an' almost always prostitution. Social workers were trained by the state that prostitution, 'sex trade' in a politically-correct language, is a valid career option. I was there personally, when I overheard a social worker was trying to convince a future victim that "sex trade it is a multibillion-dollar industry.. a good career choice' and 'your job is your dignity". 1 also was present in the Aboriginal Friendship Centre at the anniversary of the Montreal massacre in December of 2010, when sex-workers expressed they found prostitution denigrating, therefore, lacked dignity. They acknowledged they hated sex-trade, and practiced it exclusively out of a powerful economical need. They literally started to cry, even from the mere thought that their daughters and grandaughters would have to make a living from such a dangerous, soul-destroying occupation. Almost all of the prostituted women need drugs and alcohol to get through the day. Result: addiction issues arise; next step: going back to prostitution for funds needed to purchase drugs to cure withdrawal symptoms. Next, she is trapped in the cycle of addiction and prostitution.
Dark forces that run this country encourage drug use, both prescription and street substances, for keeping the poor at bay.: "Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and rulled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of plebes would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of the sheep against the practice of eating mutton" (Bernard Russell, author 'Impact of Science on Society). I, personally, do not believe this government has sincerity about fighting drug-trafficking - all notorious drug-dealing spots in the downtown eastside are located in close proximity to the police station and the Provincial Court. In the medical office in Chinatown, 1picked up a copy of 'Drug Facts for Young People' endorsed by the RCMP. Young Canadians have a choice to do drugs or not. 'This choice will soon be for you to make'. Then the booklet proceeded to describe types of drugs available on the streets from traffickers, like uppers, downies and 'roofies' (street name for date rape drug, which is usually administered in bars into alcohol drinks) . In August of 2010, VANDU (Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users) members voted for their rights to do drugs either for recreational or medical purposes if they choose to do so. Nevertheless, in a democratic society, your right ends at the moment the right of another individual starts. For this reason state routinely interferes to remove children from parents afflicted with addictions - adverse effects of drugs on human fetuses and babies are well-known in the medical community. In July of 2005, the Environmental Working Group ele_ased a hallmark study of umbilical cord blood to assess chem1cal permeability of the placenta and, therefore, exposure of newborns in-utero. Out of 287 chemical found in the neonats' umbilical cord blood, 180 were carcinogens, 217 chemicals toxic to the brain and nervous system, 208 were associated with birth defects or abnormal development in animal tests. Virtually all drugs taken by the mother cross the placenta to the fetus. Recreational drugs or substances taken by the mother for nonmedical reasons may also be harmful to the fetus. Drugs or other substances that cause embry~nic and fetal abnormalities are known as teratogens. The nsk of teratogenesis is greatest in the first trimester when major organ systems are taking shape. Therefore, risk of th~ damage to the embryo is the greatest when the future mother IS not aware of the fact of her pregnancy. Later, state will remove the child from her care but the damage to mental faculties and the phys路 ical health for years to come has been done already. . Other prominent medical authors coincide with the En wonmental Working Group's findings that exposure to toxic substances may result in miscarriage, infection, toxemia, premature birth, breathing difficulty, death, sudden infant death syndrome small head size and ac-Jte drug withdrawal symptoms. (or. Guttmacher 'Pregnancy, Birth and Family Planning:
The example set by parents to descendants is difficult to overestimate. Psychologists conclude that the first five years of the children's life are crucial to their mental and physical development. Abbotsford police force's recent initiative dubbed "Operation Lodestar' is a campaign to encourage parents to set a positive example and to get involved. The project consists of posters of young children dressed as gangsters or convicts displayed in public spaces. The caption reads: 'When I grow up, I want to be just like Daddy. Kids learn what they live. Be the parent your child needs." (GMI Agency). 'Got a pothead mama Got a cokehead dad I'm the modern version of the (North-) American man .. When I was born My life was done I am nothing I am nothing I am nothing" (Troy's song from 'Reality Bites' film vividly depicts how the example of his addicted-to-drugs parents has shaped his entire life right from the start) . In 2009, Gallery Gachet showed the exhibit ' Spoilage. Speaking out on behalf of children of drug-addicts' by Bernadine Fox, a local artist. Theme of the exhibit: Babies and children killed by drug-addicted parents and care-givers. Needless to say, substance users were notoriously absent from this event. In 2009, The Vancouver Province told the story about Roberta Watt born to a drug-trafficker father, and an exotic dancer and an illegal substance user mother. Daddy's girl, brought up in the wealthy neighbourhood of Kerrisdale, hit the streets of the downtown eastside of Vancouver in search of drugs when she just turned 14. Her drug-addicted friends were described as 'a cool crowd' to hang out with. This prominent newspaper informed its readers that in Canada, illegal drug trade is very profitable and traffickers get a slap on the wrist. Quote: 'I (Robert Watt) was caught in the middle of summer driving a fivetonne truck carrying 12.000 pounds of hash. Six tonnes .""He struck a deal with prosecutors, admitting guilt in exchange for house arrest" (The Vancouver Province September 8, 2009). Moreover, the main purpose of the publication was to introduce Canadian public to the 'innovative idea' - free pharmaceutical-grade drugs provided to drug-addicts by the state at the expense of the tax-payers. Here 1s another piece of information for struggling immigrants and Canadians given in the times of the economical meltdown: 'Watt constructed an idyllic, up-market life, complete with flute and horseback-riding lessons for Roberta' (his daughter) by entering into the legitimate ski equipment business that has factories in China. Attentive public reads between the lines00
High profits, low risk! This tempting combination feeds innumerable vices of our society. Dealing substances can be a source of a relatively safe income in the wake of our country's economical difficulties and high unemployment rates. One of my friends, a devoted Christian and a wonderful person told me recenUy, he was considering dealing illegal substances if other sources of income did not become available to him. Fish starts spoiling from the head is a saying originated from my country of origin. It can be interpreted in two different ways: Polic1es Implemented by our government reinforce negative tendencies existing in our society, instead of fighting them. Smce 2002 amendment to the Social Assistance Act of 2002 to 2009, 16,000 women were removed from welfare. Where would these women go for income? To the streetsooDrug use, both pharmaceutical and street, comes into play. ' Pharmacological methods, which will make people thoroughly happy even in the most abominable circumstances" (Aldous Huxley) . Women and children are being used as a bumper in times of societal upheaval and economical uncertainty. As Dr. Phil say: "When mama is not happy, nobody is happy' Dr. Perry Kendall, the Provincial Health officer acknowledged in a report that the majority of illnesses are preventable, and cost billions of dollars in avoidable health care spending: 'Investing in prevention and the promotion of health should be undertaken .oo because it is the hallmark of a civilized, humane and caring society' (QMI Agency September 29, 2010). Rehabilitation clinics, not free drugs it is what downtown eastSide needs because humane mind and health are horrendous things to waste. Author's name not available.
t -n eg • e Ca r 1
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful
com mined citizens can change the worMid . rlgnadreeedM, the only thing that ever has." 8
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401 Maon Slreellloncoo"'r Canada V5A 2T7 (604) &.:S-2289
THIS NEWSLETIER IS A PUBLICATION OF THE CARNEGIE COMMUNITY CENTRE ASSOCIATION Articles represent the views of individual contributors and not of the Association.
WANTED Artwork for the Carnegie newsletter • • • • • •
• • • •
Small illustrations to accompany artides and poetry. Cover art- Max size: 17cm(6 '/.")wide x 15cm(6.)high. Subject matter pertaining to issues relevant to the Downtown Eastside, but all wor1<. considered. Black & White printing only. Size restrictions apply (i.e. if your piece is too large, it will be reduced and/or cropped to fit). All artists will receive credit for their wor1<.. Originals will be returned to the artist after being copied for _publication. Remuneration: Carnegie Volunteer nckets
MONDAY, JUNE 27th 10 A.M. We acknowledge that Carnegie Community Centre. and1 this Newsletter, are occurring on Coast Salish Territory. 2011 DONATIONS: Libby 0.-$50, Margaret 0 .-$50 Rolf A .-$50, Brian H.-$100, CEEOS $100, Barry M.-$15l 'X'-$52, Savannah W/Teny H.-$2001, Jenny K.-$25 Vancouver Moving Theatre-..$3()(), Barbara M.-$100, Leslie S.-$50, Wihelmina M.-$20, Sheila B.$100 CUPE 15-$1450
Please make submissions to Paul Taylor, Editor.
GET CLEAN! Shower up at the Lord's Rain 327 Carra! I Street Oust off Pigeon Park)
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The fi rst idea was to have a cover about Spring: a few drawings of flowers. a broom sweeping off the dust and decay of old stuff to symbo lize a new start. fresh ideas, hope being kindled. But it seemed a little bit too much like a cheerleading chant for the golden "good old days·· wh ich, truth be told, never were all that good. It mirrors working people not even questioning their right to set hours, 5 days a week, coffee breaks, a living wage or good pay with vacations, maternity leave, paid sick days and so on. But just ask any old worker about having to fight and, after fi ghting and even having buddies killed for forming a un ion. to have enough so lidarity to strike for these now takenfor-gran ted rights. The example refers to the sti ni ng inertia people are up against in getti ng society in general to revolutionize our economic system and make social hous ing an up-to-date real ity. T he Federal government j ust stopped paying for ho using in 1993 and the decline in affordable housing gained momentum . Provinces stopped paying. making it more and more d iffic ult for low-income and poor people to keep a decent, safe home. It's become a public relations exercise while the corporate and wealthy sector keep pressing to make any endeavour foc used o n profit above a ll else. T he actual conditions in current low-income housi ng are often so dismal that only horror stories arise from d isgruntled tenants. T he illegality o f landlord greed leaves each us ing various methods to get their properties vacant for upg rades - ostensibly for the Olympics, but to maximize the val ue of the land & property for condo development, leaving people by
wrilleulhis momiug.
the hundreds either under-housed or homeless. (I 've never seen or heard of a condo for less than $200K) The latest drop in the bucket is in a report by Ken Dobell (for which he was hired unilaterally and paid $300,000) in which the corporate and wealthy sector get to "donate•· money to an endowment fund - for which they'll get huge tax exemptions- and the interest on this fund will be used to build housing. Doing the math shows that the result will be about $1 I million a year. Translated, this becomes maybe 150 units a year. wow. The current need. in the lower main land/Vancouver alone. is for at least 5000 units of all sizes a year. Another PR thing about Dobell's re port is that the call is for 'supportive· hous ing, meaning that you'd have to be disabled, mentally cha llenged, a senior and maybe even an immigrant to even be cons idered or put on a waiting list. The shit wages paid to s uch people. and the d ismal welfare/pension incomes still keep from 40-70% of monthly cheques going to just keeping a shaky roof over thei r heads. None of th is is news and neither is anyth ing in this report. It's another one in a long line that benefits the corporate and wealthy sector of society with profits, tax write-offs, and saddling the middle-class with the ongoing public costs. Look for a lot of corporate names on any units being built in this massive scam, while the Public Relations and media photoop stories keep a lid on the hemorrhagi ng of homeless survivors and others left out in the cold. Hurray for the g lobalization of greed. rah rah rah By PAULR TAYLOR PS: T he above might read like a generic rant. but in the same room are the realities of people talking and planning to turn our ongoing defeats into victories. PPS: The oppos ite o f fear and despair is hope. PPPS: Hope is the mother of honesty and belief. PPPPS: May the Force be with us.
The Oppenheimer Park Totem Pole It seems to me that when someone dies it is the rc~pon s ibility of thos..: o f us who arc left to offer caring for that Ii fc for that death in the intensity o f the love that reaches out from the unendurable lon eliness of our separation. So did First ' ations people, w ith their fri ends and allie~. raise a totem pole in Oppenheimer !'ark on June 6, 1998, to remember the community of those who have died in the Downtown Eastside, and so did they rededicate themselves to the struggle for hope and for justice from one generation to another.