MAY 15,2012
.Ca rE n.egie ~ NEWSLETTER
401 M ain Stree t Van couver Canada V6A 2T7 (604) 665-2289
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Hope In Shadows DOWNTOWN EASTSIDE PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST CASH PRIZES FOR 40 WINNING PHOTOS, FIRST PRIZE IS $500 CASH! When: Saturday June 2, 10:30 a.m. Where: Pivot Lega l Societ~ , 12 1 Heatley [ bet ween Powell & Alexander) What: 3-d a~ photo contest, free to enter, cameras and tra ining provided. Winning photos wi ll appea r in 2013 Hope in Shadows calendar.
This year,s theme: What I value in my DTES community. Contest is open on ly to DTES community members living on low fixed incomes. Each contestant will get a free single-use ca mera [ 200 avai lable] . Enter your photos by returning your camera to the Pivot office on Tuesday June 5, 11 am to 4 pm. Each contestant will get $5 cash when they return their camera. Want more info? Come to a free info session at Carnegie on Friday May 25, 3Pm to 4pm, call 604-2 5 5-9701 or visit www. h ope
HOPE IN SHADOWS l'ortraits of our Community
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The CEDA W Committee has just issued its first decision on a complaint against Canada under the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women. It is a decision on a complaint filed by an Aboriginal woman in the Northwest Territories, Cecilia Kell, who is a member of the Rae-Edzo community. The Committee ruled that the NWT Housing Corporation and the Government of the Northwest Territories discriminated against her because the Housing Corporation was responsible for • her losing ownership in her house in the community, and failed to provide her with adequate legal aid when she sought a remedy. This is a very important decision as it makes the connections between male violence, loss of housing, and inadequate legal aid. Cecilia Kell experienced violence at the hands of her male partner, attempted to escape it, lost her house and was evicted as a result, and then was not provided with adequate legal aid to obtain an appropriate remedy. As we know from our work, this is a paradigmatic pattern of events for Aboriginal women, and for women facing male violence. The Committee found that Cecilia Kell was discriminated against because of her aboriginality and her sex, and that Canada failed to take the necessary steps to protect Aboriginal women who face violence. The Committee has made four recommendations : 1) that Cecilia Ke ll be provided with housing commensurate in s ize, location and quality to the housing of which she was deprived; 2) that she be given appropriate monetary compensation for material and moral damages; 3) that Canada recruit and train more aboriginal women to provide legal aid to women from their communities; and 4) that Canada review its legal aid system to ensure that aboriginal women who are victims of domestic violence have effective access to justice. It is important that pressure be exerted now on the Government of the NWT and the Government of Canada to ensure that these recommendations are implemented. If they are not, the rights of women in Canada will be weakened. lfthey are implemented, it will be an important victory. Following are the names and email addresses of the relevant NWT and federal Ministers. One letter or email could be copied to all. NWT: Premier Bob Mcleod {&Minister Responsible for the Status of Women), P.O. Box 1320; Yellowknife, NT; X1A 2l9 bob Minister of Housing: Robert C Mcleod P.O. Box 1320; Yellowknife, NT; X1A 2l9 robert c David Stewart, President of the NWT Housing Corporation: P.O. Box 2100, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2P6 david Minister of Justice: Glen Abernethy P.O. Box 1320, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2l9
Canada: The Honourable Robert Douglas Nicholson, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada 284 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1A OHB john The Honourable John Baird, Minister of Foreign Affairs House of Commons, Ottawa, Ontario K1A OA6
So you want to run for the CCCA Board What are the requirements of being on the CCCA Board? You have to join 3 committees and prom ise to attend 3 one hour meetings every month. This is because we have to have quorum (3 board members o r more) at every meeting. You are also asked to attend the monthly board meetings which are held at 5: 30 pm in the Carnegie Theatre on the first Thursday of the month. These are the committees:
Volunteer Committee meets the Wednesday after the Board meeting. It is held in classroom 2, 3 rd floor. @ 4 pm Oppenheimer Park Committee meets on the Thursday after the Board meeting in the park ho use@ 3:30pm Education/Library Committee meets on the second Wednesday after the Board meeting in C lassroom 2@ 3 pm Seniors' Support Group meets on the second Thursday after the Board meeting @ 2 pm in the theatre Community Relations Committee meets the Thursday before the Board meeting in the Association Office@ 4pm Program Committee meets the Tuesday before the Board Meeting in the Association Office @ 4pm Finance Committee meets the Wednesday before the Board meeting @ 4pm in the Association Office. CCCA Board Meetings are always held on the first Thursday of every month @ 5:3 0 in the theatre As you can see it is a big commitment to be on this board, but having been on the board for 4 years I personally find it well worthwhile. I enjoy working with the other board members and learning abo ut how this place is run. So on Thursday, June 7th, 2012 come out to our AGM in the Theatre and vote for your favorite board members! Written by Adrienne Macallum Corresponding Secretary, CCCA Board
Applause, Applause Applause, applause Now another song is done I've tried to touch your hearts this time But I'll try another one Can't you see the joy I've given Can't you see the pain I feel Can't you see that I am life And I will tell you what is real That the sun doesn't shine Until the rain has gone away And heaven holds a place for those Who find the time to pray And the story isn't told To those who are not scared Because they are the very ones Who never really care Applause, applause For the singer on the stage She sings her songs for you With sadness and with rage She'll tell you a story And you'll try not to cry She.will open up the space for you
To sit and wonder why Why the hunger and the pain Of the people on the streets Why the message isn't told To those who need to know Or to those of you Who never really cared The ending of another night The time is flowing by You asked if I am lonely Just look into my eyes Then I'll offer you answers To the questions on your mind I'll help you dream a special dream That seems so hard to find 'cause you want to be a child again I'll show you how to play And you'd like to be a lamb of God So I'll teach you how to pray And you want to take yourself away To be some other where Just listen very carefully 'cause I will take you there. Mishelle Woodring
SaturdaY Stalemate The Best ever close to the d readful The Beast understands me He understands me not Likewise I'm sure An attraction as strong as thanatos When the j ackals surround the thicket The pack keen and accomplished The taking down The lion trying most succeeding Living up to his heritage His rep utation Balancing the forces on tiptoe Epee in position Always Wilhelmina
Adrienne Macallum has been a board member since June 2009. During that time she has attended many meetings and has served as Corresponding Secretary and Chair of the Library/Education Committee and Volunteer Committee. She has also volunteered as a tutor in the Learning Centre since 2002. She loves the Carnegie and hopes to continue to serve this wonderful place for another year. ~ Adrienne
After five years of serving delicious food at the Carnegie concession, I'm off to a new adventure. Thanks for everything, both easy and hard. I've learned some things here I could never learn anywhere else, and it has always made me proud to say I work at Carnegie. To all the incredibly hard-working and selfless volunteers in the kitchen, all the folk who've helped me on the lunch rush, and stepped in at just the right moment, your generosity and good humour will never be forgotten, and I will dearly miss working with you. Ranch or vinaigrette? Meat or veggie? Anything else? [ Ranch or vinaigrette? Meat or veggie? Anything else? Ranch or vinaigrette? Meat or veggie? Anything else? Ranch Dr'-11\!ugrcu e? Me.11 or \"C&gic'J An>linn& else'
"Thank you Carnegie members for letting.fue serve as your president this past year! !look forward to having the opportunity to be on the board of directors next year as well, helping to ensure Carnegie programs meet the needs of the people who use the centre. Please come to the AGM and have your say! Gena Thompson I'm Phoenix Winter and I have been homeless and mentally ill. l want to use my experiences to benefit the community. My name is Lisa David and I have lived in the Downtown Eastside for about 16 years. I volunteer with the Carnegie Newsletter; helping Paul with layout and his fundraising efforts. I have been honoured to serve on the Carnegie Board for the past few years and hope to continue with this work. First stint on Carnegie's board was as treasurer- this was right after hundreds of members rose up & threw out the entire board in 1987. A one-vote majority (8/15) were using the board and Carnegie to further their own financial and political ambitions. It's been about a decade since last being a director; vacation's over. If you think I'll do okay, vote for me .. if you don' t, don't. PaulR Taylor
Who could ask for anything else? I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for this real, sincere, h~est, downright original, brave community of people who look out for one another, tell it like it is, and keep things interesting. Sarah the cashier, aka the "Bird LadY"
Gays and Lesbians and the Balance Of Nature Years ago I vaguely remember reading a paper that said the upper crust dirt on Earth, where our food is grown, has been changing its composition over the decades, which was causing newborn males to become increasingly more feminine. Recently, it was reported that soon there won't be enough food on Earth to feed all its 7 billion humans.
The Epiphany: You might remember hearing about the Balance of Nature from science class, which stated that whenever group of the animal kingdom becomes over populated Nature steps in to cause a thinning out of the herd. Even with all the wars and abortions over recent ages, there are still too many humans. So, what other way could Nature sustain a balance but to cut down on the number of breeders? What do you think about this? Is Nature at work here, or do I just have an over active imagination from watching too many news documentaries? Garry Gust
demystifies the therapeutic process. This integrative 7 approach to healing combines traditional psychiatric practices and universal spiritual principles. Sharing her Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's patients' poignant tales of recovery, Dr. Wood proDTES Writer's Jamboree on Friday, April 27th ofvides the concepts and tools needed for personal fulfered at the Centre in collaboration with the SFU fillment, joy and health. Writer's Studio. The One-to-One Manuscript ConsulAnd for those of you who love nature you may enjoy tations were a huge success and it was wonderful to In The Forest Unseen (577.3 H34f). Biologist David listen to the guest authors. Haskell uses a one- square-meter patch of old-growth We have received lots of interesting new books lately. Tennessee forest as a window onto the entire natural T his first book may be of interest to those of you who world. Haskell spins a brilliant web of biology and remember the night of April 7, 2006 when eight memecology, explaining the science that binds together the bers of the motorcycle gang the Bandidos were killed tiniest microbes and the largest mammals and describexecution style and left in a farmer's field near London ing the ecosystems that have cycled for thousands Ontario. Anita Arvast's Bloody Justice: The Truth ' sometimes millions - of years. Behind the Bamlido Massacre at Shedden (364.152 Megan, your librarian A 79b) outlines a fascinating case that is very much at odds with the prosecution's. With its eye-opening research and fast-paced narrative, Bloody Justice offers a compelling new look at a shocking crime that will forever change any common notions of justice--on the street or in the courtroom. Another book that I think is as disturbing as it is fascinating is Manufacturing Guilt: Wrongful Convictions in Canada (345. 7105 A54m I. The authors, Dawn and Barrie Anderson, argue that the fundamental cause of these sentences can be found in racial and class inequalities. Demonstrating that the same factors at play 路 in the criminalization of the powerless and marginalized are found in these cases, this argument strives to prove that these verdicts are not due to "unintended errors" but rather result from the deliberate actions of those working in the criminal justice system. Specific changes are suggested to prevent future erroneous punishment. l am a hopeless dog lover and I believe they are remarkable creatures who can enrich our lives immeasurably. In Great Dog Stories: Heartwarming Tales of Remarkable Dogs (636.73 S673g), Roxanne Willems Snopek shares II moving stories that illustrate the bonds between exceptional dogs and their owners. These ins piring tales of the love, dedication and intelligence of humankind's canine companions are certain to be treasured by all dog people. For those who suffer from a diagnosable condition or who just want to better understand themselves, Eve A. Wood's There's Always Help; There's Always Hope: An Award-Winning Psychiatrist Shows You How to Heal Your Body, Mind, and Spirit (615.5 W87m)
News From the LibrarY
Storyweavi ng
M." 11 . 11 .. 20
Weaving First Nation Memories from the Past into the Future
Fridays and Saturdays 7:30pm & Sunday Matinees 2 pm Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre, Chief Simon Baker Room, 1607 East Hastings Street
Pay at door I sliding scale $0- $20 I limited seating I first come first serve 604-628-5672,; ;
Twining together stories, poems and personal memories With oral histories woven from cultural teachings, West Coast dances and the ancient bone game ofSlahal. A cast of aboriginal artists, elders, dancers and Downtown Eastside community members help an old man- The Old One- open up to his life's journey, his regrets and hopes, through the teachings of the medicine wheel. His journey home gives voice to experiences of the urban aboriginal community, to voices not heard, to lives left behind. Over the course of the Old One's journey, ancestral memories emerge of the history of the Coast Salish area shared by many peoples. Songs, dances and stories are shared about traditional ro les, protocols and ways of seeing and doing. We hear echoes of the salmon fishing industry's decline, offamilies broken up by the residential school system and family members who have disappeared. And we hear stories of resilience: Aboriginal men and women who arrived in Vancouver looking for work; the founding of the Coqualeetza Fellowship and Aboriginal Friendship Centre; and what it means to be Aborigi nal today, meeting the challenges of walking in the world of the ancestors and the world of today.
Storyweaving is about giving voice to those that have lived within and around the Canadian legislation of the Indian Act. And so many of us moved to the city of Vancouver and found a home here. Our social justice and educational efforts from the 1950's through to today continue to reflect our passion for life, love, and harmony. Storyweaving is about our hopes for a good future, g uided by the principles of our cultural past - Renae Morriseau. Featuring, among others: Bob Baker, Sam Bob, Jenifer Brousseau, Nick Dangeli, Mike and Mique'l Dangeli, Craig Edes, Wes Nahanee, Woody Morrison, Quelemia Sparrow, Susan Tatoosh, Marge C. White, Loni Williams, Spakwus Slulum Dancers, Git Hayetsk Dancers, and Downtown Eastside performers Sue Blue, Brenda Prince, Steven Lytton, Priscillia Tait, Muriel "X" Williams. Terry Hunter (Producer), Carrie Campbell (Production Manager), Jeff Harrison (Lighting), Liisa Hannus (Stage Manager), Raeanne Elkins (Assistant Stage Manager), Cowboy Smithx (videographer). Written by Renae Morriseau (Di rector) with Rosemary Georgeson and Savannah Walling with contributions by Downtown Eastside urban Aboriginal artists and from the 2003 Downtown Eastside Community Play (Renae Morriseau, James Fagan Tait, Savannah Walling & Adrienne Wong). Storyweaving has been made possible with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, BC Arts Council, Government of BC through Gaming, City of Vancouver Cultural Services, City of Vancouver Great Beginnings Program, BCGEU, TEL US Community Board & the Georgia Straight. Thanks also to our community partner Indian Residential School Survivors Society.
-;:J To Whom It May Concern The popular christian evangelical song, 'amazing grace,' was originally composed in the middle ages (around J400AD) by Scottis h highlanders. It was a battle song to be played on the bagpipes as the Scots marched into war. This is why amazing grace is so haunting (eerie) a song when played. John Newton, a fervent bornagain christian, wrote the famo us lyrics everybody is familiar with in the late 1800's, and is credited with this song. It is wrongly labelled 'early American melody'; the words penned by Mr. Nev.rton refer to himself when he was a slave ship captain who repented and 'fo und' jesus. Submitted by Larry Mousseau [Editor's note: Much ofthe form and content ofthe Christian bible was taken from older, pagan dogmas Jesus' birthdate, virgin birth, the necessity ofa clergy to mediate or intercede on behalfoffollowers, body & blood, the status ofwomen, accepting that the rich deserve their wealth, slavery, "God 's Will" behind and directing the (self) righteous in His Service .. .. History is wrillen by the victors, regardless ofthe slcwghter & atrocities involved in obtaining any title. ]
The Carnegie Newsletter is vital to the downtown eastside community. The Newsletter keeps the many non-profit groups informed on services at the Centre, as well as updating people on important issues. At The Living Room Drop-in Centre we refer many members to the Carnegie. People need to feel part of something bigger than themselves. The Carnegie Newsletter provides access to many peoples. Please support this newsletter, which is a central part of our community. Regards, Devon Siena Activity worker, Living Rm Drop-in
To the Editor of the Courier Dear Sir, [Re: Pantages' foes need to check their heads) Allen Garr got quite a few things wrong, maybe because he listened only to one side. I was there at the development permit board hearing on April 23rd, one of several "little old ladies" who were not frightened at all by the crowd, only by the police presence. 'There will be blood in the streets," was not a death threat. It was a warning to the Board fro m people who have been recently homeless, that if condos and gentrification go ahead in the Downtown Easts ide, mo re people will become homeless, or brutalized by police protecting gentrifying stores and homes. "A bully" didn't "whip up the crowd." Ivan Drury, sensing the injustice that the develo pers' friends had been al lowed into the hearing room, while friends of opponents were shut out by a police barricade, shouted repeatedly that all should be let in. A child romped in the room wh ile this was happening. Many people sat quietly and talked . Ivan Drury is not a thug, or "relentlessly hostile," although he is smart. I've worked with him intensely for a year and a half during which time he has never hurt a flea. And has risked physical injury to get help fo r other people, such as when he was part of an occupation of a welfare office to get income for a young g irl so she could get off the street. He regularly gets almost love notes from people in the Downtown Eastside community because he finds housi ng fo r homeless people. Ivan's voice was directed at police who were refusing to let DTES residents have the same access to the permit board as supporters of the project had. Drury is only one of over 2000 people who have signed letters and 40 groups incl ud ing housing providers as well as 9 coalition member groups representing thousands of DTES residents who oppose the Sequel condo development. to single him out is to ignore the breadth of opposition to Sequel. Sequel is critical to us because it is in the Oppeneimer area of the DTES which is the only place in the city where developers have to put in 20% social housing. Until now, this regulation has saved this subarea of the DTES from gentrification and a llowed low income residents to continue to live there comfortably. The city's Hous ing Plan actually says that if it becomes profitable fo r developments like Sequel to proceed in the Oppenheimer area, it is unli kely that the c ity's goals for that area can be maintained. The Carnegie Action Project is not the co-chair of the Local Area Plan. The Downtown Eastside Neighbourhood Counc il is the co-chair. Marc Williams Sequel development proposal did not "clearly" meet the city's hous ing criteria. The DNC has a legal opinion that challenges it and I would argue that Sequel is contrary to the rate of change policies in the DTES Hous ing Plan as well as its plans for low income housing in the Oppenheimer sub area .. When it was time for the meeting people from the DTES Not for Developers Coalition, no t just Carnegie Action, walked into the room at City Hall. We did not "rush" the meeting room. People who will be disp laced by gentrification are naturally upset by condos. People could easily die from home lessness if they are displaced by this process. Yes, some people did say, or shout this out. It's an urgent issue. What's wrong with trying to make people in power understand the intensity of this? The alte rnative to condos is not to let the neighbourhood rot. The alternative is to save the land for social housing and to start building it. As many Downtown Eastsiders are starting to say now, better neighbourhood, same neighbours. Garr should apologise to Drury and the neighbourhood he has maligned.
Jean Swanson
do ya trust? Who do ya trust?
Hubba-hubba-hubba Who do you trust?!
Fight against Pantages important To the editor: lion, made up of nine organizations repreRe: "Pantages foes need to check their senting thousands of Downtown Eastside heads," April27. residents, where Carr's fantasy lone white Allen Carr's attack-piece on the low- man leader would feel lonely, out-ofincome community in the Downtown place, and unwelcome. Over the course of Eastside is done with an old propagandist its year-long campaign the coalition has technique of criticizing social movements organized a few theatrical performances, through individual smear. The principle of dozens of public actions, nearly a 路hunthis methodology is that individuals are dred meetings, and published thousands more vi.Jlnerable to insult, mockery, and of pages of pamphlets and articles about dismissal than complex and heterogeneous Sequel 138. In all this work it has princisocial movements. When it is done well pally been women, and many aboriginal this method enables the powerful classes women, who have occupied positions of to scoff self-righteously at the downtrod- leadership. den for being "bullies" and "thugs" undeMaybe Carr can only imagine a world serving of their attention. It also obscures where one powerful white man directs, the social and political reasons for a social manipulates and controls a whole commovement's being and that movement's munity to raise hell in single heroic acts ... political and social demands with the un- but the world we live in here in the Downattractive figure of a problem person. town Eastside is much more interesting, Unfortunately with this screed poor beautiful, real, and powerful than that. If . Carr joins a less-than prestigious club. In he had bGthered to look into it for 30 sec2002 none-less than then-preffiier Gordon onds, rather than rely on the "accounts" of Campbell called me a "thug" after a police a few haters, these dynamics would have riot attacked an elderly man dressed as a been obvious. Maybe it is our communiclown and a high school boy just out of ty's threat to Carr's while-man-centric class. Worse even than bedfellowing with worldview that has frozen his Campbell are the ideas that Carr so com- and journalistic ethics. fortably cozies with in order to stand up Carr should apologize for his unscrupu(and take down) one able-bodied white lous smear job on an important campaign man as the "lead thug" of the most di- by an impressive coalition in the most verse, women-led, multi-racial, oppressed embattled community in the city, and he peoples' movement in the city. should check his patriarchal, white-raceThe year-long campaign against Sequel lens world vir;!W. 138 condos was organized by the. DownJuan Drury, Vancouver town 路Eastside Not for Developers coali-
Hi, Paul - please make this anonymous - if it's not crap, that is.
The house on East 19th just sold for $800,000.00, I read online, and all my dreams flee. Ah, well- that house, where my mother made murals out of mellowed walls, where dark wood met with fiery orange velour furniture, where ri otous colour battled statel y structure. I've dreamt this house from my childhood all summer, wanting to wrest it from designer beige hands and return it to the cheery chaos of my youth. But someone else owns it now, and will renovate, banishing the fuschias, vermillions and ochres to memory, repainting it the colour of money Anonymous Hi, This is good. It's well-written, invoking memory, simile, metaphor and humour in each paragraph. - and 'anonymous' it will be. By the way, "crap" is easy to spot - no effort, little thought, flogging one word or idea to a bloody pulp (sometimes in one sentence!} and obvious to almost everyone except the incipient author, who either can't believe anything emanating from their pointy head could be crap or, worse, that they'd ever be caught.
A LOT MORE THAN YOU THINK Barb\gain Book basement negotiations go nowhere as more hijack the welcome wagon to STRIKE TERROR & instill fear into the eyes of the young the old and those who want change, our mother earth is being RAPED for all she is worth shite li ke Oil- Uranium your own child's cranium look for yourself no 666 only stitches to close up that lobotomy scars not numbers SICKNESS knows how to rearrange, li ke being chosen most like ly to be the first one killed by a mass murderer when the people who make fun of you are in reality your be.stest friends .. such pitiful lives will have a very graphiC end hey DRINK UP could it really get any worse; Extortion is the new generation's way of saying PLEASE but then again these are children of SELFISHISTS who
set up then film your innermost humiliations while begging on bended knees. 'rf1his Govt. condones the RICH getting RICHER as mdre of the Poor die of preventable beatings & disease then they are the DISEASE, just worse. . We know so much yet so little about BARBARITY - Its s hape its form its ABSOLUTE OPPOSITION to a truly 1 civilized norm like 15 h century 7)z$nâ‚Ź' where Snow White is put to death each and every night .. kids dressed up as begging Dwarfs the begging is real to eat they must steal next up .tJlj a ftti.nueuu ffit~,-/J follow ed by The Pirates of Syria and every other country that lives in DISILLUSIONED LAND so full of anger & ethnic cleansing &fear plus the loneliness is it any wonder why they finally pull out their gun & once firmly stuck in mouth they call it a night, too many tears before bedtime so many uncountable reasons to CRY ALL THE TIME as another EVIL gets the comic book thrown at hi m AGAIN? No Jail time. why Why WHY? Like a HOLY BIBLE colouring book St MINUS had one out first but like NO EXIT there were rainbows of doubt the re was the recipe for that infamous last meal they ate firsthand knowledge has always been a thorn in my eye. Corruption will never change as long as poor and mentally ill people are treated li ke LEPROSY I'm sure they could set up some "friendly-fire 'accidental' exchange"- even your own people that you say you own will one day soon see it all as just one BigFatUglyCancero us&Selfis h face, like looking through a Chinese phone book for something that begins w ith X take yer time there are volumes to mine - now how do they fit 1.6 BILLION names let alone people into one place ... PLEASE remember Gangsters, Architects, Land Destroyers (developers) and SELFISHISTS live to rip off your life savings and d reams; fatefully they all overlooked or didn' t feel a certain kink, you may have the power to make DOUBT & SHAME a crime why not execute every smoking & power-drinking law-avoiding piece of slime but you will soon realise to your horror we are A LOT MORE THAN YOU THINK! Y'know how easy it is to make a SELFISHIST poor and become a FINK, you better just remember: we are A LOT MORE THAN YOU THINK! By ROBERT McGILLIVRAY PS: Has anyone seen improvements from TransLink or is this just more TransJOKE? It's gotten worse as more promises go up in smoke. PPS: This generation would not know the difference between KFC and the KKK!
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Centre Coordinator- Downtown Eastside Women's Centre The Centre Coordinator works in partnership with the Management Team reporting to the Board of Directors. She is responsible for the overall management of the Downtown Eastside Women's Centre (DEWC). She wi ll ensure that the services, programs and projects work toward the mission and mandate of the society. ROLE SUMMARY: The Centre Coordinator adopts and promotes the principles and philosophy of the Downtown Eastside Women's Centre. In partnership with the Fund Development Coordinator, the Centre Coordi nator is responsible for the overall administration of the organization including responsibility for the centre's financial management, policy and strategy development and performance, human resources, and works closely with and serves as a consultant to the Board of Directors. The Centre Coordinator reports directly to the Board of Directors. She will ensure that the services, programs & projects work toward the mission & statement of princi ples of the society. Centre Operations: Coordinate the day to day centre operations ensuring DEWC policies and procedures are maintained within services and programs which includes maintaining an open-door policy with Centre members and community volunteers. Human Resources: Working with Human Resources Administrator, oversees all aspects of Human Resources ensuring personnel practices are up-to-date & in line with the mission & mandate of the DEWC as well as the collective agreement, other relevant policies & legislation. Supervises staff programs in accordance with fundi ng contracts & WC priority .. Conducts discipline up to & including em ployment terminations and handling of grievances. Administration/Governance: Ensures compli ance with governance and society requi rements. Liaises with and provides support to the Board of Directors and Committees. Ensure regular strategic planning and organizational development and oversees implementation .. Financial: Reviews and approves payables including staff wages and benefits ensuring compliance with the DEWC operating budget, governing documents, and board policy. Liaises with Finance Committee to ensure that funds are expended in accordance with the society's policy, budgetary authority and the funding agreements Programming/Community: Represent the DEWC on committees and community processes that address issues affecting women within the DTES. Advocate for positions/issues that are identified by and effect women within the community. Participates in the coordination of special events and in-centre programming. In collaboration with the management and staff teams, reviews DE WC programs and services to ensure they meet policy guidelines, funding contracts, and reflect established priorities. Assist in the Drop-In program as necessary.
QUALIFICATIONS: *Significant experience in non-profit management position, preferably in a unionized environment with at least 3 years experience in a Human Resource management or a combination of education and experience. *Program development and supervision skills and/or experience *Knowledge and understanding of the issues, (anti oppression, racism & addictions), affecting women in the DTES. with a particular awareness of the struggles of aboriginal women, women of colour & women with disabilities. *Demonstrated teamwork, leadership, mediation and negotiation skills *Experience working with other agencies, service users, boards of directors, staff and volunteers *Excellent communication, facilitation, and conflict resolution skills *Women with a history of addictions must be 2 years clean and sober.
Abt ~men and women of colour are strongly encouraged to apply. Send cover letter and resume to Centre Coc ...,.,,......I -I iring Committee and email to Application closing: Friday June 1, 2012 at 5:00pm For a Candidate Information Package please send email request to No phone calls please. Only candidates selected fo r an interview will be contacted.
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Carnegie Theatre Workshop May and June 2012
New program -read a part or just come to listen. We'll immerse ourselves in the reading ofsome great plays. Attend one or all workshops.
May 19 Sat, 3pm-6pm - "All That Fall and other short plays" by Samuel Beckett May 23 Wed, 12pm-4pm- "Cod on a Stick" by Codco (Theatre Company) May 26 Sat, 3pm-6pm - "Death in a Dumpster" by Sheila Baxter May 30 Wed, 12pm-4pm- " The vaudevilles and other short works" by Anton Chekhov June 6 Wed, 6pm-10pm- "Romeo and Juliet' by William Shakespeare June IS Fri, 12pm-Spm - " Twelfth Night, or, What You Wilf' by William Shakespeare June 20 Wed, 6pm-10pm- Public Reading- we'll choose from the plays above
All readings in the Carnegie Theatre, 401 Main Advance copies of the plays may be found at the Main library. Photocopies will be available at individual workshops. The schedule of plays is subject to change. Workshops Jed by Teresa Vandertuin No registration necessary. EVERYONE WELCOME! See you there!
WhY Do Fools Fall in Love You've heard the phrase "fall in love" But when you've got love you rise above Just look at a tree that droops as if it were to die With a lot of love and nourishment it one day reaches back to the sky, Or see any hurt or neglected creature, be it animal or other person Just give them more love and care, then watch them awake to a new dawn. And so now you might still ask why do fools fall in love Let me remind you (what the wise know) - the truth is ---- in love you really r ise above. Kath leen Joan Berte
WEALTH WELL WITHIN THE SELF 1 have seen the island of colossus, It thrives well within this poet-me. I build bridges to life as an inner empire This colossus is inside my body, soul, is grand. It is Technicolor, plus hues not even imagined. Zen Buddhism, bahai, and X Factors so very rare. I have room with a fine view to daily grow fair. The aim is expansion, growth, humility, love. An infinite aviary for the gentle warless dove. Yes, I say, yes again and again to fecund life. Learning each new day to jazz dance with strife ! John alan douglas april
"Never doubt that a small group of thooghi::ful, committe d citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Meade
cari1egie6 NEWSLETTER --~-------------401 Main Str:·eet. Vancouver 604.665.228?
THIS NEWSLETIER IS A PUBLICATION OF THE CARNEGIE COMMUNITY CENTRE ASSOCIATION Articles represent the views of individual contributors and not of the Association.
We acknowledge that the Carnegie Community Centre, and thiS Newsletter, are occurring on Coast SaliSh Territory.
Artwork for the Carnegie Newsletter
*Small illustrations to accompany artides and poelry; *Cover art -Max.size: 17cm(6 :Y.")wide.x15cm(6jhigh *Subject matter pertaining to issues relevant to the Downtown Eastside but all work considered; *Black &White printing only; *Size resbictions apply (i.e. If your piece is too large it wiK be reduced and/or cropped to fit; *All artists will receive credit for their wor\<.; *Originals will be returned to the artist after being copied for publication; *Remuneration: Carnegie Volunteer Tickets. Please make S':Jbmissions to Paul Taylor, Editor.
2012 DONATIONS Margeret 0-$40, Libby 0-$75, Jenny K-$25, Sheila B-$100 Harold 0-$100, Leslie S-$150, Bake Sale at BC Cancer-$405 Christopher R-$150, Phoenix W-$60, Wilhelmina M- $20, Patrick F-$10, CUPE 15-$1000, Robert M-$25, Bob S-$200 Megan L-$40, LV -$1 0, Vancouver Moving Theatre-$150 Michael C-$50, Michelle C-$20, Glenn B-$100, Shyla S-$75 Naomi N-$20, Peak House -$40, Sonia M-$25, Lou -$5 Sharon/Henry/Patty/Mike/Hui Zhen/Bijan -$25, Elsie M-$1 00 Literacy Roundtable -$1000, Sue K-$40, Anonymous $40 Solder and Sons Cafe -$50 Marsha D -To the memory of Sandy Cameron -$50 Lazara Press- To the memory of Gin Richards -$100
Shower up at the Lord's Rain 327 Carrall St, just off Pigeon Park. HOT SHOWERS (towel, soap, shampoo & coffee) Monday, 7-1 Oam, Ladies only! Tuesday, Wednesday & Saturday: ?am
htlp:l/camegie..vcn.bc.calnewsletter http:llharvesters.sfu.calchodarr
Jenny Wai Ching Kwan MLA WORKING FOR YOU 1070-1641 Commercial Dr. V5L 3Y3 604-775-0790
FREE DENTAL HELP 455 EHastings: Monday & Friday, 9:30·12:30 Call604-254-9900 for information. Cleaning only at VCC is $35. Info: 604-443-8499
FREE LEGAL ADVICE Law Students Legal Advice Program All cases checked with lawyers; confidential. Call Carnegie to learn if/when students on site. Call USC for info: 604-822-5791
For the Carnegie Newsletter
A Crude Cash Concert -A fundraiser extraordinaire Music: -
Fraser Union -Dalannah Gail Bowen -Solidarity Notes Choir -Carnegie Jazz Band
by contributing Poets & Writers
A Silent Auction of Amazing Aboriginal Art by Garnet Tobacco Where:
StJames Community Square, 3214 W 101h Ave When: Sunday, June 17, 7:30- 9:30
Tickets: Top price is $100 with a sliding scale based on what you can afford. No one will be turned away for lack of funds but this is a Fund- RAISER!!! [There might even be a Bake SaleŠ]