SEPTEMBER 15, 2020
~.arnelle~ ~.
FREE - d.onations
8 ..ccepte.
401 Main Street Vancouver Canada V6A 2T7
(604) 665-2289
Thursday, October 1 487 Alexander St (.Japanese Hall)
¡GENERAL Registration 5pm . Meeting starts 5:30 MEETING
Carnegie Membership required to vote.
The Carnegie Community Centre Association will hold their Annual General Meeting on Thursday, Oct 1st, 2020 @ 5:30pm at the Vancouver Japanese Language School Japanese Hall, 487 Alexander St., Vancouver, B.C. The election for members of the Board will be held at this meeting. To vote at this meeting you must have purchased a membership card on or before Sept 15, 2020. Registration will take place between 5:00 and 5:30 pm. .
The Annual General Meeting is where people are elected to the Board of Directors. The Association has had its nominating meeting at the September Board meeting and 13 volunteers have agreed to stand. Each lives or works (paid or unpaid) in the neighbourhood; is 19 or older; is a registered volunteer with Carnegie and has given at least 30 hours of volunteer time for Carnegie Centre in the past year. The work of a director involves committing to being on 3 committees and giving input to help all expand the ways benefitting members and users of Carnegie Centre and the broader community. Committees include Program, Seniors, Volunteer, Library and Education, Oppenheimer Park, Community Relations and Finance. Each of these committees will deliver their annual report highlighting the many aspects of things and activities. There will also be updates on things postponed, like the Writers Festival, and greatly modified, like the 40th Anniversary celebrations. Every year there is a special celebration of volunteering in Carnegie. There are four people selected for __~=-==-=~==__==~-=~
Special Merit awards, and one individual is designated Volunteer of the Year. This will be announced at the AGM on Thursday, October 1st. If you have a membership card purchased by September 15,2020 then please come to this meeting.
If you want to be tested for COVID-19 In the Downtown Eastside, testing is available at the 429 Alexander St. testing site, open Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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The Carnegie Learning Centre Se tember.2020 Hours Drop in for Tutoring/Support in Instructors onsite at Carnegie the Carnegie Theatre with Available by phone, Capilano Instructors - drop in appointments, questions, email and talk to us one to one, assessments, tutoring, other assistance
Monday 1-3
with Lucy Tuesday 1--4 with Betsy
Let's get you started!
. Thursday 9 - 12 with Lucy 778-288-6648 Friday 9-11 with Betsy 604-339-2940 balkenbrack@capilanou.Gi
I Arts,
Culture and Community Services
Location Phone Number Hours of Operation $2.00 Breakfast $2.00 Lunch
Ev.eryday: 9 am-8 pm
9:15 am-8
9 am-11 am
10 am -12 noon
12 noon-4
12 noon-2:30
5 pm-8
Free Laundry
not available
Free Showers
not available
Drop in Space
$2.00 Dinner
5 pm-7 pm
9 am-ll am, 12 noon-4 & 5 pm-7:30 pm
9 am-11 am, 12 noon-4 & 5 pm - 7:45 pm
1 pm-2:30
3 pm-5:30
Daily drop off:
Mon - Fri drop off:
9 am-lO am. 12 noon-1 pm &3pm-4pm
9:15-10 am & 12:15noon-1 pm
Daily sign up:
Daily between:
9 am-5:30
10:30 am-6
9 am-7:30
9:15 am - 7:30 pm
9am-2:30 pm & 3:30 pm-7:45
9:15 am -12 noon, 1 pm - 4 pm & 5 pm - 7:45 pm
Updated July 2020
In Camegie Centre:
Monday ............Closed Tuesda»••.•••••••..•• 12pm--4pm Wednesday•••••••••. 12pm--4pm Thursday•••••••.•••••• 12pm--4pm
The Theatre is open from 9-11am, 124pm. Right now air quality in the Downtown Eastside is poor, due to smoke from wildfires to the south. If you are in respiratory distress, you are welcome to spend a short time in the theatre, which has cleaner air due to a filtration system. Activities in this large room includea table staffed by library workers, separated tables to read at, and some Learning Centre stuff. Ask staff about what is there. Washrooms are also available during these times. Masks are encouraged but not mandatory. .
5th Annual SANDY CAMERON MEMORIAL WRITING CONTEST The talents and resourcefulness of Downtown Eastside writers and poets, regardless of where you reside, are extraordinary. Please consider sharing your work with others through this event. Categories of poetry and non-fiction essay will have cash prizes, given at a the Heart of the City Festival in November.
cial event during
For contest guidelines and entry form, either pick up an envelope at the Food Service window on Camegie's 1st floor or email for a virtual copy. DEADLINE EXTENDED: 5pm October 1,2020
CRtJ N C H ~ cLtes Skid Row Bum ~ by Cecile Henry ~
Eyes with clouds of pain. Scars to show the pain. Bottle of cheap liquor to take away the pain. • Every day. He is a skid row bum.
He's been through it all. Nothing surprises him now. But does he cry at night? When he's on his park bench Or under the bypass Does he cry?
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Yes ... he cries. He has feelings. ... He's human too.
Reprinted from Outreach School Yearbook 1983-1984