1 minute read


Keep yourself safe by learning how to strengthen and activate muscles key to your balance Learn how to align posture and joints to prevent injury Practice “safe fall” techniques and how to get back up again

Ages 16+

Wed 9/6-27 10:30-11:15AM $40R/$60NR 27518

Wed 10/4-25 10:30-11:15AM $40R/$60NR 27521

Wed 11/8-29 10:30-11:15AM $40R/$60NR 27522

Wed 12/6-27 10:30-11:15AM $40R/$60NR 27523

Fountain View Fitness Center

Wear comfortable clothes and athletic shoes Chairs, mats and other equipment are used in class SPONSOR A

If you spend most of your day in a chair, this class provides you with ways to combat the effects of sitting for several hours Learn how to exercise using the environment around you – a desk, chair, stairs and walls Basic strength, yoga and pilates techniques are explored, as well as a focus on “reverse sitting” stretches A chart handout is provided so you can follow an on-the-hour approach to a healthier workday This workout is ideal for beginners, active agers, desk workers or anyone who sits for long periods of time

The Bike Club accommodates all skill levels Bike Club rides twice a month May through October Bike rides are led by one of our guides

Ages 13+

Second Thursday of Month (6PM)

Fourth Saturday of the Month (9AM) 5/11-10/28

Individual $30 26639

Family $45 26638

Each bike ride leaves from Simkus Recreation Center

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