2014 elicos student handbook

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Swinburne College ELICOS Student Handbook 2014


Dear Student Welcome to Swinburne College. Congratulations on choosing to study at Swinburne College English Language Centre! Swinburne College is a friendly and supportive place to learn and our staff are highly qualified. Our teachers are also highly committed to assisting you to achieve your English language goals whether they are for personal development, for further study in Pathways programs in the College or to achieve direct entry to Swinburne University of Technology programs. Swinburne College hosts more than 400 students from over 40 countries which means you can develop your English and make friends with students from all over the world. You will also have the opportunity to participate in a range of social activities provided by the College as well as access to all of the University’s services and facilities. This ELICOS Student Handbook provides you with important information to assist you when you arrive and you can refer to it throughout your studies. Please read this information carefully and if you require any further information please do not hesitate to ask our staff – either academic or administrative for assistance. I hope you will have an enjoyable experience at the College and that you are successful in your studies.

Chris Wallis Director, Swinburne College January 2014

Section One Getting Started

Section Two

Obligations and Expectations

Section Three Assessment

Section Four

Rights and Policies

Section Five

Student Services and Facilities

Section One Getting Started Who’s Who at Swinburne College?

Swinburne College - ELICOS Student Handbook 2014

Section One Getting started. Who’s who at Swinburne College? This section will assist you to identify people who can help you whilst you are getting to know your way around. Swinburne College Hawthorn Campus TD Building John Street Hawthorn 3122 Tel:

+61 3 9241 8595


+61 3 9214 5375

Swinburne College Reception is open from 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday.

Swinburne University Security Security contact

9214 3333 (from mobile or external phone) 3333 (from internal phone)

Swinburne College Academic Staff An internal telephone and a list of the Swinburne College Academic staff and their contact details is available next to the wall phone at the Reception.


Our reception staff can assist you with a range of enquiries such as enrolment, timetables, fees and making appointments with our Academic Program Managers, the Assistant Director of Studies, ELICOS or Director of Studies, ELICOS Academic Program Managers •

General English

Vesna Stefanov

9214 4734

English for Academic Purposes (EAP)

Julia Gardner

9214 5173

Assistant Director of Studies, ELICOS (ADOS)

Trish Ketting

9214 5429

Director of Studies, ELICOS (DOS)

Rachel Mackie

9214 5374

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International Student Advisers (ISAs) Swinburne’s International Student Advisers (ISAs) are dedicated to providing international students with advice on academic and personal needs. You can talk to an ISA about any concerns you may have. It might be family, academic or personal – and this is a free and confidential service. ISAs have access to a wide range of external community networks which can assist students. They can also provide advice on university policies and procedures. ISA are also available to advocate for and support international students in complaint and grievance processes. International Student Advisor - Tina Malaeb Tina is available for drop in sessions in Swinburne College, between 9.30am – 11.30am Tuesdays. More information is available: http://www.international.swinburne.edu.au/student-life/support/advisers.html

Swinburne International (SI)

Swinburne International (SI) deals with the administration and support of international students studying on campus. Areas that SI is able to assist with include admission enquiries and applications, scholarships, tuition fee policy, student visas, compulsory health cover (OSHC), AusAID, and accommodation. For contact details for Swinburne International: Telephone: 9214 8712 Email: siassist@swin.edu.au http://www.international.swinburne.edu.au/contact/current-student-contacts/

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Section Two Studying at Swinburne College Which class will I be in? How do I get my timetable? What will I study? How will I be assessed? How do I get my student card?

Swinburne College ELICOS Student Handbook 2014

Section Two Which class will I be in? How do I get my timetable? What will I study? How will I be assessed? How will I get my student card? Which class will I be in?

As part of the orientation program you will need to take an English Placement Test (EPT). The EPT includes online reading, grammar and listening tests (30 minutes) as well as a writing test (30 minutes). Your results in this test will assist the College to assess your English language skills and to place you into a class according to your current English language level and as to whether you plan to continue with further study after your English language course. It is important that you are placed in the appropriate level as this will provide you with the best opportunity to be successful in your studies. If you have any concerns about your class level you should talk to your teacher.


Your timetable will depend on your class and you will maintain this timetable for 5 weeks. All classes are scheduled between 8.30am – 4.30pm. All timetables will be displayed in the College Student Lounge before your classes commence. Your English language study comprises a combination of classroom delivery and e-learning. Timetabled classes are scheduled for 20 hours per week. In addition to the scheduled classes you are required to complete 5 hours of independent e-learning each week. This includes a minimum of 1 hour per week on Blackboard which is the University’s online management system. You can complete all of your independent learning on Blackboard or you can make up the required 5 hours with a combination of hours spent on Blackboard and on-line learning. You can access Blackboard from home or anywhere with a reliable internet connection.

Independent Learning Centre

The Independent Learning Centre (ILC) offers many resources to help develop your e-learning and research skills. These include:  up-to-date computers  online and print materials to improve your listening, pronunciation and comprehension skills  online tutorials to extend what you are learning in class  workshops to help you organize your work and to develop your academic skills  worksheets and activities to prepare you for IELTS examinations.

What will I study? Course Information Detailed Course Information is available on Blackboard. Below is a general outline for General English and English for Academic Purposes courses. General English (GE) Elementary, Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate These courses will help you to improve your everyday English. They cover reading, writing, listening, speaking, punctuation and grammar to increase your competence in using English Classes include: • listening and oral communication skills • grammar and vocabulary development • supervised independent learning • excursions and social activities.

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English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Intermediate, Upper Intermediate and Advanced These courses will prepare you for direct entry to Pathway courses in the College or higher education courses in Swinburne University. They focus on the language, critical thinking and academic skills required in your further studies. Advanced level classes focus on the language skills specific to your study area, including business, design engineering and information technology. You will develop skills in: • academic writing for a variety of genres • academic reading, listening and note-taking • communication and interaction in the academic environment • oral presentations and seminar discussions • research and library techniques Intensive English Advanced This is a five-week English course for students who have already achieved the English requirements for their course. It is designed to refresh a student’s English language skills and prepare students for academic transition before they commence their course. Assessment You will be assessed in the macro skills of Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening and Study skills. The assessment consists of both continuous assessment tasks/tests as well as end of program tests. Example assessment methods include presentations, essays, tests, quizzes, group work and study skills. All subject assignments and projects must be submitted with a cover sheet which is available at the Reception. The Assessment Declaration Form/Project Cover sheet must be completed in full and stamped by a staff member at Reception. Students should keep a copy of the submitted work and the Assessment Declaration Form/Project Cover sheet. Students must be familiar with the late submission policy for each subject. These are located in the Subject Outline available through BlackBoard. For further information check with your teacher or Academic Program Manager. Certificates and Reports On completion of a level you will receive a certificate which states the level you have achieved. You will also receive a report which includes your attendance. Certificates and reports will be available on the last day of your course. Student card Why do I need an ID card? Your ID card will identify you as a Swinburne student when you are accessing services and facilities on Swinburne campuses. It is also your library card. You will need to bring your ID card with you to your exams. Without it your exam may be delayed. You may get a student concession at certain premises such as cinemas, restaurants and cafes (particularly around the campus. Where do I get my ID card? A Confirmation of Enrolment and Invoice will be mailed to your home address (in Melbourne) once your enrolment has been finalised. When you have received your Confirmation of Enrolment and Invoice you can get your student ID card from the Student Information Centre (SIC Building SPW). .

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Section Three Expectations and Obligations What are the requirements for students at the College? What are my obligations as a student on a student visa?

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Section Three What are the requirements for students at the College? What are the obligations of my student visa? Expectations and Obligations Swinburne University Student Charter This Charter describes what students can reasonably expect from Swinburne University in order to enjoy a quality learning experience. It also defines the University's expectations of students, because students contribute to their own learning experience and to that of their fellow students. The statements in this Charter complement, but do not substitute for, the University's regulations, policies and procedures. Rather the Charter provides a summary of expectations that assists students in their understanding of how to maximise their learning experience. If you have any comments about the expectations defined in the student charter please use the student feedback form: http://www.swinburne.edu.au/student/charter

Swinburne will endeavour to provide you, as a student, with: 1.

Program content and resources which are up-to-date in terms of the latest research, technologies, industry developments, skill requirements and global perspectives in the area in which you are studying.


Access to the information you need to prepare for your studies and to undertake them successfully.


Relevant learning activities that enable you to develop career skills such as teamwork, critical thinking, problem-solving and communication.


Staff who are well prepared and use appropriate methods and technologies to maximise your opportunities for learning and scholarship.


Staff who treat you with respect and courtesy, are interested in your progress, respond to your communications in a timely manner and are accessible at designated times outside formal learning activities.


Fair and rigorous assessment that is conducted consistently against clear criteria.


Constructive and timely feedback on your progress, to allow you to improve your academic performance and career skills.


Access to quality facilities that meet safety standards, including learning and study spaces; equipment that supports your learning and career aspirations; effective information and communications resources; and places and forums for social interaction with peers.


Opportunities to provide feedback on your experience at Swinburne. All issues that you raise will be given serious consideration, and addressed in a fair and efficient manner.

10. Access to appropriate support if you experience personal, academic or disability related difficulties. 11. An environment in which you are treated equitably, free from discrimination, harassment and intimidation, and one where diversity is respected and valued. Swinburne expects that you, as a student, will endeavour to: 1.

Attend formal learning activities punctually, and participate actively and positively in your own learning.


Make a commitment to engage with your studies, including all self-directed learning tasks, and meet your assessment requirements and administrative deadlines.

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Monitor your own progress and use feedback from staff to improve your learning.


Be accountable for your own learning, raising any questions or concerns about any aspect of your study in a respectful manner and within a reasonable timeframe.


Work responsibly and collaboratively to achieve study outcomes that require group activity, and avoid behaviour that interferes with the study experience of others.


Ensure that the work you submit is your own, complies with the rules and policies relating to assessment and academic integrity.


Provide fair, honest and respectful feedback on the quality of the learning experience you receive in order to help staff improve the educational experience at Swinburne.


Treat other students and staff with respect and courtesy in a safe manner, and refrain from harassing them or discriminating against them.


Respect University property and facilities, including library, computing and laboratory resources, and recognise the right of others to use these facilities and services.

10. Demonstrate professional behaviour while undertaking industry placements, projects or fieldwork, and respect the privacy of the client and any commercial information made available to you.

Student Responsibilities As an international student on a student visa you have responsibilities to satisfy your student visa conditions. For more information: http://www.immi.gov.au/students/visa-conditions-students.htm


Satisfactory Attendance To achieve satisfactory attendance a student must attend at least 80% of the scheduled contact hours in a study period unless the following exception applies. Students will be considered to have achieved satisfactory attendance if they attend at least 70% of the scheduled contact hours in a study period if they have documentary evidence clearly demonstrating compassionate or compelling circumstances. Study Period A study period for students undertaking General English will be the duration of that level up to a maximum of 20 weeks. A study period for students undertaking English for Academic Purposes (EAP) will be the duration of that level up to a maximum of 20 weeks. If a student is studying less than 20 weeks in either General English or EAP and is required to undertake further study at that level after completing their original duration, the calculation of attendance will recommence. Recording and Calculation of Attendance If a student is not in class they will be marked absent unless they are attending another College activity which has been pre-approved in writing. If they are absent for reasons of ill health, they will be marked absent even if they have a medical certificate. Attendance Monitoring and Warnings Attendance will be monitored regularly and students will be warned if they are in danger of falling below the 80% attendance requirement in a study period. Students will be notified via their official Swinburne email address. At the discretion of Swinburne, there may also be additional contact by other means such as verbal warning, letter, telephone, and SMS. Reporting of Students to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) Where a student in an ELICOS program can no longer achieve:

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• •

80% projected attendance in a study period and they do not have documentary evidence clearly demonstrating compassionate or compelling circumstances; or 70% projected attendance in a study period

they will be sent an email via their official Swinburne email address notifying them that Swinburne intends to report them for not achieving satisfactory attendance. The email will notify the student that they are able to appeal to the Director, Swinburne College or nominee within 20 working days. Five Consecutive Days Absence Students who are absent for more than five consecutive days and are unable to be contacted, as well as students who appear to have ceased engaging in their studies, will be reported to the Compliance Unit (current contact is the compliance co-ordinator Julie Bird - jbird@swin.edu.au). The Compliance Unit will write to these students, informing them that their enrolment will be cancelled. Students are given information on their appeal rights and appeal processes. Students who subsequently re-engage are required to meet with the compliance co-ordinator and follow the appeal process as directed. If students do not respond to the proposed cancellation of enrolment letter, and fail to re-engage in their studies, their enrolment will be cancelled and this cancellation will subsequently be reported to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP). This report may have an effect on the student’s visa.

Academic Progress - Satisfactory Course Progress To achieve satisfactory course progress a student must progress through their ELICOS modules without being assessed by staff as having to undertake the same ten week module three times. Students whose progress is deemed to be unsatisfactory will not be permitted to continue with their ELICOS studies and will not be able to reapply for the program for a period of two years. Intervention Strategy ELICOS is taught in five and ten week modules. Students’ progress is reviewed during the first five weeks of each ten week module and at the end of every five and ten week module. If staff identify that students are at risk of not making satisfactory progress students are counselled about strategies to help them achieve satisfactory course progress. Strategies may include additional study suggestions and referral to other support services. This intervention strategy is normally activated by staff contacting the student to arrange a meeting but it may be undertaken in other ways, for example, by email or phone. Reporting of Students to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) Where a student in an ELICOS program can no longer achieve satisfactory course progress they will be sent an email via their official Swinburne email address notifying them that Swinburne intends to report them for not achieving satisfactory course progress. The email will notify the student that they are able to appeal to the Director, Swinburne College or nominee within 20 working days. Appeals in Relation to Attendance and Unsatisfactory Academic Progress Appeals must be in writing and addressed to the Director, Swinburne College. A review of a student’s appeal will commence within 10 working days of the written appeal being lodged. The student may be accompanied by a support person (who is not a legal practitioner) at any relevant meetings. The student will be given a written statement of the outcome of their appeal, including reasons for the outcome. Where a student remains dissatisfied with a decision on appeal, the student may appeal to the Victorian Ombudsman at minimal or no cost in accordance with the National Code. The Ombudsman is generally a last resort. If a student has not followed the steps laid down in the relevant Swinburne procedures, the Ombudsman may ask them to do so before accepting their appeal. Where a student chooses not to access the appeal processes within the 20 working day period, withdraws from the process, or the process is completed and supports the original decision, Swinburne will notify DIBP that the student has not achieved satisfactory attendance/academic progress. The student’s enrolment will be maintained throughout the internal and (if known) any external appeals process, provided the student fulfils all conditions for a valid enrolment, including payment of all fees, and compliance with all applicable standards of conduct, statutes, regulations, policies and procedures.

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Disciplinary Procedures Students who are involved in a matter where they are subject to a student disciplinary process should read the policy which outlines their rights and obligations. Click here to read Swinburne's Assessment,Appeals and General Misconduct policies. If you choose not to access the appeal processes within the 20 working day period, withdraw from the process, or the process is completed and supports the original decision, Swinburne will notify DIBP that you have not achieved satisfactory attendance/academic progress. In these circumstances your enrolment will be maintained throughout the internal and (if known) any external appeals process, provided you fulfill all conditions for a valid enrolment, including payment of all fees, and compliance with all applicable standards of conduct, statutes, regulations, policies and procedures of the University. http://policies.swinburne.edu.au/ppdonline/showdoc.aspx?recnum=POL/2007/31

Leave of Absence and Withdrawal

International students can only take Leave of Absence (LOA) where they have compassionate or compelling circumstances or on the grounds of student misbehavior. Compassionate or compelling circumstances are generally those beyond the control of the student and which have an impact upon the student’s course progress or wellbeing. Documentary evidence must be provided. Leave of Absence (LOA) or withdrawal from the course must be approved by the Director of Studies (DoS) or a nominee. http://www.swinburne.edu.au/studentoperations/forms/tafe.html Sponsored students must request and be approval from their sponsor before they apply to the College for a leave of absence.

Student’s Obligation to Notify Change of Address

International students must advise Swinburne of any changes in their Australian and home country addresses and phone numbers within 7 days. Changes to address and other contact details can be made using SwinLink – Swinburne’s online student administration service: http://www.swinburne.edu.au/studentoperations/services/swinlink.html

Student’s Obligation to Maintain a Valid Visa and Health Insurance

International students must ensure that they maintain a valid visa and any health insurance (OHSC) required as a condition of their visa. Visa and health insurance renewal is the responsibility of the student. Student Forms Forms are available at: http://www.swinburne.edu.au/studentoperations/forms/

Official Swinburne Email. Students must accept responsibility for checking their official Swinburne email address on a weekly basis at a minimum and on a daily basis during critical academic periods such as enrolment and progress review to ensure that they receive important correspondence.

Swinburne College ELICOS Student Handbook 2014


At Swinburne University standards of academic integrity and honesty are viewed as essential components of teaching, learning and research. Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and will be treated seriously by the university. Definition: Plagiarism is the action or practice of taking and submitting or presenting the thoughts, writings or other work of someone else as though it is your own work. Plagiarism includes any of the following, without full and appropriate acknowledgment to the original source(s): a)

the use of the whole or part of a computer program written by another person


the use, in essays or other assessable work, of the whole or part of a written work from any source including but not limited to a book, journal, newspaper article, set of lecture notes, current or past student’s work, any other person’s work, a website or database; the paraphrasing of another’s work; the use of musical composition, audio, visual, graphic and photographic models without attribution of the author; the use of regalia, that is objects, artefacts, costumes, models and the like without acknowledgement.

c) d) e)

Plagiarism also includes the preparation or production and submission or presentation of assignments or other work in conjunction with another person or other people when that work should be your own independent work. This remains plagiarism whether or not it is with the knowledge or consent of the other person or people. It should be noted that Swinburne encourages its students to talk to staff, fellow students and other people who may be able to contribute to a student’s academic work but that where independent assignment is required, submitted or presented work must be the student’s own. Enabling plagiarism contributes to plagiarism and therefore will be treated as a form of plagiarism by the University. Enabling plagiarism means allowing or otherwise assisting another student to copy or otherwise plagiarise work by, for example, allowing access to a draft or completed assignment or other work. Swinburne University’s plagiarism policy is available at: http://policies.swinburne.edu.au/ppdonline/showdoc.aspx?recnum=POL/2008/321

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Section Four Student Rights and Policies What are my Rights? What policies should I be aware of?

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Section Four What are my rights? What policies should I be aware of?.

Australia’s laws promote quality education and consumer protection for overseas students. These laws are known as the ESOS framework and include the Educational Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 and National Code of Practice 2007. For further information please refer to:

Be aware of your rights as an international student. Be familiar with laws that protect the rights of individuals. Know how to resolve issues and provide feedback. http://www.international.swinburne.edu.au/resources/docs/esos-framework.pdf

Rights, Complaints and Feedback

Students who wish to make a complaint or provide feedback should talk to their Academic Program Manager or someone else from their teaching department about the best way to resolve the issue or on how to provide feedback. Positive feedback is also most welcome as it enables University leaders to publicise and disseminate good practices. For details about student grievances follow the link below to the Policies and Procedures database where the University’s Assessment and Appeals and General Grievance policies can be found. http://policies.swinburne.edu.au/ppdonline/ There is also an online form that can be used to provide feedback on services. Follow the link to Online Service Feedback Form below. http://www.swinburne.edu.au/corporate/feedback/service_feedback_student.pdf

Disciplinary Procedures for Students

Students who are involved in a matter where they are subject to a student disciplinary process should read the policy which outlines their rights and obligations in the process. For details about disciplinary procedures for students : http://policies.swinburne.edu.au/ppdonline/

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is prohibited by law in educational establishments and will not be tolerated at Swinburne University. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, unwelcome requests for sexual favours, and any other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature in circumstances in which a reasonable person (having regard to all the circumstances) would have anticipated that the other person would be offended, humiliated or intimidated. http://policies.swinburne.edu.au/ppdonline/


Swinburne is committed to providing a fair and equitable study environment. Discrimination and harassment in education against individuals and groups on grounds specified in legislation is prohibited and will not be tolerated by the University. Complaints of discrimination and harassment are taken seriously and handled promptly and impartially. The University has staff trained in the resolution of complaints and in the provision of advice. Further information and a list of advisors: http://www.swinburne.edu.au/corporate/hr/equity/

Equal Opportunity Policy and Equity

Swinburne is committed to providing a fair and equitable study environment. Equal opportunity means that every student and staff member is valued equally and provided with opportunities on the basis of merit. Academic standards are enhanced by ensuring that individuals are not treated unfairly, harassed or discriminated against. Discrimination and harassment in education against individuals and groups on the grounds of specified in

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legislation is prohibited and will not be tolerated by the University. Discrimination exists where aspects such as gender, race, disability, religious or political belief, sexual preference, marital or de-facto status, pregnancy or parenthood are used to limit a person’s access or opportunity to be treated equitably. http://www.swinburne.edu.au/corporate/hr/equity/ Follow this link to the Policies and Procedures Database – Equal Opportunity, Anti-discrimination and Sexual Harassment. http://policies.swinburne.edu.au/ppdonline/

Harassment and Bullying

Harassment and bullying are prohibited in educational institutions and workplaces and will not be tolerated at Swinburne. Harassment includes unwelcome physical or verbal actions that are abusive, offensive, embarrassing or vilifying. It may also constitute discrimination on protected grounds. Bullying is repeated, unreasonable behaviour directed towards an individual or group of individuals that is victimising, humiliating, undermining or threatening. You should contact your teacher, the Academic Program Manager or the Director of Studies, ELICOS should you encounter any such behaviour.

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Section Five Student Services and Facilities Where can I get help? What facilities are available?

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This image c a nnot c urr ent l y be di s pl a y ed .

Section Five

Where can I get help? What facilities are available? Keeping safe? Student Services & Facilities Language and Academic Skills (LAS) Language and Academic Skills advisors can help you improve your English language and study skills so you can achieve better results. Students can obtain help with report/essay writing, note-taking, study skills, mathematics, statistics, computing and oral presentations. You can attend free workshops, join the daily conversation group or make individual appointments with an advisor. www.swinburne.edu.au/las Free after-hours information Swinburne offers an after-hours information service to international students for medical, safety, environmental, mental health, accommodation, transport and other basic enquiries. Telephone:

1800 022 168. The service is available between 5pm and 9am.

For enquiries during normal business hours students can contact Swinburne International Telephone:

1300 368 777

Student Services and Learning Facilities

Swinburne University and the Swinburne Student Union (SSU) have a range of services and facilities available to students, which in most cases are free. These include loans to cover fees and living expenses, health services, extra tuition and counselling services. Any student contact with these services is confidential and is not in any way communicated with the student’s department or course administration.

Student Information Centre

The Student Information Centre can assist with general enquiries such as: • issuing or replacement of student identity cards • official results printout • awards and graduation enquiries • certifying Swinburne documents • general information and referral of service Further information can be obtained from: http://www.swinburne.edu.au/studentoperations/contact/index.html Many frequently asked questions (FAQs) are answered at “My.Swinburne” https://my.swinburne.edu.au/portal/page/portal/public/faq

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Student Services

All international students can access the following student services: accommodation (on and off campus options) careers and employment disability Support Service equity scholarships program (Higher Education) financial advice health and well-being • student development and counselling http://www.swinburne.edu.au/stuserv • • • • • •

Swinburne Student Amenities Association (SSAA)

The Swinburne Student Amenities Association (SSAA) has been established to provide a range of services to students of Swinburne. A range of cultural and social activities are provided throughout the year for students who are interested in becoming involved. Many of these events are organised by the various clubs and societies on campus, which you can join. The Swinburne Student Amenities Association (SSAA) plays a role in supporting these events, as well as running a range of general social activities. http://www.myssaa.com.au/ For upcoming events: http://www.myssaa.com.au/activities/about-activities Orientation http://www.international.swinburne.edu.au/arrival/orientation-and- enrolment//index.html Clubs and Societies http://www.swinburne.edu.au/ssaa/clubs.html Student Academic Advice and Advocacy http://www.swinburne.edu.au/ssaa/academic.html Social and Cultural Activities http://www.international.swinburne.edu.au/studentlife/ Night Bus The Hawthorn campus night bus departs from outside the AGSE Building, Corner John & Wakefield Streets, Hawthorn. Monday to Thursday: 7:10, 7:40, 8:10, 8:40, 9:10, 9:40 The Hawthorn night bus can drop you off safely wherever you request, within the boundaries of Riversdale Road, Auburn Road Barkers Road and Power Street. For all enquiries please contact SSAA Hawthorn on 9214 5445 or Hawthorn Security on 9214 8176. http://www.myssaa.com.au/About/Night-Bus

Swinburne Student Union (SSU)

The Swinburne Student Union (SSU) is a separate legal entity from the Swinburne University. The SSU seeks to represent its members and can be contacted: Telephone:

9214 5440

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Swinergy, Swinburne University Sport and Recreation Centre By contacting the Sports Desk at a campus, students can collect a handbook and detailed information on any clubs, recreations, facilities and services offered. Health and fitness services and sporting campus activities are listed on the websites below: http://www.swinergy.ymca.org.au/ Swinlink Swinlink is Swinburne’s online student administration system. Swinlink is for for making course fee payments via credit-card and viewing and maintaining personal details held by the University. Course fee payments can be made for any debts, charges or installments for your current course or course of which you have been made an offer, or not yet made a payment for (Please note that this system does not accept payments for Library Fines, Health Insurance or Short Courses). The personal details that can be viewed and maintained on Swinlink are: • name and date of birth • postal and permanent address • email address • telephone numbers • emergency contact details • employer details http://www.swinburne.edu.au/studentoperations/services/swinlink.html not

Careers and Employment Swinburne's Careers and Employment team provide free seminars, resume checks, interview practise sessions and access to an online employment database to help you find part-time work. These services are available to current students and alumni. International students with permission to work may not undertake work until they have started their course in Australia. Currently students are limited to 40 hours work per fortnight while their course is in session, and may work full-time during formal holiday periods. http://www.swinburne.edu.au/college/current-students/services/index.html#careers

Part-time Employment

The part-time employment service can assist with information and advice on part-time employment and working conditions. Students are advised to check SwinEmploy regularly if they are seeking employment. A tutoring register is also available for students seeking a tutor for a specific unit of study, or wishing to work as a tutor. For further information: Telephone: (03) 9214 4875. http://www.swinburne.edu.au/corporate/careers http://www.swinburne.edu.au/corporate/careers/student_employment.html http://www.swinburne.edu.au/careers/graduate_rec_program.html

Student Development and Counselling

Student Development and Counselling offers a range of personal, confidential and free services to students by professional counsellors who are either registered psychologists or social workers.

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Services • •

Group programs for students to provide support as well as address any problems you may be experiencing Short-term individual counseling

Students can simply telephone or call in to make an appointment to see a counsellor. You do not need to explain anything when making an appointment

Professional Assistance • • • • •

Personal, relationship and family issues Grief and loss Self-esteem and personal development issues Stress, time management and effective study methods Cross-cultural issues such as adjusting to Australian culture and university life

Swin-eCounselling The Swin-eCounselling service offers students support and advice about issues that may be affecting their study or private wellbeing, via an informative website and online question and answer system. This service is not intended to replace therapeutic face-to-face counselling of an ongoing nature, but can help students with dayto-day concerns, and establish whether they may benefit from seeing a counsellor or another health professional. For ongoing or more serious issues, please contact the counselling service: http://www.swinburne.edu.au/stuserv/counselling/swin_ecounselling/ Advocacy Student Academic Advisors provide advice to and on behalf of students and assist students in the resolution of their educational concerns. This may include: • Empowering students to undertake their own casework, advocating on their behalf, providing referrals to other service providers, and providing assistance in other ways. • Providing advice on University policies and procedures and provide students with realistic and accurate advice about matters for which they have sought assistance.


Details of the Terms and Conditions of parking and parking locations are available from the website under further information below. Students are advised that fees are payable for parking on Hawthorn campus. Parking fees, terms and conditions are subject to change without notice. Students wishing to use University car parks should obtain the complete terms and conditions from the locations mentioned. Enforceable Infringement Notices are issued when parking is contrary to the terms and conditions of parking. Hawthorn on-campus parking is free on Saturdays and Sundays, parking on Saturdays at the Hawthorn campus is only available in Henry Street, the multi-deck car park is closed.

Infringement of Parking Rules

Failure to comply with parking regulations could incur a Parking Infringement Notice of up to$107. Under Road Safety Act 1986, the fines are enforceable in court. Those who abuse the system may have their parking privileges withdrawn and the parking permits for their cars revoked. The Terms and Conditions of student parking are available from Facilities and Services Offices on each campus or Swinburne Student Amenities Association (SSAA). http://www.swinburne.edu.au/orientation/transport.html

Swinburne College - ELICOS Student Handbook 2014

Multi Faith Facility

Swinburne’s multi Faith Facility is located on level 3 of the George Building at 34 Wakefield and is accessible via lifts or stairs. There is one large prayer room and four smaller rooms. Toilet and ablution facilities are located on the same floor.

Public Transport

For assistance with public transport: http://viclink.com.au For detailed information about public transport: http://www.swinburne.edu.au/orientation/transport.html

Book Shop

The Swinburne Student book shop has many resources. These resources include texts and references, novels, and general interest books, second-hand books, a full range of stationery supplies and much more. For more details go to http://bookshop.swin.edu.au

Health and Well-being

There is a Health Service situated at each campus that offers a range of services for students.

Campus Nurses

Campus nurses on all campuses can provide • Emergency response and general first aid. • Assessment. Treatment and referral as appropriate. • Health promotion programs and health counselling. Nurses are available on a walk-in basis or by appointment.

Health Service, Hawthorn

The Health Service at Hawthorn provides the following services: • General Medical Practice with female and male doctors by appointment. • Confidential contraception and SDI screening. • Sports injury management. • General and overseas travel immunization assessment and vaccination at competitive prices. Overseas students with valid medical insurance cards will be bulk billed for consultations and any pathology procedures done in the Health Service. Please note that only appropriate qualified medical staff are able to dispense any form of medication or pain relief such as Panadol. Level 4, The George, W akefield Street http://www.swin.edu.au/stuserv/health Hawthorn:

Personal Safety

Australia is generally a safe and secure study destination. However, as in any place, you should take steps to keep yourself safe. The following website:

http://www.studyinaustralia.gov.au/en/Living-in-Australia/Student-Safety-Portal/Fire-Safety provides preventative advice on safety in the situations over the page:

Swinburne College - ELICOS Student Handbook 2014

Bush and outback safety

Australian customs and traditions

Drugs and the law

Fire safety

Home safety and security

Law and order

Natural disasters

Personal safety

Renting accommodation

Safety in public places

Sun and water safety

Medical treatment

EMERGENCY NUMBER in AUSTRALIA Police, Fire Ambulance 000 (not 911) Personal safety strategies on campus

To ensure their safety whilst at Swinburne, students should follow the personal safety strategies outlined below: • Hawthorn campus has an emergency phone, in the foyer of some buildings, which connect directly t o security. If the security office is unattended there is a phone near the window of the security office connected to the guards mobile. • travel along the safest pathways when walking about the campus at night. • report areas where the lighting is not functioning or effective to the Facilities and Service Group (such as overgrown shrubbery or trees blocking light). • report any suspicious persons to Security or Facilities and Service Group. • report all threats and assaults to Security firstly and then to Occupational Health and Safety Unit at the Human Resources department. • Students are advised to leave in groups. If possible, plan ahead and pre-determine parking areas so that when the class is finished, the group is heading in the same direction. At the car parks, ensure each person’s car is working before the group leaves. • Students are urged to consider each other and ensure that no one is left behind.

Services and Facilities Swinburne University has a range of services and facilities available to students, which in most cases are free. These include loans to cover fees and living expenses, health services, extra tuition and counselling services. The following is a list of the services available and how to contact these services and learner support agencies. Any student contact with these services is confidential and is not in any way communicated with the student’s department or course administration.

Swinburne College - ELICOS Student Handbook 2014

Quick Reference Guide to Hawthorn Campus If you need



You can get help with it at

Note International Student Advisor (Accommodation)

9214 5551

Swinburne International 1stfloor FrederickStreet



UN Building, 2 Floor John Street

Mon-Thurs 8:30am-7:30pm Fri 8:30am-5pm

Can become a member of the Bookshop co-operative for $20 which gives you a discount on some items)

Career Advice & Employment

9214 5360 9214 4875

Ground Floor Swinburne Place 20 Wakefield St,

Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

Career & job-hunting workshops, library & online resources www.swinburne.edu.au/careers

Computer Facilities

9214 5956

Library (Level 2, LB Building, John St,



9214 8025

Mon – Fri 9am-5pm


Library open 24hrs / 7 days (need access card)

TD Level 3

Assistance with course

Need ID No. to create Novell network account, and you need to purchase photocopy card for printing

Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

A free and confidential service. Personal & study skills counseling (Includes assistance for International Students) http://www.swinburne.edu.au/stuserv/counselling/in dex.html


Speak to your teacher or Academic Program L

Disability Support

9214 6964 0410569407

SPW Level 2

Mon Tues Fri 8:30am-4:30pm

Disability co-ordinator on campus Appointments available any day

Emergency Help

9214 3333 9214 8176

Security – Alfred Street

Anytime 24 hours

Use this number only if serious emergency or danger

Financial Help

9214 8953

Student Information CentreWest building, Swinburne Place, Wakefield St

Mon – Fri 9am-5pm

Loans, grants, budgeting advice, Fees and tax help

Health Service

9214 8483

Level 4 The George Wakefield Street

Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

Emergency response, Doctors by appointment, Nursing service on a drop in basis. First Aid Kits in Departments


9214 8882 9214 8953

Student Information Centre, SPW Building, Wakefield St

Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

Assistance finding shared accommodation, vacant flats/units/houses, and assistance with tenancy problems

Sport & Recreation Swinergy

9214 8018

John St, Hawthorn


Swinergy is an educational and training centre that provides Training in Sport, Recreation and Fitness

Swinburne College - ELICOS Student Handbook 2014

If you need


Support for International Students (Swinburne International)



9214 8330

LB Building on John St

Check website for details Online 24hrs

Excellent print, video and online resources. Reference services and internet workshops. Computers & study rooms available www.swin.edu.au/lib to discover services available online

9214 5364

West Building Ground Level, Frederick Street, Swinburne Place

Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Cashier open 9:30am-4:30pm

Enrolments Payments Amendments


Student Admin Information Help with your study LAS (Language & Academic Skills)

You can get help with it at

9214 8330


Mon-Fri 9am-5pm


Processing of applications for courses, visas, work permits etc.

http://www.international.swinburne.edu.au/studentlife/support/las/ You can obtain help with report/essay writing, notetaking, study skills, mathematics, statistics, computing &

Emergency Procedures - Students and Visitors

The following provides guidelines for Students and Visitors of Swinburne University in the event of an emergency. Full Emergency Information can be found at: http://www.swinburne.edu.au/corporate/emergency Definitions: Emergency - Any event that arises internally or from external sources, which may cause physical and or emotional distress to staff and or students. Eg fire, bomb threat, flood, gas leak and storm. Wardens - members of staff who belong to the building's Emergency Response Team and who provide advice and direction during an emergency. Typically in an emergency the main aim is get people out of the building and to a safe area as quickly as possible. Wardens have the authority to direct staff and students at all levels of the University structure to comply with the emergency procedures. It is the responsibility of the lecturer/tutor to ensure that their class is evacuated and to maintain control of the students during the emergency until released by the relevant Warden. Lecturers, tutors or other people responsible for students or visitors must ensure (as far as practical) that they follow emergency arrangements. Evacuation At all times during the emergency, stay calm, and follow the instructions of the emergency wardens. When you hear the Evacuation ALERT signal (an intermittent ‘beep’) prepare to leave the building - secure confidential materials and valuables, collect personal belongings, shut down experiments, switch off computers, electrical appliances, equipment, machinery, etc. When you hear the EVACUATE signal (a ‘whooping’ tone), or if instructed to do so by an emergency warden, leave the building by the nearest and safest exit route. Use Emergency Stairwells only, Do not use the lifts or Escalators Walk quickly and calmly to the designated assembly area for your building or as advised by the Emergency Warden/ Security/Emergency Services personnel.

Swinburne College - ELICOS Student Handbook 2014

Remain at the assembly area (in groups) until instructed to leave by an Emergency Warden/ Security/Emergency Services personnel. Do not enter a building in alarm. Fire If you see Fire or Smoke - Raise the Alarm – then carry out the following: If safe to do so, ensure the immediate safety of anyone within the vicinity of the fire. Break the nearest fire Break Glass Alarm which automatically notifies the Fire Brigade and ring Security on 3333 on any internal phone or dial 9214 3333 from an external phone. Inform your supervisor or emergency warden if safe to do so. Evacuate the immediate area. Do not fight the fire unless you have had specific recent training in the use of extinguishers and have backup present. Safety Tips Preparation is your greatest asset in an emergency. 1. Review the buildings emergency floor plans 2. Know where the emergency exits are 3. Keep exit paths clear 4. Know where the nearest fire alarm and fire extinguisher are 5. Never leave an open flame unattended

Swinburne College - ELICOS Student Handbook 2014

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