2014 sem 1 org1001 outline sc v2

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Swinburne College Diploma of Business (UniLink) Diploma of Information Technology (UniLink)

Unit Outline ORG10001 Organisations and Management Teaching Period 1, 2014

Please read this Unit Outline carefully. It includes:


Unit summary


Your Unit in more detail


Further information

Page 1 of 17


Unit Summary

Unit Code(s)


Unit Title

Organisations and Management


14 weeks

Total Contact Hours


Requisites: Pre-requisites


Credit Points




Mode of Delivery

Face-to-Face, Online, Blended Concept Handbook Essay Presentation Exam

Assessment Summary

20% 20% 20% 40%

Aims This unit aims to give students experience and understanding of the issues facing managers in organisations and the contexts in which they operate. Students will be introduced to core theoretical concepts relating to the management of contemporary organisations. This unit introduces the key concepts that comprise the basic understanding of all organisations. These concepts will assist students in their future roles by providing a basic understanding of how to plan, organise, lead and control. The unit also prepares students for further studies in later year undergraduate subjects.

Unit Learning Outcomes Students who successfully complete this Unit should be able to: a) Understand basic management concepts including: The External Environment, Strategy, Planning and Decision Making, Structure and Design, Organisational Culture, Team building and Teamwork, Diversity, Organisational and Interpersonal Communication. b) Use these concepts for the basic analysis of organisations. c) Recognise the impacts of managerial behaviour on organisational performance and distinguish between positive and negative behaviour. d) Critically examine management concepts and their application. e) Begin to develop their own management style. f)

Find and use secondary research to support idea development and argument.

g) Reflect on and analyse experiences in teams and use these to improve personal and team effectiveness. h) Understand organisational and personal communication and use basic elements of active listening.

Swinburne College :

Pathways Prepared by :

Bryan Kidd February 2014

Valid for Teaching Period Semester One 2014 v2

Page 2 of 17

Key Generic Skills    

Analysis skills Communication skills Ability to tackle unfamiliar problems Teamwork skills

Content 1. The organisational environment 2. Strategic planning and implementation 3. Organisational structures 4. Organisational culture 5. Team development 6. Communication 7. Diversity

Swinburne College :

Pathways Prepared by :

Bryan Kidd February 2014

Valid for Teaching Period Semester One 2014 v2

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Your Unit in more detail

Unit Improvements Feedback provided by previous students through the Student Survey has resulted in improvements that have been made to this unit. Recent improvements include: •

Renaming of some assessment tasks. Re-sequencing of tasks to represent a more effective flow of learning.

Unit Teaching Staff Name





Consultation Times

Bryan Kidd

Unit Convenor


9214 4588


By request

Other Teachers

Learning and Teaching Structure Activity

Total Hours

Hours per Week

Teaching Period Weeks


28 hours

2 hours

Weeks 1 to 14


42 hours

3 hour

Weeks 1 to 14

Students are also expected to work on tasks independently outside the classroom.

Week by Week Schedule Week

Week Beginning


Feb 24

Teaching and Learning Activity

Student Task or Assessment

Lecture: Introduction to Management Introduction to key concepts & ProjectBased learning


Defining Managers & Management Preparation: Chapter 1 (The changing World of Management) 2

March 3

Lecture: External environment

Handbook Project Planning & Organising

Defining the external environment


March 10

Preparation: Chapter 2 (The environment and corporate culture) Additional Reading: Dervitsiotis, Navigating in Turbulent Environmental Conditions for Sustainable Business Excellence Lecture: Strategic Management and planning

Handbook Project Preparation

Setting and achieving goals Preparation: Chapters 5 (Organisational planning & goal setting) & 6 (Strategy formulation and implementation) Additional Reading: Bower and Gilbert, How Managers’ Everyday Decisions Create or Destroy Your Company’s Strategy Mintzberg, Crafting Strategy. Swinburne College :

Pathways Prepared by :

Bryan Kidd February 2014

Valid for Teaching Period Semester One 2014 v2

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March 17

Lecture: Organising (Organisational structure)

Handbook Project Preparation Progress Review

Creating and understanding organisation design Preparation: Chapter 7 (Fundamentals of Organising) Additional Reading: Jacques, In Praise of Hierarchy. 5

March 24

Lecture: Teamwork and team development Understanding teams and groups Preparation: Chapter 13 (Teamwork in Organisations) Additional reading: Tyson, Group Structure and Process; Thompson, Improving the Creativity of Organisational Work Groups

Handbook Project Preparation


March 31

Lecture: Corporate culture Recognizing and analysing organisational culture Preparation: Chapter 2 (The environment and corporate culture) Additional Reading: Spencer, Identifying Cultural Norms in the Management Classroom

Assessment 1 (20 %) Concept Handbook submit online 4th of April


April 7

Lecture: Handbook Showcase Each team will show their Handbook (maximum of 15 minutes)

Handbook Showcase- Hurdle Task (In Lecture) Essay Preparation


April 14

Lecture: Diversity in teams Working effectively with diversity Preparation: Chapter 11 (Managing Diversity) (2009 edition only) Additional reading: Thomas and Ely, Making Differences Matter

Essay Preparation

April 21

No Classes


April 28

Lecture: Communication Communication in Organisations Preparation: Chapter 12 (Communication in Organisations)

Assessment 2 (20%) Individual essay submit online 23 August Presentation Planning


May 5

Lecture: Interrelationships of concepts

Presentation Preparation

Exploring the interrelationship and link points between concepts Preparation: Review each concept 11

May 12

Swinburne College :

Lecture: How to succeed in the presentation Exploring the concepts in relation to project work experience Preparation: Review your team presentation preparation so far

Pathways Prepared by :

Bryan Kidd February 2014

Presentation Preparation

Valid for Teaching Period Semester One 2014 v2

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May 19

Lecture: How to succeed in the exam Exploring the concepts in relation to project work experience Preparation: Review your notes in relation to each of the concepts

Presentation Preparation


May 26

Lecture: Team Presentations

Assessment 3 Team Presentation (20 %) (Conducted in the lecture)

Preparation: Complete and rehearse your presentation

Submit your slides online Exam Preparation


June 2

Exam Week

Assessment a)

Assessment Overview Weighting

Unit Learning Outcomes that this assessment task relates to

Assessment Due Date



1, 2, 4, 5, 8

End of week 6

Individual Essay



1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7

End of week 9

Team Presentation



1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Lecture Week 13




1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7

Formal Exam Period

Tasks and Details

Individual or Group

Concept Handbook

Assessment Task Priority Table (Gantt Chart) Heavy Shading = Urgent Light Shading = Important Wk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Glossary Essay Presentation Exam

No Shading = Not Applicable 10 11 12 13 14

1. CONCEPT HANDBOOK (20%) Due Week 6 An Advanced Glossary is a set of definitions, explanations and examples of key terms. For this task you are required to work in a small group to prepare an Advanced Glossary for one of the key concepts. Before starting your work as a small group, your class is required to create a plan detailing the type of content and general format for the Advanced Glossaries. This must be confirmed as acceptable by your teacher. It is recommended that you start by selecting key terms to define, and then find two definitions from academic sources for each key term. Guided by the definitions, the explanation should be written in your own words. The examples must show how each concept can be used to explain how your class has organised and managed itself during the first half of the semester. These examples will be useful for preparation for later assessment tasks.

Swinburne College :

Pathways Prepared by :

Bryan Kidd February 2014

Valid for Teaching Period Semester One 2014 v2

Page 6 of 17

Organise and manage yourselves, and negotiate with teaching staff to: 

Develop a plan to create an Advanced Glossary specifically related to each of the five key concepts (External Environment, Strategic Management and Planning, Organising, Corporate Culture and Teamwork)

Check your plan with your tutor for approval to continue

Implement your plan

Edit your Advanced Glossary with the staff member (week 5)

Submit your completed Advanced Glossary (week 6 – an electronic copy with a hard copy of the Swinburne College cover sheet to be submitted)

Add your Advanced Glossary to your Team Work Portfolio

Compulsory Showcase of your Advanced Glossary (week 8 in the lecture.) (This is a hurdle requirement. All students must participate to be awarded marks. Failure to present will result in zero marks for the Advanced Glossary.)

Assessment Criteria -

Usability and learning value of your Advanced Glossary (10 marks)


Formatting, including correct spelling and grammar, and names of contributing students (5 marks)


Inclusion of scholarly references (5 marks)


Participation in Showcase (hurdle requirement – students who do not participate will receive a zero mark for this task)


NB: Each Team member is required to contribute to the development of the Advanced Glossary. Different marks may be awarded at the discretion of teaching staff.

Advanced Glossary Activity Guide Your Advanced Glossary Project will pass through a number of different stages during the semester, representing the ‘Life-Cycle’ of the project. Different activities are required at different stages. The following is a guide to activities at different stages of the project. You may also find that some of these stages can be usefully repeated for the team presentation in week 13.

Start Up: 

Get to know your Group members

Get to know your assessment tasks (Objectives)

Get to know Blackboard

Get to know the Library resources

Identify alternative plans for your project

Choose project plans

Make your plans specific

Getting Organised 

Allocate tasks to Group members

Set milestones and deadlines

Check your understanding of the tasks and their inter-dependence

Identify any initial barriers to success

Doing The Work 

Monitor progress

Monitor Group Dynamics

Swinburne College :

Pathways Prepared by :

Bryan Kidd February 2014

Valid for Teaching Period Semester One 2014 v2

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Be aware of deadlines

Respond to unexpected problems

Completion 

Review the quality of your work

Check your final formatting, spelling and grammar

Submit your work

Add your work to the Team Work Portfolio in Blackboard

Prepare and deliver your showcase for week 8 (in the lecture)

Ask for feedback

Review class, sub-group and individual performance (helpful for the essay, presentation and exam)

Swinburne College :

Pathways Prepared by :

Bryan Kidd February 2014

Valid for Teaching Period Semester One 2014 v2

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Rubric for OMAN Advanced Glossary


Contributor Names: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Please Note: Each student is required to contribute to the development of the Glossary. Different marks may be awarded for different quality contributions. Usability and learning value of your improved learning resources. Usability

0 No consideration of usability

Learning Value


1.5 - 2

2.5 – 3.5


Some basic attempts at thinking of the user experience

Some basic attempt to design a consistent easy to use format, but poorly implemented

Thoughtful easy to use design with some areas of potential improvement.

Impressive design, easy to use and very helpful



1.5 - 2

2.5 – 3.5


Does not help others learn about the topic

Some limited elements that may be valuable for other OMAN assessment tasks, but could be considerably more helpful.

More basic definitions, explanations or examples. While some content will be useful, the level of quality is inconsistent

Consistently useful information that could be taken further at times to provide a more advanced understanding

Comprehensive and consistently useful information covering both basic and advanced aspects of the topic

Formatting, including correct spelling and grammar, and names of contributing students Formatting



No attempt at consistent formatting

Grammar and Expression Contributors


0.5 No attempt at clear grammar and expression


Consistent basic formatting including

Very basic document formatting including attempts at basic elements such as consistent text type and font, and paragraphs.

Thoughtful and consistent use of formatting elements that show a higher level of attention to detail and better preparation


Some inconsistent attempt at clear expression



Mostly expressed well and understandable.

Consistently well expressed with some lapses


Not Listed

2 Impressive and thorough use of thoughtful formatting that contribute to a document prepared to professional standards

2 Thoroughly well expressed and completely understood


Listed, but do not include complete details, or in an unclear location in the document.

Full details of all contributors clearly listed

Inclusion of scholarly references Sources Acknowledged Harvard Referencing



Sources not acknowledged


Some references provided


Many references provided


Harvard referencing method not used

1.5 Most references provided


Some attempt made, but mostly incorrect format

Consistent attempts with often correct format

2 All references provided

2.5 Mostly correct format

3 Completely correct format

See Over for Notes and Comments

Grades: Pass = 10 – 12.99

Swinburne College :

Pathways Prepared by :

Credit = 13 – 14.99

Distinction = 15 – 16.99

Bryan Kidd February 2014

Valid for Teaching Period Semester One 2014 v2

High Distinction = 17 – 20

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INDIVIDUAL ESSAY (20%) Due week 9 via online submission (1500-2000 words) Task: Analyse the performance of your team work so far this semester using the topics of Diversity and Communication. Use examples and theory to identify and analyse the factors that have influenced your class effectiveness, including your teams’ composition (including diversity) and communication processes. (Please note: this paper does not require you to write about strategic management, structure, culture, teamwork and external environment as the focus is entirely on the topics of Diversity and Communication). Background: In all organisations we work with other people, and must organise and manage ourselves and others to achieve our tasks. Consequently, it is important to understand how different individuals and groups work within organisations, and how our own individual behaviour influences effectiveness. This essay requires you to show your developing understanding and application of the topics of Diversity and Communication by linking your experience to the theory. Assessment Criteria for the Individual Essay: -

Provide clear examples of your class diversity and communication processes and how they have changed (or stayed the same) over the semester so far. (6 marks)


Critically analyse the processes and effectiveness of your class (8 marks)


Use of academic resources (you are expected to use the required text book and a minimum of three other academic resources), correct use of the Harvard referencing system, appropriate grammar and expression (6 marks) Note: although this section is technically worth only a few marks, students who do not use references in the body of their report, or who do not use them appropriately, risk receiving a mark of zero for the entire paper.

The paper must be in 12 font (Arial or Times New Roman). 1.5 spacing, stapled with a signed cover sheet. The paper will not be marked if is not presented properly.

Swinburne College :

Pathways Prepared by :

Bryan Kidd February 2014

Valid for Teaching Period Semester One 2014 v2

Page 10 of 17

Rubric for OMAN Individual Essay Marker:

Student Name………………………………… ID ………… Only essays meeting presentation guidelines will be marked.

Clear examples of your Teams’ diversity and communication processes and how they have changed (or stayed the same) over the semester so far. Team Diversity

Communicat ion




Diversity not identified


General diverse characteristics identified


Incidents of Team Diversity


Communication not discussed


Description includes specific detail


General communication issues identified

Relevant incidents identified and described


No changes identified. Discussed as if the Team was always the same


Changes identified and described using incidents

Description gives good insight into the Team Diversity

1.5 Description includes specific detail


General changes identified


2 Description gives good insight into the Teams’ Communication

1.5 Description includes specific detail

2 Description gives good insight into how the Team has changed

Critically analyse the processes and effectiveness of your Team Analysis of Processes

Analysis of Effectiveness

Critical Analysis

0 Communication and diversity described, but no attempt to explain and understand what happened and why

0 Effectiveness not mentioned

0 No critical analysis


1 – 1.5

2 – 2.5

Some aspects of Team communication and diversity identified and some effort made to explain and understand

A range of aspects identified and some effort made to explain and understand

More relevant aspects chosen and good effort made to explain and understand


1 – 1.5

2 – 2.5

General effectiveness issues identified

Examples of effectiveness used with basic explanation


Specific examples given with good explanations


Basic recognition of positive and negative aspects of the Team

Attempts to understand the sources and impacts of positive and/or negative aspects

3 Shows insightful understanding of the Team Diversity and communication

3 Insightful understanding of how in/effectiveness was achieved



Good explanation of positive and negative team aspects. May also include some critical comments on theory

Insightful analysis of positive and negative aspects of the team and theory.

Use of academic resources PLEASE NOTE: NO REFERENCES = FAIL Use of Literature

Harvard Referencing

Grammar and Expression

0 No literature used

0 No Harvard Referencing

0 Consistently poor

0.5 One source used





Three sources used including Samson and Daft

Four sources used including Samson and Daft


Some attempt made, but mostly incorrect format

Some inconsistent attempt at clear expression

1 Two sources used including Samson and Daft Consistent attempts with often correct format



Mostly correct format and all sources acknowledged

Correct format for all sources

1 Mostly expressed well and understandable.

1.5 Consistently well expressed with some lapses

2 Thoroughly well expressed and completely understood

See Over for Notes and Comments Grades: Pass = 10 – 12.99

Swinburne College :

Pathways Prepared by :

Credit = 13 – 14.99

Bryan Kidd February 2014

Distinction = 15 – 16.99

Valid for Teaching Period Semester One 2014 v2

High Distinction = 17 – 20

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TEAM PRESENTATION (20%) Due Week 13 

Conduct a 25 minute team presentation analysing your team effectiveness over the semester. Identify, describe and analyse your work processes, focussing on your internal environment (Strategic Management and Planning, Organising, Corporate Culture and Teamwork), how these were interrelated, and how changes were influenced by the External Environment.

Show your work and processes for the semester in an online portfolio (A portfolio will be made available on Blackboard)

Background: One of the challenges for organisations in the 21st century is to organise and manage in ways that enable them to adapt and change in order to take advantage of the global business environment. This requires a focus on local and international opportunities and a willingness and ability to work effectively with diversity within the organisation and the external environment. In order to operate effectively organisations require diverse people capable of performing tasks and working together to achieve desired goals. The aim of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to relate organisation theory and practice to your own teams as you prepare the presentation, and to look back on how you organised and managed yourselves for the earlier tasks. You will need to explore the effectiveness of the team structure, strategy, culture, and teamwork, within its particular external environment. In order to achieve this you will need to operate as an organisation, making the best possible use of your members’ knowledge, characteristics, abilities and skills. Notes: In the presentation you are presenting your analysis of the way your class was organised and managed at different stages during the semester. You are expected to draw on all five concepts, using theory and specific examples from the Team to assist in your discussion of effectiveness. 25 minute presentation in Week 13 Assessment Criteria -

Analysis of the application of the core concepts (external environment, strategic management, structure, culture, and teamwork) as they applied in the individual and team work on your assessment tasks (10 marks)


Analysis of the interrelationships between the concepts and their impact on the overall effectiveness of the team (6 marks)


Detailed portfolio of your teams’ work (2 marks)


Demonstrated creativity and professionalism in the design and delivery of the Team Presentation (2 marks)

Please note: All team members MUST attend the presentation in order to receive a mark for the Team Presentation. In case of an unexpected event that means you cannot attend, it is your responsibility to advise the Staff and other team members. Your absence must be approved for you to be given a mark. Usually, each member of the team will receive whatever grade and mark is awarded for the presentation. However, provision is available for distributing the mark according to the level of contribution. This decision is the responsibility of the teaching staff who will be observing your contribution and commitment. If staff have evidence that the level of your contribution is not acceptable, a decision may be made to award less marks. Staff will make reasonable attempts to advise you of this decision in class. This will not be possible if you have sustained absences.

Swinburne College :

Pathways Prepared by :

Bryan Kidd February 2014

Valid for Teaching Period Semester One 2014 v2

Page 12 of 17

Rubric for OMAN Team Presentation


Class ID……………………………………………………… Application of the core concepts to your Team and its work over the semester. External Environment



No attempt at application


Some basic elements mentioned, but not applied in significant depth

Many basic elements mentioned and adequate application to the Team


2 Basic and advanced elements applied giving a deep insight into the Team history

Most basic, some advanced elements using specific examples across the semester

Strategic Management



1 See above






1 See above






1 See Above






1 See Above



Critical analysis of the interrelationship of the concepts and overall effectiveness of the team in relation to the five concepts Concepts Inter-related



No inter-relationships identified

Overall PT effectiveness

No discussion of effectiveness

Critical Analysis

No critical analysis

Basic interrelatedness shown between some concepts. No in-depth understanding





Basic interrelatedness shown between all concepts or some indepth understanding

All concepts interrelated with some in-depth understanding

All concepts interrelated with a high level of in-depth understanding



Effectiveness stated with some brief explanation covering part of the semester


Effectiveness stated with some brief explanation covering most of the semester




Basic recognition of positive and negative aspects of the Team

Attempts to understand the sources and impacts of positive and/or negative aspects


Effectiveness stated with some in-depth explanation covering most of the semester

All concepts insightfully related to effectiveness



Good explanation of positive and negative team aspects. May also include critical comments on theory

Insightful analysis of positive and negative aspects of the team and theory.

Detailed portfolio of Team work Portfolio

0 Portfolio not shown

0.5 - 1

1.5 - 2

Referred to but not shown, shown as an afterthought, or includes limited evidence of the Team’s work

Shown briefly as an integral part of the presentation, and includes all work completed by the Team

Demonstrated creativity and professionalism in the presentation Creativity



No attempt to use creative methods and techniques to deliver the presentation

Professional -ism


Some attempt to engage the audience


Consistently unprofessional behavior throughout the presentation

Some effort made to prepare and deliver professionally

1 Thoughtful design and consistent audience engagement

1 Thorough preparation and consistent delivery

See Over for Notes and Comments Grades: Pass = 10 – 12.99

Swinburne College :

Pathways Prepared by :

Credit = 13 – 14.99

Bryan Kidd February 2014

Distinction = 15 – 16.99

Valid for Teaching Period Semester One 2014 v2

High Distinction = 17 - 20

Page 13 of 17

FINAL EXAMINATION – Two Hours (40%) during exam period The Final Examination will consist of four (4) questions drawn from the exam test bank. You are required to choose any two (2) of these questions to answer. The Test Bank questions are designed for you to show your ability to respond to the following requirements. Critically analyse the effectiveness of your teams’ project work over the semester using specific examples and the five key concepts (External Environment, Strategic Management, Organising, Corporate Culture, and Teamwork.) Show that you understand details of the five key concepts and how they inter-relate. Use theories from relevant literature, including the required text book and other academic books and journals. Overall Assessment Criteria for the Examination (20 Marks will be allocated to each question) -

Use appropriate case examples of your teams’ work that demonstrate detailed understanding of each concept. (5 x2)


Use relevant theory to critically analyse the case examples from your teams. Include at least five different academic resources including the required text (you are expected to provide the author’s name in brackets in your exam but not the date or page number). (5 x2)


Identify and analyse the dynamic interrelationship of the core concepts. In other words, how they are connected and how the use of them changed according to the project and team situation. (5 x2)


Assess the effectiveness of the project and teams’ work using examples and theory. (5 x2)

b) Minimum requirements to pass this Unit To pass this unit, you must:  achieve an aggregate mark for the subject of 50% or more, and  achieve at least 50% in the final exam If you do not achieve Final Examination you will receive a maximum of 44% as your total mark for the unit. c)

Examinations If the unit you are enrolled in has an official examination, you will be expected to be available for the entire examination period including any Special Exam period. Writing materials only are allowed in the examination.

d) Submission Requirements Assignments and other assessments must be submitted through the Blackboard assessment submission system (Turnitin). Please ensure you keep a copy of all assessments that are submitted. An Assessment Cover Sheet must be submitted with your assignment. The standard Assessment Cover Sheet is available from the Current Students web site (see Part C). Further information regarding submission will be provided during the semester. e)

Extensions and Late Submission Assessment due dates are published in Unit Outlines at the start of the teaching period and will not normally be extended except where students had their studies adversely affected by acute illness, misadventure or other extraordinary cause or circumstance reasonably beyond their control. Students who need to request an extension of time to the due date for a piece of assessment (excluding end of teaching period final examinations) should contact their Unit Convenor directly to discuss their circumstances. Late Submissions - Unless an extension has been approved, you cannot submit an assessment after the due date. If this does occur, you will be penalised 10% of the assessments worth for each calendar day the task is late up to a maximum of 5 days. After 5 days a zero result will be recorded.


Referencing To avoid plagiarism, you are required to provide a reference whenever you include information from other sources in your work. Further details regarding plagiarism are available in Section C of this document. Page 14 of 17

Referencing convention required for this unit is Harvard referencing style. Helpful information on referencing can be found at http://www.swinburne.edu.au/lib/studyhelp/harvard-quick-guide.pdf g) Groupwork Guidelines A group assignment is the collective responsibility of the entire group, and if one member is temporarily unable to contribute, the group should be able to reallocate responsibilities to keep to schedule. In the event of longer-term illness or other serious problems involving a member of group, it is the responsibility of the other members to immediately notify the Unit Convenor or relevant tutor. Group submissions must be submitted with an Assignment Cover Sheet, signed by all members of the group. All group members must be satisfied that the work has been correctly submitted. Any penalties for late submission will generally apply to all group members, not just the person who submitted.

Required Textbook(s) Samson, D & Daft, R.L., 2012, Fundamentals of Management, Cengage Learning, South Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Recommended Reading Materials The Library has a large collection of resource materials, both texts and current journals. Listed below are some references that will provide valuable supplementary information to this unit. It is also recommended that you explore other sources to broaden your understanding.

Highly Recommended : Tyson, T. (1998) Working with Groups, Macmillan Education Australia South Yarra. Summers, J and Smith,B (2006) Communication Skills Handbook, John Wiley & Sons, Milton Queensland Additional Reading Reference List Bower,J. L. & Clark G. G., How managers' everyday decisions create or destroy your company's strategy, United States : Harvard Business School Publishing 2007 (available as an e-book through the Swinburne Library) Dervitsiotis, K. N. Navigating in turbulent environmental conditions for sustainable business excellence , United Kingdom : Emerald Group Publishing 2004 (available as an e-book through the Swinburne Library) Jaques, E., In praise of hierarchy, Harvard business review, vol. 68, issue 1, Jan/Feb. 1990, pp. 127-133, Mintzberg, H., Crafting strategy, Harvard Business Review; Jul/Aug1987, Vol. 65 Issue 4, p66-75 Spencer, B.A., Identifying cultural norms in the management classroom, 1995, Journal of management education, vol. 19, no. 4, Nov., pp. 503-507 Thomas, D.A. & Ely, R.J., Making differences matter : a new paradigm for managing diversity, 2001, Harvard business review on managing diversity, ch. 2, pp. 33-66 Thompson, L.L. & Brajkovich, L.F., Improving the creativity of organizational work groups, Academy of management executive, Vol. 17, no. 1, Feb. 2003, pp. 96-109

Swinburne College :

Pathways Prepared by :

Bryan Kidd February 2014

Valid for Teaching Period Semester One 2014 v2

Page 15 of 17



For further information and links to resources for the following topics, refer to Swinburne’s Current Students web page http://www.swinburne.edu.au/student/ Student Charter Please familiarise yourself with Swinburne’s Student Charter. The charter describes what students can reasonably expect from Swinburne in order to enjoy a quality learning experience. As students contribute to their own learning experience and to that of their fellow students, the charter also defines the University's expectations of students. Student behaviour and wellbeing Swinburne has a range of policies and procedures that govern how students are expected to conduct themselves throughout the course of their relationship with the University. These include policies on expected standards of behaviour and conduct which cover interaction with fellow students, staff and the wider University community, in addition to following the health and safety requirements in the course of their studies and whilst using University facilities. All students are expected to familiarise themselves with University regulations, policies and procedures and have an obligation to abide by the expected guidelines. Any student found to be in breach may be subject to relevant disciplinary processes. Some examples of relevant expected behaviours are:  Not engaging in student misconduct  Ensuring compliance with the University’s Anti-Discrimination, Bullying and Violence and Sexual Harassment requirements  Complying with all Swinburne occupational health and safety requirements, including following emergency and evacuation procedures and following instructions given by staff/wardens or emergency response. In teaching areas, it is expected that students conduct themselves in a manner that is professional and not disruptive to others. In all Swinburne laboratories, there are specific safety procedures which must be followed, such as wearing appropriate footwear and safety equipment, not acting in a manner which is dangerous or disruptive (e.g. playing computer games), and not bringing in food or drink. Blackboard You should regularly access the Swinburne Course Management System (Blackboard) available via http://ilearn.swin.edu.au. Blackboard is regularly updated with important Unit information and communications. Communication All communication will be via your Swinburne email address. If you access your email through a provider other than Swinburne, then it is your responsibility to ensure that your Swinburne email is redirected to your private email address. Plagiarism Plagiarism is the action or practice of taking and submitting or presenting the thoughts, writings or other work of someone else as though it is your own work. Plagiarism includes any of the following, without full and appropriate acknowledgment to the original source(s):  The use of the whole or part of a computer program written by another person;  the use, in essays or other assessable work, of the whole or part of a written work from any source including but not limited to a book, journal, newspaper article, set of lecture notes, current or past student’s work, any other person’s work, a website or database;  The paraphrasing of another’s work;  The use of musical composition, audio, visual, graphic and photographic models,  The use of realia that is objects, artefacts, costumes, models and the like. Plagiarism also includes the preparation or production and submission or presentation of assignments or other work in conjunction with another person or other people when that work should be your own independent work. This remains plagiarism whether or not it is with the knowledge or consent of the other person or people. It should be noted that Swinburne encourages its students to talk to staff, fellow students and other people who may be able to Swinburne College :

Pathways Prepared by :

Bryan Kidd February 2014

Valid for Teaching Period Semester One 2014 v2

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contribute to a student’s academic work but that where independent assignment is required, submitted or presented work must be the student’s own. Enabling plagiarism contributes to plagiarism and therefore will be treated as a form of plagiarism by the University. Enabling plagiarism means allowing or otherwise assisting another student to copy or otherwise plagiarise work by, for example, allowing access to a draft or completed assignment or other work. Swinburne University uses plagiarism detection software (such as Turnitin) for assignments submitted electronically via Blackboard. Your Convenor will provide further details. The penalties for plagiarism can be severe ranging from a zero grade for an assessment task through to expulsion from the unit and in the extreme, exclusion from Swinburne. Consequently you need to avoid plagiarism by providing a reference whenever you include information from other sources in your work. Student support You should talk to your Unit Convenor or Student Services, for information on academic support services available for Swinburne students. Special consideration If your studies have been adversely affected due to serious and unavoidable circumstances outside of your control (e.g. severe illness or unavoidable obligation) you may be able to apply for special consideration (SPC). Applications for Special Consideration will be submitted via the SPC online tool normally no later than 5.00pm on the third working day after the submission/sitting date for the relevant assessment component. Special needs Sometimes students with a disability, a mental health or medical condition or significant carer responsibilities require reasonable adjustments to enable full access to and participation in education. Your special needs can be addressed by Swinburne's Disability Services, who can negotiate and distribute an 'Education Access Plan' that outlines recommendations for university teaching and examination staff. You must notify the University Disability Liaison Officer of your disability or condition within one week after the commencement of a unit of study to allow the University to make reasonable adjustments. Review of marks An independent marker reviews all fail grades for major assessment tasks. In addition, a review of assessment is undertaken if your final result is a marginal fail (45-49) or within 2 marks of a grade threshold. If you are not satisfied with the result of an assessment you can ask the Unit Convenor to review the result. Your request must be made in writing within 10 working days of receiving the result. The Unit Convenor will review your result against the marking guide to determine if your result is appropriate. If you are dissatisfied with the outcomes of the review you can lodge a formal complaint. Feedback, complaints and suggestions In the first instance you may discuss any issues with your Unit Convenor. If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the discussions with the Unit Convenor or would prefer not to deal with your Unit Convenor, then you can complete a feedback form. Advocacy You are advised to seek advice from the staff at the Swinburne Student Amenities Association (SSAA) if you require assistance with any academic issues.

Swinburne College :

Pathways Prepared by :

Bryan Kidd February 2014

Valid for Teaching Period Semester One 2014 v2

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