Eap 5 course information booklet updated march 2014

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Swinburne University of Technology

SWINBURNE COLLEGE Course Information Booklet 2014 English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Level 5

EAP Level 5 – Swinburne College – Swinburne University of Technology

Welcome to EAP Level 5 This course information booklet will explain the aims of the course, your academic assessment and the necessary information to support you in your studies and research.

Broad Aims The broad aim of this course is to prepare you for tertiary study by assisting in the development of the skills necessary for academic success while improving language proficiency.

Rationale This course has been designed to prepare you for study at Swinburne College/University and familiarise you with our methods of instruction. You are expected to have a degree of independence in your learning and to manage time effectively. You are also expected to interact with your peers, ask questions and think critically.

Modes of Study English language study takes place through a combination of classroom delivery and elearning.

Content At the end of this course you will be able to: Writing/Grammar Weeks 1 – 5   

Produce a Writing Folio consisting of 3 writing tasks: Expository, Cause and Effect and Argumentative using relevant language structures Critically analyse, summarise and paraphrase relevant texts Produce an Annotations Folder comprising 7 to 9 annotations

Weeks 6 – 10  

Produce a Writing Folio consisting of 3 writing tasks: Process, Hedging and Boosting and Expanded Definitions using appropriate relevant language structures Complete a Source Matrix, Outline for a Literature Review and write a Literature Review based on the articles in your Annotations Folder. You will follow all conventions of academic writing such as appropriate referencing, paraphrasing, synthesizing and use of academic vocabulary

Updated March 2014


EAP Level 5 – Swinburne College – Swinburne University of Technology

Reading – ESAP/Critical Reading  

Read independently across a broad range of academic and non-academic texts in your area of study Skim, scan and draw conclusions to effectively understand the main and supporting ideas in academic texts

Listening – ESAP/Authentic  

Listen for main ideas and specific information, take notes and discuss key themes related to your future field of study Listen to and critically evaluate academic and authentic texts

Speaking  

Use language in a variety of contexts such as Seminar, Interview and Oral Presentation using a range of academic vocabulary and grammar structures Use appropriate pronunciation, stress, intonation, cohesive devices and body language

Updated March 2014


EAP Level 5 – Swinburne College – Swinburne University of Technology

Assessment Overview Your progress will be continuously monitored and evaluated using formative and summative assessment tasks in each skill area of Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening and Study Skills. You will receive ongoing feedback and assistance with your progress when needed.







Listening Test – Week 5



Reading Comprehension from Annotated Bibliography – Week 5


Reading Test – Week 5




Weighting %

Research Assignment 

Annotated Bibliography – Week 5


Literature Review – Week 9


Writing Folio – Weeks 4 & 9


Seminars (2) – Weeks 2 - 9


Interview – Week 5


Oral Presentation – Week 10


Exit Test


Integrated Skills Test – Week 10


Study Skills


Independent Learning Centre (ILC)


Approach to Study


Updated March 2014

Working independently, classroom participation, completion of classroom tasks, punctuality and working in groups


EAP Level 5 – Swinburne College – Swinburne University of Technology

Student Responsibilities Assessment      

You need to satisfactorily complete all required tasks and assessments in order to successfully pass the course To progress from Week 1-5 to Week 6-10, you will require either 65% overall with all skills 60% or greater or 70% overall with all skills 65% or greater, depending on your offer If you do not achieve these scores you will be required to repeat weeks 1-5 For progression to Undergraduate/Post-Graduate studies, you will require either 70% overall with all skills 65% or greater, or 75% overall with all skills 70% or greater, depending on your offer If you miss any assessments due to illness, a medical certificate must be produced within 72 hours of the test in order for a re-sit to be considered If you are absent from a test, you will not receive any marks unless there are special reasons that you can support with original documents (e.g. medical certificates)

Conceded Pass – CP 

A Conceded Pass (CP) cannot be awarded at EAP Level 5 exit point

At Risk 

If you have not satisfactorily completed all the required tasks, you may be asked to repeat Weeks 1 to 5 in order to consolidate your English Language Skills

Attendance  

You need to attend at least 80% or more classes to satisfactorily complete this level You should not make arrangements to leave before the end of your assessment as it may affect your progression to your next course

Cheating   

You MUST not cheat in a test You MUST not copy work from another student You MUST not get another student to do your work for you

Plagiarism Plagiarism is the action or practice of taking and submitting or presenting the thoughts, writing or other work of someone else as though it is your own work (Academic Board 2009).  All written tasks MUST acknowledge the original source  Teachers may ask you to upload your assignments via Turnitin (Anti-Plagiarism Software) Updated March 2014


EAP Level 5 – Swinburne College – Swinburne University of Technology

 

If any of your assignments are found to be plagiarised, you will be asked to re-submit Please go to the orientation information tab in Blackboard for a full explanation of Plagiarism with a link to the official Swinburne University Plagiarism Policy

Concerns Academic 

 

If you have any queries during your course, you should first talk to your teacher(s) who will discuss the issue with you and hopefully find a solution If your teachers are unable to help, they will refer you to the Academic Program Manager Finally, if the Academic Program Manager is unable to help you, you may be referred to the Assistant Director of Studies (ADoS)

General 

If you have a general problem you can see the Student Support Manager, Byron Coonerty in TD133 or call 9214 5668 You can also see an International Student Advisor to help you. To make an appointment call 9214 6741 or email isa@swin.edu.au.

Independent Learning Centre (ILC: TD 140) and E-learning   

The Independent Learning Centre provides learning materials and resources for your independent study You are required to do a minimum of 5 hours of independent learning per week; this includes a minimum of 1 hour a week on Blackboard You can access Blackboard at home or anywhere else you have Internet access

Updated March 2014


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