Swinburne University of Technology
SWINBURNE COLLEGE Course Information Booklet 2014 General English, Level 2
General English Level 2 – Swinburne College – Swinburne University of Technology
Welcome to GE Level 2 This course information booklet will explain the aims of the course, your tests/tasks and important information to help you in your studies.
Aims The aim of this course is to improve your everyday English language skills. You will develop these through a range of activities to help you improve Writing, Reading, Listening, Speaking, Pronunciation and Grammar skills.
Modes of Study You will study English language in the classroom and by using computers (E-learning).
Content At the end of this course you will be able to: Writing/Grammar
Plan, write and edit descriptive paragraphs on familiar topics Write simple and compound sentences
Read everyday texts for main ideas and specific information Use skimming and scanning techniques to better understand texts Use texts to build vocabulary related to familiar topics and personal interests
Listen to and understand situations about real life and personal experiences Use simple methods to listen for main ideas and key words Understand basic spoken texts, remember and discuss information
Participate in short and long conversations using simple vocabulary and grammar Use appropriate pronunciation, stress, intonation, linking words and body language
Updated March 2014 3
General English Level 2 – Swinburne College – Swinburne University of Technology
Assessment Overview You will have tests/tasks in all skills: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Grammar and Study Skills. Your teachers will give you more information about each one.
Assessment Methods You will have continuous assessment tasks and end of level tests in each skill area. You will get advice from your teachers and help with your progress when needed.
Listening Quiz – Week 5
Listening Test – Week 10
Graded Reader – Weeks 1-9
Reading Test – Week 5
Reading Test – Week 10
Weekly Writing Folio – Weeks 1-9
Writing Test – Week 5
Writing Test – Week 10
Presentation – Week 5
Interaction – Week 10
Weighting %
Grammar Quizzes x 2 – Week 4 & 8
Study Skills
Independent Learning Centre (ILC)/E-learning
Approach to Study
Working independently, classroom participation, completion of classroom tasks, punctuality and working in groups
Updated March 2014 4
General English Level 2 – Swinburne College – Swinburne University of Technology
Student Responsibilities Assessment
You must finish all tests/tasks To move from Week 1-5 to Week 6-10 you must get an overall score of 55% with all skill areas 50% or greater To move to GE3 you must get an overall score of 60% with all skill areas 55% or greater To move to EAP3 you must get an overall score of 80% with all skill areas 75% or greater If you miss any tests/ tasks because you are sick, you must get a medical certificate within 72 hours after the test to do it at another time
At Risk
If you don’t finish all the tests/ tasks, you may have to repeat Weeks 1 to 5 to improve your English Language skills
You must attend at least 80% or more classes to finish this level
You MUST not cheat in a test You MUST not copy work from another student You MUST not get another student to do your work for you
Problems Academic
If you have any problems speak to your teachers first If your teachers can’t help you they will ask you to see the Academic Program Manager If the Academic Program Manager can’t help you they will ask you to see the Assistant Director of Studies
If you have a general problem you can see the Student Support Manager, Byron Coonerty in TD133 or call 9214 5668 You can also see an International Student Advisor to help you. To make an appointment call 9214 6741 or email isa@swin.edu.au.
Independent Learning Centre (ILC: TD 140) and E-learning The ILC provides learning materials and resources for your independent study You must do at least 5 hours of independent study a week. You must do at least 1 hour of independent study on Blackboard You can use Blackboard at home or in the ILC
Updated March 2014 5