Be Prepared Before A Storm Strikes.
Your cooperative prepares throughout the year to restore power quickly and safely when needed. Make sure you’re ready, with valuable tips and tools on the next page.

Your cooperative prepares throughout the year to restore power quickly and safely when needed. Make sure you’re ready, with valuable tips and tools on the next page.
Prep for a possible outage.
Blue Ridge Energy does everything possible to prevent outages, but nature can throw us all for a loop with winter ice and snow storms. Our crews are ready to respond if winter conditions cause outages.
Make sure you are ready:
Prepare an outage kit beforehand. Have essential items like a flashlight and batteries, bottled water, non-perishable food items, blankets, a manual can opener, portable, fully charged mobile device chargers, candles and matches and more.
Keep your phone fully charged, and check your texts for outage info. Automatic outage texting is provided to members who have cell phone numbers listed on their accounts. Receive initial alerts when an outage affects your service address, and a follow-up message once power is restored.
Download the Blue Ridge Mobile App to stay informed. Check the Outage Map, follow restoration efforts and more. Download it from the App Store, Google Play or the "Outage Info" page on our website.
If there is an outage:
Report your outage online, on the mobile app, or call 1-800-448-2383.
On this enchanting 9-day cruise from Charleston to Amelia Island, experience the charm and hospitality of the South. In the comfort of our modern fleet, travel to some of the most beautiful historic cities in America. The fascinating sites you visit, the warm people you meet, and the delectable cuisine you taste, come together for an unforgettable journey.
Small Ship Cruising Done Perfectly
(ISSN 0008-6746) (USPS 832800) Volume 57, No. 1 Published monthly by
3400 Sumner Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27616-2950
Scott Gates, CCC Editor
Warren Kessler Creative Director
Renee C. Gannon, CCC Senior Associate Editor
Rue Reynold Editorial Assistant
Jessica Armstrong Graphic Designer
Tara Verna Creative Services Associate
Donna Natosi Digital Strategist
Keith Alexander Advertising
Joseph P. Brannan
Executive Vice President & CEO
Nelle Hotchkiss
Senior Vice President & COO
Kristie Aldridge, CCC Vice President
North Carolina’s electric cooperatives provide reliable, safe and affordable electric service to 1 million homes and businesses. The 26 electric cooperatives are each member-owned, notfor-profit and overseen by a board of directors elected by the membership.
Why Do We Send You Carolina Country Magazine? Your cooperative sends you Carolina Country as a convenient, economical way to share with its members information about services, director elections, meetings and management decisions. The magazine also carries legal notices that otherwise would be published in other media at greater cost.
Your co-op’s board of directors authorizes a subscription to Carolina Country on behalf of the membership at a cost of less than $5 per year.
Subscriptions: Individual subscriptions, $12 per year. Schools, libraries, $6.
Carolina Country is available on digital cartridge as a courtesy of volunteer services at the NC Department of Cultural Resources, Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, Raleigh, NC 888-388-2460.
Periodicals postage paid at Raleigh, NC, and additional mailing offices. Editorial offices: 3400 Sumner Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27616-2950. Carolina Country® is a registered trademark of the North Carolina Association of Electric Cooperatives, Inc.
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All content © Carolina Country unless otherwise indicated.
Contact us
Phone: 919-875-3091
Mail: 3400 Sumner Blvd. Raleigh, NC 27616-2950
Change of address: Please contact your electric co-op or go online to
Experiencing a power outage? Please contact your electric co-op directly to ensure prompt service. Visit to find yours online.
A gallery of reader photos, submitted through our annual photo contest.
What to do when wildlife appears in unexpected places.
And other memories from our readers.
“This picture was taken a few years ago after our last snow. Our pet cows LOVED it! They would get so excited for the kids to come out and play. This snow day picture reminds me of the greatness of all God’s gifts, not only to our children but also to us and our pets.” Photographed by Becky Perryman, Iron Station, a member of Rutherford EMC.
Family Recipe Rescue
I was inspired to write this after reading “Fruitcake FaceOff” (December 2024, page 9) and Bridgette Lacy’s story of “losing” her Papa’s Hermit Cake recipe.
My Aunt Jane (wife of my Uncle Ralph) made a whatwe-called “date-nut loaf” at Thanksgiving and Christmas. It was an original recipe from her mother. But it was a big hit with our family.
Both she and her sister knew how to make it. She willingly shared the recipe with many family members over the years, but no one was able to make it. I tried many times.
As she got older, I decided that I had to learn how to make this or else the recipe might be lost forever.
This was before cell phones, and we had to pay for long distance by the hour, but I called her long distance and spoke with her for about an hour, getting every detail of how she made the recipe. It was a success! The next time I was able to make the date-nut loaf, and it tasted like hers. At her funeral, I asked her niece, her sister’s only child, if she knew how to make it, and she didn’t. So it looks like I rescued a recipe that otherwise would have been lost. I encourage everyone to reach out to their elderly relatives and take the time to allow the family traditions to be passed on. The recipe is still a big hit with my family.
Tammy Stainback Jackson, Cary, a member of Carteret-Craven Electric Cooperative
Too dreary outside for you this time of year? We’re here to help, thanks to the hundreds of readers who submitted stunning photos from around the state of sunsets, sweeping vistas, beautiful blooms, and — last but not least — cute kids and animals. We’ve devoted as many pages as we can to showcasing our favorites from this year’s reader photo contest, starting on page 9. Also, we’re introducing something new for 2025: Murphy, a comic strip from former lineworker Wayne Stroot. Meet him and the crew on page 5.
—Scott Gates, editor
I enjoyed the article about fruitcake versus nut cake. I have been baking fruitcakes for the last 13 years. I bake and sell over 50 three-pound fruitcakes each Christmas season. The proceeds are donated to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation to help find a cure for two of my grandchildren and others with CF. Thanks for shining a positive light on my favorite cake!
Leah Buckley, Rutherfordton, a member of Rutherford EMC
Sugar in cornbread is called cake! (“Cornbread Recipe Revelations,” December 2024, page 22) My Momma Cajun, and Daddy from Memphis. Blasphemy if anyone ever put sugar in cornbread!
Anita Lake, Candler, a member of Haywood EMC
A Stephanie Pfizenmaier, Waxhaw
A member of Union Power
B Grace Denton, Durham
A member of Piedmont Electric
C Terri Ward, Bostic
A member of Rutherford EMC
Submit your photo!
March theme: Farm animals (Deadline Jan. 20)
April theme: Mailboxes (Deadline Feb. 20)
May theme: Dogs (Deadline March 20)
Send us your best shots based on an upcoming theme — we’ll pay $25 for those published. Submit high resolution digital photos and find full terms and conditions at (no emails, please). We retain reprint and online rights for all submissions.
The best walk-in tub just got better with breakthrough technology! Presenting the all new Safe Step Walk-In Tub featuring MicroSoothe. ® An air system so revolutionary, it oxygenates, softens and exfoliates skin, turning your bath into a spa-like experience. Constructed and built right here in America for safety and durability from the ground up, and with more standard features than any other tub.
✓ Heated seat providing warmth from beginning to end
✓ Carefully engineered hydro-massage jets strategically placed to target sore muscles and joints
✓ High-quality tub complete with a comprehensive lifetime warranty on the entire tub
✓ Top-of-the-line installation and service, all included at one low, affordable price
You’ll agree – there just isn’t a better, more affordable walk-in tub on the market.
When you signed up to receive electric service from your cooperative, whether months, years or decades ago, you became a member of a local business that thrives on an empowered membership and a strong community. And as a member of an electric co-op, you have a voice that is critical to the cooperative model—a voice that rings loud when you exercise your right to vote in elections, whether for the co-op’s board of directors, or local, state and federal elections.
Electric cooperatives serve 45% of North Carolina’s land mass, but only 24% of the population, largely in rural and suburban communities. Despite this relatively small percentage of the population, co-op voters showed up in a big way to cast their ballots in 2024. Nationwide, voter turnout was led by suburban (45%) and rural (35%) voters, as compared to only 20% of those representing urban areas, according to The Associated Press.
With every co-op member who casts a vote, our elected officials hear our voices a little louder.
Electric co-ops represent the interests of their members by advocating for reliable and affordable electricity, as well as the wellbeing of the communities we serve. We engage with state and federal legislators, regardless of party affiliation, on an ongoing basis to keep these priorities well represented and maintain positive relationships with elected officials.
A question we’ve been asked frequently since the election is: Will there be changes to what electric cooperatives advocate for based on the outcomes of the elections?
The short answer is no.
North Carolina’s electric cooperatives are guided by a shared Brighter Future vision that advances our commitment of providing reliable and affordable electricity to co-op members, while also working toward responsible, longterm sustainability goals.
By Sharla Wells
This Brighter Future vision guides our actions, decision-making and advocacy efforts regardless of election outcomes because it represents what our members and communities need: electricity that is there every time the switch is flipped and at a price that people can afford.
The more nuanced answer is that as administrations change and the makeup of legislative bodies shifts, some elements of our Brighter Future vision may come more (or less) into focus, and we respond accordingly.
This year’s election saw many expected outcomes as well as a few surprises. With seven new NC Council of State members and five new faces representing North Carolina in the halls of Congress, opportunities to educate officials will be increasingly important in 2025 and beyond.
Regardless of how party lines fall, the relationships established by co-ops through our ongoing advocacy will be instrumental in continuing to ensure policies that support providing affordable, reliable electricity to our members.
North Carolina’s electric cooperatives also continue to advocate for members at the federal level in conjunction with our partners at the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA). Together, we will advocate for a regulatory environment that protects reliable and affordable electricity, as well as the effective and efficient use of programs and funding that support a range of new energy technologies benefiting rural communities.
Guided by the goals of our Brighter Future vision, electric cooperatives will continue to advocate for members by engaging with and educating elected officials on the issues most important to rural communities. And with every co-op member who casts a vote, our elected officials hear our voices a little louder.
Sharla Wells is vice president of external affairs for North Carolina’s Electric Cooperatives.
Just in time for winter weather, it’s National Soup Month! We’ll count chili worthy of a celebration, too — find a recipe on page 30.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day is Monday, Jan. 20. Honor the late Dr. King by making it a “day on,” finding a way to help in your community by volunteering.
Inauguration Day is also Jan. 20, moved from a March date in 1937 as technology allowed for less time to tabulate votes.
Energy Tip
No frost on your roof? You may need to insulate. Learn about this and more tips on page 20.
This month, we’re pleased to debut a monthly comic strip, “Murphy,” which first appeared in Rural Nebraska magazine 25 years ago. Over the next 12 months, we’ll share a sample of strips to introduce you to characters, who we think are endearingly funny while teaching a thing or two about electrical safety. Here’s an introduction to the strip’s author and illustrator, Wayne Stroot:
“Carolina Country magazine asked me to provide you with a bit of my background so we could get to know one another, and I’m happy to do so. I hail from the Midwest, right along the Mississippi River in Missouri. Having a knack for art, I was determined to be a cartoonist, even though I’d managed to fail art in high school. I was encouraged when my first cartoon was printed in a trade magazine at age 15. At that time, I had no idea how to achieve my goal, nor was there anyone available who could direct me.
“During a four-year hitch in the military, I had learned the electrical trade, but my hope remained to eventually work into the field of cartooning. While in the service, I continued to submit cartoons to publications and secured my first regular work with a small Alaskan newspaper: ‘The Kodiak Fish Wrapper and Litter Box Liner.’ [Editor’s note:
He’s not joking — that was the name of the paper.] Following my military hitch, I was hired as a utility lineman in Wyoming. By day, I climbed poles and worked on electrical distribution lines; by night, I continued to freelance my cartoons and illustrations, while also furthering my art education. Some of my work even included sketching courtroom scenes during murder trials. After accumulating a number of clients, it was time to make a decision as to which career path to follow. I’ve been a cartoonist ever since. Today, my studio is located in my home on a small acreage, where I produce Murphy, as well as other artwork for various publications.
“It’s a pleasure for me to share Murphy with Carolina Country magazine readers, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy drawing it for you.”
South River EMC’s Chris Spears will represent NC and other Northeast states
Chris Spears, executive vice president and CEO of South River EMC, has joined the Board of Directors of Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange (Federated), the leading provider of property and casualty insurance for rural electric cooperatives.
Spears is representing electric co-ops in Federated’s region one, following former Randolph EMC CEO Dale Lambert’s retirement and prior service on the board. Region one includes electric co-ops in Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Virginia.
Based in Lenexa, Kansas, Federated is owned and directed by electric and telephone cooperatives and has served them exclusively since 1959. Insurance coverages include property, liability, workers compensation and others.
industry, Chris brings valuable insights that will undoubtedly benefit Federated as we continue to grow and innovate,” said Federated President and CEO Phil Irwin. “We look forward to collaborating with Chris and leveraging his expertise to drive our strategic initiatives forward.”
Each year, Federated sets aside a portion of member premiums to be returned to statewide associations in support of safety and training programs. Since 1999, nearly $19 million has been allocated for North Carolina, with nearly $8 million allocated to support safety programs in the state.
“With a wealth of experience in the electric cooperative
“I am grateful for the opportunity to represent Region 1 on the Federated Rural Electric Insurance Exchange Board of Directors,” Spears said. “Federated provides critical insurance coverage for all of us with a focus on safety, service and stability. The support that we receive from Federated is exceptional, and I truly value the partnership that we share.”
Melissa Glenn, communications director for Carteret-Craven Electric Cooperative, recently presented awards to two of our 2024 Carolina’s Finest Award winners from the community served by her electric co-op.
Scammers sometimes pose as electric cooperative employees in an effort to get payment information, whether over the phone, via email, or even by going door-todoor. Thwart scammers by knowing the signs:
Scammers often pose as utility workers. Always verify that the account information being provided matches your bill.
Scammers pressure their targets to act fast. Take your time — a real co-op employee would be patient with you.
If being pressured to pay, remember that your electric co-op will never demand payment on-the-spot. Utilities do not accept bitcoin, prepaid cards or third-party payment apps.
Source: Utilities United Against Scams
The holidays always usher in a spate of sales, but retailers often continue running discounts on home appliances at year-end. If a smart appliance has caught your eye, keep these tips in mind when checking out features.
Begin with an honest look at how you live and consider the role your current appliances play in your daily routine. Would the capabilities of a smart appliance make your life easier? For example, if you frequently forget to start the laundry or your dishwasher, Wi-Fi enabled appliances with remote start capabilities may save you time and trouble. But if you’re thinking about stepping up to a smart appliance because it has a cool feature you might use once a year, ask yourself if it’s worth the extra cost.
Next, think about any smart devices you already use in your home. Make sure they’re compatible with the smart appliance’s operating system, so you can get all the benefits you expect. For example, many of these appliances are engineered to work with familiar voice assistants like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant or Apple’s Siri. Incompatible systems might limit your ability to use the features that are most important to you.
Is your home’s infrastructure ready to handle the demands of a smart appliance? Depending upon the model you choose, it might require anything from a basic internet connection to a home Wi-Fi network to provide the operation you expect. Some smart appliances may require Bluetooth, Zigbee, Z-Wave or other systems for connectivity. Others have the ability to receive software updates via Wi-Fi. Having access to the right technology ensures your system will function correctly and be able to handle updates as they become available.
It’s always important to consider energy efficiency when purchasing a new appliance. Most smart appliances are designed to reduce energy
consumption, with operating modes that deliver the performance you want while making more efficient use of energy. Smart appliances that are Energy Star® certified meet or exceed federal energy efficiency standards and some may use only half as much energy as standard appliances. Many let you schedule operations during times of day when energy rates are lower. That’s particularly beneficial with high-energy appliances like washing machines, dishwashers and clothes dryers.
Repairs to smart appliances can be expensive, so be sure to consider the warranty. Generous manufacturer warranties demonstrate the company’s confidence in the quality of its products.
Finally, because most smart appliances are connected to the internet, make sure you think about privacy and security. Research the manufacturer’s privacy policies and security features to ensure that data like your voice commands and shopping habits don’t fall into the wrong hands. Making sure the manufacturer takes
your privacy and online safety as seriously as you do is a smart strategy.
For most homeowners, the biggest downside to smart appliances is that they carry a higher price tag than their not-so-smart counterparts. However, price is just one factor in the cost of any appliance. When you also consider the long-term value smart appliances deliver — whether that’s in energy savings, helpful conveniences or improved reliability — most will save you money over their service life. In addition, smart appliances may be eligible for rebates and tax incentives, so ask your retailer what’s available.
There was a time when appliances changed little from decade to decade. Today, products advance more quickly than ever before, and we can expect to see more big changes ahead. Fortunately, today’s smart appliances give you a way to start using the technology that will make you the envy of your neighbors as it makes your life easier.
— Scott
Flood, for the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association
Entries to our annual photo contest have proven yet again: Carolina Country readers have a knack for capturing photos that showcase the people and places that make our state the best place to call home. Thank you to the hundreds who submitted photos this year. Here are a few of our favorites, and we’ll run more online throughout the year.
Loafing Lizard | A young green anole sunbathes in the weak October sun while nestled in a mum.
Addison Covington, Beaufort, a member of Carteret-Craven EC
Salty ‘n’ Rhett Share a Snicker | All smiles on our farm as four-yearold Rhett plays with four-month-old “Salty”!
Lindsey Harper Willis, Stantonsburg, a member of Pitt & Greene EMC
Ducklings Strike a Pose | On my farm in the community of Buie, NC, my duck Willow hatched these ducklings in the spring.
Allison Cummings, Red Springs, a member of Lumbee River EMC
Mr. Hussey’s Girls: Mabel & Jane | Allow me to take you back in time. My neighbor, Wayne Hussey, sometimes works the fields near his home. Cars will pull over on the side of the road and parents will be pointing and explaining the unusual scene to their children. Times have changed but I appreciate Wayne for allowing our youth to see what life was like before tractors took over our fields. His trusted and well-mannered mules, Mabel and Jane, listen to his every command—they are beautiful animals that he loves very much.
When not in the fields, they are hitched to the blue “mule skinner” wagon for a weekly trip to Bennett to meet the food truck — just shows how the times have changed in the past 60 or more years. If it’s August, you will see Mabel and Jane in the Farmers Day parade in Robbins. Wayne’s family have participated since it started over 50 years ago. In October, Wayne and his team offer free hayrides at our church’s annual Trunk or Treat. The kids are so excited to ride in the wagon. What’s more, Wayne and his mules have escorted many newly married couples from our church to their homes so that they can start their new lives together.
Wayne is a legend in our neighborhood and he attends many events with his girls.
Thank you, Wayne Hussey, for always making us smile!
Rebecca Garner, Seagrove, a member of Randolph EMC
Truly Great Smoky Mountains | As I took an early morning hike on the Kephart Prong Trail near Bryson City, I soaked up the magnificent beauty surrounding me and breathed in the crisp fall air.
Mindy Skocz, Williamston, a member of Edgecombe-Martin County EMC
Milky Way Backdrop to Oregon Inlet | I captured the 1898 Oregon Inlet Life-Saving Station in Rodanthe on a clear evening in July. Such a perfect night to view the Milky Way in the Outer Banks. Sole drawback? Being attacked by lots of bugs.
Minnie Gallman, Pittsboro
Daybreak Drizzle Enlivens Elk | My husband and I try to camp in Cataloochee Valley every year. We love observing the elk and spending time outdoors in nature. On a rainy morning, this bull was busy corralling his harem and trying to keep them together.
Heather Russells, Lake Lure, a member of Rutherford EMC
Nature TV | Watching herons fish at Jordan Lake is endlessly entertaining.
Kim Steffan, Mebane, a member of Piedmont Electric
If You Got It … | This wild turkey was strutting his stuff on a cool morning this past spring in Franklin County.
“Bee” a Dewdrop | On a mid-October morning, I was exploring Clark’s Creek Nature Preserve in Charlotte when I came across hundreds of bees sleeping in the yellow blooms around the pond. The combination of morning frost and yellow flowers was stunning.
Clarke & Cochran, Indian Trail, a member of Union Power Cooperative
Restoring power after a major outage is an enormous undertaking that involves much more than simply throwing a switch or removing a tree from a line.
The goal is to safely restore the most members in the shortest amount of time.
Our plan is based on these priorities:
Step 1: Transmission structures and lines that supply power to one or more transmission substations are restored first. These main delivery lines receive first priority because they serve tens of thousands of people.
Step 2: Next are distribution substations, which “step down” (reduce) voltage from transmission lines so it can be distributed to thousands of members.
Step 3:Main distribution supply lines (the ones you see on poles along roads) that carry electricity away from substations are targeted next.
Step 4: The final power supply lines to a member’s home, called “tap lines,” are restored. These carry power from utility poles or underground transformers.
Step 5: Damage can also occur on the service line leading from the transformer pole into your home. This could be why your neighbors have power, and you don’t—one reason all outages should be reported.
Members should report outages to the cooperative in one of several ways: Blue Ridge Energy’s mobile app; by calling our PowerLine at 1-800-448-2383, or by texting “OUT” to us at 70216 when your mobile number is listed on your account.
For more information, visit our Storm Room at
Electricity is essential for nearly every aspect of daily life—so essential that we rarely think about how it’s produced and delivered to our homes. You might be surprised to learn that behind the scenes, a network of experts is working daily (and even by the minute) to anticipate how much electricity you need before you even use it.
We’re all connected to the electric grid, so ensuring the right amount of electricity for all involves a complex process of forecasting energy demand, planning for capacity, and securing enough supply to meet energy consumer’s needs.
First, electricity must be generated at a power plant using either traditional sources such as coal, natural gas or nuclear energy; or from renewable sources such as solar, wind or hydropower.
At Blue Ridge Energy, we work closely with Duke Energy, our wholesale power supplier, to secure enough electricity for our communities, using a diverse mix of energy sources to generate the power we deliver to your home or business. By maintaining a diverse energy mix—nuclear, coal, natural gas, wind, solar and hydropower—Duke Energy has options for reliable power at a competitive cost.
Electricity supply changes throughout the day because demand fluctuates based on consumers’ needs. For example, we need to ensure more electricity availability in the
From Blue Ridge Energy CEO Doug Johnson
mornings when you’re starting your day and in the evenings when you’re cooking dinner, running appliances, and watching TV. Demand also increases when weather patterns change, such as extremely warm or cold temperatures.
In North Carolina, we are served by a transmission grid called a Balancing Authority, which is owned and managed by Duke Energy. While we do not have a Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) in North Carolina, Duke Energy is interconnected to several RTOs and Balancing Authorities such as PJM, TVA, Dominion (SC), Santee Cooper and Southern Company. All together, the eastern U.S. is interconnected to the Eastern Interconnection, made up of 36 Balancing Authorities. All of these organizations help ensure that we have adequate supply to meet demand.
As the energy sector undergoes rapid change, it’s important for all consumers to understand the basics of electricity supply and demand.
Electricity use in the U.S. is expected to rise to record highs this year and next, with the demand for electricity expected to at least double by 2050. At the same time, energy policies are pushing the early retirement of always-available generation sources, which will undoubtedly compromise reliable electricity.
Continued on page 18...
Members wishing to be considered as a candidate for the Board of Directors have two application options: the nominating committee process or the nomination by petition process. Interested members must complete and submit a director application packet by contacting Julie O’Dell, Chief Administrative Officer, at or 1-800-451-5474, ext. 3202.
All application information is due by 5 p.m. on Monday, March 3, 2025, when going through the Nominating Committee process, and by 5 p.m. on Tuesday, April 1, 2025, for those seeking nomination by petition.
Nominations by petition must include signatures of 20 or more members with a minimum of five from each of the four directorate districts with a requirement that each signature is the name that appears on the member’s electric service bill.
Directors are members of the cooperative and serve three-year terms, with three directors elected from each of the Cooperative’s four directorate (Caldwell, Watauga, Ashe and Alleghany) districts. Each director represents all members of the Cooperative. They attend Board meetings, Board committee meetings, and attend numerous training sessions throughout the year to be equipped and knowledgeable to serve in the best interests of the membership.
Qualifications to serve as a director of Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corporation are listed below from Section 3.02 of the Cooperative’s Bylaws and can also be found online at or at any local district office.
SECTION 3.02 Qualifications. To be eligible to become or remain a Director of the Cooperative, such person must meet the following qualifications:
(a) must be a natural person and a citizen of the United States,
(b) must be at least eighteen (18) years of age,
(c) must have been a member for a minimum of three (3) years, and such three (3) year period may include at the time of application by a director candidate, the membership duration of a spouse, as long as the director candidate applies for and becomes a joint member prior to being elected or appointed as a Director of the Cooperative,
(d) must have a high school diploma or GED,
(e) must be receiving electric service from the Cooperative at his primary residence which shall be for qualification purposes where a member is registered to vote and spends most of his time,
(f) must not have had a membership that has been in a state of suspension as defined in Section 1.10,
(g) must have and sustain the Cooperative’s most favorable credit rating as defined in the Service Rules and Regulations, as herein defined in Section 3.15,
(h) must not have been involved at any time in meter tampering reported to law enforcement,
(i) must be legally competent and available to attend regular Board meetings, committee meetings, training and other events. Directors who miss more than two consecutive regular Board meetings may be subject to removal action by the Board. It shall be the duty of the Board to develop additional policy guidelines on attendance requirements,
Continued on page 18...
At Blue Ridge Energy, we remain committed to providing affordable, reliable energy to the members we serve. That’s why we are preparing now f or increased demand and other challenges.
Managing the balancing act of electricity supply and demand is a complex job, which is why we have a network of utilities, power plant operators and energy traffic managers in place to direct the electricity we need and keep the electric grid balanced — all to best serve you, our member-owners!
(j) must not in any way be employed by, financially interested in, or serving as an officer, director, trustee or equivalent for a competing enterprise with the Cooperative or its subsidiaries, or a business that sells products, services or supplies to the Cooperative or its subsidiaries,
(k) must not have a close relative (as hereinafter defined in Section 3.14) who is in any way employed by, financially interested in, or serving as an officer, director, trustee, or equivalent for a competing enterprise with the Cooperative or its subsidiaries, or a business that sells products, services or supplies to the Cooperative or its subsidiaries,
(l) must not have been convicted of a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or a f elony pursuant to state or federal laws,
(m) must not have been a former regular full-time employee of the Cooperative or its subsidiaries,
(n) must not have a close relative who is an employee or incumbent director of the Cooperative as defined in Section 3.14 of these Bylaws,
(o) must comply with the requirements of the governing conflict of interest policies and guidelines as adopted by the Board, and the Cooperative’s non-discrimination policy, and
(p) Must complete a conflict-of-interest statement as part of the formal candidacy application process that includes disclosure of any nonmember campaign assistance.
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By Jonathan Susser
A:My energy bills always seem especially high during wintertime. What are some of your top recommendations for trying to keep them in check?
Happy Holidays, Happy New Year, and bah humbug to higher energy bills (I’m still workshopping that last one, but it seems appropriate for the season). In this column, we’ve put together a “Best of” from some of our previous cold weather-related articles to help reduce winter wincing.
Monitoring energy use and searching for clues
Tracking your energy bills can provide insights into how your home is performing, and as electric co-ops continue to upgrade the power grid, it’s becoming easier to do so.
Many co-ops offer apps or web portals that let you see how much electricity you are consuming. (Contact your co-op for information about accessing usage data online.)
If you see something suspicious on your bills — maybe you’re paying a lot more this winter than last — one culprit could be heat loss. Here’s a way to look for evidence: Check out the homes in your neighborhood. If yours is the only one without frost on its roof, that might signal that heat is exiting your home and warming up and thawing the ice and snow above.
This escaping heat could affect your energy usage (because your heating system will need to work to replace it) and comfort, in terms of temperature and air movement. Addressing it will likely require a combination of air sealing and insulating.
Optimizing heating system use
Being more aware of how you run your heating system will make you a smarter energy user, and hopefully help you save. For example, what temperature do you leave your
thermostat on when you’re at home? How about when you’re away? Try setting it as low as you can tolerate, and a few degrees lower when you’ll be out for a while. If you have a programmable or smart thermostat, review your schedules to ensure they still fit your current routines. If you have a heat pump, though, it’s best to make smaller temperature changes to prevent energy-intensive auxiliary heat from coming on when you return the thermostat to your desired setting.
Aim to keep your actual heating system in tiptop shape, too. Maintain shrubs at least two feet from the outside unit, change the air filter per manufacturer specifications, make sure any refrigerant lines exposed to outdoor temperatures are wrapped with foam insulation, and hire a contractor to service the equipment at least once per year.
If you’re in the market for a new heating and cooling system, more advanced heat pump models are highly efficient, even in colder weather. You may be able to find relevant incentives through your co-op or a federal rebate/ tax credit program.
So consider these actions the next time you’re cozying up, sipping hot chocolate — they may stop your energy bills from biting as hard as the cold. If you have any additional concerns about your energy use or making payments, don’t hesitate to contact your electric co-op.
Jonathan Susser is a content developer for Advanced Energy in Raleigh.
Unusual sightings are also becoming more common in coastal areas impacted by development. For instance, a 12-foot alligator recently claimed a Brunswick highway as its own, while two other alligators turned up in a flooded front yard after heavy rains. Though the sight of these reptiles may be alarming to some, they are typically timid and avoid humans. The NC Wildlife Resources Commission advises
The Rowan County Sheriff’s Office worked with other agents and the NC Wildlife Resources Commission to remove an alligator from a road in Spencer.
keeping pets leashed and not feeding wildlife near alligator habitats. Most importantly, leave them alone as they tend to move on naturally.
Coyotes, masters of adaptation Coyotes thrive in North Carolina’s diverse landscapes from forests to urban areas, and their adaptability can lead to startling encounters. In July 2024, a Union County high school parking lot became the setting for an unexpected daytime visit from one of these clever canines.
Though generally harmless, coyotes can become bold if they’ve been finding a lot of food around people, especially if they think a snack is within easy reach. To scare off bold coyotes, stand your ground, wave your arms and make loud noises until they leave. Protect small pets by staying close and walking them on a leash or keeping them inside a 6-foot fence when outside. Remove or secure food items that might attract coyotes to prevent conflicts near your home.
As development encroaches on natural habitats, wildlife sightings in unusual places are likely to increase. By taking precautions and respecting these animals from a distance, residents can help ensure both human and animal safety. For more information on North Carolina’s wildlife, visit Stay informed, stay safe and enjoy the incredible biodiversity that makes this state so unique.
Rue Reynold is the editorial assistant for Carolina Country magazine.
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By Scott Gates
For those willing to bundle up and brave chilly temperatures, January can be a treasure trove for birdwatching. This time of year, Lake Mattamuskeet in Hyde County — the state’s largest freshwater lake — draws more than 250,000 Alaskan tundra swans, Canada geese, ducks and snow geese. While we think our winters can get cold, these birds find it balmy compared to nesting grounds as far north as Alaska, Greenland and the northeastern tip of Siberia.
Lake Mattamuskeet covers 40,000 acres, although its average depth is only 2 or 3 feet. Mattamuskeet National Wildlife Refuge ( was established in 1934 to preserve this winter retreat for waterfowl from parts further north.
“During fall and winter, concentrations of swan, geese and ducks are a delight to both wildlife observers and photographers,” says the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). “Viewing waterfowl and other wildlife species is particularly good along the Highway 94 Causeway, which travels across Lake Mattamuskeet, and along the refuge Entrance Road and Wildlife Drive, which run from Highway 94 to the refuge headquarters and along the south side of the Entrance Road Impoundment.” An observation viewing deck is available along the Highway 94 Causeway.
While in the area, Swanquarter National Wildlife Refuge ( is a short drive south and another haven for migratory birds. The refuge is on the Pamlico Sound in Hyde County and remote — access to the refuge is by boat or along a 2-mile gravel road off NC Hwy 264 (likely to confuse your GPS). This road travels across an expansive marsh and a forested area then leads to Bell Island Pier on the shoreline of Pamlico Sound.
“The most prevalent wintering species residing in [Swanquarter] refuge marshes include pintail, greenwinged teal, gadwall, widgeon, mallard and black duck,”
according to USFWS. “Large ‘rafts’ of black scoter and lesser scaup are commonly observed on the open waters adjacent to the refuge.”
Birdwatchers also have the chance to spot migrating blue-winged teal, ring-necked duck, shoveler, canvasback, ruddy duck, red head, bufflehead, hooded merganser and red-breasted merganser, as well as the migratory Canada geese and snow geese common to nearby Lake Mattamuskeet.
For those new to birdwatching, visit outdoors/birdwatching for tips. (Spoiler alert: it can be as easy as looking up!)
Digital Extras
New to birdwatching? Don’t be overwhelmed. Visit for a video from NC Wildlife Resources Commission where a seasoned “birder” teaches you the ropes.
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What makes them iconic? The Morgan Silver Dollar is the legendary coin that built the Wild West. It exemplifies the American spirit like few other coins, and was created using silver mined from the famous Comstock Lode in Nevada. In fact, when travelers approached the mountains around the boomtown of Virginia City, Nevada in the 1850s, they were startled to see the hills shining in the sunlight like a mirror. A mirage caused by weary eyes?
No, rather the effect came from tiny flecks of silver glinting in the sun.
While no one can predict the future value of silver in an uncertain economy, many Americans are rushing to get their hands on as much silver as possible, putting it away for themselves and their loved ones. You’ll enjoy owning these Silver Bars. They’re tangible. They feel good when you hold them, You’ll relish the design and thinking about all it represents. These Morgan Design One-Ounce Bars make appreciated gifts for birthdays, anniversaries and graduations, creating a legacy sure to be cherished for a lifetime.
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Memories and photos from our readers
While cleaning out my closet, I opened a big box, and there was Lovella. I took her out of the box and my mind traveled back to the year 1947 — I was 10 years old.
I have always enjoyed Christmas, but I will never forget the Christmas of 1947. I had received lots of wonderful gifts over the years, but none like Lovella. We were poor and times were hard, but Santa always brought us a small toy and plenty of candy, nuts and oranges. A few days before Christmas, my mother went to town to shop for Santa. After my younger sister, Joann, was asleep that night, my mother showed me and my older sister, Virginia, the doll she had bought for Joann. We had never gotten a big doll, and it was as big as a real baby!
Oh had we wanted one too, but my mother said we were too old for dolls. We begged, but she didn’t give us any hope. She said she had already bought our gifts.
Christmas morning came and we were up early to see what he had left us. What a surprise we had, with Lovella sitting under the tree waiting for me! My mom had my dad go back to town and buy two more dolls for myself and Virginia.
I still have Lovella, but my two sisters and their dolls
This is Leland and Cletus Auman of Seagrove, along with their 13 children in approximately 1941 or 1942. My mom, Lucy Auman Maness, is the smallest child standing on the front row and is the only remaining sibling now. Mom’s family was always a close family, and for the length of their lives were always there for each other in any time of need or gathering.
It was a lot of fun as a child growing up in this family, as a majority of the family showed up almost every Sunday at Grandma’s so there were always cousins to play kick the can, hide and seek, or whatever game we came up with. Our aunts and uncles were very loving and always claimed hugs from all the kids. Our uncles gave out “birthday spankings” and called all of us girls “Sally,” no matter what our names were.
Our family increased so much that we moved our family get-togethers into an old chicken house that our aunt fixed up to accommodate everyone.
Us cousins don’t always get to see each other as much as when we were growing up, but the love and importance of family our grandparents, aunts and uncles taught us, through their own actions, is still alive in us
today. I’m thankful to God for great memories and such a rich heritage.
Teresa Cagle, Asheboro, a member of Randolph EMC
During my 80-plus years, I can remember using an outdoor toilet during the daytime and a chamber pot at night. And heaven help if you were in the woods and had to “go!” You had only leaves at your disposal and hoped you didn’t grab a handful of poison oak.
The outdoor toilet was a sort of shed built to cover a deep hole filled with lime. Most were “two-seater” ones. My aunt actually got bitten by a black widow spider while sitting there, which put a fear in me that I never forgot! Instead of toilet paper, you were supplied with whatever paper was available.
I remember a Sears Roebuck catalog.
This shed or toilet was built a good ways from the house, so a chamber pot was supplied at night to avoid run-ins with snakes or some other critter that may cross your path.
The chamber pot was placed either under the bed or close by. It had a lid and was usually of a pretty design. The next morning it was emptied away from the house, washed out by the outside pump and left in the sun to make it sanitary for the next night.
It saddened me to hear of people actually fighting over toilet paper or worse, selling the paper for high prices on the side and those who paid the price [during the COVID-19 pandemic]. I imagine those people don’t even know how to light a candle when the lights go out nor how to survive without TV nor telephone. As a little girl, when we ever got a phone, it had four digits and that was a party line. For long distance you had to through the operator … but that’s another story.
Lee Frye, Cape Carteret
A member of Carteret-Craven Electric Cooperative
I remember the days of my tall stepdad walking in the house with a big grin on his face and usually a smoke in his hand. It has been about 17 years since he passed away due to lung cancer. We called him “Bud,” and that is just what he was to everyone that knew him.
He was a logger and for years, he would fill up his thermos (probably with Pepsi) and carry a lunchbox full of Lance peanut butter crackers, a bologna sandwich and a Little Debbie cake or York Peppermint Patty for a dessert. He was always smiling. He took us siblings right in when he married my mom, and when we had kids of our own, he loved them big!
We named my middle child after his last name, which was Jackson. Little did we know that our Jackson would only get to spend time with him for only about a year of his life because cancer took him quickly from us.
To this day I will always carry his smiling, tall, big teddy bear self in my heart. The last words he spoke was to my Jackson, whom he reached up, kissed, and told him he loved him. Never take anyone or the time you have with them for granted. Life is short, but life is full of stepparents who also love hard!
Nicholee Lackey, Maiden A member of Rutherford EMC
My grandparents had a small farm on Hwy 74, near Kings Mountain. My grandfather raised cows, pigs and chickens, and the fishing pond was home to many ducks of all colors. The activities supporting the farm were my grandfather’s second love, right after my grandmother.
I fondly remember the days of birthing calves, straightening used nails, feeding the pigs and catching fish in the pond with a cane pole my grandfather made for me and my younger brother. My grandfather planted the garden every spring, but after planting, it was my grandmother’s garden. She did all the weeding and caring for the vegetables.
The rattlesnake watermelons were planted close to the gravel road going to the barn, so we could check on them regularly. I remember checking and asking my grandmother “are they ready yet?” and my grandmother would reply, “not yet!”. The “ready-yet” day finally came, and we got to pick a watermelon. Pictured is my grandmother teaching my younger brother and me the right way to eat watermelon.
Nick Payne, Belmont, a member of Rutherford EMC
Creamy Tuscan Orzo
With seared bay scallops
Who doesn’t love a one-pot meal!? Especially one with plump little scallops coated in a divine buttery parmesan sauce. It’s creamy-rich comfort seafood and pasta to warm up your wintry day.
4 tablespoons olive oil, divided
4 tablespoons butter, divided
1 jar (3.5-ounce) capers, drained, dried
2 pounds bay scallops, patted dry
1 medium onion, diced
6 ounces shallots, thinly sliced
4 cloves minced garlic
1½ cups uncooked orzo
¼ cup sundried tomatoes, julienne-cut
¼ cup white raisins
Heat 1 tablespoon each of oil and butter in heavy skillet over medium-high heat. When shimmering, add capers. Fry 2 minutes. Remove with slotted spoon and drain. Add another tablespoon of oil and butter to the skillet. Add scallops, making sure not to crowd. Sear about 2 minutes before turning. Cook another 2 minutes until fully seared. Remove and set aside. Add remaining oil, butter, onion and shallots to the skillet. Once tender, add garlic and cook for 1 minute. Add orzo
Hearty and filling, this vegetarian chili stands on its own mildly spicy two feet but feel free to doctor it up with additional veggies (diced butternut squash, mushrooms, green beans …) or even a plant-based ground meat.
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 green pepper, chopped
2 cups celery, chopped
1 onion, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
2 cans (14.5 ounces each) diced tomatoes (with juice)
1 jar (29-ounce) tomato sauce
3 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon chili powder
1 tablespoon cumin
1 teaspoon black pepper
1 bag (16-ounce) frozen corn
3 cans (15.5 ounces each) dark red kidney beans (rinsed, drained)
1 tablespoon Italian seasoning
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
Zest and juice of 1 orange
2–3 cups chicken broth
1 cup heavy cream
1 cup grated parmesan
3 cups torn spinach
Salt and pepper to taste
½ cup toasted pine nuts
Fresh basil
through orange juice. Cook 3–4 minutes, stirring to infuse pasta with the flavors. Add 2 cups broth plus cream. Reduce to a simmer. Cook and stir uncovered until pasta is tender. Add more broth if needed. Remove from heat. Stir in cheese and spinach to wilt. Taste and season. Top with scallops, nuts and basil.
Serve with sourdough toast spread with butter and toasted capers.
Yield: 4 servings
Cooked rice, optional
Shredded cheddar cheese, optional
Pour oil into a pot over medium heat; sauté pepper through garlic until softened. Add tomatoes, tomato sauce and spices; simmer for at least 30 minutes. Add frozen corn and kidney beans. Cook for at least five more minutes.
Serve over rice, topped with shredded cheddar cheese.
Yield: 6–8 servings
Submit your recipe online at: Contributors whose recipes are published will receive $25.
Lemon Custard
Meringue Pie Bites
With vanilla bean
These adorable petite pies won’t steer you wrong with their crisp of sweet meringue and bite of lemon.
2 packages (15-count) phyllo cups, thawed
2 medium lemons (zest plus ¼ cup juice)
4 large eggs, divided
1 tablespoon cornstarch
½ cup sugar
1 can (12-ounce) evaporated milk
1 vanilla bean, split and scraped
2 tablespoons butter
2 large egg whites
Half jar (7-ounce) marshmallow crème
Zest lemons onto a plate. Cut lemons in half and juice.
Whisk yolks in a bowl with cornstarch and sugar until smooth.
Heat milk with zest and vanilla in a small pot over medium-low heat. Once heated, temper the egg mixture by ladling small amounts of the warmed milk into it, whisking vigorously. After whisking in about half of the warm milk, whisk the tempered mixture back into the milk in the pot.
Increase heat to medium and whisk continually until the custard thickens into a pudding-like consistency. Remove from heat; add butter and lemon juice.
If custard is not smooth, press through a strainer with the back of a spoon.
Pour into a bowl, cover with plastic wrap (to prevent a “skin” from forming on top) and chill for several hours.
For meringue, whip together the egg whites until soft peaks form. Then gradually add the marshmallow crème, beating until stiff peaks form.
To serve, spoon custard into cups and dollop with meringue. Pop under the broiler until lightly browned.
Yield: Makes about 30 pie bites
Recipes by Culinary Adventurist Wendy Perry (, home economist, blogger and NC food artisan, unless otherwise noted.
Digital Extra
Visit to search more than 1,000 recipes by name or ingredient.
JAN. 18
Crystal Coast Wedding & Event Expo
Crystal Coast Civic Center, Morehead City 252-665-0590
NOV. 9, 2024–JAN. 18
Aluminum Tree & Ornament Museum
Transylvania Heritage Museum, Brevard 828-884-2347
NOV. 16, 2024–JAN. 12
Chinese Lantern Festival Koka Booth Amphitheater, Cary 919-462-2052
NOV. 20, 2024–JAN. 5
Winter Wonderlights Greensboro Science Center, Greensboro 336-288-3769
NOV. 22, 2024–JAN. 5
Speedway Christmas Charlotte Motor Speedway, Concord 1-800-455-3267
NOV. 28, 2024–JAN. 6
OBXmas 2024
Decorative displays, holiday markets, Elizabethan Gardens 1 Visitors Center Circle, Manteo 252-473-2138
DEC. 2, 2024–JAN. 13
Bob Ross, Bringing Back the Joy Art exhibition
The Dunn Center, Rocky Mount 252-985-5197
November’s winner
JAN. 18
The Karens: A ‘Nice’ Evening of Comedy CoMMA Performing Arts Center, Morganton 828-433-7469
JAN. 20
36th Annual MLK Parade Downtown, Elizabethtown 910-876-7905
JAN. 24
Vox Fortura Classical vocal quartet Old Theater, Oriental 252-617-2125
JAN. 25
African American Cultural Celebration NC Museum of History, Raleigh 919-814-7000
JAN. 2–17
The Life & Art of Charles M. Schulz Art exhibition Alamance Arts, Graham 336-226-4495
JAN. 11
Ice Festival Lake James State Park, Nebo 828-584-7728
JAN. 30–FEB. 2
Ice Fest
Maggie Valley Festival Grounds, Maggie Valley 828-944-0761
JAN. 31
Dan Tyminski Band Modern bluegrass CoMMA Performing Arts Center, Morganton 828-433-7469
Visit for more information about each event, including links to the most current information, or to submit your own event.
where in Carolina Country is this?
Send your answer by Jan. 15, with your name, address and the name of your electric cooperative.
By mail: Where in Carolina Country? 3400 Sumner Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27616
Multiple entries from the same person will be disqualified. The winner, chosen at random and announced in our March issue, will receive $25.
Have a roadside gem you’d like to share? Submit a photo, plus a brief description and general location information, at
The November “Where Is This” photo by Carolina Country’s Warren Kessler features the Randolph Memories Mural in downtown Asheboro, at 100 South Fayetteville Street. Originally designed by Dwight Holland and painted by local artists in 1977, artist Susan Harrell restored the mural in 2009. The artwork features actual townspeople milling around local businesses in this Randolph County town, such as the PH Morris General Merchandise store, the Asheboro Telephone Company and the Emporium circa early 1900s. Reader Carol Purvis adds that the black door on the right led into a beauty shop in the 1950s. Her mother worked there before opening her own shop, Purvis Beauty Shop. The winning entry chosen at random from all correct submissions came from Audrey Fenech of Asheboro, a Randolph EMC member.
Cover drafty windows: install insulated drapes or shades. Take advantage of the sun’s heat and open them on sunny days; be sure to close them at night!
Switch your ceiling fan direction to rotate clockwise in winter to help circulate warm air downwards.
Check that the dryer vent hose is tightly connected to the dryer and is not kinked or clogged.
Unplug “always on” devices such as battery chargers when not in use or use a power strip you can switch off when not needed. These items draw power even when they’re not actively being used.
Use COLD water when doing laundry.
Take Advantage of Usage Tracker.
See how weather highs and lows affect your daily electricity use.
Checking Usage Tracker daily gives a better understanding of your home’s energy usage, which can help you identify ways to lower your bill.
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