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Women Score a Bullseye

Women Score a Bullseye at This Marksmanship Clinic
By Nan K. Chase
Project Appleseed. It sounds like a gar- Understanding the concept of a “well den club outing, but no, this two-day regulated Militia” told me that learning educational event—a gathering nicknamed how to handle a rifle might be the key. It “Ladyseed,” just for female participants— was. was my introduction last July to the world When I arrived early that Saturday of precision rifle marksmanship. Now I’m morning at the shooting range, the parkhooked and have already signed up to at- ing lot was filling with upscale sedans and tend another such clinic soon. SUVs, not pickup trucks. The attendees
I wasn’t there at the Cherokee Rod & at this Ladyseed clinic turned out to be Gun Club near Kingsport, TN, because mostly middle-aged members of a loof a burning desire to defend myself or cal women’s pistol club, plus me and the my home with a firearm, but for two dif- granddaughters, and the eight instructors ferent reasons: an interest in understand- and assistants. ing the roots of the U.S. Constitution’s Since I didn’t own a gun I was issued a Second Amendment, and as an unusual “loaner,” a .22 semi-automatic rifle with a way to hang out with two of my grand- magazine that would hold 10 small bullets; children—girls aged 14 and 11 who are the word semi-automatic sounds menacalready proficient shots. And their dad, my ing but just meant that I wouldn’t have to elder son, would be one of the instructors- reload between individual shots, and since in-training. the sessions would be timed, that was im-
Yes, I understand that the subject of portant. guns is fraught with controversy and emo- The firing line was sheltered by a roof, tion, and my heart aches for the pain they and had a concrete floor where we would have caused. But they are also a fact of life set out our thick shooting pads (for firing in America, and I reckoned that learning from a prone position) and other equipto handle a rifle safely is a good life skill. ment like eye protection, ear protection,
The all-volunteer national nonprofit elbow pads, and more. Project Appleseed seeks to introduce After the history lesson—delivered marksmanship through Revolutionary with great emotion—came hours of safety American history, specifically, the role of instruction with basic practices and comcolonial riflemen who took up arms against mands of marksmanship. The “well reguBritish troops on April 19, 1775, to usher lated Militia” now made sense to me. A in the period of struggle that resulted in group working together for a common goal our independence and liberty. In the case needed more than individual skills; rather, of this Ladyseed class the history lesson we needed order, discipline, and the willalso described the crucial support that ingness to be observed and corrected. The women provided. instructors kept their eyes on each of us
That historical perspective suited me throughout the two-day experience, acting perfectly. As a bit of a Constitution nerd as drill sergeants to keep all of us safe yet I had been wondering how it was that our moving ahead with proficiency. I loved it! national dialog about guns—with the Sec- It wasn’t until after lunch the first day ond Amendment a pivot point—empha- that we donned safety glasses and earmuffs sizes the final section of the Amendment. and got down to the business of shooting. That’s the part stating “…the right of the That’s when I discovered just how physipeople to keep and bear Arms, shall not cally demanding marksmanship is. As I be infringed.” What about the first part, got ready to take my first shot at the paper though: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State…”? MARCH IS WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH
target 25 yards away, I started to sweat until drops rolled down my nose, my glasses fogged up, my squinting eye almost went into spasms, and my elbows would soon be raw despite the padding. It seemed like a diabolical dance of calm breathing, pinpoint focus through the sights, and yoga-like contortions to keep all body parts aligned correctly. There was also the sequence of making sure all safety procedures took place in order: magazine out, bolt back, safety on, chamber flag in, rifle grounded, hands off rifles.
Each round of shooting was timed, and afterwards—rifles stowed—we advanced to the targets to study the results and calculate improvements. It turns out there is plenty of science involved in becoming a good shot, not just aiming and squeezing the trigger.
During the second day of the clinic the pace picked up and we started working with variations in the sequence of shots and shooting positions. I was only beginning to learn how much I didn’t know, and to appreciate on a visceral level the struggles that shaped our country, our Constitution.
I arrived back home exhausted and exhilarated.
If the challenge of learning rifle marksmanship skills appeals to you, visit www.appleseedinfo.org for event and preparation information.
Be sure to check for events in neighboring states, not just North Carolina, as clinics fill up fast but are offered throughout the region. For the women-only clinics click on Ladyseed options.
And if you do not own a rifle ask the organizers if “loaners” will be available. Bring all the specified items on the preparation list—especially food and water—for maximum comfort and safety.


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