5 minute read
The Gift of Thrift
Blair Fraley Sales Store

Resource Circle: The Gift of Thrift By Tamara S. Randolph
Being “resourceful” has long been considered an admirable quality, one that Americans initially attained through necessity. During certain periods in our country’s history, thriftiness was required, especially in times of economic downturns; during WWII, frugality was considered patriotic, as our country united to conserve resources for the sake of the “war effort.”
Today, most of the “stuff” we desire is readily accessible; yet, we’re aware that the natural resources that go into producing new stuff are finite. As stewards of our shared planet, we all can understand and appreciate the need to get creative with resource management. For example, we can purchase used goods, upcycle older materials, and donate our own spare goods for others to use.
Here in our area, we’re fortunate to have some wonderful thrift stores that are stocked with affordable, pre-owned products. Shopping these stores is great for the pocketbook, but an additional advantage to spending your dollars at our local thrift stores is that you support important causes in our local community. You find bargains, the community benefits—everyone wins!
Top Ten Reasons to Visit Local Thrift Stores this Season:
Contribute to Kids | The Blair Fraley Sales Store in Crossnore is one of the largest resale shops in the High Country. Here you’ll find a great variety of high quality, second-hand selections. When you shop at the Blair Fraley Sales Store, you “help make miracles happen for children in need”—all the money you spend will benefit The Crossnore School, a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization providing residential foster care for children in crisis from North Carolina. https://www.crossnore.org/sales-store/
Take a Stand for the Animals | Want to dig up some treasures? The Watauga Humane Society’s Bare Bones Boutique thrift store offers the community a place to bring unwanted or unused items that are then resold with all funds going to benefit the animals. “The store is entirely staffed by volunteers and stocked with the generous donations of our community,” says store volunteer Karen Keys. “Our resale store embraces recycling and upcycling and we enjoy finding new homes for gently used items.” Over in Avery County, the Paws & Claws Resale Shop brings in funds for the animals at the Avery Humane Society. “We want to move things out quickly so we can make room for new items,” said store manager Patti Manning. “Discriminating sale shoppers visit us regularly.” https://wataugahumane.org/bare_bones_boutique; https://www.facebook.com/averyhumanepawsnclaws
Help Build Homes for Families | Habitat for Humanity’s thrift store, ReStore, offers several locations in our area, including Watauga and Avery counties. Shopping for furniture? ReStore has an excellent collection. You can donate your own used furniture, appliances, household items, and building materials to the ReStore—donations are tax deductible and all profits support the home building efforts of Habitat for Humanity. “Our goal is to turn donated items into funds to further our mission, while also eliminating things of value going to the landfill,” says Avery Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore staff. http://www.averycohfh.org/get-involved/restore; https://restore.wataugahabitat.org/home
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Rams Rack

Rams Rack Restore - Watauga

Support Neighbors Struggling with
Addiction | Several popular thrift stores in our area share a goal to help end drug and alcohol addiction in the High Country. The Salvation Army thrift store uses proceeds to fund their Adult Rehabilitation Centers, where “those struggling with drugs and alcohol find help, hope, and a second chance at life.” Hebron Colony Ministries, a Christian recovery center, operates two thrift stores in the High Country area that provide a significant amount of resources and funds for their ministry. Freedom Farm Ministries’ local thrift store in Boone welcomes donations year round, and revenues generated go to support transformational Biblical treatment for those struggling with addiction. Freedom Farm staff and residents operate the store providing employment opportunities for those looking to start a new life. https://www.salvationarmycarolinas.org/; http://www. hebroncolony.org/thrift-stores.html; https://www. freedomfarmministries.org/thrift-store/
Provide Families with Food, Clothing,
and Emergency Assistance |The Ram’s Rack Thrift Store and Emergency Pantry in Newland are programs of Reaching Avery Ministry (RAM). RAM has been in existence for 38 years serving those in need in Avery County. “We help families with food, clothing, furniture, household items, crisis situations and emergency financial assistance.” Over in Boone is the Ram’s Rack Thrift Shop Vintage Store, affiliated with Resort Area Ministries (RAM). RAM is an ecumenical organization ministering to the residents and visitors of High Country; the organization provides minor house repairs, mowing, roof repairs, cleaning and other services for low-income Watauga residents. https://www.ramsrack.com/; https://www.facebook. com/Rams-Rack-Thrift-Shop-111748122194921/
Create Jobs | Many of our local thrift stores are run by volunteers; however, some also provide paid positions to help people gain work experience and earn a living. There are several Goodwill stores in our area, that through the sale of donated items in their stores,“fund employment and training programs that help people find hope, opportunity and jobs.” https://www.goodwillnwnc.org
Help the Planet | Clothing manufacturing is one of the world’s top polluters, impacting both air and water quality. It also contributes significantly to resource depletion and climate change. Most thrift stores offer clean, stylish fashion and textiles to please all sizes, shapes and tastes. Plus, when you buy gently used clothing you get a better fit—clothing that has already been laundered is less likely to shrink or stretch out!
Stretch Your Budget | Regardless of which thrift store is your favorite, your dollars will go a LONG way.
Find a New Home for Your Old Stuff | Tired of running out of room in your closets and cabinets? Guess what? Someone out there would LOVE to repurpose those items you no longer use. So plan your next thrift store adventure (see #10) and prepare a box or two of your higher quality giveaways to take with you and donate.
Nurture Friendships and Have Fun!
| Shopping is always more fun with a friend. Map out the stores you want to explore, make a day of it, and see who brings home the best treasures!